1、一季度中国银行业“坏账率”创3年最高 中国银监会发布数据显示,今年第一季度内中国银行业的坏账率持续攀升并创下过去近三年以来的最高值。与此同时,中国经济增长放缓已经成为市场公认的现状。请看《中国日报》的报道:
The banks' NPL ratio increased by 0.04 percentage point to 1.04 percent during the same period, said the China Banking Regulatory Commission in an online statement published on Thursday.中国银监会周四在网上发布的声明称,银行的坏账率在此期间升至1.04%,增加了0.04%。NPL ratio就是坏账率,NPL是Nonperforming loans的缩写,意思是“不良贷款”或“坏账”,也可以表达为bad loans。分析人士表示,在经济增长速度放缓的情况下,坏账是不可避免的,不过目前的金融风险还是“可控的”。
数据显示,银行平均的rate of return on capital(资本利润率)同比下降了0.21%。为了防范风险,商业银行已经大幅提高了loan impairment reserves(贷款减值准备金),同时加紧writing off bad loans(注销不良贷款)。
2、China Mobile Ltd said on Wednesday it is lowering the price of its fourth-generation telecommunications service by roughly 40 percent.The announcement was the first response given to the government's decision announced last week to grant telecom operators full pricing autonomy.中国移动周三宣布将4G资费下调40%。这是上周工信部宣布电信运营商可以自主制定资费标准的决定后运营商方面的首个回应。
4G资费(price of fourth-generation telecommunications service)下调是最近的热门话题。根据中国移动发布的新标准,移动4G月流量包的门槛(entry-level monthly data package)由现行的40元400M调整为30元500M,未用完的流量(unused mobile-data traffic)还可以转让给其他用户。
随着4G时代的到来,三大运营商都在想尽办法吸引用户,除了推出低价位的4G智能合约机(contracted 4G smartphones),他们还在各地增建基站(base stations)。分析人士指出,在26个虚拟运营商(virtual carriers)进入市场以后,电信服务资费有望进一步下降。
A haze pollution day occurs when the average concentration of PM2.5 is above 75 micrograms per cubic meter and visibility is less than 5 km for more than six consecutive hours due to an increasing concentration of fine particulate matter in the air.灰霾污染日指细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度大于75微克/立方米,且因空气中细颗粒物浓度增加导致能见度持续6 小时低于 5.0公里的空气污染天气。
此次国家环保部给灰霾污染日(haze pollution day)给出的详细定义表明,灰霾污染本质为细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染,灰霾污染应以颗粒物(particulate matter)为首要判别指标。灰霾污染颗粒物成分中,工业粉尘(industrial dust)、黑碳(black charcoal)、有机碳(organic carbon)、硫酸盐(sulphate)、硝酸盐(nitrate)等粒子增加,二次生成在颗粒物(PM10)中所占比重提高,已经明显有别于自然形成的霾(主要由土壤尘、沙尘和海盐粒子组成)。
近两年来,雾霾(smog)天气频频造访国内各大城市,防雾霾口罩(anti-smog face mask)一度成为热销品,有些保险公司甚至顺势推出雾霾险(smog insurance),中国科学院甚至计划建设雾霾实验室,专心研究防雾霾技术。
4、央行要求商业银行优先发放“首套房贷” 房地产正进入前所未有的敏感期,金融政策再度成为调整地产走势的关键因素。央行日前召集各商业银行,称各商业银行须优先满足居民家庭首次购买自住普通商品住房的贷款需求,及时审批和发放符合条件的个人住房贷款。但在首套房贷款利率上,央行并未给出明确标准。请看《中国日报》的报道:
During a meeting with executives from 15 commercial banks on Monday, the PBOC emphasized that the banks should improve their housing finance services and give priority to loans for first time homebuyers while keeping a closer eye on the associated risks.周一央行召集了15家商业银行的主管开会,强调商业银行应改善住房金融服务,优先发放首套房贷款,同时加强对住房贷款风险的监测。
央行要求各商业银行要优先发放loans for first time homebuyers(首套房贷款),合理确定mortgage rates(按揭贷款利率)水平,并grant housing loans more quickly(加快住房贷款发放)。
进入2014年以来房产市场的萎靡已经影响到水泥、钢铁等downstream industries(下游产业),房价上涨乏力使得购房者的wait-and-see mood(观望情绪)愈加浓厚。
Switzerland and Singapore joined on Tuesday countries agreeing to share tax information in a major breakthrough against bank secrecy, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)said.经济合作与发展组织表示,瑞士和新加坡周二成为同意共享税务信息的众多国家中的一员,这是针对银行保密行为的一个重大突破。
银行保密(bank secrecy/bank privacy)指除特定情况以外,银行不会向任何人或组织透露客户的个人及账户信息,在瑞士、新加坡、卢森堡以及一些离岸银行(offshore bank)所在地,银行保密传统都很盛行。
此次由47个国家共同签署的宣言同意银行间自动共享与税务相关的海外账户信息(automatic share of tax-related bank data),包括银行存款余额(bank balance)、分红(dividends)、利息收入(interest income),以及用于计算资本收益税的销售收益(sales proceeds used to calculate capital gains tax)。这意味着以避税(tax evasion)为目的的银行保密传统即将终结。
The old-fashioned 12-day, five-country package accounts for less of the market than before, and an increasing number of tourists are taking backpack tours, bringing more diversity to the tourism, hospitality and retailing markets, Feng said.冯说,12天游五国的旅行团旧模式占据的市场份额减少了,越来越多的游客选择“背包游”,这让旅游业、酒店业和零售市场更加多样化。现在中国人的眼界宽了,不再满足于走马观花的旅游方式,因此backpack tour(背包游)越来越受欢迎,backpacker(背包客)也越来越多。不过,去海外旅游的中国人买得最多的依然是奢侈品牌,不过报告显示,音乐会和演出门票,以及一些体育活动,如surfing(冲浪)、scuba diving(水肺潜水)、sky diving(高空跳伞)、horse racing(赛马),还有car rentals(租车)的花费也在增加。李克强非盟总部演讲要点(双语)
为进一步深化中非合作,双方应牢牢把握以下四项原则: 真诚平等相待 treating each other sincerely and equally 增进团结互信 consolidating solidarity and mutual trust 共谋包容发展 jointly pursuing inclusive development 创新务实合作 promoting innovation in bilateral practical cooperation 着眼未来,中国愿与非洲国家共同努力,积极推进六大工程,打造中非全面合作的升级版。
