乔治·华盛顿(George Washington1732年 2月22日-1799年 12月14日),美国第一任总统,在美国独立战争中率领大陆军团赢得美国独立,在两届任期结束后,自愿地放弃权力不再续任,隐退在弗农山庄园。
美国独立战争 成就
1. 在美国独立战争中率领大陆军团赢得美国独立 2. 开启了美国总统任期一般不超过两届的先例 3. 1787年主持了制宪会议,制定了美国宪法 4. 确保联邦免于分裂
华盛顿就任美国总统 华盛顿表态拒绝第三届任期
George Washington(February 22, 1732 [O.S.February 11, 1731][1][2][3]– December 14, 1799)was the commander of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War(1775–1783)and served as the first President of the United States of America(1789–1797).[4] For his central role in the formation of the United States, he is often referred to as the father of his country.[5][6]
The Continental Congress appointed Washington commander-in-chief of the American revolutionary forces in 1775.The following year, he forced the British out of Boston, lost New York City, and crossed the Delaware River in New Jersey, defeating the surprised enemy units later that year.As a result of his strategy, Revolutionary forces captured the two main British combat armies at Saratoga and Yorktown.Negotiating with Congress, the colonial states, and French allies, he held together a tenuous army and a fragile nation amid the threats of disintegration and failure.Following the end of the war in 1783, King George III asked what Washington would do next and was told of rumors that he'd return to his farm;this prompted the king to state, “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.” Washington did return to private life and retired to his plantation at Mount Vernon.[7] He presided over the Philadelphia Convention that drafted the United States Constitution in 1787 because of general dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation.Washington became President of the United States in 1789 and established many of the customs and usages of the new government's executive department.He sought to create a nation capable of surviving in a world torn asunder by war between Britain and France.His unilateral Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793 provided a basis for avoiding any involvement in foreign conflicts.He supported plans to build a strong central government by funding the national debt, implementing an effective tax system, and creating a national bank.Washington avoided the temptation of war and a decade of peace with Britain began with the Jay Treaty in 1795;he used his prestige to get it ratified over intense opposition from the Jeffersonians.Although never officially joining the Federalist Party, he supported its programs and was its inspirational leader.Washington's farewell address was a primer on republican virtue and a stern warning against partisanship, sectionalism, and involvement in foreign wars.Washington was awarded the very first Congressional Gold Medal with the Thanks of Congress.[8] Washington died in 1799, and the funeral oration delivered by Henry Lee stated that of all Americans, he was “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen”.[9] Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S.Presidents.
技术创新,特别是在信息技术,是在美国的日益增长的经济繁荣的心。制定有效的政策,促进创新,鼓励广泛经济的“数字化”是确保经济的强劲增长和生活水平的提高的关键。然而,在任何新的和不断变化的情况,政策制定者有差异需要工作者共同的认识。在某些情况下,立法局议员已回应开创新的和复杂的技术政策问题,更适合于旧经济的解决方案。并随着创新经济已变得越来越重要,增加了对它的特殊利益的反对。最后,记者、专家学者和决策者表明已往在 1990 年代,信息技术(IT)革命的兴奋都往往已经替换为“无所谓”的态度它是设置记录直它仍然是生产力和创新的关键驱动程序的时间。
1101 K Street N.W.Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005
美国华盛顿西北1101K街、。20005-4070 号
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殷美生、男、1962年出生于江西省湖口县流泗镇,乡村记者、擅长写新闻报道,业余时间喜欢诗歌创作。2007年,县团委向中国共青团青农部推荐他为“全国乡村青年文化名人”推荐名单,中共党员,镇历届党代表,荣获2007、2012流泗镇优秀党员,中国基层党建网驻地记者,江西省湖口县委中心报道组成员、1997、2008、2009年等年份荣获全县优秀通讯员、被中央人民广播电台评为全国“十佳”通讯员、农民日报特约通讯员、九江《浔阳晚报》特约记者、中华诗词学会会员、中国作家协会诗刊社“子曰诗社”会员、九江市诗词联学会会员、石钟山诗词学会会员、湖口县流泗诗词分会副会长、理事、会长助理、泗桥诗社社长。任《流泗诗词》副主编、编委、《泗桥俚歌》主编。在首都十大报纸 《人民日报》、《光明日报 》、中央人民广播电台 《江西日报》等全国数百家媒体用稿数千篇,,在中华诗词学会网、《诗刊》,《中华诗词》、《当代诗词》.《江西诗词》、《诗词月刊》、《中华辞赋》、《中国诗赋》、《中国诗词月刊》、广州《诗词报》、《东坡赤壁诗词》、《长白山诗词》 等全国诗词报刊发表诗作300多篇,从事新闻报道20多年,其中连续报道[湖口油菜籽盼销路]获中国地市报好新闻三等奖。其新闻作品内容已被选入南昌市2013年初三思想品德第四次联考试卷,诗歌作品《五十感怀》、《反腐倡廉》等作品荣获2011“红豆杯”挝春鼓诗词竞赛二等奖、首届【莱吉杯】【七彩杯】文学征文大奖赛杂文一等奖、诗歌三等奖。2011年“炎黄杯”国际诗书画印艺术大赛诗词类一等奖。其诗词作品还入选中华诗词学会《中华诗词学会新会员作品集》、中华诗词学会《当代中华诗词集成》、中国当代诗人词家代表作大观大型丛书。【中国当代诗人作品】上卷、。
人物简介 范文: 杨冀同志 简介
北京特普丽装饰装帧材料有限公司董事长 杨冀
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中国墙纸行业的发展寻找出路;他始终坚持产品生产及工艺技术的创新,推动中国墙纸行业和特普丽墙纸公司不断发展进步;他三次参与中国墙纸行业标准的制订,见证了中国墙纸行业的起起落落,为中国墙纸行业的发展做出了突出贡献,被中国建筑装饰装修材料协会墙纸分会评为:“中国墙纸行业突出贡献人物”。曾获得“五一劳动奖章“、“全国建材行业劳动模范”、曾获得“北京市科技进步二等奖”等荣誉,最近又被授予“2013中国家居行业基石 大人物奖”“2012中国家居产业最具影响力人物”。他从业30多年一直工作在墙纸行业第一线,三十多年如一日,被中国墙纸业界称为中国墙纸“第一人”。
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