口译资料 美国总统奥巴马在第67届联合国大会的讲话(五篇)

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第一篇:口译资料 美国总统奥巴马在第67届联合国大会的讲话


时间:2012-10-13 17:39来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击: 5170

President Obama's Address at 67th U.N.General Assembly

United Nations Headquarters

September 25, 2012


联合国总部 2012年9月25日

Mr.President, Mr.Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentleman:


I would like to begin today by telling you about an American named Chris Stevens.今天我首先为诸位讲述一位美国人的经历,他的名字是克里斯·史蒂文斯。

Chris was born in a town called Grass Valley, California, the son of a lawyer and a musician.As a young man, Chris joined the Peace Corps, and taught English in Morocco.And he came to love and respect the people of North Africa and the Middle East.He would carry that commitment throughout his life.As a diplomat, he worked from Egypt to Syria, from Saudi Arabia to Libya.He was known for walking the streets of the cities where he worked--tasting the local food, meeting as many people as he could, speaking Arabic, listening with a broad smile.克里斯出生在加利福尼亚州格拉斯山谷镇,父母是律师和音乐家。克里斯年轻时参加了和平队,在摩洛哥教英语。他对北非和中东人民的感情和敬意油然而生。他立志终身坚持自己的这份承诺。他作为一名外交官,足迹遍及埃及、叙利亚、沙特阿拉伯、利比亚等国。人们都知道,他常常在他工作的城市深入大街小巷,尝尝当地的食品,尽可能多地与居民见面,用阿拉伯语交谈和倾听,脸上带着灿烂的笑容。

Chris went to Benghazi in the early days of the Libyan revolution, arriving on a cargo ship.As America’s representative, he helped the Libyan people as they coped with violent conflict, cared for the wounded, and crafted a vision for the future in which the rights of all Libyans would be respected.And after the revolution, he supported the birth of a new democracy, as Libyans held elections, and built new institutions, and began to move forward after decades of dictatorship.在利比亚革命初期,克里斯搭乘一艘货轮前往班加西工作。他作为美国的代表,帮助利比亚人民解决暴力冲突,为伤病员提供护理,同时酝酿了未来全体利比亚人的权利都应该得到尊重的目标。革命结束后,他支持新诞生的民主政体,此时利比亚人举行了选举,努力建设新的制度,在摆脱数十年专制统治后开始奋勇向前。

Chris Stevens loved his work.He took pride in the country he served, and he saw dignity in the people that he met.And two weeks ago, he traveled to Benghazi to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.That’s when America’s compound came under attack.Along with three of his colleagues, Chris was killed in the city that he helped to save.He was 52 years old.克里斯热爱自己的工作。他为自己服务的国家感到骄傲。他在所见到的人们身上看见了尊严。两个星期前,他前往班加西考察有关新建文化中心和一所医院现代化改造的计划。正在这个时候,美国使团驻地遭到袭击。克里斯曾为保全这所城市尽了力,结果和其他3位同事在这里被害,时年52岁。

I tell you this story because Chris Stevens embodied the best of America.Like his fellow Foreign Service officers, he built bridges across oceans and cultures, and was deeply invested in the international cooperation that the United Nations represents.He acted with humility, but he also stood up for a set of principles--a belief that individuals should be free to determine their own destiny, and live with liberty, dignity, justice, and opportunity.我向诸位讲述这段经历,是因为克里斯·史蒂文斯体现了美国的最佳风貌。他与其他外交服务系统的官员一样,跨越大洋和文化架桥铺路,全身心投入联合国体现的国际合作。他为人谦逊,但坚持一系列原则 – 坚信人人都应该自行决定自己的命运,过上享有自由、尊严、公正和机会的生活。

The attacks on the civilians in Benghazi were attacks on America.We are grateful for the assistance we received from the Libyan government and from the Libyan people.There should be no doubt that we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice.And I also appreciate that in recent days, the leaders of other countries in the region--including Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen--have taken steps to secure our diplomatic facilities, and called for calm.And so have religious authorities around the globe.在班加西对平民的袭击就是对美国的袭击。我们感谢利比亚政府和利比亚人民给予的协助。毋庸置疑,我们将毫不留情地追查凶手,将他们绳之以法。我还感谢最近该地区其他国家—包括埃及、突尼斯和也门--的领导人采取行动保障我国外交设施的安全并呼吁人们保持冷静。全球各地的宗教机构也同样如此。

But understand, the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America.They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded--the notion that people can resolve their differences peacefully;that diplomacy can take the place of war;that in an interdependent world, all of us have a stake in working towards greater opportunity and security for our citizens.然而,应该知道,过去两个星期发生的袭击不仅仅针对美国,而且也攻击了创建联合国的根本理想–人们可以和平解决分歧;外交可以取代战争;在全世界相互依赖的情况下,努力为我们的公民带来更多的机会和安全与我们所有的人都息息相关。

If we are serious about upholding these ideals, it will not be enough to put more guards in front of an embassy, or to put out statements of regret and wait for the outrage to pass.If we are serious about these ideals, we must speak honestly about the deeper causes of the crisis--because we face a choice between the forces that would drive us apart and the hopes that we hold in common.我们如果认真坚持这些理想,就没有必要在使馆门口配备更多的警卫,也没有必要发布表示哀悼的声明,或者等待愤怒的情绪逐渐平息。我们如果认真坚持这些理想,就必须坦率地分析这场危机更深层的原因—因为我们面临着抉择,一边是助长我们分裂的势力,另一边是我们共同拥有的希望。

Today, we must reaffirm that our future will be determined by people like Chris Stevens--and not by his killers.Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations.今天,我们必须重申,我们的未来必将由像克里斯·史蒂文斯这样的人民决定—不应该被杀害他的凶手左右。今天,我们必须宣布,这种暴力和不宽容的行为在我们联合国决无立足之地。

It has been less than two years since a vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire to protest the oppressive corruption in his country, and sparked what became known as the Arab Spring.And since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that’s taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change.不到两年前,突尼斯一位小贩为抗议本国祸国殃民的腐败燃火自焚,引发了阿拉伯之春运动。从此全世界转型之风方兴未艾。美国也一贯支持变革的力量。

We were inspired by the Tunisian protests that toppled a dictator, because we recognized our own beliefs in the aspiration of men and women who took to the streets.突尼斯的示威活动推翻了专制统治者,使我们受到鼓舞,因为我们本身也相信走上街头的男女老幼的愿望。

We insisted on change in Egypt, because our support for democracy ultimately put us on the side of the people.我们坚持埃及发生的变革,因为我们对民主的支持最终使我们与人民同心同德。

We supported a transition of leadership in Yemen, because the interests of the people were no longer being served by a corrupt status quo.我们支持也门的领导层过渡,因为腐朽的现状不再符合人民的利益。

We intervened in Libya alongside a broad coalition, and with the mandate of the United Nations Security Council, because we had the ability to stop the slaughter of innocents, and because we believed that the aspirations of the people were more powerful than a tyrant.我们与一个广泛的联盟一起,根据联合国安理会的授权对利比亚进行了干预,因为我们有能力制止对无辜百姓的屠杀,因为我们相信人民的愿望有战胜暴君的力量。

And as we meet here, we again declare that the regime of Bashar al-Assad must come to an end so that the suffering of the Syrian people can stop and a new dawn can begin.我们今天在这里举行会议之际,我们再一次宣布,巴沙尔·阿萨德政权必须下台,从而使叙利亚人民结束苦难,开始迎来新的曙光。

We have taken these positions because we believe that freedom and self-determination are not unique to one culture.These are not simply American values or Western values--they are universal values.And even as there will be huge challenges to come with a transition to democracy, I am convinced that ultimately government of the people, by the people, and for the people is more likely to bring about the stability, prosperity, and individual opportunity that serve as a basis for peace in our world.我们采取这些立场是因为我们相信,自由和自决并不专属于某一种文化。这些并不专属于美国的价值观或西方的价值观—而是普遍的价值观。即使向民主的过渡仍将面临巨大的挑战,我坚信归根结底―民有、民治、民享的政府‖更有可能创造稳定、繁荣和个人机会,为我们这个世界的和平奠定基础。

So let us remember that this is a season of progress.For the first time in decades, Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans voted for new leaders in elections that were credible, competitive, and fair.This democratic spirit has not been restricted to the Arab world.Over the past year, we’ve seen peaceful transitions of power in Malawi and Senegal, and a new President in Somalia.In Burma, a President has freed political prisoners and opened a closed society, a courageous dissident has been elected to parliament, and people look forward to further reform.Around the globe, people are making their voices heard, insisting on their innate dignity, and the right to determine their future.为此,让我们记住,这是一个取得进步的时期。突尼斯、埃及和利比亚几十年来第一次为推选新领导人举行可信的、经过竞选程序的公平选举。这种民主精神并不只限于阿拉伯世界。过去这一年,我们看到马拉维和塞内加尔出现权力的和平转移,索马里有了一位新总统。在缅甸,总统释放了政治犯,开放了封闭的社会,一位勇敢的持不同政见者被选入议会,人民正期待未来进行的改革。在全球各地,人民正在发出自己的声音,坚决要求维护固有的尊严和决定自己未来的权利。

And yet the turmoil of recent weeks reminds us that the path to democracy does not end with the casting of a ballot.Nelson Mandela once said: “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”(Applause.)


True democracy demands that citizens cannot be thrown in jail because of what they believe, and that businesses can be opened without paying a bribe.It depends on the freedom of citizens to speak their minds and assemble without fear, and on the rule of law and due process that guarantees the rights of all people.真正的民主不允许公民因个人信仰而被投入监狱;真正的民主确保公司企业无需行贿就能开门营业。民主以公民不怀恐惧地发表言论和集会的自由为支撑,以确保所有人权利的法治和正当程序为支撑。

In other words, true democracy--real freedom--is hard work.Those in power have to resist the temptation to crack down on dissidents.In hard economic times, countries must be tempted--may be tempted to rally the people around perceived enemies, at home and abroad, rather than focusing on the painstaking work of reform.换言之,真正的民主——真正的自由——要靠艰苦努力。当权者必须抵抗住镇压异见的诱惑。在经济困难的时期,有些国家一定会受到——可能会受到召集人民对抗国内及国外的臆想敌手的诱惑,而不去集中精力从事艰巨的改革工作。

Moreover, there will always be those that reject human progress--dictators who cling to power, corrupt interests that depend on the status quo, and extremists who fan the flames of hate and division.From Northern Ireland to South Asia, from Africa to the Americas, from the Balkans to the Pacific Rim, we’ve witnessed convulsions that can accompany transitions to a new political order.此外,总会有一些人拒绝人类进步——抓住权力不放的独裁者,一味维系现状的腐败势力,以及煽动仇恨、制造隔阂的极端主义分子。从北爱尔兰到南亚、从非洲到美洲、从巴尔干半岛到环太平洋地区,我们目睹了向一种新的政治秩序过渡时可能出现的动荡局面。

At time, the conflicts arise along the fault lines of race or tribe.And often they arise from the difficulties of reconciling tradition and faith with the diversity and interdependence of the modern world.In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening;in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask themselves how much they’re willing to tolerate freedom for others.有时,冲突起于不同种族或部族之间的分界线;但它们往往还起于调和传统及信仰与现代世界的多样性及相互依赖性时的重重困难。在每个国家中,都有一些人认为不同的宗教信仰构成威胁;在每种文化中,都有一些追求自身自由的人必须扪心自问愿意在多大程度上容忍他人的自由。

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.这就是我们在最近两周看到的事态发展,一段粗制滥造、令人厌恶的视频在整个穆斯林世界引发强烈愤怒的情况。现在我已明确表示,美国政府与这段视频没有任何关系,而且我坚信所有尊重我们的共同人性的人都必须驳斥其意图。

It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well--for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and every faith.We are home to Muslims who worship across our country.We not only respect the freedom of religion, we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe.We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them.这不仅是对穆斯林的玷污,也是对美国的玷污——因为正如会场外面的这座城市所展现的,我们是一个热情接纳不同种族和不同信仰的人的国家。我们是全美各地虔诚礼拜的穆斯林的家园。我们不仅尊重宗教自由——我们还制定了保护个人不因外表或信仰而受到伤害的法律。我们理解为什么人们因这段视频而受到冒犯,因为这些人中包括我们的数百万同胞。

I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video.And the answer is enshrined in our laws: Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.我知道有些人会问我们为什么不干脆禁止这样的视频。这个答案铭刻在我国的法律之中:我国宪法保护行使言论自由的权利。

Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense.Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs.As President of our country and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day--(laughter)--and I will always defend their right to do so.(Applause.)


Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views, even views that we profoundly disagree with.We do not do so because we support hateful speech, but because our founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views and practice their own faith may be threatened.We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can quickly become a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.美国人民在全世界为保障全体人民表述观点的权利而奋斗乃至献身,哪怕是在我们完全不赞同有关观点的时候。我们这样做并不是因为我们支持仇恨言论,而是因为我们的建国先贤明白,倘若没有这样的保障,每个人表述自己的观点及奉行自己的信仰的能力都可能受到威胁。我们这样做的原因是,在一个多样化的社会中,限制言论的做法可能很快就会变成压制异议者及镇压少数派的手段。

We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression;it is more speech--the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy, and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect.我们这样做的原因是,鉴于信仰在我们生活中的威力以及宗教分歧可能煽起的强烈情绪,遏制仇恨言论的最有力的武器不是镇压,而是各抒己见——发出能团结人心的主张容忍的声音,反对偏执和亵渎行为,提倡理解和相互尊重的价值观。

Now, I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech.We recognize that.But in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete.The question, then, is how do we respond?


And on this we must agree: There is no speech that justifies mindless violence.(Applause.)There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents.There's no video that justifies an attack on an embassy.There's no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan.我们在这个问题上必须看法一致:任何言论都不能为滥用暴力开脱。(掌声)任何言词都不能成为杀害无辜的借口。任何一段视频都不能成为袭击一座大使馆的理由。任何诽谤之词都不能成为一些人或在黎巴嫩的餐馆中放火或在突尼斯砸毁学校或在巴基斯坦造成伤亡和损失的托词。

In this modern world with modern technologies, for us to respond in that way to hateful speech empowers any individual who engages in such speech to create chaos around the world.We empower the worst of us if that’s how we respond.在这个拥有现代技术的现代世界中,我们若采用那些手段回应仇恨言论,就会使散布仇恨言论的人能够借机在全世界制造混乱。我们若那样回应,就会让我们中间的败类得逞。

More broadly, the events of the last two weeks also speak to the need for all of us to honestly address the tensions between the West and the Arab world that is moving towards democracy.广义而言,这两周发生的事件也提醒我们所有人必须要坦诚地对待西方世界与正在向民主迈进的阿拉伯世界之间的紧张关系。

Now, let me be clear: Just as we cannot solve every problem in the world, the United States has not and will not seek to dictate the outcome of democratic transitions abroad.We do not expect other nations to agree with us on every issue, nor do we assume that the violence of the past weeks or the hateful speech by some individuals represent the views of the overwhelming majority of Muslims, any more than the views of the people who produced this video represents those of Americans.However, I do believe that it is the obligation of all leaders in all countries to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism.(Applause.)


It is time to marginalize those who--even when not directly resorting to violence--use hatred of America, or the West, or Israel, as the central organizing principle of politics.For that only gives cover, and sometimes makes an excuse, for those who do resort to violence.现在必须孤立那些即使没有直接采用暴力手段却仍将对美国、西方或以色列的仇恨作为政治煽动的核心手段的人。因为这样的手段只会为诉诸暴力的人提供掩饰,有时还会提供借口。

That brand of politics--one that pits East against West, and South against North, Muslims against Christians and Hindu and Jews--can’t deliver on the promise of freedom.To the youth, it offers only false hope.Burning an American flag does nothing to provide a child an education.Smashing apart a restaurant does not fill an empty stomach.Attacking an embassy won’t create a single job.That brand of politics only makes it harder to achieve what we must do together: educating our children, and creating the opportunities that they deserve;protecting human rights, and extending democracy’s promise.那种类型的政治让东方与西方对立;南边与北边对立;穆斯林、基督徒、印度教徒、犹太人对立,它不会实现自由的希望。它给年轻人带来的是希望的假象。焚烧美国国旗丝毫无助于让孩子受教育。捣毁餐馆不会给人温饱。袭击大使馆不会创造任何就业岗位。那种政治只能让我们更难实现必须通过共同努力才能达到的目标:让我们的孩子受教育,为他们创造就业机会;保护人权,扩大民主的承诺。

Understand America will never retreat from the world.We will bring justice to those who harm our citizens and our friends, and we will stand with our allies.We are willing to partner with countries around the world to deepen ties of trade and investment, and science and technology, energy and development--all efforts that can spark economic growth for all our people and stabilize democratic change.要知道,美国决不会退出国际社会。我们要将伤害我们的公民和朋友的凶手绳之以法。我们将与盟友肩并肩。我们有意与其他国家结为伙伴,深化我们在贸易投资、科学技术、能源发展方面的关系——所有这些努力都能够刺激有益于我们全体人民的经济增长,并稳定民主变革成果。

But such efforts depend on a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect.No government or company, no school or NGO will be confident working in a country where its people are endangered.For partnerships to be effective our citizens must be secure and our efforts must be welcomed.但是,这些努力需要有互利互尊的精神才能进行。没有任何政府或公司,也没有任何学校或非政府组织能够在人民安全受威胁的国家中踏实地展开工作。要使合作关系产生效果,我们的公民必须有安全保障,我们的努力必须受到欢迎。

A politics based only on anger--one based on dividing the world between “us” and “them”--not only sets back international cooperation, it ultimately undermines those who tolerate it.All of us have an interest in standing up to these forces.建立在愤怒上的政治——基于让世界变得你我势不两立的政治——不仅阻碍国际合作,而且最终也会伤害到容忍这种政治的人。抵制这种势力符合我们所有人的利益。

Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism.On the same day our civilians were killed in Benghazi, a Turkish police officer was murdered in Istanbul only days before his wedding;more than 10 Yemenis were killed in a car bomb in Sana’a;several Afghan children were mourned by their parents just days after they were killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul.让我们不要忘记,极端主义给穆斯林带来最深重的苦难。在我们的文职人员在班加西遇害的同一天,一位几天后即将举行婚礼的土耳其警官在伊斯坦布尔遭到杀害;十几位也门人在萨那的汽车炸弹爆炸中丧生;好几名阿富汗儿童的父母痛悼几天前在喀布尔一起自杀炸弹爆炸中失去的孩子。

The impulse towards intolerance and violence may initially be focused on the West, but over time it cannot be contained.The same impulses toward extremism are used to justify war between Sunni and Shia, between tribes and clans.It leads not to strength and prosperity but to chaos.In less than two years, we have seen largely peaceful protests bring more change to Muslim-majority countries than a decade of violence.And extremists understand this.Because they have nothing to offer to improve the lives of people, violence is their only way to stay relevant.They don’t build;they only destroy.驱动不容忍和暴力或许一开始是针对西方,但它会逐渐变得无法控制。对极端主义的同样驱动引发逊尼派教徒和什叶派教徒、部落与宗族间的交战。它所带来的不是富强繁荣,而是动荡混乱。在不到两年时间里,我们看到大体和平的示威行动给穆斯林占主体的国家带来的变化超过了十年暴力的效果。极端主义者明白这一点。由于他们拿不出任何方式改善人民生活,暴力是他们维持自身存在价值的唯一手段。他们没有建树,只有破坏。

It is time to leave the call of violence and the politics of division behind.On so many issues, we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past.And we cannot afford to get it wrong.We must seize this moment.And America stands ready to work with all who are willing to embrace a better future.现在是抛弃鼓吹暴力和分裂式政治的时候了。在许许多多问题上,我们都面临是走向希望的未来、还是禁锢在过去的选择。我们没有作错误选择的余地。我们必须把握这一时刻。美国随时准备同所有愿意相信更好未来的人共同努力。

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt--it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, “Muslims, Christians, we are one.” The future must not belong to those who bully women--it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.(Applause.)


The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country’s resources--it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs, the workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people.Those are the women and men that America stands with;theirs is the vision we will support.未来决不能属于盗窃国家资源的少数腐败之徒——它必须让学生和实业家、工人和为全体人民扩大繁荣的工商业主当家作主。美国站在这些男女公民一边;他们的愿景就是我们支持的愿景。

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.(Applause.)

未来决不能属于诽谤伊斯兰先知的人。但要具有信服力,谴责这一诽谤行径的人也 必须谴责我们从画面中看到的亵渎耶稣基督像、捣毁教堂、或否认纳粹大屠杀的行径。(掌声)

Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims and Shiite pilgrims.It’s time to heed the words of Gandhi: “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.”(Applause.)Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them.That is what America embodies, that’s the vision we will support.让我们谴责煽动攻击苏菲派穆斯林和什叶派穆斯林朝圣者的行径。现在是重温甘地话语的时刻 :―不容忍本身即是一种暴力,是妨碍真正民主精神壮大的障碍。‖(掌声)我们齐心协力必须为之奋斗的世界将使我们因彼此间有所不同而更充满活力,而不是被其定格。美国体现着这一理想,我们支持这一理想。

Among Israelis and Palestinians, the future must not belong to those who turn their backs on a prospect of peace.Let us leave behind those who thrive on conflict, those who reject the right of Israel to exist.The road is hard, but the destination is clear--a secure, Jewish state of Israel and an independent, prosperous Palestine.(Applause.)Understanding that such a peace must come through a just agreement between the parties, America will walk alongside all who are prepared to make that journey.对以色列人和巴勒斯坦人来说,未来决不能属于拒绝和平前景的人。让我们抛开那些靠冲突得势的人,那些拒绝以色列生存权利的人。道路是艰难的,但目标明确——一个安全的、以色列犹太国家与一个独立的、繁荣的巴勒斯坦。(掌声)美国理解,这样的和平必须是通过各方达成公正的协议取得,因此,对于所有准备踏上这一征途的人,美国将伴你们同行。

In Syria, the future must not belong to a dictator who massacres his people.If there is a cause that cries out for protest in the world today, peaceful protest, it is a regime that tortures children and shoots rockets at apartment buildings.And we must remain engaged to assure that what began with citizens demanding their rights does not end in a cycle of sectarian violence.在叙利亚,未来决不能属于屠杀自己人民的独裁者。如果今天世界有一个原因要呼吁抗议,和平抗议,那就是因为有一个政权在折磨儿童,在向住宅公寓发射火箭。我们必须保持努力,确保不让以公民争取自身权利开始的行动沦为教派暴力循环。

