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Remarks at East Asia Summit Ministerial Meeting 在东亚峰会部长级会议上的讲话 John Kerry, Secretary of State 美国国务卿 约翰·克里

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei 文莱 斯里巴加湾 July 2, 2013 2013年7月2日

I am very pleased to represent, for the first time as Secretary of State, the United States at this East Asia Summit Ministerial.Allow me to express my appreciation to His Majesty, the Sultan, and the entire nation of Brunei for their warm hospitality.President Obama looks forward to traveling here in October to attend the EAS Leaders Summit.我非常高兴第一次以国务卿身份代表美国出席东亚峰会部长级会议。请允许我对苏丹陛下和文莱全体人民的热情款待表示感谢。欧巴马总统期待10月份来文莱访问,出席东亚峰会领导人峰会。

The Asia-Pacific region is enjoying an almost unparalleled period of peace, prosperity, and stability.亚太地区正处于一个几乎无可比拟的和平、繁荣与稳定时期。This region has increasingly become the envy of the rest of the world.这一地区越来越受到世界其他地区的羡慕。

The key to sustaining and advancing this success has been our common efforts to establish norms and institutions that encourage greater cooperation and resolve disputes when they arise – and to do so in a manner that respects the rights of the people.As a Pacific nation, the United States has an enduring interest in maintaining peace andprosperity across this entire region.维持和推进这一成功的关键是,我们一直共同努力,建立鼓励扩大合作和解决纠纷的规范制度——而且我们在以尊重人民权利的方式这样做。作为一个太平洋国家,维护整个亚太地区的和平与繁荣始终是美国持久的利益所在。

The United States firmly believes that regional institutions such as the EAS should play a lead role in shaping the future of the Asia-Pacific.We support the East Asia Summit as the region’s primary institution for political and strategic issues.美国坚定地认为,诸如东亚峰会等区域性机制应该在塑造亚太地区未来的过程中发挥主导作用。我们支持东亚峰会作为处理亚太地区政治和战略议题的主要机制。

The East Asia Summit, like any institution, is most effective when it produces concrete results for the people of the region.So today I’d like to talk about four of the key pressing challenges facing the region today where we need to produce results: on maritime security, disaster relief, nonproliferation, and our moral responsibility to address climate change.东亚峰会和任何机制一样,在为本地区人民带来具体成果时最有效。因此今天,我想谈谈要在这一地区取得成果所面临的四项关键的紧迫挑战:海上安全、救灾、不扩散以及我们应对气候变化的道德责任。

And though we discussed the South China Sea earlier today, I’d like to restate my concern over the increase over the past year in maritime incidents and tensions in disputed waters.虽然我们在今天早些时候讨论了南中国海问题,但我想重申我对过去一年中在有争议的水域的海上事件增多和紧张局势加剧的担忧。

We all have a vital interest in the peaceful management of maritime disputes, and we believe the EAS can serve a key role in setting and enforcing norms and rules that will ensure we are working collectively to protect the regional peace and stability that our economic future depends on.我们大家对和平处理海洋争端都有着切身利益,我们认为东亚峰会在建立和执行规范和规则方面能起到关键作用,这些规范规则将确保我们通过共同努力来保护为我们的经济未来所依赖的地区和平与稳定。American has long been committed to easing the challenges, the personal suffering caused by disasters and to help facilitate recovery.However, effective international coordination is vital when natural disasters strike.Promoting the exchange of expertise and removing barriers to the deployment of supplies and first responders saves lives.That calls for coordinated mechanisms to ensure that this goodwill can be translated quickly into practical assistance on the ground.美国人长期以来致力于缓解这些问题,减轻灾害造成的人身痛苦,以及帮助促进灾后恢复。然而,当自然灾害降临时,有效的国际协作至关重要。促进专长经验交流并消除调配物资和应急人员的障碍可以挽救生命。这要求形成协调机制来确保这种善意可以迅速转化为给当地的切实援助。

Third, let me say a word about non-proliferation.As President Obama reaffirmed last month in Berlin, peace with justice means pursuing the security of a world without nuclear weapons.The United States remains committed to that goal, and will work with our partners to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.We will also work toward a new international framework for peaceful nuclear power, and work to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.第三,让我简要谈谈不扩散。欧巴马总统上个月在柏林重申,公正的和平意味着争取实现一个没有核武器的安全世界。美国继续致力于这一目标,并将同我们的合作伙伴一道,削减核武器的数量。我们还将努力促成一个新的和平利用核能的国际框架,并且致力于使《全面禁止核试验条约》得到批准。

In no uncertain terms, we also reject North Korea’s and Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and will work to enforce the international nonproliferation system.我们也明确抵制北韩和伊朗谋求核武器,并将努力贯彻国际不扩散制度。

We recognize that many of you are making very serious efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote peaceful use of nuclear energy, and we hope that all EAS members will fully embrace the available tools in the fight against proliferation – including endorsing PSI principles and bringing into force the Additional Protocol to your IAEA Safeguards Agreement.我们认识到你们许多人正在非常认真地为防止核武器扩散及促进和平利用核能而努力,我们希望所有东亚峰会成员国将全力拥护防止核武器扩散的现有措施——包括同意“防扩散安全倡议”的原则,并落实你们的《国际原子能机构保障协定》附加议定书。


