1.The Marriage Ceremony:证婚仪式
Introduction: “Please be seated” 简短介绍:“请嘉宾入坐”。新人入场:
Dearly beloved: we are met together in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses to join together 亲爱的:我们在上帝的眼前相遇,并且在这些见证人面前走到一起来。
(groom)(新郎)XX(先生)And 和(bride)(新娘)XX(女士)
In the bonds of holy matrimony according to the ordinance of God, and the custom of the Christian Church.按照上帝所设立的神圣婚姻,和基督教会的礼俗,一同来到这里。
Let’s start with a word of prayer:(service and friends)让我们做个祷告:(服侍人员及来宾们)Marriage is an honorable and holy estate instituted by God in the Graden of Eden, sanctioned and honored by Christ’s presence at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, and likened by St.Paul to the mystical union which exists between Christ and His Church.It was ordained of God as the foundation and bond of family life, for the mutual help and comfort of the husband and wife.It is a covenant, not a contract.婚姻是上帝在伊甸园中设立的一个有尊荣和圣洁的命令;在加利利海的迦南婚宴上,耶稣基督亲历确认和荣耀婚姻;圣徒保罗将其比作基督耶稣与他教会之间的隐秘关系。上帝命定婚姻是家庭生活延续的根基和纽带,丈夫和妻子之间要彼此安慰和相互劝勉。这是一个圣洁盟约,并非是一份互利的合同。
Marriage is therefore not to be entered upon by any thoughtlessly, but thoughtfully, reverently, and in the fear of God.因此,婚姻不是随随便便就进入,而是在经过深思熟虑,更带着仰慕和敬畏上帝的心思走进来的。
Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined.进入这神圣的婚姻殿堂,现正他们二人将要彼此结合成为一家人。I charge you both, before God the searcher of all hearts, that having considered the holy covenant you are about to make, you do now declare before this company your pledge of faith and love towards each other.Be well assured that if these vows are kept as God’s Word demands, and you endeavor to do the will of your heavenly Father, God will bless your marriage, will grant you fulfillment in it, and will establish your home in peace 我现在请你们二位新人,在上帝面前省察你们的心思意念,是否已经为即将达成的圣洁盟约做了慎重的考虑,现正你们要在众人面前宣告你们彼此之间的真诚与爱心。要十分清楚,按照上帝在圣经中的教导,你们彼此之间要保守住誓言,并要竭力行出天父上帝的旨意。上帝会祝福你们的婚因,赐福你们婚姻圆满,并且平平安安的建立家室。
Scriptures:(引用经文)Cor.13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind.It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.【林前13:4】爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒。爱是不自夸。不张狂。
【林前13:6】 不喜欢不义。只喜欢真理。
【林前13:7】 凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。Hebrews 13:4 4Marriage should be honored by all Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 【来13:4】 婚姻,人人都当尊重… …
【传4:9】两个人总比一个人好,因为二人劳碌同得美好的果效。Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD 【箴18:22】 得着贤妻的,是得着好处,也是蒙了耶和华的恩惠。Song of Sol.: 8:6-8 “Place me like a seal over your heart, for love is as strong as death…It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.Many waters cannot quench love;rivers cannot wash it away.If one were to give all the wealth that he had for love, it would be utterly scorned.”
St.Paul said “Wives be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”
【弗5:22】 你们作妻子的,当顺服自己的丈夫,如同顺服主。【弗5:23】因为丈夫是妻子的头,如同基督是教会的头。他又是教会全体的救主。
【弗5:24】 教会怎样顺服基督,妻子也要怎样凡事顺服丈夫。【弗5:25】你们作丈夫的,要爱你们的妻子,正如基督爱教会,为教会舍己。”
2.The Vows(宣誓)
Pastor: Who gives this woman to be married to this man? 牧师:今天是谁将心爱的女儿出嫁给这位先生?
The Father or whoever takes his place shall answer, “I do” or “Her mother and I do.”
