世纪商务英语unit 1

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第一篇:世纪商务英语unit 1

Unit 1 美国人的生活方式

Background knowledge Why American Culture is Unique American culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically American.The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族)and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world.What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.1.Rough Environment The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of American.The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the coast.From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west.The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the country.The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom.Actually they looked for a better life.So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage of American.2.Ethnic Diversity

The population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and religions.People refer to the United States as “melting pot ”and the dominant people are British.American is made up of WASP+MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and Male.In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three times.They brought their own culture to America and later on different cultures were mixed together.Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared values.3.Plural Religion The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States.The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism;almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States.Christianity(基督教)is the dominant religion in American and Protestant(新教)is predominate(主导).Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same idea.Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sects of religion.Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion seculars.The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form religion.So there are more religions in America than in other countries.4.Current Influence Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society.American family is typically parents and their unmarried children.Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children.Many Americans live in mobile homes which are built with wheels.They can be moved.The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place.Quite a number of people change residences every year.The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime.The courage to try something new has been an American characteristic.American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority rights.There is certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the majority.Americans also like to be involved in many challenging activities and sports to show their adventurous spirits.All of these are affected by the heritage of the American history.From the facts above, we can see American culture is unique which was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion and still is affected and determined by them now.Reading Skill Focus 1.C Clue:首先,第一句话表明说话人对于后面发生的事情感到非常惊讶。从第二句话中,我们明白了“当我们正在谈话时,彼得很唐突地(abruptly)转身离开了房间”,这就是说话人为什么感到吃惊的原因。选项中最接近这个意思的应该是C项。2.D Clue:通过后面句子中的解释“because we had so many apples”,推测出“苹果大丰收”,因此可以猜出“abundant”的意思是“丰富的,大量的”,正确答案是D项。3.B Clue:通过前面句子设定的背景(when Sara was sick),再加上后面句子的描述(We couldn’ t hear what she was trying to say),很显然,Sara说话的声音很轻,B项为正确答案。

4.D Clue:从后面的句子“我们不得不推车步行上山”,可以分析出“山势陡峭”,应该是难以攀爬(too arduous to climb),所以应选择D项。5.B Clue:从后面的句子中可以找到“the lost ships”,这与前面一句话的意思相近,因此可以推测出“vanish”是“消失,突然不见”的意思。

6.D Clue:从后面句子的解释中,我们可以了解到“我的父亲是一位成功的商人、运动员、作家和跑车修理工”,显然地,这位父亲是很有才能的(talented)人,而且多才多艺(versatile)。

7.A Clue:前面两句话中传达了这样的信息:乔治先生在77岁时,仍然可以从事多种体育运动,这说明他是一位非常健壮(extremely robust)的老人,所以最恰当的答案是选项A。

8.D Clue:根据常识,在空难(air crash)中生还的可能性一般很小,所以,“医生”表达的意思应该是“乘客幸存的希望渺茫(only a slim hope of survival)”。

9.B Clue:根据自然方面的常识,乌云、雷电交加表明暴风雨“即将来临(imminent)”。10.D


Reading Mosaic Comprehensive Reading

美国人的婚礼 美国居住着各种各样的人,他们的婚礼也千差万别。有热闹庄重的教堂婚礼;有在山顶上举行的婚礼,客人们光脚相伴登高;也有在海底举行的婚礼,客人们戴着氧气罐跟着下水。但婚礼无论在哪儿举行或怎样举行,总有一些既定的传统风俗。在举行婚礼前新人要订婚,然后给邻居、好友及远方亲戚发放请帖。当一切准备就绪,最激动人心的时刻就来到了。婚礼本身通常持续20到40分钟。新人伴着《婚礼进行曲》进入教堂。新娘手持一束鲜花由她的父亲挽着最后进来,父亲要把女儿“交给新郎”。而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂。当新人走到教堂的圣坛前时,新娘和新郎彼此宣誓。传统的结婚誓言是:“我发誓,从今往后,不论境遇好坏、家境贫富、生病与否,我们都相亲相爱,至死不分离。”宣誓过后,新郎新娘交换戒指。按照古老的风俗,通常把戒指戴在左手无名指上。仪式


Notes 1.(para.3)The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will “give her away”.“give her away”(在举行婚礼时)把新娘交给新郎。

2.(para.3)“to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part”“.till death do us part”至死不分离(英语婚礼誓言中沿袭下来的固定用法,不用does)

3.(para.4)When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them.“When the couple drives away from the church” 是句子的时间状语,句子的主语是friends,谓语是chase,in cars 是方式状语,“honking and drawing attention to them”是伴随状语.Language points 1.wedding reception: a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people e.g.From vaunted Napa Valley wineries to vistas along Lake Tahoe, California couples have booked up thousands of churches and wedding reception sites hoping to begin wedded bliss on the lucky date of 7/7/07.从闻名遐迩的葡萄酒产地纳帕溪谷到美丽的塔霍湖畔,加利福尼亚州几千所教堂和婚宴地已被预订,新人们希望2007年7月7日这一吉日能给他们的婚姻带来幸福。在商务英语中“reception”指外事接待,常见的词组有“business reception”(商务宴会),“welcome reception”(欢迎晚宴)等。

E.g.They’re for a business reception at the end of the month.他们在本月底前来参加一个商务宴会。He will arrive here at 10 a.m.and please attend the welcome reception for him at 10:15.他将在商务10点钟到达。请大街10点15分出席为他举行的欢迎会。

Comprehension Check Part 1 — 3 — 8 — 2 — 1— 4 — 7 — 6 Part 2 1.B Clue:“before”引导的从句设定了 “在一对男女结婚之前”这样的背景,那么我们就可以据此猜出选项中最恰当的应该是B项,即“他们正式同意与对方结婚”,也就是“订婚”(become engaged)。

2.D Clue:根据常识,新娘在结婚仪式上一般都手持一束鲜花(bouquet)在父亲的陪同下最后进入教堂,然后父亲要把她交给新郎,所以正确答案应该是D项。3.A Clue:根据常识,参加婚礼的客人一般会向新娘和新郎抛撒五彩纸屑(confetti),所以正确答案应该是A项。

Vocabulary Check Part 1 1.G 2.E Part 2 1.B 2.C Part 3 1.(1)decorate 3.(1)streamed 5.(1)relatives 3.H 3.B 4.B 4.A

5.A 5.B

6.D 6.C





4.(1)reception(2)related Practical Reading Language points 1.invitation card:请柬

邀请信的分类介绍按使用的场合与使用对象,大致可分为三类:请柬(Invitation Card);邀请信(Letter of Invitation);邀请便条(Invitation Note);其中,请柬(Invitation Card)一般用在邀请宾客参加较为隆重、盛大、重要的社交活动。

请柬(Invitation Cards)一般分为正式和非正式两种。正式请柬的特点是:格式比较规范,用词准确、简洁。非正式请柬就可以是熟人之间比较随便的便条了。

正式请柬一般包括的内容有:宾主姓名(邀请人与被邀请人姓名)、表示欢迎的句子、聚会内容、时间(具体到日、时、分,还要有星期几)、地点,如果需要的话,还有特别说明的文字。英语请柬中的邀请套用语“Request the pleasure of the company of”,相当于汉语中的“敬请光临”。需要注意的是:




请柬范例: Invitation Card The students’union of the English department requests the honour of the company of

Mr &Mrs Hillman at the English Evening on Saturday, the sixth of August

nineteen ninety-nine

at four P.M.Room One Zero Two, Classroom Building Huzhou Teachers College R.S.V.P.





