想学好语言, 词典是必不可少的工具、伙伴加老师。如何选择一本或几本得心应手的词典, 是一个十分重要的问题。一本好的词典会使你事半功倍, 而一本质量粗糙的字典也会令你不知所云。因而作为一名英语学习者, 应该具备一点关于词典的知识, 这样就可以在众多的词典里选到有用且质量上乘的词典。这里简单向大家介绍一些有用的知识, 以及几本好的词典。
英文字典的种类很多, 有综合词典、学术词典、专门词典、学生词典等, 下面便对这四种词典做一下介绍。
1. 综合词典(general-purpose dictionary)综合词典的范围很广, 即使被称为“综合词典”, 每本词典也是以一定范围的读者为目标的。一般收五万词条左右的是袖珍字典, 七八万词条的是简明字典。十五万词条左右的是中型词典, 二十万词条以上的是大型词典。
2. 学术性词典(scholarly dictionary)学术性词典以其大而全为特征。最为突出的是 《牛津英语词典》和其美国的姐妹篇A Dictionary of American English on Historical Principle《按照历史原则编纂的美国英语词典》。
3. 专门词典(specialized dictionary)专门词典的种类繁多, 几乎关于词汇的每一领域都有专门词典。例如:词源词典(其中最为有名的Walter W.Skeat编的Etymological Dictionary of English Language 和Charles T.Onions编的The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology)。同义词词典(例如:A Dictionary of English Synonymous Expressions, Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms)。成语词典(例如:Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Dictionary of American Idioms)。用法词典(例如:Henry Watson Fowler编的A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Bergen Evans等编的A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage)。
4. 学生词典(learner’s dictionary)英语学生词典细分起来, 有两种不同类型: 一种是供本国学生使用的, 如:Chamber’s Students" Dictionary 《钱伯斯学生词典》, The Oxford School Dictionary 《牛津学生词典》, Collins COBUILD Learner’s Dictionary 《柯林斯合作学习词典》。另一种是专为外国人学英语而编纂的, 如:Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English 《牛津现代英语高级学生词典》, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 《朗文当代英语词典》, Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary 《柯林斯合作英语词典》, Cambridge International Dictionary of English 《剑桥英语国际词典》, Collins COBUILD English Learner’s Dictionary《柯林斯合作英语学习词典》。
1. 熟悉各种词典每个人都知道自己有什么词典, 但并不见得都知道图书馆、阅览室里有多少词典可供使用。多熟悉一部词典就如同多结识一位老师, 对外语学习十分重要。在选择词典时要注意它的出版时间和地点。由于语言在不断变化和发展, 作为词汇记录的词典内容也必然随之变化。同时英语存在不同的种类, 如美国英语, 英国英语, 因此英语国家的词典内容也不尽相同。因此, 了解一部词典的出版时间和地点并非无益, 尤其要注意该词典最后一次修订的时间。在使用词典之前, 一定要仔细阅读前言和用法说明, 这番功夫非下不可。在前言部分可以知道这部词典的编纂目的, 收词范围, 编纂方法, 使用对象等。只有看了用法说明才能清楚地了解和有效地使用词典。
2. 选择有针对性的词典对各种词典和工具书有所了解之后, 遇到疑难问题就可以有针对性地选择所需的词典。先说查一般词典。英语专业二年级以上的学生就应尽量使用英语单词词典, 因为用英语解释英语的词典可以对所查的词有比较完整的说明, 使读者在查词典的过程中还接触了英语解释, 从而增加了学习英语的机会。当然对初学者来说, 有的词在读完英语解释以后, 对其意义可能仍然不十分清楚, 再查一查英汉词典也是有帮助的。只知道中文, 想找英语的对应词就要求助于汉英词典。只有一个大约的概念, 想找个适当的词, 可以找词库(thesaurus)。想对几个同义词进行词义辨析, 或从中找到一个确切的词,可以找同义词词典。总而言之, 有针对性地选择词典或工具书可以免走弯路, 提高工作效率。
1《英汉大词典》先后约百余名学者参加编纂, 由陆谷孙教授主编的《英汉大词典》上下卷于1989年和1991年由上海译文出版社出版, 共收词20万条, 共约2000万字。《英汉大词典》是我国第一部独立研编的大型英汉双语详解词典。它保证了多方面和多层次的使用性。
2. 《汉英词典》由北京外国语大学英语系《汉英词典》组编的《汉英词典》于1978年由商务印书馆出版, 修订版于1995年由外语教学与研究出版社出版。修订版共收单字和多字条目共8万条, 共1,435页, 约550万字。这部词典凝聚了我国英语界一大批优秀专家学者的心血, 是同类词典中最丰富的一部。
3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 《朗文当代英语词典》。自1978年问世以来受到各国读者的欢迎并普遍被认为对外国学生学习英语很有帮助。《朗文当代英语词典》第二版于1987年出版, 共收词56,000条, 增加了不少新词新义, 尤其使对语法的标注方式进行了彻底的改革, 使用了一般语法书常见的代码和术语, 给读者带来了更大的便利。1995年推出的第三版除保持了前两版的优点外, 还使用了英国国家语料库和朗文语料库的资料, 突出了口语的特点, 采用原始的例句, 标志词语的使用频率, 比较英美用法, 附有500张插图, 使这部词典更具特色。4. Collins Co-build English Language Dictionary 《柯林斯合作英语词典》。《柯林斯合作英语词典》共收词75,000条, 实例达100,000条, 适合中高级读者使用。这本由柯林斯出版公司推出的词典是利用柯林斯出版公司和伯明翰大学联合开发的语料库。这个语料库里收集了各种类型的书面语和口语资料, 经由软件编制人员设计各种程序, 使编纂人员可以方便地查找。这样以来, 编纂的效率明显提高, 词典的出版周期明显缩短。而且词典更加准确地反映了当代英语的特点, 更具使用 性, 更适合读者地需要。速度快, 语料新, 定义准, 信息。
1.《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(英英.英汉双解)外语教学与研究出版社 2.《朗文高阶英语词典》(英语版)外语教学与研究出版社 3.《麦克米伦高阶英语词典》外语教学与研究出版社 4.《新世纪英汉多功能词典》上海外语教育出版社 5.http://www.xiexiebang.com
http://www.cibo.biz 3
