Unit 1a Work roles 第一单元A
工作职责 Specification n.规定,说明 Infringement n.侵权
n.定工制,岗位责任制 Job description 岗位说明书,职责描述 Job brief
简要工作布置,工作概要 Management consultancy 管理咨询公司 Pie chart 饼分图,圆形分析图 Workset color 定工色牌,定工色块 Re-align v.重新调整
Peak occupancy(酒店)入住高峰期 Hierarchy n.等级制的公司 Superior n.上级 Project team 项目小组
Technical document 技术资料,技术手册Users’ manual 用户说明书,用户手册 Work from home 在家工作
Clock in and out(用自动记时钟)记录上下班时间;上、下班,也作clock on and off Nine to five 朝九晚五 IT consultant 信息技术顾问
Leisure group(从事宾馆、酒店等的)休闲、娱乐、餐饮集团公司 Jet
Work flexible hours 实行弹性工作时间
Temp vi.&.n.(当)临时雇员(尤指临时秘书),临时工(口语用法)PA abbr.Personal assistant 私人助理,也做P.A.A huge say 有很大的发言权 Initiative n.主动权
Team leadership 团队领导才能 Workshop n.研讨班
n.品质,特性 In-company adj.公司内部的 Screen n.筛选,审查
Describing work roles
描述工作职责 Sales(department)销售部
Launch marketing promotions 举办促销活动 Introduces products 推介产品 Demonstrate products 演示产品
Take care of complimentary presents 负责促销赠品工作Persuade customers to buy 说服顾客购买商品 Launch campaigns 组织商品推销活动 Place advertisements 刊登广告 Advertise products 为商品作广告 Bargain about price 讨价还价 Offer discount
Public relations(department)公关部
Talk to the press and the public 与新闻媒体和公众交流
Communicate information from the company 向外界披露公司信息 Give away publicity products 赠送宣传品 Entertain business clients 招待客户
Alter/ create/ develop/establish/ improve/ project/ promote corporate image
In change of development and maintenance of the company’s business resources负责公司业务资源的开发与维护
Engage in planning and organization corporate hospitality events负责
Unit 1b Company Structure 第一单元B
公司结构 词语准备
Organization n.企业,组织,机构 Hierarchical organization 层级制组织机构 Hierarchical management structure 层级制管理机构 Flat management structure 扁平化的管理机构 Owner manager 经理人,公司所有者
Project-based team 项目小组,也作Project team Competitive advantage 竞争优势
Established company(老牌)知名公司,著名企业,也作established corporation Start-up n.新兴公司,新创办的公司 Hierarchical company 层级制公司 Hierarchical structure层级制结构
Responsiveness n.快速反应能力 Operating process 经营环节,经营过程 Management process 管理环节,管理过程
Entrepreneurial organization 企业家组织机构,企业家机制 Information age organization 信息化时代的组织机构 Real-time adj.(与事件发生几乎同步的)同时的,实时的 Information-enabled learning process 以信息为手段的学习过程 Flexible working 弹性工作方式
Office-based staff 在办公室工作的员工,白领员工 Win-win-win situation 三赢局面
Business unit 事业单位(以各事业项目为单位的组织结构)Departmentalize 按部门划分,部门化
Product life cycle 产品寿命周期(通常指产品的开发、增长、高峰、衰退四个阶段)
Project-oriented culture 项目型公司文化
Teleworker 采用电子化办公方式的员工,在家办公的员工 Intranet(公司、企业)内部网、局域网 Flexible worker 采用弹性工作方式的员工
Virtual project team 虚拟项目小组(通过电子网络进行工作沟通)Paperwork 纸质文件,伏案工作,文字工作
Hard copy 电脑打印稿,硬拷贝(打印在纸上的电脑资料)Mobile personal information 移动个人信息系统
Unit 2A Stock &share 第二单元A 股市分析
graph n.走势图,曲线图
hostile takeover 恶意收购
share price 股票价格
Internet stocks 网络股
Teletext n.图文电视广告(系统)
hype n.天花乱坠的广告宣传
listings n.股票行情表
bandwagon n.浪潮,时尚
price/ earning ratio 市盈率,简称
safe investment 无风险投资,安全投资 P/E
earnings per share 每股利益,简称EPS
break-even point 收支平衡点,亏平衡点,不赔不赚 privatization n.私有化,民营化
brand awareness 产品的知名度,名牌效应 benefits package 一揽子福利,福利套餐,page hit 网页点击 综合福利
share option 优先认股权,股票期权,也作
phenomenal adj.惊人的 stock option
share split 股票分割,股票拆细
yardstick n.标准
perks n.好处,特权,额外收入,外快
sell-off n.(证券等)卖空,抛售
swap vt.Vi & n.换掉交易,调期交易,交换
float vt.(证券)上市,挂牌
Volatile adj.变化无常的,不稳定的,broker’s commission 经纪人佣金 易波动的
Listed company 上市公司
market share 市场份额
Established company 知名公司,也作 Established corporation
standard savings account 标准储蓄账户
Unit 2b
Mergers &acquisitions merger n.兼并,吸收合并
diversify vt.&vi.增加产品
acquire vt.购入,取得所有权
种类,开展多种经营 product portfolio 产品组合 WebTV n.网络电视
equity stake 股权
projected adj.预计的,推断的R&D abbr.Research and
mergers and acquisitions 兼并和收购,development研发,研究与开发,研发部门 公司并购,简称,M&A
portfolio(私人投资或金融 机构的)投资组合,产品组合
plummet vi.(价格)骤跌,股价崩盘
all-share adj.合股,完全 economies of scale 规模效益,规模经济
synergy n.协同效应,增效(作用)也作scale economies
risk-free venture
destabilizing adj.使(政府、经济等)不稳
prospect n.可能性,机会,全景 定的,破坏的payroll n.在职人员工资表,公司员工薪水名册工资总额takeover n.接管,收购
function n.(职能)部门,重大聚会,宴会 consortium n.联营企业,财团
competitive advantage 竞争优势 operator n.运营商,运营公司
inject vi.注入
consolidation n.创立合并
science-based culture 科技型公司文化 deregulation n.(价格、费用等)撤销管制
chief executive总裁,总经理 over-capacity n.生产能力过剩
worldwide presence在全球享有势力,参与国际竞争undercut vt.&vi.压价,与…..抢生意,拿较低 工资与…抢就业机会
non-executive chairman非执行主席 news release 新闻稿
Public Affairs Department公共事务部,相当于 公共关系部
Pharmaceuticals n.制药公司 Rationale n.依据,理由
第三单元A 词语准备
exhibitor n.参加展览会的厂商 Visual presentation 直观展示(会)prospective adj.可能的,未来的,预期的 Technical superiority 高技术含量 exposure n.(媒体)宣传
Top drawer 一流水平,最高地位,最上层,顶级Accessories n.装饰品,首饰,衣饰 Hand-picked adj.竞选的,仔细挑选的 Headlined n.头版头条新闻,头版重要新闻
Stand n.摊位,展位 Catering n.餐饮(服务)
Showcase n.& vt.展示精华的活动、场所,供亮相的地方;展示,展现
Showcase event 展示精华的盛会 Mail order 邮购
Mail order house 邮购公司 Interior designer 室内装饰公司 convention n.(大型)会议 Christmas ball 圣诞舞会
gourmet adj.(食物)精美讲究的 Per head 每人,按人,即位 Unit 3b entering a market 第三单元B 进入市场 词语准备
Pledged investment 合同投资,允诺投资
Exports n.出口产品 Strength n.强项,优势
Substantial opportunities 大量机会 Profile n.概况,简介
Venture n.商业冒险,(为盈利而大量投资其中的)企业Joint venture n.合资企业
Literature n.印刷广告,产品宣传资料 Mailshot n.(邮寄给潜在客户的)广告宣传信函 Import/export mechanisms 进/出口运作机制
Potential n.可能性,潜力,潜能,获得成功的潜在能力Advisable adj.最好
Fact-finding 实地考察,实情调查,实情调查的 Desk research 案头调研 Dead tree 纸质的 Perception n.观念,看法
Imperative adj.极重要的,必要的,命令式的
Discourteous adj.不礼貌的,粗鲁的,失礼的 Senior manager 高层经理 Small talk 闲聊
Proceedings n.(复数)(会议的)议项,项目 Audio-visual aids 试听设备,试听教具 Relationship-building 建立人际关系 Verbal agreement 口头约定,口头协议 Pizzeria n.(意大利)比萨饼店 Pasta n.意大利面食 Alternatively adv.或者 专有名词
DIT Department of Trade and Industry 贸易工业部(英国)Milan 米兰(意大利北部城市)Fiera 米兰国际展览中心
Hotel Wagner 瓦格纳酒店(米兰一著名酒店)Brera art gallery 意大利米兰布雷拉画廊
Leonardo da Vinci 列奥纳多•达•芬奇(意大利著名画家)Duomo 大教堂(意大利),即cathedral AC Milan
AC米兰队(意大利足球俱乐部,队员穿红黑相间条纹服)Inter Milan 国际米兰队(AC米兰队的同城对手,队员穿蓝黑相间条纹服)
Via Montenapoleone 蒙特拿破仑大街(意大利米兰集中世界精品的商业大街)第四单元A 词语准备
Refreshing adj.凉爽的,宜人的 Pager n.传呼机
Personal work organizer 个人电子工作记事器,电子商务通 Download vt.&n.下载
Access vt.&n.获取(网络信息)等 Pinpoint vt.确切描述 Scan vt.扫描
Web n.万维网(World Wide Web)的简称 Briefing n.情况通报会 Hotdesking n.办公桌轮用 Shift work 轮班工作,倒班制
Overtax vt.使……负担过重,使……受过重压力 Workplace n.工作场所
Employee loyalty 员工忠诚度,也作staff loyalty Telecommuting n.通讯上班(方式)Teleworking n.电子化办公方式,电子办公 Self-employed adj.&n.个性经营者 Cost-effective 有成本效益的 Opinion survey 民意调查 Space vt.(用间隔)分割 Facility n.场所
