
时间:2019-05-15 08:37:06下载本文作者:会员上传



首先视译英文部分,对照中文译文找出难点与重点,并背诵重点语句; 然后视译汉文部分,尽可能利用英文原句原词,做到学以致用; 最后通读英文部分,进一步消化吸收重点语句。国际青年日致辞






Secretary-General's message on International Youth Day The theme of this year's International Youth Day – “Sustainability: Our Challenge.Our Future” – is a global call to action for young men and women.Our world faces multiple, interconnected crises with severe and far-reaching impacts that fall disproportionately on the young.In 2007, for example, youth comprised 25 per cent of the world's working age population yet accounted for 40 per cent of the unemployed.The global economic downturn means that, in the near term, youth unemployment will continue to climb.Unemployment rates tell only part of the story, especially for the vast majority of youth who live in developing countries.For them, informal, insecure and low-wage employment is the norm, not the exception.Climate change, meanwhile, continues to compromise economies and threaten tremendous upheaval, saddling young people everywhere with an unjust “ecological debt”.This is a potentially

crushing burden.At the same time, I am encouraged by the contributions that young people have made to the debate on climate change mitigation and adaptation.Their views and proposals can help build the momentum necessary to “seal the deal” in Copenhagen later this year.Indeed, young people have proven themselves to be key partners in sustainable development.They have gotten involved in international forums such as the Commission on Sustainable Development, and have helped their Governments and communities to formulate poverty reduction strategies, entrepreneurial schemes and many other policies and initiatives.Young people often lead by example: practicing green and healthy lifestyles, or promoting innovative uses of new technologies, such as mobile devices and on-line social networks.They deserve our full commitment--full access to education, adequate healthcare, employment opportunities, financial services and full participation in public life.On International Youth Day, let us renew our pledge to support young people in their development.Sustainability is the most promising path forward, and youth can lead the way.在世界土著人国际日的致辞






Secretary-General's message on the International Day of the World's Indigenous People The world's indigenous peoples – 370 million in 70 countries--are the custodians of some of the most biologically diverse areas on earth.They speak a majority of the world's languages, and their traditional knowledge, cultural diversity and sustainable ways of life make an invaluable contribution to the world's common heritage.2

The adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General Assembly in 2007 was a landmark in the struggle of indigenous peoples for justice, equal rights and development.There have also been recent welcome steps at the national level;some governments have apologized to indigenous peoples for past injustices, and others have advanced legislative and constitutional reforms.Still, indigenous peoples remain some of the most marginalized populations, suffering disproportionately from poverty and inadequate access to education.Many face discrimination and racism on a daily basis.All too often, their languages face strictures or are threatened with extinction, while their territories are sacrificed for mining and deforestation.Indigenous peoples also tend to suffer from the low standards of health associated with poverty, malnutrition, environmental contamination and inadequate healthcare.With that in mind, this year's observance of the International Day focuses on the threat of HIV/AIDS.It is essential that indigenous peoples have access to the information and infrastructure necessary for detection, treatment and protection.Insufficient progress in health, in particular, points to a persistent and profound gap in many countries between the formal recognition of indigenous peoples' rights and the actual situation on the ground.On this International Day, I call on Governments and civil society to act with urgency and determination to close this implementation gap, in full partnership with indigenous peoples.关于“我们必须裁军”运动的致辞







我已发起一个运动,名为WMD-We Must Disarm(我们必须裁军)。



今年9 月21 日的国际和平日将专门用于推动这一大业。

在此期间,请加入我们在Facebook、MySpace、Twitter 和联合国WMD-We

Must Disarm 网站推出的运动。

大家要为此疾呼。让我们最后一次说服领导人,大规模毁灭性武器只会造成 浪费和带来危险,是徒劳无益的。



Secretary-General's video message for 'We Must Disarm' Campaign Sixty-four years ago, atom bombs rained down on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Upon seeing such horror and devastation, people throughout the world thought such carnage must never happen again.But thousands of nuclear weapons remain in global arsenals.The risk of nuclear terrorism is real.Yet we are also seeing bold steps to limit and eliminate these weapons.The United Nations wants to build on this momentum.I have a vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.And I have a campaign, called WMD--We Must Disarm.We must disarm to save lives.We must disarm so that we can redirect precious resources to health, education and development.This year, the International Day of Peace, on 21 September, is dedicated to this cause.Between now and then, please join our campaign on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and the UN's WMD-We Must Disarm website.Let your voices be heard.Let us convince leaders, once and for all, of the waste, futility and dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction.In the face of this catastrophic threat, our message is clear: Together, we must disarm!Thank you.世界人口日致辞







