
时间:2019-05-15 07:14:49下载本文作者:会员上传




(一)英国的贵族富斯特(Foster)在美国旅行时,正赶上美国的社交季节。一次,他应邀参加一个较为重要的晚会,会上遇见了一位美丽、漂亮、活泼、可爱的小姐,他忍不住要献点殷勤,说点称赞的话。于是他就用了一句很漂亮的英国话对她说:“You are looking very fresh!”这句话的意思是:“你看起来真是朝气蓬勃!”可是富斯特没有想到,他的马屁竟然拍到马腿上了。那位小姐一听,大为生气,竟至拂袖而去,不再理会这位很有身份的贵族了。原因何在?原来fresh一字,到了美国之后,受到德国移民所说的德国话的影响而产生出英文原来没有的新意思。“fresh”的新意思是:“厚颜的,卤莽的,无理的”。在当时,fresh一词的意思完全是美国俚语,竟然具有“下流而狎昵”的意思。富斯特对一个少女说这样的话,她怎么能不生气呢?


英国一位很有身份的绅士,他对社会上出现的新式服装非常反感,为了表明自己的立场,他在报纸上登了一则启示“I will wear no clothes which will distingush me from my fellow-men”.这句话的意思是:“任何使我显得与众不同的衣服我都不愿意穿”。但不知怎么回事,当这则启示在报纸上登出来的时候,却成了:“I will wear no clothes ,which will distinguish me from my fellow-men.”。莫名其妙地多了一个逗号。这样一来,这个句子就成了非限定性定语从句,其意思是:“我什么衣服都不愿意穿,这样我就显得与众不同了”。什么衣服都不穿,的确与众不同。这个保守的绅士被人好一阵奚落。


一位到英国旅游的法国绅士正在湖边散步,一不小心,他掉进了湖中,他一边拼命挣扎着一边高喊“Help!”“救命!”。一位也在附近散步的英国绅士听到之后,走了过来,慢吞吞地脱掉衣服,正欲跳到水中救人。可能由于被水淹昏了头或者英语学得太差,法国人大喊:“I will be drowned and no one shall save me!”


(四)1962年英国和美国召开高级裁军会议,英方代表提出 table a motion(讨论提案),而美方代表却竭力反对。争论许久,最后美方代表说:"But it's a very good motion.Why do you want to table it ?''(“但这是一个很好的提案,你们为什么要将它搁置?”),英方代表这才恍然大悟,原来他们的双方观点是一致的,都是要讨论这个提案。引起这场麻烦的是table这个单词。table有两个意思,即英国英语“讨论”和美国英语“不讨论”。


英国大文豪查里斯·狄更斯功成名就之后应邀到美国访问讲学,他演讲了一场又一场,受到了热烈欢迎。有一天,他来到美国名城纽约,演讲时,全场观众非常热情,气氛十分热烈。狄更斯很受感动,于是他就大声对所有的观众说了一声:“Today I can see many homely faces here”话音未落,听众脸上顿生愠色,很多人愤然离席而去。怎么回事呢?原来问题出在“homely”一词,狄更斯的本意是:“今天我看到了许多诚挚真情的面孔”。但他忽视了英国英语和美国英语的差异。“homely”一词在英国英语中的意思是:“热情友好的、诚恳真挚的”,但在美国英语中的意思却是:“形秽貌陋的、”。


一位英国老太太在一家邮局买了一张邮票,她想让营业员帮她给贴到信封上,所以她就问了一句:“Will you help me to stick this stamp on?”:“您可以帮我贴上这张邮票吗?”。营业员正忙着,于是就说了一句:“You must stick it on yourself!”可是没有想到的是老太太十分恼火,大吵大闹了起来。一怒之下,她竟然找老板告状,这位英语没有说好的营业员差点因此而丢了饭碗。怎么了?

营业员的意思很明显就是让老太太自己贴上。可是由于这个营业员的英语说得不标准,他把on 当作介词来念了,将它弱读了,并紧接着就把yourself给说了下去,又在it 和on之间稍加停顿。结果就成了:“你得把邮票贴到自己身上”。


一个英国人到美国朋友家去做客,可是朋友不在家。朋友的太太热情友好地接待了他,他非常感激。朋友太太送他走到大门口时,他真诚地对她说了一句:“Thank you for entertaining me in the family way.”听到这句话,朋友的太太抄起一根棍子将这位英国人打了出去。原来,这个英国人将句字之中的冠词给用错了。“in a family way”是“一家人”的意思;而“in the family way”是“怀孕”的意思。试想,他能不挨打吗?。

(八)Where ?Where?是何意?