Well, thank you very much.It is a great privilege forme to be here with Vice Premier Yandong.Thank youvery much for being here.And also, State CouncilorYang.Thank you, State Councilor, for your verypowerful statement a moment ago underscoring theimportance of what we are trying to achieve here,underscoring the strong commitment of China tocombating wildlife trafficking, and particularlyenforcing ivory trade controls.Wildlife traffickingdoes not exist in a vacuum.It is connected withmany of the other 21st century challenges that weface, including terrorism.And it demands a common response.非常感谢。与延东副总理一起在这里令我十分荣幸。非常感谢你在这里。还有杨国务委员。谢谢你,国务委员,刚才所作的非常有力的声明,它突出表明了我们要在这里完成的工作的重要性,突出表明了中国对打击野生动植物非法交易的坚定承诺,特别是落实对象牙交易的管制。野生动植物贩运交易不是真空存在,而是与我们面临的21世纪的其他许多挑战相连,包括恐怖主义。对它必须作出共同反应。

I am very, very delighted that Yao Ming could be here with us today.He is the small guy sittingup here in front.(Applause.)We are very delighted that he could be here today.He is a terrificmodel of how an athlete can harness his celebrity and capture the public’s attention on anissue.And I think all of us in this room are particularly grateful for his personal commitment,and for the very direct truth, the candor that he brings to this cause.Yao has personally seenthe ravages of this particular crime.He has visited Africa, he has seen, particularly, the bodiesof dead elephants.And he knows that reducing demand and ramping up law enforcement arethe two key essential ingredients of any strategy to try and meet this kind of challenge.令我非常、非常高兴的是,姚明今天能和我们一起在这里。他就是坐在前面的这位小个子。(掌声)我们对他今天能够来到这里感到非常高兴。他是一个极好的榜样,说明一位运动员能够如何运用自己的知名度,引起公众对一个问题的注意。我想我们这里在座的所有人都特别感谢他的亲身投入,感谢他给这个问题带来了非常直接的真切感和真诚。他亲眼目睹过这一罪行的残暴。他访问过非洲,尤其是看到过大象的死尸。他知道,减少需求和增强执法是迎战这种挑战的任何战略所必须具备的两个基本要素。

Combating wildlife trafficking is a responsibility for every single person.Everybody can become alaw enforcement person.In the social media age, everybody has an ability to hold peopleaccountable for what is happening.I remember well personally, when my wife Teresa and Ivisited a wildlife preserve, and we went on a safari about seven years ago.I remember beingstruck and saddened at the same time by the extraordinary story after story after story ofa

nimals being criminally slaughtered into near extinction.And that is why, during my last yearas Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I convened the first-everSenate wildlife trafficking hearing, in order to try and give publicity and visibility to this issue.打击野生动植物非法交易是每一个人的责任。人人都能够成为执法员。在社交媒体时代,每个人都有能力让犯事者受到究责。我本人就清楚地记得我和我的夫人特里萨参观一个野生动物保护区的经历,那是大约七年前在非洲。我记得当时震惊和悲哀地听到了一个、一个、又一个犯罪性屠杀导致动物濒临绝迹的非常事件。正是因为这样,我在身为美国参议院对外关系委员会主席的最后一年,召开了参议院有史以来第一个关于野生生物贩运问题的听证会,努力使这个问题得到舆论和社会关注。

Last year, we held a break-out session here – not here, but it was in Washington, but as partof the S&ED, the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.And we held it on wildlife trafficking.And since then, our two countries have come together totake concrete action.And I am particularly grateful that, here in Beijing today, we are makingthis joint announcement and coming together as part of the economic dialogue in order toshow how great nations can cooperate on great challenges.去年,我们在这里——不是这里,是华盛顿——举行了一个分组会议,它是美中战略与经济对话的一部分。我们在会上讨论了野生动植物贩运交易问题。我非常感谢我们今天在北京作出这一联合宣布,并作为经济对话的组成部分走到一起,它展现了大国如何能够针对重大挑战进行合作。

Through groundbreaking efforts – enhancing law enforcement, raising public awareness, andeach of us destroying about six tons of confiscated ivory stocks – we have been able to showthe world that we mean business.Through a groundbreaking global law enforcement operationcalled Cobra II, we have launched investigations that have led to hundreds of arrests, and majorwildlife seizures.And we are on track to make even greater progress by next year's dialogue.我们通过作出具有开拓性的努力——加强执法、提高公众认识,以及各自销毁了大约六吨没收的库存象牙——我们向世界显示,我们说到做到。通过一个叫做―眼镜蛇二号‖的全球执法行动创举,我们启动调查,使数百人落网,缴获了一大批野生物品。我们将会在明年举行对话时,取得比这更大的进展。