Pastor: To the Groom(对新郎说)
(Groom name)Will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy estate of marriage? XX(先生)你愿意娶这个女人做你的妻子吗? Ma Zhong: I will XX(先生):我愿意
Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep yourself only unto her so long as you both shall live? 无论健康患病、贫穷富足,你都愿意坚贞不渝的爱她、安慰她、尊重她和保护她吗? Ma Zhong : “I Will” XX(先生):我愿意 To the Bride(对新娘说)
(Bride name)Will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in the holy estate of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live? XX(女士)你愿意接受这个男人做你的丈夫吗?无论健康患病、贫穷富足,你都愿意坚贞不渝的爱她、安慰她、尊重她和保护她吗? The woman shall answer: “I Will” XX(女士):“我愿意”
Please join your right hands and say after me:请你们牵握住对方的右手跟我宣告: Groom(新郎)I(Groom name)take you(Bride name)to be my lawful, wedded wife;to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death us do part;according to God’s holy ordinance;and thereto I pledge thee my faith.(love)我本人-XX(先生)愿意接受XX(女士)做我的合法妻子;从今日直到永远;不论顺境、逆境,不论贫穷、富足,不论健康、疾病;真爱到永远,至死不分离;按照上帝的圣洁律例;做出如上宣誓。
Bride(新娘)I(Bride name)take you(Groom name)to be my lawful, wedded husband;to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death us do part;according to God’s holy ordinance;and thereto I pledge thee my faith.(love)
3.The Ring Ceremony交换结婚戒指仪式
As a token of this covenant you will now give and receive the wedding rings.作为立约的印证,现正你们双方要交换戒子。
The best man gives the ring to the minister who shall say: 请伴郎将戒子交给牧师:
The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, signifying to all the uniting of this man and this woman in holy matrimony.Originally, the rings were made of 24 karat purest gold.A symbol of purest and most precious love.Note, the ring has no ending, but is an unbroken circle, just as our married love is to last a lifetime under God.婚姻戒子是内在属灵恩典的外在可见记号。起初,婚戒是由24K纯金制成的。用以象征纯洁和宝贵的爱情。请留意,戒子是一个没有终点,没有断点的圆环。犹如在预示我们的爱情在上帝的保守下,将伴我们一生之久。
To the Groom: do you give this ring in token that you will keep this covenant and perform these vows? 对新郎:XX(先生)你送出这个戒子是印证你会保守这个婚约和履行你的誓言吗? Groom answers, “I do” 新郎回答:“是的”
To the Bride: do you receive this ring in token that you will keep this covenant and perform these vows? 对新娘:XX(女士)你愿意接受这个戒指,来印证你会保守这个婚约和履行你的誓言吗? Bride answers, “I do” 新娘回答:“愿意”
To the Bride: do you give this ring in token that you will keep this covenant and perform these vows? 对新娘:XX(女士)你送出这个戒子是印证你会保守这个婚约和履行你的誓言吗? Bride answers “I do” 新娘回答:“是的”
To the Groom: do you receive this ring in token that you will keep this covenant and perform these vows? 对新郎:XX(先生)你愿意接受这个戒指,来印证你会保守这个婚约和履行你的誓言吗?
Groom answers, “I do” 新郎回答:“愿意”
Therefore: Let this(these)ring(s)continue to be to you both a symbol of the value, the purity and the constancy of true wedded love, and a seal of the vow you have now made.因此:让这个(或这些)戒指一直带在你们的身边,因为它是纯真爱情的价值、纯洁性和连续性的象征,并且也是你们誓言的印记。
4.Words of Admonishment:(劝诫之言)
I charge you both as you hope for happiness in your married life to be true to these promises you have made each to the other.With your marriage you begin life anew, with larger responsibilities.惟愿新人们的婚姻生活幸福美满,并真正履行彼此许下的诺言。借着婚姻你们开始了新的生活,更肩负着重大的责任。
