
时间:2019-05-15 05:33:06下载本文作者:会员上传



Mr.President,Prince Philip and I are delighted to welcome you and Madame Peng toBuckinghamPalacethis evening.Welcome sb.to(某个地方或者某个场合)记住:英文中没有welcome sb.to do sth.,你的Chinglish歇歇吧,哈哈!

还有,还有,请注意:彭麻麻不是Mrs.Xi也不是Ms.Xi, 而是突出姓氏,用Madame称呼,两性平等体现得淋漓尽致有木有?

Your visit to theUnited Kingdommarks a milestone in this unprecedented year of co-operation and friendship between theUnited KingdomandChina, as we celebrate the ties between our two countries and prepare to take them to ambitious new heights.我经常提及的as好好看看它在女王演讲中的作用:给出事实背景!“celebrate”不是真正说要“庆祝”,是一种搭配而已,无需译出,后面的部分意思就是“我们两国关系发展良好,今后要将两国关系推向新的台阶、更高的水平、更上层楼”,“ambitious”是英文的修辞,不需要译出,记住:不要东施效颦哈,双语修辞本来就不是机械对等滴!

TheUnited KingdomandChinahave a warm and longstanding friendship.Prince Philip and I recall with great fondness our visit to China almost thirty years ago, where we were privileged to experience your country’s rich history and culture, including the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terracotta Warriors: all unforgettable memories of China’s ancient civilisation.“a warm and longstanding friendship”两国友谊/友好关系源远流长,注意形容词不要总是想着面面俱到!

“recall with great fondness”表态判断放在后面,“30年前的中国之行给我们留下了美好的回忆”; “your country’s rich history and culture”,亲身领略了贵国历史文化的博大精深/深厚的历史文化底蕴!下次汉翻英词穷的时候一定要记得弱化降格,跟女王学习肯定没错!“rich history”这种搭配估计你没见过吧,那就开开眼吧,哈哈!

Yet it wasChina’s desire to shape a new future which captivated us the most.We were struck by the energy and enthusiasm with which China’s leaders were forging ahead with a new and ambitious future for the Chinese people;and I well recall our discussions with the late paramount leader Mr.Deng Xiaoping, who was foremost among these leaders in setting a clear direction for China with his policy of reform.It was also Mr.Deng’s visionary concept of One Country Two Systems which opened the way for the return ofHongKongto Chinese sovereignty under the Sino-British Joint Declaration.“China’s desire to shape a new future which captivated us the most”“不过最引人关注的/我们最感兴趣的是中国开创未来的热切愿望。”

“We were struck by the energy and enthusiasm with which China’s leaders were forging ahead with a new and ambitious future for the Chinese people;”舍弃一些中文里无法对照的形容词,从写作高度出发进行翻译就好了。“为了给中国人民缔造一个崭新、光明的未来,中国领导人殚精竭虑、热情高涨,深深打动了我们。” “the late paramount leader Mr.Deng Xiaoping, who was foremost among these leaders in setting a clear direction forChinawith his policy of reform.”回归中文常识背景,不要被英文束缚了手脚。“已故中国国家领导人邓小平提出了改革开放政策,为中国的发展指明了方向。”

Almost thirty years later, Mr Deng’s vision has borne remarkable fruit.Rapid economic growth and development has transformed the lives of people acrossChinaand lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty: a huge and historic achievement with far reaching positive effects on people’s lives.“transformed the lives of”大大提高了人们的生活水平、人们的生活大为改观。

I was delighted that my grandson Prince William was able to witness these changes during his first visit toChinaearlier this year.Like myself and Prince Philip, he visited not only your great cities ofBeijingandShanghaibut also the beautifulprovinceofYunnan, and saw at first-hand the strong connections which bind our two countries together, be they in culture, education or business.“saw at first-hand the strong connections which bind our two countries together, be they in culture, education or business.”


