1.什么老鼠只有两只脚? 2.什么鸭子只有两只脚? 3.一封信是什么动物? 4.什么动物会打桌球? 5.什么动物最容易摔倒? 6.什么动物最没有方向感? 7.什么动物喜欢吃木瓜?
8.有什么动物一辈子也不会长高? 9.什么动物懂得开啤酒和汽水? 10.有什么海洋动物最没有记性? 11.什么动物猜拳永远不会有输赢? 12.进动物园看到的第一个动物是什么?
13.动物园里面最长鼻的是大象,第二长鼻的是什么动物? 14.老虎、狮子、狼在比赛,谁会出局?
2.每一只鸭子,包括唐老鸭 3.蜜蜂,因为Bee(B),letter既是信又是字母的意思 4.鹰。鹰式(识)桌球
7.母鸡。每次下蛋后,都会叫“木瓜——木瓜” 8.龟。因为龟苓膏(龟零高)9.孔雀。因为开屏(瓶)10.虾。大头虾
15.猴子。因为三级跳是要交换腿的,狗和袋鼠都做不到 16.相机。因为相机会自动变焦(蕉)
第二篇:GRE 动物类作文
题目2:There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.The statement holds a view that the action for saving endangered animal or plant species with extraordinary efforts consumes a great cost in our nature community.It is plausible that we let nature take its course and should not take extraordinary efforts to save them in terms of the theory about survival of the fittest in nature selection.Yet,I do not stand on this position,since our government and society have obligation to protect those species being in danger.And some animals or plants closely interrelated to human beings are therefore worthy of saving even at a great cost.Previously, there was a harmonious equilibrium in our nature.Some species died out and some came in.It is all dues to the nature selection.With the industrialization progress,this balance has been broken up with the impudent exploitation of the environment.The extinctions caused by human pressures are far more swiftly than the nature rate.Thus,we should be obliged to protect them spending our time and efforts.What's more,it plays a pivotal role of keeping species diversity and completion of biological chain that save endangered animals and plants.Consider that the more species die on our planet the less diversity our biological sphere have,and the more systematic risk we get.It is also disturbing to think that we live in a planet with only few animals and plants.Moreover,I hold the point that society have to spare no efforts to revive the endangered animals and plants that are closely relative to people.In order to develop beauty and harmony in our environment we have to take actions to protect endangered species no matter how the influence human beings have.Besides,the prospect of society and the progress of technology are based on a good ecosphere with numerous animals and plants.So,it is inevitable for society to spend time and money to save endangered species as many as we can.However,it does not automatically mean that a society can unduly /unscrupulously pour money and jobs into protecting those being in danger species.Granted that the wealth and energy of a society are limited,it is impossible for the extraordinary way to put into practice.Development has to be pursued forward by a society and the wheel of living have to move on.Assume that we live in an environment with the scarcity of food to eat and lacking money to make a purchase and an instability world is around the corner, no one are willing to continue this extraordinarily saving endangered species project.In sum,at the limited extent of our ability and finance,we should help endangered species return to prospect population and then make our future better.
驼背公公,力大无穷;爱驮什么 车水马龙(打一物)。【谜底】桥
Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people. The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent.