In the midst of the worst global economic crisis in generations, we must find the most effective ways to continue progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.There is no better path than the focus of this year’s World Population Day: investing in women and girls.As budgets tighten, the crisis threatens to wipe out hard-won progress in improving health and reducing poverty.When household incomes decline, girls are more likely to drop out of school.When profits decline, women are more likely to lose their employment and sources of income.When health systems suffer, women risk childbirth without life-saving services.Even before the crisis, a mother died every minute in pregnancy and childbirth, nearly all in developing countries where the crisis has pushed women deeper into poverty.Investing in girls’ education delivers well-known returns.When girls are educated, they are more likely to earn higher wages and obtain better jobs, to have fewer and healthier children and to enjoy safer childbirth.And investing in women’s health, especially reproductive health, can not only save the lives of half a million mothers, but also unleash an estimated $15 billion in productivity each year.As we commemorate the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development, let us accelerate efforts to achieve universal access to reproductive health by 2015.5

On this World Population Day, I call on decision-makers to protect women’s ability to earn income, keep their daughters in school, and obtain reproductive health information and services, including voluntary family planning.Together, let us advance the rights of women and girls, and empower them as highly productive members of society capable of contributing to economic recovery and growth.There can be no better investment on this day or any other.国际合作社日贺词






Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Cooperatives The first cooperatives were born more than two hundred years ago when rural entrepreneurs and farmers decided to pool resources and help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.Subsequently, retail cooperatives emerged to help poor households escape the debt trap and provide access to better quality goods and services.Cooperatives have since developed in many areas, from manufacturing to financial services, spurred by the desire for a more equitable way of working and doing business.At a time of global economic distress, this history deserves to be more widely known.The theme of this year's observance of the International Day of Cooperatives – “Driving Global Recovery Through Cooperatives” – highlights the value of cooperative enterprise.Cooperatives can strengthen the resilience of the vulnerable.They can help to establish more balanced markets for small farmers and give small entrepreneurs access to financial services.They can

create job opportunities and improve working conditions.The economic model of cooperatives is based not on charity but on self-help and reciprocity.In countries hit by the financial crisis, the cooperative bank and credit union sector expanded lending when other financial institutions had to cut back, easing the impact of the credit freeze on the most vulnerable.This highlights the importance of strong alternative business models and institutional diversity for the resilience of the financial system.Cooperatives deserve greater support.I urge Governments to adopt policies that support the establishment and development of cooperatives.Consumers, too, can help by buying food produced by small-holder cooperatives that is traded in fair markets.In the face of the current economic crisis, communities around the world are rediscovering the critical necessity to work for the common good.On this International Day, I encourage Governments and civil society everywhere to recognize the effectiveness of cooperatives and to engage with them as vital partners for global recovery and achieving internationally agreed development goals.秘书长禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日致辞






Secretary-General's message on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking This year marks the centenary of drug control – 100 years since the Opium Commission met in Shanghai to stop an opium epidemic.In more recent years, United Nations conventions have helped to address the challenge of drug abuse and reduce its terrible toll on individuals, families and communities.Drug abuse can be prevented, treated and controlled.I urge Member States to upgrade their preventive interventions and integrate drug treatment into public health programmes.The World

Health Organization and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime continue to work with Governments and other partners to scale up drug treatment world-wide.I also urge full implementation of the United Nation Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.These instruments can help in the effort to prevent and control drug-related crime that is posing a serious security threat in many parts of the world.Greater development assistance and a strengthening of the rule of law are needed in countries that are vulnerable to the cultivation, production and trafficking of illicit drugs.Absent these essentials, these states risk instability and will face even greater challenges in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.On this International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us join together to help people suffering from drug addiction and to reduce the number of dangerous places on this planet where drugs are produced, trafficked and consumed.支持酷刑受害者国际日致辞