PA abbr.personal assistant 私人助理,也作P.A.Set-up n.(口)组织,结构 Voice mail 语音信箱;语音邮件 Electronic diary system 电子记事系统 High street(英)繁华的商业大街,商业的 Meetings culture 会议文化
Theatre n.阶梯式教室,阶梯式报告厅 Flat monitor 纯平显示器
Laptop n.膝上型电脑,泛指手提电脑。Notebook n.笔记型电脑 Handheld n.掌上型电脑 Portable n.可携式电脑 Desktop n.桌上型电脑 Floor-standing n.站立式电脑 Dumb terminal n.简易终端机 Workstation n.工作站电脑 Radar chart/diagram 雷达图
Staffordshire 斯塔福德郡(位于英格兰中部)Waitrose 连锁超市(著名英格兰食品连锁超市)
第四单元 B电子商务 e-business.n.电子商务 e-commerce.n电子贸易 transform vt&vi.使改变,使改观 Web-compatible adj.与网络兼容的 Streamline vt精简
Customer relationship management 客户关系管理,简称CRM Customer behavior 消费行为
Personalized adj 个性化的,针对个人的 Offering n提供的商品 Web-browser n 网络浏览器 Business process reengineering 业务流程重组,简称BPR Supply chain management 供应链管理,简称SCM Sales forecasts 销售预测信息 Inventory n库存 Accordingly adv相应的
In-service staff development 在职员工发展计划 Web-based distance learning 远程教育网络 Intranet n(公司、企业)内部网,局域网 Classroom-based teaching 课堂教学 Extranet.n(公司、企业)外部网 Product line 产品种类
Small and medium-sized businesses 中小型企业,简称SMBs Euro.n 欧元
Perception.n认识,观念,看法 Presence.n势力,存在,跻身 Inwardly focused 内向型,内敛型
Stand-alone 独一无二的,孤立的 Empower.vt授权给
Unit 5a 词语准备
n.积极性,激励,干劲 Job satisfaction工作满足感 Sceptical
adj.持怀疑态度的 Repackage vt.重新包装 Thorny issue棘手问题
Quit-but-stay人在公司,心却不在公司 Sever
vt.& vi.断绝,割断,中断 Staff car park员工停车场
Job rotation工作(岗位)轮换,工作轮调Job sharing轮岗制,工作分摊制
Outdoor assault courses野外突击培训课程 Predatory competitor掠夺性竞争对手 Perpetuation
n.永久存在,不朽 Motivational management激励管理
Going rate现行工资水平,现行收费标准,现行价格 Shop floor(总称)工人,(工厂工人的)工作场所 Remuneration
n.(机器等的)故障,停止运转 Resultant
adj.因……而产生的 Ill-feeling
n.猜忌,不信任,敌意 Disrupt
vt.扰乱,中断,瓦解 internal recruitment(从公司)内部招聘
recruitment agency=employment agency职业介绍所,招聘助理机构headhunting猎头(的做法)
executive search网罗高级主管人才(的做法)
headhunter=head-hunting company猎头,猎头公司 niche market=niche细分市场,空隙市场,小市场 Achilles heel阿基里斯的脚踵,致命点 Recruiter招聘者,招聘公司 activities经营项目,经营业务 vacancy空职位 largely大半,主要
on-line newsgroup网上新闻讨论组
replacement替换,更换,接替者,代替物,替换品 skill技术人员,技术工人 collate校对,整理
shortlist获。。的提名,初选,初选名单 appointee被任命者,受委托者
international presence参与国际竞争,在国际市场占有一席之地 commercially sensitive information商业机密 penultimate倒数第二的
signpost标示。。的朝向,为。。提供指导 psychometric test心理测试 hard-writing analysis笔迹分析 multinational=multi-national跨国公司 plc(public limited company)股份有限公司
Unit 6a Corporate culture 公司文化,企业文化 Awareness n.意识,认识程度 Mindset n.心态
Mission statement 公司宗旨,企业宣言
Dress code 着装要求
Operation 经营,业务,经营企业 Centralized power 中央集权 Empower vt.下放权力 Business idea 经营理念 Feeling of belonging 归属感 Status symbol 身份象征 Rebuke n.非难
Perceptiveness n.洞察力
Tree adoption program 绿树认养活动
Kroner n.(丹麦、挪威货币单位)克朗krone的复数形式Core values核心价值观
Co-worker n.工作伙伴
Cost-consciousness n.注重节约成本 Store concept 店面设计概念
Adaptation n.重新打造以适应,本土化
Pay-off n.包场,价值,也作payoff Career advancement 职业晋升
Management induction 新聘管理人培训课 Home furnishing 家居用品
Open plan office(室与室之间没有隔板的)开放性办公室Trek vi.&n.徒步旅行,徒步登山 Trekking n.徒步旅行,徒步登山 Trekker n.徒步旅行者,徒步登山者
Unit 6b 词语准备
hyper-competitive adj.高度竞争的,竞争激烈的 methodology n.一套方法,方法论
remuneration n.报酬,付酬
multinational n.跨国公司,也作multi-national,等于multinational company.cultural diversity 文化差异 structured interview 结构性面谈 non-structured interview 非结构性面谈 semi-structured interview 半结构性面谈 nepotism n.裙带关系 networking n.人际网,关系网 mediocre adj.中等水平的,平庸的
scenario n.(未来可能发生的)局面,情况,趋势
respondent n.(民意测试的)调查对象;(调查表,问卷表的)答卷人rationale n.全部理由,根本原因
marketplace n.市场,(思想的)交流场所,商业界 lower-performance adj.业绩低下的 cultural values 文化价值观
elite adj.杰出的,卓越的,精锐的 discharge vt.解雇,开除 joint venture 合资企业 management team 管理团队
synergy n.合作,协同作用,增效(作用)
core business 核心业务,主营业务,也作core activity household appliances 家用电器 management team 管理团队 team bonus 团体奖金
multi-lingual skills 多种语言技能 professional title 职称头衔
第七单元A行业刺探行为 hacker n(电脑)黑客
hack vi.&.n实施黑客攻击,编写出色的软件程序
hacking n.黑客攻击
industrial espionage 行业刺探行为 espionage n.刺探行为 imitation product 仿制品 market research 市场调研 infiltration n.渗透
paranoid adj.&.n.,多疑的,偏执狂的,偏执狂患者 disgruntled adj.不满意的,不高兴的
bug v.&.n.在……装窃听器,通过……窃听,窃听器 tender n.&.vi.投标
foul play 违规行为,犯规动作
consultants n.咨询公司,顾问公司(多用于公司名称中)court ruling 法庭裁决
academic adj.&.n.学术的,学者 shady practice不正当做法,暗箱操作 surveillance equipment 监视器材设备
in-house information security advisor 公司信息安全顾问 Fortune 《财富》 杂志(美国)Appraisal records 考核记录 Inside job内部作案,监守自盗 open access共享的
open access information共享信息 appraisal notes 鉴定,评语 temp n.&.vi.临时雇员,当临时雇员 technical know-how核心工艺,核心技术、第七单元B商业道德 Integrity诚信
Questionnaire 问卷表
Bullet point 弹头 原点 弹点 项目符号 文中用于引用的要点的圆点符号
Public sector 公共经济领域 Legal compliance 遵纪守法
Corporate philanthropy 企业慈善行为 Whistle-blower 内部举报人 Political correctness 政治正确性
Legal action 法律诉讼 Ethnic diversity 种族差异
Marching orders 行军令 解雇通知 逐客令 Market penetration 市场渗透 Whizzkid 杰出青年人才 杰出小子 Ethics officer 道德督察员 Official warning 正式警告 Hefty 重的 相当大的 Ethical practice 道德行为法规
Benchmark 基价 基准 尺度 参考标准 以........为参考标准 Source 寻求资源
Good press 新闻舆论的好评 Fat cat 大亨 有钱有势的人
global brand 全球化品牌 brand equity 品牌资产 brand awareness品牌知名度
perceived brand quality心目中的品牌品质 brand association品牌联想 global branding品牌全球化
globalize使。全球化v.globalization全球化n.logo标识(用于文具,包装等上做广告的符号,设计或字母)n.energizer兴奋食品(剂),增能食品n.position定位,为产品打开销路v.advertising campaign广告宣传活动
commercial(电视,电台,电影上播放的)商业广告n.all-American代表美国的,典型美国理想的adj.stereotype刻板印象,固有模式n.cultural stereotype模式化的文化印象,固有文化模式 epitomize象征v homogenous同种类的,同性质的,相同特征adj.cultural conflict文化冲突
stylish新式的,时髦的,漂亮的adj.global presence跻身国际市场,参与国际竞争,在国际市场上占有一席Unit 8b Global souring
Time to market 市场时效性 Time to volume 快速扩大产量 之地(拥有一定势力)
downturn(销售或利润)下降n.domestic product 本国产品 local equivalent当地同类产品 chic时髦(的),时尚(的)n.&adj style-conscious注重时尚的adj.point of sale(s)销售网点,(电子)销售刷卡机,简称pos机 selling point卖点
unique selling point独特的卖点或与众不同之处 brand benefits品牌的好处
repeat business回头客业务,因优质服务使顾客再来的生意 cash voucher(购买商品时可以此打折的)折扣券,优惠券
Time to money 全球运筹,实时变现 Warranty 担保(单),保修(单)Source 寻求(产品,原料等的)供应商 Global sourcing 寻求国际供应商,国际采购 Advance 进展
Catalyst 催化剂,刺激(促进)因素
Island hop 越(跳)岛作战,(短时间内)易地Island hopping 跳岛战略,环岛游,易地 Strategic alliances 战略合作关系 Added bonus 附加额外好处
Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区,太平洋沿岸各国 Modest quality 质量较差
Implications 涉及的问题,可能发生的后果 European Union(EU)countries 欧盟国家 Notice 通知,预先通知,提前预定 Manual labour 体力劳动 Production cycle 生产周期 Sub-continent 次大陆 Sales outlet 卖场,分销店 Leisurewear 休闲装
Exclusive market 专售高档商品的市场 Value for money 资金效益,物有所值程度 Rating 打分
Module 11、quotation 引用
2、self-employed 个体经商的
3、resign 辞职
4、apply for 申请
5、lay off(生意萧条时)临时解雇,下岗
7、overtime 超时的,加班