第二次世界大战期间,美国总统罗斯富和当时中国总统蒋介石会面。罗斯富总统看到蒋夫人风度翩翩、气度非凡、美丽漂亮,就禁不住称赞了一句:“Your wife is very beautiful!”。翻译立即翻译了过来:“贵夫人非常漂亮!”。蒋介石一听立即答到:“哪里!哪里!”这本是中国客套话,按英语习惯应该直接翻译成:“Thank you”即可。但随从翻译不知为什么竟翻译成了:“Where ?Where?”罗斯富总统听后心想:“我称赞你夫人漂亮,你问我哪里漂亮?”。于是他就回答了一句:“Everywhere!,Everywhere!”。如此岂不成了“到处都漂亮”了吗?


一家濒临破产而又起死回生的企业为庆贺中外合资的成功,郑重其事地请来了上级领导,各界朋友,更请来了外资人员,奉若上宾。当公司“老总”发言说到:“我们的企业在几年前还是默默无闻的”时,一位翻译随即译成了:“Several years ago our company was quite infamous.”。在场的外宾无不愕然,另一位翻译当即进行了更正:“Several years ago our company was quite unknown to the public.”话音刚落,哄堂大笑。原来,infamous 一词并不是famous(出名的,著名的)的反意词,它的意思是“臭名昭著的、声名狼藉的、恶名昭彰的”。


大清重臣李鸿章出使德国,他应俾斯麦之邀前往赴宴。主、宾入席吃完水果之后,每人面前又都上了一大碗清水。俾斯麦很有礼貌地说了一声:“Help yourself.请用”,李鸿章听到:“喝了吧!”(help一词的读音),心中暗想:“偏偶小国、蛮夷之邦、不懂教化,刚才水果好吃,我已经吃了不少了,怎么又要让我再喝一大碗清水呢?但我堂堂大国一等大臣岂能让你小国小瞧了!”。所以他就把面前的那碗吃水果之后洗手用的水端起来一气喝了。当时,俾斯麦不了解中国虚实,为了不使李鸿章丢丑,他也将洗手水一饮而尽,见此情形,在座的其他文武百官只得忍笑奉陪。这到底是这位大清重臣英语没有学好呢?还是他出国考察之前学的那点西方礼节习俗不够用呢?


“1purple sharpener!” says Max.Clap, clap, clap!

“3 orange notebooks!” says Max.Clap, clap, clap!

And out of his backpack come 1 purple sharpener and three orange notebooks!

Max has a magic backpack.“5 brown rulers!” says Max.Clap, clap, clap!

“9 green pens!” says Max.Clap, clap clap!

And out of his backpack come 5 brown rulers and 9 green pens!Max has a magic backpack.“11 blue markers!”says Max.Clap, clap, clap!

“14 pink erasers!”says Max.And out of his backpack come 11 blue markers and 14 pink erasers!Max has a magic backpack.“16 yellow pencils!” says Max.Clap,clap, clap!

“20 candies!” says Max.Clap,clap,clap

And out of his backpack come 16 yellow pencils and 20 candies!“Candies for everyone!” says Max.Max has a magic backpack.Candies for everyone!

Who want candies?

Here you are!Here you are!


The Lion and the Mouse

It once happened that a hungry lion woke to find a mouse just under his paw.He caught the tiny creature, and was about to make a mouthful of him, when the little fellow looked up, and began to beg for his life.In the most piteous tones ,the mouse said: “If you only spare my life now, O lion, I will be sure to repay you.”

The lion laughed scornfully at this, but he lifted his paw, and let his brave prisoner go free.It befell(降临,发生)the great lion, not long afterwards, to be in as evil a case as had been the helpless mouse, and it came about that his life was to be saved by the keeping of the promise he had ridiculed(嘲笑,戏弄).He was caught by some hunters, who bound him with strong rope, while they went away to find means for killing him.Hearing his loud groans(呻吟), the mouse came promptly to his rescue , gnawed(咬,啃)the great rope, and set the royal captive free.“You laughed,” he said, “at the idea of my being able to be of service to you.You little thought I should repay you.But you see it has come to pass that you are as grateful to me as I was once to you.”