是法语缩略词,意思是“A reply is requested!”,即“请赐复!”。


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C

5.A Fast Reading

美国的园艺 美国人喜欢许多活动。在家中他们喜欢读书,看电视,制作艺术品,玩电脑游戏等,但最喜爱的还是户外活动。在过去的15年中,园艺已经成为美国最流行的户外活动。《有机园艺》杂志的最新调查表明,有7800万美国人从事园艺活动,占成年人口的40%多。该项调查还显示,一般从事园艺的人在种植季节平均每周花3到4小时在花园里挖土、修剪、种植及浇水。此外他们还投入资金。每年美国人花约250亿美元用来购买种子、花草、灌木、树木及促使植物生长的肥料。他们还花钱买工具以及在花园工作穿的特殊衣服。

3为什么越来越多的美国人喜欢园艺呢?大部分人以此为乐。园艺工作可使他们的家宅变得更漂亮,也让他们感到离大自然更近了。园艺还是一种锻炼身体的好方式,而且在新鲜空气和阳光里工作可消除人的紧张情绪。而对有的人来说,园艺是一种精神活动。你把种子撒在地里,为它们浇水。它们会长大开花,之后大部分又在秋天枯萎。但有的会在来年春天又重新长出来,年复一年。许多美国人在自己的花园里不仅仅种花。他们还种水果、蔬菜和药草。他们在家 里种植粮食作物有许多不同理由。有的说自己给自己提供食物是一件很愉快的事,就像他们的祖先当初在农场生活时一样。有的说这样可以省钱,有的则说他们要在整个夏天都吃最新鲜的蔬菜。在美国不是每个人都有自己的花园,但园艺对这些人来说也是深受喜爱的。他们可以在盆里种花然后放在临街的阳台上,或在窗台上放一些小盒子来种药草。他们还可以参加社区花园的种植工作。社区的花园通常为当地政府所有,或靠近住宅楼,或在公园里。花园被分成许多小块。这样即使没有自己的土地,许多人也可以有种花种草的机会。

Notes 1.(para.2)The new study says that during the growing season an average gardener spends 3 or 4 hours a week working in the garden digging, cutting, planting and watering.“digging, cutting, planting and watering” 做 working 的伴随状语。

2.(para.3)But some will come back again the next spring, and every year after that.every year after that 是一个省略句= every year some will come back again after that.That 代替前句中的 the next spring。

3.(para.4)Some say it is satisfying to provide their own food like their ancestors who live on farms.“it is satisfying to provide their own food like their ancestors who live on farms” 是宾语从句,其中 “to provide their own food like their ancestors who live on farms” 是主语,it 是形式主语。

Comprehension Check

1.D 2.C.3.D 4.C



7.B Supplementary Reading

美国人的饮食 可口可乐是全世界销路最好的软饮料(不含酒精的饮料)。从赤道到北极,可口可乐每天的销售量为一亿六千五百万瓶。在美国,任何人,不论年龄大小,收入多少,都可以在任何场合饮用可口可乐,而不至于有何不自在之感。但在美国之外,可口可乐往往是青年人的饮料。可口可乐不是惟一的可乐饮料。百事可乐是它的著名竞争对手并拥有自己的爱好者,因为它不像可口可乐那么甜。可乐饮料含有从可拉果中提取的咖啡因,并且是惟一的既可提神又有刺激性的软饮料。加利福尼亚生产的优质酒得到欧洲行家们的赞扬,但有些美国人更喜欢烈性酒。富裕的美国人以喝鸡尾酒的方式消费大量酒精,这种酒是用威士忌、杜松子酒和伏特加之类的烈性酒调制而成的。汉堡包和热狗也许是最著名的美国食品了。热狗——面包夹香肠——可以在街角的快餐柜和热狗摊上买到。从旧金山到纽约的中小饭馆,所有的菜单上都有汉堡包,它与牛排、炸仔鸡和海味并列。它们与炸薯条和蔬菜色拉放在一起出售。在多数情况下,这笔钱当然值得一花。要甜点的话,你可以点苹果馅饼、乳酪饼、巧克力夹心蛋糕、冰淇淋和圣代。美国的冰淇淋是全世界最好吃的冰淇淋了。美国人喜欢“快”,这个“快”目前也已进入了饮食业。许多饭馆,尤其是大型连锁饮食公司,“麦当劳”,专门做“快餐”,也就是在柜台随时可以买到或带走的食物。饭菜做好了,趁热就装进纸板或塑料制的容器。热饮料则装入带有盖得很严的塑料杯中。还有服务到车上的“路旁”快餐店,顾客甚至用不着离开小汽车。他们先在一块写有菜 单的牌子前停车,通过麦克风订饭菜,然后再往前开20码,就有女服务员递上做好并装在盒里的饭菜。愿意在饭馆里坐在餐桌边进餐的人的饭菜也同样装在纸板或塑料制的容器中,刀、叉、汤匙也都是塑料做的。顾客吃完了,除了盘子以外,其余都扔进垃圾箱。在大多数城市里,无论大城市还是小城市,你都可以吃到墨西哥食品或意大利食品。甚至小镇上也有咖啡馆提供简单的饭菜、各种饮料和非常好的刚煮好的咖啡。你坐在柜台边或桌旁就行。饭店和咖啡馆的服务热情周到,效率很高。男女服务员经常自我介绍:“我是多恩(或孟德比)。您要点什么?”这种友好毫不做作,也并不完全是想多得小费。一般,人们常另付账单金额的15%作为小费。男女服务员最讨人喜欢的一点是他们屡次三番把你的咖啡杯重新斟满而无需另外加钱!许多美国家庭以自己的烹调而自豪。他们有冷藏箱,可以把他们在花园种的或从超级市场买的食物贮藏起来。超级市场是大型自助商店、出售各种食品——新鲜的,罐头装的或冰冻的。因此,像快餐馆一样,他们的商品较便宜,容易销售。美国从三十年代起就有超级市场了,现在超级市场已遍及世界的大部分地区。

Notes: 1.(para.1)But whereas outside the USA Coke tends to be a young person’s drink, inside the USA anybody of any age or income can drink it without embarrassment on any occasion.Whereas相当于but in contrast,意思是“然而”,又如: He earns $8,000 a year whereas she gets at least $20,000 a year.他一年挣8,000美元而她至少可挣20,000美元。

2.(para.5)They first stop at a board where the menu is displayed, give an order through a microphone and then drive another twenty yards, where a girl hands them the meal, ready cooked and packed.where the menu is displayed 和 where a girl hands them the meal, ready cooked and packed 都是定语从句,分别修饰board和twenty yards。ready cooked and packed 是过去分词短语做meal的定语。ready 是副词,意思是“预先;已经”。

3.(para.7)So like the fast food restaurants, their produce is less expensive and easier to market.market 在句中为动词,意思是“销售”。

Comprehension Check 1.Young people

2.Pepsi Cola is not as sweet as Coca-Cola.3.A mixture based on spirits like whisky, gin and vodka 4.Hamburgers and hotdogs 5.Apple pie, cheese cake, chocolate layer cake, ice cream and ice cream sundae 6.Food is served at the counter ready “to go”, or “to take out”.7.They go into plastic cups with tight-fitting lids.8.Efficient and friendly

