第一篇:会展用语 大全 最全的专业英文说法
Exhibit Designer 展台设计 Exhibit Producer 搭建商
Exhibit 展位或者展品 很多场合下 可与booth互换 意为“展位” 但主要指参展的产品 Exhibition展览会 Exhibitor 参展商
Exhibit directory 参展指南 Exhibitor manual 参展商手册 Shell scheme 标摊 Export 出口
Import / Entrance 入口 Export License 出口许可证 Import License 进口许可证 Exposition 博览会(EXPO)
FHC:展馆内用于标明灭火器箱位置的符号 Hall:对展馆的泛指,也可以一个展厅
Installation & Dismantle:展台的搭建与撤展,常简称不“I&D” Installation contractor 展台搭建服务商 Licensing 许可经营 Meeting 会议
Move in 展台搭建 布展期 Move out 撤展期
Dismantle 撤展
Display case 展示柜
Double-faced panel 双面展板 Multiple-story exhibit 多层展台 Assemble 展位搭建 Booth 摊位
Booth area 摊位面积
Booth number/size 摊位号/摊位尺寸 Blueprint 展位设计施工图
Booth sign 摊位楣板:用于标识参展商的公司名称 摊位号等
Back-wall booth 靠墙展位 其后背墙紧跟靠展馆墙壁 常被称之为边缘展位 Double decker 双层展位(摊位)Admission 参观券 入场券 Articles exhibited 参展内容 Cost-effective 物有所值 Doors close at 闭馆时间
During the exhibition period 参展期间 Exhibition hall 展览馆 Invitation 邀请信 请柬 Job title 职务
Opening hours 开始时间
Organizer 主办机构
sponsor 主办者 Remarks 备注 Rates quoted above 以上费用 Register 登记
Service charge 服务费 Stand 展位 Surname 姓
Venue 展览场地 地点
Frosted vinyl 磨砂及时贴 Polycarbonate 阳光板 Truss 灯架 Frame 框架 Emulsion 胶
Paint 油漆 喷漆(n.v.)Halogen 卤素灯 Down light 筒灯 Floodlight 泛光灯 Track light 追光灯
Florescent/florescent tube 荧光灯/荧光灯管 Spot light 聚光灯
Long-arm spot light 长臂灯
Metallic halogen light 金属卤素灯 Plasma 等离子 Speaker 音响 Film 灯片
Masking tape 皱纹纸 Lighting box 灯箱 Post KT板
Wooden stage 木制舞台 Flooring 地面 Paltform 地台 Carpet 地毯
Velour carpet 丝绒地毯
wooden partition(wall)木制隔断
Wooden fascia panel laminated in white color 木制招牌裱防火板 Wooden gateway 木制龙门 Wooden backdrop 木制背墙 Feature wall 形象墙
Wooden ceiling 木制天花板
Display(bar)counter(display cube)展示(吧)台(展示柜)Wooden round podium 木制圆形
Poster in digital print-out 海报数码喷绘 Velcro tape 魔术帖
Double side tape 双面胶 Video projector 投影仪 Walkie-talkie 对讲机 Tab 插座
Lockable cupboard / sideboard 带锁橱柜 Grain glass 防火板
Wood and Grain glass 木纹防火板 Foamex / foam board 苯板 Acrylic 亚可力
Backdrop 背景墙/背景幕 Material 材料
Celling lamp 吊灯 Etched glass 钢化玻璃 Perspex 有机玻璃 Fabric 弹性布
Waste bin / mesh waste bin 垃圾筒 Waste papet basket 纸蒌
Brochure holder / shelf rack资料架
Free standing literature rack 落地资料架 Glass(table)showcase 玻璃展架 Soket / plug 插座/插头 Potted plant 盆栽植物
Round table / squared table 圆桌/方桌
Conference table and chairs 会议用桌椅 Information 咨询台 Official catalogue 会刊 Dispatchet 装卸人员 Dismantle 撤展 会场布局图 layout Fireproof board 防火板 桁架 truss Reception desk 接待台 Normal booth 标准展位 Slogan 标语 口号
成交率 lead rate
资料架 brochure display 横幅 bannet 以下是报价单常用词汇 套:set 组 no 块,支,片 piece(pc.)以上计 above total 总计grand total 小计 sub-total 合计 total 单价 unit price 单位 unit 项目描述 description item 数量 quantity 博览会 expo 展览会fair/ exhibition 发布会 launch 彩排 rehearsal 特价 special price 优惠价 preferential price/best price 折扣/九折 discount
90% discount 百分比 percent 地面部分 flooring 主结构部分 construction 美工部分 graphic 电工部分 electrical items 其他 others 代收费用 collection fee 押金(条)deposit(note)报价quotation 合同 contract 正本 original 副本 copy 截止日期 deadline 出入证 pass card 效果图 rendering 平面图 plan 问询台 information counter 木制的 wooden 铝型材 aliminum 背板 backboard 接待台 reception desk 锁门(木制)lockable door 产品展示区 product operation area 洽淡区 commercial area 贵宾室 vip room 支撑柱 shore 蓝色发光地台 luminous platform with blue lighting effect 楣板 bannet 招牌板 signboard 防火板 laminate 烤漆
backing varnish 喷漆 spray-paint 龙骨 keel 储藏间 storage 地膜 pvc protection 名片盒 cardcase 蓝色单面背墙 panel finish on single-side in blue color 白色双面背板 panel finish on double-side in white color 及时贴LOGO gutting sticker logo KT板LOGO foam board logo 立体苯板 3D 写真喷绘 digital print painting 宝丽布喷绘 painting in poly cloth
