
时间:2019-05-14 18:35:00下载本文作者:会员上传



1.-Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket?D2.I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson.C3.Afternoon, sir.Where to? A4.— Can I help you to get it down?C5. — I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.D6. — Are you sure about that? D7.— Would you like to see the menu? A8.— What if my computer doesn’t work?B9.— How’s the movie? Interesting? C10.— Is this the motel you mentioned? B11.— Hello, Sally.How’s everything? D12.— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?A13.— I don’t like the sports programs on Sundays.B14.— What’s the problem, Harry?D15.-Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? B16.-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? B17.— May I help you, madam? D18.-May I know your address? A19.-Can you turn down the radio, please? A20.—What about going for a walk? A21.— Nice weather, isn’t it? C22.— Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? D23.-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? C24.-Oh, sorry to bother you.C


1.---What’s happened to Tom?D-2.---Which do you like better, real movies ___ cartoons? D3.What a fool I have been!Why ___I think of that before? B 4.We must make a difference between __ language and __language.A5.We every day when we were children.A6.You must explain__how they succeeded __ the experiment.C 7.You look _.What __ you__? D8.Of all the stories here, I like this one __.It’s not interesting at all.D9.Before she left on the trip, she __ hard.D10.He keeps ___ at himself in the mirror.B11.The sun heats the earth, ___ is very important to living things.C12.If the man __ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.B13.Ancient Greece is the ___ of western civilization.A14.Please stop __.It cannot help the situation.B15.The big man has always been eating on the go, ___ he has got 61.I think all these are main points _ much attention.B62.They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.B63.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ____ about it.B 64.Linda offered him her congratulations ___ his passing the college entrance exams.Dchildren to _____.A66.Mary forgot ___ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.B67.Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another.evening.A69.On his first sea ____, he was still quite young but showed great courage to the storm.D70.She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering __ luck one after another.D完形填空:

(1)Molly Wilson(16)--------whole ten-month journey.CBA D BC D D AB

(2)A study(21)------being overweight CAD C DBBA CD

(3)A study has shown that fitness i------more people(30)_____ CAD DBBA.C A.C

(4)Although international------zone if you need themBDCCC D.A.D C B

(5)Traffic in India means-----and the driver are both blessed.ADBCBAC.DBD

(6)In the UK---before you drink themB.C.B A.C.A B.C.A.C

(7)traffic in India means-----are both blessedACBCBACABC

(8)The ancient Olympic----modernmarathonraceBCCABABCAC 阅读理解

(1)There have been changes-----with other European countriesCABAD

(2)Molly Wilson had been----good team member、交际用语

1.-Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket?D2.I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson.C3.Afternoon, sir.Where to? A4.— Can I help you to get it down?C5. — I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.D6. — Are you sure about that? D7.— Would you like to see the menu? A8.— What if my computer doesn’t work?B9.— How’s the movie? Interesting? C10.— Is this the motel you mentioned? B11.— Hello, Sally.How’s everything? D12.— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?A13.— I don’t like the sports programs on Sundays.B14.— What’s the problem, Harry?D15.-Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? B16.-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? B17.— May I help you, madam? D18.-May I know your address? A19.-Can you turn down the radio, please? A20.—What about going for a walk? A21.— Nice weather, isn’t it? C22.— Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? D23.-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? C24.-Oh, sorry to bother you.C


1.---What’s happened to Tom?D-2.---Which do you like better, real movies ___ cartoons? D3.What a fool I have been!Why ___I think of that before? B 4.We must make a difference between __ language and __language.A5.We every day when we were children.A6.You must explain__how they succeeded __ the experiment.C 7.You look _.What __ you__? D8.Of all the stories here, I like this one __.It’s not interesting at all.D9.Before she left on the trip, she __ hard.D10.He keeps ___ at himself in the mirror.B11.The sun heats the earth, ___ is very important to living things.C12.If the man __ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.B13.Ancient Greece is the ___ of western civilization.A14.Please stop __.It cannot help the situation.B15.The big man has always been eating on the go, ___ he has got stomachache.A16.Let me ___ the case carefully before I 61.I think all these are main points _ much attention.B62.They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.B63.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ____ about it.B 64.Linda offered him her congratulations ___ his passing the college entrance exams.Dchildren to _____.A66.Mary forgot ___ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.B67.Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another.evening.A69.On his first sea ____, he was still quite young but showed great courage to the storm.D70.She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering __ luck one after another.D完形填空:

(1)Molly Wilson(16)--------whole ten-month journey.CBA D BC D D AB

(2)A study(21)------being overweight CAD C DBBA CD

(3)A study has shown that fitness i------more people(30)_____ CAD DBBA.C A.C

(4)Although international------zone if you need themBDCCC D.A.D C B

(5)Traffic in India means-----and the driver are both blessed.ADBCBAC.DBD

(6)In the UK---before you drink themB.C.B A.C.A B.C.A.C

(7)traffic in India means-----are both blessedACBCBACABC

(8)The ancient Olympic----modernmarathonraceBCCABABCAC 阅读理解

(1)There have been changes-----with other European countriesCABAD

(2)Molly Wilson had been----good team memberstomachache.draw a conclusion.A16.Let me ___ the case carefully before I She Smit___ __ her success Bto 17.He, as well as I, __ a student.hard D18.city.20.I’d rather stay at home than __ a walk.a most important work part in and the strong development will.C19.of Mr.our was TV, she __ it on the radio.busy.Although she was not watching the basketball C21.Mother on music best.__ pop music.D24.AAll 22.Hardly __23.I prefer classic the team members tried their meeting, the director ____ the bad news by telephone.26.Silk We lost the game, ____.A25.When we were having a ____ by Chinese for thousands of years now.lock film the door at night.B28.BeforeB27.You ___ to finally recovered.___.A29.The I got to the cinema, the attend B30.A lecture hall is ____ where students patient acted on the doctor’s ___ and can have lectures.C31.Don’t worry, your watch ___ and you disagreement.33.Not always ____ they want(to).it in no time.D32.The definition leaves _____ for ____ for 25 years.B34.Sadam ____, I urge you to solve the problem.B35.I don’t want you to make any trouble, block of flats ___ demolished next month? C36.Why ____ the old last century many new cities ___ in the desert.B37.In the fifties more present, people in China now ____ to work regularly.C38.More and A39.more to the most important thing is that Britain needs ___ At all list, settled.It improve ___ the relationship talked about.with the USA.A40.That’s ____ at university.I found that I forgot to buy D41.salt.After ___ the C42.Ann is shopping studying began B43.After ____the bid, major construction come tea? here in Beijing.this evening.C44.Be Asure45.to---Can ___ your I get wife you when a cup you of here.AGames begin about ten years in advance.C46.47.___fine weather it is!Don’t worry.There is ___ room for all your books A 48.____ for the Olympic if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.when she was veryDC50.Her parents died 49.Everything ___ ____ he said is quite right.young, so she was ___by her aunt.A 51.___ the whole night.time.B53.Time is money!We should __ our B52.He kept the light in his room spends a quarter of the day __.B 54.He has been ___ in hospital for a month.B55.He night.have a bad cough.D 57.If you B56.It happened ___ a winter it with me and I’ll see what I can do.C__ 58.stop It’s not safe ___ in the street.smoking, you can only expectC59.__ to will attend the meeting, ___? BD 60.I don’t suppose he


(3)Did you know there----me an insulin injection第一套题:1.Doctors and nDCBD A第二套题:1.Which of thBCDDC

(4)Who will stage the games?DBDDD(5)Crime Prevention InitiativesABBCA

(6)Benjamin Disraeli,---home-town.第一套题F T F F NG(7)In thelast第二套题500 years,---DDBDC population

now starts the day with.(8)A ACDCD

funny thing happened----crying out “Gee whiz”? A DCDB

(9)People all over the----we use in our daily lives.ACBBC(10)Anna is our only----remember ever telling her off1.A2.B(11)Mrs Sharp,a large,---whatever they were like3.C4.B5.A