Wuthering Heights transcends its genre in its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety.The novel has been studied, analyzed, dissected, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective, yet it remains unexhausted.And while the novel’s symbolism, themes, structure, and language may all spark fertile exploration, the bulk of its popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love affair between the fiercely passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.Today, Wuthering Heights has a secure position in the canon of world literature, and Emily Brontë is revered as one of the finest writers—male or female—of the nineteenth century.Like Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition of the late eighteenth century, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear.But Wuthering Heights transcends its genre in its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety.The novel has been studied, analyzed, dissected, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective, yet it remains unexhausted.And while the novel’s symbolism, themes, structure, and language may all spark fertile exploration, the bulk of its popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love affair between the fiercely passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.Analysis of Major Characters Heathcliff Wuthering Heights centers around the story of Heathcliff.The first paragraph of the novel provides a vivid physical picture of him, as Lockwood describes how his “black eyes” withdraw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwood’s approach.Nelly’s story begins with his introduction into the Earnshaw family, his vengeful machinations drive the entire plot, and his death ends the book.The desire to understand him and his motivations has kept countless readers engaged in the novel.Heathcliff, however, defies being understood, and it is difficult for readers to resist seeing what they want or expect to see in him.The novel teases the reader with the possibility that Heathcliff is something other than what he seems—that his cruelty is merely an expression of his frustrated love for Catherine, or that his sinister behaviors serve to conceal the heart of a romantic hero.We expect Heathcliff’s character to contain such a hidden virtue because he resembles a hero in a romance novel.Traditionally, romance novel heroes appear dangerous, brooding, and cold at first, only later to emerge as fiercely devoted and loving.One hundred years before Emily Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights, the notion that “a reformed rake makes the best husband” was already a cliché of romantic literature, and romance novels center around the same cliché to this day.However, Heathcliff does not reform, and his malevolence proves so great and long-lasting that it cannot be adequately explained even as a desire for revenge against Hindley, Catherine, Edgar, etc.As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more.Critic Joyce Carol Oates argues that Emily Brontë does the same thing to the reader that Heathcliff does to Isabella, testing to see how many times the reader can be shocked by Heathcliff’s gratuitous violence and still, masochistically, insist on seeing him as a romantic hero.呼啸山庄
It is significant that Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool.When Brontë composed her book, in the 1840s, the English economy was severely depressed, and the conditions of the factory workers in industrial areas like Liverpool were so appalling that the upper and middle classes feared violent revolt.Thus, many of the more affluent members of society beheld these workers with a mixture of sympathy and fear.In literature, the smoky, threatening, miserable factory-towns were often represented in religious terms, and compared to hell.The poet William Blake, writing near the turn of the nineteenth century, speaks of England’s “dark Satanic Mills.” Heathcliff, of course, is frequently compared to a demon by