宝丽布灯箱喷绘 painting in poly cloth for light box 展板 poster 网格布 net fabric 网格布喷绘 painting in net fabric 易拉宝 portable exhibition stand 洽淡桌 round table 黑皮椅 biack leather chair 高吧台 bar table 吧椅 bar chair 水晶椅 acrylic chair 折椅 folding chair 资料架 literature rack 垃级桶 ash-bin 纸蒌 basket 沙发 sofa 玻璃展柜 showcase 一次性纸杯 disposable paper cup 饮水机 water machine 绿植 plant 台花 flower 大白灯 HQI lamp 日光灯 Flu.tube 射灯 spotlight 筒灯 down light 长臂射灯 long-arm spotlight 短臂射灯 short-arm spotlight 插座socket 插头 plug 电流 electric current 电压 vlitage 安培 Amp.A 伏特 Volt.V 液晶电视 LCD TV 施工证 contractor pass 施工管理费 hall management fees 撤展 strike
研究员[正高] professor , professor +学科
副研究员[副高] associate professor;associate professor of 学科。助理研究员[中] research associate;研究实习员[初] research assistant.(二)大学教师系列
教授[正高] professor 副教授[副高] associate professor;associate professor of 学科。讲师[中] lecturer 助教[初] assistant(三)中等专业学校、技工学校教师系统 高级讲师[副高] senior lecturer;讲师[中] lecturer;助理讲师[初] assistant lecturer;教员[初] teacher;高级实习指导教师[副高]senior instructor;一级实习指导教师[中]first-grade instructor;二级实习指导教师[初]second-grade instructor;三级实习指导教师[初]third-grade instructor.(四)实验系列
高级实验师[高] senior lab master 实验师[中]lab master 助理实验师[初]assistant lab master 实验员[初]laboratory technician。(五)农业技术系列
高级农艺师[高]senior agronomist 农艺师[中]agronomist;
助理农艺师[初]assistant agronomist; 农业技术员[初]agricultural technician.(六)工程技术系列
教授级高级工程师[正高]professor of engineering;
高级工程师[副高]senior engineering或associate professor of engineering;
助理工程师[初]assistant engineer;
研究馆员[正高]professor of archives science;副研究馆员[副高]associate professor of archives science;馆员[中]archivist;助理馆员[初]assistant archivist; 管理员[初]file clerk(八)会计系列
高级会计师[高]senior accountant; 会计师[中]accountant;
助理会计师[初]assistant accountant; 会计员[初]treasurer。(九)统计系列
高级统计师[高] senior statistician; 统计师[中]statistician;
助理统计师[初]assistant statistician; 统计员[初]statistical clerk。(十)律师系列
一级律师[正高]“律师”,在英美有多种叫法:比较通用的是lawyer;“一级律师”译first-grade lawyer;
二级律师[副高]second-grade lawyer; 三级律师[中]third-grade lawyer; 四级律师[初]fourth-grade lawyer; 律师助理[初]lawyer’s assistant(十一)图书资料系列
研究馆员[正高]professor of library science;
副研究馆员[副高] associate professor of library science;馆员[中]librarian;
助理馆员[初]library assistant;
Paper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年)
Calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年)
Straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年)
Cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年)
Muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年)Leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年)Silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年)
Wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年)
Iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年)
Copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年)
Woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年)
Electric appliance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年)Pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年)Tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年)
Steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年)
Linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年)Lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年)Ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年)Crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年)china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年)
Silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年)第一大典
Pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年)
Coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年)
Jade wedding 碧玉婚(结婚三十五周年)
Ruby wedding 红宝石婚(结婚四十周年)
Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚(结婚四十五周年)
Golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年)第二大典
Emerale wedding 翠玉婚(结婚五十五周年)
Diamond wedding 钻石婚(结婚六十--七十五周年)
Another version:
结婚第1周年叫纸婚(意思是由一张纸印的结婚证订下了婚姻关系)Paper wedding
第2年棉婚(加厚了一点)Cotton wedding
第3年皮革婚(有韧性)Leather wedding
第4年丝婚(缠紧)Silk wedding
第5年木婚(硬了心)Wood wedding
第6年铁婚或糖婚(夫妻关系更牢更甜)Iron or Sugar candy wedding
第7年铜婚(关系坚不可摧)Copper wedding
第8年陶器婚 Pottery wedding
第9年柳婚 Willow wedding
第10年锡婚 Tin wedding
第11年钢婚 Steel wedding
第12年亚麻婚Linen wedding
第13年花边婚Lace wedding
第14年象牙婚 Ivory wedding
第15年水晶婚 Crystal wedding
第20年瓷婚 China wedding
第25年银婚(银婚大典)Silver wedding(Silver Jubilee)
第30年珍珠婚(珍珠般可贵)Pearls wedding
第35年珊瑚婚 Coral wedding
第40年红宝石婚 Ruby wedding
第45年蓝宝石婚 Sapphire wedding
第50年金婚(是第二个大典)Golden wedding
第55年翡翠婚 Emerald wedding
第60年钻石婚(是夫妻一生中最大的庆典)Diamond wedding(Diamond Jubilee)
Please bear in mind that these can differ from country to
country;as far as I am concerned the following are general in the
UK.The 1stis The 2nd is The 3rd is , a bag or some gloves,The 4th is The 5th is The 6th is The 7th is The 8th is The 9th is 10th is ,If you have got this far you are bound to win.The 11th is
The 12th is
The 13th is , maybe a cloth for a tray,The 14th is Its better that way!
(Years 11-15 were kindly contributed by Polly & Mike Kelly)The 15th is The 20th , cups, plates and the rest,The 25th is
The 30th is The 35th is The 40th is, as red as red can be The 45th is-precious and blue The 50th is The 55th is-so green and so pure, The 60th-an achievement for sure.The 65th , and 70th PLATINUMThe last two which are reached by some The 75this
The 80th Or something suitable for the very old!
第四篇:会展布置 英文
会展布置 英文
board room 董事会会议室
high-tech 高科技
flip chart 挂图
bulletin board公告牌
lighting 灯光,照明
incandescent lighting白炽灯
fluorescent lighting 荧光灯
room setup 会议室设置/布局
sight line视线
binder 装订机
laptop computer笔记本电脑
traffic flow人流
configuration of room会议室机构/布局
maximum seating capacity最大容客量
restroom accessibility卫生间的进出便利
people with disabilities残疾人
fixed switch 固定开关
remote switch遥控开关
air conditioning空调
portable wall活动墙,分隔墙
control panel控制盘
tie line连接线
auditorium style礼堂式布局
padded chair 有坐垫的椅子
stacking armchair 可摞式扶手椅
writing surface可以供书写东西的平面
slide presentation 幻灯演示
lecture-formatted meeting演讲式会议
square feet平方英尺
focal point焦点,中心
water pitcher水壶
water glass 水杯
horseshoe-shaped arrangement马蹄形布局 hollow square中空方形布局
rounded hollow square圆形中空方形 serpentine蜿蜒的,弯曲的 geometric shape几何形状 oval ends两头呈椭圆形 noise level噪音水平
soundproof meeting room 隔音会议室
accessible location 出入通道
overflow arrangement 人流疏导方案
recreational amenities 娱乐设施
convention coordinator 会议协调员
foyer 门厅
parking lot 停车场
conference table 会议桌
capacity of the room 容客量
dimension of room 会议室尺寸
coat check room 存衣处
space hold 预留空间
name sign 名牌
function room size 会议室规格
timetable for set-up and breakdown 布置和撤台时间表
function room charge 会议室费用
advance set-up 提前布置
late tear-down 拖后撤台
labor cost 人工费用
release date 会议室让渡日期
function book 会议活动簿
sliding scale 可调范围
employee procedure manual 员工工作程序手册
scaled drawing 比例图
permanent stage 固定舞台
magnetic board 磁力板
room furniture 会议室家具(指会议室和宴会厅设备)
folding division door 折叠隔离门
durability 耐用
ease of handling 便于操作
folding equipment 可折叠设备
knock-down equipment 可拆卸设备
ease of storage 便于储藏
swirl chair 旋转椅
ergonomic chair 符合人类工程学的椅子
cushion seat 有坐垫的椅子
regular chair 常规椅子
rigid chair 坚硬的椅子
round table 圆桌
function name 会议名称,活动名称
room name 会议室名称
number of people 出席人数
setup 布局
distance between rows 行间距
center aisle width 中间过道宽度
side aisle width 两侧过道宽度
cross aisle width 横排过道宽度
rectangular table 长方桌
crescent table 月牙桌
meeting name 会议名称
set up item 用于布置的物品
