新编剑桥商务英语(中级)课文翻译 BEC课文翻译
1、We wanna hold your hand 我们愿与你携手创业
2、Not sold on sales
“你好!我在销售部工作。” 这话来自一个不善于开场白的人。不是吗?至少听起来不像战斗机飞行员或是无国界医师组织的理事那么神气。不幸的是,在销售部门工作总是摆脱不了乏味的形象,并与无商不奸的概念紧紧相联。这些也是毕业生求职问题之所在。另一方面,营销——一种不那么直接的销售方式,作为职业选择更受青睐,而且在晚餐会上听起来也更体面。原因何在?东芝电器公司的人力资源部经理苏珊·史蒂文斯认为:营销工作“显得很风光”,并且毕业生们“期待从事创造性的活动,参加公关活动,经常旅行,享受免费的娱乐”。然而
史蒂文斯经理说东芝公司最近不得不在毕业生招聘计划中,把销售和营销项目捆绑推向市场,因为“我们知道光有销售项目吸引不了毕业生。”这种投机做法奏效了。去年,多数招进来的员工选择了销售,包括营销专业的毕业生罗斯·斯诺登。“与营销不同的是,销售更具体实在。销售对公司的业绩有直接影响,所从事的工作是与人接触,与性格不同的人打交道。”毕业生们对销售工作不感兴趣,其部分原因是人们不把从事销售看成体面的职业。克拉莉萨·珍特曾是一名化学专业的毕业生,如今是一家虚拟主机IT公司Rackspace Managed Hosting的销售经理。她说:“就业部门未对销售工作进行宣传,对销售所能选择的各个工作层次缺乏宣传教育。我向来以为营销工作看起来更诱人,事实上它不是我原先所想象的那样充满生机。后来我通过和销售部的人们交谈,才明白销售工作同样可以充满激情。很快我清楚了,销售工作远比其他工作更适合我。现在我每天和顾客交谈,目标明确,充满激情。真是妙不可言!”
(1)shake off its unglamorous image摆脱其乏味的形象。shake off摆脱,例如:shakeoff responsibility摆脱责任。
(2)associations with something rather dishonest本意为“和某种不诚实守信的因素紧紧相联”,在这个语境中可以翻译为“与无商不奸的概念紧紧相联”。unglamorous单调的,乏味的,例如:unglamorous environment单调的环境。(3)retain an air of glamour 显得很风光,retain an air of 带着„„的样子,例如retain an air of cheerfulness保持一种欢喜的样子。
(4)sales means door-to-door work and cold calling销售意味着挨家挨户推销,进行不期而至的拜访或拨打不期而至的电话。mean„意味着„„,例如Getting promoted means more responsibilities and higher salary.得到提拔意味着更多的责任和更高的薪水。
(5)The gamble paid off.这种投机做法奏效了。gamble赌博,投机。这里指该公司为了广纳人才,迎合毕业生青睐营销轻视销售的想法,把招聘计划投机地命名为 “营销和销售”,先把毕业生吸引进来,然后再逐渐把他们吸引到销售部门来。短语pay off意为“成功”,例如„The advertisement paid off‟.广告取
3、How Madonna mannged success
麦当娜是世界上最早把专题调查会的方式引入音乐行业的艺术家之一。2005年6、7月间,她与自己的DJ兼制作商斯图尔德·普莱斯(Stuart Price)一道在全欧洲的夜总会巡回进行试音(不演唱)。伴舞者对舞曲的反应被拍成胶片,用来确定《舞池告白》中的舞曲。同样,经理人也必须调查研究,深入了解客户需求。开发潜能,克服弱点
(1)high school不可按字面理解为“高中”。在英文里,high school指“中学”,初中为junior high school;高中为senior high school。
(2)set out为多义短语,主要有“出发,开始,打算”等义。如:Setting out inbusiness is no easy job.经商伊始事业不易。She set out as an actress with the help of a director.在一位导演的帮助下她开始当演员。
(3)DJ唱片骑师。全称disc jockey,缩略为disc jock或DJ,指电台音乐节目主持人或唱片音乐节目制作人。出自骑马术语。在现代英语中,jockey(骑师)一词的意思很丰富。在它当动词使用时,还有控制、操纵或影响的含义。于是,一 些对事物发展具有一定影响力的人,统统被称做骑师。例如,球场长凳(bench)上的拉拉队,就是bench jockey(板凳骑师)。从事硬件制作或销售的电脑公司员工被称为chip-jockey(芯片骑师)。迪斯科舞场里的disco jockey,被人们称为“打碟”的灵魂。音乐节目的播音员或唱片音乐节目的主持人,通过节目的选择和介绍,影响听众的情绪或倾向,同时在节目中巧妙地穿插一些广告或评论,可谓引导听众的绝妙骑师。
(4)team up(使)结成一队,(使)合作,(使)配合。如:They teamed up to write a novel.他们合作写一部小说。
(5)focus group一种相对比较随意,收集有关观点和态度方面数据的方法(amethod of data collection, a somewhat informal technique that can help you assess user needs and feelings),通过组织六至九位或十二位参与者针对某特定问题(focus)进行开放式的讨论。多用在市场学调研中。根据有关资料,在发展中国家,调查者通常使用这一方法来获得当地居民对计划生育、新技术引进等问题的看法;而在发达国家,越来越多的卫生促进和临床领域的调查报告基于这一方法。
一、介绍信 Letters of Introduction
1.Dear Mr./ Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones,our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully
2.Dear Mr./ Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr.Wang You,our import manager of Textiles Department.Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully
二、约定 Appointments
1.Dear Mr./Ms,Mr.John Green,our General Manager,will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you,say,on June 3 at 2.00 p.m.about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you.If not,what time you would suggest.Yours faithfully,2.Dear Mr/Ms,I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas,and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday,(October 5-9)。I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor.Would 0930 hours on Tuesday,October 6 be convenient?