实施产业合作工程 cooperation in industry 实施金融合作工程 cooperation in finance 实施减贫合作工程 cooperation in poverty reduction 实施生态环保合作工程 cooperation in ecological protection 实施人文交流合作工程 cooperation in people-to-people exchanges 实施和平安全合作工程 cooperation in peace and security 和你一同笑过的人,你可能把他忘掉,但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远不忘。You may forget the one with whom you have laughed, but never the one with whom you have wept.夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。
Now the man of perfect virtue, wishing to be established himself, seeks also to establish others;wishing to be enlarged himself, he seeks also to enlarge others.联合国秘书长潘基文在地球日的致辞(双语)
Secretary-General's Message on International Mother Earth Day
Each year, on Mother Earth Day, we reflect on our relationship with the planet that supports us.The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food are part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from human activities.From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries, from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world, we see the heavy hand of humankind.在这一年一度的地球母亲日,我们对与地球的关系进行反省。我们呼吸的空气,饮用的水,生长食物的土壤,是全球脆弱生态系统的一部分,这一系统所承受的人类活动的压力日益加大。从热带雨林砍伐到海洋渔业枯竭,从淡水日益紧缺到生物多样性迅速退化,再到世界许多地区空气和海洋污染日趋严重,我们感到了人类双手的重量。
As our population grows we have to recognize that our consumption of the planet’s resources is unsustainable.We need a global transformation of attitude and practice.It is especially urgent to address how we generate the energy that drives our progress.Burning fossil fuels is the principal cause of climate change, which increasingly threatens prosperity and stability in all regions.That is why world leaders have pledged to reach a global legal climate agreement in 2015.世界人口不断增长,我们必须认识到,我们对地球资源的消费是无法持续的。我们必须从根本上改变我们的态度和做法。当务之急是要解决如何生产推动我们社会进步的能源的问题。燃烧化石燃料是造成气候变化的主要原因,它日益威胁着世界各个地区的繁荣和稳定。正因为如此,世界各国领导人承诺在2015年就全球气候问题达成协议。
Action on climate change presents multiple opportunities to reset our relationship with Mother Earth and improve human well-being, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable.Sustainable energy for all can increase health, wealth and opportunity for billions of people, as can climate-smart agriculture, more efficient cities and better managed and protected forests.采取行动应对气候变化,给我们带来了多种机会,使我们能够调整与地球母亲的关系,并改善人类,特别是最贫困最脆弱群体的福祉。农业实现气候智能化,城市提高效力,森立得到更好的管理和保护,将能增进数十亿人民的健康、财富和机会。为所有人提供可持续能源,同样能够实现这一目标。
To generate ambitious action on the ground and raise momentum for a new climate treaty in 2015, I am convening a Climate Summit in New York on 23 September this year.I am inviting Heads of State and Government along with private sector and civil society leaders to showcase initiatives and forge alliances that can help launch a sustainable future.But they need support and encouragement, for change is never easy.So today, on International Mother Earth Day, I appeal to all people everywhere to raise their voices.Speak out on behalf of this planet, our only home.Let us care for Mother Earth so she can continue to care for us as she has done for millennia.为促进大规模实际行动,为给2015年新的气候条约营造势头,我将于今年9月23日在纽约召开气候问题峰会。我将邀请各国元首和政府首脑以及私营部门和民间社会领导人建言献策并结成联盟,为实现可持续未来做出贡献。但是,变化总是困难的,我们必须给他们以支持和鼓励。因此,值此国际地球母亲日,我呼吁世界各国人民发出呼声——为地球,为我们唯一的家园发出呼声。几千年来,地球母亲一直照顾着我们,我们应该回报地球,使地球能够继续照顾我们。一季度 “GDP增速”7.4%
The NBS said that preliminary data showed the nation's gross domestic product(GDP)reached 12.8213 trillion yuan($2.08 trillion)in the first quarter, growing 7.4% year on year.国家统计局指出,初步数据显示我国一季度国内生产总值(GDP)为128213亿元,同比增长7.4%。
国际统计局(National Bureau of Statistics)公布的2014年第一季度国内生产总值增速(gross domestic product/GDP growth rate)7.4%略高于市场预期(market estimates)的7.3%,开局平稳,总体良好(generally in good health)。经济学家表示,增速放缓意味着经济下行压力加大(heavier downward pressure on the economy),不过仍在合理区间内(within reasonable range)。
此次发布的数据还包括规模以上工业增加值(output growth of industries with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more from their main business operations)、固定资产投资(fixed asset investment)、社会消费品零售总额(total retail sales of consumer goods)、全国居民人均可支配收入(average per-capita disposable income of both urban and rural residents)、居民消费价格(consumer price index,CPI)等。