9.15% of the check 10.Food they grow in their gardens or buy in supermarkets Vocabulary Check 1.specializes in




5.embarrassment 6.rival

7.refreshing 8.drive-in 9.check 10.stimulatin

第二篇:商务英语写作unit four


We confirm having cabled you a firm offer for the following goods, subject to your reply reaching us by September 20.2.获悉你地市场对核桃有很大需求,兹附上第6868号报价单供参考。

We have learnt that there is a good demand for walnuts in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation Sheet No.6868 for your consideration.3.你方6月3日来电要求我们报第33号毯子。现报盘如下,该盘不受约束。

In reply to your cable of June 3rd, which asked us to make an offer for our Blanket No.33, now we are making you the following offer, which is subject to our final confirmation/without engagement.4.你方7月9日来函收悉,谢谢。很遗憾,你方价格偏高,无法成交。

While we thank you for your letter dated July 9, we find it very regrettable to point out that your prices are appear to be on the high side and that there is no possibility of business.5.我们另邮航空寄上新品种的样品供你参考。该新品种价格公道,品质极好,我们认为及早推销对你们有利。

Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference.These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality.We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date.6.由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方利益的。

Since the required articles are not available(for supply), we would like to recommend the under-mentioned/following products which can be supplied from stock for prompt shipment.This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties.7.你方11月15日来信收到,谢谢。货号2112电扇歉难推销,因为你方价格太高,买方无意还盘。

We have received your letter of Nov.15, thanks.We regret that it is difficult for us to promote the sales of electric fans art.No.2112 as your price is too high to interest the buyers to make a counter offer.8.为了支持你们推销,我们特地准备了一些印花布样品连同价格单随函附上,供你方考虑。我们的印花布品质优良,价格公道,深受大多数欧洲国家欢迎,销售很快。我们认为订购我们的印花布在你市场销售是有利的。

With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our cotton print together with a price list, which are enclosed for your consideration.Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our cotton print has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.We think it is to your advantage to buy this item for sale in your market.1.We are studying your offer and hope that it will keep open till the end of this month.2.We believe that you will place a large order with us owing to the good quality and reasonable price of our products.3.We will allow you 10% discount if you purchase 5000 dozens or more.4.As t terms of payment, we often require a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.5.Please accept this attractive offer.(you are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer).We are anticipating a large order from United States, and that will cause a sharp rise in price.6.We will send you a firm offer with shipment available in the early May if your order reaches us before March 10.7.Because there is a large/brisk demand for the goods, the offer will be open only for 5 days.8.We are giving you a firm offer, subject to your reply reaching here by 5p.m, our time, Tuesday, July 10.Dear Sirs,In reply to your letter of May 5, we are giving you a firm offer as follow, subject to your reply reaching here by 5 p.m., our time, Tuesday, July 10.Commodity: Boots for ladies

Specifications: more than 20 assortments with new designs of brown or red colors(detailed in catalogue)

Quality: the leather used is of superior quality

Price: CIF Los Angles USD95 to USD300 according to various designs(detailed in attached price list)

Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.Packing: standard export package

Shipment: September

Please be noted that we have given you our most favorable prices and we trust that the above will be acceptable to you.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully










Dear Sirs,Thank you for your inquiry of March 2 for 2 tons of apricot kernel.As per samples sent last month, we are pleased to quote as follows:

Description of commodity: Sweet Apricot Kernel(as per sample)

Grade: 2nd grade

Quantity: 2 metric tons

Package: In(cardboard)cartons


Payment: By L/C

As the goods are short in supply, your order shall reach us by(before)the end of March.Orders reaching us after the end of March will not be processed.(If you exceed this time limit, we are not able to supple the goods.)Please understand.


Unit One

Reception, Check-in and Visit


Section 1 Memory Training 记忆力训练

Directions:Listen to the recordings twice.In the first time, repeat the following words and expressions as quickly as possible and in the second time, interpret them into English or Chinese accordingly.Scripts: 机场



海关手续 巴生港务集团

友好港口协议 行李提取处

候机大厅 问讯处






免税商店 电梯









豪华套房 五星级饭店






赞助商 策略




目录 代表团




潜在顾客 经营范围





single room


luxury suite

check in to pay by cash

a tight schedule

non-smoking room the sunny side receptionist hotel lobby


departure time

information desk room charge

enquiry desk waiting hall luggage tag Sister Port Agreement luggage claim tourist visa terminal building

boarding pass

security check customs

duty-free shop

star-grade hotel 40 percent discount hotel registration form

to go through the registration procedures


performance revenue



reference business associate

market survey

Chamber of Commerce

Directions: Listen to the recordings twice.In the first time, retell each sentence as quickly as possible in the source language and in the second time, in the target language.Scripts: 1.我订一张去伦敦的票。




6.I want an aisle seat close to the exit door, please.7.Would you like that with an lovie or lemon?

8.I have some Chinese apples in my suitcase.Reference Version 参考译文

1.I’d like a ticket to London, please.2.For what purpose are you coming to America? 3.Can I have your passport,entry card, and customs declaration form, please.4.Would you please fill in this registration form? 5.Excuse me, could you tell me how many flights to San Francisco today? 6.我要靠近紧急出口处的过道位置。7.你想配橄榄还是柠檬? 8.我行李箱里有中国苹果。

Section 2 Interpreting Practice 口译实战 Reception 接待

II.Sentence Interpreting 句子口译

Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpret each sentence into the target language.Scripts: 1.这是您第一次来广西吗?


3.在过去的几年里,广西发生了很大的变化。越来越多的外商开始来南宁投资。4.It is indeed my pleasure to have received your invitation to come to Nanning at this time.5.Port Klang is situated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, about 40 kilometers away from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur.Reference Version 参考译文

1.Is this your first visit to Guangxi? 2.Glad to see you.We've been expecting your coming.3.Over the past several years, Guangxi has witnessed great changes.More and more foreign businessmen began to invest in Nanning.4.我很荣幸你们邀请我来南宁。


III.Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译

Directions: Work in groups of four, acting as Miss Liu, Mr.Smith, Ms.Lora and Mr.Zhang respectively.Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them.After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.Reference Version 参考译文


Ms.Liu: Excuse me, you must be Mr.Smith from Port Klang Authority of Malaysia, aren’t you? Mr.Smith: Yes.I am John Smith from Port Klang Authority.Ms.Liu: How do you do, Mr.Smith? I’m Liu Lingling, an interpreter from Fangcheng Port(Group)Company.Mr.Smith: Nice to meet you.This is my assistant, Lora Brown.Ms.Liu: Nice to meet you, Ms.Brown.Miss Brown: Pleased to see you.Just call me Lora, please.Ms.Liu: Ok, Lora.Mr.Smith, may I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr.Zhang? He has come to meet you.Mr.Smith: Oh, sure, of course.Ms.Liu:(To Mr.Smith)Mr.Smith, this is Mr.Zhang Qiang, General Manager of Fangcheng Port Company.(To Mr.Zhang)张总,这是马来西亚巴生港的业务总监史密斯先生。这位是史密斯先生的助手,劳拉小姐。Mr.Zhang: 欢迎你们到广西来!(Zhang shakes hands with Mr.Smith and Ms.Lora Brown.)(I:Welcome to Guangxi!)