Standing together, the United States and China are sending a simple, but a very powerfulmessage: We need to stop the poachers and the profits that come from wildlife trafficking.Andwhile the threat extends beyond elephants, the fact is that ivory has become today’s blooddiamond.Each of us have a responsibility to combat this.It is, frankly, one of the most tragicand outrageous

assaults on our shared sense of global responsibility, responsibility for theenvironment, responsibility for the species.And it is one of the most severe that I havewitnessed in my lifetime.Unbelievable numbers of poachers, almost declaring war againstinnocent animals, simply for the greed.美国和中国立场一致,正在发出一个简明但极其有力的信息:我们必须制止偷猎者并制止从野生动植物非法交易中牟利的行径。尽管受到威胁的不仅仅是大象,但事实是象牙已经成为今天的血腥钻石。我们每个人都有责任打击这种行径。坦率地说,这些行径是对我们共同的全球责任感、对环境的责任感以及对物种的责任感的最可悲、最令人发指的攻击之一。而且这是我在有生之年所目睹的最严重破坏之一。偷猎者的人数之多令人难以置信,完全是出于贪婪而几乎是在向无辜的动物开战。

President Obama is deeply committed to this effort, and that’s why he issued a landmarkexecutive order last year to combat wildlife trafficking, demonstrating that the United States’resolve to strengthen enforcement, to reduce demand, and to promote partnershipsregarding wildlife trafficking is strong, firm, and it will be a commitment of duration.欧巴马总统深切地致力于这项努力,正因为如此,他于去年发布了一项打击野生生物贩运的具有里程碑意义的行政令,显示出美国在打击野生动植物贩运方面增强执法、减少需求及增进伙伴关系的决心是强大和坚定的,而且这将是一项持久的承诺。

In February, President Obama released a National Strategy on Wildlife Trafficking that includes anear total ban on commercial trade in ivory.And the good news is we are not in this fightalone.The United States and China, together, are building on the network of partners likeKenya, Gabon, and the Philippines, each of which has destroyed its ivory stocks in recentyears.And we hope to continue our work with China at the APEC conference and in othermultilateral meetings over the course of this year and next.2月份,欧巴马总统发布了《打击野生生物贩运的国家战略》,其中包括近乎全面禁止象牙商业交易的禁令。令人欣慰的是,我们的斗争不是孤立的。美国和中国携手努力,正在同肯尼亚、加蓬和菲律宾等伙伴国共建网络,这些国家近年来已分别销毁了其象牙库存。我们希望于今明两年在亚太经合组织会议及其他多边会议上继续我们同中国的合作。

Make no mistake, all of us have a responsibility to do more and to do it faster.The numbers oftigers and rhinoceri – I mean, there’s just extraordinary assault on various animals aroundthe world.And the scale and the sophistication of elephant and rhino poaching isaccelerating at an alarming pace.Not only are these majestic animals disappearing before us,but the explosion in trafficking is actually undermining the security of range states, and it isimperiling those whose livelihoods depend on these great creatures to attract people to comeand simply witness their beauty.毋庸置疑,我们所有人都有责任作出更多的努力并更加迅速地作出努力。老虎和犀牛的数量——我的意思是,攻击世界各地各种动物的行径极其严重。而且偷猎大象和犀牛的规模和狡诈程度正在以令人警觉的速度加剧。不仅仅是这些雄奇的动物正在从我们眼前消失,而且非法交易激增其实正在破坏相关地区国家的稳定,并且正在危及那些依赖于这些雄奇的动物吸引人们前来观赏美妙动物的人的生计。

One thing is clear: Consumers also bear responsibility for the market incentives that thetraffickers respond to.The grim reality is that the prices for ivory and for rhino horn areactually going up.They are skyrocketing.And that, in turn, leads to more involvement of moretransnational organized criminals who are looking for bigger return on their investment.Itprovides more corruption, and corruption provides more collateral damage.有一点是清楚的:消费者对于形成贩运分子可利用的市场因素也负有责任。一个严峻的事实是,象牙和犀牛角的价格实际上正在上涨。它们的价格正在飙升。而这反过来又导致更多的跨国有组织犯罪分子参与,谋求从中换取更大的回报。这滋生了更多的腐败行径,而腐败行径又造成更多的连带损害。

So, wildlife trafficking, yes, it’s a conservation problem.But it’s also an economic problem, it’sa health problem, it’s a security problem.Our governments and citizens cannot afford to standidly by while sadistic poachers and wildlife traffickers destabilize entire regions with theiractivities, threaten the lives of innocent citizens of those areas, undermine economicdevelopment, and hunt elephants, rhinos, tigers, bears, sharks, or other species to the pointof extinction.Leaders everywhere have a responsibility to step up and meet this challenge,and I am pleased that here in Beijing today, China and the United States are making clear thatwe intend to do our part.We are committed, and we ask all of us to move forward togetherto win this victory.Thank you.(Applause.)