Ahead of his arrival, he told a Japanese newspaper that the bilateral security treaty that obligates America to come to Japan's defense applies to the island disputes between Japan and China and he opposes “unilateral attempts to undermine Japan's administration of these islands.” 在他(奥巴马)到达日本之前,他对一家日本报纸表示美日双边安保条约适用于中日之间的岛屿争端,他反对“任何试图影响日本管理钓鱼岛的单方面行动”。
美日安保条约全名为《日美安全保障条约》(Treaty of Security and Safeguard Between Japan and United States),是日本与美国于1951年9月8日在旧金山美国陆军第六军司令部签订的军事同盟条约。该条约第五条规定,各缔约国宣誓在日本国施政的领域下,如果任何一方受到武力攻击,依照本国宪法的规定和手续,采取行动对付共同的危险。
奥巴马对日本报纸表示,争端应该通过对话和外交手段解决,而不是通过威吓和强制手段(Disputes need to be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy, not intimidation and coercion)。对此,中方发言人表示,中国对钓鱼岛拥有无可争辩的主权(indisputable sovereignty),美方应尊重事实(respect facts),以负责任的态度(take a responsible attitude),恪守在有关领土主权问题上不选边站队的承诺(remain committed to not taking sides on territory and sovereignty issues),谨言慎行(speak and act cautiously),切实为地区和平稳定发挥建设性作用(earnestly play a constructive role in regional peace and stability)。中国的“核安全观”
Chinese President Xi Jinping elaborated on his country's approach to nuclear security at the third Nuclear Security Summit(NSS)on Monday, urging global cooperation for nuclear energy's lasting security and development.中国国家主席习近平周一在第三届核安全峰会上阐述了中国的核安全观,呼吁国际社会携手合作,实现核能持久安全和发展。
中国的“核安全观”(approach to nuclear security)具体包括四个方面的内容:发展和安全并重,以确保安全为前提发展核能事业(the world should place equal emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the premise of security);权利和义务并重,以尊重各国权益为基础推进国际核安全进程(rights and obligations should be given same attention, and rights and interests ought to be recognized with international nuclear security process being pushed forward);自主和协作并重,以互利共赢为途径寻求普遍核安全(the international community should attach equal importance to independent and collaborative efforts, and seek universal nuclear security through win-win cooperation);治标和治本并重,以消除根源为目标全面推进核安全努力(the world should place equal emphasis on treating symptoms and causes, and advance the nuclear security endeavor in all respects in a bid to remove risks at the root)。
为防患于未然,中国全面采取了核安全保障举措,着力提高核安全技术水平,提高核安全应急能力(improved technology and emergency response),对全国核设施开展了全面安全检查(conducted comprehensive nuclear security checks on nuclear facilities across the country),确保所有核材料和核设施得到有效安全保障。
从紧货币政策政府工作报告热词——宏观经济篇稳健财政政策 tight monetary policy
宏观经济调控 prudent fiscal policy政府临时调控 macroeconomic regulation
经济增长模式 government interim intervention固investment
定资产投 mode of economic development
资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset 货币信贷投放仍然偏多of money and credit
continued excessive supplies 流动性过剩转型过程 excessive liquidity行政手段 transformation process螺旋式通胀 administrative measures通胀压力抑制通胀 inflationary pressurespiraling inflation次贷危机to hold down inflation经济剧烈波动 subprime mortgage crisis
经济过热 drastic fluctuations in the economy防止经济过热 economic overheating促to prevent the economy from adjustment and balanced development
进结构调整和协调发展 to promote overheatingstructural 减disadvantaged group
轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the 增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出increase expenditures necessary “to shore up weakto links, improve people's lives and deepen reform”
厉打击非法用工 to severely
punish illegal 加强劳动争议处理disputes
to improve the handling of labor 加强劳动保障监察protection measures
to improve oversight for worker 就业促进法劳动合同法Employment Promotion Law城镇登记失业率Labor Contract Law
鼓励创业公共就业服务体系 to encourage business startups
registered urban unemployment rate完善再就业扶持政策 public employment service systemseekers
to improve the aid system for job “零就业”家庭就业机会 zero-employment families非农产业 employment opportunities失业保险制度 nonagricultural sectors
动力总量 unemployment insurance system
大增 a large increase in the total 支持创办小型企业small enterprises
to support citizens to establish 鼓励自谋职业和自主创业jobs on their own or start their own businessesto encourage people to find 加training and training in how to start a business强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational 城乡劳动者平等就业制度treats urban and rural workers equally