8、laser equipment激光设备
9、live for the moment 活在当下
11、think and plan for the future为未来做打算
12、take off 休假
13、Entitlement Generation 养尊处优的一代
14、entitle to有权利做…
15、little appetite for hard work不想努力工作
17、instant gratification瞬间满足
18、codding parents and colleges溺爱的父母和大学
19、we were spoiled by your generation我们被你们这一代宠坏了
20、break our backs for you努力工作
21、bury themselves in a cubicle 埋头苦干
22、delegate jobs分配工作
23、recruitment 招聘
24、older employees员工老龄化
25、senior management高级管理
27、education background教育背景
28、object/key section工作目标
30、bank office后勤部门;股票或证券交易清算室
31、marital status婚姻状况
34、pilot project尝试性计划
36、canton 州,行政区
39、sign up to participate in报名参加 40、call up传唤
41、under the terms of=according to根据
43、National Assembly国会
46、preconceived idea先入为主的观念
47、rule out the possibility of..的可能性
49、fundraiser募捐者 50、trainee investment advisor投资建设者
51、(put….)on the spot在现场;故意使某人处于难堪境地
54、permanent post固定工作
59、veteran富有经验的人 60、flipside反面,相反情况 61、teleworking电子化办公 62、life expectancy预期寿命 63、personal summary个人情况介绍 64、dynamic有活力的65、knowdegeable有知识的 66、interpersonal skill人际交往技能 67、software solution软件解决方案 68、entrepreneur企业家 69、expertise专长 70、self-motivated自我激励的 71、pre-course预备课程 72、reference证明(人)
73、covering letter附信 74、ongoing持续存在的 75、on one’s own initiative主动地 76、job-hunt frequently不断地跳槽 77、paid holiday带薪休假 78、tanker邮轮 79、leak泄露 80、tug拖船81、publicity公众的注意 82、media attention媒体关注 assert oneself坚持自己的权利(意见)83、ground使搁浅,使触海底
84、routine日常的,例行的 85、relocate使安置于新地点 86、entail需要
87、feature特写 88、improvise临时做/提供 89、denim粗斜棉布 90、stone-washed磨砂的 91、plant成套设备 92、allegation断言 93、toxic有毒的 94、plastic coating塑料覆盖层95、migrant worker民工 96、e-waste电子垃圾 97、employee loyalty员工忠诚 98、employee commitment员工敬业精神 99、derive from从..中得到 100、incentive鼓励 101、commendation赞扬 102、instrinsic内在的,本质的 103、advancement提升,晋升
Module 21、sales turnover/revenue营业额
2、share capital股本
3、market share市场份额
4、number of outlets门店
5、entry 网页,登录
9、sale offices销售点
10、be based in总部位于
11、acquire/acquisition=take over收购
13、go bankrupt破产
14、after-sales services售后服务
15、divest=sell off廉价出售
16、close=shut down关闭
17、logistic company物流公司
18、organic growth内生增长
19、non-organic growth非内生增长 20、heap积累
21、at the top of the heap=leader领导者
23、completely=with no doubt=squarel正好
24、aim at针对
26、core database核心数据库
28、dig at挖苦,嘲笑
29、at the heart核心 30、industry行业
32、small-scale acquisition小型收购
34、since then自那以后
38、takeover bid竞价收购
39、trying circumstance困难的境地/形势 40、momentum势头 lose momentum失去势头
41、with class出众,优异 a girl with class有出众风度的姑娘
42、our heads hold high=be proud骄傲,自豪
44、the way employees are rewarded奖赏方式
46、throw sb.in at the deep end是某人在毫无准备的情况下做困难的事
47、sum up总结
48、accountable for=be responsible for对…负责
49、in fairness公正地说
51、wield the axe挥舞斧头,裁员
52、get flak受到抨击
53、stock brokers证券公司
55、organisational culture企业文化
57、crucial role关键作用
59、macho硬汉,男子汉气概 60、devolve委派,下放
61、hierarchies等级 62、plodding拖拉 63、bureaucracy官僚资本主义
64、empower授权,许可 65、job secruity工作稳定性 66、measurable可测量的,重大的 67、clear lines of reporting and areas of responsibility明确划分权限和职责范围 68、non-financial rewards非金钱奖励 69、informal relationship轻松关系
70、present facts陈述事实 71、speculation猜测 72、post=announce宣布
73、be in line with与..一致 74、high street商业街 75、quieter生意清闲的、清淡的 76、flat生意不景气的 77、retail outlets经销机构 78、internet presence网络出口 79、core competency核心竞争力 80、market prospect市场前景 81、market price市场价格 82、cashflow资金流动 83、profit margin利润率 84、premise场所 85、go out of business歇业 86、go public挂牌上市 87、divest使卸下 88、blockbuster了不起的人 89、headline头版重要新闻 90、suite软件套件 91、platform平台 92、motto座右铭 93、resigned屈从的,顺从的 94、saga一长串事件 95、conclusion结局 96、insurance premiums保险费 97、consensus一致意见 98、charisma领袖气质 99、one-top一站式的,提供一揽子商品(服务)的 100、discreet言行谨慎的 101、accessories装饰品 102、profile简介 103、poll民意测验 104、interpersonal skill交际能力 105、time management skill时间管理能力 106、problem-solving skill解决问题的能力 107、customer service training顾客服务培训 108、knowledge industry知识产业 109、textile industry纺织行业
110、information industry信息行业 111、raw material extraction industry原材料开
Module 31、make/receive a phone call2、issue/put out a press release3、launch/run an advertisement
4、give/make a presentation
5、hold/attend a meeting/seminar6、produce/publish a report
7、send out/circulate a memo to all concerned
9、post/put information on the internet
10、make economies节省
12、means of communication沟通方式
13、make of理解,看待
14、investment portfolio证券投资组合
15、get a good point说得有道理
18、more….than….与其说…不如说….19、call center呼叫中心 20、bill enquiry账单查询
26、bank deposits银行储蓄
27、cash withdrawals现金支取
28、issuing of statements结单通知
29、cash machine取款机 30、driver动力
31、high street shopping实体店购物
32、start out/off开始谋业
34、train times火车时刻表
36、SMS=short messaging service短信
37、MSN=Microsoft Service Net微软公司
39、managing director总经理 40、make a request请求
41、give sb.a reminder提醒某人
42、make a proposal建议;订婚
43、make an announcement通知
44、make a demand要求
45、customer charter顾客约章
46、confidential机密的47、national and local calls长途与本地电话
48、refund the difference退还差价
49、impartial公正的 50、satisfaction survey顾客满意度调查
52、come straight back马上回来
54、parcel delivery company包裹邮递公司
55、a fish tank鱼缸
56、mail order company邮购公司
57、air pump气泵
58、the service department服务部
59、electricity company供电公司 60、unsolicited未经要求的,主动提供的 61、laptop computer笔记本电脑 62、aquarium水族馆 63、fitness club健身俱乐部 64、iron熨斗 65、nevertheless=still 66、consequently=so 67、owing to=because of 68、moreover=what’s more 69、following=after 70、since=because 71、besides=anyway 72、receptionist接待人员 73、doormen门卫 74、existing staff现有的员工 75、customer behavior消费行为 76、telephone operator接线员 77、handset手机 78、accredit相信,认可
Module 41、aptitude能力
4、dead-end street死胡同
5、price competition价格战
6、selling point卖点
7、competitive advantage竞争优势
8、emotional/perceived benefits情感利益
9、added value附加值
10、prospective customer潜在的顾客
11、buying signal成交信号
12、car dealer汽车行
13、close the sale成交
14、reserve the order预定
16、build/establish trust建立信任
19、suit one’s image符合身份 20、hard sell强硬销售
25、digital revolution数字革命
27、in favor of支持;宁愿选择
28、television viewing电视收视率
29、personal video recorder technology(PVR)录像机 30、medium媒体
32、the sharp end激进分子
34、Internet budget网络预算
35、direct response advertising直效广告
36、the consumer goods giant消费品巨头
39、make its presence felt使周围的人感觉你的重要性 40、rewind倒退
41、fast forwarding快进
42、on demand有求必应
43、search-based advertising基于搜索的广告
45、huge premium巨额保费
46、tune in to调整,调台
47、Dancing on Ice花样滑冰
49、catch-all包罗万象的 50、holistic整体的,全面的
51、tap into开发
52、social networking sites交友网站