I shall be in Beijing,at the Great Wall Hotel,from Tuesday,September 29,until Sunday,October 4,where a message will reach me.If the day is not convenient,will you please suggest another.Yours faithfully
Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr.Green's visit during June 2-7.Unfortunately,Mr.Edwards,our manager,is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June.He would,however,be pleased to see Mr.Green any time after his return.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,四、.通知与确认
(一)* 通知对方接到来信Acknowledging receipt of letters *
1.Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter No.A-3 of 6th May,offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas.We have passed it on to our Technical Department for their consideration.We shall reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully 2.Dear Mr/Ms,We have today received with thanks information concerning transactions on the New York Wheat Exchange which will be made full use of by our research department.We look forward to further cooperation with you.Yours faithfully
(二)* 确认达成的协议 Confirming agreements reached *
3.Dear Mr./ Ms,Last Friday,when we were discussing the problems of defective containers.You suggested that I simply mail you a report each month on the number of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you.I plan to put this into effect at once.But,I first want to make sure that I understand you correctly.If I don't hear from you within the coming week,I'll assume that you approve.Yours faithfully 4.Dear Mr/Ms,We write to confirm our agreement reached during our conversation on 9th June about special discounts on M-S Acoustical Partitions as described on page 8 of our catalogue.These prices will prevail through 30 June.Partition dimension Regular Price Each Special price Each(12 or more)
4X4' US$ 112.75FOB Bern US$98.20 FOB Bern
4x5' US$132 115.50
5x5' US$152.75 129.85
We will be happy to receive your order
Yours sincerely 5.Dear Mr/Ms,As our telephone negotiation this morning was very brief and proceeded so smoothly,I thought it might be advisable to summarize the agreement:
I offered US$56/kg CIF EMP You asked for US$60 I countered US$58/kg You accepted the figure I look forward to signing the contract when we meet next week.Yours faithfully
五.告示 Announcements
1.开业 Opening of new business Dear Mr./ Ms,We have opened at the above address a sales office for our products here in
New York.We employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us.We would be pleased if you would take full advantage of our services and favourable shopping conditions.We fully guarantee the quality of our products.Yours faithfully 2.建立办事处 Establishment of new branch
Dear Mr./ Ms,Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here,with Mr.Wang Lo as manager.The new branch will open on 1st March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr.Wang Lo at the above address,instead of to our London office.We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your cooperation in the past.We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.Yours faithfully 3.歇业 Discontinuation of business