an employment system that 落实促进残疾人就业政策find more jobs for people with physical and mentalto carry out policies to disabilities
建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制permanent families find jobs
mechanism to help zero-employmentto create a 通过加强就业和创业培训,及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以"by encouraging andto expand employment strengthening job training, encouraging people to training business start-ups, find establishment of small enterprisesjobs on their own, and supporting the 政府工作报告热词——国企篇国有企业
主要产业 state owned enterprises(SOEs)税收贡献 core business民航所有制结构 civil aviation
tax contributions发展大型粮食基地 ownership structure
to develop large grain production 国state-owned assets
有资产所有权转移 transferring ownership of 完善所有制结构实行政策性关闭破产 to improve ownership structureclosures and bankruptcies
to carry out policy-mandated 建立国有资本经营预算制度for managing state capital
to set up a budget system 国有企业资产总额owned enterprises(SOEs)
the total value of assets of state 国system for state-owned assets
有资产管理体制改革 reform of the management 国distribution and structure of the state sector
有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the 建立和完善国有资产出资人制度a system for investors of state assets
to set up and improved 引入国有企业股份制system in SOEs
to institute a stockholding 邮政体制改革振兴老工业基地战略 reform of the postal service systemindustrial bases
strategy of rejuvenating the old 国有企业改革改组改造upgrading SOEs
reforming, reorganizing and 深化国有企业股份制改革convert SOEs into stockholding corporationsto deepen the reform to 加强公司化管理实policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies
行政策引 to improve corporate governance导关闭和破产 to carry out 加economies 快资源枯exploitation
of 竭型cities 城市经济dependent 转型 to transform on resource the 扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点experiment state capitalof setting up a budget systemto expand the for managing 引入竞争,to introducing deepen 加强政府管理和公共监督,the 深化垄断企业改革 government regulation and public supervision
competition reform of monopoly and industries strengthening by 严strictly 格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to SOEs into stock companies
standardize procedures for transforming 资源型城市经济转型试点of cities dependent on resource exploitationto transform the economies 严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,失防止国有资产流transforming to strictly transferring SOEs into standardize stock procedures for prevent their erosion
ownership of state-owned companies assets and for to 主辅分离,辅业改制businesses former into independent companyfrom theircore to separate SOE's secondary businesses and covert the
清洁、可再生能源 energy consumption 化学需氧量 clean and renewable energy sources 节能减排目标 chemical oxygen demand
targets for saving energy and reducing 节reduction technologies
能减排技术 energy conservation and emission 淘汰落后生产企业facilities
to close down backward production 加production facilities
强先进生产能力建设 to develop advanced 城市污水处理能力重点流域的污染防治 urban sewage treatment capacity valleys and regions
pollution control in major river 农村饮用水安全饮用水rural drinking water 污染物排放 safe drinking water 资源节约型、环境友好型社会 emissions of pollutants
and environmentally friendly society
a resource-conserving 抓好重点企业节能和重点工程建设conservation key projects
in key enterprises and to focus on energy construction of 产updating 品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or products, drugs and other consumer goods
of national standards for the safety of food 落实电力、钢铁、水泥、煤炭、造纸等行业淘汰落后生产能力计划production facilities in the electricity, steel,implement the plan to close down backward cement, coal and papermaking industries
纠正招商引资中违法违规的做法practices for attracting foreign investmen
to correct illegal 限制和禁止高耗能、高排放和部分资源性外资项目limitto energy intensive or highly polluting, limit or ban or ban foreign investment in projects that are foreign exploitation
investment in some areas of resource 提standards would have stricter limits for discharge 高重点流域水污染物的国家排放标准。National of pollutants in key river valleys.节约资源和环境保护要一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去,让conservation 我们的祖国山更绿,水更清,天更continue from generation to generation to make our and environmental protection 蓝。Resource must mountains greener, waters cleaner and skies bluer.