53、feel compelled to do sth.情不自禁干某事
54、come of age到达法定年龄、成年;到达成熟时期
55、in the short term从短期来说
56、creat a buzz造势
58、present figures描述业绩
59、roller coaster过山车
60、fluctuate=go up and down=vary上下起伏 61、pick up=recove=bounce 恢复 62、hit=reach 63、high point=peak 64、due to=because of=owing to=down to 65、over=during=in 66、overdrive加速,赶工 67、stabilish=level off68、clear out our stock清仓 69、up to=as much as 70、result in=lead to 71、pharmaceutical制药的72、forecast预计 73、best-selling最畅销的 74、eye contact眼神交流 75、curve曲线 76、what general trend大概趋势 77、per capita人均的 78、connect with=relative to与…相关 79、decision maker决策者 80、option选用件 81、reliability可靠性 82、prospect可能成为主顾的人 83、constraint限制,约束
84、anecdote轶事,趣闻 86、pushy粗鲁的,莽撞的 87、payment terms支付方式 88、niche专门市场 89、point-of-sale销售网点 90、viral marketing病毒式营销 91、vehicle advertising车辆广告 92、banner ads横幅广告 93、broadband宽带 94、media company传媒公司 95、commission佣金 96、across the board全面地 97、blues忧郁,沮丧 98、given考虑到 99、slow-release(药效)缓慢的释放 100、disruption扰乱 101、supply chain供应链 102、in reserve被留出备用 103、margin利润 104、palm oil棕榈油 105、supply and demand供应与需求 106、ingredient配料
Module 51、flow chart流程图
3、owe money欠钱
4、take out获得
5、bet money on a horse赌马
6、withdraw money取钱
7、bank manager银行经理
8、interest rate利息
11、save rate存款率
12、consumer confidence index消费者信心指数
19、asset values(资产价值)will crash资产价值崩溃 20、equity财产净值;股票;所有者权益
21、negative equity负债资产
22、by far最,无疑,很
23、so far到达某一程度
so far so good到目前为止,一切都好
25、gas-guzzling cars滥吃狂饮
28、location 地点
29、seating capacity座位容量 30、current cost of a ticket当前票价
35、variable costs可变成本,fixed costs固定成本
39、profit利润,loss亏损 40、dividends红利,retained profit留存利润
43、accounts payable应付账款,accounts receivable应收账款
44、financial statement财务报表
46、your first port of call(沿途要落脚/拜访的地方)你首先要看的是
47、the accounts财务报表
48、balance sheet资产负债表
49、the income statement=the profit and loss accounts所得计算书 50、cashflow statement现金流表
52、at a given moment=over a given period在某一特定时期
53、owe to欠
54、set sth.against sth.把…与…联系起来
55、current asset流动资产
56、the notes to the accounts账目记录
57、run the business经营
58、gross profit毛利润,net profit净利润
59、proverbial众所周知 60、profit after tax税后利润 61、calculator计算器 62、the bottom line底线 63、do some sums算一算是否有钱去做….64、total revenue/turnover总收入 65、operating income营业收入 66、current liabilities流动负债 67、starting line开办费用 68、cash from operating经营产生的现金 69、cash from investing投资产生的现金 70、cash from financing融资产生的现金 71、net change in cash净现金流 72、material costs材料成本 73、administrative costs管理费用
74、distribution costs运输成本 75、overheads日常开支 76、development costs开发成本 77、finance costs财务成本 78、advertising expenditure广告花销
79、free samples免费样品 80、bank charges银行手续费 81、vehicle insurance车辆保险 82、heating加热,供暖设备 83、make reductions缩减 84、car hire company汽车出租公司85、compromise妥协 86、napkin纸巾 87、consumer spending消费者支出 88、avert挡开 89、gallon加仑 90、equation综合体 91、multipex多剧场影剧院 92、research and development expenditure研究与开发费用 93、operating expenses营业费用 94、manufacturing costs生产成本 95、shopping mall大型购物中心 96、hole漏洞 97、blue-chip(股票)热门的98、hindsight事后的认识
1.autonomous: independent, able to take decisions without consulting a higher authority 2.decentralization: dividing an organization into decision-making units that are not centrally controlled.3.function: a specific activity in a company, e.g.production, marketing, finance 4.hierarchy: system of authority with different levels, one above the other.5.line authority: the power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command 6.report to: to be responsible to someone and to take instructions from him or her 7.subordinates: people working under someone else in a hierarch 8.industrial belt: an area with lots of industrial companies, around the edge of a city 9.wealth: the products of economic activity 10.productivity: the amount of output produced(in a certain period, using a certain number of inputs 11.corporate ethos: a company‟s ways of working and thinking 12.collaboration: working together and sharing ideas 13.insulated or isolated: alone, placed in a position away from others 14.fragmentation: breaking something up into pieces 15.motivate :To inspire, to induce, to give a reason or incentive to someone to do something.16.employee: A person employed by someone else, working for money.17.labor relations: Relations between employers and employees, managers and workers, management and unions.18.responsibility: Having control of something as part of your job 19.wages: Money paid(per hour or day or week)to manual workers 20.salary: A fixed regular payment made by employers, usually, for professional or office work.21.benefits or perks: Advantages that come with a job, apart from wages or salary.22.promotion: To be raised to a higher rank or better job.23.job security: Knowing that there is little risk of losing one‟s job.24.skilled: Having particular abilities, acquired by training.25.subcontractor : Any company that provides goods or services for another one 26.component : Any of the pieces or parts that make up a product, machine, etc.27.outsourcing or contracting out : Buying products or processed materials from other companies rather than manufacturing them 28.capacity : The(maximum)rate of output that can be achieved from a production process 29.plant : The buildings, machines, equipment and other facilities used in the production process 30.location : The geographical situation of a factory or other facility:
31.inventory : The stock of any item or resource used in an organization(including raw materials, parts, supplies, work in process and finished products)