Together, we must stand with those Syrians who believe in a different vision--a Syria that is united and inclusive, where children don’t need to fear their own government, and all Syrians have a say in how they are governed--Sunnis and Alawites, Kurds and Christians.That’s what America stands for.That is the outcome that we will work for--with sanctions and consequences for those who persecute, and assistance and support for those who work for this common good.Because we believe that the Syrians who embrace this vision will have the strength and the legitimacy to lead.我们必须齐心协力,站在坚信另一种前景的叙利亚人一边,即一个团结的,包容的叙利亚,它的儿童不必惧怕政府,所有叙利亚人——逊尼派和阿拉维派,库尔德人和基督徒——都对如何管理国家享有发言权。这是美国所支持的。这是我们将为之努力的结果——要让迫害者受到制裁,承担后果,让为全民利益而奋斗的人得到援助和支持。我们相信,向往这一前景的利比亚人具有领导力量,也具有合法性。

In Iran, we see where the path of a violent and unaccountable ideology leads.The Iranian people have a remarkable and ancient history, and many Iranians wish to enjoy peace and prosperity alongside their neighbors.But just as it restricts the rights of its own people, the Iranian government continues to prop up a dictator in Damascus and supports terrorist groups abroad.Time and again, it has failed to take the opportunity to demonstrate that its nuclear program is peaceful, and to meet its obligations to the United Nations.在伊朗,我们看到暴力与不负责任的意识形态之路正在通向何方。伊朗人民有着非凡悠久的历史,许多伊朗人希望与邻人一道过和平富足的生活。但是,伊朗政府在限制自己人民权利的同时,支持大马士革的独裁者,支持海外的恐怖主义组织。它一而再,再而三地坐失机会,不表明其核项目属于和平用途,并且未能满足联合国对它的要求。

So let me be clear.America wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy, and we believe that there is still time and space to do so.But that time is not unlimited.We respect the right of nations to access peaceful nuclear power, but one of the purposes of the United Nations is to see that we harness that power for peace.And make no mistake, a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained.It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy.It risks triggering a nuclear-arms race in the region, and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty.That’s why a coalition of countries is holding the Iranian government accountable.And that’s why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.因此,我要明确表示:美国希望通过外交途径解决这个问题,我们认为依然存在采取这种解决方式的时间和空间。然而,时间不是无限的。我们尊重各国以和平方式使用核能的权利,联合国的宗旨之一就是确保我们把这种能量用于和平目的。毫无疑问:一个拥有核武器的伊朗不是一个能够制约的挑战。它将威胁到以色列的生存、海湾国家的安全和全球经济的稳定。它可能在该地区触发核军备竞赛,破坏不扩散核武器条约的成果。出于这个原因,一个多国联合阵线要求伊朗政府承担责任。出于同样的原因,美国将采取必要行动防止伊朗取得核武器。

We know from painful experience that the path to security and prosperity does not lie outside the boundaries of international law and respect for human rights.That’s why this institution was established from the rubble of conflict.That is why liberty triumphed over tyranny in the Cold War.And that is the lesson of the last two decades as well.痛苦的经历告诉我们,不尊重国际法和人权,就不可能走上安全与繁荣的道路。这就是为什么这个机构建立于战争的废墟之上。这就是为什么在冷战中自由战胜了暴政。这也是过去二十年的教训。

History shows that peace and progress come to those who make the right choices.Nations in every part of the world have traveled this difficult path.Europe, the bloodiest battlefield of the 20th century, is united, free and at peace.From Brazil to South Africa, from Turkey to South Korea, from India to Indonesia, people of different races, religions, and traditions have lifted millions out of poverty, while respecting the rights of their citizens and meeting their responsibilities as nations.历史表明,只有那些作出正确选择的人才会得到和平与进步。世界各地的国家都曾走过这条艰难的道路。欧洲曾经是20世纪最血腥的战场,如今团结一致,享有自由与和平。从巴西到南非,从土耳其到韩国,从印度到印尼,不同种族、宗教、传统的国家帮助亿万民众摆脱贫困,同时尊重公民的权利,履行作为国家应尽的责任。

And it is because of the progress that I’ve witnessed in my own lifetime, the progress that I’ve witnessed after nearly four years as President, that I remain ever hopeful about the world that we live in.The war in Iraq is over.American troops have come home.We’ve begun a transition in Afghanistan, and America and our allies will end our war on schedule in 2014.Al Qaeda has been weakened, and Osama bin Laden is no more.Nations have come together to lock down nuclear materials, and America and Russia are reducing our arsenals.We have seen hard choices made--from Naypyidaw to Cairo to Abidjan--to put more power in the hands of citizens.正是由于我在这一生中所见证的进步,特别是在担任总统近四年后所见证的进步,我对我们所生活的这个世界才充满希望。伊拉克的战争已经结束。美国军队已经返回家园。我们在阿富汗开始了过渡,我们和我们的盟友将在2014年如期结束战争。―基地‖组织被削弱,乌萨马·本·拉登已经不复存在。各国共同努力,确保核材料的安全,美国和俄罗斯正在削减军备。我们看到人们作出了困难的抉择——从内比都到开罗到阿比让——公民被赋予更大的力量。

At a time of economic challenge, the world has come together to broaden prosperity.Through the G20, we have partnered with emerging countries to keep the world on the path of recovery.America has pursued a development agenda that fuels growth and breaks dependency, and worked with African leaders to help them feed their nations.New partnerships have been forged to combat corruption and promote government that is open and transparent, and new commitments have been made through the Equal Futures Partnership to ensure that women and girls can fully participate in politics and pursue opportunity.And later today, I will discuss our efforts to combat the scourge of human trafficking.面临经济挑战,世界各国齐心协力,增进繁荣。通过20国集团,我们与新兴国家合作,帮助世界经济持续复苏。美国实施了刺激增长、打破依赖的发展议程,与非洲领导人携手努力,帮助他们满足自己国家的食品供应。新的伙伴关系旨在打击腐败,促进政府开放透明。[我们]通过―平等未来伙伴关系‖作出了新承诺,确保女性能够充分参与政治活动,利用机会。今天晚些时候,我将介绍我们在打击罪恶的人口贩运活动中所做的努力。

All these things give me hope.But what gives me the most hope is not the actions of us, not the actions of leaders--it is the people that I’ve seen.The American troops who have risked their lives and sacrificed their limbs for strangers half a world away;the students in Jakarta or Seoul who are eager to use their knowledge to benefit mankind;the faces in a square in Prague or a parliament in Ghana who see democracy giving voice to their aspirations;the young people in the favelas of Rio and the schools of Mumbai whose eyes shine with promise.These men, women, and children of every race and every faith remind me that for every angry mob that gets shown on television, there are billions around the world who share similar hopes and dreams.They tell us that there is a common heartbeat to humanity.所有这一切都使我看到希望。但是,给我带来最大希望的不是我们的行动,不是领导人的行动——而是我所见到的那些普通人。美国军人为了万里以外的陌生人甘冒失去肢体乃至生命的风险;雅加达或汉城的学生充满热忱地用他们的知识增进人类福祉;布拉格广场上或加纳议会中一张张为追求民主理想而呼吁的面庞;里约热内卢贫民窟中和孟买学校里闪烁着希望之光的青少年的眼睛。这些不同种族、不同信仰的男人、女人和孩子们使我想起,相对于电视镜头中的每一群暴民,世界上都有保持类似希望和理想的亿万民众。他们告诉我们:人性息息相通。

So much attention in our world turns to what divides us.That’s what we see on the news.That's what consumes our political debates.But when you strip it all away, people everywhere long for the freedom to determine their destiny;the dignity that comes with work;the comfort that comes with faith;and the justice that exists when governments serve their people--and not the other way around.在我们的世界中,人们太过于关注我们的分歧。这就是我们在新闻中看到的内容。这就是我们在政治辩论中一再重复的内容。但是,如果我们剥离其表象,世界各地的人都渴望能有决定自己命运的自由、工作带来的尊严、信仰带来的安慰、政府服务于人民——而不是与此相反——时所产生的公正。

The United States of America will always stand up for these aspirations, for our own people and for people all across the world.That was our founding purpose.That is what our history shows.That is what Chris Stevens worked for throughout his life.美利坚合众国将永远支持这些理想,不仅为我们自己,也为了世界各地的人民。这正是我们的建国理念。这正是我们的历史使命。这也是克里斯·史蒂文斯终生为之努力的目标。

And I promise you this: Long after the killers are brought to justice, Chris Stevens’s legacy will live on in the lives that he touched--in the tens of thousands who marched against violence through the streets of Benghazi;in the Libyans who changed their Facebook photo to one of Chris;in the signs that read, simply, “Chris Stevens was a friend to all Libyans.”


They should give us hope.They should remind us that so long as we work for it, justice will be done, that history is on our side, and that a rising tide of liberty will never be reversed.他们应当让我们感受到希望。他们应当使我们记住,只要我们坚持不懈地努力,正义终将得到伸张,历史站在我们一边,自由的潮流势不可挡,永远不会逆转。

Thank you very much.(Applause.)


第二篇:口译2 美国总统奥巴马2014年父亲节讲话


时间:2014-06-23 12:51来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1965次

Hi, everybody.Sunday is Father’s Day.If you haven’t got Dad a gift yet, there’s still time.Just barely.But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us.I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because I grew up without my father around.I felt the weight of his absence.So for Michelle and our girls, I try every day to be the husband and father my family didn’t have when I was young.And every chance I get, I encourage fathers to get more involved in their children’s lives, because what makes you a man isn’t the ability to have a child – it’s the courage to raise one.Still, over the past couple years, I’ve met with a lot of young people who don’t have a father figure around.And while there’s nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our part to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one.Earlier this year, I launched an initiative called My Brother’s Keeper – an all-hands-on-deck effort to help more of our young men reach their full potential.And if you want to be a mentor to a young man in your community, you can find out how at WhiteHouse.gov/MyBrothersKeeper.Now, when I launched this initiative, I said that government can’t play the primary role in a young person’s life.Taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make.No government program can ever take the place of a parent’s love.Still, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice.That’s why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across America to the White House to talk about the challenges they face.And in a few weeks, I’ll hold the first-ever White House Working Families Summit.We’ve still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and it’s time to bring them up to date for today’s families, where oftentimes, both parents are working.Moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or child without running into hardship.Women deserve equal pay for equal work – and at a time when more women are breadwinners for a family, that benefits men, too.And because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it’s time for Congress to follow the lead of state after state, get on the bandwagon, and give America a raise.Dads work hard.So our country should do what we can to make sure their hard work pays off;to make sure life for them and their families is a little less stressful, and a little more secure, so they can be the dads their kids need them to be.Because there’s nothing more precious in life than the time we spend with our children.There’s no better feeling than knowing that we can be there for1

them, and provide for them, and help give them every shot at success.Let’s make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one Sunday, but every day of the year.Thanks everybody, happy Father’s Day, and have a great weekend.大家好。周日是父亲节。如果你还没有给爸爸准备礼物,现在还来得及。大大方方地。但是事实上,我们给父亲们的永远比不上父亲们给我们的。








第三篇:奥巴马67届联合国大会讲话 穆斯林





总统在联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly)发表讲话


纽约州,纽约市(New York City, NY)


总统:主席先生、秘书长先生、代表们、女士们先生们:今天我首先为诸位讲述一位美国人的经历,他的名字是克里斯•史蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)。