(12)When CBABC I was a little girl----We were overthe CBBCA moon正误判断

(1)Lily is 70 years old a---couldn’t do that to my mother.T T NGFF

(2)The ancient Olympic-----Games was staged in Berlin in 1936.(3)F FTTNG

Joan Evans was born----their life to(把……归功于)Joan’s dream.FTNGFT

(4)john Preston lives in a------dreadful when you arrive FFTTF

(5)There have been changes-----with other European countries(6)The police in England are not-----because he`s yeryFTTFF


draw a conclusion.She Smit___ __ her city.20.I’d rather stay at home than __ a walk.a most success Bimportant to 17.He, as well as I, __ a student.hard work part in and the strong development will.C19.Dof Mr.18.our was C21.Mother TV, she __ it on the radio.busy.Although she was music Anot watching the basketball on best.meeting, the director ____ the bad news by telephone.26.Silk We __ lost pop the music.game, D24.____.All 22.Hardly __23.I prefer classic Athe 25.team When members we were having a tried their ____ by Chinese for thousands of years now.lock film the door at night.B28.Before I got toBthe 27.You ___ to cinema, the finally recovered.___.A29.The patient acted on the doctor’s ___ and attend can have lectures.CB31.30.A lecture hall is ____ where students Don’t worry, your disagreement.33.Not always ____ they want(to).it in no time.D32.The definition leaves watch ___ and you ____ for 25 years.B34.Sadam _____ for ____, I urge you to solve the problem.B35.I don’t want you to make any trouble, block of flats ___ demolished next month? C36.Why ____ the old last century many new cities ___ in the desert.B37.In the fifties more present, people more to the most in China important now ____ to work regularly.C38.More and A39.At all list, settled.It improve ___ the relationship thing talked about.Dwith the is that Britain 41.After ___ the USA.Aneeds 40.___ shopping That’s ____ at university.I found that I forgot to buy salt.C42.Ann is studying began come tea? here in Beijing.this evening.CB44.43.After ____the bid, major construction Be Asure45.to---Can ___ your I get wife you when a you here.AGames begin about ten years in advance.C46.cup of47.___fine weather it is!Don’t worry.There is ___ room for all your books A 48.____ for the Olympic if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.C49.Everything ___ when she was very ____ he said is quite right.young, so she was ___by her aunt.D50.Her parents died A 51.___ the whole night.B52.He kept the light in his room time.spends a quarter of the day __.B 54.He has been ___ in hospital for a month.B53.Time is money!We should __ our B55.He night.have a bad cough.D 57.If you __ stop B56.It happened ___ a winter it with me and I’ll see what I can do.C58.It’s not safe ___ in the street.smoking, you can only expect to will attend the meeting, ___? BD 60.I don’t suppose heC59.__


(3)Did you know there----me an insulin injection第一套题:1.Doctors and nDCBD A第二套题:1.Which of thBCDDC

(4)Who will stage the games?DBDDD(5)Crime Prevention InitiativesABBCA

(6)Benjamin Disraeli,---home-town.第一套题F T F F NG(7)In thelast第二套题500 years,---DDBDC population

now starts the day with.(8)A ACDCD

funny thing happened----crying out “Gee whiz”? A DCDB

(9)People all over the----we use in our daily lives.ACBBC(10)Anna is our only----remember ever telling her off1.A2.B(11)Mrs Sharp,a large,---whatever they were like3.C4.B5.A

(12)When CBABC I was a little girl----We were overthe CBBCA moon正误判断

(1)Lily is 70 years old a---couldn’t do that to my mother.T T NGFF

(2)The ancient Olympic-----Games was staged in Berlin in 1936.(3)F FTTNG

Joan Evans was born----their life to(把……归功于)Joan’s dream.FTNGFT

(4)john Preston lives in a------dreadful when you arrive FFTTF

(5)There have been changes-----with other European countries(6)The police in England are not-----because he`s yeryFTTFF



A Trip to the Zoo孩子的原稿:

Yesterday way Sunday and it was a fine day.So I take a trip to the zoo.I went there by bus, I get there at 8:00 am.There are many people.and some people watched the tigers ,some watched the monkeys, Others watched the bids,I saw many animals and I tool many phtos.That’s a interesting trip.I’ll never forget it.That’smy trip.修改后:

It was a sunny SundayAfter a quick breakfast , I couldn’t wait to get on the bus.This is my first time to enjoy a trip alone.Varions lovebal animals are waiting in the zoo!