32.lead time : The time needed to perform an activity(i.e.to manufacture or deliver something)33.distribution channel: all the companies or individuals involved in moving a particular kind of goods or service from the producer to the consumer.34.to launch a product: to introduce a new product onto the market.35.market opportunities: possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which a company can profitably produce goods or services 36.market research: collecting, analyzing and reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation(such as a proposed new product)37.market segmentation: dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different requirements or buying habits 38.packaging: wrappers and containers in which products are sold 39.points of sale: places where goods are sold to the public – shops, stores, kiosks, market stalls, etc.40.product concept: an idea for a new product, which is tested with target consumers before the actual product is developed 41.product features: attributes or characteristics of a product: quality, price, reliability, etc.42.sales representative: someone who contacts existing and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services 43.Word-of-mouth advertising: free advertising, when satisfied customers recommend products to their friends.44.Institutional or prestige advertising: advertising that mentions a company‟s name but not specific products.45.Advertising agencies: companies that handle advertising for clients.46.An account: a contract with a company to produce its advertising.47.An advertising budget: the amount of money a company plans to spend in developing its advertising and buying media time or space.48.A brief: the statement of objectives of an advertising campaign that a client works out with an advertising agency.49.Advertising campaign: the advertising of a particular product or service during a particular period of time.50.Target customers or target market: a defined set of customers whose needs a company plans to satisfy.51.Media planners: the people who choose where to advertise, in order to reach the right customers.52.The threshold effect: the fact that a certain amount of advertising is necessary to attract a prospective customer‟s attention.53.The comparative-parity method: choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as one‟s competitors.54.Counter-cyclical advertising: advertising during periods or seasons when sales are normally relatively poor.55.Bookkeeping: writing down the details of transactions(debits and credits)56.Accounting: keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing assets and liabilities, and so on 57.Managerial accounting: preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for management 58.Cost accounting: working out the unit costs of products, including materials, labor and all other expenses 59.Tax accounting: calculating an individual‟s or a company‟s liability for tax 60.Auditing: inspection and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accountants 61.„Creative accounting‟: using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a company 62.shareholders or stockholders : A company‟s owners
63.earnings or income : The revenues received by a company during a given period, minus the
cost of sales, operating expenses, and taxes
64.liabilities : All the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in the future, including taxes, debts, and interest and mortgage payments 65.turnover : The amount of business done by a company over a year 66.assets : Anything owned by a business(cash investments, buildings, machines, and so on)that can be used to produce goods or pay liabilities 67.depreciation or amortization : The reduction in value of a fixed asset during the years it is in use(charged against profits)68.debtors or accounts receivable : Sums of money owed by customers for goods or services purchased on credit 69.creditors or accounts payable :Sums of money owed to suppliers for purchases made on credit 70.stock or inventory :(The value of)raw materials, work in progress, and finished products stored ready for sale 71.overheads or overhead : The various expenses of operating a business that cannot be charged to any one product, process or department 72.Overdraft: an arrangement by which a customer can withdraw more from a bank account than has been deposited in it, up to an agreed limit;interest on the debt is calculated daily.73.Credit card: a card which guarantees payment for goods and services purchased by the cardholder, who pays back the bank or finance company at a later date.74.Cash dispenser or ATM: a computerized machine that allows bank customers to withdraw money, check their balance, and so on 75.Loan: a fixed sum of money on which interest is paid, lent for a fixed period, and usually for a specific purpose 76.Standing order or direct debit: an instruction to a bank to pay fixed sums of money to certain people or organizations at stated times.77.Mortgage: a loan, usually to buy property, which serves as a security for the loan 78.Cash card: a plastic card issued to bank customers for use in cash dispensers 79.Home banking: doing banking transactions by telephone or from one‟s own personal computer 80.Current or checking account: one that generally pays little or no interest, but allows the holder to withdraw his or her cash without any restrictions
81.Deposit or time or notice account: one that pays interest, but usually cannot be used for paying cheques(GB)or checks(US), and on which notice is often required to withdraw money 82.Deposit: to place money in a bank;or money placed in a bank 83.Foreign currencies: the money used in countries other than one‟s own 84.Yield: how much money a loan pays, expressed as a percentage 85.Liquidity: available cash, and how easily other assets can be turned into cash 86.Maturity: the date when a loan becomes repayable 87.Underwrite: to guarantee to buy all the new shares that a company issues, if they cannot be sold to the public 88.Takeover: when a company buys or acquires another 89.Merger: when a company combines with another one 90.Stockbroking: buying and selling stocks or shares for clients 91.Portfolio management: taking care of all a client‟s investments 92.Deregulation: the ending or relaxing of legal restrictions 93.Conglomerate: a group of companies, operating in different fields, that have joined together 94.Blue chip: a company considered to be without risk 95.Solvency: ability to pay liabilities when they become due 96.Collateral: anything that acts as a security or a guarantee for a loan 97.liability: having a responsibility or an obligation to do something, e.g.to pay a debt 98.creditor: a person or organization to whom money is owed(for goods or services rendered, or as repayment of a loan)99.bankrupt: to be insolvent: unable to pay debts.100.assets: everything of value owned by a business that an be used to produce goods, pay liabilities, and so on 101.to liquidate: to sell all the possessions of a bankrupt business.102.liabilities: money that a company will have to pay to someone else(bills, taxes, debts, interest ad mortgage payments, etc.)103.to put up capital: to provide money for a company or other project 104.venture capital: money invested in a possibly risky new business 105.founders: the people who begin a new company