azalea杜鹃花 begonia秋海棠 cactus仙人掌 camellia山茶花 canna美人蕉
yellow chrysanthemum 黄菊 black chrysanthemum 墨菊 red chrysanthemum 红菊 white chrysanthemum 白菊 coreopsis 波斯菊 daisy雏菊 dahlia大丽花 datura曼陀罗 hawthorn山楂 jasmine茉莉 lilac丁香 lily百合
morning glory牵牛花 cockscomb 鸡冠花 narcissus水仙花 peony牡丹 poppy罂粟花 redbud紫荆 wisteria 紫藤
early lilac 紫丁香 violet紫罗兰 rose玫瑰 rose月季 tulip郁金香 sunflower葵花 dandelion蒲公英 Brazil 巴西木
Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花
Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 epiphyllum 昙花
fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 Gladiola 剑兰 orchid兰花 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 kaffir lily 君子兰 oleander 夹竹桃 pansy 三色堇 peony 牡丹 peony 芍药
phalaenopsis 蝶兰 setose asparagus 文竹
touch-me-not(balsam)凤仙花 water hyacinth 凤眼兰 twin lotus 并蒂莲 lotus荷花
black mulberry黑桑 white mulberry 白桑 osmanthus桂花
round cardamom豆蔻
carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)red carnation-红康乃馨 yellow carnation黄康乃馨 tuberose 晚香玉
winter jasmine 迎春花 white camellia 白茶花 red camellia 红茶花 hyacinth 风信子 gardenia 栀子花
forget me not 勿忘我
belis of Ireland 爱尔兰风铃草 arbutus 杨梅 cyclamen 仙客来
anemone 银莲花 dogwood 山茱萸
hydrangea 八仙花
peony 芍药
Daphne 瑞香
plum 洋李
pistil 雌蕊
ovary 子房
petal 花瓣
anther 花药
stamen 雄蕊
ectar gland 蜜腺 sepal 萼片
松树 pine 落叶松 larch 矮松pinon pine 赤松Japanese red pine 柏树 cypress 刺柏Taiwan juniper 竹子 bamboo 白杨 poplar 白蜡树Chinese ash 柳树 willow 垂柳weeping willow 柽柳Chinese tamarisk 白桦 birch 枫树 maple 枫香树Chinese sweet gum 枞树,杉树 fir 榕树 banyan 桉树 eucalyptus 洋槐,刺槐 locust 樟树 camphor tree 榆树 elm 檀香木 sandalwood 橡树 oak 银杏树 ginkgo 冬青 holly 椰树 coco 枣树 date 山核桃树 hickory 山毛榉 beech 猴面包树 baobab 棕榈树 palm 月桂树 laurel 常青藤 ivy 橄榄树 olive 红树,红树林 mangrove 沉香agalloch eaglewood 香椿树Chinese toon tree 臭椿树tree of heaven 茶树tea tree 楮paper mulberry 丹竹the red bamboo 凤尾竹fernleaf hedge bamboo 树干trunk 树冠the crown of a tree 观音竹fernleaf hedge bamboo 果木fruit tree 灌木shrub(bush)合欢(树)silk tree 红豆ormosia 红杉Chinese larch 北美红杉red wood 红松Korean pine 铁树sago cyeas(cycas)梧桐树Chinese parasol tree 橡胶树rubber tree 橡树oak 雪松white pine 榆树elm 棕榈palm 云杉spruce 银杏ginko 紫衫Japanese yew 紫檀red sandalwood 紫薇crape myrtle 紫竹black bamboo 猴面包树baobab 树胶gum 经济林economic forest 阔叶树broadleaf tree 保护林forest reserve 林forest(woods)防风林windbreak forest 防沙树sand-breaks 风景林ornamental plantation 天然林natural forest 竹林bamboo groves 垂柳weeping willow 柳条wicker 柳絮catkin 柳枝willow branch 龙爪槐 Chinese pagoda 落叶树deciduous tree 苗木nursery stock 木瓜树Chinese flowering quince 苹果园apple orchard 漆树lacquer tree 常绿树evergreen 白杨popular(aspen)柏树cypress 刺槐locust 冬青树holly(evergreen)合欢silk tree 核桃树walnut 红木树redwood 红松Korean pine 槐树Chinese scholar tree 可可树cocoa 落叶松larch 木棉树silk cotton tree 泡桐树paulownia 菩提树bodhi tree 檀香sandal wood 榕树banyan 桑树mulberry 年轮annual ring 树丛thicket 树墩stump 树干trunk 树冠crown(of a tree)树苗sapling 树皮bark 树梢treetop 树枝branch 树脂resin