——在中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议开幕式上的讲话 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年11月8日 沙姆沙伊赫

Building the New Type of China-Africa Strategic Partnership Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 4th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic

of China Sharm el-Sheikh, 8 November 2009 尊敬的穆罕默德•胡斯尼•穆巴拉克总统阁下,尊敬的各位国家元首和政府首脑阁下,尊敬的非洲联盟委员会主席让•平阁下,各位代表团团长、部长和大使阁下,女士们、先生们: Your Excellency President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government, Your Excellency Mr.Jean Ping, Chairperson of the AU Commission, Your Excellencies Heads of Delegation, Ministers and Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen,来到美丽的海滨城市沙姆沙伊赫,与出席中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议的各位朋友畅叙友情、共商合作,我感到非常高兴。作为本次会议共同主席国的总理,我谨代表中国政府,对各位与会嘉宾表示热烈欢迎,对埃及政府为本次会议所做的精心准备和周到安排表示衷心感谢!

I am delighted to join you in the beautiful coastal city of Sharm El Sheikh on the occasion of the 4th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC).This conference gives us the opportunity to renew friendship and explore ways to further cooperation.As the Premier of the co-chair country of the conference, I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government, a warm welcome to all the participants and express sincere thanks to the government of Egypt for the thoughtful preparations and arrangements it has made for the conference.中非合作论坛创立九年来,一直发挥着引领和推动中非关系发展的重要作用,日益成为中非加深友谊的桥梁、加强合作的平台。特别是论坛北京峰会召开三年来,中非致力于共建政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文化上交流互鉴的新型战略伙伴关系,开创了中非合作的新局面。

Since its founding nine years ago, FOCAC has played a major role in guiding and promoting the development of China-Africa relations and become a bridge of friendship and a platform of cooperation between China and Africa.In the three years since the Beijing Summit in particular, the two sides have worked together to build the new type of strategic partnership featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win cooperation and cultural exchanges.Together, we have opened a new chapter in China-Africa cooperation.——政治互信不断增强。双方高层往来更加频繁、外交磋商与战略对话日趋密切,非洲国家在涉及中国核心利益问题上更加坚定地支持中方,中非在重大国际和地区事务中相互协调配合,维护和扩大了广大发展中国家的共同利益。

--We have enhanced political mutual trust.The two sides have had more frequent high-level exchanges and stepped up diplomatic consultations and strategic dialogue.African countries have given even stronger support to China on issues concerning China's core interests.China and Africa have cooperated and coordinated with each other on major international and regional issues and jointly safeguarded and expanded the common interests of developing countries.——经贸合作日益深化。2008年中非贸易突破千亿美元,同中国有贸易往来的非洲国家增加到53个;中国在非洲开工建设6个经贸合作区,中国企业到非洲国家落户增加到近1600家,直接投资存量达到78亿美元;工程承包和劳务合作规模不断扩大,金融合作方兴未艾。

--We have strengthened economic cooperation and trade.Last year, China-Africa trade exceeded 100 billion U.S.dollars and the number of African countries trading with China grew to 53.China has begun construction of the six economic and trade cooperation zones in Africa.Nearly 1,600 Chinese enterprises have started business in African countries with a direct investment stock of 7.8 billion U.S.dollars.Project contracting and labor services cooperation between the two sides have been expanding, and financial cooperation is gaining momentum.——中国扩大对非援助取得实效。中国在遭受国际金融危机冲击、自身面临不少困难的情况下,信守诺言,全面落实北京峰会的承诺,对非援助规模翻了一番,免除33国168笔债务已近尾声,总计50亿美元的优惠性质贷款近期将全部到位,首期10亿美元的中非发展基金如期启动。这些不仅促进了非洲自我发展能力建设,也为非洲国家应对国际金融危机的冲击发挥了积极作用。--The increase in China's assistance to Africa has produced practical results.Despite the impact of the international financial crisis and the many difficulties we face at home, we have honored the commitments we made at the Beijing Summit in an all-round way.Our assistance to Africa has been doubled.The plan to cancel 168 debts owed by 33 African countries is near completion.The 5 billion U.S.dollars of concessional loans will be fully in place soon.The China-Africa Development Fund, whose first tranche reached 1 billion U.S.dollars, has become operational as scheduled.These measures have not only added to Africa's capacity for self-development but also helped African countries in their effort to counter the financial crisis.——人文交流蓬勃开展。文教、卫生、人力资源培训等领域的交流与合作发展迅猛,中国为非洲国家培训各类人员年底以前将达到15000人,青年、妇女、友好省市等领域的交往日趋频繁,进一步加深了相互理解和传统友谊。

--We have witnessed vigorous people-to-people exchanges.Exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa in culture, education, health and human resources training have grown rapidly.By the end of this year, China will train a total of 15,000 people of different professions for African countries.Interactions among the youth, women and sister provinces and cities have been more frequent.All these developments have led to deeper mutual understanding and stronger traditional friendship between China and Africa.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,近年来,迅速提升的中非关系、日益密切的中非合作,吸引了全世界的目光。在这里我想强调,中国不是近年来突然出现在非洲的,非洲也不是近年来才支持中国的。早在上世纪五、六十年代,中非就在反帝、反殖、反霸的历史浪潮中并肩战斗,在振兴民族经济的艰辛历程中携手同行。坦赞铁路、援非医疗队、青年志愿者,是中国无私帮助非洲的生动例证;把中国“抬进”联合国、北京奥运圣火在非洲顺利传递、向四川汶川地震灾区热心捐款,是非洲人民对中国人民情谊的真实写照。中国政府和人民始终尊重非洲国家自主选择社会制度的权利,支持非洲人民探索适合本国国情的发展道路,坚信非洲完全有能力以非洲方式处理好自己的问题。中非经贸合作是建立在互利共赢、开放透明基础之上的,中国对非洲的支持和援助,过去没有、将来也永远不会附加任何政治条件。中国乐见其他国家和国际组织积极参与非洲的开发与建设,共同推动非洲的和平、发展与进步。