the other characters in the book.Considering this historical context, Heathcliff seems to embody the anxieties that the book’s upper-and middle-class audience had about the working classes.The reader may easily sympathize with him when he is powerless, as a child tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw, but he becomes a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman.This corresponds with the ambivalence the upper classes felt toward the lower classes—the upper classes had charitable impulses toward lower-class citizens when they were miserable, but feared the prospect of the lower classes trying to escape their miserable circumstances by acquiring political, social, cultural, or economic power.Catherine The location of Catherine’s coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears apart her short life.She is not buried in the chapel with the Lintons.Nor is her coffin placed among the tombs of the Earnshaws.Instead, as Nelly describes in Chapter XVI, Catherine is buried “in a corner of the kirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor.” Moreover, she is buried with Edgar on one side and Heathcliff on the other, suggesting her conflicted loyalties.Her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons’, and which eventually compel her to marry Edgar.However, she is also motivated by impulses that prompt her to violate social conventions—to love Heathcliff, throw temper tantrums, and run around on the moor.Edgar Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliff’s.Edgar is born and raised a gentleman.He is graceful, well-mannered, and instilled with civilized virtues.These qualities cause Catherine to choose Edgar over Heathcliff and thus to initiate the contention between the men.Nevertheless, Edgar’s gentlemanly qualities ultimately prove useless in his ensuing rivalry with Heathcliff.Edgar is particularly humiliated by his confrontation with Heathcliff in Chapter XI, in which he openly shows his fear of fighting Heathcliff.Catherine, having witnessed the scene, taunts him, saying, “Heathcliff would as soon lift a finger at you as the king would march his army against a colony of mice.” As the reader can see from the earliest descriptions of Edgar as a spoiled child, his refinement is tied to his helplessness and impotence.Charlotte Brontë, in her preface to the 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, refers to Edgar as “an example of constancy and tenderness,” and goes on to suggest that her sister Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics constitute true virtues in all human beings, and not just in women, as society tended to believe.However, Charlotte’s reading seems influenced by her own feminist agenda.Edgar’s inability to counter Heathcliff’s vengeance, and his naïve belief on his deathbed in his daughter’s safety and happiness, make him a weak, if sympathetic, character
Themes, Motifs
Themes Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.Moreover, Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based on their shared perception that they are identical.Catherine declares, famously, “I am Heathcliff,” while Heathcliff, upon Catherine’s death, wails that he cannot live without his “soul,” meaning Catherine.Their love denies difference, and is strangely asexual.The two do not kiss in dark corners or arrange secret trysts, as adulterers do.Given that Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based upon their refusal to change over time or embrace difference in others, it is fitting that the disastrous problems of their generation are overcome not by some climactic reversal, but simply by the inexorable passage of time, and the rise of a new and distinct generation.Ultimately, Wuthering Heights presents a vision of life as a process of change, and celebrates this process over and against the romantic intensity of its principal