克里斯出生在加利福尼亚州格拉斯山谷镇(Grass Valley, California),父母是律师和音乐家。克里斯年轻时参加了和平队(Peace Corps),在摩洛哥教英语。他对北非和中东人民的感情和敬意油然而生。他立志终身坚持自己的这份承诺。他作为一名外交官,足迹遍及埃及、叙利亚、沙特阿拉伯、利比亚等国。人们都知道,他常常在他工作的城市深入大街小巷,尝尝当地的食品,尽可能多地与居民见面,用阿拉伯语交谈和倾听,脸上带着灿烂的笑容。


克里斯热爱自己的工作。他为自己服务的国家感到骄傲。他在所见到的人们身上看见了尊严。两个星期前,他前往班加西考察有关新建文化中心和一所医院现代化改造的计划。正在这个时候,美国使团驻地遭到袭击。克里斯曾为保全这所城市尽了力,结果和其他3 位同事在这里被害,时年52岁。

我向诸位讲述这段经历,是因为克里斯•史蒂文斯体现了美国的最佳风貌。他与其他外交服务系统(Foreign Service)的官员一样,跨越大洋和文化架桥铺路,全身心投入联合国体现的国际合作。他十分检点自己的行为,同时坚持一系列原则 ━坚信人人都应该自行决定自己的命运,过上享有自由、尊严、公正和机会的生活。





不到两年前,突尼斯一位小贩为抗议本国祸国殃民的腐败燃火自焚,引发了阿拉伯之春(Arab Spring)运动。从此全世界转型之风方兴未艾。美国也一贯支持变革的力量。




我们与一个广泛的联盟一起,根据联合国安理会(United Nations Security Council)的授权对利比亚进行了干预,因为我们有能力制止对无辜百姓的屠杀,因为我们相信人民的愿望有战胜暴君的力量。

我们今天在这里举行会议之际,我们再一次宣布,巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)政权必须下台,从而使叙利亚人民结束苦难,开始迎来新的曙光。

我们采取这些立场是因为我们相信,自由和自决并不专属于某一种文化。这些并不专属于美国的价值观或西方的价值观─而是普遍的价值观。即使向民主的过渡仍将面临巨大的挑战,我坚信归根结底“民有、民治、民享的政府”(government of the people, by the people, and for the people)更有可能创造稳定、繁荣和个人机会,为我们这个世界的和平奠定基础。


然而,最近几周的动荡局势再次提醒我们,通往民主之路并不止于选举投票。纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)曾说:“赢得自由并非仅仅要打破自身的枷锁,还要以尊重及增进其他人自由的方式生活。”(掌声)






















未来决不能属于在埃及攻击科普特基督教徒(Coptic Christians)的人──它必须由曾在解放广场(Tahrir Square)齐声高呼“穆斯林,基督徒,我们是一体“的人来掌握。未来决不能属于凌辱妇女的人──它必须由那些上学读书的女孩子,由那些支持在世界上让我们的女儿能同我们的儿子一样追求理想的人来缔造(掌声)未来决不能属于盗窃国家资源的少数腐败之徒──它必须让学生和实业家、工人和为全体人民扩大繁荣的工商业主当家作主。美国站在这些男女公民一边;他们的愿景就是我们支持的愿景。

未来决不能属于诽谤伊斯兰先知的人。但要具有信服力,谴责这一诽谤行径的人也 必须谴责我们从画面中看到的亵渎耶稣基督像、捣毁教堂、或否认纳粹大屠杀的行径。(掌声)

让我们谴责煽动攻击苏菲派穆斯林(Sufi Muslims)和什叶派穆斯林朝圣者的行径。现在是重温甘地(Gandhi)话语的时刻 :“不容忍本身即是一种暴力,是妨碍真正民主精神壮大的障碍。”(掌声)我们齐心协力必须为之奋斗的世界将使我们因彼此间有所不同而更充满活力,而不是被其定格。美国体现着这一理想,我们支持这一理想。









面临经济挑战,世界各国齐心协力,增进繁荣。通过20国集团,我们与新兴国家合作,帮助世界经济持续复苏。美国实施了刺激增长、打破依赖的发展议程,与非洲领导人携手努力,帮助他们满足自己国家的食品供应。新的伙伴关系旨在打击腐败,促进政府开放透明。[我们]通过“平等未来伙伴关系”(Equal Futures Partnership)作出了新承诺,确保女性能够充分参与政治活动,利用机会。今天晚些时候,我将介绍我们在打击罪恶的人口贩运活动中所做的努力。









新闻秘书办公室 2013年9月24日

奥巴马总统在联合国大会发表讲话 联合国(United Nations)

纽约州纽约市(New York, New York)东部夏令时间上午10:10





我们还共同努力结束了经历10年之久的战争。5年前,近180,000美国人不避危难奔赴疆场,伊拉克的战争在我们与世界其他国家的关系中成为压倒一切的问题。今天,我国所有的军队已经撤离伊拉克。明年,在摧毁了对我们发动9/11袭击的“基地”(al Qaeda)组织核心力量后,国际联盟将结束在阿富汗的战争。

对美国而言,这些新的情况已经意味着脱离常年征战的状态。除了撤回我国军队外,我们已限制无人机的使用,只在没有可能实施抓捕及基本上完全确定不会伤害平民的情况下用于抗击对美国构成的持续迫在眉睫的威胁。我们正在向其他国家引渡在押人员,在法庭审判恐怖主义分子,同时积极努力关闭关塔那摩湾(Guantanamo Bay)的监狱。正如我们考虑如何部署我国非凡的军事力量才能符合我们的理念一样,我们已开始审议我们搜集情报的方式,从而可以使我们适当地平衡我国公民和盟友在安全方面的合理关注及所有的人共同的隐私问题。


同样重要的是,在旧秩序被颠覆和人们需要把握随后出现的局面之际,中东(Middle East)和北非(North Africa)的动荡暴露了社会内部的严重分裂。和平运动往往遇到有人以暴力作出的回应--来自那些抵制变革的人,来自企图劫持变革的极端主义分子。宗派冲突死灰复燃。大规模毁灭性武器可能扩散的阴影继续笼罩在争取和平事业的上空。




今天,我想概述一下美利坚合众国(United States of America)在这些问题上的立场。关于叙利亚,我们认为,作为起点,国际社会必须实施化学武器禁令。当我表示,我愿下令对阿萨德政权实行有限打击,以此对肆无忌惮使用化学武器作出回应时,并非戏言。我这样做是因为我认为,对一项比联合国本身历史更长的禁令给予有意义的实施符合美国的安全利益,符合世界的利益。禁止使用化学武器——甚至包括在战争中——为人类98%所认同。对士兵在战壕中被窒息、犹太人在毒气室被屠杀、数以万计伊朗人被毒害的刻骨铭心的记忆,使这一禁令更加有力。


我知道,在攻击刚刚发生后,有些人质疑在没有安理会(Security Council)明确授权的情况实施即便是有限度的打击的合法性。但是,在没有确信的军事威胁时,安理会完全不曾表现出任何行动的意愿。然而,正如我同普京总统(President Putin)一年多以来——最近一次是在圣彼得堡(St.Petersburg)——讨论过的,我始终愿意以外交方式解决这个问题。过去几周以来,美国、俄罗斯和我们的盟国达成一致,将叙利亚的化学武器置于国际控制之下,而后将其销毁。




我们致力于在这条政治轨道上努力。在我们追求解决方案的同时,让我们切记,这不是一场零和博弈。我们已不再处于冷战(Cold War)状态。没有等待争夺的大博弈(Great Game)胜利;美国对叙利亚——除了对其人民的福祉、其邻国的稳定、以及消除化学武器从而确保那里将不会成为恐怖主义分子安身之地以外——毫无所图。






我们将抗击针对我们的盟友和伙伴的外来进犯,就像我们在海湾战争(Gulf War)中所做的那样。






自1979年伊斯兰革命(Islamic Revolution)以来,美国和伊朗一直相互隔绝。这种不信任根深蒂固。长期以来,伊朗一直抱怨美国屡屡干预他们的事务并在冷战期间推翻伊朗政府的过程中发挥作用。而另一方面,美国人民看到伊朗政府宣布与美国为敌,并直接地——或者通过其代理——劫持美国人质,杀害美国军人和平民,还威胁要毁灭我们的盟国以色列。


我就任总统之后,曾写信向伊朗最高领袖(Supreme Leader)表明,并于近期向鲁哈尼总统(President Rouhani)表明,尽管我们决意制止伊朗发展核武器,但美国更希望以和平方式解决我们对伊朗核项目的关切。我们不寻求政权更替,而且我们尊重伊朗人民和平利用核能的权利。但我们坚决要求伊朗政府履行《不扩散核武器条约》(Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)所规定的责任以及联合国安理会的各项决议。



但我要阐明,鲁哈尼总统已受命于伊朗人民要推行一条更温和的路线,这令我们受到鼓舞。鉴于鲁哈尼总统已公开阐明致力于达成一项协议,我指示约翰·克里(John Kerry)同伊朗政府共同推进这项努力,并与欧盟密切合作——与英国、法国、德国以及俄罗斯和中国。


我们还致力于解决比我们同伊朗之间的分歧还要久远的冲突,那就是巴勒斯坦人和以色列人之间的冲突。我已阐明,美国绝不会在我们对以色列安全的承诺上以及我们对以色列作为一个犹太国家而存在的支持上妥协让步。今年早些时候,在耶路撒冷(Jerusalem),一些年轻的以色列人坚持相信和平是必要的、公正的、可能的,他们让我深受鼓舞。而且我相信,在以色列国内有越来越多的人认识到占据西岸地区(West Bank)正在损害这个犹太国家的民主结构。但以色列的子民有权生活在这样一个世界中:即在这个机构中集会的各国完全承认他们的国家,而且我们毫不含糊地驳斥那些向他们的家园发射火箭或煽动其他人憎恨他们的人。


因此,时机业已成熟,整个国际社会均应支持寻求和平。以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人已经表现出承担重大政治风险的意愿。阿巴斯(Abbas)主席已将试图走捷径实现和平的做法搁置一边,并回到谈判桌前。内塔尼亚胡(Netanyahu)总理已释放巴勒斯坦囚犯,并重申他对一个巴勒斯坦国(Palestinian state)的承诺。目前的会谈着重于边界和安全、难民和耶路撒冷的最终地位问题。



在这两个问题上——伊朗核问题以及以巴和平问题——取得真正的突破将对整个中东和北非地区产生深远和积极的影响。但是,由阿拉伯之春(Arab Spring)而起的目前的**局势提醒我们,一个公正和持久的和平不能仅由国家之间达成的协议来衡量,还必须以我们解决冲突并在各个国家内促进正义的能力来衡量。而在这一方面,很明显,我们所有各方都有大量工作要做。


在过去几年里,特别是在埃及,我们看到这一过渡有多么困难。穆罕默德·穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)是民主选举选出来的,但事实证明他不愿或不能以全面包容的方式实行治理。取代他的临时政府回应了数百万认为这场革命已误入歧途的埃及人的愿望,但这个政府也作出了与包容性民主不符的决定——实行《紧急状态法》(emergency law)并对新闻界、公民社会和反对派施加限制。

当然,美国受到了这场内部冲突中所有各方的攻击,他们同时指责美国支持穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)以及策划剥夺其权力。事实上,美国一直有意地避免支持任何一方。在过去的这几年里,我们最重要的利益始终在于鼓励一个以合法方式反映埃及人民意愿的政府,认识到真正的民主必须尊重少数派的权利和法治、言论和集会自由,并拥有一个强大的公民社会。