The weak have their place in the world as truly as the strong.注释

l.was about to即将,准备,正打算

2.in most piteous tone用极其可怜的声调

3.spare my life饶我一命

4.laugh scornfully at对此轻蔑地一笑置之

5. it befell the great lion...to be in as evil a case as...与……一样倒霉的情形降临到大狮的头上。形式主语it代表后面的不定式短语to be in...6.it came about that...在此it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that引导的从句。come about是“发生”意思。

7.came to his rescue来营救他(指遭擒被缚的兽中王狮子)



Mencius's Mother

Mencius , who lived from 372 to 289 B.C., is regarded as the greatest sage(圣人)next only to Confucius in Chinese history.There are many stories about this great sage.Mencius's father died early.His mother did all she could to make young Mencius to study hard.She moved the family three times in order that her son would be interested in books.Once she moved because her neighbor was a butcher.Young Mencius liked to watch him work and imitate him.Finally the family settled down in the neighborhood of a school.The teacher was a learned man , and the sound of reading could be heard every day.Now young Mencius began to imitate the teacher and liked to read books.Still Mencius wasn't working real hard.Her mother was worried.One day his mother was weaving cotton cloth at home, when she saw her son stop reading his lessons.She took up a knife to cut the cloth on the loom.She told her son that if he didn't work hard at his lessons, his future would be destroyed like the cloth.It is said that from then on Mencius buried himself in books and later became one of the greatest thinkers in the country.Today,the story about the good mother is told and retold throughout the country.注释

l. Mencius(人名)孟子

2.B·C·= Before Christ公元前

3.is regarded as被认为

4.the greatest sage next only to Confucius仅次于孔子的最伟大的圣人

5.settle down定居,住下

6.a leaned man一个有(高深)学问的人


8.buried himself in埋头于




The last thing I want to do is hurt you.But it’s still on the list.直译:在这个世界上,我最不愿意做的事就是伤害你,但是这件事仍在我的考虑之列。意译a:我真不想伤害你,但你也别逼我。


I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.曾以为我想要的是职业,结果发现我只是想要工资。

He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.临危忽然微笑的那谁,定是找到替罪羊鸟

Crowded elevators smell different to midgets.直译:你若是挤满人的电梯里的小矮人,肯定能嗅出不同的味儿。


1Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。

2.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。


3.I know.You know.I know that you know.I know that you know that I know.我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。

6.Was it a bar or a bat I saw? 我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?、7.上联: To China for china, China with china, dinner on china.去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器。




Can save itself 自己救自己

A person in the shelter under the eaves,Kuan Yin is to see through umbrella. The man said: “The Goddess of Mercy,Purdue creatures like you,take me for some how?” Yin said: “I am the rain,you no rain,you do not need my degree.” The man immediately jumped out,standing in the rain: “Now I am also the rain,and the degree of me?” Yin said: “You in the rain,I am also the rain,I will not be poured,because there are umbrella; you are the rain,because No umbrella. why is not my own degrees,but my umbrella degrees. you want,the do not have to look for me,please umbrella brought to!”he will go. The next day,this person has encountered difficult for it to Kuan Yin temple. Entering the temple,it was found before as the Kuan Yin is also a person in worship,that the same individual look and Guanyin,no less. The man asked: “You are Guanyin it?” The man replied: “I is Guanyin.” The man asked: “Why do you worship their own?” Guanyin laughed: “I have encountered a difficult,but I know ”


Tip: can save itself. 秘诀:自己救自己。下面的这个小故事常常在励志课堂上听到,因为它蕴含了很多的道理。其实生活中又何尝不是这样!


In Africa, when the antelope wakes up every morning, the first thing that comes to his mind is“, I must be able to run faster than the fastest lion, or I will be killed by a lion.” And at just the same time, the lion wakes out of his dream, and the first thing flashing into his mind is, “I must be able to catch up with the slowest antelope;otherwise I will starve to death.” So,almost at the same moment both the antelope and the lion jump to their feet, and start running toward the rising sun.Such is life — whether you are an antelope or a lion, you ought to dash forward without hesitation when the sun rises.[注释]:

antelope: 羚羊

flash: to cause(light)to appear suddenly or in intermittent bursts 闪现,闪光

hesitation: a pause or faltering in speech 犹豫,踌躇林书豪的突然爆红赤手可热真是一球成名?那是林书豪一直以来的坚持和对梦想的不放弃。这样的励志故事怎么不让球迷热血沸腾。对中国球迷来说,最高兴的莫过于对NBA又有了新的期待~