Dear Mr/Ms,With the demolition of our premises at the above address under a redevelopment scheme,the part of our business carried on there will be discontinued after the end of October.On Monday,1st October,we are holding a closing-out sale.Stock on hand will be cleared regardless of cost.There will be substantial reductions in all departments and
in some cases,prices will be marked down by as much as one half.Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety and quality.As the sale is likely to be well attended,we hope you make a point of visiting the store as early as possible during the opening days.Yours faithfully 4.更改名称和地址 Change of name and address
Dear Mr./ Ms,At our company meeting on 4 September,it was decided that the name of our company would be changed to CNMIEC Lee Co.At the same time,it was decided to move the company from the above address to No3-6 Broadway Street.We will appreciate your informing the appropriate departments of these changes.Yours faithfully 5.新的任命 New appointment
Dear Mr./ Ms,We wish to notify you that Mr.Robert Smart,who has been our representative in Southwest England for the past seven years has left our service and therefore no longer has authority to take orders or collect accounts on our behalf.We have appointed Mr.Fred Peterson in his place.Mr.Peterson has for many years been on our sales force and is thoroughly familiar with the needs of customers in your area.We trust you will have good cooperation from him.Yours faithfully 6.公司的建立与重组 Establishment or reorganization of company
Dear Mr./ Ms,We are pleased to announce that as of 1st June our firm will merge with D & W Co.of this town to form the new firm of CN/CW Co.The new firm will carry on business at 6 Rue de Toqueville,Tripoli,to which address please send all communications after 31st May.We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us in the past and look forward to continued dealings with you.Yours faithfully
六. 谘询 Consultation 询问信息
Dear Mr./ Ms,We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably.At first we thought this might be due to a slack market,but on looking into the matter more closely,we find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware.If so,we would like to know what we can do to help.We,therefore,look forward to receiving
from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.Yours faithfully 七.道歉与解释
Appology & Explanation
1.Dear Mr./ Ms,We are sorry we cannot send you immediately the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March 10.Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks and as soon as we receive them,we will send you a copy.Yours faithfully 2.Dear Mr./ Ms,I was very concerned when I received your letter of yesterday complaining that the central heating system in your new house had not been completed by the date promised.On referring to our earlier correspondence,I find that I had mistaken the date for completion.The fault is entirely mine and I deeply regret that it should have occurred.I realize the inconvenience our oversight must be causing you and will do everything possible to avoid any further delay.I have already given instructions for the work to have priority and the engineers working on the job to be placed on overtime.These arrangements should see the installation completed by next weekend.Yours faithfully 八.提示Attention