TO MAN: Protect your marriage.Be the leader of the household.Lead your wife in prayer and reading the Holy Bible, which is the Word of God.Be the Spiritual leader.Never let the sun go down on your anger or frustration with each other.(as the Apostle Paul has said: “Husbands love your wife, as Christ loves the Church.”)对男人:XX(先生),当保护你们的婚姻。做一家之主。带领你的妻子祷告和读经,因为圣经是上帝的真道。当好属灵领袖。彼此之间不要含怒到日落。(正如使徒保罗所言:“你们做丈夫的要爱你们的妻子,正如基督爱教会。”)
TO WOMAN: Love your husband.Be his greatest encouragement.Never let the little things get in the way of your marriage.Never hold things against your husband.Be willing to always forgive.Pray for your husband.对女人:XX(女士),当爱你的丈夫。使他大得安慰。不要让微不足道的小事破坏你与丈夫的关系。心中常存恻隐之心。为你的丈夫祷告。TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS Let us continually pray for this couple.Aways strive to help them in their marriage.Never cause division.Family and Friends should have the greatest encouragement.Always be there to help out in any way possible 对家人及亲朋:让我们不住为这对新人祷告。竭力扶助他们的婚姻。永不散布纷争之事。家人和亲朋给他们最大的激励和安慰。全力做他们随时的帮助。
JESUS CHRIST: Let our Lord Jesus Christ be at the head of your household.耶稣基督:让我们的主耶稣基督,做你们的家庭元首。
TRI-ONE RELATIONSHIP: Marriage was created by God to be like a triangle.三一的关系:上帝创立的婚姻,酷似一个三角形。Jesus top.耶稣是顶点。
Husband and wife at the bottom.丈夫和妻子如同底边。
As the husband and wife reach out and grow closer to the Lord, they will come closer together.当丈夫和妻子向外延伸与主亲近的时候,他们之间的关系也就越发牢固。
Inasmuch as you(Groom name)and you(Bride name)have thus consented in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and these guests, by virtue of the authority vested in me as a minister of the Gospel and in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, I do now pronounce you to be united in the pure and holy bonds of wedlock, and those whom God hath joined together let no man Seperate.Amen 至此XX(先生)先生和XX(女士)女士已经正式同意戴上圣洁的婚戒,并且在上帝和各位嘉宾面前做了美好的见证。现在按照圣经赋予牧者的权力,并且奉圣父、圣子和圣灵的名,在此庄重宣布你们借着圣洁婚约成为一体,并且是上帝所结合的,人不可拆开。
(Groom name), You may kiss your Bride XX(先生),请亲吻你的新娘。
The Groom will embrace his Bride.新郎将拥抱新娘。
BENEDICTION: “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee;the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee;the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.Amen!牧师祝福:“愿耶和华祝福你们,保佑你们;愿耶和华的脸光照你们,并施恩与你们;愿耶和华向你们仰脸,赐你们平安。奉圣父、圣子和圣灵的名。阿门!
Ladies and Gentelmen: It is my distinct honor to introduce to you...Mr.(Groom name)and Mrs.(Bride name)女士们、先生们:我万分荣幸的为新郎XX(先生)先生和新娘XX(女士)小姐证婚和祝福。谢谢!
合唱:“ 同贺婚礼”(10:39——10:33)
四颂赞„„唱诗: 主啊,我神(10:41---10:45)
六证婚„„ 请x叔叔证婚(10:53----11:13)
............证婚人向新婚夫妇赠“夫妇之箴”(11:15-----11: 16)
十一 唱诗„„今日喜逢婚姻大礼(11:45---11:50)十二 结束祷告:请xx祷告……求神祝福他们的家庭,祝福他们的生活。(11:50-----11
一、新郎新娘进入教堂 会众站立欢迎;奏婚礼进行曲!
二、会众唱诗、祷告 诗歌《公行婚礼歌》;主持人为本次婚礼祷告!
一、新郎新娘进入教堂 会众站立欢迎;奏婚礼进行曲!
二、会众唱诗、祷告 诗歌《公行婚礼歌》;主持人为本次婚礼祷告!
三、婚姻真道分享(读经或讲道)主持人请新郎新娘、会众入座;并请基督工人证 道!
四、婚誓问答,主礼人先问新郎,再问新娘;二者问答词均同。(主持人要求新郎 新娘携手上前)主持人:“(某弟兄、某姐妹),愿神赐福于你们;今天,教会在 上帝面前聚集,在圣堂内为你们公行神圣隆重的婚礼。婚姻是蒙福的、是神圣的、是极宝贵的;所以不可轻忽草率,理当恭敬、虔诚、感恩地在上帝面前宣誓,成就 基督徒婚姻的要求!下面由主礼牧师主持神圣的婚誓问答。”主礼人问词:“(某 弟兄或某姊妹),我代表教会在至高至圣至爱至洁的上帝面前问你:你愿真心诚意 与(某姊妹或某弟兄)结为夫妇,遵行上帝在圣经中的诫命,与她一生一世敬虔度 日;无论安乐困苦、丰富贫穷、或顺或逆、或康健或软弱,你都尊重他(她),帮 助他(她),关怀他(她),一心爱他(她);终身忠诚地与他(她)共建基督化 的家庭,荣神益人!你愿意吗?!”新郎新娘答词:“我愿意!”
五、赠送(或交换)结婚礼物 主持人:“求神赐福,使这戒指成为你们永远誓言的 凭据,愿你们从今以后彼此相爱、永不分离、相互约束、永远合一!”赠送戒指、鲜花。
六、教会宣告(主持人要求打新郎新娘携手上前,主礼人举手宣告。)主礼人:“我 奉至高的圣父、至爱的圣子、至圣的圣灵宣告你们成为夫妇;上帝所结合的,人不可 分开。上帝与你们同在,直到永远,阿门!”
十、礼成 主持人(或主礼牧师)向新夫妇握手致贺,并请他们退场。诗班与会众站立 欢送,待新夫妇退场后再散开。奏《婚礼乐曲》欢送众人退场!