Mr.Smith: Nice to see you.Thank you for coming to meet us in person.(I: 很高兴见到您。谢谢您专程来接我们。)Mr.Zhang: 这是应该的,你们能来是我们的荣幸。我想向你们介绍一下另外几位来接你们的同事。

(I: It’s my pleasure.We’re honored to have you here.I'd like to introduce some of my colleagues to you.They’ve also come to meet you.)

Mr.Smith: It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.(I: 能认识他们我也很高兴。)(At the VIP room)Mr.Zhang:(向史密斯先生介绍)这是我的同事小李。你们把行李票和护照交给他,他去办理通关手续,领取行李。咱们在这里先坐一下。(I:This is Mr.Li, my colleague.Please give your luggage tags and passports to him.He will help you to go through customs formalities and claim your luggage.We can take a seat here and have a rest.)

Mr.Smith: Ok,thank you, Mr.Li.You are so kind.I think Lora can go with you for the luggage.She knows our luggage.(I: 那好,谢谢你,小李。你真是太好了。我想劳拉可以和你一起去取行李,她认识我们的行李。)Ms.Lora Brown: Sure.Of course.(I:没问题,我当然认识。)

(Mr.Li and Ms.Brown go out for the formalities.)Mr.Zhang: 史密斯先生,您喝点什么?茶还是咖啡?

(I: Mr.Smith, what would you like to drink? Tea or coffee?)

Mr.Smith: I'd like a cup of tea.Actually I like Chinese tea very much.(I: 我想喝杯茶。实际上我很喜欢中国的茶。)Mr.Zhang: 很好。茶有提神的功效,而且对身体也很好。

(I: That’s good.Tea is very refreshing, and it's good for your health.)Mr.Smith: Yes, that’s why I like it.(I:是的,所以我喜欢喝茶。)Mr.Zhang: 今天辛苦了。因为飞机晚点,您今天一定很劳累。

(I: How was your journey? You must have had a very long day today due to the delay of the flight.)

Mr.Smith: Actually I was very lucky.You know my flight was from Kuala Lumpur to Guangzhou, but I could not land at the Guangzhou Airport due to the bad weather conditions there, so I had to fly to Haikou, and waited at the Haikou Airport for several hours.Then I flew to Guangzhou again from Hiakou.Fortunately, the flight from Guangzhou to Nanning was also delayed, so I could catch it.You are still waiting for me so late at night, ain’t I lucky enough?

(I: 实际上我很幸运。您知道我的航班是从吉隆坡到广州,可是由于天气原因,飞机无法在广州机场降落,所以不得不飞到海口。我们在海口等了好几个小时,然后又飞到广州。幸亏广州到南宁的航班也晚点了,我才能赶上。而且,都半夜了您还在这里等我,您说我还不算幸运吗?)Mr.Zhang: 哈哈 史密斯先生真幽默!只有贵客才有这种幸运,这说明史密斯先生是我们的贵客!

(I: You're really humorous!This kind of luck is only for our distinguished guests.That means you are our VIP guest.)

Mr.Smith: Oh, it’s very kind of you saying so.(I:哦,谢谢您这么说。)(或者可译为:哪里,哪里。)Mr.Zhang: 好,手续都办好了,行李也取了。咱们去宾馆吧?

(I: Ok, all the formalities have been finished.Your luggages have been reclaimed.Shall we proceed to the hotel?)Mr.Smith: Ok, let’s go.(I: 好,咱们走吧。)Mr.Zhang: 请这边走。(I:This way, please.)

Check-in 入住酒店

II.Sentence Interpreting 句子口译

Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpret each sentence into the target language.Scripts: 1.这是一家五星级酒店,地理位置优越、交通方便。2.希望你们对这里的住宿和服务感到满意。3.所有费用由公司报销/负担。

4.如果您在这里遇到不便之处,或需要帮助,请立即与我联系。5.Thank you for your considerate arrangements for me.6.Would you please fill out this hotel registration form? 7.What's the rate for a deluxe suite? 8.I’d like a non-smoking room on the sunny side.Reference Version 参考译文 1.This is a five-star hotel with an ideal location and convenient transportation.2.I hope you can find the accommodation and services here satisfactory.3.All the expenses will be borne by the company.4.If any inconveniences occur or you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me.5.谢谢您们为我做的周到安排。6.您能填一下入住登记表吗? 7.豪华套房的价格是多少? 8.我想要一个朝阳的无烟房间。

III.Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译

Directions: Work in groups of four, acting as Hotel receptionist, Mr.Smith,Mr.Lora and Miss Liu respectively.Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them.After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.Reference Version 参考译文(酒店接待前台)

酒店接待员: 晚上好!我能为您做点什么?(I: Good evening!What can I do for you?)

史密斯先生: I'd like to have a luxury suite for me and a single room for Lora.Both on the sunny side.(I: 我要个豪华套间,劳拉要个单间。两个房间都在朝阳面。)劳拉: Excuse me, can I have a non-smoking room?(I: 对不起,我可以要个无烟房间吗?)酒店接待员: 好的,没问题。(向史密斯先生说)您呢?也要无烟房间吗?(I: Ok, no problem.How about you? A non-smoking room, too?)

史密斯先生: It doesn’t matter.I think smoking room is ok in case I want to have a smoke.(I: 没关系。吸烟房间也可以,万一我想抽烟的话。)酒店接待员: 好的。请你们登记一下好吗?

(I: Ok.Would you please fill out the hotel registration forms)

史密斯先生和劳拉:(fill out the forms and give them to the recepti0onist.)Here you are.(I: 给您。)


(I:(gives room keys to Mr.Smith)Your room number is 1001 on the 10th floor.It’s a smoking room on the sunny side.(To Lora)Your room is 821, a non-smoking room.Both of you can have a very good view of the city.The elevator is at the end of the hallway.The luggage boy will send your luggage to your rooms soon.)史密斯先生: Thank you.By the way, where is the restaurant?(I: 谢谢。顺便问一下,餐厅在哪里?)酒店接待员: 在一楼。早餐从早上6点到上午10点。

(I:It is on the first floor.Breakfast is from 6:00-10:00 a.m.)史密斯先生: I see.Thank you.(I:明白了。谢谢你。)刘玲玲: Mr.Smith, here is our tentative itinerary for you.We have a tight schedule for your brief visit.I hope you don’t mind.(I: 史密斯先生,这是我们为您做的初步日程。我们为您短暂的考察安排的活动很紧,希望您不要介意)

史密斯先生: Thank you for making such thoughtful arrangements for me.(I: 谢谢你为我们做的精心安排。)

刘玲玲: It’s my pleasure.Tomorrow morning at 9:00 o’clock, I will come to meet you at the lobby.Our general manager is expecting your visit to our company.(I: 这是我的荣幸。明天上午9点我到酒店大堂来接你们。我们的总经理期待着你去考察我们公司)

史密斯先生: Thank you for your hospitality.See you tomorrow.(I: 谢谢你们的盛情招待。明天见。)刘玲玲: Good night.See you, Lora.(I: 晚安。劳拉,明天见!)劳拉: See you.Good night.(I: 再见。晚安。)

Visit 参观考察

II.Sentence Interpreting 句子口译

Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpreter each sentence into the target language.Scripts: 1.防城港位于广西南部北部湾北岸西端。



5.The commercial environment of the port has been continuously liberalized.6.Fangcheng Port is located at the conjuncture of south China economic rim, southwest China economic rim and ASEAN economic rim.7.It is one of the 24 major ports in coastal China.8.The planned port line is 50.3 km.More than 200 deep-water berths can be built along the line.Reference Version 参考译文

1.Fangcheng Port is situated at the west end to the north coast of the Beibu Gulf in south Guangxi.2.The port was initially built on March 22, 1968 and was opened in July, 1983 with approval from the State Council.3.The port has trade connections with over 120 countries and dealings with more than 500 ports around the world.4.Fangcheng Port serves as the most convenient gateway for mainland China to access to ASEAN countries.5.港口的商业环境越来越自由。6.防城港地处华南经济圈、西南经济圈与东盟经济圈的结合部。7.它是中国沿海24个主要港口之一。


3.Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译

Directions: Work in groups of three, acting as Mr.Zhang, Mr.Smith and Miss Liu respectively.Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them.After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.Reference Version 参考译文(在防城港务集团)张总: 早上好,史密斯先生!昨晚睡得好吗?