译题一:Take a Break from Work: One-Year Sabbatical to Travel Do you secretly thought of what you think is a great project: a long journey? A gap year is just for you, to see the end of the world.Bid farewell to the daily routines.With a little planning and a maximum of passion for life, this great dream can come true, without being too complicated or expensive!
Who has not dreamed to temporarily leave work, family, friendsto go on an adventure? Far, very far at the other end of the world.参考译文:忙里偷闲:休假一年逍遥游
现代社会生活节奏快,竞争激烈,如果能够有闲度假散心,必定是一件非常惬意的事情。本文中,具有鲜明英美特色的”sabbatical year” 和“gap year”就是人们梦寐以求的假期。动笔翻译之前,我们应该想方设法弄清楚这些短语的确切含义和文化内涵。“sabbatical year”源于ancient Judea(古罗马统治的巴勒斯坦南部地区),指安息年,即古代犹太人每七年让土地休耕的一年(A year during which land remained fallow, observed every seven years by the ancient Jews)。现在多指公休假或带薪年假,“(美国等)大学给教授每七年一次的带薪休假,用于休息、旅游或研究等(“a leave often with pay granted usually every seventh year(as to a college professor)for rest, travel, or research”)。“Gap year(空档年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作”。也有人把它译作“间隔年”(http://www.xiexiebang.com/group/topic/8864099/)。有兴趣的读者可以在上面的网页中了解到关于“gap year”的详细信息。类似的英语表达还有career break等。笔者以为,文中的这两则短语已经不再局限于上述含义,而泛指各种各样的假期。网友hy3638把gap year译作“学业间断的一年”,可谓非常忠实的翻译。
“To see the end of the world”和文末的“Far,very far at the other end of the world”并非意味着一定要到天涯海角去度假。这是一种比喻的说法,即把整日为之操心忙碌、无法摆脱的生活、工作、学习等种种羁绊和烦恼都统统放下,仿佛这一切都远在天边、遥不可及。Bid farewell to 进一步强化了这层含义。牛津高阶的定义如下:(bid/say)farewell to sb/sth:(have)no more of sb/sth 不再(有某人[某事物])。所以,笔者把它们分别译作“远方”和“让我们浪迹天涯,放逐心灵吧”(后一句根据张明权老师的意见修改)。笔者的原译是“心远地自偏”,套用了陶渊明的诗句。欢迎各位网友批评和讨论。
许多网友把project译作“计划”或“工程”,complicated译作“复杂”,adventure译作“冒险”等。从上下文来看,这些译法都显得有些生硬,不够贴切,和本文的主题“度假”有些不大合拍。举例来说,Adventure除了“冒险”的含义之外,还有“不寻常的、激动人心的”经历之意。这层含义正契合了旅游度假的主要目的:休闲和放松身心,增长见识,领略异国他乡的风土人情。马克?吐温的The Adventures of Tom Sawyer记述的正是一些童年趣事。“译题二”中描写的梦境“incredible and comical adventures”当然也不能算作“冒险”。
译题二:Understanding your dreams Prosecution, cold sweats, incredible and comical adventures...Our imaginations give it to the heart while we are asleep.Far from trivial, movies that pass before our eyes are meaningful.The ancients saw the vehicle between God and people.We now know that dreams lead us deep within ourselves.They advise us, guide us, and send us the signals when things do not go in right direction.Dreams can solve our problems, make us more creative and even heal us.Our nights offer us valuable tools.It would be a shame if we do not learn to use them.参考译文:理解梦景
首先来看一下标题的翻译。提到“解梦”,我们第一个想到的是“对梦中所发生的事情进行解释”,与之对应的英文是interpret或interpretation,如奥地利著名精神分析专家弗洛伊德(Freud)的名著“Interpretation of Dreams”。因此,不宜用“解梦”来翻译本文的题目。Understand的意思是“理解,懂得或领会”。笔者以为,根据本文的内容,译作“理解梦景”比较妥当。
本文中容易理解和翻译错误的单词有movie, vehicle, God、shame等。从上下文来判断,“movie”应该指的是梦中所看到的一幕幕景象,而不是我们平时所说的“电影”或“电影情节”,我们因之可以直译为“在我们眼前浮现的一幕幕影像”,或者意译为“梦景”、“梦中的景象”等。受思维习惯的影响,网友分别把“vehicle”译作“汽车”、“机动车”、“工具”、“交通工具”等。这些都是“vehicle”的常用义项,但显然不适用于本文讨论的梦、人和神之间的关系。牛津高阶给出的vehicle的另一义项“means by which thought, feeling, etc.can be expressed 表达思想﹑感情等的工具或手段”正好符合文中“梦联系神和人”之意。因此,笔者把它译作“沟通工具”。有网友把它译作“媒介”、“沟通方式”、或“沟通渠道”也是可以接受的译法。God可以指希腊罗马等神话中的诸神,也可以是基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教中的宇宙主宰,即上帝、造物主、天主或真主。如果本文针对的是宗教信仰各异的普通读者群,那么god应该指的是普遍意义上的“神”或者“神仙”,而不可以简单地译作“上帝”。Shame既可以指“羞愧”、“惭愧”、“负罪感”,也可以是“遗憾”、“可惜”、“不应该的事情”等。大部分网友都能够准确地理解和把握这一含义。“遗憾”、“令人惋惜的事”、“太可惜了”都是正确的和可行的译法。