He is a Harvard graduate playing in the National Basketball Association.He is an Asian-American in a league devoid of them, which makes him doubly anomalous.No team drafted Lin in 2010.Two teams cut him in December, before the Knicks picked him up.他是NBA赛场上少有的名校哈佛毕业生,他是联盟里少见的亚裔美国人,这样双重特殊身份的林书豪,在2010年NBA新秀大会上落选,2011年12月先后被金州勇士队和休斯敦火箭队裁掉,之后纽约尼克斯队宣布签下他。

His contract, potentially worth nearly $800,000, was not even guaranteed until Tuesday afternoon.So for the past six weeks, Lin, 23, has been sleeping in his brother Josh‟s living room, waiting for clarity and career security.尼克斯与他签下的合同价值约为80万美元,也许在这之前他持有的是非保障合同,但到周二下午6点(球队裁员的截至日子)林书豪的的合同自动转为了保障合同,他将安全的留在尼克斯队。事实上在过去的6周里,23岁的林书豪因为不确定自己是否能够继续留在纽约,一直寄居在哥哥家当沙发客,等待职业生涯中保障合同的出现。

On Saturday night, Lin came off the bench and powered the Knicks to a 99-92 victory over the Nets at Madison Square Garden, scoring a career-best 25 points with 7 assists.Two nights later, he made his first N.B.A.start and produced 28 points and 8 assists in a 99-88 win over the Utah Jazz.上周六的晚上,纽约尼克斯在麦迪逊广场花园主场迎战新泽西网队,板凳席上的林书豪临危受命,拿下了职业生涯最高的25分7助攻,帮助尼克斯99比92战胜网队。两天后,林书豪获得NBA的第一次首发机会,在对阵犹他爵士队的比赛中砍下28分8助攻。

Knicks fans now serenade Lin with chants of “Je-re-my!” and “M.V.P.!”.With every game, every precision pass and every clever drive to the basket, Lin is raising expectations, altering the Knicks‟ fate and redefining the word “unlikely.” On Twitter, fans and basketball pundits are using another term to describe the phenomenon: “Linsanity.”

麦迪逊广场花园的球迷们齐声欢呼“Jeremy”和“MVP”。每一场比赛,每一个精准的过人,每一次聪明的突破,林书豪给球迷们带来希望,改变了尼克斯队的命运,也再次重新定义了“不可能”。在推特上,球迷和篮球权威人士用Linsanity “为林疯狂” 这个标签来描述这种林书豪热现象(Linsanity:Lin+insanity)。

Two weeks ago, the 6-foot-3 Lin was not even part of the Knicks‟ point-guard rotation, despite their lack of talent at the position.He played sparingly in a few games, showing just enough promise to keep getting another look— a few more minutes, another quarter.But there was never any hint of what was to come.两周前,这个身高1米91的华裔小个子甚至根本不在尼克斯队的控球后卫轮转名单中,尽管尼克斯目前在控卫的位置缺乏优秀的人才。在此之前他只打过几场比赛,但他的表现足以让教练注意到他。慢慢地,他的上场时间在增加:多了几分钟,再打一节。林书豪的传奇成功不是无迹可寻的。

With 25 points Saturday, Lin set the N.B.A.scoring record for a player from Harvard.For an encore, he became the first player in more than 30 years to record at least 28 points and 8 assists in his first N.B.A.start.The last to do so was Isiah Thomas, the Detroit Pistons‟ Hall of Fame point guard, in October 1981.在周六砍下25分的一球成名战后,林书豪也创下了NBA赛场上哈佛毕业生的得分记录。第二场比赛中,他再次创下记录,成为NBA赛场30多年里首发首秀拿到28分8助攻的第一人。上次拿到这个得分的是在1981年10月,底特律活塞队伊塞亚·托马斯(NBA名人堂球员)。

“I don‟t think anyone, including myself, saw this coming,” Lin said after the game Monday.林书豪在周一比赛后表示,“我相信任何人包括我自己在内,都没有预想到这样的成绩”。

The Herebrained Monkey 浮躁的猴子

The King received news one day that a group outlaws were committing outrages on a distant border of the kingdom.一天,国王得到消息,边境地区有一群不法之徒正在造反。

The news angered of the King.He quickly gathered his army and started off for the distant border, leaving his kingdom unguarded and without a ruler.这个消息激怒了国王,他迅速召集军队,前往边。国家防卫兵力顿时全无,也没有了统治者。On their long march, the King and his army made camp for the night wherever they could.长途行军中,国王和他的军队晚上就地宿营。

