
时间:2019-05-15 07:45:34下载本文作者:会员上传


Dear guests:

Good afternoon!Welcome to our western restaurant,we will try our best to give you the best service.As you can see , our restaurant is totally designed and decorated in western style.The first thing that you see is a western table laid with silverware and typical western tablesetting.While you are having the delicious food , you can also enjoy the beautiful music.Follow me please, in the corner of our restaurant ,there is a bar.Two handsome bartenders will make you the nice drinks with their unique skills.At the same time , you can taste various drinks and yummy salad.May our restaurant bring you the greatest satisfaction you have ever had.

第二篇:旅游景点英文介绍 内乡县衙旅游词

Introduction to the Neixiang Ancient County Government Office

The Neixiang Ancient County Government Office is the most intact one at present among the ancient government offices in feudal China.It was built in the 8th year of Dade in the Yuan Dynasty(1304).The existing buildings were built in the 20th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty(1894).Since the opening to the world in 1984, it has attracted many visitors from home and abroad with its special history, science, art value and charm.And it wins the honor in the saying:“The head of the dragon is in Beijing and the tail in Neixiang.”The State Council proclaimed it to be a national specially-protected important relic in Nov.1996.The screen Wall is the first building of the office complex;it is composed of blue brick sculptures.The strange kylin-like beast at the center of the Screen Wall is a legendary greedy animal.It could eat many treasures.In the picture, it does not seem to be satisfied with treasures under its feet and around it, and still opens its mouth to swallow the sun.As a result of punishment, it falls down a cliff and broke to pieces.The Screen Wall was made to warn the officials against bribery and breaking the law by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.Facing the wall, there is an honorific arch called “Xuanhua Archway”.On the lunar 1st and 15th day of every month, the country magistrate propagated the imperial words and taught the countrymen here.The gate has three rooms with a passway in the middle.A drum for voicing grievances stands in the east room.This gate is the first gate for doorkeeper to announce the night watch and guard the comers and goers.Entering the gate, we can see the Yinbin House, the Yashen Hall and Sanban Yard on the east;on the west are the board house and prison built in the Qing Dynasty, which is only one remaining in China.The Ceremony Gate, the second gate, stands in the middle of the 100-meter passway from the gate to the hall.The middle door was only opened on the first day when new officials assumed their office or the higher officials came.People would

come and go through the small door on the east side, the“living gate”.The west one, called the “death gate”, was for the criminals sentenced to death.Through the Ceremony Gate, the grand building before us is the governmental hall.And Li, Hu, Li houses are on the east side of the west side.These six houses are administrative offices at that time.The county magistrate’s office stands in the east of the hall, Zhubu’s in the west.The county magistrate issued orders, held some important ceremonies and heard cases in this hall.The doorkeeper’s room stands behind the hall.In fact, He was the only person between the government and the common people.Whatever the common people have problems with law, they firstly asked the doorkeeper for help.Some doorkeepers often asked for money for their service, so the doorkeeper means the short way to success.There is a screen door behind the doorkeeper’s room from which we can enter the second hall.The second hall is also the Qinzhi Hall.It says that Qin Zijian often played the strings, but he governed Shanfu County well with ease.Some local officials named the second hall as Qinzhi hall in order to match their own talents and abilities with those of Qin Zijian.Here is the Fuzi Yard, a place for the head’s private advisers.They helped to govern the county and kept a close and equal relationship with the head.People including the head called them Laofuzi respectfully.So their office was called Fuzi Yard.The third hall is the office for the head, and secret affairs also took place here.The hall has two side yards.The left one is the Donghuating Yard, and the right one is the Xinhuating Yard.They were the living places for the head and his families.The garden behind the hall was for the head to have fun or escape from some boring affairs.All horizontal inscribed boards and post-couplets of the buildings are famous with their conciseness and deep meaning.The most famous one is “no honor for being an official, no disgrace for losing the position;don’t say an official useless, the local depends on him;food from the common, clothes by the common, don't think the common can be cheated, you are also a common”.It was written by Gao Yiyong, the

head of the county, in the 19th year of the Emperor Kangxi.As a local official, the writer regarded himself as an equal to the common and took the common as the parents of food and clothing.Once Jiang Zemin noticed the couplets in a report from the Nan Yang city and asked the General Office of the Central Committee to trace their origin.In the new century, the Neixiang Ancient Official Residence has won great fame outside Henan Province.Together with the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the Governor Bureau of Zhili in Baoding, and Huozhou bureau in Shanxi Province, the international route of the Four Ancient Government Offices of China will be introduced to the world.We believe that the world will know Neixiang County better.