The rapidly growing relations and cooperation between China and Africa have attracted the world's attention in recent years.I would like to point out that it was not just a few years ago that China suddenly started its presence in Africa or Africa started its support for China.As early as in the 1950s and '60s, China and Africa fought shoulder to shoulder in the historic struggle against imperialism, colonialism and hegemony and worked side by side in the hard endeavor to revive our respective national economies.The Tanzania-Zambia Railway, the Chinese medical teams and the young Chinese volunteers in Africa are vivid examples of China's selfless assistance to this continent, while Africa's tremendous effort in helping restore China's seat in the United Nations, the successful Beijing Olympic torch relay in Africa and Africa's generous donations to the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake in China give full expression to the friendship of the African people toward the Chinese people.The Chinese government and people respect the right of African countries to independently choose their social systems and support the African people in exploring development paths that suit their national conditions.We firmly believe that Africa is fully capable of solving its own problems in an African way.The economic cooperation and trade between China and Africa are based on mutual benefit, win-win progress, openness and transparency.China has never attached any political strings to its support and assistance to Africa, and nor will it do so in the future.China welcomes the active involvement of other countries and international organizations in Africa's development so that we can jointly promote peace, development and progress in Africa.中非关系能够经受住国际风云变幻的考验,始终保持蓬勃发展的势头,患难与共、相互支持是基础;相互尊重、平等相待是核心;互利合作、共同发展是关键。当今世界正在经历空前的大变革、大调整,中非同属发展中国家,既面临着加快发展的难得的历史机遇,也面临着纷繁复杂的全球性挑战。双方进一步加强互利合作,有利于充分发挥各自优势,实现共同发展;有利于带动国际社会更加关注非洲,帮助非洲加快实现千年发展目标;有利于促进南南合作,提升发展中国家在国际政治、经济格局中的整体地位;有利于推动国际关系民主化和国际秩序公正化,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。

China-Africa relations have withstood the test of international vicissitudes and maintained the momentum of robust growth.Our relationship is based on mutual support, particularly during times of adversity.It is guided by the core principle of mutual respect and equality.It is driven by our joint endeavor to pursue mutually-beneficial cooperation and common development.The world today is undergoing unprecedented changes and adjustments.We are all developing countries and face both rare historic opportunities for faster development and complex global challenges.We should enhance mutually beneficial cooperation.Cooperation between us will enable us to bring out our respective strengths and achieve common development.Cooperation between us will encourage the international community to pay greater attention to Africa and help it attain the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)at an early date.Cooperation between us will catalyze South-South cooperation and enhance the collective standing of developing countries in the international political and economic architecture.Cooperation between us will promote democracy in international relations and justice in the international order and contribute to the effort of building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,当前,与其他地区一样,非洲也面临着金融危机、气候变化等全球性问题的挑战。金融市场波动,经济大幅下滑,外资流入锐减,一些国家和地区出现动荡,实现联合国千年发展目标任务更加艰巨;受气候变化的影响,水旱灾害频繁、沙漠化加剧、物种减少、粮食减产、生态环境恶化,可持续发展面临严重威胁。

Like other parts of the world, Africa is faced with various global challenges, including the financial crisis and climate change.Your task of meeting the MDGs has been made more difficultby the financial market volatility, sharp economic slowdown, drastic decline in foreign capital and the turmoil in some countries and regions in Africa.And your effort to achieve sustainable development has been seriously threatened by the frequent floods and droughts, the spread of desertification, extinction of some species, drop in food production and environmental degradation caused by climate change.非洲人口占世界的1/7,是发展中国家最集中的大陆,非洲的发展,是实现世界经济发展不可或缺的组成部分。作为非洲真诚可靠的朋友,中国对非洲面临的困难和挑战感同身受。中国呼吁国际社会要增强紧迫感,更加切实有效地支持非洲发展。一是坚持落实千年发展目标的决心不动摇,措施不减弱,切实履行对非援助承诺,积极为非洲创造有利的国际经济、贸易、金融等外部条件。二是深刻认识非洲国家提高适应气候变化能力的迫切需要,理解和支持非洲国家的合理关切和诉求,把帮助非洲应对气候变化与提高可持续发展能力紧密结合起来,通过综合治理,促进非洲的全面协调发展。三是对非洲国家在应对粮食安全、能源安全、流行性疾病等其他全球性问题面临的特殊困难,给予更多理解、支持和帮助。