As soon as I got there,I was attracted at once.Monkeys were climbing in the tree happily.Sometimes they even came to fetch the bananas in visitors’hands.How naughty they were!What’s more, I was also intersted in the tigers.They are called “the king of animals”,but at this moment they were lying quetly ,maybe they were sleepy.Animals ,humanbeings ,we live in a world.we are family.I t came to my mind immiediatly.Anyway, I had an interesting trip today.It gave me a deep impression, I’ll never forget it.My favourite season


There are four seasons in a year.And my favourite season is summer.Although it’s very hot.I still love it.Because I can swim in the sea.And lie in sun.That’s very comfortable.And I also can eat some Icecreams.they are delicious so there’re lots of thingd to do in summer.That’svery intersting.So I love summer.That’s my favourite season.修改后

My favourite season

As is all know , there are four seasons.Speaking of my favourite , summer comes first although it is hot.Many things can be done in summer such as swimming in the sea, Lying on the beach… How comfortable!More importantlyI can eat delicious Icecream.Of course, we also enjoy beautiful views outside.And I’m always looking forward to going fishing with my father.In a word ,summer is my favourite season because it brings me a lot of happiness.


The Changes In My Life

Since I entered junior middle school, I became hastier, because I am afraid to be surpassed by others.I am under stress every day.I did not only feel very tired,but also did not achieve what I have ever expected.I felt very confused and thought nobody could help me.Until one day, my head teacher asked me “What do you see out of the window?”.“Many students,” I answered with a little curiocity.“Yes, you are right.But do not you see flowers?”she asked with a smile.“You should slow your pace and enjoy every moment”, she turned away after saying these words, just giving me an expressive smile.I stood there seeming to understand something.Yeah, she is right.I often crossed the school in a hurry and hardly ever noticed the flowers which was blooming in the corner.Maybe I really need to slow my pace, and slow my heart.Now, I am in Grade Nine, the most important year during my junior middle school, but I do not feel very nevious and anxious.This is just because I can enjoy my life, enjoy every step I have taken.This is the biggest change in my life!




第四篇:2010高考英语作文 已修改



观点 理由

一部分人 喜欢比擅长重要。兴趣是最好的老师,精通与擅长的可能性会大大增加等。

另一部分 擅长比喜欢重要。擅长更容易成功,后天努力培养兴趣。

你 „„„„

注意:1.短文须包括所有要点, 可适度发挥。

2.开头已为你写好, 但不计人总词数。


Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic: which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs, being interested in it or being good at it?___________________________________________

Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic: which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs, being interested in it or being good at it?

Some agree that the love of job is very important because interest is the best teacher.People are often willing to do what they like doing.If you are not good at it in the beginning, you can work hard and gradually improve your skills to make you good at it.Others hold their view that if you are good at it, you have more chances to achieve success very soon.While you work, you can do all you can to gain the interest in it little by little.From my point of view, I think we should make full use of our strengths to change them each other regardless of the fact that you like it or you are good at it.2010高考英语作文范文:低碳经济下的环境保护 低碳经济下的环境保护(1)


Protection of Environment




There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.低碳经济下的环境保护(2)



词数 100~120。

One day Sun Wukong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river.Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water.They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe.A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted.In this way most of the fish in the river were killed.If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water.Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is.Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution.We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.低碳经济下的环境保护(3)

全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。请你根据漫画内容和下面要求给China Daily写一封信反映这一情况,并提出保护环境的建议。


2.字数要求: 120左右。

人口膨胀population expansion;过度开发overdevelopment。

Dear editor,Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world._________________________________________________________