One rainy day they stopped in a for6st, seeking shelter under the trees.一个雨天,他们停在一片森林里,在树卞避雨宿营。

They unsaddled their horses and steam8d some peas, which they fed to their steeds in long narrow troughs.他们卸下马鞍,蒸了些豌 豆,放在狭长的饲料糟里喂战马。

A monkey in a tree nearby saw the horses being fed, and he came racing down, fille9d both paws with peas, then scampered nimbly up to a branch and settled down to eat.在附近树上坐着的一只猴子看到马在进食,就从树上跳下来,用爪子抓起两大把豌豆,然后敏捷地爬上树,坐下吃了起来。

But as he opened one paw, a single pea fell to the ground.可就 在它张开一只爪子时,一粒豌豆掉在了地上。

Without hesitation, my monkey jumped dor4tn from his perch to hunt for the lost pea, and in doing so he dropped all the other peas in his paws.它毫不犹豫地跳下来,去找那颗掉落的豆子,而同时,它爪子中所有的豌豆都掉在了地上。The King observed this foolish monkey and was greatly amused.He timed to his counselor and asked: “Friend, what do you think of this monkey who would give up so much to retrieve so little?” 国王看着这只愚蠢的猴子,觉得十分有趣,便转头问军师: ¨朋友,你怎么看这只因小失大的猴子?¨ “That is the way of the foolish,” replied the counselor, “they will give up much that is certain for a little that is uncertain.” 这种做事方式很愚蠢,¨军师回答道“它们会为没有把握的 小利而放弃有把握的大利。¨ Then he added, “And we, great monarch, are we not like the monkey in the trees To garn so little we neglect so much exactly like the monkey with its pea.接着,他又说道:“伟大的君主殿下,我们与树上的这只猴子又 有什么区别呢?为小利而舍大利——这与捡豌豆的猴子一样啊。¨ The King understood the rebuke and realized how very foolish he had been himself to leave his kingdom unguarded.国王这才恍然大悟,他意识到让国家后防空虚是多么愚蠢啊。

He issued orders to his men, and he and his army returned at once to their country.于是,他向军队下达命令,即刻斑师回朝。单词注解

sparse [spɑ:s] ·稀疏的:稀少的 sleek [sli:k] 么健壮的;养的好的 meadow['medəu] 儿草地:牧场 snatch [snætʃ] 抓取,夺得 border ['bɔ:də] 边,边界

counselor ['kaunsələ] 顾问,参事


A Monkey in a tree rxwby saw the horses being fed.and he came racing down.filled both paws with peas, then scampered nimbly up to a branch and settled down toeat.在附近树上坐着的一只猴子看到马在进食,就从树上跳下来,用爪子抓起两大把豌豆,然后敏捷地爬上树,坐下吃了起来o Without hesitation, the Monkey jumped down from his perch to hunt for the lost pea, and in doing S0 he dropped all the other peas in his paws.

它毫不犹豫地蔬下来,去找那颗掉落的豆子,而同时,它爪子中所有的豌豆都掉在了地上o 智慧点睛:

It is better to be free and poor than to have everything you want.宇可清贫自乐,不可浊富多忧。Look before you leap. 三思而后行。5 The Greatest Gift of All 最贵重的礼物

At one stopover in a town, a huge banner was written in bold letters: FAMINE IN AFR/CA~ PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY TO SAVE THE STARVING PEOPLE.在一个镇上的中转站挂着一个巨型横幅,上面用黑体字写着: ¨非洲饥荒,请您慷慨解囊,拯救饥饿的人们。¨在那儿有一大群 人在排队捐赠。A large crowd was queuing to hand over their donations.Near the door of the town hall stood a beautiful young girl, poorly but neatly dressed.市政厅的门旁站着一个漂亮的小姑娘,她的衣服质地很差,却很整洁。她注视着眼前的人们,眼里闪烁着害羞的神情。

With shy glances she watched the people before her.She saw a merchant who laid a bag of 90ld on the table.她看 见一位商人把一袋金子放在了桌上。

Then came a rich lady with haughty looks who offered a variety of jewels;some others handed cash, clothing's and foodstuff, The girl was reluctant to take her turn but at last, summoning up her courage, she stepped forward.接着,一位傲慢的贵夫人拿 出了各种珠宝,其他人也递上了现金、衣服和食物。小姑娘还在犹豫要不要捐,最终她还是鼓起勇气走上前去。”But...it is so small I am ashamed to offer it.It seems worthless, but it is all I have, “she said.¨可是……这太少了,我都不好意思拿出来。它看起来一文不值,但这是我所有的东西了。¨她说道。