facility name 设施名称
sample facility 设施样板
half-round table 半圆桌
quarter-round table 1/4圆桌
serpentine table 曲线形桌
display table 展示桌
buffet table 自助餐桌
drapery 褶皱桌布
in and tack 别针和订书钉
folding platform 折叠平台
dais 讲台
podium 指挥台
rostrum 主席台
pleated skirting 周边包上百褶裙
circular buffer table 圆形自助餐桌
breakout room 分解会议室,分会议室
1)Meeting space should be designed so that nothing detracts from the exchange of information
taking place in the room.会议室的设计应该保证任何东西都不会对室内进行的信息交流活动产生影响。
2)Each participant should have adequate work(table)space to accommodate writing materials
and books.每位与会者都应该有足够的地方放置书写材料和书。
3)This is one of the most common meeting formats, which involves a single speaker or panel
addressing a group of individuals.这是最常见的一种会议形式,有一个发言人或一组发言人面对一群听众演讲。
4)This may mean that the speaker or panel needs to be elevated on a platform.也就是说,发言人或发言小组应该位于一个高些的平台上。
5)Chairs are lined up in rows, facing the speaker or focal point in the room.椅子成行排列,面对发言人或会议室中心。
6)There is no writing surface or area for handout materials.没有供书写的桌面或摆放资料的地方。
7)This format can take several shapes, which include closed classroom with no center aisle,open classroom which has rows with aisles to provide easy access to seats...这种布局有好几种形式,其中包括没有中间走道的封闭式和有走道便于寻找座位的开放式……
8)have a bearing on
2009/08/31 1.請問您要參觀哪個展覽? Excuse me, which exhibition would you like to visit? 2.請問是要參觀食品展的嗎?麻煩到左邊櫃檯換證。如果是要參觀車展,請至右邊櫃檯做換證。Are you going to the Food Exhibition? Please go to the left counter and for your badge.For the Car Exhibition, please go to the right counter for your badges.3.請問是要參加研討會的嗎?麻煩請至二樓。Excuse me, are you here for the seminar? Then please go to the second floor.4.參加研討會者,請上二樓。需要換證者,麻煩請往前方的櫃台。The seminar is on the second floor.Please go to the front desk to get your badges.5.如果您想要知道研討會時間及場次,您可以到該研討會的教室門口詢問服務人員。If you would like to know more information about the seminar program(the time and the sessions of the seminar), you can go to the information desk at the classroom having the seminars.6.這場研討會需要付費參加,不接受現場報名。This seminar should be paid and registered in advance.Registering on the day of the seminar is not accepted.7.本次展覽只提供給相關業者入場。抱歉,它不對外開放。
Sorry, this exhibition is only open to businesses of related industries.8.請問需要換識別證嗎? Excuse me, do I need to change my badge? 9.請問有在網站上做過預先登錄嗎?或在網站上填寫過個人資料嗎? Have you registered for the conference on line before? Or did you fill out an on-line personal information form? 10.請到旁邊的寫字台先填寫問卷並準備好一張個人名片,如果你有攜帶名片,只需要勾選問題選項。Please fill out the questionnaire on that counter and bring your own business card.If you have your business card, you can just check these question items.11.問卷填寫完畢後,可至前方櫃檯做換證,謝謝。After filling out the questionnaire, please go to the front desk to get your badge.Thank you.12.請問是預先登錄者嗎?麻煩請在這邊入口排隊。
Excuse me, have you registered before? Please go to the entrance to line up.13.先生,抱歉。後方有人在排隊等待,麻煩排隊,謝謝。Excuse me, sir.There are still people waiting in line.Could you please go to the back of the line and wait? Thank you.14.麻煩請往前走。Please step forward.15.如果您要問有關於攤位位置或地圖,麻煩請到詢問台做詢問,他們會為您解答。If you are interested in the booths and the map of the room, you can ask for help at the information desk.16.詢問台的位置,您可以從這個門口出去後右轉,看到路口左轉,然後走到底,就可以看到了。Please turn right when you walk out of the door, turn left at an intersection ahead, and you will see the information desk located at the very end.17.廠商換證,麻煩請到另一個出入口換證。Buyers(Factory owners)please go to another entrance to get your badge.18.記者換證,麻煩請到二樓的2A19室。The press and media should go to the second floor, room 2A19 to get your badges.19.