今天,这依然是我们的利益所在。因此,在向前推进的过程中,美国将与增进《戴维营协议》(Camp David Accords)和反恐怖主义等核心利益的临时政府保持建设性的关系。我们将继续在教育等直接惠及埃及人民的领域提供支持。但是,我们没有交付特定的军事系统,而且我们的支持将取决于埃及在寻求更加民主的道路上所取得的进展。

我们对埃及的方针反映了更重要的一点:美国有时会与至少在我们看来没有达到最高国际期望,但在我们的核心利益上与我们共同努力的政府展开合作。尽管如此,我们不会停止坚持主张与我们的理念一致的原则,无论这意味着反对将暴力作为压制异见的手段,还是支持《世界人权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)所体现的原则。


这包括努力解决在伊拉克、巴林和叙利亚等地不断出现的宗派紧张关系。我们懂得,这种由来已久的问题无法由外来人解决;它们必须由穆斯林社区自己处理。但是,我们过去看到过激烈的冲突走向终结——最近的例子是北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland),在那里,天主教徒和新教徒最终认识到,无休止的冲突循环导致这两个社区被快速发展的世界甩在了后头。因此我们相信,中东和北非那些同样的宗派冲突是可以克服的。





我已经表明,即使当美国的核心利益没有受到直接威胁时,我们也严阵以待,尽我们的责任防止大规模屠杀并保护基本人权。但是我们不能也不应该独自承担这一责任。在马里,我们支持了法国的干预,成功击退“基地”组织,也支持了维和的非洲部队。在东非,我们正在同合作伙伴携手消灭圣主抵抗军(Lord’s Resistance Army)。在利比亚,当安理会授权保护平民时,美国加入联盟采取了行动。由于我们在那里的作为,无数生命得到拯救,一个暴君再也不能用屠杀夺回权力。

我知道,现在有些人将利比亚的行动作为实物教育加以批评。他们指出该国现在面临的问题——民主选举的政府难以提供安全;武装团体,在有些地方是极端主义分子,统治着一个四分五裂的国家的某些地区。因此,这些批评人士说,任何保护平民的干预都注定要失败——看看利比亚。没有人比我更警觉这些问题,因为它们造成4名致力于利比亚人民福祉的杰出美国公民的死亡,包括克里斯•史蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)大使——他富于勇气的作为帮助拯救了班加西(Benghazi)市。但是,任何人是否真的认为,如果让卡扎菲(Qaddafi)任意杀戮、囚禁或用残暴手段制服人民,利比亚的局势会更好?如果没有国际行动,更有可能出现的情况是,利比亚现在会陷入内战和流血之中。






世界各国和人民一次又一次展示了我们实现变革的能力——追随人类的最高理念,选择我们更美好的历史道路。上个月,我站在50年前马丁•路德•金(Martin Luther King Jr)向美国人民宣告自己梦想的地方。当年我这个种族的许多人甚至不能投票选举总统。今年早些时候,我站在纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)忍受与他的人民和世界隔绝几十年的小牢房。当我们看到人类精神带来的种种变化时,还有谁会相信今天的挑战不能被战胜?在今天这个会议大厅里,谁会说未来属于那些试图压制这种精神的人而不是要求解放这种精神的人?





2009年9月3日,在第64届联合国大会开始一般性辩论之际,美国总统奥巴马出席会议并发表讲话。以下是讲话全文: Remarks by the U.S.President to the United Nations Gerneral Assembly United Nations Headquarters September 23, 2009

美国总统奥巴马在联合国大会上的讲话 联合国总部 2009年9月23日

Good morning.Mr.President, Mr.Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to address you for the first time as the 44th President of the United States.(Applause.)I come before you humbled by the responsibility that the American people have placed upon me, mindful of the enormous challenges of our moment in history, and determined to act boldly and collectively on behalf of justice and prosperity at home and abroad.早上好。主席先生、秘书长先生、各位代表,女士们、先生们:我荣幸地作为美国第44任总统首次在这里发表讲话。(掌声)站在各位面前,美国人民赋予我的重任令我不胜荣幸;我深知我们这个历史时期所面临的巨大挑战;并决意为了国内外的正义和繁荣而采取大胆的集体行动。

I have been in office for just nine months--though some days it seems a lot longer.I am well aware of the expectations that accompany my presidency around the world.These expectations are not about me.Rather, they are rooted, I believe, in a discontent with a status quo that has allowed us to be increasingly defined by our differences, and outpaced by our problems.But they are also rooted in hope--the hope that real change is possible, and the hope that America will be a leader in bringing about such change.我就任总统只有9个月——但在有些日子里这段时间却显得漫长。我深知全世界对我就任总统的瞩望。在我看来,这些瞩望并非针对我个人,而是植根于一种对现状的不满,因为我们越来越被分歧所左右,疲于应付种种问题。但这些瞩望亦植根于希望——希望真正的变革有可能实现,希望美国在推动这种变革的过程中走在前面。

I took office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust.Part of this was due to misperceptions and misinformation about my country.Part of this was due to opposition to specific policies, and a belief that on certain critical issues, America has acted unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others.And this has fed an almost reflexive anti-Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for collective inaction.在我就任总统时,全世界有很多人用怀疑和不信任的眼光看待美国,其中部分原因是对我国的误解和信息失实,还有一部分原因是对具体政策的反对,认为美国在某些关键问题上采取单边行动,不考虑他人的利益。这滋长了一种几乎是反射性的反美主义,而这种情绪又往往成为我们不采取集体行动的借口。

Now, like all of you, my responsibility is to act in the interest of my nation and my people, and I will never apologize for defending those interests.But it is my deeply held belief that in the year 2009--more than at any point in human history--the interests of nations and peoples are shared.The religious convictions that we hold in our hearts can forge new bonds among people, or they can tear us apart.The technology we harness can light the path to peace, or forever darken it.The energy we use can sustain our planet, or destroy it.What happens to the hope of a single child--anywhere--can enrich our world, or impoverish it.同各位一样,我的职责是采取符合本国和本国人民利益的行动,我绝不会为捍卫这些利益而道歉。但我深深感到,与人类历史上任何一个时期相比,在 2009年各个国家及其人民之间都更具有共同的利益。我们心中怀有的宗教信念能够在人民之间缔结新的纽带,也能在我们之间制造隔阂。我们掌控的技术能够照亮通向和平的道路,也能永远将其笼罩在黑暗之中。我们使用的能源能够维持我们这个星球的生存,也能造成它的毁灭。如何对待每一个儿童心中的希望——无论在任何地方——能使我们的世界变得富饶,也能使之变得贫瘠。

In this hall, we come from many places, but we share a common future.No longer do we have the luxury of indulging our differences to the exclusion of the work that we must do together.I have carried this message from London to Ankara;from Port of Spain to Moscow;from Accra to Cairo;and it is what I will speak about today--because the time has come for the world to move in a new direction.We must embrace a new era of engagement based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and our work must begin now.在这个大厅里,我们来自四面八方,却拥有一个共同的未来。我们再也不能沉溺于分歧之中,以至于延误我们必须共同从事的工作。从伦敦(London)到安卡拉(Ankara),从西班牙港(Port of Spain)到莫斯科(Moscow),从阿克拉(Accra)到开罗(Cairo),我到处传播一个信息,并将在今天予以重申——因为现在是全世界向一个新方向迈进的时候了。我们必须迎接一个在共同利益和相互尊重的基础上进行接触的新纪元,我们的工作必须现在开始。

We know the future will be forged by deeds and not simply words.Speeches alone will not solve our problems--it will take persistent action.For those who question the character and cause of my nation, I ask you to look at the concrete actions we have taken in just nine months.我们知道,开创未来不能仅凭言词,还要有行动。光靠演说不能解决我们的问题——必须要有坚持不懈的行动。因此,对那些质疑我国的品格和事业的人,我请你们看一看我们在短短9个月中所采取的具体行动。

On my first day in office, I prohibited--without exception or equivocation--the use of torture by the United States of America.(Applause.)I ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed, and we are doing the hard work of forging a framework to combat extremism within the rule of law.Every nation must know: America will live its values, and we will lead by example.在我就任总统的第一天,我宣布美国毫无例外、坚定不移地禁止酷刑。(掌声)我下令关闭设在关塔那摩湾(Guantanamo Bay)的关押设施,我们正在从事在法治范围内制定一个打击极端主义的框架的艰巨工作。每个国家都必须明白:美国将信守其价值观,我们将发挥表率作用。

We have set a clear and focused goal: to work with all members of this body to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies--a network that has killed thousands of people of many faiths and nations, and that plotted to blow up this very building.In Afghanistan and Pakistan, we and many nations here are helping these governments develop the capacity to take the lead in this effort, while working to advance opportunity and security for their people.我们制定了坚定不移的明确目标:同联合国所有成员共同努力,打击、摧垮并击溃基地组织(al Qaeda)及其极端主义同伙——这个网络杀害了持不同信仰、来自不同国家的成千上万的民众,并曾策划炸毁这座大楼。在阿富汗(Afghanistan)和巴基斯坦(Pakistan),我们和在座的很多国家正在帮助这两个国家的政府建设主导这项行动的能力,同时努力为这两个国家的人民增进机会和安全。

In Iraq, we are responsibly ending a war.We have removed American combat brigades from Iraqi cities, and set a deadline of next August to remove all our combat brigades from Iraqi territory.And I have made clear that we will help Iraqis transition to full responsibility for their future, and keep our commitment to remove all American troops by the end of 2011.在伊拉克,我们正在负责任地结束这场战争。我们已将美国作战部队撤离伊拉克各个城市,并确定了到明年8月将我国所有作战部队撤离伊拉克领土的期限。我还明确表示,我们将帮助伊拉克人为掌握他们的未来向全面行使权力过渡,并将履行到2011年年底将全部美国军队撤离的承诺。

I have outlined a comprehensive agenda to seek the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.In Moscow, the United States and Russia announced that we would pursue substantial reductions in our strategic warheads and launchers.At the Conference on Disarmament, we agreed on a work plan to negotiate an end to the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons.And this week, my Secretary of State will become the first senior American representative to the annual Members Conference of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.我提出了一项综合议程,寻求实现一个没有核武器的世界的目标。在莫斯科,美国和俄罗斯共同宣布大幅度削减我们的战略弹头和发射器。在裁军会议(Conference on Disarmament)上,我们赞同一项工作计划,通过谈判终止用于制造核武器的可裂变物质的生产。这个星期,我国国务卿将成为出席性《全面禁止核试验条约》缔约国会议(Members Conference of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty)的第一位高层美国代表。

Upon taking office, I appointed a Special Envoy for Middle East Peace, and America has worked steadily and aggressively to advance the cause of two states--Israel and Palestine--in which peace and security take root, and the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians are respected.我在就任之初便任命了一位中东和平事务特使(Special Envoy for Middle East Peace),美国一直在稳步地、积极地推进以色列(Israel)和巴勒斯坦(Palestine)两国并存的方针——让和平与安全扎下根基,让以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的权利同时得到尊重。

To confront climate change, we have invested $80 billion in clean energy.We have substantially increased our fuel-efficiency standards.We have provided new incentives for conservation, launched an energy partnership across the Americas, and moved from a bystander to a leader in international climate negotiations.为应对气候变化,我们已投资800亿美元发展清洁能源。我们大幅度提高了燃料效率标准。我们制定了新的鼓励节能的措施,在美洲国家中发起了一项能源合作计划,并在国际气候谈判中从一个旁观者变成了一名领袖。