”We are grateful for eten the smallest offering,“ the man at the counter replied kindly.”Here it is, I have nothing else to give,“ she added timidly, she drew under her cloak two long thick plaits of her golden hair.¨即使是最少的捐赠,我们也 非常感激,¨柜台旁的人和善地说口¨给,我没有别的可捐了。”她羞怯地补充说。她从披风下拽出两根又长又粗的金色辫子

As she did so, the hood of hercloak fell back, showing the beautifully young head shorn of its golden glory.。这时,披风的风帽掉了下来,露出已失去金色光环的漂亮的小脑袋。

The generosity of this beautiful girl to donate her most priceless possession, her golden locks of hair, overshadowed all the glittering gold or j8wels of the other donors.这个漂亮的小姑娘慷慨地捐出了她最珍贵的财产一一她的 金发,令其他捐赠者的闪闪发光的金子、珠宝等捐赠物都黯然 失色。6 The Proud Oyster 骄傲的牡蛎

An oyster that was very proud was talking with a fish.“Let's be friends and we can look after each other whenever the fisherman's net comes along,”the fish suggested.一只非常骄傲的牡蛎正在和一条鱼说话。“我们做朋友吧,这样,当渔夫的渔网罩过来的时候,我们就可以互相帮助了。”鱼建议说。

The proud oyster replied,“I have a strong shell and I feel safe when I close my shell, for no harm can happen to me.” 骄傲的牡蛎回答说:“我有坚硬的壳。合上壳之后我就安全了,没有任何东西可以伤害到我。” “But when you close your shell, you may not know what is happening.”answered the fish.“可是,当你合上壳时,你怎么知道外面发生了什么事呢?”鱼不解地问。

Still the oyster boasted that he was perfectly safe and he needs no friends to warn him.可是牡蛎还是继续夸耀自己是绝对安全的,根本不需要任何朋友来提醒它。

Suddenly, there was a great splashing sound and the oyster closed his shell and very quickly kept quiet.突然,传来一声巨响,溅起无数水花,牡蛎马上合上壳,不作声了。

“What could the splashing have been? Was it a net, and was the fish caught?”the oyster wondered.When at last the oyster opened his shell, he found himself in a strange place.“溅起水花的声音是怎么回事呢?是渔网吗,鱼被抓住了吗?”牡蛎自问道。可是当牡蛎打开壳的时候,却发现自己在一个陌生的地方。“Where am I?”He looked for the fish but it was no longer around.“我在哪儿?”它找鱼,鱼却不在它旁边。

Sadly, the oyster found he was at a fishmonger's stall.A ticket on his back marked,“For Sale!”

牡蛎悲哀地发现自己正躺在鱼贩子的摊位上,背上还贴着一张写有“出售”字样的标签。The Bad Kangaroo 淘气的袋鼠

There was a small Kangaroo who was bad in school.He put thumbtacks on the teacher's chair.He threw spitballs across the classroom.He set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs.有这么一只小袋鼠,它在学校里非常淘气。它在老师的椅子上放图钉,在教室里扔纸团,在厕所里放鞭炮,还往门把手上抹胶水。

“Your behavior is impossible!”said the school principal.“I am going to see your parents.I will tell them what a problem you are!”

“你的行为真让人无法忍受!”校长说,“我要去见见你的父母,告诉它们你的问题!” The principal went to visit Mr.and Mrs.Kangaroo.He sat down in a living-room chair.校长去拜访袋鼠夫妇。它坐在客厅的椅子上。

“Ouch!”cried the principal.“There is a thumbtack in this chair!” “哎哟!”校长叫道,“这把椅子上有个图钉!”

“Yes, I know,”said Mr.Kangaroo.“I enjoy putting thumbtacks in chairs.” “是的,我知道,”袋鼠先生说,“我喜欢把图钉放在椅子上。” At the same time, a spitball hit the principal on his nose.就在这时,一个纸团飞过来打在了校长的鼻子上。

“Forgive me,”said Mrs.Kangaroo,“But I can never resist throwing those things.” “请原谅,”袋鼠夫人说,“我总是控制不住想扔那些东西。” Suddenly, there was a loud booming sound from the bathroom.突然,浴室里传来一声巨响。

“Keep calm,”said Mr.Kangaroo to the principal.“The firecrackers that we keep in the medicine chest have just exploded.We love the noise.”