基督徒婚礼详细程序 一.婚礼行列 新郎新娘进入礼堂
新郎(全名)和新娘(全名)你们已经表明你们的心愿,愿意共同进入这神圣的婚约,也没有人证明你们不配进入这神圣的婚约。如果你们知道在你们之间尚有拦阻你们进入婚约的因素,我在上帝及众人面前希望你们大胆表明出来…… 第二类的宣召:
新郎(全名)和新娘(全名)你们已经表明你们的心愿,愿意共同进入这神圣的婚约,也没有人证明你们不配进入这神圣的婚约。如果你们知道在你们之间尚有拦阻你们进入婚约的因素,我在上帝及众人面前希望你们大胆表明出来…… 第三类宣召:
新郎(全名)和新娘(全名)你们已经表明你们的心愿,愿意共同进入这神圣的婚约,也没有人证明你们不配进入这神圣的婚约。如果你们知道在你们之间尚有拦阻你们进入婚约的因素,我在上帝及众人面前希望你们大胆表明出来…… 传统的婚礼开始祷词:
利百加 小姐
结 婚 典 礼
时间:主历二〇一四年五月二十四日下午三时 地址:南沙区环市大道西海韵路2号滨海花园
婚 礼 程 序
司琴:*** 序曲:新郎和证婚牧师步入圣堂
众立 婚曲:彼土利先生携新娘步入圣堂、会众起立欢迎 众立 唱诗:(第238首)《神圣纯爱歌》 众立 祈祷:***
众立 读经:哥林多前书13:4-8 众坐 劝勉:**牧师 众坐 献唱:(第248首)《与主同去歌》 众坐 证婚:**牧师
(许愿、立约、交换戒指、点同心烛、宣告)众坐 致谢:新郎新娘致谢 众坐 唱诗:(第187首)《完全恩爱歌》 众立 祝福:**牧师
众立 礼成:新郎新娘步出圣堂 众立 合照:让这份美丽永远留住!
1.The Marriage Ceremony:证婚仪式
Introduction: “Please be seated”简短介绍:“请嘉宾入坐”。
Dearly beloved: we are met together in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses to join together
(groom)(新郎)XX(先生)And 和
In the bonds of holy matrimony according to the ordinance of God, and the custom of the Christian Church.按照上帝所设立的神圣婚姻,和基督教会的礼俗,一同来到这里。
Let’s start with a word of prayer:(service and friends)
Marriage is an honorable and holy estate instituted by God in the Graden of Eden, sanctioned and honored by Christ’s presence at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, and likened by St.Paul to the mystical union which exists between Christ and His Church.It was ordained of God as the foundation and bond of family life, for the mutual help and comfort of the husband and wife.It is a covenant, not a contract.婚姻是上帝在伊甸园中设立的一个有尊荣和圣洁的命令;在加利利海的迦南婚宴上,耶稣基督亲历确认和荣耀婚姻;圣徒保罗将其比作基督耶稣与他教会之间的隐秘关系。上帝命定婚姻是家庭生活延续的根基和纽带,丈夫和妻子之间要彼此安慰和相互劝勉。这是一个圣洁盟约,并非是一份互利的合同。
Marriage is therefore not to be entered upon by any thoughtlessly, but thoughtfully, reverently, and in the fear of God.因此,婚姻不是随随便便就进入,而是在经过深思熟虑,更带着仰慕和敬畏上帝的心思走进来的。
Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined.进入这神圣的婚姻殿堂,现正他们二人将要彼此结合成为一家人。
I charge you both, before God the searcher of all hearts, that having considered the holy covenant you are about to make, you do now declare before this company your pledge of faith and love towards each other.Be well assured that if these vows are kept as God’s Word demands, and you endeavor to do the will of your heavenly Father, God will bless your marriage, will grant you fulfillment in it, and will establish your home in peace
Scriptures:(引用经文)Cor.13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind.It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.【林前13:4】爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒。爱是不自夸。不张狂。
【林前13:5】不作害羞的事。不求自己的益处。不轻易发怒。不计算人的恶。【林前13:6】 不喜欢不义。只喜欢真理。
【林前13:7】 凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。
Hebrews 13:4 4Marriage should be honored by all Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
【来13:4】 婚姻,人人都当尊重„ „
Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD
Song of Sol.: 8:6-8 “Place me like a seal over your heart, for love is as strong as death„It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.Many waters cannot quench love;rivers cannot wash it away.If one were to give all the wealth that he had for love, it would be utterly scorned.”