Mr.President, the relationship between theUnited KingdomandChinais now truly a global partnership.We have much reason to celebrate the dynamic, growing economic relationship between our countries as well as our success in working together to address pressing international challenges.“We have much reason to celebrate the dynamic, growing economic relationship between our countries as well as our success in working together to address pressing international challenges.”我们两国经济关系充满活力、不断发展,在应对紧迫的国际问题/全球性挑战时开展了有效合作,这都值得庆贺。

We have, this year, marked the seventieth anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations.Today the world faces challenges which call for collaboration between the nations: conflict and terrorism;poverty and ill-health;conservation and climate change.As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Britain and China are stewards of the rules-based international system, and we have a responsibility to cooperate on these issues which have a direct bearing on the security and prosperity of all our peoples.“stewards of the rules-based international system”维护基于规则的国际体系;词性变化,千变万化增张力!

This global partnership is supported by an expanding network of links between the people of our two countries, which are essential in building mutual understanding and friendship, while we welcome the increasing numbers of Chinese tourists, students and business visitors to theUnited Kingdom.“are essential in building mutual understanding and friendship”对增进相互理解、加深友谊至关重要;动词翻译也要从写作的高度出发!“welcome the increasing numbers of Chinese tourists, students and business visitors to the United Kingdom”再次体会welcome!

Mr.President, your visit is a defining moment in this very special year for our bilateral relationship.I am confident that it will serve to highlight the sincerity and warmth of our friendship and to strengthen relations between our countries for many years to come.“a defining moment”重大时刻,具有重要意义;

“will serve to highlight the sincerity and warmth of our friendship”省略动词,此访表明了两国之间真挚的友谊和热情。

Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to rise and drink a toast to the President and Madame Peng and to the people ofChina.



My lords and members of the House ofCommons.我国政府的首要任务是达成最佳的协议

My government's priority is to secure thebest possible deal


as the country leaves the European Union.各位大臣致力于与议会合作

My ministers are committed to working with Parliament,与下放的行政部门合作 the devolved administrations,与企业以及其他相关的外界合作,达成最广泛的共识 business than others to build the widestpossible consensus


on the country's future outside theEuropean Union.议会将会通过一项法案来废除 A bill will be introduced to repeal


the European Communities Act


and provide certainty for individuals andbusinesses.这次议会也将得到立法的补充 This will be complemented by legislation


to ensure that the United Kingdom makes asuccess of brexit,制定新的国家政策

establishing new national policies

这些政策是关于移民、国际制裁 on immigration,international sanctions,核保障、农业和渔业的

nuclear safeguards, agriculture andfisheries.我国政府将寻求

My government will seek to maintain a deep

与欧洲盟国保持深厚和特殊的伙伴关系 and special partnership with Europeanallies


and to forge new trading relationshipsacross the globe.新的贸易和海关法案将有助于 New bills on train and customs will help


to implement an independent trade policy,同时也给予了

and support will be given to help

英国各企业将产品出口到世界各地市场的支持 British businesses export to markets aroundthe world.诸位大臣也将加强我国经济

My ministers will strengthen the economy sothat


it supports the creation of jobs


and generates the tax revenues needed


to invest in the National Health Service,学校和其他公共服务的需求 schools and other public services.我国政府将持续改善

My government will continue to improve the

公共财政在保持低税率的同时 public finances while keeping taxes low.这将为我国创造繁荣和机会 It will spread prosperity and opportunityacross


the country through a new modern industrialstrategy.我国政府将致力于吸引投资

My government will work to attractinvestment


in infrastructure to support economicgrowth.引进立法来确保英国

Legislation will be introduced to ensurethe United Kingdom


remains a world leader in new industries,包括电动汽车和商用卫星

including electric cars and commercialsatellites.还将推出一项新的法案

A new bill will also be brought forward

来交付好高速铁路的下一个阶段 to deliver the next phase of high-speedrail.我国政府将继续努力确保

My government will continue to work toensure that


every child has the opportunity to attend agood school,并且这些学校能提供公平的资助 and that all schools are fairly funded.诸位大臣也将努力确保每个人 My ministers will work to ensure people


have the skills they need for the high


skilled high wage jobs of the future, 其中包括技术教育的重大改革

including through a major reform oftechnical education.增加国民基本的生活工资

The national living wage will be increased


so that people who are on the lowest paidbenefit from


the same improvements in earnings as higherpaid workers.各位大臣将寻求加强

My ministers will seek to enhance rights


and protections in the modern workplace.我国政府将进一步取得进展

My government will make further progress

针对性别带来的工资差距的问题 to tackle the gender pay gap anddiscrimination


against people on the basis of their

种族、信仰、性别、残疾以及性取向方面的歧视问题 race, faith, gender, disability or sexualorientation.我们将提出立法来保护