106.premises: the place in which a company does business: an office, shop, workshop, factory, warehouse, and so on 107.underwrite: to guarantee to buy an entire new share issue, if no one else wants it 108.dividend: a proportion of the annual profits of a limited company, paid to sharehodelrs 109.mutual fund: a company that spreads investors‟ capital over a variety of securities 110.portfolio: an investor‟s selection of securities
111.stockbroker: a person who can advise investors and buy and sell shares for them 112.blue chip: a stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be a secure investment.113.defensive stock: a stock – in an industry not much affected by cyclical trends – that offers a good return but only a limited chance of a rise or decline in price 114.growth stock: a stock – which usually has a high purchasing price and a low current rate of return – that is expected to appreciate in capital value 115.market-maker: a wholesaler in stocks and shares who deals with brokers.116.institutional investors: financial organizations such as pension funds and insurance companies which own most of the shares of all leading companies(over 60%, and rising)117.insider share dealing: the use of information not know to the public to make a profit out of buying or selling shares.118.investors: providers of funds 119.issuing bonds: borrowing money 120.principal: the amount of a loan 121.maturity: date at which the money will be returned 122.pension funds: retirement money 123.buy-and-hold investors: keep their bonds till maturity 124.non-payment: default 125.price appreciation: fall in interest rates 126.price depreciation: rise in interest rates 127.capital gains: profits on the sale of assets 128.futures: contract to buy or sell fixed quantities of a commodity, currency, or financial asset at a future date, at a price fixed at the time of making the contract
129.options: contracts giving the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security a currency, or a commodity at fixed price during a certain period of time 130.commodities: raw materials or primary products(metals, cereals, coffee, etc.)that are trade on special markets 131.derivatives:
132.hedging: making contracts to buy or sell a commodity or financial asset at a pre-arranged price in the future as a protection or „insurance‟ against price changes.133.speculation: buying securities or other assets in the hope of making a capital gain by selling them at a higher price(or selling them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price)134.market share: a company‟s sales expressed as a percentage of the total market 135.promotion: short-term tactics designed to stimulate stronger sales of a product 136.monopoly: the situation in which there is only one seller of a product 137.competitors: companies offering similar goods or services to the same set of customers 138.slogan: a short and easily memorized phrase used in advertising 139.market segmentation: the division of a market into submarkets according to the needs or buying habits o different groups of potential customers 140.niche: a small and specific market segment 141.differential advantage: a factor which makes you superior to competitors in a certain respect 142.turnover: a business‟s total sales revenue
recession: a period during which an economy is working below its potential 143.to innovate(innovation): designing new products and bringing them to the market 144.to diversify(diversification): to expand into new fields 145.to merge(a merger): to unite, combine, amalgamate, intergrate or join together 146.a raid: buying another company‟s shares on the stock exchange, hoping to persuade
147.a takeover bid: a public offer to a company‟s shareholders to buy their shares, at a particular price during a particular period, so as to acquire a company 148.horizontal integration: to merge with or take over other firms producing the same type of goods or services 149.vertical integration: joining with firms in other stages of the production or sale of a product 150.backward integration: a merger with or the acquisition of one‟s suppliers
151.forward integration: a merger with or the acquisition of one‟s marketing outlets 152.synergy: combined production that is greater than the sum of the separate parts 153.job insecurity: the fear that you might lose your job 154.tenure: the period of holding a job 155.employability: the extent to which a person has skills that employers want 156.downsizing: decreasing the number of permanent employees 157.agency employment: temporary jobs in companies, arranged by employment agencies 158.core: the central part of something(e.g.a company‟s workforce)159.rhetoric: language used to persuade people to believe something 160.received wisdom: generally held beliefs(that are probably false)161.depreciation: reducing the value of a fixed asset, by charging it against profits 162.disincentive: something which discourages an action 163.regressive: an adjective describing a tax that is proportionally higher for people with less money 164.consumption: spending money to buy things, rather than saving it 165.self-employed: working for yourself, being your own boss 166.national insurance: a tax on incomes that pays for sickness benefit, unemployment benefit, and old-age pensions 167.perks: non-financial benefits or advantages of a job 168.tax shelters: a way to delay the payment of tax to a later time 169.tax-deductible: an adjective describing expenditures that can be taken away from taxable income or profits 170.tax havens : a country offering very low tax rates to foreign businesses 171.to “peg” a currency against something means to: fix its value in relation to it
172.market forces: the determination of price by supply and demand(the quantity available and the quantity bought and sold)173..hedging: trying to insure against unfavourable price movements by way of futures contracts 174.supply: the willingness and ability to offer goods or services for sale 175.demand: the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services 176.market forces: supply and demand