St.Paul said “Wives be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”
【弗5:22】 你们作妻子的,当顺服自己的丈夫,如同顺服主。
【弗5:24】 教会怎样顺服基督,妻子也要怎样凡事顺服丈夫。
Pastor: Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
The Father or whoever takes his place shall answer, “I do” or “Her mother and I do.”
Pastor: To the Groom(对新郎说)
(Groom name)Will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy estate of marriage?
Ma Zhong: I will
Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep yourself only unto her so long as you both shall live?
Ma Zhong : “I Will”
To the Bride(对新娘说)
(Bride name)Will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in the holy estate of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?
The woman shall answer: “I Will”
Please join your right hands and say after me:请你们牵握住对方的右手跟我宣告:
I(Groom name)take you(Bride name)to be my lawful, wedded wife;to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death us do part;according to God’s holy ordinance;and thereto I pledge thee my faith.(love)
I(Bride name)take you(Groom name)to be my lawful, wedded husband;to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death us do part;according to God’s holy ordinance;and thereto I pledge thee my faith.(love)
致欢迎辞(Welcome Speech):
女士们、先生们Ladies and Gentlemen:
春天是一个放飞希望的季节,冰雪融化,万物复苏,不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀,Spring is the season of hope, a flying snow melt, blooms, don't know fine leaf who cut out, the shears-like breeze like scissors
在这美好的日子里,在这温馨浪漫的时光, 我们欢聚一堂,寒冷的冬天过去之后,我们迎来了左权先生和徐苗小姐的婚礼In this beautiful days, in this romantic moments, We gathered,and welcoming the wedding of Mr.Zuoquan and Miss Xumiao
Let's use the warm applause welcome Mr.And XuMiao ZuoQuan miss admission
This is a romantic season
The groom and bride have a warm and pleasant love sweet dream
This is a fascinating moment
The groom, the bride began a happy warm love spring
因为特别所以才会甜美Because special so would sweet
在这玫瑰色的世界里 In this world of rosy
为了这季节For this season
鲜花含笑更美More beautiful flowers smiling
为了这一时刻For ther moment
寂寞孤独悄然离去Lonely lonely slipped away
因为你的到来Since your arrival
充实欢乐骤然而至Enrich joy suddenly crept up
愿你们互相珍惜,同心永结 May you cherish each other and together forever "
用幽深的明眸去读无垠,高原,青春的天With deep eyes to read, the plateau, the youth day 用轻盈的脚步去趟绿美丽生活的芳草园
With lightsome pace of life going to green beautiful fragrant garden
Waves with monarch of the heroic life on the road to combat troubles
用深沉的爱去温馨父母夕阳般的暮年With the deep love of the parents to warm the old
Wish you share the love, runners holding storms, grow old together
祝你们青春美丽,人生美丽,生命无憾 Wish you young and beautiful life beautiful, life partie
在我们中华民族 流传着这样一句话 In our Chinese nation there is a word
:父之情 母之心 Father, mother, the feeling of heart父母恩情比海深 饮水思源不忘本Parents kindness than the sea water siyuan not forggestting deep 可敬天下父母心Honorable heart all the parents
所以有请两位新人父母入场So please welcome two rookie parents admission 看这几位老人Look at this a few old man 他们一直用一种特殊的眼光注视着新郎 新娘They have been
using a special kind of eye staring at the bride and bridegroom 在他们的眼光里 In their eyes有心酸 有喜悦 有寄托 有希望There are hopes in the bitterness has hope 还有几分叮咛and a few minutes reminds
今天在这个特殊的场合Today in this special occasion 我想新郎新娘一定有千言万语 对自己的父母抒发 又有很多的感慨要对他们表达I think the bride and groom must have a thousand words to his own parents express had so many regrets expressed to them新郎今后的成就就是对父母双亲最好的报答Groom future achievement is the best repay to parents
正式仪式)(official ceremony)
所以新郎新娘请听真,So really, the bride and groom please listen me
水有源,树有根,儿女不忘养育恩,water, tree has root, active children don't forget parenting grace, 今朝结婚成家业,尊老敬贤白发双亲now married into JingXian possessions, aged parents,接下来是拜高堂,父母双亲,一鞠躬,感谢养育之恩,再鞠躬,感谢抚养成人,三鞠躬,永远孝敬老人!Then we show our respect to our parents Firstbow, thank you for support, again, thank adulthood bowed three bows, always respect and support the old!
Good next to a couple, two new worship to the right and to the left turn, a bow, thank you choose me, bow again three bows wanted.now, eternal love, tie the knot!
下面让我们举起酒杯,为这对新人祝福!, Let's raise glasses, for the couple wishes!
Then finally there? We wish all of my friends all guests family happiness, happy life, healthy body, all the luck!