Legislation will be brought forward toprotect


the victims of domestic violence and abuse.我国政府将改革心理健康的立法

My government will reform mental healthlegislation

以确保心理健康问题 and ensure that mental health

作为英国的国家卫生服务中优先考虑的选项 is prioritized in the National HealthService in England.我们将提出议案

Proposals will be brought forward

禁止收取不公平的租金 to ban unfair tenant fees.促进房地产市场的公平与透明

Promotes fairness and transparency in thehousing market


and helping so more homes are built.各位大臣将致力于改善社会保障

My ministers will work to improve socialcare


and will bring forward proposals forconsultation.我们的政府将保证给消费者们一个更公平那的市场 My government will ensure fairer marketsfor consumers.它将包括提出措施

This will include bringing forward measures


Tohelp tackle unfair practices in the energy market

以帮助减少能源开支 Tohelp reduce energy bills.工作重点将是去建立一个更加团结的国家 Priority will be to build a more unitedcountry,加强社会经济文化纽带

strengthening the social economic andcultural bonds


between England, Northern, Ireland Scotlandand Wales.我们的政府将致力于与

My government will work in cooperation

地方政府合作 with the devolved ministrations.与北爱尔兰各方合作

And it will work with all of the parties inNorthern Ireland


to support the return of devolvedgovernment.提出一项新法律 确保英国

A new law will ensure that the UnitedKingdom


retains its world-class regime protectingpersonal data


and proposal for a new digital


charter will be brought forward to ensurethat


the United Kingdom is the safest place tobe online.也将引入新的立法 去使法院系统现代化

Legislation will also be introduced tomodernize the court system


and to help reduce motor insurancepremiums.我国政府将开始对Grenville塔的

My government will initiate a full publicinquiry

悲剧性火灾进行全面调查 into the tragic fire at Grenville tower

我们会查明这起火灾的成因 to ascertain the causes


and ensure that the appropriate lessons arelearnt.为了帮助扶持受害者,我国政府将采取措施

To support victims, my government will takeforward measures 去成立一个独立的公众维权组织

to introduce an independent Public Advocate

它将会为了遇难者家属们而行动 在灾难发生后 who will act for bereaved families after apublic disaster

并且支持他们公开调查 and support them public inquest.我的大臣们将会持续加大在 My ministers will continue to invest in

军队上的资金投入 履行北约的承诺

our gallant armed forces meeting the NATOcommitment


to spend at least two percent of national income on defense


and delivering on the Armed Forces Covenant

在整个英国 across the United Kingdom.我国政府将提出建议去确保

My government will bring forward proposalsto ensure


that critical national infrastructure isprotected


to safeguard national security.一个打击极端主义的委员会

A commission for countering extremism


will be established to support thegovernment


in stamping out extremist ideology in allits forms,无论是在社会上还是在互联网上 both across society and on the internet,这样它就被剥夺了安全的传播空间 so it is denied a safe space to spread.鉴于曼彻斯特和伦敦的恐怖袭击事件

In the light of the terrorist attacks inManchester and London


my government's counter-terrorism strategy

将 会被审查以确保

will be reviewed to ensure that


the police and security services

拥有他们所需的全部权利 have all the powers they need,让恐怖主义罪行的

and that the length of custodial sentences 监禁的时间长度足够长 for terrorism-related offences


are sufficient to keep the population safe.我的大臣们将确保 My ministers will ensure


that the United Kingdom's leading role onthe world stage

能得到维持和增强 is maintained and enhanced

在它离开欧洲联盟的时候 as it leaves the European Union.作为一个联合国安理会的 As a permanent member

常任理事国 of the United Nations Security Council,承诺支出占国民收入的0.7% committed to spending 0.7% of nationall income


on international development,我的政府将继续推动国际社会的做出努力

my government will continue to driveinternational efforts


that increase global security

并将英国的价值观推广到世界各地 and project British values around theworld.我的政府将努力寻找

My government will work to find

可持续发展的政治解决方案 sustainable political solutions


to conflicts across the Middle East.它将从源头上解决恐怖主义的威胁

It will work to tackle the threat ofterrorism at source

通过继续保持英国在国际军事行动中 by continuing the United Kingdom's leadingrole 的主导地位

in international military action

以摧毁在伊拉克和叙利亚的伊斯兰国 to destroy Daesh in Iraq and Syria.它也将领导 It will also lead efforts


to reform the international system 提高英国的能力

to improve the United Kingdom's ability

去解决大规模移民 to tackle mass migration,减轻贫困,以及终结现代奴隶制 alleviate poverty, and end modern slavery.我的政府将继续支持