(I: Good morning, Mr.Smith!Did you sleep well last night?)

史密斯先生: Morning,Mr.Zhang!Nice to see you again.I had a really sound sleep.(I: 早上好,张总!很高兴再见到您。昨晚睡得很好。)

张总: 那好。先来看看我们港口的整体规划吧。中间的绿色区域是港口目前的发展情况,蓝色区域是我们未来10年的发展规划。

(I: That’s good.Let’s look at the overall plan of our port.The green part in the middle is the status quo of the port and the blue part represents the future development in the next 10 years.史密斯先生:That’s good.By the way, how many berths do you have at the moment? Do you have any container wharfs?(I: 不错。顺便问一下,目前你们有多少码头?有集装箱码头吗?)张总: 目前我们拥有泊位35个,其中深水泊位21个。年吞吐能力超过4000万吨,其中集装箱吞吐能力50万TEU。

(I: At the moment, we have 35 berths, among which, 21 are deep-water berths.The annual throughput has exceeded 40 million tons, among which, the handling capacity of containers reaches 500,000 TEU.)

史密斯先生: Oh, what’s your major business?

(I: 哦,你们的主要业务是什么?)张总: 目前,我们主要从事中转业务。

(I: Currently, we're mainly engaged in transit business.)

史密斯先生: That’s marvelous!Shall we go to the port and have a look? I’m eager to see it with my own eyes.(I: 太好了!我们能去看看港口吗?我急切想亲眼看看。)(At the Port Area)(在港区)

史密斯先生: The water is clean.You’ve maintained a very good environment.Where is the deepest place?And how deep is it?

(I: 水很干净啊。你们的环境保护的很好。最深的地方是哪里?有多深?)张总: 最深处是21米,在那边。

(I:The deepest place is 21 meters.It’s over there.)史密斯先生: That’s a big project.The natural conditions here are pretty good.What we should think about is how to expand its handling capacity to better utilize its strengths.(I: 这可是个大工程。这里的自然条件很好。我们要想的就是如何扩充港口的吞吐量,更 7 好地发挥它的优势。)

Mr.Zhang: 您说的对,这也是我们希望能同你们建立业务联系的原因——希望能有机会学习你们的先进技术和管理经验,更好地开发我们的潜能。

(I:You’re right.That’s why we want to enter business relations with you.We hope to have opportunity to learn advanced technologies and management expertise from you, so that we can giver fuller play to our development potential.)

史密斯先生: I think we should go back and get down to specific technical issues.It’s always better early than late.(I: 我想我们该回去坐下来谈谈具体的技术问题了。赶早不赶晚啊。)张总:好。会议室已经准备好了。(I:Right.The meeting room is ready.)

Development 提升训练

让学生课后收听VOA Special English 的news report,做听写训练。

第四篇:新编商务英语基础教程Unit 10

Unit 10 Employment

I Teaching Aim

1.Cognitive Information(认知信息): Employment

2.Language Focus(内容重点):

1)Word Study: A.executive, impression, recall, schedule, tastefully, appreciative, assessment, absorb, personality, preference; B.chief, ambitious, incredible, transform, digital, integrate, correspond, permission, complain

2)Phrases: A.according to, due to, show respect to, engage in; B.keep track of, be related to

3)Key words: A.establish; B.ensure

3.Grammar: 被动语态Ⅱ

4.Writing(写作技巧): E-mail写作

5.Translation(翻译技巧): 直译与意译

III Background Information


1. 个人品质

adaptable 适应性强的ambitious 有雄心壮志的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的disciplined 守纪律的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达

hard-working 勤劳的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的2.其他内容

objective 目标

career objective 职业目标

employment objective 工作目标

position wanted 希望职位

job objective 工作目标

position applied for 申请职位

position sought 谋求职位

position desired 希望职位

for more specialized work 为更专门的工作

for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途

for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

due to closedown of company 由于公司倒闭

due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满

to offer a more challenging opportunity 提供更有挑战性的工作机会

to seek a better job 寻找更好的工作

to look for a more challenging opportunity 寻找一个更有挑战性的工作机会

IV language and Culture Focus(语言文化要点)


1.Word study

1)executive n.① a person or group in a business organization, trade union, etc.with administrative or managerial powers 行政领导;经理

e.g.a sales executive 营业主任

She’s an executive in a computer company.她是一家计算机公司的行政人员。

②(in the Civil Service)a person who carries out what has been planned or decided 行政人员e.g.executive officer 行政主任

2)impression n.① ~(on sb.)a deep, lasting effect on the mind or feelings of sb.印象;感想

e.g.His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience.他当会长后的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。

② [esp.sing.] ~(of sth./doing sth./that...)an idea, feeling or opinion 想法,感觉,看法e.g.He gives the impression of being a hard worker/that he works hard.他给人的印象是工作很努力。


be under the impression that...to have the(usu.mistaken)idea that...有某种(通常指错误的)想法

e.g.I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow.我以为你明天才来呢。


impressive a.给人以深刻印象的3)recall v.① ~ sb.(from...)(to...)to order sb.to return(from a place)召回

e.g.recall an ambassador(from his post)将大使(从驻在国)召回

② to order(sth.)to be returned 收回

e.g.recall library books 要求归还图书馆的书

③ to bring(sth./sb.)back into the mind; recollect 回忆起;记起

e.g.I can’t recall his name.我想不起他的名字了

4)schedule n.① a program of work to be done or of planned events 计划表

e.g.a factory production schedule 工厂生产进度表

Everything is going according to schedule.一切都在按预定计划进行。

② a timetable

e.g.The fog disrupted airline schedules.这场大雾扰乱了航空公司的时刻表。

③ a list of items, etc.清单,明细表

e.g.The attached schedule gives details of the shipment.装运货物的细目见所附清单。

5)tastefully ad.having or displaying good taste 趣味高雅地

e.g.She often dresses tastefully.她总是穿着很有品味。


taste n.① ~(for sth.)liking or preference 爱好

e.g.She has a taste for foreign travel.她有到国外旅行的爱好。

② [U] ability to perceive and enjoy what is beautiful or harmonious, or to behave in an appropriate and a pleasing way 鉴赏力,审美力

e.g.have excellent taste in clothes, art, music 对服装、艺术、音乐很有鉴赏力

6)appreciative a.~(of sth.)feeling or showing understanding or gratitude 有欣赏力的e.g.an appreciative letter 感谢信