177.equilibrium: a state of balance, for example when supply meets demand 178.fiscal policy: government measures concerning taxation, public expenditure, and so on 179.monetary policy: government or central bank measures concerning the rate of growth of the money supply(the amount of money in circulation)
180.visible trade(GB)or merchandise trade(US): trade in goods 181.invisible imports and exports : trade in services(banking, insurance, tourism, and so on)182.barter or counter-trade: direct exchanges of goods, without the use of money
183.balance of trade: the difference between what a country receives and pays for its exports and imports of goods 184.balance of payments: the difference between a country‟s total earnings from exports and its total expenditure on imports 185.autarky: the(impossible)situation in which a country is completely self-sufficient and has no foreign trade 186.surplus: a positive balance of trade or payments 187.deficit: a negative balance of trade or payments
188.dumping: selling goods abroad at(or below)cost price 189.protectionism: imposing trade barriers in order to restrict imports 190.tariffs: taxes charged on imports 191.quotas: quantitative limits on the import of particular products or commodities 192.threshold: beginning 193.likelihood: probability 194.jurisdiction: geographical area with a particular legal system 195.keep track of : follow and control the development of 196.civil unrest: demonstrations against the government, riots, etc 197.rogue traders: criminals who do nor supply goods customers have paid for 198.Market opportunity: the possibility of providing a new product or service to satisfy particular needs.199.High net worth individuals: people with a lot of money at their disposal.200.Risk averse: Adj.describing investors who do not want to take risks with their money.201.Listed: adj.Describing companies whose shares are traded on the stock exchange.202.Fee: money paid to professional people for a job of work done.203.Equity: another word for stocks or shares: a company‟s own capital.204.Running costs: the day-to-day expenses of operating a business.205.Market penetration: the attempt to increase or maximize sales, and get a large number of customers.206.Non-executive directors: directors who do not work full time for a company, but advise it about strategic issues.207.economic agents: individual consumers, households, companies, organizations, etc 208.foresight: seeing what will happen in the future 209.to maximize utility: to do what you prefer to do, at the lowest possible cost 210.expectations: what people think or anticipate will happen in the future 211.entrepreneur: a person who starts a business 212.alertness: being quick to see, understand or act in new situations 213.ignorance: not knowing about something 214.awareness: knowing or being conscious of something
Module 1
1、quotation 引用
2、self-employed 个体经商的
3、resign 辞职
4、apply for 申请
5、lay off(生意萧条时)临时解雇,下岗
7、overtime 超时的,加班
8、laser equipment激光设备
9、live for the moment 活在当下
11、think and plan for the future为未来做打算
12、take off 休假
13、Entitlement Generation 养尊处优的一代
14、entitle to有权利做…
15、little appetite for hard work不想努力工作
17、instant gratification瞬间满足
18、codding parents and colleges溺爱的父母和大学
19、we were spoiled by your generation我们被你们这一代宠坏了 20、break our backs for you努力工作
21、bury themselves in a cubicle 埋头苦干
22、delegate jobs分配工作
23、recruitment 招聘
24、older employees员工老龄化
25、senior management高级管理
27、education background教育背景
28、object/key section工作目标
29、certificate/license证书 30、bank office后勤部门;股票或证券交易清算室
31、marital status婚姻状况
34、pilot project尝试性计划
36、canton 州,行政区
39、sign up to participate in报名参加 40、call up传唤
41、under the terms of=according to根据
43、National Assembly国会
46、preconceived idea先入为主的观念
47、rule out the possibility of..的可能性
49、fundraiser募捐者 50、trainee investment advisor投资建设者
51、(put….)on the spot在现场;故意使某人处于难堪境地
54、permanent post固定工作
59、veteran富有经验的人 60、flipside反面,相反情况 61、teleworking电子化办公 62、life expectancy预期寿命 63、personal summary个人情况介绍 64、dynamic有活力的65、knowdegeable有知识的 66、interpersonal skill人际交往技能 67、software solution软件解决方案 68、entrepreneur企业家 69、expertise专长 70、self-motivated自我激励的 71、pre-course预备课程 72、reference证明(人)73、covering letter附信 74、ongoing持续存在的 75、on one’s own initiative主动地 76、job-hunt frequently不断地跳槽 77、paid holiday带薪休假 78、tanker邮轮 79、leak泄露 80、tug拖船81、publicity公众的注意 82、media attention媒体关注 assert oneself坚持自己的权利(意见)83、ground使搁浅,使触海底
84、routine日常的,例行的 85、relocate使安置于新地点 86、entail需要 87、feature特写 88、improvise临时做/提供 89、denim粗斜棉布 90、stone-washed磨砂的 91、plant成套设备 92、allegation断言 93、toxic有毒的 94、plastic coating塑料覆盖层
95、migrant worker民工 96、e-waste电子垃圾 97、employee loyalty员工忠诚 98、employee commitment员工敬业精神 99、derive from从..中得到 100、incentive鼓励 101、commendation赞扬 102、instrinsic内在的,本质的 103、advancement提升,晋升
Module 2
1、sales turnover/revenue营业额
2、share capital股本
3、market share市场份额
4、number of outlets门店
5、entry 网页,登录
9、sale offices销售点
10、be based in总部位于
11、acquire/acquisition=take over收购
13、go bankrupt破产
14、after-sales services售后服务
15、divest=sell off廉价出售
16、close=shut down关闭
17、logistic company物流公司
18、organic growth内生增长
19、non-organic growth非内生增长 20、heap积累
21、at the top of the heap=leader领导者
23、completely=with no doubt=squarel正好
24、aim at针对
26、core database核心数据库
28、dig at挖苦,嘲笑
29、at the heart核心 30、industry行业
32、small-scale acquisition小型收购
34、since then自那以后
38、takeover bid竞价收购
39、trying circumstance困难的境地/形势 40、momentum势头 lose momentum失去势头
41、with class出众,优异 a girl with class有出众风度的姑娘
42、our heads hold high=be proud骄傲,自豪
44、the way employees are rewarded奖赏方式
46、throw sb.in at the deep end是某人在毫无准备的情况下做困难的事
47、sum up总结
48、accountable for=be responsible for对…负责
49、in fairness公正地说
51、wield the axe挥舞斧头,裁员
52、get flak受到抨击
53、stock brokers证券公司
55、organisational culture企业文化
57、crucial role关键作用
59、macho硬汉,男子汉气概 60、devolve委派,下放 61、hierarchies等级 62、plodding拖拉 63、bureaucracy官僚资本主义
64、empower授权,许可 65、job secruity工作稳定性 66、measurable可测量的,重大的 67、clear lines of reporting and areas of responsibility明确划分权限和职责范围 68、non-financial rewards非金钱奖励 69、informal relationship轻松关系 70、present facts陈述事实 71、speculation猜测 72、post=announce宣布