Africa is home to one seventh of the world's population and has more developing countries than any other continent.Africa' s development is indispensable to development of the world economy.As a true and tested friend, China fully understands the difficulties and challenges facing Africa.We call upon the international community to have a greater sense of urgency and take more concrete steps to support Africa's development.First, the international community should not waver in its resolve or weaken its effort to help Africa meet the MDGs.It should take credible steps to honor the commitment of assistance to Africa and actively foster an enabling external environment of international economy, trade and finance.Second, the international community should have a keen appreciation of African countries' pressing need for stronger capacity in adapting to climate change, understand and support their legitimate concerns and demands, and help them better meet the climate challenge in the larger context of enhancing Africa' s ability for achieving sustainable development.Such a holistic approach will help Africa realize all-round and balanced development.Third, the international community should show more understanding of the special difficulties facing Africa in addressing such global issues as food security, energy security and epidemic diseases, and render them greater support and assistance.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,在新形势下,中国愿意和非洲国家不断深化各领域务实合作,全面推进中非新型战略伙伴关系。为此,我愿提出以下建议:

Under the new circumstances, China is ready to deepen practical cooperation with African countries in diverse areas and push forward in an all-round way the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership.I wish to make, in this connection, the following proposals: 第一,加强战略协调,维护共同利益。保持高层交往势头,密切政治对话和磋商,就双方共同关心的重大全球性问题加强协调配合,提升发展中国家在国际体系中的发言权和代表性,共同推动国际政治经济秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。中国将一如既往地在国际场合为非洲仗义执言,维护非洲国家的利益,同时与非洲国家加强应对全球性挑战策略和经验方面的交流,帮助非洲国家提高应对能力和自我发展能力。

First, strengthen strategic coordination to uphold common interests.The two sides should maintain high-level exchanges, engage in closer political dialogue and consultations and step up coordination and cooperation on major global issues of mutual interest, so as to increase the voice and representation of developing countries in the international system and jointly build a more just and reasonable international political and economic order.China will, as always, speak up for Africa and safeguard the interests of African countries on international occasions.We will make greater effort to share strategies and experience with African countries in meeting global challenges and help them enhance capacities and achieve self-development.第二,落实千年发展目标,改善非洲民生。发展经济、消除贫困、改善民生,是非洲国家的首要任务。中国将继续在力所能及范围内增加对非援助、减免非洲国家债务,优化对非援助结构,使援助项目进一步向农业、教育、医疗卫生、减贫、清洁饮用水等攸关民生的领域倾斜,帮助非洲尽早实现联合国千年发展目标。

Second, meet the MDGs and improve the livelihood of the African people.Economic development, poverty eradication and improvement of people's lives are top priorities for African countries.China will continue to increase assistance to Africa and reduce or cancel debts owed by African countries within the realm of its capabilities.We will restructure our assistance programs to better meet the needs on the ground.We will put more emphasis on agriculture, education, health, poverty reduction and clean drinking water and other areas that are vital to people's well-being when providing assistance, and help Africa attain the MDGs at an early date.第三,提升经贸合作,实现互利共赢。中非经济互补性很强,互利合作前景广阔。应大力发展中非贸易,尽快扭转今年双边贸易下滑态势,积极扩大非洲商品对华出口。中国鼓励更多企业赴非洲投资,引导中国企业更多承担社会责任,同当地人民和睦相处。要把对非经贸合作同技术转让结合起来,大力帮助非洲培训技术人员和管理人才。

Third, enhance economic cooperation and trade to realize mutual benefit and win-win progress.The strong economic complementarity between China and Africa offers us broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation.We should work hard to increase trade, speedily reverse the trade downturn since the beginning of this year and increase export of African goods to China.China will encourage more enterprises to invest in Africa and ask them to shoulder more social responsibilities and live in amity with the local people.We will combine economic cooperation and trade with technology transfer and take active steps to train technical and managerial personnel for African countries.第四,促进人文交流,巩固中非友好。中非都有着灿烂多姿的文化。双方应进一步加强文化交流和借鉴,鼓励双方举办各种文化节、艺术展和体育赛事,支持双方民间组织、新闻媒体、学术机构密切联系。中国将继续支持非洲发展教育、卫生、科技等社会事业,欢迎非洲各国参与上海世博会,充分展示非洲各领域的发展成果。

Fourth, promote people-to-people exchanges to solidify China-Africa friendship.Both China and Africa have a rich and splendid culture.The two sides should step up cultural exchanges and mutual learning, encourage the organization of culture festivals, art exhibitions and sports events, and support closer interactions among non-governmental organizations, news media and academic institutions.China will continue to support Africa in developing education, health, science and technology and other social programs.We welcome African countries to participate in the Shanghai World Expo to showcase Africa's development achievements in various fields.第五,拓宽合作领域,加强机制建设。中方愿加大对非洲和平安全事务的参与,增加对非洲一体化建设的支持,扩大同非洲区域性组织的合作。愿与非方共同努力,推进中非合作论坛机制建设,促进双方职能部门在论坛框架下开展合作,强化和扩展论坛对中非关系的促进和引领作用。