I’m most appreciative of your generosity.我对你的慷慨感激之至。


appreciate v.① to understand and enjoy(sth.); value highly 欣赏;赏识

e.g.You can’t fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。

Your help was greatly appreciated, i.e., we were grateful for it.非常感谢你的帮助。② to understand(sth.)with sympathy 体恤,体谅

e.g.I appreciate your problem, but I don’t think I can help you.我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。

③ to increase in value 增值,涨价

e.g.Local property has appreciated since they built the motorway nearby.自从附近修建了高速公路,本地的地产已经增值。

7)assessment n.① action of assessing 评定

e.g.Continuous assessment is made of all students’work.对全体学生的功课做出连贯性的评定。

② evaluation or opinion 评价;看法

e.g.What is your assessment of the situation? 你对这一情况有什么看法?


assess v.确定,评定

8)absorb v.① to take in; suck up 吸收

e.g.Aspirin is quickly absorbed by the body.阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。

(fig 比喻)Clever children absorb knowledge easily.聪明孩子容易吸


② to hold the attention or interest of(sb.)fully 吸引„„的注意力

e.g.His business absorbs him.他专心致志地处理业务。

9)personality n.① characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole 人格;个性

e.g.a likeable personality 讨人喜欢的个性

She has a very strong personality.她个性很强。

② a famous person, esp.in the world of entertainment or sport 名人

e.g.personalities from the film world 影界名流

a television personality 电视圈中的名人

10)preference n.① ~(for sth.)liking for sth.(more than sth.else)偏爱

e.g.It’s entirely a matter of preference.这完全是个见仁见智的问题。

② a thing that is liked better or best 偏爱的事物

e.g.What are your preferences? 你最喜欢什么?


in preference to 偏好

e.g.She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano.她愿学小提琴而不学钢琴。


prefer v.更喜欢

preferable a.更可取的;更好的2.Phrase

1)according to

① as stated or reported by 据„„所说

e.g.According to John you were in Edinburgh last week.据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。② in a manner that is consistent with 按照,依照

e.g.act according to one’s principles 按照自己的原则行事

Everything went according to plan.一切都是按照计划进行的。

③ in a manner or degree that is in proportion to 视„„而定

e.g.salary according to qualifications and experience 视资历和经验而定的薪水

2)due tobecause of 由于,因为

e.g.The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。

3)show respect to to show admiration for; regard 对„„表示尊敬

e.g.We should show our respect to people who make great effort constantly.我们应该尊重那些不懈努力的人。

4)engage into take part in or be occupied in 参加,卷入

e.g.I have no time to engage in gossip.我无暇闲聊。

3.Key Words

establish v.① to found or bring into being on a firm or stable basis 建立;设立

e.g.This business was established in 1860.这家公司成立于1860年。

② ~ sb./oneself(in sth.)(as sth.)to place sb./oneself in a position, office, etc., usu on a permanent basis 安置,安顿

e.g.We are now comfortably established in our new house.我们现已在新居舒适地安顿下来了。③ to show(sth.)to be true; prove 确定;证实

e.g.We’ve established his innocence.我们已证实他无罪。

④ to cause people to accept(a belief, custom, claim, etc.)使被接受

e.g.Established practices are difficult to change.积习难改。

His second novel established his fame as a writer.他的第二部小说确立了他的作家之名。


establishment n.设立;建立

established a.V Teaching tips(教学提示)

Part 3 Knowledge and Skills.Translation 直译与意译




e.g.In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line.在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线.(直译)

The earth acts like a big magnet 地球的作用就像一块大磁铁.(直译)

Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon 锰有同样影响,在强度






e.g.It’s easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules,Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike it will expand and fill any contain it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。(乱译)

例句中“乱译”是有主观臆想(不正确选择词义,任意转换成分)造成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通的,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。Matter 应作“事情”“问题”解。

将will expand任意转换为时间状语,不符合原文原意。Will expand and fill 应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它的容器”。

第五篇:新编商务英语基础教程Unit 1

Unit 1 pleased to meet you Ⅰ.Teaching Aim(教学目的)

1.cognitive information(认知信息):greeting and introduction 2.Language focus(内容重点): 1)word study : A.acquaintance , ritual, utter, reassure, unconsciously, initial, appropriate, ignore, formula, assume, contemporary,determiner, obliged, Congressman, colleague,attorney, suspend, remark, B.Position, enquiry, customary, remain, gathering, fellow

2)Phrases :A.even though, reassure...about, be based on, in turn, carry on, be willing to;B.meet with, in the form of

3)Key words: A.address, base,common;B.Greeting,introduction 3.Grammar:

4.Writing(写作技巧):基本句型1 5.Translation(翻译技巧):词义的选择

Ⅱ.About phonetics()Ⅲ.Background information(背景知识)商务英语的学习涉及得体的introduction(介绍)、greeting(问候)等基本会话,在这些基础上,还需要进一步地学习有关marking(市场)、sales(销售)等商务方面的知识。下面介绍一些比较基本的社交英语以及简单的商务知识。





1)正式场合:称谓和姓名用Dr./Professor/Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss/+First Name 和Last Name。

e.g 1.向地位较高的已婚女士介绍男士时可说:

Mrs.Carton, may I introduce James Harding.James, this is Mrs.Carton(or Mrs.Jane Carton).卡尔顿夫人,请让我介绍詹姆斯•哈定。詹姆斯,这位罗杰•卡尔顿夫人(或:简•卡尔顿夫人)。


Mrs.Baker, this is Miss Patricia Haly.Patty, this is Mr.Edgar Brown.布朗先生,这位是帕特丽夏•哈利小姐。帕蒂,这位是埃德加•布朗先生。


Mr.Baker, this is Robert Green.Robert, this is Mr.John Baker.贝克先生,这位是罗伯特•格林,罗伯特,这位是约翰•贝克先生。


This is Linda Bell, Mr.and Mrs.Alan Ross 艾伦•罗斯先生和夫人这位是琳达•贝尔。注意:



e.g.Allow me, sir, to introduce you to my fellow travelers.先生,请容许我向你介绍我的旅伴。

1)较正式的场合:用Dr./Professor/Mr./Mrs./Miss.+姓氏。如被介绍者是青年男女,通常用First Name 和Last Name。

E.g.① Marie Green, let me introduce Professor Banks.Professor Banks, this is Marie Green.She's here to study for her doctorate in Law.玛丽•格林,让我向你介绍班克斯教授。班克斯教授,这位是玛丽•格林,是来这里攻读法律博士学位的。


Rose Morison,I'd like you to meet Bruce Read.罗莎•莫里森,我想你见见布鲁斯•里德。

Rose Morison, have you met Bruce Read ? 罗莎•莫里森,你见过布鲁斯•里德吗?

Rose Morison, do you know Bruce Read ? 罗莎•莫里森,你认识布鲁斯•里德吗?