To overcome an economic crisis that touches every corner of the world, we worked with the G20 nations to forge a coordinated international response of over $2 trillion in stimulus to bring the global economy back from the brink.We mobilized resources that helped prevent the crisis from spreading further to developing countries.And we joined with others to launch a $20 billion global food security initiative that will lend a hand to those who need it most, and help them build their own capacity.为度过一场波及全世界各个角落的经济危机,我们与G20成员国共同制定了相互协调的国际性举措,以超过2万亿美元的刺激计划挽救了濒临崩溃的全球经济。我们调动资源,帮助阻止这场危机进一步波及发展中国家。我们还与其他一些国家共同发起了一项200亿美元的全球粮食保障计划,向最需要救助的人伸出援手,并帮助他们进行能力建设。

We've also re-engaged the United Nations.We have paid our bills.We have joined the Human Rights Council.(Applause.)We have signed the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.We have fully embraced the Millennium Development Goals.And we address our priorities here, in this institution--for instance, through the Security Council meeting that I will chair tomorrow on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, and through the issues that I will discuss today.我们还重新参与联合国事务。我们支付了会费。我们加入了理事会(Human Rights Council)。(掌声)我们签署了《残疾利公约》(Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)。我们全面采纳了千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)。我们在这里,在这个机制内提出我们的重点议题——例如通过我明天将主持的有关核不扩散和裁军问题的安理会(Security Council)会议,以及通过我今天要谈到的一系列问题。

This is what we have already done.But this is just a beginning.Some of our actions have yielded progress.Some have laid the groundwork for progress in the future.But make no mistake: This cannot solely be America's endeavor.Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problems alone.We have sought--in word and deed--a new era of engagement with the world.And now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.这就是我们已经做的。但只是一个开端。我们采取的一些行动已经取得进展。另外一些行动已为未来取得进展奠定了基础。但必须指出的是,这不仅仅是美国的事务。过去有人严厉抨击美国在全球单独行动,如今他们也不能袖手旁观,等待美国单独解决世界面临的问题。我们通过自己的言辞和行动,希望开辟与全世界进行接触的新时代。现在我们需要共同承担责任,做到全球一致努力应对全球性挑战。

Now, if we are honest with ourselves, we need to admit that we are not living up to that responsibility.Consider the course that we're on if we fail to confront the status quo: Extremists sowing terror in pockets of the world;protracted conflicts that grind on and on;genocide;mass atrocities;more nations with nuclear weapons;melting ice caps and ravaged populations;persistent poverty and pandemic disease.I say this not to sow fear, but to state a fact: The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our actions.为此,我们如果实事求是,就必须承认我们还没有完全履行这项职责。如果我们不能扭转目前的现状,请设想一下我们今后面对的局面:极端主义分子在全世界各地制造恐怖;持续不断的冲突永无休止;种族灭绝;大规模屠杀;越来越多的国家拥有核武器;冰峰融化,人类饱受灾难;贫困持续存在,疾病蔓延。我所说的并非耸人听闻,而是说明一个事实:我们面临巨大的挑战,但我们的行动尚未能与之抗衡。

This body was founded on the belief that the nations of the world could solve their problems together.Franklin Roosevelt, who died before he could see his vision for this institution become a reality, put it this way--and I quote: “The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation….It cannot be a peace of large nations--or of small nations.It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world.”

联合国的建立以世界各国能够共同解决问题的信念为基础。富兰克林∙罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)去世前未能看到他设想的这个机构成为现实。罗斯福曾经表示——以下是我引用他的话:“世界和平的大厦不可能是一个人、一个政党或一个国家的产物„„。不能只有大国的和平——或只有小国的和平。和平必须以全世界同心协力为基础。”

The cooperative effort of the whole world.Those words ring even more true today, when it is not simply peace, but our very health and prosperity that we hold in common.Yet we also know that this body is made up of sovereign states.And sadly, but not surprisingly, this body has often become a forum for sowing discord instead of forging common ground;a venue for playing politics and exploiting grievances rather than solving problems.After all, it is easy to walk up to this podium and point figures--point fingers and stoke divisions.Nothing is easier than blaming others for our troubles, and absolving ourselves of responsibility for our choices and our actions.Anybody can do that.Responsibility and leadership in the 21st century demand more.全世界同心协力。今天,这些话语尤其重要,不仅为了实现和平,而且为了我们共同的兴旺与繁荣。然而,我们也了解,这个机构由主权国家组成。令人感到遗憾但并不意外的是,这个机构经常成为相互纷争的场所,而不是达成共识的场所;成为玩弄政治和利用不满情绪发难的场所,而不是解决问题的场所。总而言之,走上这个讲台相互指责——相互指责,助长,并不困难。将自己的问题归咎于他人,或者采取逃避责任的态度对待自己的选择和自己的行动,没有什么比这更容易。谁都能这样做。但是21世纪的责任和领导作用要求有更大的作为。

In an era when our destiny is shared, power is no longer a zero-sum game.No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation.No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed.No balance of power among nations will hold.The traditional divisions between nations of the South and the North make no sense in an interconnected world;nor do alignments of nations rooted in the cleavages of a long-gone Cold War.置身于这个时代,我们的命运息息相关,权力不再依从你死我活的法则。没有哪一个国家能够或应该试图主宰另一个国家。任何将一个国家或一个群体置于他人之上的世界秩序不可能获得成功。强权的均势也不可能得到维持。在一个相互依存的世界上,传统上以南北方划分国家的方式已经毫无意义;在冷战早已结束的情况下,国家以阵营划分的格局也不再有意义。

The time has come to realize that the old habits, the old arguments, are irrelevant to the challenges faced by our people.They lead nations to act in opposition to the very goals that they claim to pursue--and to vote, often in this body, against the interests of their own people.They build up walls between us and the future that our people seek, and the time has come for those walls to come down.Together, we must build new coalitions that bridge old divides--coalitions of different faiths and creeds;of north and south, east, west, black, white, and brown.现在,应该认识到旧的惯例、旧的观点与各国人民面临的挑战已毫无关联。这些陈规陋习引导各国采取的行动往往与自身要求实现的目标背道而驰——各国采取的投票行动,包括经常在这个机构进行的投票,也往往违背了本国人民的利益。这些陈规陋习在我们与各国人民追求的未来之间筑起一道道墙,现在是拆除这些墙的时候了。我们必须同心协力建立有助于消除旧的分歧的新同盟——由不同信仰和信念组成的同盟;由南方与北方、东方与西方、黑人与白人和黄种人组成的同盟。

The choice is ours.We can be remembered as a generation that chose to drag the arguments of the 20th century into the 21st;that put off hard choices, refused to look ahead, failed to keep pace because we defined ourselves by what we were against instead of what we were for.Or we can be a generation that chooses to see the shoreline beyond the rough waters ahead;that comes together to serve the common interests of human beings, and finally gives meaning to the promise embedded in the name given to this institution: the United Nations.我们必须做出选择。我们这一代人可留给后人这样的记忆:把20世纪的争议带入21世纪,推迟做出艰难的选择,拒绝往前看,落后于时代,因为我们忙于设置障碍,而无暇创造未来。我们这一代人亦可留给后人另一种记忆:让我们的视野越过汹涌的波涛投向大洋彼岸,为了人类共同利益而走到一起,最终使联合国名称所蕴涵的希望开始变成现实。

That is the future America wants--a future of peace and prosperity that we can only reach if we recognize that all nations have rights, but all nations have responsibilities as well.That is the bargain that makes this work.That must be the guiding principle of international cooperation.这就是美国渴望的未来,一个和平与繁荣的未来,我们只有在承认所有国家拥有权利但同时又承担责任的时候才能如愿以偿。这是成功的必要条件,也必须是国际合作的指导原则。

Today, let me put forward four pillars that I believe are fundamental to the future that we want for our children: non-proliferation and disarmament;the promotion of peace and security;the preservation of our planet;and a global economy that advances opportunity for all people.今天,我谨在此提出四大要素,我认为这些要素对我们希望为后代所创造的未来至关重要:不扩散与裁军;促进和平与安全;保护我们的地球;以及为全体人民增进机会的全球经济。

First, we must stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and seek the goal of a world without them.首先,我们必须停止核武器的扩散,寻求一个没有核武器的世界。

This institution was founded at the dawn of the atomic age, in part because man's capacity to kill had to be contained.For decades, we averted disaster, even under the shadow of a superpower stand-off.But today, the threat of proliferation is growing in scope and complexity.If we fail to act, we will invite nuclear arms races in every region, and the prospect of wars and acts of terror on a scale that we can hardly imagine.联合国成立于原子时代的初期,在一定程度上是为了遏制人类自相残杀的能力。几十年来,即使在超级大国对峙的阴影下,我们避免了灾难。然而,今天,扩散的威胁正在蔓延,也变得复杂化。我们如果不采取行动,就意味着鼓励各地区的核武器竞赛,战争阴影和恐怖行动蔓延的范围将超出我们的想象。

A fragile consensus stands in the way of this frightening outcome, and that is the basic bargain that shapes the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.It says that all nations have the right to peaceful nuclear energy;that nations with nuclear weapons have a responsibility to move toward disarmament;and those without them have the responsibility to forsake them.The next 12 months could be pivotal in determining whether this compact will be strengthened or will slowly dissolve.一个脆弱的共识防范着这一令人恐惧的结局,那就是构成《核不扩散条约》(Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)的基本条件。条约指出,所有国家有权发展和平用途的核能;拥有核武器的国家有责任向销毁武器迈进;没有核武器的国家有责任不发展核武器。该条约是得到加强还是被逐渐解除,今后十二个月可能至关重要。

America intends to keep our end of the bargain.We will pursue a new agreement with Russia to substantially reduce our strategic warheads and launchers.We will move forward with ratification of the Test Ban Treaty, and work with others to bring the treaty into force so that nuclear testing is permanently prohibited.We will complete a Nuclear Posture Review that opens the door to deeper cuts and reduces the role of nuclear weapons.And we will call upon countries to begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons.美国愿意坚持我们的承诺。我们将寻求与俄罗斯达成新协议,大幅度削减我们的战略弹头和发射器。我们将为争取《禁止核试验条约》(Test Ban Treaty)的批准而努力,并将与其他方面合作使条约生效,永远禁止核试验。我们将完成《核态势审议》(Nuclear Posture Review),从而为进一步削减核武器和减少其作用打开大门。我们将呼吁各国从明年一月开始谈判一项协议,以终止可用于武器的裂变材料的生产。

I will also host a summit next April that reaffirms each nation's responsibility to secure nuclear material on its territory, and to help those who can't--because we must never allow a single nuclear device to fall into the hands of a violent extremist.And we will work to strengthen the institutions and initiatives that combat nuclear smuggling and theft.我还将在明年四月主持一次高峰会议,该会议将重申各国有责任在自己国土内保障核材料安全,并为那些无法提供该保障的国家提供帮助——因为我们必须确保永远不会有一个核装置落在暴力极端分子的手中。我们将致力于加强那些打击核走私与核盗窃活动的机制和计划。

All of this must support efforts to strengthen the NPT.Those nations that refuse to live up to their obligations must face consequences.Let me be clear, this is not about singling out individual nations--it is about standing up for the rights of all nations that do live up to their responsibilities.Because a world in which IAEA inspections are avoided and the United Nation's demands are ignored will leave all people less safe, and all nations less secure.所有这一切都必须支持加强《不扩散核武器条约》的努力。凡是拒绝履行自己义务的国家必须面对各种后果。我谨在此申明,这不是要向某些个别国家兴师问罪–而是维护所有履行义务的国家的权利。因为一个逃避国际原子能机构(IAEA)核查、无视联合国要求的世界将会使所有的人更不安全和所有的国家更没有保障。