73、be in line with与..一致 74、high street商业街 75、quieter生意清闲的、清淡的 76、flat生意不景气的 77、retail outlets经销机构 78、internet presence网络出口 79、core competency核心竞争力 80、market prospect市场前景 81、market price市场价格 82、cashflow资金流动 83、profit margin利润率 84、premise场所 85、go out of business歇业 86、go public挂牌上市 87、divest使卸下 88、blockbuster了不起的人 89、headline头版重要新闻 90、suite软件套件 91、platform平台 92、motto座右铭 93、resigned屈从的,顺从的 94、saga一长串事件 95、conclusion结局 96、insurance premiums保险费 97、consensus一致意见 98、charisma领袖气质 99、one-top一站式的,提供一揽子商品(服务)的 100、discreet言行谨慎的 101、accessories装饰品 102、profile简介 103、poll民意测验 104、interpersonal skill交际能力 105、time management skill时间管理能力 106、problem-solving skill解决问题的能力 107、customer service training顾客服务培训 108、knowledge industry知识产业 109、textile industry纺织行业
110、information industry信息行业 111、raw material extraction industry原材料开采行业
Module 3
1、make/receive a phone call
2、issue/put out a press release
3、launch/run an advertisement
4、give/make a presentation
5、hold/attend a meeting/seminar
6、produce/publish a report
7、send out/circulate a memo to all concerned
9、post/put information on the internet
10、make economies节省
12、means of communication沟通方式
13、make of理解,看待
14、investment portfolio证券投资组合
15、get a good point说得有道理
18、more….than….与其说…不如说….19、call center呼叫中心 20、bill enquiry账单查询
26、bank deposits银行储蓄
27、cash withdrawals现金支取
28、issuing of statements结单通知
29、cash machine取款机 30、driver动力
31、high street shopping实体店购物
32、start out/off开始谋业
34、train times火车时刻表
36、SMS=short messaging service短信
37、MSN=Microsoft Service Net微软公司
39、managing director总经理 40、make a request请求
41、give sb.a reminder提醒某人
42、make a proposal建议;订婚
43、make an announcement通知
44、make a demand要求
45、customer charter顾客约章
47、national and local calls长途与本地电话
48、refund the difference退还差价
49、impartial公正的 50、satisfaction survey顾客满意度调查
52、come straight back马上回来
54、parcel delivery company包裹邮递公司
55、a fish tank鱼缸
56、mail order company邮购公司
57、air pump气泵
58、the service department服务部
59、electricity company供电公司 60、unsolicited未经要求的,主动提供的 61、laptop computer笔记本电脑 62、aquarium水族馆 63、fitness club健身俱乐部 64、iron熨斗 65、nevertheless=still 66、consequently=so 67、owing to=because of 68、moreover=what’s more 69、following=after 70、since=because 71、besides=anyway 72、receptionist接待人员 73、doormen门卫 74、existing staff现有的员工 75、customer behavior消费行为 76、telephone operator接线员 77、handset手机 78、accredit相信,认可
Module 4
4、dead-end street死胡同
5、price competition价格战
6、selling point卖点
7、competitive advantage竞争优势
8、emotional/perceived benefits情感利益
9、added value附加值
10、prospective customer潜在的顾客
11、buying signal成交信号
12、car dealer汽车行
13、close the sale成交
14、reserve the order预定
16、build/establish trust建立信任
19、suit one’s image符合身份 20、hard sell强硬销售
25、digital revolution数字革命
27、in favor of支持;宁愿选择
28、television viewing电视收视率
29、personal video recorder technology(PVR)录像机 30、medium媒体
32、the sharp end激进分子
34、Internet budget网络预算
35、direct response advertising直效广告
36、the consumer goods giant消费品巨头
39、make its presence felt使周围的人感觉你的重要性 40、rewind倒退
41、fast forwarding快进
42、on demand有求必应
43、search-based advertising基于搜索的广告
45、huge premium巨额保费
46、tune in to调整,调台
47、Dancing on Ice花样滑冰
49、catch-all包罗万象的 50、holistic整体的,全面的
51、tap into开发
52、social networking sites交友网站
53、feel compelled to do sth.情不自禁干某事
54、come of age到达法定年龄、成年;到达成熟时期
55、in the short term从短期来说
56、creat a buzz造势
58、present figures描述业绩
59、roller coaster过山车
60、fluctuate=go up and down=vary上下起伏 61、pick up=recove=bounce 恢复 62、hit=reach 63、high point=peak 64、due to=because of=owing to=down to 65、over=during=in 66、overdrive加速,赶工 67、stabilish=level off 68、clear out our stock清仓 69、up to=as much as 70、result in=lead to 71、pharmaceutical制药的 72、forecast预计 73、best-selling最畅销的 74、eye contact眼神交流 75、curve曲线 76、what general trend大概趋势 77、per capita人均的 78、connect with=relative to与…相关 79、decision maker决策者 80、option选用件 81、reliability可靠性 82、prospect可能成为主顾的人 83、constraint限制,约束 84、anecdote轶事,趣闻 86、pushy粗鲁的,莽撞的 87、payment terms支付方式 88、niche专门市场 89、point-of-sale销售网点 90、viral marketing病毒式营销 91、vehicle advertising车辆广告 92、banner ads横幅广告 93、broadband宽带 94、media company传媒公司 95、commission佣金 96、across the board全面地 97、blues忧郁,沮丧 98、given考虑到 99、slow-release(药效)缓慢的释放 100、disruption扰乱 101、supply chain供应链 102、in reserve被留出备用 103、margin利润 104、palm oil棕榈油 105、supply and demand供应与需求 106、ingredient配料
Module 5
1、flow chart流程图
3、owe money欠钱
4、take out获得
5、bet money on a horse赌马
6、withdraw money取钱
7、bank manager银行经理
8、interest rate利息
11、save rate存款率
12、consumer confidence index消费者信心指数
19、asset values(资产价值)will crash资产价值崩溃 20、equity财产净值;股票;所有者权益
21、negative equity负债资产
22、by far最,无疑,很
23、so far到达某一程度so far so good到目前为止,一切都好
25、gas-guzzling cars滥吃狂饮
28、location 地点
29、seating capacity座位容量 30、current cost of a ticket当前票价
35、variable costs可变成本,fixed costs固定成本
39、profit利润,loss亏损 40、dividends红利,retained profit留存利润
43、accounts payable应付账款,accounts receivable应收账款
44、financial statement财务报表
46、your first port of call(沿途要落脚/拜访的地方)你首先要看的是
47、the accounts财务报表
48、balance sheet资产负债表
49、the income statement=the profit and loss accounts所得计算书 50、cashflow statement现金流表
52、at a given moment=over a given period在某一特定时期
53、owe to欠
54、set sth.against sth.把…与…联系起来
55、current asset流动资产
56、the notes to the accounts账目记录
57、run the business经营
58、gross profit毛利润,net profit净利润
59、proverbial众所周知 60、profit after tax税后利润 61、calculator计算器 62、the bottom line底线 63、do some sums算一算是否有钱去做….64、total revenue/turnover总收入 65、operating income营业收入 66、current liabilities流动负债 67、starting line开办费用 68、cash from operating经营产生的现金 69、cash from investing投资产生的现金 70、cash from financing融资产生的现金 71、net change in cash净现金流 72、material costs材料成本 73、administrative costs管理费用
74、distribution costs运输成本 75、overheads日常开支 76、development costs开发成本 77、finance costs财务成本 78、advertising expenditure广告花销 79、free samples免费样品 80、bank charges银行手续费 81、vehicle insurance车辆保险 82、heating加热,供暖设备 83、make reductions缩减 84、car hire company汽车出租公司
85、compromise妥协 86、napkin纸巾 87、consumer spending消费者支出 88、avert挡开 89、gallon加仑 90、equation综合体 91、multipex多剧场影剧院 92、research and development expenditure研究与开发费用 93、operating expenses营业费用 94、manufacturing costs生产成本 95、shopping mall大型购物中心 96、hole漏洞 97、blue-chip(股票)热门的 98、hindsight事后的认识
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作者:简新亚 主编,简新亚,简易,张乃欣 编著
作者:孟宇凡,周颖 主编
《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(Cambridge Business Benchmark)共由三个级别构成,分别对应BEC考试的三个级别:初级(Preliminary)、中级(Vantage)、高级(Higher)。
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