2)非正式场合:用被介绍者的First Name。


“John, these are my parents, George and Sylvia.”“Pleased to meet you.”“约翰,这是我的父母,乔治和西尔维娅。“认识你们很高兴。””

②“Dad,this is my boyfriend,Kevin.”“Hello,Kevin.Andrea's told me all about you.”“老爸,这是我的男朋友凯文。“你好,凯文。安德莉总在我面前提到”你。”

③“Hi,Jack, meet my brother Tom.”“Hi there Tom!I didn't expect to see you here.”“你好,杰克,这位是我的哥哥汤姆。“你好,汤姆!没想到在这儿见”到你。”



Let me introduce myself.My name is Frank Darney,legal advisor to Netcape Com.容许我来自我介绍,我叫弗兰克•达尼,是网景公司的法律顾问。②用于非正式场合:

Hello,I'm Alan Simmons.I work in the Forbes Parent Company.大家好,我叫艾伦•西蒙。我在福布斯总公司工作。


介绍后双方要互相问候,常用How do you do?或It's nice to meet you 等。如果是两位男士,通常握手以示相识,如是一男一女,应等女方伸出手,男方才可以伸出手相握;如若女方不伸手,男士是不应该主动伸手的。握手时用力要适中,太重了表现的过于热情(尤其同女士握手,太用劲会使女士产生squeeze的感觉),太轻了使对方感到敷衍了事,对人不尊敬。



①我们国家的习惯是介绍客人时常爱用官衔、职务或职业名称等冠于姓氏之前,但有些名称词在英语用法上却不用于姓氏前,如:secretary,director,engineer,manager,master等。所以,如要介绍说“这位是北京化工厂张厂长。”要说This is Mr.Zhang,Director of Beijing Chemical Plant.。

②介绍已婚女士时,要考虑到西方人的习俗:女士婚后改用其丈夫的姓,而我国女士婚后仍保持娘家姓氏。如介绍说“这位是邓教授的夫人。”英语若说成This is Mrs.Professor Deng.这就成了“邓太太是教授。”了。实情如此,倒也罢了。若不是实情,改用同位语方式作说明,或用“邓太太”,或用娘家姓——“李”,后接同位语说明身份。

e.g.This is Mrs.Deng,wife of Professor Deng.This is Ms.Li,wife of Professor Deng.总之,向外宾介绍我国人士要“入乡随俗”。

Ⅳ.Language and Culture Focus(语言文化要点)1.Word Study 1)acquaintance n.[U]~ with sth./sb.(often slight)knowledge of sth./sb.了解;认识

E.g.He has some little acquaintance with Japanese language.他稍微会一点儿日语。2)a person that one knows but is not a close friend 相识的人;泛泛之交 E.g.He has a wide circle of acquaintances.他交友广泛。

She's an old acquaintance.她是个老相识。

[相关搭配] Have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人泛泛之交。Make sb.'s acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人。E.g.I made his acquaintance at party.我是在一个聚会上认识他的。

On(further)acquaintance 2)ritual n.the prescribed from of conducting a formal secular ceremony;惯例;仪式

E.g.She went through the ritual of warming the teapot before she put the tea in.她在沏茶之前照例先把茶壶热一下。

3)Utter v.To speak;give forth a sound 说出;发出(声响)

E.g.Andrew was too excited to utter a word.安德鲁激动得说不出话来。

4)Reassure v.to restore confidence to;~sb.About sth.to remove sb.'s fears or doubts;make sb.confident again 消除疑虑;恢复某人的信心;使放心

E.g.The police reassured her about her child's safety.警方让她放心,她的孩子很安全。

A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked.他照了一下镜子,领带确实没有戴歪。5)unconsciously ad.Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception;not consciously 无意识地

E.g.He unconsciously imitated his father.他在不知不觉中效仿了他的父亲。6)Initial

① a.[attrib.] of or at the beginning;first 开始的;最初的;第一个的 E.g.the initial letter of a word 一个单词的首字母

In the initial stages 开始阶段

My initial reaction was to refuse.我最初的反应是予以拒绝。

② n.[usu.pl.]the initial letter(of a name)(姓名的首字母)

E.g.George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initial GBS.萧伯纳以姓名的首字母GBS为人熟知。

Sign your name and initials.请签上您的名字及名字的首字母。

③ v.to mark or sign(sth.)with one's initials 用姓名的首字母签名(或做标记)于

E.g.Initial here,please.请在这儿签上您的姓名首字母。

Initial a note, document, treaty,etc.用名字的首字母签署便条、文件、条约等 【相关词】

Initially ad.最初;开头;首先

7)appropriate a.~for /to sth.Suitable;right and proper 适当的;合适的;正当的

E.g.Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.着运动服参加正式婚礼是不合适的。【相关词】

Appropriately ad.Appropriateness n.[U] 8)ignore v.①to take no notice of(sb./sth)忽视(某人|某事)

E.g.You've been ignoring me.你一直对我视而不见。

②to deliberately refuse to greet or acknowlege(sb.)不理(某人)

E.g.I said hello to her ,but she ignored me completely!我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我!

9)formula n.[pl.~s or ,in scientific use ~e]

①a fixed arrangement of words,esp as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions 惯用语句(尤其是社交、法律场合或仪式上使用的)

E.g.“How do you do ”and “excuse me ”and social formulas.“你好”和“对不起”是社交中的客套语。

Know the formula for addressing bishops 知道对主教的习惯称呼

②[化]a set of symbols showing the elements that a substance is made of 分子式

E.g.the formula for water is H2O.水的分子式是H2O。

③[数或物]an expression of a rule or relationship in algebraic symbols 公式

E.g.the formula for converting gallons into liters加仑和升的换算公式 【相关词】

Formulate v.①to create(sth.)in a precise form 使公式化;规划

E.g.Formulate a rule,policy,theory 制定规则,政策,创立理论

②to express(sth.)clearly and exactly by using particular words 确切地表达 E.g.formulate one's thoughts carefully 确切地阐述自己的思想

The contract was formulate in difficult legal language.该合同是用深奥的法律术语定力的。Formulation n.① [U]action of formulating 格式化;公式化;确切的表达 ②result of this 公式;确切的表达

E.g.Choose another formulation 选择另一种表达方式 10)assume v.①to accept(sth.)as true before there is proof 假定,假设;臆断

E.g.We cannot assume anything in this case.在这种情形下我们无法作出任何揣测。

②to put on or display(sth.)falsely;pretend 呈现;假装

E.g.assume ignorance,indifference,an air of concern 假装不知情,装作不在乎,假意关心

③to begin to act in or exercise(sth.);undertake;take on 承担;担任

E.g.assume office 就职

He assumes his new responsibilities next month.他下月承担新任务。【相关词】

assumed a.假装的;假的 e.g.living under an assumed name 使用化名生活


① a.~(with sb./sth.)of the time or period being referred to;belonging to the same time 属于同一时期的;存在于同一时代的e.g.Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor’s actions.当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径。

a contemporary record of events 同时代的大事记

Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray


② a.of the present time;modern 当代的;现代的e.g.contemporary events, fashions


furniture of contemporary style


③ n.a person who lives or lived at the same time as another


e.g.She and I were contemporaries at college.她和我在学院里是同学。

12)determiner n.something that determines 起决定作用


① adj.[ pred.]~(to sb.)(for sth./doing sth.)

grateful(to sb.)for performing some service 感激(某人)

e.g.I’m much obliged to you for helping us.非常感谢你帮助了我们。

② much obliged thank you 多谢

e.g.“Much obliged, ” he said as I opened the door for him.我给他开门时他说了一声“多谢”。


oblige v.force or compel somebody to do something 强制

e.g.They obliged all students to fill out this form.他们强制 所有学生填写这份表格。

14)Congressman n.(pl.-men)Congresswoman n.(pl.-women)a member of the Congress美国会议员(尤指众议员)

15)colleague n.a person with whom one works, esp.in a profession or business 同事;同僚

e.g.the Prime Minister’s Cabinet colleagues


David is a colleague of mine./David and I are colleagues.戴维是我的同事。/戴维和我是同事。


attorney n.① a person appointed to act for another in business

or legal matters(业务或法


e.g.power of attorney 代理权

a letter of attorney


②(US)a lawyer


e.g.a district attorney 地方检察官

Attorney-General(in certain countries)