草类 maidenhair;孔雀草zinnia;百日草 saffron sage;.红花鼠尾草 4 Coleus;彩叶草 snapdragon;金鱼草 6 Butterfly grass 7 Primrose;.樱草 8 Mimosa;含羞草;9 Yarrow;蓍草 Sawgrass;锯齿草 11 Yarrow;欧蓍草 12 Commelina;鸭跖草 13 Bluebells;.风铃草 14 Thyme;麝香草 15 Lavender;薰衣草 16 Loosestrife;金钱草 17 sage;红根草 18 carnea;吉祥草 Hemerocallis;萱草 20 Ophiopogon;沿阶草 21 Pennisetum;白草 22 Allegheny;富贵草 23 saponaria;肥皂草 24 Tradescantia;紫露草 25 Geranium;老鹤草 26 sorrel;酢浆草 27 Crispus;菹草 28 eelgrass;苦草 29 Capers;驴蹄草 30 Comfrey;紫草 31 Sedge;莎草 32 Rush;蔺草
Nepenthes;猪笼草 34 Centipeda;.鹅不食草 35 Motherwort;益母草 36 Cordyceps;冬虫夏草 37 Pelargonium;驱蚊香草 38 Foxtail;狗尾草
Centipedegrass;假俭草 40 Rushes;蒲草 41 Zoysia;结缕草
pig(猪)鲸鱼 whale 沙鱼 shark 海龟 sea turtle 海虾 shrimp 海马 sea horse
or a hippocampus 螃蟹 crab 海豹 a(true)seal 海狮 a sea lion 海星 a starfish 章鱼
an octopus bear(熊)
rabbit(兔子)sheep(羊)adder, viper 蝰蛇
albatross 信天翁
alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄
alpaca 羊驼
anchovy 凤尾鱼
anglerfish 安康鱼
anopheles 按蚊,疟蚊
ant 蚂蚁
anteater 食蚁兽
antilope 羚羊
armadillo 犰狳
ass, donkey 驴 badger 獾
bald eagle 白头鹰
bat 蝙蝠
bear 熊
beaver 河狸
bedbug, bug 臭虫
bee, honeybees 蜜蜂
beetle 甲虫, 金龟子
billy 雄山羊
bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟
bison 美洲野牛
blackbird 乌鸫
boa 王蛇
boar 雄猪, 种猪
brood 鸡的统称
buck 公兔
buffalo 水牛
bull, ox 雄牛
bullfrog 牛蛙
bullock, steer 小阉牛
bumble bee 大黄蜂
butterfly 蝴蝶
cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶
caiman, cayman 凯门鳄
calf 小牛, 牛犊
camel 骆驼
canary 金丝雀
carp 鲤鱼
cat 猫
caterpillar 毛虫
catta 雌猫
cattle 牛
centipede 蜈蚣
chaffinch 苍头燕雀
chameleon 变色龙,避役 chick 小鸡
chicken 鸡, 雏鸡
chimpanzee 黑猩猩
chinchilla 南美栗鼠
chub 鲢鱼
cicada 蝉
clam 蚌
cob 雄天鹅
cobra 眼镜蛇 cod 鳕鱼
colt, foal 马驹,小马
condor 秃鹰
copperhead 美洲腹蛇
coral snake 银环蛇
cormorant 鸬鹚
cow 雌牛, 母牛
crab 蟹
crayfish 小龙虾, 喇蛄
cricket 蟋蟀
crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄
crow 乌鸦
crucian 鲫鱼
cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟
cuttloefish 乌贼
cygnet 小天鹅
deer 鹿
dog 狗
dog 雄狗
dolphin 河豚
donkey, ass 驴
dormouse 睡鼠
dove 鸽
dragonfly 蜻蜓
dromedary 单峰驼
drone 雄蜂
duck 鸭
duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽
eagle 鹰
eel 鳗鱼
elephant 象
ewe 母羊
ferret 雪貂
flea 跳蚤
flock 绵羊的统称 fly 苍蝇