1.Dear Mr./ Ms,On 14 November I submitted a bill for services rendered to your office at the Lille International Exposition.More than a month has now elapsed without payment or acknowledgment of my bill.Please check this oversight,and remit payment at your earliest convenience.I look forward to future services to your corporation.Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.Yours faithfully 九.感谢信 Thank-You Letter
Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter of June 4,enclosing an account of the organization and work of your Chamber of Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities.This information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.Yours faithfully 十 邀请与答复
Invitation and Reply
1.Dear Mr./ Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon,and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully 肯定答复
Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to participate in the 1997 International Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr.Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully
Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 International Fair.As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time,we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully 十一.宣布访问
Declaring A Visit
Dear Mr./ Ms,Mr.William Taylor,President of our Corporation and Mr.James Rogers,Marketing Manager,would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on a joint venture.They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China about a week.Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest.If the time of their visit is agreeable,will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visa? 十二.活动安排
Activity Arrangement
Dear Mr./ Ms,We are very pleased to welcome President William Taylor and Manager James Rogers to Beijing and Shanghai in thesecond half of April for about a week.As requested,we propose the following itinerary for your consideration.Monday,April 18
4.00 p.m.Arrive in Beijing by Flt.xx,to be met at the airport by Mr.President
of Asia Trading Co.4.15 Leave for Great Wall Hotel
7.30 Dinner given by President x
Tuesday,April 19
9:30 a.m.Discussion at Asia Trading Co.Building
2:00 p.m.Group discussion
8:00 p.m.Cocktail reception given by the British Commercial Counselor in Beijing
Wednesday,April 20
9:00 a.m.Discussion
12:00 noon Sign the Letter of Intent
1:30 p.m.Peking Duck Dinner
3:30 p.m.visit the Summer palace
6:00 Departure for Shanghai
Would you please confirm by fax so that we can make arrangements accordingly.Yours faithfully
《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Student book)(第二版)》 定价:43.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage)(第二版)》
作者:剑桥商务英语证书考试命题研究组 编
作者:简新亚 主编,简新亚,简易,张乃欣 编著
作者:孟宇凡,周颖 主编
《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(Cambridge Business Benchmark)共由三个级别构成,分别对应BEC考试的三个级别:初级(Preliminary)、中级(Vantage)、高级(Higher)。
新编剑桥商务英语PASS BEC口试必备手册(中、高级)
1.1 Ways of working
regular hours [‘regjulə] 正常工作时间
flexible hours ['fleksəbl]弹性工作时间
freelance ['fri:'lɑ:ns]自由职业
job-share 分担工作
shift-work 轮班工作,倒班制
part-time 兼职 full-time全职
teleworking [‘teliwə:kiŋ]电子化办公方式,电子办公 temping当临时工