My government will continue to support


international action against climatechange,包括巴黎协定的执行

including the implementation of the ParisAgreement.菲利普亲王和我期待着迎接

Prince Philip and I look forward towelcoming

西班牙国王菲利普和王后莱蒂齐娅 their Majesties King Felipe and QueenLetizia of Spain

在7月进行的国事访问 on a State Visit in July.我的政府将主办 My government will host


the Commonwealth Summit in April of nextyear


to cement its relevance to this, and futuregenerations.下议院议员们:

Members of the House of Commons:


Estimates for the public services will belaid before you.诸卿和下议院议员们:

My Lords and Members of the House ofCommons:

其他措施也将在你们面前进行 Other measures will be laid before you.我祈求全能的上帝

I pray that the blessing of Almighty God

可以赐福于你们的决策 may rest upon your counsels.


Most Gracious Sovereign, We Your faithful Commons are honoured to be here to commemorate and celebrate the sixty years of Your reign.We too are pleased to have contributed to the Jubilee Window to be revealed shortly and which will mark this occasion permanently.Time is better preserved in this historic place than in fallible human memory.Time also tells its own story.Sixty years ago, rationing meant rather more than a short wait before the arrival of the latest electronic item.Sixty years ago, Britain had just emerged from a war of an intensity never seen before or since and had slipped into the shadow of the Korean conflict.Sixty years ago, a new “Elizabethan Era” was awaited with enthusiasm tinged with uncertainty about the challenges ahead for the country.If, as Gandhi asserted, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”, then Your Majesty must have found Yourself countless times over the past six decades.You have dedicated Your life to others.The daily example that You set, mirrored by our courageous armed forces of which You are Commander-in-Chief, is extraordinary.Yet perhaps Your Majesty’s most profound contribution has been to the continuity that has made change manageable.For transformation is inevitably turbulent.It has been Your singular accomplishment, Your unique capacity, to hold together that which could have been torn asunder.You have moved with the times and allowed the times to move around the rest of society.This is a different Britain from 1952 but not one detached from then.We are in so many ways a much bigger, brighter and better United Kingdom.This is a land where men and women today are equal under the law and where Your people are respected, regardless of how they live, how they look or how they love.This is a nation of many races, faiths and customs, now beginning to be reflected in Parliament.All this progress has occurred during Your reign.You have become, to many of us, a kaleidoscope Queen of a kaleidoscope country in a kaleidoscope Commonwealth.This gathering is one of many diverse events across these islands in tribute to You and this great anniversary.Our affection as a nation will rightly embrace the Duke of Edinburgh and other members of Your family.These will be moments striking for the sincerity expressed as much as for the scenery encountered.Sixty years of stability.Sixty years of security.Sixty years of certainty.Sixty years of sacrifice.Sixty years of service.Gandhi also observed that “in a gentle way, you can shake the world”.Your Majesty, in a gentle way You have shaken this United Kingdom and the world for six decades.On behalf of all the members of the House of Commons, may I thank You wholeheartedly for all that You have done, are doing and will do for the good of our country.We, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, are assembled here today to celebrate sixty years of Your reign.We record with warmth and affection our appreciation of Your dedicated service to Your people, and Your unequalled sense of public duty over the yearsa hall of kings and queens for almost a millennium.While this Hall has seen many historic events, few are permanently commemorated.So we look forward with great anticipation to the unveiling of the stained glass window which members of both Houses have commissioned in honour of this day.When placed in the window above the great doors, Your Coat of Arms and Royal Cypher will bathe the Hall in colour and be seen daily by members and staff as they walk through to their offices—and by the many thousands of visitors we receive here weekly, from both home and abroad.For we must remember that Your Jubilee will be celebrated with joy in Your other realms and territories, and throughout the rest of the Commonwealth.The Commonwealth as we know it today is of course one of the great achievements of Your reign and under Your leadership continues to flourish, with a membership of 54 countries.It is still growing.It is a tremendous force for good in the world and we are aware of its special personal significance to You.Many of us present here today take an active part in the work of the United Kingdom Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.We work to share our experiences, to learn from one another, and to promote democracy.But our efforts are as nothing compared with those of Your Majesty in the service of Your beloved Commonwealth.Over the years You have visited all but two Commonwealth countries—some, many times—and attended all Heads of Government meetings since 1997.We look on with admiration and pride at the triumphs of some of Your recent tours and it is significant that members of the Royal Family are representing You this year at the Jubilee celebrations being held in all those lands in which You are Head of State.Your Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled give thanks for this Your Diamond Jubilee.We look forward to the years to come and we pray that You and Your realms may enjoy the peace, plenty and prosperity that have so distinguished Your reign.'


