商务英语听说教案 unit 3

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第一篇:商务英语听说教案 unit 3


Unit 3 Placing Orders


After learning this unit, students will learn how to

1.To place an order after acceptance 2.To talk about the availability of goods 3.To offer help to solve the shortage of supply by recommending a substitute.教学重点、难点: Teaching focus 1.Sentence patterns to place an order after acceptance 2.Vocabulary building: terminology about placing orders including good, order and stock.Teaching difficulties 1.To let students understand how to place an order 2.Sentence patterns to place an order and ask for the quality of goods 教学方法:

1.Situational Teaching Approach 2.Lecturing method 3.Group Activity Approach 4.Task-based Approach


1.Multi-media classroom 2.Projector 3.microphone 4.Computer

2.Let the students work in pairs to talk about how to place an order and write them down;3.Talking about considering placing an order and confirming the order;3.Talking about how to make some changes on the order;4.Offering help to solve the supply shortage.Part II listening and speaking 2 Task 1: listening

1.Get students to do the exercises on P52;2.Check the answers.3.Summary: Summarize what students have learned in this lesson, point out what they should master.Task 2: Interpreting 1.Let the students write down the answers by themselves.2.Check it with their partners 3.Choose one or two answer to share with the whole class.4.Give them the correct answer.Task 3: Supplementary reading

1.Let the students read the text by themselves;

2.Divide them into groups and talk about the answers with their partners.3.Choose one or two answer to share with the whole class.4.Give them the correct answer.Task 4: Supplementary vocabulary 1.Read the vocabulary to the students 2.Explain some important words in details

Homework Make a dialogue about placing an order in pairs and write it down.Read the passage in page 252.-



Unit 10 Sightseeing

Lesson 19



Teaching Aims:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.2.Train the students’ oral English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ listening ability.2.Enable the student to understand the dialogue better.Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.2.The use of some useful words and expressions.Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion before listening to make the students be interested in what they learn in class.2.First listening to get the general idea of the dialogue.3.Second reading to answer some detailed questions.4.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids: 1.a song of Great Wall 2.multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greeting and speech

Greet the students as usual and the student who is on duty give a speech before class.Step 2 Lead-in 1.Discussion: Do you like travelling ? Where do you like to travel best ? Do you like to see the Great Wall?

2.Listen to a song, and then answer the questions: what is it about? →Great Wall

Step3 Words and expressions

Teach the new words and expressions one by one, especially the following: • length n.长度,长

→ long adj.长的

• • • • long = in length

→ The stick is two meters in length(long).wide = in width

high = in height 高 in a short / little while 不久,马上

• after a while 过了一会儿

• once in a while时不时, 偶尔, 间或

Step 4 First listening

Ask students to listen to the dialogue for the first time, and try to get the general idea about the dialogue.Step 5 Second listening

Ask students to listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks, and check the answers with them.The key: 1.6000







Step 6 Understanding the dialogue

< 1 > Learn the dialogue with the students, especially the following language points: • 1)serve as: vt.担任,充当, 起...的作用

→ He serves as an engineer in our factory

• 2)What’s the length of the Great Wall?

→How long is the Great Wall? • 3)from ··· to ···:从···到···。from Maoming to Shuidong • 4)unify [‘ju: nifai] vt.使统一、使成为一体

• BC:公元前(=Before Christ)→ AD:公元 • section: [‘sekʃən] n.段;部份 • link up:(使)连接;(使)结合;(使)合并

< 2 > Ask some students to answer the questions in Part 4, and check the answers with them.The key: 1.It’s 6000 kilometers or 1200 Li.2.It was first built 2000 years ago.3.They built huge walls to protect their territories.4.After Qin Shihuang had the walls linked up and also extended.5.Badaling was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty.Step 7 Listen to the following sentences and choose the best response.Do the exercise on page 69, Part 5, and check the answers with them • 1.Which place are we going to visit?

→D • 2.Are we going to see the Great Wall at Badaling? →A • 3.How long will it take us to go to the Summer Palace? →D • 4.During which period was the Great Wall first built?

→B • 5.How do you like the Great Wall ?


Step 8 Practice

1)Ask two pair of students to read the dialogue out.2)Oral English: Your friend is visiting your school.You are showing him/her around.Ask two pair of students to make a dialogue about introduction about our school and act it out.Step 9 Homework.1.Reading the dialogue again and again after class.2.Copy the new words down in the exercise book.