主菜菜单 menu

头盘 Appetizers

法式松露鹅肝酱佐青苹果乳酪及鱼子酱268元/份(法国三A 级鹅肝,经过大厨秘方腌制,精工细做后的一款自制的法式鹅肝酱,口感软滑、酱香浓郁,再配上最佳伴侣青苹果乳酪,让您充分感受到地中海的美食神韵)French style Foie Gras with Green apple cheese and caviar


顶级鱼子酱及生煎冰岛带子配北极风味奶油菜花泥及鲜芦笋228元/份(精选优质冰岛带子,新鲜菜花及榛子菠菜,味道鲜美)Pan-fried Scallops with Arctic Flavor Spinach and Cauliflower Spread


挪威烟熏三文鱼佐奶油蘑菇及香草烩蛋168元/份(挪威传统烟熏三文鱼、鲜奶油烩蘑菇、意大利香草烩蛋、酸乳酪酱)Norwegian Smoked Salmon with Braised Mushroom and Sautˋe ed Vanilla cream


卜艮第香草汁焗蜗牛128元/份(传统卜艮第蜗牛、地道法式香草、松软的自制土豆泥加上主厨调制的酱汁,味道好极了)Bourgogne Vanilla Baked Snails


汤 soup

北欧海鲜浓汤98元/份(鳕鱼、三文鱼、阿拉斯加雪蟹、北极虾等诸多海鲜,进行长时间的熬煮提纯,咸鲜口味、海鲜味浓,放佛置身于北极深海岛国)Nordic Seafood Soup


地中海奶油松茸汤配野生黑松露68元/份(各式蘑菇底汤,加入进口松茸,经过特别调制,口味浓郁,再配上法国野生黑松露,使味蕾得到极致享受)Mediterranean Cream Matsutake with Wild Truffle


德式都兰豆啤酒浓汤68元/份(都兰豆、猪肉浓汤、法兰克福肉肠、德国黑啤、天然德国香料,进行长时间的熬煮,口味浓郁、回味绵长,配上传统的德国黑面面包,使您领略到美妙的异域风情)German-style Bean & Beer Soup


古拉式传统牛肉浓汤配黑麦面包58元/份(各种蔬菜、配上特选牛肉和传统香料,味道浓郁,沾着面包别具特色,曾在欧洲人的餐桌上被誉为最受欢迎的佳肴)Traditional Rich Beef Soup with Rye Bread




取脂,口味更加独特奇妙,轻喝一口,仿佛置身于地中海的海边)French Chestnut Pumpkin

Soup with Fresh Basil Oil



(传统的德国美食,在现代厨艺的变革下,使味道升华,令您为之而振奋)Bavarian Potato

Soup with Frankfurt Sausages(主料:选用上等土豆及进口美国雀巢淡奶油、进口培根)



(甜虾、什锦蔬菜、香汁乳酪酱、树莓酱,做工精细、用料考究)Mediterranean Style Sweet

Shrimp Salad

(主料:选用国产优质基围虾;辅料:产自 及台湾各种酱料、进口西班牙初榨橄榄油)


(新鲜挪威三文鱼、柠檬、芒果乳酪、什锦蔬菜)Oslo Sour and Sweet Salmon with Vegetable

Salad Rolls



(土豆、什锦生菜、薄脆青瓜,咸香味美)Provence Potatoes Brolide Octopus Salad



中提取的胶原蛋白,清新爽口、美容养颜)Italian Salad with Chinese-style Spicy Dressing




Paul Nice Buffalo Milk Cheese Salad with Green lemon and Virgin Olive Oil



(新鲜芒果、美国大脐橙、夏威夷椰肉等各类新鲜水果及酱果,新鲜诱人)French Yogurt and

Fruit Salad with Raspberry Sauce




相互搭配,配上特色酱汁,口味独特、别具匠心)Naples Garden Salad with Olive Oil and Ground



主菜 Main Course



出米其林三星的精品菜肴,使您领略到地道的法国美食)Foie Gras & Alaskan Snow Crab



(鹅肝、鳕鱼、黑醋栗、土豆泥、蔬菜,咸鲜口味,选料精良,做工精细)Cod a la provence,with Foie Gras and Blackcurrants



(乳牛的口感嫩滑,牛肝菌的回味绵延,松露的花香四溢,使人口齿留香)Top Grade Beef

Liver and Mushroom Truffle Sauce




Char-grilled Australian Fillet Steak with Truffle Sauce



(新鲜的奥斯陆深海海虹配地道的挪威三文鱼,经过炭火烤制,保持原有鲜嫩多汁的口感,同时配上秘制海鲜汁,味道鲜美,质感独特)Norwegian Salmon with Seafood Sauce




绵长)T-Bone Steak with Black Pepper and Fried Mushrooms




厨的特别烹制,口感绝佳,营养丰富)Foies Gras with Caramel Apple Cider and Black Truffles



(上好的谷物饲养牛肉,进行排酸处理,肉质鲜嫩、肉香浓郁,配上特色黑醋栗,口感清新,放佛置身于美国西海岸)Grilled Sirloin Steak with mushrooms and blackcurrant