記者換證需要出示記者證及名片,麻煩請提供給我,謝謝!The press and media should show your press cards and business cards before getting your badges.20.你好,我們需要用名片做換證,名片要保留,無法退還給您。Excuse me, we need to give you your badge in exchange with your business card.We will keep the business card and it will not be returned to you.21.一館、二館、三館都有展覽。您可以搭接駁車前往參觀,接駁車站牌在大門口右側。There are exhibitions in Hall 1, 2 and 3.You can go by taking our shuttle bus.The bus stop is on the right side of the front door.22.每15分鐘就會有一班接駁車,它都會在每一館停靠。Each hall provides shuttle bus every 15 minutes.23.餐廳在2樓,便利商店在3樓。The restaurant is on the second floor, and the convenience store in on the third floor.24.您的識別證,謝謝。This is your badge, thank you.25.可從這個手扶梯上2樓,直走走到底再左轉,就可以看到另外一個手扶梯下1樓,然後往後方走就可以看到你要找的櫃檯了。You can take this escalator to the second floor and then go straight ahead, take a left down the hallway and you will see another escalator which will take you down to the first floor.You’ll see the counter behind you after a couple steps.26.早安,您好。請問有攜帶【確認函】嗎? Good morning, do you have your letter of confirmation? 27.不好意思,請問貴公司的所在地是位於哪個國家? Excuse me, which country is your company located in? 28.麻煩請將名片翻譯成英文。Please translate your business card into English.29.這是您的識別證及相關資料。This is your ID(identification)card and other related information.30.提醒你,展覽要到9點才開始。This exhibition will start from nine.31.展場入口麻煩請往左手邊進入。Please turn left at the entrance for the exhibition.32.祝您參觀愉快。We hope you’ll enjoy the exhibition.33.大會規定禁止12歲以下的兒童入場。我們無法提供換證給她。Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to enter this conference.We can’t provide her a badge.34.展覽第一天至第三天的時間為上午10點至下午5點30分。最後一天結束的時間為下午3點。The exhibition starts from 10:00 A.M.to 5:30 P.M from the first to the third day.The last day will end at 3:00 P.M.35.先生/小姐,抱歉。您不是相關業者,是不符合換證條件。本次展覽只提供給相關業者做換證。Excuse me, Mr./Miss.You aren’t from a related industry and do not conform to condition.This exhibition is only for related industries.36.抱歉你不是相關業者,請至購票處買票。Excuse me, you aren’t from a related industry.Please go to the ticket office to buy a ticket.37.請問,貴公司的行業別是什麼? Excuse me, what profession is your company? 38.請問您的職業別是什麼? Excuse me, what kind of profession are you? 39.您的名字不在電腦名單內,麻煩請重新填寫問卷及提供你的名片給我,謝謝。Your name isn’t on the name list, please fill in the questionnaire again and provide me your business card, thanks.40.小禮物只提供給預先訪客領取。This special gift is only provided for visitors who made an appointment in advance.41.因為手提袋數量有限,每日提供前100名的訪客。Because of the limited amount of bags, we provide these bags to the first hundred visitors every day.42.計程車乘車處,麻煩請搭手扶梯至B1。If you want to reach the taxi pick-up point, then please take the escalator to B1 floor.43.抱歉,您的手寫資料我看不太懂,能不能重寫或者這幾個字拼給我聽,謝謝!Excuse me, I don’t quite understand your handwriting, would you please write it again or spell the words for me, thanks.44.這邊有一份問卷,麻煩請幫我做填寫。This is a questionnaire, please help me fill it in.45.提醒你,參展廠商於8點30才可以開始入場。The buyers(factory owners)are allowed to enter at 8:30 A.M.46.進出入口,麻煩請刷條碼,以辨識身分。When you enter or exit the gateway, please swipe your Id card for identification.47.要往世貿一館的接駁車,請於大門出口右手方,即可到達。If you want to take the shuttle bus to The World Trade Center in Hall 1, please go to the right-hand side of the entrance door.48.您要到醫護室,請往一樓K區到底。If you want to go to the nurse's office, please go to the first floor.It’s at the end of area K.49.展場內部左右分別都有手扶梯,可參觀1樓及4樓的展覽。Escalators are situated on both the left and right side of the exhibition.You can visit the exhibition on the first floor and forth floor, thanks.50.廁所直走到底就可以看到了,謝謝!Please go straight ahead and you’ll see the lavatory.4