值得一提的是,网友“xieyx021”和“空谷幽兰”翻译的“神会托梦与人”、网友lj329的把“when things do not go in right direction”译作“事情不对劲儿时”,既忠实原文,也是比较地道的中文表达。
译题三:Learn to say NO
Saying no is not in itself a very difficult task.It relates everything that is in our minds with this little word, which makes it so difficult to pronounce.Before you learn to say no, you must first identify the nature of the thoughts that accompany the word.You say yourself “If I say no, others will discredit me and not call me anymore” or “I always say yes so that others will like me?” If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard.To rectify this, a strategy is to ask yourself if your conclusions are realistic and that will make you to really use it.The mere awareness of your thoughts will excessively help you to be free.参考译文:学会说“不”
和前面的两段文字相比,这段文字浅显易懂,翻译起来相对轻松些。不过,有些词语的翻译仍然需要依据上下文来认真对待。稍有不慎,就可能造成“差之毫厘,失之千里”的后果。许多网友直接忽视了第二句的“this little word”的“little”,可能是觉得它无足轻重,没必要翻译出来。有网友直接把它译作“小词”、“小小的字”或“小小的单词”。这样的译法可谓“直译有余,意译不足”,没有能够尽可能地表达作者的意思。作者先用little一词来修饰no,说明no这个词看起来非常简单、微小、不重要。在后面的论述中,作者又用“discredit”、“realistic”、“false”、“awareness”、“thought”、“free”等词来围绕着no进行论证,采用先抑后扬的手法来说明no的重要性,所以我们没有理由不把little翻译出来。False除了“错误的,不正确的”的含义之外,还有“虚假的;欺骗的,不诚实的;不聪明的”等含义。大部分网友都被它的常用含义“欺骗”,将之译成了“错误的”。我们很难判断一个人说或者不说“不”是不是正确,但是我们可以说他的说“不”与否是不是“明智的”。
网友的译文中,错误比较多的是“die hard”的翻译。“Die hard”是一动词短语,意思是“顽固到底;难以根除,或需要很长时间才能灭绝”等。从上下文的讨论中,我们可以看出die hard指的是一个人,因为日久成习,很难彻底根除“是否拒绝别人”的这种思维方式或不够明智的心态。读懂原文之后,我们可以很自然地把它译作“很难根除它们”。网友445664876@qq.com和johnan的“很难改掉这种习惯”、shangxian.yue的“难以根除”,teresa22和zly-julie的“很难改掉”都是比较不错的翻译。Realistic一词的翻译一直让我比较纠结。从上下文来看,作者的意思应该是在经过思考和斟酌之后,如果因为自己的能力、客观条件等种种原因而无法答应别人的请求时,一个人应该实事求是地向别人说“不”,而不是碍于脸面,勉为其难地答应别人。意思明了之后,寻找对应的汉语表达方面又颇费周折。“符合实际情况”、“实事求是”、“现实可行的”、“注重实际的”、“实际可行的”等总显得有些拗口,没有充分地表达出这层意思。最后,笔者选择了“最后把你的想法如实告诉对方”,其中既有直译,也有意译。
从以上的评论中我们可以看到,project,complicated, adventure, movie, vehicle, God、shame, little,realistic等都是常见的、义项众多的英语词汇。因为常见,我们可以比较容易地读懂原文;因为义项众多,我们更需要格外小心,认真揣摩原文,仔细选择适合上下文的内容。翻译是件容易的事情,因为只要粗通外文和中文,就可以把外语译成中文;翻译又是件麻烦的事情,因为好的译文需要精雕细琢,特别得费心、费时和费力。
译题一:Friendships Can Depend on Who You Meet First At their introductory session each student was told to sit in a random seat.Then each trembling newbie had to come up to the front and briefly introduce themselves.Immediately afterwards everyone else rated that person on two scales: how much they liked them and whether they would like to get to know them more(sounds frightening for your first day!).The results showed that people likedthe people who were initially sat next to them.This might not be that surprising: people have had slightly more exposure to those who they were sitting next to.Or people might have felt a certain affinity for those they were sat near...参考译文:
回到具体的翻译点评上,在译题一开头的一个句子中,英语的被动语态是独具特色的语法现象,虽然近来汉语“被”字表达流行,但汉语的“被”字更多的是词汇构成手段,而非纯粹的语法手段,不能因为现在流行“被”字表达方式就认为汉语已经具备照搬英语被动语态的条件。参与翻译的网友选择“被”字结构翻译第一句话的比例很高,占全部译者的一半,在这些使用“被”字结构的翻译中,“被告知”比“被要求”听起来更顺一些。第二段the people who were initially sat next to them中,sat是sit的过去分词,这里sit是及物动词,是“使就座”的意思,这同样是英语被动语态的特色用法,然而此处所有的网友译者都没有使用被动语态,不知是没有看到被动语态还是故意选择忽略。再者就是这里的被动语态的使用给人一种很突兀的感觉,但实际上作者想表达的意思是这样的,起初大家自由选择就座决定了后来跟谁交朋友的结果,多少给人一种命中注定的感觉,这一点在英语中恰好通过被动语态这种语法手段得以表达,因为语言差异,我们可以选择词汇手段来弥补,参见笔者的译文。