味无穷)Herb de Provence Grilled Beef with Rosemary Sauce



(肥瘦相宜、炭火烤制,留下浓浓的烟熏味道,使人口齿留香,回味无穷)Grilled Rib-eye Steak

with mushrooms and hash browns




酱口味更显独特)Baked Norway Salmon with cream Star Anise Sauce




Simmered and Baked Cod Fish, Provence Style




Roast Lamb with Red Wine, porcini mushrooms and truffles



(新鲜的谷物饲养羊鞍,用上等红酒及香草腌制再用炭火进行烤制,新鲜多汁,配上香浓的羊肉汁,肉香味浓)Milan Vanilla Char-grilled Lamb Chops with Rosemary Rich Gravy and

Italian vegetables




Munich-style Sausages




vanilla chicken breast and Braised mushrooms in black pepper savce with Colombian baked





于巴伐利亚广场)Baked Bavarian Sausages with Mashed Potatoes and Germany Sauerkraut


(慕尼黑啤酒节首选待客菜肴)Baked Bavarian Sausages with Mashed Potatoes and German




(几百年的传承历史使它的美味千古流传,加入了各式香草,味道与众不同)Baked Bavarian

Sausages with Mashed Potatoes and German Sauerkraut


(各种应季新鲜蔬菜,配以新鲜初榨橄榄油,清新爽口)Spagheffi and Olive Oil with Seasonal



主食main food



传统宫廷美食的风韵,又有西方艺术的升华)Traditional Seafood Fin Noodles




The special noodle of The Hourglass


(选用上好牛腩肉,印度现磨咖喱,香辣可口、味道独特)Sweet Curried Beef with Rice



(熏肉、洋葱、白蘑菇、通心粉、淡奶油)Italian Bacon, White Mushroom and Macaroni



(意大利香草、腌制牛肉、现磨胡椒、新鲜洋葱及圆椒,微辣咸鲜)Florence Black Pepper Beef

with Macaroni



(马苏里拉芝士、烟肉、新鲜香草、意式粉团结合初榨橄榄油,浓香溢人)Mediterranean Salami

and Cheese Meatball



(金枪鱼、泰国香米饭、香草、芝士,香浓味美)Naples Tuna Rice with Cheddar& Cheese


甜品 Dessert


(香甜雪梨、爽滑清凉的布丁,配上现做的鲜巧克力慕斯,味道好极了)Nordic Snow Pear

Pudding with Chocolate Mousse




Chinese cake with vanilla ice cream and mint jelly a la mode




振奋)Dark chocolate mousse with creme brulee




Fresh strawberry mousse with kahlua




Fried Chicken Wings


Ameirican Beef Burger(comes with salad and fries)


Barbecue Beef Sandwich(comes with salad and fries)


Bavaria Hot Dogs(comes with salad and fries)


Cheese Sandwich(comes with salad and fries)


French Fries




Longji Rice Terraces Longji Rice Terraces are located in Longsheng, Guilin.As we can see from the name, this place is a field to grow rice.So, what on earth makes it a scenic place of interest? You may wonder.Please allow me to elaborate on you.In China, you can see Rice Terraces almost everywhere.However, the reason why the one in Longsheng own the most famous reputation is that it is the best originated among the all.For on thing, the scale of this terraces is the largest——from the swiftly flowing river to cloud-surrounded mountain peaks;from dense woods to steep cliff.Wherever has soil, there will be rice terraces existing.The vertical height is about 5~6 kilometres and the horizontal length is about 6~7 kilometres.Surrounded by the clouds, the whole terraces are just like a ladder towards the blue sky.For another thing, due to the high altitude, only a few people who have good physical quality are able to reach the top of summit of the field to enjoy the splendid scenery of the craftwork of humans’ intelligence.So this place hasn’t been ruined by tourists.That’s why I call it the best originated Rice Terraces.When you stand on the mountain and overlook the field, it’s really to be intoxicated with soft winds stroking your cheek.You won’t be worried about the accommodation because the local farmers are very simple, honest and hospitable.



Fuyang has a long history, famous celebrities.Here is the spring and Autumn Period politician Guan Zhong hometown, poet Ji Kang home.Chinese literature in the history of the famous “ Tang and song's” Ou Yangxiu, Zeng Gong, Su Shi was here for many years.Zones and monuments throughout, Iong, add radiance and beauty to each other.West Lake has been in the history of Hangzhou and the famous West Lake, county Henan Lake Park in XIAOZHANGZHUANG village and eight successively by the United Nations Environment Programme named“ global 500”.Fuyang convenient traffic, lead in all directions.The Beijing-Kowloon Railway from north to south, runs through the whole territory, and to Fu, Luo Fu, Fu, Fu Qing Huai four railway in China.“ Meters” font frame, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Shanghai, direct and Longhai railways line standards, formed eight lines into five road, railway, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway in Fuyang marshalling station is the Beijing-Kowloon line the largest railroad hub.Fuyang, a city full of vigour of emerging.Industrious, simple people of Fuyang will be by virtue of thing to join a department, transitional zone of North and south of the regional advantages, connecting the East and West, North and South should call, dedication and friends at home and abroad and a person with breadth of vision act with united strength, joint development, create a better tomorrow!






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