Principal Fratelli, Honored Guests, Students, Parents and Friends.Congratulations Class of 2012well done!

This wonderful college has been your home for some time now.I believe many of you will regret leaving here enormously.I had dinner with Faculty members last night and I know how highly regarded your class is.Many comments were made about one of the best classes in years.You are a credit to yourselves and your families.Some of you have achieved everything you wanted to and more.Some of you are just a little short of expectations but I fully believe you are very, very successful.I do hope you are proud of yourself.Certainly I know your teachers are!

There is a great little quote:

Shoot for the moon.Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.Author unknown

I hope you feel you have landed amongst the stars!

Enjoy today.It is always worthwhile taking a breather and having fun!I hope you party is a real blast.Looking forward to your careers and life after college I truly hope you continue to reach for the stars.If you want to be the best person you can be you need to use your talents to their full potential.You must find something to challenge you, you will be sharper, happier and stronger as a result.I hope you find your passion.That will drive you to success.Many of you will have careers arranged already, I hope you love them!

Some of you will not have decided yet.Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.Author unknown

I am sure all of you will reach for your own stars.As you do, you will become a person of the highest integrity.That will benefit you a thousand fold.To have the trust and respect of your peers is truly a treasured gift.Others will be drawn to help you.You will attract strong powerful colleagues who will make you stronger and happier too.And what of financial wealth? That will come as a result of doing the right things!Let me leave you with a short quote:

I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.Author unknown

Good Luck

第五篇:公共演讲public speech

Exercise every day

Some of you may get bored when hearing what I’m going to persuade you today.Exercise, something we have been told throughout our life.Most of the college students don’t even take a damn about it.Why do I have to do the time-consuming and energy-wasting thing when I really have much more interesting things to do? What is the meaning of exercising when I’m in perfect condition? Isn't it something exclusive for senior pople?

Well, that is why I’m here---to clarify all your false impressions.Let’s start with what our body need.is just like a working machine, and exercise is the lubricant.Long-time working machines need lubricant to get the gears to move more smoothly, to keep pressure from the friction.Just like our body need exercise to refresh itself, to get more oxygen, to function better.And the refreshment must be provided regularly.As the saying goes Life lies in the movement.If you fail to exercise regularly, there is a possibility that you get some disease out of blue.Rest breeds rust.It’s not a threaten or curse, it is the fact.It may fall on anyone of us.Although the chance is not so high, but if it strikes you, you’re the one hundred percent person who suffers from it.Now that we know what our body need, then we focus on emotional aspect.exercise every day is not just a healthy way of life, it is also a kind of attitude, a method by which you can release what troubles you.Every day, we meet various of things that are less satisfactory.Every day it happens.Nobody dares to say without hesitation that I have had an absolutely perfect day.Those things affect our emotion and make us upset, which is bad for our health.And that makes exercise efficient to get rid of those negative emotions and be happy.It feels good to get tired from exercising.You feel the heartbeat, the gasp and the sweat.Something like every cell in your body has a shower.The most important thing is, you’ll feel better.Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, what are you waiting for? Come and join the exercise group.Don’t focus your eyes on the computer screen when you have energy to exercise.Don’t exercise in the morning when you can do it in the evening.Spare a little time every day, and you’ll get a brand new life.



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