specialist advice [‘speʃəlist]专业咨询
office gossip [‘gɔsip]办公室小道消息
consultancy [kən‘sʌltənsi] 咨询公司,顾问公司 flextime/flexitime 弹性工作时间
office news办公室新闻 credit赞扬、功劳
MD/managing director总裁(美语中称CEO或president)Brainpower 智能
Worst-case adj.做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的 Scenario [si'nɑ:riəu]事态、局面 Delegate vt.授权、分配工作
Availability 利用可能性,可利用的人、物,物资保证 Parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿假 / maternity leave 产假 Distractions 让人注意力分散的事务 Contact 人脉,有用的社会关系 Case-load工作量 Daily log日志
Voice mail语音信箱、留言 Self-organisation自我组织能力 Disruptive adj.造成混乱的 1.2 Making contacts trade fair event 商品交易会 coffee/tea break工间咖啡休息时间 drinks evening 晚间酒会 coaching event专项体验训练活动
maximise [‘mæksəmaɪz] 最大限度的使用,发挥(maximize 美式)socializing参加社交,交际 corporate world商界
useful contacts ['kɑntækt]有用的人际关系 co-chair联合总裁,主席 network建立关系网络
networking建立人际网,关系网 ‘networking’ event(为帮助职场人士建立人脉关系专门举行的)牵线搭桥活动,联谊活动。Locals当地人
Be spread out分散在各地
Internal communication [kə,mjunə'keʃən] 内部交流 post-it note便条
2.1company benefits and incentives Benefits
n.福利 Incentive
n.奖励 Job title
Training and staff development 培训和员工发展 Good salary 可观的收入 Pension
Flexible working hours 弹性工作时间,灵活工作时间 Opportunities to travel 旅游机会
Opportunities for promotion 升职提拔机会 Days off 几天短假
Company car 公司给配的汽车
Too good to be true好得令人难以置信=2G2BT(另外一些办公室网络用语:LOL-Laugh out loud, FWIW-for what its worth, OMG-oh my god, IDK-I don’t know, BTW-by the way, TX-thanks, RUS-are you serious/sure, 2 = to/too, 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be, 4 = for, 4ever = forever, ASL = Age/Sex/Location, AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned, AFAIK = As Far As I Know, AFK = Away From Keyboard, AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something, B4 = Before, B4N = Bye For Now, Biz = Business, CU = See You, CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later, F2F/FTF = Face To Face, FAQ = Frequently Asked Question, G2G = Got To Go, G8T/GR8 = Great)Client service executive 客户服务主管 Take…with a pinch of salt 对…将信将疑 Old and established历史悠久
Resource director(HR director的简称)人力资源部经理 Qualification
Temp(temporary/temporary worker)临时员工
Incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程 Promote from within 提拔内部员工 Take on 接受,招聘
n.从外部吸纳招收的员工 Project manager 项目经理
Grow and maintain customer relationship 发展和维护客户关系 Canteen n.食堂,餐厅 Head office总部
Brainstorming 自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益 Breakout
Encompass vt.包括,包含 Sales and marketing 销售和市场营销
Research and development and manufacturing 研发和生产 Perk
Final salary pension scheme 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划 Budget n.预算
Non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖励
Once in a lifetime
adj.千载难逢的,令人难忘的 Career goal职业目标
Senior management 高层管理人员 Vocabulary Part 5 常见的与take搭配的短语: 1.take after 与……相像
eg.The baby took after his mother.2.take down 记下
eg.Take down the notes while you are listening.3.to be taken for 被误认为
eg.to be taken for a foreigner 4.take off 打折
eg.Shop early and we’ll take off 20 percent.5.take on 承担
eg.to take on new responsibilities 6.take for granted 认为……理所当然
eg.We often take these things for granted.2.2 Presenting Your Company Distribution centre 配送中心 Warehouse 仓库
Holding company 控股公司 Call centre 呼叫中心
Plant 工厂,(用于生产或生活的)成套设备,成套装置,成套机械 Headquarter 总部