characters.As members of the gentry, the Earnshaws and the Lintons occupy a somewhat precarious place within the hierarchy of late eighteenth-and early nineteenth-century British society.At the top of British society was the royalty, followed by the aristocracy, then by the gentry, and then by the lower classes, who made up the vast majority of the population.Although the gentry, or upper middle class, possessed servants and often large estates, they held a nonetheless fragile social position.The social status of aristocrats was a formal and settled matter, because aristocrats had official titles.Members of the gentry, however, held no titles, and their status was thus subject to change.A man might see himself as a gentleman but find, to his embarrassment, that his neighbors did not share this view.A discussion of whether or not a man was really a gentleman would consider such questions as how much land he owned, how many tenants and servants he had, how he spoke, whether he kept horses and a carriage, and whether his money came from land or “trade”—gentlemen scorned banking and commercial activities.Considerations of class status often crucially inform the characters’ motivations in Wuthering Heights.Catherine’s decision to marry Edgar so that she will be “the greatest woman of the neighborhood” is only the most obvious example.The Lintons are relatively firm in their gentry status but nonetheless take great pains to prove this status through their behaviors.The Earnshaws, on the other hand, rest on much shakier ground socially.They do not have a carriage, they have less land, and their house, as Lockwood remarks with great puzzlement, resembles that of a “homely, northern farmer” and not that of a gentleman.The shifting nature of social status is demonstrated most strikingly in Heathcliff’s trajectory from homeless waif to young gentleman-by-adoption to common laborer to gentleman again(although the status-conscious Lockwood remarks that Heathcliff is only a gentleman in “dress and manners”).
Fuyang has a long history, famous celebrities.Here is the spring and Autumn Period politician Guan Zhong hometown, poet Ji Kang home.Chinese literature in the history of the famous “ Tang and song's” Ou Yangxiu, Zeng Gong, Su Shi was here for many years.Zones and monuments throughout, Iong, add radiance and beauty to each other.West Lake has been in the history of Hangzhou and the famous West Lake, county Henan Lake Park in XIAOZHANGZHUANG village and eight successively by the United Nations Environment Programme named“ global 500”.Fuyang convenient traffic, lead in all directions.The Beijing-Kowloon Railway from north to south, runs through the whole territory, and to Fu, Luo Fu, Fu, Fu Qing Huai four railway in China.“ Meters” font frame, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Shanghai, direct and Longhai railways line standards, formed eight lines into five road, railway, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway in Fuyang marshalling station is the Beijing-Kowloon line the largest railroad hub.Fuyang, a city full of vigour of emerging.Industrious, simple people of Fuyang will be by virtue of thing to join a department, transitional zone of North and south of the regional advantages, connecting the East and West, North and South should call, dedication and friends at home and abroad and a person with breadth of vision act with united strength, joint development, create a better tomorrow!