至于词汇翻译问题,introductory session是指“起初的自我介绍”的意思,经查原文语境,应该是指第一次开班会,不少网友的翻译能看出是查阅了原文的,这一点值得提倡。Trembling newbie是描写新生的胆怯,身体和声音都可能是发抖的,emilywu73使用“紧张兮兮地”来对译,感觉非常贴切。Rated that person on two scales显然是从专业研究的眼光看问题,rate涉及分级或评分,webweb就翻译成“接下来大家对这个人从两个方面打分”。Exposure的意思这个词是指“暴露在其中”,因此受其影响,这里可以选择意译,“近水楼台先得月”这句翻译就是从这里衍生出来的。假设换一个地方,如果是讨论朋友之间的相互影响的文章,exposure也可以跟汉语的成语“近朱者赤、近墨者黑”联系起来进行翻译。这里使用汉语成语的翻译方式,更多地体现了“译者说话”,但这样的翻译也是有限制的,过了就不好了。
译题二:California English and the “Gay Accent”
Is there such a thing as a “gay accent?” I wouldn't even touch this question were there not a decent amount of scholarly research about it.The notion of “talking gay,” after all, is a staple of homophobic parody.So before going further, let me state that I believe gay men speak with as wide an array of voices as heterosexual men.I don't give credence to the idea of a universal “gay voice.”
That being said, a recent article in American Speech suggests that a certain type of subcultural “gay accent” is not only a measurable phenomenon, but may have a unique relationship to a regional variety of English.参考译文:
译题二涉及当代社会的热门话题,“同性恋问题”。“同性恋”之所以成为问题,则是源于人们长期以来对“同性恋”的偏见态度,而在这一背景下产生的词汇,如“gay accent”,“talking gay”,“gay voice”都难免带有偏见的色彩,因此在翻译这段文字的时候,首先要把握作者对待同性恋的态度。阅读发现作者的态度不仅是严肃的,而且作者还试图批评那种歧视同性恋的态度。
经查词典,gay可以统称“同性恋者”,但主要是指“男同性恋者”,这一点颇似汉语的“同志”一词,即可以指全体同性恋者,但又主要指男同性恋者,由于一些涉及“同性恋”的词汇已经先天带有某些人们的认知态度,要把这些词汇正确翻译成汉语,又能做到不夹杂着个人感情,实在不是一件容易的事情。就拿talking gay而言,不少网友翻译成了“娘娘腔”,这个词本身是带一定偏见性的认知的,这个不是译者的错,是词汇本身的问题。Homophobic parody的意思是“恐同者对同性恋的反讽模仿”,parody带有滑稽性和夸张色彩,目的在于丑化原来的东西。值得一提的是不少网友对talking gay的理解是错误的,首先从语法角度来讲talking gay是现在分词短语,而非动名词短语,再者从词汇的角度讲,talk gay是固定搭配,就是指上文的gay accent,talking gay的意思就是所谓的“娘娘腔”。还有一个词值得注意,staple的语境意思是“主打产品”,因此整句话the notion of “talking gay”, after all, is a staple of homophobic parody的隐含意思是,一些恐惧同性恋的人通过对所谓的“同性恋口音”的滑稽模仿,丑化同性恋的说法方式,使“娘娘腔”这一特征口音固定与同性恋关联,从而形成对同性恋者的社会刻板印象。
最后一段中measurable是“可测量”的意思,没有引申的“重要”的意思,数量研究是社会科学研究的趋势。译题三:Toss Your Expectations Into the Ocean
What's a life without expectations like? It means you accept reality as it is, and people as they are, without expectations, without trying to force people into the containers you have for them, seeing things as they are.It's a life where you don't need to be disappointed or frustrated or angryyou can act in a way that's in accordance with your values, and influence the world, but never have an expectation of how the world will react to your actions.Pay attention to your thoughts.Don't beat yourself up if you have expectations.Just see them.Then toss them in the ocean.参考译文
“Toss you expectations into the ocean”中包含了ocean这样的比喻,是否需要直译出来,这总是一个需要权衡的问题。笔者的译文在标题和结尾处分别采用了意译和直译两种方法。Force people into the containers you have for them,笔者译成“量自己的身材,裁他人的衣装”,化用了汉语成语“量体裁衣”,但反其道而用之,意图表示“拿自己的标准要求别人,把别人的行为纳入自己的轨道中”。
这段文字讨论的是一个抽象的命题,所以作者采用了反复论证的方式,you accept it, and let it go,never have an expectation of how the world will react to your actions,都是从不同的侧面谈论同一个问题,把握好这一点,翻译也就没有困难了。
opening speech 开幕式致辞
small-and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业 farmer-turned-entrepreneur 农民企业家 clean energy 清洁能源
basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险
crops' minimum purchase prices 粮食最低收购价 per-capita income 人均收入
window guidance 窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。)propel/expand domestic demand 扩大内需 proactive fiscal policy 积极的财政政策
moderately easy monetary policy 适度宽松的货币政策 rural-urban development divide 城乡差距 government work report 政府工作报告 dairy product standards 乳制品标准
scattered production model 分散生产模式(Such a scattered production model is the fundamental reason that there have been so many food safety incidents.这种分散生产模式是诸多食品安全问题的根源。)administrative transparency 政务透明
bridging loan 过渡性贷款(Bridging, or a bridging loan, is short-term financing made available pending arrangement of intermediate or long-term financing.过渡性贷款是一种在中期或长期融资安排确定前的短期融资)comfortable Housing Project 安居工程 careers guidance 就业指导
胡明慧:huminghui0301@yahoo.com.cn three Direct Links “大三通”(通邮、通航、通商)healthcare reform package 医改方案 basic medicine system 基本医疗体制
home appliances going to the countryside 家电下乡 equal Access to Education 教育公平
golden September and silver October 金九银十 rural left-behind population 农村留守人口
issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area 三农问题
three insurances and one fund “三险一金”(养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险和住房公积金)administrative accountability 行政问责制(是指一级政府对现任该级政府负责人、该级政府所属各工作部门和下级政府主要负责人在所管辖的部门和工作范围内由于故意或者过失,不履行或者正确履行法定职责,以致影响行政秩序和行政效率,贻误行政工作,或者损害行政管理相对人的合法权益,给行政机关造成不良影响和后果的行为,进行内部监督和责任追究的制度)。defense budget 国防预算 disaster relief 赈灾
defense expenditure 国防开支
safeguarding our sovereignty and territory 保卫主权和领土完整 top legislative body 最高立法机关 social welfare system 社会福利制度 minimum living standard 最低生活标准
the imbalance between urban and rural areas 城乡发展不平衡 state-run/owned company/enterprise 国有企业 农村留守人口 Rural Left-Behind Population 大三通 Three Direct Links 安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project
The Belt and Road Initiative: The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road
An oversight model drawing on random inspections by randomly selected law enforcement officers or inspectors and requiring the prompt release of results
Three stricts and three honests: Be strict in morals, power and disciplining oneself;be honest in decisions, business and behavior
The strategy Of Four comprehensives : Comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Partly discipline
Five development concept of innovation,harmonization, green, openness and sharing
Promote all-round economic political, cultural , social ,and ecological progress
Manufacturer of advanced and quality products
Platforms will be created for crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowd funding
9.天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽中国 A Beautiful China where the sky is blue, the land is green, and the water runs clear
Targeted poverty alleviation
Inclusive and green finance
Supply-side structural reform
Cutting overcapacity, destocking, deleveraging, reducing costs and identifying growth areas
14.大众创业,万众创新 Mass entrepreneurship and innovation
Coordinated reform of medical services, medical insurance, and the medicine industry
Build the armed forces through political work and reform, and run them by law