Subsidiary 子公司(指由母公司控制的,在东道国政府法律下登记的独立法人)Branch 分公司(指母公司的一个分支机构或附属机构,在法律上和经济上没有独立性,不是法人)Corporation 公司,法人 Division 部门分支 Turnover 营业额,销售额 Revenue 收入,收益
Document management 资料管理,文档管理 Innovation technology 创新技术 Chart 图表
Research and development 研制和开发 Mission statement 公司所制定的目标或宗旨 Fact sheet 情况说明书
3.1Business topic: Starting a business sole trader [səul]独立法人,独立经销 partnership [‘pɑ:tnə,ʃip]合伙经营
['fræn,tʃaiz] 连锁店,特许经销权,特许经营 franchise agreement 特许协议 franchisor [,fræntʃaɪ'zə] n.授予特许权者
franchisee n.[,fræntʃaɪ'zi](公司的分店、零售店或联号商店的)特许经营者,加盟者 entrepreneurial spirit [’spɪrɪt]企业家精神进取精神
voila [vwa:'la:] int.(法)可不是,那就是,瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹)
例子:I always like the name Reagan and I'm kind of a Ronald Reagan fan, so, voila, here she came along.Set up 建立
granting of a license 同意发给许可证 charge one’s own prices 自行定价收费 credit rating ['kredit]信用度,信用评级 brand name [brænd]品牌名称
financial assistance [fai'nænʃəl] [ə'sɪstəns]金融支持 trademark n.['tred,mɑrk]商标
ludicrous adj.['lju:dikrəs]荒谬的,可笑的 menu content 菜单的内容
solicitor n.[sə'lɪsətɚ]律师(注:开业律师以其服务方式不同而分为诉讼律师(barrister)和事务律师(solicitor),诉讼律师规定不准合伙,只能单独开业,但诉讼律师可以按惯例自愿结合组成律师事务所)profit margin ['prɔfit] ['mɑrdʒɪn]利润率,利润幅度,利差 branch out使……分支出来,拓展业务 launch vt.[lɔntʃ]开办(新企业)invest vt.[ɪn'vɛst]投资
venture n.['vɛntʃɚ]投机活动;商业冒险;(为盈利而投资其中的)风险公司 fee n.费用(如会费,入场费,手续费)run(a company/business)管理运营公司
luggage n.行李
on line database 网上数据库 subscription n.订购,订阅 mobile phone 移动电话 mp3 player MP3播放器 laptop 笔记本电脑 schedule n.时间表 shuttle bus
班车 buffet n.自助餐,冷餐 proper nouns专有名词
British franchise association 英国特许经营联合会(一家非营利组织,旨在宣传职业道德、促进公平合理的特许加盟活动)Domino Pizza 达美乐比萨店(美国比萨连锁店)参考词语和表达
Credit rating 信用度,信用评级 Franchise agreement特许协议 Franchise fee 特许经营费用
Well-established adj.公认的,知名的,得到认可的 Brand name 品牌名称 Financial assistance金融支持
As a sole trader, you are independent;you are your own boss.As a franchisee, your promotional activities, financial records, hiring, service procedure, etc., are not in complete control of your own.In partnership you share risks and profits with your partner.You may disagree with your partner on strategy.Franchising enables people to both own a business and get help running it.A well-run franchise organization can provide a person who has never managed a business with guidance.良好的特许经营许可企业可以给从未有过经营企业的人指引方向。
Franchisors can provide a brand name, products or services, and financial assistance.特许产品可以提供品牌、产品和服务,甚至金融支持。Franchisees have to pay franchise fees and they lose some independence.Sometimes the training programs provided by the franchisors are weak – too brief and staffed by trainers who do not have instructional skill.有时特许经营者提供的培训课程收效甚微,太简短,而且选派的培训者缺乏授课技巧。3.2Leaving & taking messages registration n.[,redʒi‘streiʃən]登记,注册 lower case 小写字母,小写体
security n.[si‘kju:riti]保安,安全 voicemail n.语音信箱
schedule n.['skedʒul]时间表,计划,安排 4.1 Advertising Word of mouth 口碑,口头宣传,口头广告 Mailshot 邮寄广告 TV commercial电视广告 Billboard 广告牌
Spam(Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages)垃圾邮件 Banner 标语横幅
Newspaper advert报纸广告 Internet advertising网络广告 Search engine搜索引擎 Link 连接 Objective 目标 Expectation预期,期望 Brochure宣传册
Sample 样本 Case study 案例研究 Ringtone手机铃声 In small print小字体印刷 Graphic图形 Animation动画 In bold粗体字
Subscription 订购,订阅 subscription fee入网费,开通费 Launch a formal investigation 展开正式调查 Soft drink 软饮料 Spit out 吐出