Secretary-General's message on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Despite an impressive legal and institutional framework to prevent it, torture is still widely tolerated or even practiced by Governments, and impunity persists for the perpetrators.The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is an occasion to reaffirm the right of all men and women to live free of the fear of torture.There is no justification for torture

or any form of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment in any society, at any time, under any circumstance.I urge all United Nations Member States that have not yet done so to ratify and implement in good faith the Convention against Torture and the provisions of its Optional Protocol.I also appeal for all Members States to invite the Special Rapporteur on Torture to visit places where persons are deprived of liberty in their country and to extend their cooperation to allow full and unhindered access.This Day is also an opportunity to express solidarity with torture victims and their families, and to reiterate the need for all Governments to commit to full redress and rehabilitation for all victims of such abuses.The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture supports organizations that assist victims of torture and their families.I thank all donors to the Fund and encourage them to continue to support its important work.On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, let us reaffirm the inalienable rights and dignity of all men and women.Let us step up the fight against torture and cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment and punishment, wherever they occur.世界难民日致辞








Around the world, millions of people have been uprooted by violence, persecution and conflict.The majority of these individuals and their families come from the developing world and are also especially vulnerable to the harsh fallout of the unfolding global economic crisis.9

The theme of this year’s observance of World Refugee Day, “real people, real needs”, underscores how much refugees have lost--even their countries--and how much the humanitarian community must do to help them.There are gaps in meeting the basics: shelter, health services, education, food, clean water, sanitation and protection from violence and abuse.Malnutrition levels are frequently higher in displaced populations, as are mortality rates.Single women and girls are especially prone to exploitation.Experience shows that staying in school reduces exposure to such abuse.More resources are needed to build and maintain education facilities for refugees.Addressing these and many other gaps takes commitment and action.Solidarity must be the foundation of our response.This is especially so at a time when the economic crisis is putting pressure on humanitarian and development budgets.On this World Refugee Day, let us ensure that people displaced by conflict, persecution and upheaval get the support and services they need to build a better life.防治荒漠化和干旱世界日致辞

荒漠化和土地退化使三分之一的地球表面受到影响,并对多达10亿人的生计、福祉和发展构成威胁。在长期干旱、饥荒和日益深化的贫穷面前,许多人唯有一种选择:逃离家园。据估计,环境问题造成的移民人数已达到2 400万人。到2050年,这个数字可能增至2亿。




Secretary-General's message on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Desertification and land degradation affect one third of the Earth's surface, threatening the livelihoods, well-being and development of as many as 1 billion people.Faced with long periods of drought, famine and deepening poverty, many have only one option: flight from the land.There are already an estimated 24 million environmentally induced migrants.That number could rise to 200 million by 2050.This year's observance of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought highlights the growing threat to national and regional stability posed by desertification.Nearly one-third of the world's cropland has become unproductive and been abandoned in the past 40 years.Almost three-quarters of rangelands show various symptoms of desertification.Climate change is a contributing factor, but not the only one.In particular, we must reconsider our agricultural practices and how we manage our water resources.Agriculture and the raising of livestock account for 70 per cent of freshwater use and as much as 80 per cent of deforestation.Growing demand for crops for animal feed and biofuels will put further pressure on these scarce resources if not managed sustainably.Current global consumption and production patterns are unsustainable.The consequences will include further global food crises, such as we saw in 2008, and continued desertification, land degradation and periods of drought.As usual, the poor will be the first victims and the last to recover.The recently concluded seventeenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development stressed that desertification and land degradation are global problems that require a global response.In December, world leaders can provide such a response when they meet in Copenhagen to seal a deal on climate change.A comprehensive and equitable agreement to slow down global warming must also help developing countries to adapt to the impacts that are already under way.In particular, it must provide adequate and predictable financing to support improved land management, more efficient water use and sustainable agriculture.On this World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, let us recognize the security risks of letting desertification advance unchecked.Let us also recognize that by combating climate change we can help to reverse desertification, increase agricultural productivity, alleviate poverty and enhance global security.国际和平日倒计时100天致辞