某些国家的)司法部长 17)

suspend v.①

~ sth.(from sth.)to hang sth.Up 悬,挂,吊

e.g.A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.我们头顶上的天花板上吊着一盏灯。

②[usu.passive] not to allow(sth.)to fall or sink in air or liquid, etc.使悬浮

e.g.a balloon suspended above the crowd 悬浮在人群上方的气球

Smoke hung suspended in the still air.轻烟在静止的空气里悬浮着。

③ to prevent(sth.)from being in effect for a time;stop(sth.)temporarily 使暂时不起作用;暂停

e.g.suspend a rule 暂不实行一项规定

Rail services are suspended indefinitely because of the strike.铁路运输因罢工而无限期停运。



n.[esp.pl.] a short elastic strap for holding up a sock or stocking by its top 吊带 18)


① v.~ on/upon sth./sb.to say or write(sth.)by way of comment;observe 评论;注意

e.g.I couldn’t help remarking on her youth.我脱口而出说她那么年轻。

The similarity between them has often been remarked on.他们之间很相似,这一点常有人提。

②v.(dated or fml.)to take notice of(sth./sb.);perceive 注意;觉察

e.g.remark the likeness between father and son 注意到父子之间的相似之处

③ n.thing said or written as a comment;observation


e.g.pointed, cutting remarks 直言不讳的、尖刻的评论

make a few remarks about sb./on a subject 就某人/事发表几句评论

In the light of your remarks, we rejected her offer.鉴于你的评 语,我们拒绝了她的提议。


remarkable a.~(for sth.)worth noticing or unusual;exceptional 值得注意的;异常的;出凡的 e.g.a remarkable person, feat, event, book


a boy who is remarkable for his stupidity 笨得出奇的男孩

remarkably ad.2.Phrase 1)

even though despite the fact that;though 即使;尽管

e.g.We should not be conceited, even though we

had achieved great success in our work.即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。



to remove fears or doubts from(sb.);restore

confidence to(sb.)


e.g.The officer reassured us about our safety.那位官员劝说我们对安全放心。3)

be based on

to build sth.as grounds for sth.Else 以„„为„„的根据

e.g.This novel is based on historical facts.这部小说以历史事实为依据。


in turn

one by one;in succession 依次地;逐个地

e.g.We’ll cross the bridge in turn.我们要挨个过桥。

5)carry on

①(with sth./doing sth.);carry sth.on to continue(doing sth.)继续

e.g.Carry on working/with your work while I’m away.我不在的时候,要继续工作/你的工作。

Carry on the good work!


carry sth.on to take part in sth.;conduct or hold sth.参与;进行

e.g.carry on a conversation, discussion, dialogue


to conduct or transact sth.经营

e.g.carry on a business 经营事业

6)be willing to [ pred.]~(to do sth.)to have no objection(to doing sth.)愿意(做)

e.g.Are you willing to accept responsibility?


willing a.① ready or eager to help

乐意的 e.g.willing assistants


②[ pred.]~(to do sth.)having no objection(to doing sth.)愿意的 e.g.Are you willing to accept responsibility? 你愿意承担责任吗?

③[ attrib.] done, given, etc.readily or gladly


e.g.willing cooperation, help, suppor 自愿的合作、帮助、支持



ad.willingness n.[U]

3.Key Words

1)address v.①~ with/as to call or greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name 称呼

e.g.He always addresses me with “Sir”.他总是称我为“先生”。

Don’t address me as “Professor”— I’m only an


to make a speech to


e.g.The chairman addressed the rally.主席向大会致了辞。

~ to sb./sth.to put/write an address on(an envelope, parcel, etc.)the

name of the receiver, with the place where he lives or works(在信封、包裹上等)写姓名和地址

e.g.The letter was wrongly addressed to Shanghai.那封信错把地址写成上海了

~ to sb./sth.to direct or present one’s remark or written statement to(sb./sth.)向„„提出

e.g.I’d like to address my thanks to you.我想对你表示感谢。

The customers addressed all their complaints to the administration.顾客向管理部门提出了所有的投诉。

⑤ ~ oneself to sth.to direct one’s attention to(sth.);begin to work at(sth.)


e.g.Today, we’re going to address ourselves to the item on the agenda.今天,我们将着手解决议程上的主要议题。


base v.① be based on/~ sth.on sth.to take sth.as grounds, evidence, etc.for sth.else 以„„为基础;根据

e.g.I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。

Direct taxation is usually based on income.直接税通常以收入为依据。

②[ esp.passive]~ sb.in/at to place sb.in(a place from which to work and


e.g.Most of our staff are based in Cairo.我们大部分工作人员都驻在开罗。


basis n.[ pl.bases]

main principle that underlies sth.;foundation 基础;基本原理;准则

e.g.the basis of morality, friendship, etc.道德、友谊等的基础

Rates of work are calculated on a weekly basis.工资是以周为计算基准的。

② starting-point for a discussion讨论的出发点

e.g.No basis for negotiations has been agreed upon.谈判以什么为中心议题尚未取得一致意见。

This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting.本议程将成为下次会议的中心议题。3)common a.① usual or familiar;happening or found often and in many places 普通的;通常的;常见的 e.g.a common flower, sight, event普通的花、风景、事件

the common cold


②[ attrib.]~ to sb./sth.shared by, belonging to, done by or affecting two

or more people, or most of a group or society

共有的;共同(做)的;(影响)公众的e.g.common property, ownership 共有的财产、所有权

We share a common purpose.我们有共同的目标。

[ attrib.] without special rank or quality;ordinary

一般的;通常的e.g.He’s not an officer, but a common soldier.他不是军官而是普通士兵。

the common people 老百姓


be common/public knowledge 常识

have sth.in common with sb./sth.有共同的利益、特点等

e.g.Jane and I have nothing in common.简和我毫无共同之处。

I have nothing in common with Jane.我和简毫无共同之处

in common

共同的;共有的;共用的e.g.land owned in common by the residents 居民公有的土地

in common with sb./sth.与„„一样

e.g.In common with many others, she applied for a

training place.她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。


commonly ad.commonness n.【辨析】

common, ordinary, familiar, vulgar

These adjectives

describe what is

generally known or frequently encountered.这些形容词用以描述众所周知的或经常发生的事物。Common applies to what takes place often, is widely used, or is well known.common


e.g.The botanist studied the common dandelion.这位植物学家研究了常见的蒲公英。Ordinary describes something usual that is indistinguishable from others,sometimes derogatorily.Ordinary强调“与惯例相符”,暗示“无特别或突出特点”。

e.g.A ballpoint pen is adequate for ordinary purposes.圆珠笔足以应付一般书写。Familiar often describes something encountered or seen.Familiar 强调“常见的”、“熟悉的”含义。

e.g.Most children can recite familiar nursery rhymes.绝大多数儿童能够背诵熟悉的童谣。Vulgar describes association with the great mass of people and often connotes lack of refinement.Vulgar 用以描述“与多数人有关的”,“粗俗的”,“庸俗的”。

e.g.“He(Shakespeare)was not something sacred and aloof from the vulgar herd of men.”(William Hazlitt)“他(指莎士比亚)并非神圣,超凡脱俗。”


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