Target audience目标观众 Organic 有机的,天然的 Yoghurt 酸奶
Shape yoghurt塑身酸奶
Fat-free脱脂的,不含脂肪的 / skimmed脱脂 Artificial sweetener 人工甜味剂 Preservative 保鲜剂 Colorant 色素 Additive 添加剂 Ingredients list成分清单
Online complaints form网上投诉表 Promotion 推广促销 Marketing市场营销
Promotional gift 促销赠品 / giveaways赠品
4.2 Delegating Delegate
v.委托,分派,移交 Delegator
托付者,委派者,移交者 Tailor
修改,使合适,使适应 Positive 肯定的,积极的 Expectation
v.事前向…介绍基本情况,向…布置简要任务 Let go 放开,放手 Bits and pieces 零碎 Ownership 所有权 Financial
Psychological 心理上的,精神上的Psychological Doctor/Psychologist/shrink心理医生 Specify v.明确说明,详细说明 Deadline 最后期限
Check up 校对,检验,检查,调查 Feedback反馈
adj.建设性的 Criticism
n.批评,评论 5.1 The workplace Attend a meeting 参加会议 Hold a meeting举办会议 Reach an agreement达成协议
To source art为商业用途选择艺术装饰品 To commission art定制艺术
Regeneration 重建,再生
Sector 尤指商业、贸易等的部门,领域,或者行业 Installation 安装
Presentation 陈述,介绍,针对某一话题发言 Run a meeting 开会,使会议进行下去 Healthcare保健 Referral保荐人,推荐人 Specialist knowledge 专业知识 Expertise 专家意见,专门技术或知识 Make an appointment 预约,约会(商业的)Gallery 美术馆,艺术廊 Visual视觉的,可视的 Reference database参考数据库 Premise n.楼宇,单位住所 Direct speech直接引语 Reported speech间接引语
Anecdotal ['ænikdəut] things n.轶事,指人们不大知道的事情 Social norm社会规范
Questionnaire 调查表,调查问卷 Goal-oriented adj.目标明确的 Input 输入的内容
Interaction 交际,相互作用
Coffee break咖啡时间,上班中的休息时间 Office decoration办公室装修 Training budget培训预算 Trade fair商品交易会,交易市场 Chair主持,小组主席 Exhibitor参展商,参展者 Accommodation 住宿 Sponsor主办单位,赞助商 Evening buffet自助晚餐
5.2 Participating in a meeting
Chairperson 主席
Minutes 备忘录,会议纪录 minutes of the meeting 会议纪录 take a minutes 作会议纪录 agenda 议事日程 set the agenda 制定议程
move on(to the next point)进入(下一点)see somebody’s point 明白某人观念
go along with somebody on the point 同意某人观念(非常正式)head of the coin 硬币正面 tail of the coin 硬币反面 counter 筹码 decoration 装修
office decoration 办公室装饰 budget 预算
training budget 培训预算 6.1 Recruitment Cell phone / mobile phone 移动电话,手机,smart phone智能电话
Migraine ['mai:’ɡrein]n.偏头痛 splitting headache(补充知识:有关‘病’的表达)
Body-piercing ['piəsiŋ] studio 人体穿环工作室(一种从事人体美容的地方,一般被称为body-art,比如做tattoo,nail art当然还包括piercing穿孔)
Arrange an interview 安排会面 Voicemail 语音信箱 Automated message自动信息
Lottery彩票 super lotto ['lɔtəu] 大乐透 win lottery中彩票,中奖 Car plant 汽车制造商 Pay off还清欠债,取得成功 Mortgage ['mɔ:ɡidʒ] 抵押,按揭 Cutback 削减,减少
Disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序
Carry out 执行,实行(同近义词perform, accomplish, implement, fulfill, come true)
6.2 Emailing
Email 发电子邮件;电子邮件
Inbox 收件箱 junk垃圾邮件箱 drafts草稿箱sent已发送邮件 Check the inbox 查收收件箱 Recipient 接收人,收件人
CC the email 转发邮件 cc:(Carbon Copy), forward mail转发邮件 In case 如果,万一 Email addict 电子邮件狂 Save emails保存电子邮件 File emails 给电子邮件归档 Delete emails删除邮件 Subject line主题栏
Charity 慈善机构,慈善组织 Tribunal [trai'bju:nəl] 法庭,仲裁机关 Compensation 赔偿,补偿 In the loop 在圈内
Fire off发送信件,电子邮件等 Internal communication 内部交流 Warehouse 仓库,存储中心 Storage仓库,存储处 In trouble处于困境中 With regard to…关于,至于
Lorry 卡车,运输卡车, 美语叫truck Stock 现货,存货
Pick up 拾起某物,开车接送,车辆中途载人
7.1 Sales Pilot 飞行员
Fighter pilot战斗机飞行员 Shake off 摆脱,甩掉
adj.没有魅力的,无浪漫色彩的,乏味的,单调的; glamorous adj.迷人的,富有魅力的Unglamorous image单调的形象 Association with与…的联系 Jolly
Door –to –door
adj.挨家挨户,走家串户;adv.挨家挨户地 Gamble vi.投机,赌博 Pay off 还清,获得成功
adj.有形的,具体的,切实的,intangible 无形的,不具体的
n.(俚语)极度兴奋,微醉 Commercial director 销售总监
Pitch n.程度,(文化,知识,教育,能力等方面的)水平Sales pitch 推销商品的口才
Cold calling(向潜在客户打的)冷不防的电话,无约电话 Outnumber vt.数目上超过,数量上超过 A firm of architects 建筑设计公司