Secretary-General's message to mark the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace The International Day of Peace, observed each year on 21 September, is a global call for ceasefire and non-violence.It is a time to reflect on the horror and cost of war and the benefits of peacefully resolving our disputes.This year, I will use this important day to ask governments and citizens of the world to focus on the important issues of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.The end of the Cold War helped lift the burden of nuclear catastrophe from a generation that had lived under its cloud since the end of the Second World War.Nonetheless, the threat persists, as recent events attest.Unless we vigorously work for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, we will continue to face threats from existing nuclear weapons, as well as additional risks that more States, even terrorists, might acquire and deploy such weapons, potentially annihilating millions of people.This alarming outlook is counterbalanced by a new momentum on the part of world leaders to address the issue of nuclear weapons.The United States and the Russian Federation have signalled a new commitment to cut their nuclear arsenals.Furthermore, the Conference on Disarmament, which includes all States with nuclear arms, has recently broken a decade-long deadlock and agreed to work to resolve some of the key issues related to disarmament and non-proliferation.We must build on this momentum.To that end, I am launching the WMD-WeMustDisarm!Campaign.Over the next 100 days, the United Nations and our partners around the world will work to raise awareness of the true costs and dangers of nuclear weapons.Between now and 21 September, we will issue 100 reasons to disarm, via Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, email, text message, radio and from friend-to-friend.Celebrities will also help us spread the message.And finally, as we observe the International Day of Peace with world leaders gathered in New York for the 64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, I will proclaim one strong, simple message: We Must Disarm!







The first observance of World Oceans Day allows us to highlight the many ways in which oceans contribute to society.It is also an opportunity to recognize the considerable challenges we face in maintaining their capacity to regulate the global climate, supply essential ecosystem services and provide sustainable livelihoods and safe recreation.Indeed, human activities are taking a terrible toll on the world’s oceans and seas.Vulnerable marine ecosystems, such as corals, and important fisheries are being damaged by over-exploitation, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, destructive fishing practices, invasive alien species and marine pollution, especially from land-based sources.Increased sea temperatures, sea-level rise and ocean acidification caused by climate change pose a further threat to marine life, coastal and island communities and national economies.Oceans are also affected by criminal activity.Piracy and armed robbery against ships threaten the lives of seafarers and the safety of international shipping, which transports 90 per cent of the world’s goods.Smuggling of illegal drugs and the trafficking of persons by sea are further examples of how criminal activities threaten lives and the peace and security of the oceans.Several international instruments drawn up under the auspices of the United Nations address these numerous challenges.At their centre lies the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.It provides the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out, and is the basis for international cooperation at all levels.In addition

to aiming at universal participation, the world must do more to implement this Convention and to uphold the rule of law on the seas and oceans.The theme of World Oceans Day, “Our oceans, our responsibility”, emphasizes our individual and collective duty to protect the marine environment and carefully manage its resources.Safe, healthy and productive seas and oceans are integral to human well-being, economic security and sustainable development.世界环境日致辞






Secretary-General's message on World Environment Day The economic and financial turmoil sweeping the globe is a true wake-up call, sounding an alarm about the need to improve upon old patterns of growth and make a transition a new era of greener, cleaner development.The theme of this year's World Environment Day – “Your planet needs you” – is meant to inspire all of us to do our part.The Earth faces the grave threat of climate change.While all countries will suffer, the poor will bear the brunt of the impact.But we also have an opportunity to change course.Crucial climate change talks will take place in Copenhagen in December.Together, we must press governments to “Seal the Deal” for a new climate agreement.14