商务英语听说 【适用专业】

国际贸易 1.前言






3.教学目标 商务英语听说的教学目的在于培养学生良好的口头表达习惯,提高口头表达和交际能力,加深他们对英、美国家政治、经济、文化各方面的了解和认识。




5.实施建议 5.1教学建议

(1)五分钟free talk :每天上课前利用五分钟的时间,轮流由一位学生上台说英语,为每一个学生提供在众人面前说英语的机会。对说的内容、说的时间长短不加限制,一年级上学期时侧重简单的会话,进而围绕问候、告别、感谢、应答、道歉、打电话、意愿、问路等十几项功能强化交际性的口语训练。下学期时安排讲英语小故事,可以介绍家庭、个人情况等或能用简单的英语讲述自己经历的事情。还可以安排一至二名学生限时复述课文。台上学生讲,台下学生听,一举两得,久而久之大部分学生的胆量得到了锻炼,口语能力也逐渐得到提高。



















S:Jack,why you always be late?Don’t you know that the meeting is very important?

J:Oh,I’m sorry.But the traffic is so heavy that I have no idea.S:You always have the excuse for being late.Well,take your seat.S:Good morning,everyone.Thank you to come here to attend the meeting.Ok,since everyone is here,let’s begin our meeting.At first,I’d like to introduce Tony Allen who was graduated from Harward University.He will make a speech about BoBo product.Besides,we are here today to come up with 4 new BoBo products for young children.I suggest we divide the meeting into 3 items.I’d like to keep each item to 4 minutes and the meeting should take about 12 minutes.Ok,let’s start with first item.Welcoming Mr Allen to give us a talk.A:Thank you,,As we all know,we are now living in an information age in which TV,cell and the web are widely used.Just like many adults can’t leave the mobile phone,lots of young children are addicted to the TV,especially for cartoon.In fact,there are many cartoon characters are popular to young.For example,the Donald Duck is very popular in America and in China the Pleasant Goat and Boonie Bear are very hot now.Many children like it very much.so,there are a lot of products with cartoon characters.Recently,a cartoon about BoBo was very popular.However,there just a litter products about it.So,I think it’s a great chance for your company to come up with new BoBo products.If you do

it,I believe you’ll succeed soon.Well,that’s all what I want to say.S:Thanks for Mr Allen’s speech.From his talk,we can see that there is a pontential development of the BoBo product.I think it’s very important for us.Look,this is our company’s sales report in the past three month.I’m sorry to tell you our company got into trouble.Therefore,I hope you can come up with some new products to help our company.Bob, what’s your opinion?

B:Boss,as far as I’m concerned,we can design a series of plush toys.As far as I know,young children are very fond of plush toys.We can see these toys in their tables,beds and so on.What’s more, many adults like to send plush toys in the festival or the children’s birthday.In addition,some teenager also be interested in it.So,if we introduce one new toys with BoBo character,it must be popular.S:Sounds great.How about you,Paul?

P:In my view,our company can design some backpack which have BoBo character for children.As a matter of fact,many children love a backpack with cartoon characters.Furthermore,lots of children have more than one backpack.I have a 8-year-old nephew,his mother told me that he has 5 backpack.So,there is a big market for it.If we do it,it mayhelp us a lot.S:It sounds like a good idea.Jack,what’ your idea?

J:Boss,on thy way I came to our company,I saw many children wear a T-shirt with cartoon character.So,I think we can also design series T-shirt

with BoBo character.As we all know,many children like to buy new clothes.I suggest to try it,it may be popular.S:Ok,I’m glad that you all put forward your own ideas.Well,plush toy,backpack and T-shirt.There just 3 new products,any other opinion? A:Mr Smith,when listen to your speak,I got an idea.I think you can design some saving pot or small wallet for young.We all know that children have the habit of saving money.So,you can have a try on it.S:Oh,it’s very nice.Thank you very much.A:You are welcome,we are good friend,ok?

S:Yeah,of course.Well,all you said about the new BoBo products is good.Now,we need to design centain style of the new product.Bob,, B:I’m here.S:And Paul,this task is confided to you.Do you have problem?

B、P:Ok,no problem.S;Well,the meeting is over.Oh, it’s 12 o’clock.How about have lunch together?

P、B、A、J:Ok,let’s go.















Unit Introduction 单元概述:介绍单元基本内容。

Part I Warm-up 热身活动:就学生所熟悉的话题展开讨论,导入教学。Part II Listening Practice 听力练习:通过听力训练进入本单元主题。Part III Language Focus A 语言要点 A:通过录音,介绍本单元的重点交际功


Part IV Video 1 情景录像 1:通过真实商务场景中的人物对话,演示与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识,采用任务型Teamwork 或讨论式听说巩固语言知


Part V Language Focus B 语言要点 B:通过录音,介绍本单元的重点交际功能

语言,可供学生反复模仿,语言难度比Language Focus A 稍高。

Part VI Video 2 情景录像2:为Video 1 的延续,语言难度有所提高。通过真实商务场景对话,演示与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识,采用任务型

Teamwork 或讨论式听说巩固语言知识和实践技能。

Part VII Business Culture 商务文化:通过简洁的语言介绍常见的商务文化和


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