In their actions to date, the governments of North Korea and Iran threaten to take us down this dangerous slope.We respect their rights as members of the community of nations.I've said before and I will repeat, I am committed to diplomacy that opens a path to greater prosperity and more secure peace for both nations if they live up to their obligations.北韩和伊朗政府迄今为止采取的行动构成一种威胁,可能把我们推下这个危险的斜坡。我们尊重他们作为国际社会成员的权利。我以前曾经说过,¤Í在还要再说一遍:如果他们履行自己的义务,我将努力通过外交为这两个国家开辟一条通往更大繁荣和更有保障的和平的道路。

But if the governments of Iran and North Korea choose to ignore international standards;if they put the pursuit of nuclear weapons ahead of regional stability and the security and opportunity of their own people;if they are oblivious to the dangers of escalating nuclear arms races in both East Asia and the Middle East--then they must be held accountable.The world must stand together to demonstrate that international law is not an empty promise, and that treaties will be enforced.We must insist that the future does not belong to fear.但是,如果伊朗和北韩政府决意无视国际准则;如果他们把谋求核武器置于地区安全稳定和本国人民的机遇之上;如果他们将东亚和中东地区核军备竞赛升级的危险置之不顾–那么他们必须对此承担责任。全世界必须站在一起,表明国际法不是空洞的许诺,各项条约必将执行。未来不能属于恐惧,我们必须坚持这一立场。

That brings me to the second pillar for our future: the pursuit of peace.我现在谈一下我们的未来的第二项要素:追求和平。

The United Nations was born of the belief that the people of the world can live their lives, raise their families, and resolve their differences peacefully.And yet we know that in too many parts of the world, this ideal remains an abstraction--a distant dream.We can either accept that outcome as inevitable, and tolerate constant and crippling conflict, or we can recognize that the yearning for peace is universal, and reassert our resolve to end conflicts around the world.联合国的建立是基于这样一种信念:全世界人民都能够正常生活,养育子女,以和平方式消除分歧。但我们知道,这个理想在世界上太多的地方仍然是一种抽象的概念–一种遥不可及的空想。我们面临两种选择:要么接受这样的结果,把它视为不可避免的现实,容忍造成严重损害的经常性冲突;要么认识到渴望和平是普遍的愿望,并重下决心去结束世界各地的冲突。

That effort must begin with an unshakeable determination that the murder of innocent men, women and children will never be tolerated.On this, no one can be--there can be no dispute.The violent extremists who promote conflict by distorting faith have discredited and isolated themselves.They offer nothing but hatred and destruction.In confronting them, America will forge lasting partnerships to target terrorists, share intelligence, and coordinate law enforcement and protect our people.We will permit no safe haven for al Qaeda to launch attacks from Afghanistan or any other nation.We will stand by our friends on the front lines, as we and many nations will do in pledging support for the Pakistani people tomorrow.And we will pursue positive engagement that builds bridges among faiths, and new partnerships for opportunity.这种努力必须始于一种不可动摇的决心:绝不容忍对无辜的男女老少进行屠杀。关于这一点,没有人能–不可能有任何的争辩。通过扭曲信仰来加剧冲突的暴力极端分子已经败坏了自己的名声并孤立了自己。他们带来的只是仇恨和破坏。在与他们作斗争时,美国将打造持久的伙伴关系,以便把目标对准恐怖分子,分享情报,协调执法行动和保护人民。我们绝不允许“基地”组织有任何庇护所,并借此从阿富汗或任何其他国家发动袭击。我们将与我们的朋友共同站在第一线,正如明天我们和许多国家将要做的那样,保证为巴基斯坦人民提供援助。我们将寻求具有积极意义的接触,使这种接触在各种信仰之间架起桥梁,并建立带来机遇的新伙伴关系。

Our efforts to promote peace, however, cannot be limited to defeating violent extremists.For the most powerful weapon in our arsenal is the hope of human beings--the belief that the future belongs to those who would build and not destroy;the confidence that conflicts can end and a new day can begin.但是,我们促进和平的努力不能局限于战胜暴力极端分子,因为在我们的武器库内最有力的武器是人类的希望——相信未来属于从事建设而不进行破坏的人们;深信冲突能够结束、新的一天能够开始。

And that is why we will support--we will strengthen our support for effective peacekeeping, while energizing our efforts to prevent conflicts before they take hold.We will pursue a lasting peace in Sudan through support for the people of Darfur and the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, so that we secure the peace that the Sudanese people deserve.(Applause.)And in countries ravaged by violence--from Haiti to Congo to East Timor--we will work with the U.N.and other partners to support an enduring peace.因此,我们将支持–我们将增强我们对有效维和活动的支持;与此同时,在冲突形成之前竭力防止冲突发生。我们将通过支持达尔富尔地区的人民和《全面和平协议》的实施在苏丹寻求持久和平,这样我们将为苏丹人民获得应有的和平提供保障。在遭受暴力蹂躏的国家–从海地到刚果到东帝汶–我们将与联合国及其他合作伙伴协作,支持实现持久和平。

I will also continue to seek a just and lasting peace between Israel, Palestine, and the Arab world.(Applause.)We will continue to work on that issue.Yesterday, I had a constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas.We have made some progress.Palestinians have strengthened their efforts on security.Israelis have facilitated greater freedom of movement for the Palestinians.As a result of these efforts on both sides, the economy in the West Bank has begun to grow.But more progress is needed.We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel, and we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.(Applause.)


The time has come--the time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues: security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem.And the goal is clear: Two states living side by side in peace and security--a Jewish state of Israel, with true security for all Israelis;and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.(Applause.)


As we pursue this goal, we will also pursue peace between Israel and Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and a broader peace between Israel and its many neighbors.In pursuit of that goal, we will develop regional initiatives with multilateral participation, alongside bilateral negotiations.当我们寻求这项目标时,我们还将寻求以色列与黎巴嫩、以色列与叙利亚、以色列与其许多邻国之间的更广泛的和平。在寻求这项目标时,我们不仅要利用双边谈判,还将制定多方参与的地区性行动计划。

Now, I am not naïve.I know this will be difficult.But all of us--not just the Israelis and the Palestinians, but all of us--must decide whether we are serious about peace, or whether we will only lend it lip service.To break the old patterns, to break the cycle of insecurity and despair, all of us must say publicly what we would acknowledge in private.The United States does Israel no favors when we fail to couple an unwavering commitment to its security with an insistence that Israel respect the legitimate claims and rights of the Palestinians.(Applause.)And--and nations within this body do the Palestinians no favors when they choose vitriolic attacks against Israel over constructive willingness to recognize Israel's legitimacy and its right to exist in peace and security.(Applause.)我并不幼稚天真。我知道这件事并非轻而易举。但我们大家–不仅是以色列人和巴勒斯坦人,而是我们大家–必须决定我们是否真正希望实现和平,还只是口惠而实不至。为了打破旧有的模式,打破不安全和绝望的循环,我们大家必须公开说出我们私下承认的事实。美国如果不把对以色列的安全所作的坚定承诺与坚持要求以色列尊重巴勒斯坦人民的合法诉求与权利这两者结合在一起,就等于没有向以色列提供任何帮助。(掌声)如果联合国的成员国只是对以色列猛烈抨击,而不是本着建设性的态度承认以色列的合法性及其在和平与安全中生存的权利,这些国家也就没有向巴勒斯坦人提供任何帮助。(掌声)

We must remember that the greatest price of this conflict is not paid by us.It's not paid by politicians.It's paid by the Israeli girl in Sderot who closes her eyes in fear that a rocket will take her life in the middle of the night.It's paid for by the Palestinian boy in Gaza who has no clean water and no country to call his own.These are all God's children.And after all the politics and all the posturing, this is about the right of every human being to live with dignity and security.That is a lesson embedded in the three great faiths that call one small slice of Earth the Holy Land.And that is why, even though there will be setbacks and false starts and tough days, I will not waver in my pursuit of peace.(Applause.)

我们必须记住,为这场冲突付出最大代价的并不是我们,也不是政客们,而是住在斯德洛特(Sderot)的以色列女孩,她惊恐万分,闭上自己的眼睛,害怕会被半夜袭来的火箭弹夺走生命。付出代价的还有加沙(Gaza)地带的巴勒斯坦男孩,他喝不上干净的水,也没有自己的祖国。他们都是上帝的子民。在种种政治较量和种种姿态背后,最根本的是每个人都有权过有尊严和安全无虞的生活。这是将地球上这一小块地方称为圣地(Holy Land)的三大宗教的教诲。正因为如此,尽管会面临挫折、出师不利的局面和艰难的时期,我都会毫不动摇地寻求和平。(掌声)

Third, we must recognize that in the 21st century, there will be no peace unless we take responsibility for the preservation of our planet.And I thank the Secretary General for hosting the subject of climate change yesterday.第三,我们必须认识到,在21世纪,除非我们承担起保护我们的星球的责任,否则就不会有和平。为此,我感谢秘书长昨天主持气候变化问题会议。

The danger posed by climate change cannot be denied.Our responsibility to meet it must not be deferred.If we continue down our current course, every member of this Assembly will see irreversible changes within their borders.Our efforts to end conflicts will be eclipsed by wars over refugees and resources.Development will be devastated by drought and famine.Land that human beings have lived on for millennia will disappear.Future generations will look back and wonder why we refused to act;why we failed to pass on--why we failed to pass on an environment that was worthy of our inheritance.气候变化构成的威胁不可否认。我们绝不能推诿应对这一威胁的责任。如果我们继续走现在这条道路,联大每一个会员国都将在本国境内看到无可补救的变化。我们制止冲突的努力将被因难民和争夺资源引发的战火耗尽。干旱和饥荒将断送促进发展的事业。人类世世代代生活的土地将会消失。子孙后代将回顾历史,责问我们为什么不采取行动;我们为什么没有留下——我们为什么没有留下一个值得为之骄傲的环境。

And that is why the days when America dragged its feet on this issue are over.We will move forward with investments to transform our energy economy, while providing incentives to make clean energy the profitable kind of energy.We will press ahead with deep cuts in emissions to reach the goals that we set for 2020, and eventually 2050.We will continue to promote renewable energy and efficiency, and share new technologies with countries around the world.And we will seize every opportunity for progress to address this threat in a cooperative effort with the entire world.因此,美国在这个问题上步履迟缓的时期结束了。我们将向前迈进,投资于我国能源经济的转型,同时通过鼓励措施使清洁能源变成有益的能源。我们将积极推行大幅度减排,实现我们到2020年要实现的目标,并最终实现2050年的既定目标。我们将继续提倡可再生能源和节能,并同世界各国分享新技术。我们将抓住一切寻求进展的机会,同全世界同心协力应对这一威胁。

And those wealthy nations that did so much damage to the environment in the 20th century must accept our obligation to lead.But responsibility does not end there.While we must acknowledge the need for differentiated responses, any effort to curb carbon emissions must include the fast-growing carbon emitters who can do more to reduce their air pollution without inhibiting growth.And any effort that fails to help the poorest nations both adapt to the problems that climate change have already wrought and help them travel a path of clean development simply will not work.对于所有在20世纪给环境造成了如此严重破坏的富裕国家,我们必须尽自己的义务,率先采取行动。但责任不限于此。尽管我们必须承认,应对行动应该区别对待,但任何限制碳排放的努力都必须将碳排放量增长迅速的国家包括在内,这些国家能在不阻碍发展的情况下为降低空气污染做出更多的努力。任何方案都需要一方面帮助最贫困的国家应对气候变化已经造成问题,另一方面帮助它们走上清洁发展的道路。如果无法两者兼顾,则根本无法取得成效。