foal, colt, filly 幼马 fox 狐
frog 青蛙
gaggle 鹅的统称
gander 雄鹅
gander, wild goose 雁
gannet 塘鹅
gavial 印度鳄
gazelle 小羚羊
gelding 阉割的马
giant salamander 娃娃鱼, 鲵
gibbon 长臂猿
gilt 小母猪
giraffe 长颈鹿
glowworm, firefly 萤火虫
goat 山羊
golden eagle 鹫
goldfinch 金翅雀
goose 雌鹅
goose 鹅
gopher 囊地鼠
gorilla 大猩猩
gosling 幼鹅
grass snake 草蛇
grasshopper 蚱蜢
grouse 松鸡
guanaco 原驼
Guinea pig 豚鼠
guinea, fowl 珍珠鸡
gull, seagull 海鸥
hake 无须鳕
hare 野兔
hawk, falcon 隼
hedgehog 刺猬
heifer 小母牛
hen 母鸡
hermit crab 寄居蟹
heron 苍鹰
herring 青鱼, 鲱
hinny 驴骡
hippopotamus 河马
hog 阉猪, 肥猪
horse 马 horsefly, gadfly 厩蝇,牛虻
hummingbird 蜂雀
hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
Japanese beetle 日本金龟子
jenny ass 雌驴
kangaroo 袋鼠
kid 年幼的山羊
kingfisher 翠鸟
kite 鹞
kitten 小猫
kitten, kitty,小猫
koala 考拉, 树袋熊
ladybird 瓢虫
lamb 羊羔,羔羊
large prawn 大对虾
lark 百鸟,云雀
leopard 豹
lion 狮
lizard 蜥蜴
llama 大羊驼
lobster 龙虾
locust 蝗虫
louse, lice 虱子, 白虱
lynx 猞猁
macaw 金刚鹦鹉
mackerel 鲭,鲐
magpie 喜鹊
male ant 雄蚁 mallard 野鸭, 凫
mare 母马
marmot 土拨鼠
moccasin 嗜鱼蛇
mole 鼹鼠
monkey 猴子
mosquito 蚊
moth 蛾
mouse 家鼠
mule 骡
mullet 乌鱼, 黑鱼
mussel 淡菜,贻贝
mustang 野马
mutton 羊肉
nanny 雌山羊
nightingale 夜莺 Norway lobster 蝉虾
octopus 章鱼
orangutan 猩猩
ostrich 鸵鸟
otter 水獭
owl 枭,猫头鹰
ox 牛
oyster 牡蛎
pale clouded yellow 纹黄蝶
panther, puma 美洲豹
parakeet 长尾鹦鹉
parrot 鹦鹉
partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
pelican 鹈鹕
penguin 企鹅
perch 鲈鱼
pheasant 雉, 野鸡
pig, swine 猪
pigeon 野鸽
piglet, shoat 年幼的猪 pike 梭子鱼
plaice 鲽
plover 千鸟
pony 矮马
porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪
porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚
poult 小火鸡
prawn 虾
praying mantis 螳螂
ptarmigan 雷鸟
pup 年幼的狗
python 蟒蛇
quail 鹌鹑
queen ant 蚁后
queen bee 蜂王
rabbit 兔子
ram 雄绵羊
rat 鼠
rattlesnake 响尾蛇
ray 鳐鱼
red mullet, surmullet 羊鱼
reindeer 驯鹿
rhinoceros 犀牛
robin 知更鸟 sailfish 旗鱼
salamander, triton, newt 蝾螈
salmon 鲑鱼
sardine 沙丁鱼
scallop 扇贝
scops owl 角枭,耳鸟
scorpion 蝎子
sea bream 海鲷 sturgeon 鲟鱼
sulphur butterfly 白蝴蝶
sunfish 翻车鱼
swallow 燕子
swallowtail 凤尾蝶
swan 天鹅
swift 褐雨燕
swordfish 剑鱼
she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫
tarantula 多毛毒蜘蛛
tarpon 大海鲢
teal 小野鸭
termite 蚁
thoroughbred 纯种马
thrush 画眉
tiger 虎
toad 蟾蜍
tomcat 雄猫
tortoise 乌龟
trout 鳟鱼
tuatara 古蜥蜴
tunny, tuna 金枪鱼
turkey 火鸡
turtle 龟
turtle dove 斑鸠
vicuna 小羊驼
vole 田鼠
vulture 秃鹫
wall lizard 壁虎
walrus 海象
wasp 黄蜂, 胡蜂
water buffalo 水牛
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
whale 鲸
white ant 白蚁
whitethroat 白喉雀 whiting 小无须鳕
wildcat 野猫
wolf 狼
woodpecker 啄木鸟
worker ant 工蚁
yak 牦牛
zebra 斑马