衡水中学生手写英语作文堪比印刷体 网友(范文模版)

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第一篇:衡水中学生手写英语作文堪比印刷体 网友(范文模版)

衡水中学生手写英语作文堪比印刷体 网友:膜拜了!发布时间: 2015-10-09 09:40:13 | 来源: 中国青年网

| 作者:

| 责任编辑: 王静











范文1 To whom it may concern,I’m one of your customers.I ordered a set of Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday.And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn.To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.I’m sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem.I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me.Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint.Looking forward to your reply.Li Hua

范文2 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to make a complaint against your bad delivery service.I’m afraid that the enclosed CD player doesn’t work.It is the third one I’ve got to return this month.Other than the three I’ve had to return recently, I’ve always found your products to be excellent.I would be grateful if you could send a replacement and refund my postage.I look forward to your reply and proper resolution of my problem, and will until the end of this week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau.Please contact me by the address on the envelope or by phone at 6668888.Sincerely, Wang Hua 必背模版句型

I am writing to make a complaint about...我写信是为了投诉……

I am writing to inform you that I find...unsatisfactory.我写信是为了告诉你我发现……令人非常不满意。

I am most reluctant to complain, but...我非常不愿意投诉,但……

One annoying aspect of your service is...你们的服务项目中一个令人不满的地方是……

I have been pleased with your services for years, but now I feel very disappointed.多年来我一直很满意你们的服务,但现在我非常失望。

I would like to draw your attention to the problem/fault..我想让您知道这个问题/错误… I wish to express my dissatisfaction/disappointment about...我想表达我对……的不满/失望。

It would be highly appreciated if you could...如果你能……我将万分感谢。

I trust you will take my complaints seriously and...我相信你会认真对待我的投诉,并且……

I hope you will give due attention to this matter.希望对此事你能给予足够的重视。

I would like to get this matter settled by the end of this month.我希望能在月底解决这事。

I could not be more satisfied if you can kindly...如果你能……我将会非常满意。I would appreciate it very much if you could...如果你能……我将非常感谢。

Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to complain about the recent purchase of a woolen sweater from your department store on Philip Street, on August 25, 2007.I recently washed the sweater in cool water, as per the instructions on the label.However, when I removed it from the machine, the garment was stretched out of shape and no longer fits.I phoned the store last Tuesday(June 21)and spoke to the department manager, a Mr.Morris, who was rather rude on the phone and informed me that I could not get a replacement sweater as it was purchased at a reduced price.I felt really upset, for I have been a loyal customer of your store for many years and until this incident, never have had any complaints.I, therefore, feel disappointed to be treated in such a manner.I would, however, be perfectly satisfied if you would kindly replace the sweater or refund my money, whichever is more convenient.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours truly, Kenny Gao


Dear fellow students, Our school is aiming at building a harmonious school.I think it is everyone’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.What should we do now? First of all, we should be friendly to our classmates and try our best to help each other.Secondly, we should respect and trust our teachers and develop a pleasant relationship with them.At the same time, we should communicate with our parents regularly so that they can know what is happening in our school and what is in our mind.Thirdly, I think , we should protect our environment and keep our school yard clean.We should take care of the equipment in the classroom and the plants in the school yard.Don’t spit and throw rubbish everywhere.Let’s take action from now on.Let’ s work together to live in harmony.Thank you.假如你是李华,你们学校最近开展了创建“平安校园”的活动。你们班为此组织主题班会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你对如何创建“平安校园”的一些想法。短文应该包括下面的内容: 1.安全意识的重要性;2.在运动中要注意安全;3.在校内要注意人身安全; 4.同学间发生矛盾时,一定要保持冷静、理智;


注意:1.不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节使行文连贯;2.词数100个左右; 3.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。注释:校园安全 safety at school My dear classmates, There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life.Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.

第三篇:TOEFL Junior考题难度堪比大学英语四级

上海新航道学校 http://sh.xhd.cn/ TOEFL Junior考题难度堪比大学英语四级 ETS美国教育考试服务中心官方网站的最新消息显示,SLEP考试将从今年6月30日起正式终止,由初中版托福考试(TOEFL Junior)取代。TOEFL Junior不涉及任何专业学科知识,考试内容包括听力、语言形式与含义、阅读理解三部分。新通教育托福名师赖晓安介绍,TOEFL Junior是针对11—15岁学生的英语水平测试,考题会模拟在外国学习的情景,成绩可以与美国中学年级相对接,也更能够体现低龄学子的真实外语能力。


据悉,TOEFL Junior考试时间为110分钟,满分900分,与SLEP考试相比,增加了语言形式与含义部分,对留学生的语言能力要求明显是提高了。TOEFL Junior的词汇量和语法难度要求相当于大学四级的水平。



专家建议,计划参加TOEFL Junior考试的学生要提前1年备考。新通教育托福名师赖晓安建议,语言运用能力比较薄弱的学生,“平时可以多阅读英文原著、多看美剧、多听英文歌曲,或坚持用英语写日记。”

另外,上海新航道学校TOEFL Junior主讲李凯华指出,因为大部分美国中学还没公布停止接受SLEP成绩的具体时间,所以那些已经考取SLEP成绩又不想参加TOEFL Junior考试的学生,最好在今年秋季之前申请入学。


上海新航道学校TOEFL Junior主讲李凯华提醒,要参加哪一类型的出国考试,要看所申请学校的具体要求,如学校如果原本是要求SLEP成绩的,那计划明年到美国读中学的学生最好准备达标的TOEFL Junior成绩了;而如果学校要求必须提供托福成绩的,学生就不能以TOEFL Junior成绩代替托福成绩。李凯华还特别指出,TOEFL Junior也不能替代SSAT成绩。



Dear Lihua,Although I don’t want to say goodbye to you, we have to it's the graduation time.had spent together and you were my best friend.I think you are hard-working.You alwaysyou useless.Just keep smile to life, the lifeI learned lots of things from you, and youchange my life and studies.I hope that we can be friends forever and you can have a good time in high school.By xxx



考后关注》 》


dear sir or madam,i am writing this letter in order to invite you to attend the forthcoming graduation ceremony.the ceremony will be hosted in the auditorium on our campus, at 10 o'clock in the morning on next monday, january 15.it is advisable for you to dress formal.please let us know your decision as soon as possible so that we could send you further details concerned.since you are so popular among us that we sincerely hope you could accept this invitation and give the graduates a wonderful memory of our campus.if you are available, we request the honor of your company.it will be highly appreciated if you could give us an earliest favorable reply.your sincerely, li ming

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