It's hard to change something as fundamental as how we use energy.I know that.It's even harder to do so in the midst of a global recession.Certainly, it will be tempting to sit back and wait for others to move first.But we cannot make this journey unless we all move forward together.As we head into Copenhagen, let us resolve to focus on what each of us can do for the sake of our common future.改变我们使用能源的方式是一个基本问题,做到这一点并不容易。我知道这一点。在全球陷入衰退的时期这样做,甚至更加困难。当然,难免会有坐等他人首先采取行动的想法。但除非我们所有的人共同行动,否则就无法踏上这一征程。在我们准备出席哥本哈根(Copenhagen)会议之际,让我们痛下决心,集中精力去做我们每个人能为我们共同的未来所做的事情。And this leads me to the final pillar that must fortify our future: a global economy that advances opportunity for all people.现在,我将谈到支撑我们的未来的最后一个要素:为所有的人增进机会的全球经济。

The world is still recovering from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.In America, we see the engine of growth beginning to churn, and yet many still struggle to find a job or pay their bills.Across the globe, we find promising signs, but little certainty about what lies ahead.And far too many people in far too many places live through the daily crises that challenge our humanity--the despair of an empty stomach;the thirst brought on by dwindling water supplies;the injustice of a child dying from a treatable disease;or a mother losing her life as she gives birth.全世界经历了自大萧条(Great Depression)以来最严重的一场经济危机,目前还在复苏之中。在美国,我们看到增长的引擎开始转动,但很多人仍然找不到工作,入不敷出。在全球各地,我们看到了可喜的迹象,但前景仍无定数。在太多的地方,有太多的人每天都生活在挑战人生的艰辛之中——饥肠辘辘,顿生绝望;供水短缺,干渴难熬;疾病可治,但患病儿童却死于不公正;或者出现产妇在生育过程中死亡的惨剧。

In Pittsburgh, we will work with the world's largest economies to chart a course for growth that is balanced and sustained.That means vigilance to ensure that we do not let up until our people are back to work.That means taking steps to rekindle demand so that global recovery can be sustained.And that means setting new rules of the road and strengthening regulation for all financial centers, so that we put an end to the greed and the excess and the abuse that led us into this disaster, and prevent a crisis like this from ever happening again.在匹兹堡(Pittsburgh),我们将同全世界最大的经济体共同开辟一条均衡的、可持续增长的道路。这意味着高度负责,毫不松懈,直到我们的人民获得重新就业。意味着采取措施重新促进需求,保证全球复苏持续进行。这还意味着确立新的行为准则,并增强对所有金融中心的监管,以便铲除将我们带进这场灾难的贪婪、无节制和渎职行为,杜绝这样的危机再度发生。

At a time of such interdependence, we have a moral and pragmatic interest, however, in broader questions of development--the questions of development that existed even before this crisis happened.And so America will continue our historic effort to help people feed themselves.We have set aside $63 billion to carry forward the fight against HIV/AIDS, to end deaths from tuberculosis and malaria, to eradicate polio, and to strengthen public health systems.We are joining with other countries to contribute H1N1 vaccines to the World Health Organization.We will integrate more economies into a system of global trade.We will support the Millennium Development Goals, and approach next year's summit with a global plan to make them a reality.And we will set our sights on the eradication of extreme poverty in our time.然而,在这个如此相互依存的时代,我们在更宽泛的发展问题上有着道义上和实际的利益——有关发展的种种问题在这场危机爆发前就已经存在。因此,美国将继续发扬历史传统,帮助人民吃饱穿暖。我们已拨款630亿美元继续进行防治艾滋病病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)的工作,挽救结核病和疟疾患者的生命,根治小儿麻痹症,并增强公共医疗体制。我们同其他国家共同向世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)捐赠H1N1疫苗。我们将帮助更多的经济体加入全球贸易体系。我们将支持千年发展目标,并将在明年的峰会上提出一项实现这些目标的全球计划。我们还将力争在我们这个时代根除极端贫困的现象。

Now is the time for all of us to do our part.Growth will not be sustained or shared unless all nations embrace their responsibilities.And that means that wealthy nations must open their markets to more goods and extend a hand to those with less, while reforming international institutions to give more nations a greater voice.And developing nations must root out the corruption that is an obstacle to progress--for opportunity cannot thrive where individuals are oppressed and business have to pay bribes.That is why we support honest police and independent judges;civil society and a vibrant private sector.Our goal is simple: a global economy in which growth is sustained, and opportunity is available to all.现在是我们所有的人尽力而为的时候了。只有所有国家都承担起责任,才能实现可持续增长或共同增长。这意味着富裕国家必须向更多的商品开放市场,并向不太富裕的国家伸出援手,同时改革国际机制,使更多的国家拥有更大的发言权。发展中国家必须根除阻碍进步的腐败现象——因为在人民遭受压迫、工商企业不得不行贿的地方不会出现机遇。这因为如此,我们支持廉正的警察和独立的法官;支持公民社会和一个欣欣向荣的民营部门。我们的目标简单明了:全球经济实现可持续增长,让所有的人都享有机会。

Now, the changes that I've spoken about today will not be easy to make.And they will not be realized simply by leaders like us coming together in forums like this, as useful as that may be.For as in any assembly of members, real change can only come through the people we represent.That is why we must do the hard work to lay the groundwork for progress in our own capitals.That's where we will build the consensus to end conflicts and to harness technology for peaceful purposes, to change the way we use energy, and to promote growth that can be sustained and shared.然而,实现我今天谈到的种种变革不可能一蹴而就。这些变革也不可能仅仅因为我们这些领导人在这里举行会议就能实现,尽管这些会议能发挥有益的作用。因为不论什么组织举行什么样的会议,真正的变革只能通过我们代表的人民才能得到实现。这也是为什么我们必须艰苦努力,在我们各国首都为取得进展奠定基础。这就构成了我们达成共识的基础,从而可以结束冲突,从而可以为和平的目的利用技术,从而可以改变我们使用能源的方式,从而可以促进可持续的共同增长。

I believe that the people of the world want this future for their children.And that is why we must champion those principles which ensure that governments reflect the will of the people.These principles cannot be afterthoughts--democracy and human rights are essential to achieving each of the goals that I've discussed today, because governments of the people and by the people are more likely to act in the broader interests of their own people, rather than narrow interests of those in power.我相信,全世界人民都希望为自己的孩子争取这样的未来。这也是我们必须捍卫上述原则的原因,因为这些原则要求各国政府必须体现人民的意志。这些原则并非可有可无—民主和对于实现我今天谈到的各项目标必不可少,因为民有和民治的政府更有可能根据本国人民更广泛的利益采取行动,不必屈从于当权者狭隘的利益。

The test of our leadership will not be the degree to which we feed the fears and old hatreds of our people.True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home.The people of the world want change.They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history.对我们领导能力的检验不表现于助长人民的恐惧感和深仇宿怨。衡量真正领导能力的尺度不是压制异己或恫吓骚扰国内政治反对派的力量。世界人民希望变革。他们不会长期忍耐与历史背道而驰的人。

This Assembly's Charter commits each of us--and I quote--“to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women.” Among those rights is the freedom to speak your mind and worship as you please;the promise of equality of the races, and the opportunity for women and girls to pursue their own potential;the ability of citizens to have a say in how you are governed, and to have confidence in the administration of justice.For just as no nation should be forced to accept the tyranny of another nation, no individual should be forced to accept the tyranny of their own people.(Applause.)


As an African American, I will never forget that I would not be here today without the steady pursuit of a more perfect union in my country.And that guides my belief that no matter how dark the day may seem, transformative change can be forged by those who choose to side with justice.And I pledge that America will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights--for the student who seeks to learn;the voter who demands to be heard;the innocent who longs to be free;the oppressed who yearns to be equal.作为一个非洲裔美国人,我决不会忘记,若不是我的国家对一个更加完美的联邦的坚定追求,我今天不会站在这里。它使我相信,无论眼前看似多么黑暗,选择站在正义一边的人们是能够促成变革的。我保证,美国将永远同捍卫自身尊严与权利的人们在一起——同努力求学的学生;同要求发出声音的选民;同渴望自由的无辜者;同期盼平等的受压迫人。Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside.Each society must search for its own path, and no path is perfect.Each country will pursue a path rooted in the culture of its people and in its past traditions.And I admit that America has too often been selective in its promotion of democracy.But that does not weaken our commitment;it only reinforces it.There are basic principles that are universal;there are certain truths which are self-evident--and the United States of America will never waver in our efforts to stand up for the right of people everywhere to determine their own destiny.(Applause.)


Sixty-five years ago, a weary Franklin Roosevelt spoke to the American people in his fourth and final inaugural address.After years of war, he sought to sum up the lessons that could be drawn from the terrible suffering, the enormous sacrifice that had taken place.“We have learned,” he said, “to be citizens of the world, members of the human community.”


The United Nations was built by men and women like Roosevelt from every corner of the world--from Africa and Asia, from Europe to the Americas.These architects of international cooperation had an idealism that was anything but naïve--it was rooted in the hard-earned lessons of war;rooted in the wisdom that nations could advance their interests by acting together instead of splitting apart.从非洲到亚洲、从欧洲到美洲——联合国是由世界各地像罗斯福这样的男女志士创建起来的。这些国际合作建筑师们的理想绝非天真,而是基于来之不易的战争教训和这样一个智慧,即各国可以通过一道行动而不是来促进自己的利益。

Now it falls to us--for this institution will be what we make of it.The United Nations does extraordinary good around the world--feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, mending places that have been broken.But it also struggles to enforce its will, and to live up to the ideals of its founding.如今此任降临于我们——这个机构的作用将取决于我们。联合国在全球功绩卓著——解饥救病,修复创伤。但是,联合国也在贯彻自身意愿和实践奠基理念的过程中步履艰难。

I believe that those imperfections are not a reason to walk away from this institution--they are a calling to redouble our efforts.The United Nations can either be a place where we bicker about outdated grievances, or forge common ground;a place where we focus on what drives us apart, or what brings us together;a place where we indulge tyranny, or a source of moral authority.In short, the United Nations can be an institution that is disconnected from what matters in the lives of our citizens, or it can be an indispensable factor in advancing the interests of the people we serve.我相信,这些缺憾不能构成背弃这个机构的理由,而是一个要求我们加倍努力的呼唤。联合国这个地方,既能够使我们为宿怨争吵不休,也可以让我们奠定共同基础;既能够使我们盯住分歧不放,也可以让我们携手共进;既能够使人纵容专制,也可以产生道义权威。总之,联合国既可以与事关我们公民性命的事务不相干,也可以成为推动我们为之服务的人民的利益所不可或缺的因素。

We have reached a pivotal moment.The United States stands ready to begin a new chapter of international cooperation--one that recognizes the rights and responsibilities of all nations.And so, with confidence in our cause, and with a commitment to our values, we call on all nations to join us in building the future that our people so richly deserve.我们已到达一个关键时刻。美国为打开国际合作的新篇章作好了准备——这种合作认识到所有国家的权利与责任。因此,满怀对我们事业的信心和对我们价值观的信念,我们呼呼所有国家与我们一道建设一个我们的人民应充分享有的未来。

Thank you very much, everybody.(Applause.)


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