“别紧张,”袋鼠先生对校长说,“我们放在药箱里的鞭炮爆炸了,我们喜欢这种声音。” The principal rushed for the front door.In an instant he was stuck to the doorknob.校长冲向前门,刚要开门,手就被粘在了门把手上。“Pull hard,”said Mrs.Kangaroo.“There are little globs of glue on all of our doorknobs.” “使劲儿拽,”袋鼠夫人说,“我们所有的门把手上都有点儿胶水。”

The principal pulled himself free.He dashed out of the house and ran off down the street.校长挣脱后,冲出屋子,沿着街道跑了。

“Such a nice person,”said Mr.Kangaroo.“I wonder why he left so quickly.” “它真是个好人,”袋鼠先生说,“我不明白它为什么这么快就走了。”

“No doubt he had another appointment,”said Mrs.Kangaroo.“Never mind, supper is ready.”


Mr.and Mrs.Kangaroo and their son enjoyed their evening meal.After the dessert, they all threw spitballs at each other across the dining-room table.袋鼠夫妇和儿子津津有味地共进了晚餐。吃完甜点后,它们在饭桌旁互相扔起纸团来。单词注解

execution [,eksi'kju:ʃən] n.依法处决;实施 bystander ['baɪstændə] n.旁观者;局外人 principal ['prinsəpəl] n.校长 spitball ['spɪtbɔːl] n.纸团


A young man was caught stealing, and sentenced to death three days later.一个小偷在盗窃时被逮了个正着,因此被判处死刑,三天后执行。He set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs.它在厕所里放鞭炮,还往门把手上抹胶水。


Minor mistakes, if not be corrected, finally result in disastrous consequences.小错起初不惩治,必将酿成大错。Like mother, like daughter.有什么样的父母,就有什么样的孩子。8 伊索寓言故事:一只贪心的狗 A Greedy Dog

A GREedy dog went into a butcher‟s shop and stole a big juicy bone.He ran away so fast that the butcher could not catch him.He ran out into the fields with his bone.He was going to eat it all by himself.一只贪心的狗跑到一家猪肉店偷了一根很大又有髓的骨头.他跑很快,所以那个卖猪肉的人追不到他.他咬著他的大骨头跑到空旷的地方,准备要好好地吃个痛快.the dog came to a stream.There was a narrow bridge across it.The dog walked on to the bridge, and looked into the water.He could see another dog with a big bone in his mouth.这只狗来到一条溪流.有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面.这只狗走到桥上,望水里面看.他看见另一只狗嘴里咬著一跟大骨头.the GREedy dog thought the bone in the water looked much bigger than the one he had stolen from the butcher.这只贪心的狗认为在水里面的那根骨头看起来比他跟卖肉的偷来的这根骨头大多了.the GREedy dog dropped the bone from his mouth.It fell into the water and was lost.He jumped into the water to snatch the bigger bone from the other dog.这只贪心的狗从嘴理丢了那根骨头.它掉到水里而且不见了.他跳进去水里面想从另一只狗那儿抓那跟更大的骨头.the GREedy dog jumped into the water with a big splash.He looked everywhere but he could not see the other dog.His shadow had gone.贪心的狗跳进水里溅起好多水花.他到处看,可是都找不到其他的狗.他的倒影不见了.the silly dog went home hungry.He lost his bone and got nothing because he had been too GREedy.这只笨狗饿著肚子回家.因为太贪心,他弄丢了他的骨头而且一点东西也没拿到.寓意:

贪的太多只会失去更多 9 伊索寓言故事:披着羊皮的狼

A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant shepherd and his dogs.狼想吃羊,但是他害怕警惕的牧羊人和牧羊犬。

One day the wolf found the skin of a sheep.He put it on and walked among the sheep.有一天狼发现了一块羊皮,便披着它混入羊群。

A lamb thought that the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers.So it followed the wolf.一只小羊羔把这只披着羊皮的狼误认为自己的妈妈,被领出了羊群。

Soon after they had left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up.For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.狼成功地欺骗了羊群,吃掉了小羊羔。

寓意: 事物的外表有时候会掩盖它的本质,所以我们不能只凭表面现象就作判断。10 英语原文:

A Woodman came into a forest to ask the Trees to give him a handle for Ax.It seemed so modest a request that the principal tree at once agreed to it, and it was settled among them that the plain, homely Ash should furnish what was wanted.No sooner had the Woodman fitted the staff to his purpose ,than he began laying about him on all side.felling the whole matter too late, whispered to the Cedar: ”the first concession has lost all;if we has not a sacrificed our humble neighbor, we might have yet stood for ages ourselves.“


有一个樵夫来到森林里,要求树给他一跟斧柄,看来他的请求非常谦虚,立刻得到了树的首领的同意.他们决定由平凡而朴素的白杨树来提供所需要的东西.樵夫刚按好斧柄,就开始到处乱砍,森林里最高的树都砍倒了,树林现在察觉大势已去,就小声对衫树说:”第一次的让步已失去了一切.如果我们不牺牲我们的小小的邻居,我们自己还可以活无数年呢.“ 结论:这故事讽刺忘恩负义的人,也告诉我们对敌人的施舍就是对自己的残忍。英语词汇:

the principal tree 领头树

was settled among them 大家商定 no sooner...than...一……就…… laying about him 向他四周乱砍

might have yet stood for ages 也许还能活几百年Belling the cat(老鼠开会)

Long ago, there was a big cat in the house.He caught many mice while they were stealing food.从前,一所房子里面有一只大猫,他抓住了很多偷东西的老鼠。

One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy.Some said this, and some said that.一天,老鼠在一起开会商量如何对付他们共同的敌人。会上大家各有各的主张,At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.最后,一只小老鼠站出来说他有一个好主意。

”We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat.Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away.“ “我们可以在猫的脖子上绑一个铃铛,那么如果他来到附近,我们听到铃声就可以马上逃跑。”

Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, ”That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?“ The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.大家都赞同这个建议,这时一只聪明的老耗子站出来说:“这的确是个绝妙的主意,但是谁来给猫的脖子上绑铃铛呢?”老鼠们面面相觑,谁也没有说话。he goose with the golden eggs生金蛋的鹅

One morning a countryman went to his goose„s nest, and saw a yellow and glittering egg there.一天早晨,一位农夫发现自家的鹅窝中有一只金灿灿的蛋。

He took the egg home.To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold.他将蛋带回家,惊喜地发现这是一个金蛋。

Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs.此后,农夫每天都能得到一个金蛋。从此,他靠卖他的金蛋变得富有起来。

The countryman became more and more greedy.He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its body.农夫变得越来越贪婪,他想一下子得到鹅肚子中所有的金蛋。于是他杀死了鹅,但是,鹅肚子中什么也没有。伊索寓言:狐狸与狮子The fox and the lion When the fox first saw the lion he was terribly frightened.He ran away, and hid himself in the woods.狐狸第一次见到狮子时非常害怕,赶紧藏到森林里。

The second time, however, he came near the lion.He stopped at a safe distance, and watched him pass by.当他第二次遇到狮子时,则站在附近看狮子经过。

The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight up to the lion, and stayed the whole day with him.He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would meet again.第三次遇到狮子时,他竟有胆量,走了上去,与狮子进行十分亲切的谈话。

They soon became good friends.不久,他们变成了好朋友。The Wolf and the Lamba 狼和小羊

Wolf, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea, which should justify to the Lamb himself his right to eat him.He thus addressed him:”Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.“ ”Indeed,“ bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, ”I was not then born.“ Then said the Wolf, ”You feed in my pasture.“ ”No, good sir,“ replied the Lamb, ”I have not yet tasted grass.“ Again said the Wolf, ”You drink of my well.“ ”No,“ exclaimed the Lamb, ”I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother′s milk is both food and drink to me.“ On which the Wolf seized him, and ate him up, saying, ”Well!I won′t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.“The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.一只狼瞧见一只迷路失群的小羊,决定暂缓下毒手,想先找一些理由,对小羊证明自己有吃它的权利。它就说:「小鬼!你去年曾经骂过我。」小羊可怜地说:「老实说,我去年还没有出生呢。」狼再说:「你在我的草地上吃过草。」

小羊回答说:「不,好先生,我还未曾尝过草的味道呢。」狼又说:「你喝过我井里的水。」小羊叫道:「不,我从没有喝过水,因为直到今天为止,我都是吃着母亲的奶汁。」狼一听这话,便抓住它,把它吃下去,便说:「好!即使你驳倒我每一句话,我终究要吃晚餐的!」暴君总有他暴行的借口。15 The Lion and the Mouse 狮和鼠

Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face.Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: ”If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.“ The Lion laughed and let him go.It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: ”You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour;but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion."





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