Administration staff行政人员,行政管理人员 Call centre呼叫中心,电话客服中心 Driving lesson 驾驶课 Conveyor belt 传送带,输送带 Replace A with B 用B代替A 7.2 Selling Job description职务说明,工作说明 Distrust
vt.不信任,不相信 Stuff
n.材料,原料,产品 Overload
vt.超载,使过度承担 Specification(常用复数)规格,规范 Product specifications 产品规格 Dimensions 尺寸 Website 网址
Classic 典型的,有代表性的
Outgoing adj.外向的开朗的introverted内向的 Personality 性格,personality type性格类型 Turn down 拒绝
repulse Hang up挂断电话
Stationery 文具,配套的信笺信封 Home improvement 重新装修,居家修缮 Insulation n.绝缘,绝热,隔离 Office space 写字楼,办公室 Availability
n.可用性,有效,可用 Alternative
adj.迅速的,快速的a prompt decision 快速决定 Warehouse 仓库 Lot n.地段,地
Unit 2
Job title职衔
Training and staff development培训和员工发展
opportunities for promotion升职提拔机会
Company car公司配给的车
Client service executive客户服务总管
Take ….with a pinch of salt对。。将信将疑
Resources director人力资源部经理
Incumbent program岗位培训课程
Promote from within提拔内部员工
Grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维护客户关系 Brainstorming集思广益
Research and development and manufacturing研发和生产 Perks外快
Final salary pension scheme按最终薪水给付的养老计划 Non-cash reward非现金形式的奖励
Career goal职业目标
Senior management高层管理人员
Distribution centre配送中心
Holding company控股公司
Document management文档管理
Innovative technology创新技术
Mission statement目标宣言
Unit 3
sole trader独立法人
franchise/ franchisor/ franchisee连锁店,特许经营 entrepreneurial spirit企业家精神
granting of a license同意发给许可证
charge one’s own prices自行定价收费
profit margin利润率利差
branch out分支出来
Unit 4
Word of mouth口头宣传
TV commercial电视广告
Newspaper advert报纸广告
Internet advertising网络广告
Search engine搜索器
Delegate / delegator委派者
Helpful feedback有助的反馈
Constructive criticism建设性的批评
Bits and pieces零碎
Financial or psychological rewards物质上或精神上的报酬 Let go放手
Specific skills特长
Tailor work to the individual
Give incentives
Define the expectations and objectives
Delegate complete tasks
Unit 5
To source art选择艺术品To commission art定制艺术品Specialist knowledge专业知识
Reference database参考数据库
Social norm社会规范
1.Hold a brief meeting
2.Run the meeting
3.See your point
4.Attend the meeting
5.Set the agenda
6.Take the minutes
7.Move on to the nest item on the agenda
8.Go long with someone on the point
9.Reach am agreement
10.Give a short presentation
Unit 6
Arrange an interview安排会面
Automated message自动语音信息 Pay off the mortgage还清抵押贷款 Disciplinary procedures惩戒程序
Be taken redundancy被裁员
make redundancy裁员
Call centre systems呼叫中心
Give notice提出辞职
1.The contract has been cancelled
2.Take the case to a tribunal
3.Email the CVs to the prospective employers
4.Log on to your PC
5.The recipient doesn’t respond
6.Emails with tremendous inaccuracy
or complete pointlessness
7.Avoid verbal contact
8.Decisions made
9.Deals struck
10.undo the damage
Unit 7
1.Work in sales
2.Marketing----a less direct way of selling a product
3.Work on creative campaigns with PRs
4.Door-to-door work
5.Cold calling
6.Sales is tangible
7.Has direct impact on a company’s results
8.Communicating with different personalities
9.Career department
10.In the buzz of a target-driven environment
11.Commercial director
12.Sales pitch
1.Job description
2.The benefits of their goods or services match the requirements
3.It goes without saying
4.Overload people with details
5.Product specification
6.Product Dimensions
7.Customers Come in all personality types
8.Sales people can vary
10.Move on to the next customer