Fifth, expand areas of cooperation and advance FOCAC institutional building.China is willing to increase involvement in the settlement of issues concerning peace and security in Africa, provide more support to African integration and expand cooperation with sub-regional organizations in Africa.We will work with you to promote FOCAC institutional building, strengthen cooperation between the functional departments of the two sides within the FOCAC framework, and enhance and expand FOCAC's role in promoting and guiding China-Africa relations.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,中国人民对非洲人民的感情是真诚的,中国对非洲发展的支持是实实在在的。今后不管世界风云如何变化,我们同非洲人民的友谊不会变,与非洲深化互利合作、实现共同发展的决心不会变,支持非洲经济社会发展的政策不会变。在今后3年,中国政府将采取八项新举措推进中非合作:

The Chinese people cherish sincere friendship towards the African people, and China's support to Africa's development is concrete and real.Whatever change may take place in the world, our friendship with Africa will not change, our commitment to deepening mutually beneficial cooperation and achieving common development with Africa will not change, and our policy of supporting Africa's economic and social development will not change.During the next three years, the Chinese government will take the following eight new measures to strengthen China-Africa cooperation:


First, we propose to establish a China-Africa partnership in addressing climate change.We will hold senior officials' consultations with African countries from time to time, and enhance cooperation on satellite weather monitoring, development and utilization of new energy sources, prevention and control of desertification and urban environmental protection.We have decided to build 100 clean energy projects for Africa covering solar power, bio-gas and small hydro-power.第二,加强科技合作,倡议启动“中非科技伙伴计划”,实施100个中非联合科技研究示范项目,接收100名非洲博士后来华进行科研工作,并为其回国服务提供资助。Second, we will enhance cooperation with Africa in science and technology.We propose to launch a China-Africa science and technology partnership, under which we will carry out 100 joint demonstration projects on scientific and technological research, receive 100 African postdoctoral fellows to conduct scientific research in China and assist them in going back and serving their home countries.第三,增加非洲融资能力,向非洲国家提供100亿美元优惠性质贷款;支持中国金融机构设立非洲中小企业发展专项贷款,金额10亿美元。对非洲与中国建交的重债穷国和最不发达国家,免除截至2009年底对华到期未还的政府无息贷款债务。

Third, we will help Africa build up financing capacity.We will provide 10 billion U.S.dollars in concessional loans to African countries, and support Chinese financial institutions in setting up a 1 billion U.S.dollar special loan for small and medium-sized African businesses.For the heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries in Africa having diplomatic relations with China, we will cancel their debts associated with interest-free government loans due to mature by the end of 2009.第四,扩大对非产品开放市场,逐步给予非洲与中国建交的最不发达国家95%的产品免关税待遇,2010年年内首先对60%的产品实施免关税。

Fourth, we will further open up China's market to African products.We will phase in zero-tariff treatment to 95 percent of the products from the least developed African countries having diplomatic relations with China, starting with 60 percent of the products within 2010.第五,进一步加强农业合作,为非洲国家援建的农业示范中心增加到20个,向非洲派遣50个农业技术组,为非洲国家培训2000名农业技术人员,提高非洲实现粮食安全的能力。

Fifth, we will further enhance cooperation with Africa in agriculture.We will increase the number of agricultural technology demonstration centers built by China in Africa to 20, send 50 agricultural technology teams to Africa and train 2,000 agricultural technology personnel for Africa, in order to help strengthen Africa' s ability to ensure food security.第六,深化医疗卫生合作,为援非30所医院和30个疟疾防治中心提供价值5亿元人民币的医疗设备和抗疟物资,为非洲培训3000名医护人员。

Sixth, we will deepen cooperation in medical care and health.We will provide medical equipments and anti-malaria materials worth 500 million yuan to the 30 hospitals and 30 malaria prevention and treatment centers built by China and train 3,000 doctors and nurses for Africa.第七,加强人力资源开发和教育合作,为非洲国家援助50所中非友好学校,培训1500名校长和教师;到2012年,向非洲提供的中国政府奖学金名额将增至5500名;今后3年为非洲培训各类人才总计2万名。

Seventh, we will enhance cooperation in human resources development and education.We will build 50 China-Africa friendship schools and train 1,500 school principals and teachers for African countries.By 2012, we will increase the number of Chinese government scholarships to Africa to 5,500.And we will train a total of 20,000 professionals of various fields for Africa over the next three years.第八,扩大人文交流,倡议实施“中非联合研究交流计划”,促进学者、智库交往合作,交流发展经验,并为双方出台更好合作政策提供智力支持。

Eighth, we will expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges.We propose to launch a China-Africa joint research and exchange program, which will enable scholars and think tanks to have more exchanges and cooperation, share development experience, and provide intellectual support for formulating better cooperation policies by the two sides.女士们、先生们、朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,53年前,埃及成为非洲第一个与新中国建交的国家。中埃建交开启了中非关系的新纪元。今天,在埃及召开的中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议,将成为中非关系进一步发展的新起点。非洲有句谚语:独行可以走得快,结伴才能走得远。中国也有句谚语:路遥知马力,日久见人心。我相信,只要中非双方同心协力、开拓进取、平等互利,我们就完全能够抓住机遇、战胜挑战,中非新型战略伙伴关系就一定会迈上新的台阶,中非友谊与合作就一定会不断地结出更加丰硕的成果。