The story is divided into three phases of Pip's life expectations.The first
“expectation” is allotted 19 chapters, and the other two 20 chapters each in the 59-chapter work.In some editions, the chapter numbering reverts to Chapter One in each expectation, but the original publication and most modern editions number the chapters consecutively from one to 59.At the end of chapters 19 and 39, readers are formally notified that they have reached the conclusion of a phase of Pip's expectations.In the first expectation, Pip lives a humble existence with his ill-tempered older sister and her strong but gentle husband, Joe Gargery.Pip is satisfied with this life and his warm friends until he is hired by an embittered wealthy woman, Miss Havisham, as an occasional companion to her and her beautiful but haughty adopted daughter, Estella.From that time on, Pip aspires to leave behind his simple life and be a gentleman.After years as companion to Miss Havisham and Estella, he spends more years as an apprentice to Joe, so that he may grow up to have a livelihood working as a blacksmith.This life is suddenly turned upside down when he is visited by a London attorney, Mr.Jaggers, who informs Pip that he is to come into the “Great Expectation” of a handsome property and be trained to be a gentleman at the behest of an anonymous benefactor.The second stage of Pip's expectations has Pip in London, learning the details of being a gentlemen, having tutors, fine clothing, and joining cultured society.Whereas he always engaged in honest labour when he was younger, he now is supported by a generous allowance, which he frequently lives beyond.He learns to fit in this new milieu, and experiences not only friendship but rivalry as he finds himself in the same circles as Estella, who is also pursued by many other men, especially Bentley Drummle, whom she favours.As he adopts the physical and cultural norms of his new status, he also adopts the class attitudes that go with it, and when Joe comes to visit Pip and his friend and roommate Herbert to deliver an important message, Pip is embarrassed to the point of hostility by Joe's unlearned ways, despite his protestations of love and friendship for Joe.At the end of this stage, Pip is introduced to his benefactor, again changing his world.The third and last stage of Pip's expectations alters Pip's life from the artificially supported world of his upper class strivings and introduces him to realities that he realizes he must deal with, facing moral, physical and financial challenges.He learns startling truths that cast into doubt the values that he once embraced so eagerly, and finds that he cannot regain many of the important things that he had cast aside so carelessly.The current ending of the story is different from Dickens's original intent, in which the ending matched the gloomy reverses to Pip's fortunes that typify the last expectation.Dickens was
prevailed upon to change the ending to one more acceptable to his readers'
tastes in that era, and this “new” ending was the published one and currently accepted as definitive.Dickens has Pip as the writer and first person narrator of this account of his life's experiences, and the entire story is understood to have been written as a retrospective, rather than as a present tense narrative or a diary or journal.Still, though Pip “knows” how all the events in the story will turn out, he uses only very subtle foreshadowing so that we learn of events only when the Pip in the story does.Pip does, however, use the perspective of the bitter lessons he's learned to comment acidly on various actions and attitudes in his earlier life.
Today I would like to talk about Bruce Lee , the person I admired most.Bruce Lee, generation of martial arts master, the founder of Jeet kune Do, which is a kind of martial art he combine the advantages of Chinese Kungfu , Boxing, Karate and kickboxing in practice.Jeet kune do are much more flexiable than any other martial arts.Bruce Lee encourage people learn martial art should attackhis opponent directly without traditional routine.He is also a philosopher , which is rarely seenamong other martial arts master.He is aman full of thoughts and creativity.,He is the first Chinese to break into Hollywood, he revolutionized the world to promote the development of martial arts and kung fu movies.It is he who spread Chinese kungfu to world.Ordinary people may think that if they can possess one of the honor above, they would be satisfied.But when it comes to Bruce Lee,well,,he would never stop.He change the attitude of people all over the world towards Chinese.His untimely death make the whole world sighed.He was rather confident.his wife Linda said his 32 year life was full of energy and creativity.He knew how great his ability and creativity was, so he work to prove it every day.Maybe it was why he could be so successful in both martial art and movie.He is a hardworking man.Although he was flatfoot and myopia, he practice much every day ,never blame ,never give up.As a result ,he got many unique skills which shocked everyone who witnessed this.He was also a frank man.When communicate with other martial masters ,no matter which country were they come from ,he always told them without reservation.Deeply moved ,other martial masters also taught him.That’s why Jeet kune do can combine so many kinds of martial art all over the world.There were many obstacle on the way ,from both Chinese traditional martial field and American racism.But Bruce Lee never mind how people view him.So he complete what no one had done before.His story taught me determination, taught me that if you dream about something , work for it.He let me know sometimes you needn’t care about how others oppose you.Once I feel tired ,I thought about what he did everyday.When I choose to be a doctor ,mother worried about my poor ability of practice.But I think what I should do is prove that I can overcome the shortcoming by hard work.I thought about Bruce Lee, I’d like to do what he had done.My admiration bring me courage and power, so I live to the fullest every day.Every July 8th is Bruce Lee’s Day.I always climb mountain on this day.Thinking about the whole life of this great master ,looking up to sky, I felt maybe Bruce Lee never left.His great spirit would be with our Chinese people forever.