Yours truly

Li Hua

Dear editor,Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas.Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less.Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing.Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems.We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.Yours truly

Li Hua


If you’re sending out résumés and not getting many calls to interview, there’s a good chance that your résumé is the problem.If you’re like most people, your résumé could use some work – and like most people, you’re probably not sure where to start.如果投了简历却没接到多少面试电话,很可能是简历有问题。如果你也是这些人中的一员,你的简历可以做些修改——你可能不知道从哪里开始改。

But you probably don’t need to start from scratch.You can often significantly improve your résumé by just making a handful of changes.Here are five small changes you can make that will have a big impact.不过你不需要从头修改。只做些小改变通常就能大大改善简历。下面的五处修改会让简历有很好效果。

1.Get rid of the objective.Résumé objectives never help and often hurt.Not only do they feel outdated at this point, but they're all about what you want, rather than what the employer wants.Your résumé should be focused on showing your experience, skills and accomplishments.It’s not the place to talk about what you’re seeking in your next job.1.不要写求职目标。在简历上写求职目标从来没用,还会有坏处。它们不仅落伍过时,而且都是有关你想要的而不是雇主想要的东西。简历应该集中展现你的经历、技能和成就。不应该商量你在下一份工作中想得到什么。

2.Focus on work accomplishments, not job duties.If you’re like most job seekers, your résumé lists what you were responsible for at each job you held, but doesn't explain what you actually achieved there.Rewriting to focus on accomplishments will make it more likely to catch a hiring manager’s eye.For instance, get rid of lines like “managed email list” and replace them with lines like “increased email subscribers by 20 percent in six months” – in other words, something that explains how you performed, not just what your job was.2.关注工作成就,而不是工作职责。你的简历是不是和大多数求职者一样只写每份工作的职责,却没写结果?写好成就是关键,这样更有可能抓住招聘经理的眼球。例如,别写像“整理邮件”之类的话,用“6个月内邮件用户增加了20%”代替——换句话说,写清楚你的工作表现,而不只是写工作内容。

3.Get rid of big blocks of text.If your résumé is filled with large blocks of text – as opposed to bullet points – there’s a good chance that you’re putting hiring managers to sleep.They want to quickly skim the first time they look at your résumé, and big blocks of text make that difficult and make most hiring managers’ eyes glaze over.They’ll pay more attention and absorb more information about you if your résumé is arranged in bullet points rather than paragraphs.3.不要有大段文字。如果你的简历都是大段文字——而不是按要点写——招聘经理很可能没兴趣看了。他们看简历时想快速浏览,大段文字看起来困难,他们眼睛都要看花了。如果你的简历排出了要点而不是有很多段落,他们会看得更仔细,也能了解到更多信息。

4.Shorten it.If your résumé is multiple pages, you might be diluting the impact of its contents.With a shorter résumé, you’ll ensure that in an initial quick scan, the hiring manager’s eyes fall on

the most important things.Plus, long résumés can make you come across as someone who can’t edit and doesn’t know what information is essential and what’s less important.As a general rule, your résumé shouldn’t be longer than two pages, maximum.(And if you’re a recent grad, it should only be one page, because you haven’t yet had enough work experience to justify a second one.)


5.Give yourself permission to remove things that don’t strengthen your candidacy.You don’t need three lines explaining boring job duties – especially if these responsibilities are going to be implied by your title.Similarly, you don’t need to include that summer job from eight years ago, that job you did for three weeks that didn’t work out or every skill you can think of.Your résumé is a marketing document, not a comprehensive listing of everything about you;include the things that strengthen your candidacy and pare down the rest.5.删掉不够有竞争力的内容。你不需要用三行字说明无聊的工作职责——尤其是这些责任可以从职位名称中看出来的时候。同样,你不需要写八年前的暑期工作,以及做了三个星期却没学到什么技能的工作。你的简历是用来推销自己的,不要像写清单一样把每件事都列下来,请写能加强竞争力和能把别人比下去的事情吧。



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