Egypt was the first African country to enter into diplomatic relations with the People' s Republic of China.The establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Egypt 53 years ago opened a new era in China-Africa relations.Today, Egypt is playing host to the 4th FOCAC Ministerial Conference, which will mark a new starting point in China-Africa relations.There is an African proverb which says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone.If you want to go far, go together.” There is also a Chinese saying that goes, “As distance can test a horse's strength, so time can reveal a person's heart.” I am convinced that as long as China and Africago hand in hand with an enterprising spirit and cooperate on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, we will seize opportunities and overcome challenges to take the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership to a new level, and make China-Africa friendship and cooperation even more fruitful.最后,预祝本届论坛部长级会议圆满成功!

In conclusion, I wish the 4th FOCAC Ministerial Conference a crowning success!


美国称其有权在东亚峰会提出南海问题 http://.cn2011年11月17日09:43新华网





































John Kerry, Secretary of State

The Hague, Netherlands

April 24, 2014

Good morning.I’m very sorry I can’t be with you in the Netherlands this week, but I am very pleased to offer a few thoughts from Washington as the Global Oceans Action Summit continues.To start, let me thank all of the Summit’s sponsors for bringing together so many influential people – from so many different sectors – to discuss what is absolutely one of the most complex global challenges we face today: how we protect the ocean.It’s certainly an appropriate week for the Summit to take place.This past Tuesday marked the 45th annual Earth Day.I still remember the very first Earth Day back in 1970, when more than 20 million Americans gathered in parks and schools, auditoriums to demand better care for our natural resources.I actually helped organize the efforts in my homes state of Massachusetts.Well the fact is, it’s impossible to care for our Earth without caring for the ocean that covers nearly three-quarters of Earth itself.And if you look at a map, you’ll see that no single country can claim the ocean as its own.It’s very clearly our ocean to share and that also means we share the responsibility to act as its steward.I know that every one of you at the Summit understands this.And you know how much the ocean means to our economies, our well-being, and our entire way of life on Earth – and that’s true whether you’re talking about a community on the coast or one hundreds of miles from the nearest beach.But you also know the extent to which the ocean is in deep trouble.First, we have record pollution that’s contributing to hundreds of dead zones around the globe places where life in the ocean simply can’t exist.Second – yet another deeply troubling part of climate change – the ocean is absorbing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide and that is changing the chemical makeup of the ocean and causing it to acidify and then eat away at coral reefs, shellfish, and more.And third, today too much money is chasing far too few fish.I spent a lot of time examining this issue when I served as Chairman of the U.S.Senate’s Oceans and Fisheries Subcommittee.To a lot of people, the supply of fish just seems endless.You go to the restaurant, you order, you have no linkage to what’s really involved in putting that fish on your plate.But the fact is, almost one third of the world’s fish stocks are currently overexploited, and most of the others are fished at the absolute maximum levels.That’s the definition of unsustainable.Obviously, this is horrendous news for the hundreds of millions of families around the world who depend on income from fisheries to feed their children and pay their bills.But it’s also a major threat to global food security: More than one billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein – most of these people live in the poorest, least developed countries, where other protein options are either too limited or too expensive for the average family to buy.Now, addressing all of these challenges obviously isn’t easy.But the good news is, we know what kinds of steps we need to take if we want to honor our responsibility to leave behind a healthy and vibrant ocean for future generations.With overfishing, for example, part of the problem is that a huge chunk of seafood caught around the world is obtained in ways that are illegal, unreported, or unregulated.So, one solution is to have government policies that only

只有不断地超越自己,才能永远的超越别人 would help us to level the playing field for honest fishermen – while at the same time protecting fish stocks around the world.Ultimately, what we need is a new global ocean policy agenda.And the kind of clear and comprehensive agenda I’m talking about cannot be developed without the input of governments, the private sector, civil society leaders, and other stakeholders around the world.That’s why I’m so grateful that the Global Oceans Action Summit is taking place.And that’s also why on June 16th and 17th, I’m convening a conference here at the State Department in Washington.I’m inviting international leaders from all different sectors to help build consensus around ways to better protect the ocean.And we really want as many people as possible to be involved in that effort – we’re going to stream the conference online and we will include a number of ways for folks to participate via social media.My friends, protecting the ocean isn’t only an environmental issue.It’s an economic issue.It’s a global health issue.It’s a food security issue.And above all, it’s a moral responsibility.So I look forward to hearing what comes out of the Global Action Summit and then to carrying your ideas forward here at the State Department in June.We all need to work together on this challenge.The only way we can possibly meet the challenge, is for all of us to come together on a global basis and put in place policies that are sustainable.Thank you very much and I look forward to seeing many of you here in June hopefully.



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