The world also needs a “Green New Deal” focused on investing in renewable sources of energy, eco-friendly infrastructure and energy efficiency.This will not only create jobs and spur recovery but also help tackle global warming.If we invest even part of the substantial new economic stimulus packages in the green economy, we can turn today's crisis into tomorrow's sustainable growth.Moreover, countries that make the transition to a low-carbon society will reap more than significant environmental benefits;they will be well-placed to share their new technology with others.But our planet needs more than just action by governments and corporations;it needs each of us.Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces in common purpose we can make a tremendous difference.On this World Environment Day, I encourage all people to take concrete steps toward making the planet greener and cleaner.Switch off the lights.Take public transportation.Recycle.Plant a tree.Clean up your local park.Hold corporations responsible for their environmental practices.And urge your government representatives to Seal the Deal in Copenhagen.Secretary-General's message on World No Tobacco Day Every year, some 5.4 million people die from illnesses caused by tobacco consumption – 80 per cent of them in low-and middle-income countries.Up to half of all smokers die from a tobacco-related disease, and science has shown that second-hand smoke harms everyone who is exposed to it.Left unchecked, tobacco-related deaths will rise to more than 8 million by 2030.Lung cancer, heart disease and other tobacco-related illnesses are part of a broader epidemic of non-communicable diseases, which include strokes, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.These diseases have become the world's leading cause of mortality.Sixty per cent of all deaths globally are caused by them, with women being the hardest hit.That we continue to allow such diseases to be caused by tobacco consumption is a global tragedy.It also comes at vast expense.Economies are harmed by the costs of treating of tobacco-caused diseases and by decreased productivity due to illness and premature death, while families whose members die or become ill due to tobacco use endure an unnecessary financial burden.On this World No Tobacco Day, I urge governments everywhere to address this needless threat to public health.维持和平人员国际日致辞

国际社会日益依赖联合国维持和平。维和部署创出了历史新高,部队、文职人员和警察数目共计超过113 000人。








Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Peacekeepers The international community's reliance on United Nations peacekeeping continues to deepen.Deployment is at a record high, with the number of troops, civilians and police totaling more than 113,000.The personnel who serve under the UN flag do so in some of the most difficult and inhospitable areas on earth, where they face instability, disease and violence on a daily basis.These brave men and women have shown tremendous dedication, making a tangible difference in the lives of many while showing to the world the caring and committed face of the United Nations.These efforts often come at high cost to the peacekeepers themselves.In 2008, 132 peacekeepers lost their lives in the line of duty – the highest one-year total in the history of UN peacekeeping.Whether felled by acts of violence, disease or accidents, each left an important legacy.16

The loss of ten women among those who died reminds us that female personnel are playing an increasingly important role in peacekeeping, and that they now shoulder grave risks as well.It has been nearly a decade since the Security Council adopted its landmark Resolution 1325 – the first omnibus text to recognize that women bear the brunt of armed conflicts, and should have a commensurate role in their prevention and resolution.Since then, the United Nations has pressed forward with intensive efforts not only to involve more local women in peacemaking and peacebuilding, but also to recruit more women into our own operations.The point is not to achieve gender parity for its own sake;the imperative is to draw on the unique and powerful contribution women can make.Female blue helmets, human rights monitors and other mission staff offer new skills and styles of functioning in the ever-evolving field of peacekeeping.Often, they can better communicate with local women, generating a greater sense of security while serving as an example of women's empowerment.As the Security Council has acknowledged, women frequently suffer most during conflicts, including from horrific acts of sexual-and gender-based violence.By including female police among our ranks, we foster a safe environment for victims to get the help they need and deserve.And by enabling victims to feel secure enough to come forward and press charges against perpetrators, we fight the culture of impunity that has prevailed for too long.There are still far too few women peacekeepers.With women joining national militaries and police in greater numbers, it is critical that Member States contribute even more female personnel to the United Nations.On this International Day, let us draw on the power of women to strengthen UN peacekeeping while helping women and girls themselves to transform their destinies – and societies – for the better.非洲日的致词






Secretary-General's message on Africa Day Africa Day, which marks the founding in 1963 of the Organization of African Unity, now known as the African Union, is meant to highlight Africa's achievements and to offer an opportunity to take stock of the massive and urgent challenges that remain.At the very time when Africa has achieved several years of sustained economic growth and improved stability, the global economic crisis is having a severe impact.We must protect the continent's poorest and most vulnerable people.The international community must not step back from its commitments.For my part, I will continue to urge effective, coordinated action by world leaders, as well as full support for the Millennium Development Goals and the New Partnership for Africa's Development.Climate change has emerged as a new threat to African development.If we work hard, and agree on deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, we can avoid some of the worst consequences--but not all of them.That is why we must also support adaptation, especially for the poor, who will suffer first – and worst.Most of all, we need leadership and commitment at the highest level to seal a deal at climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December.Africa has also seen a troubling re-emergence of unconstitutional changes of government.This reminds us not only of the need to support democratization, but to strengthen Africa's capacity to maintain peace and security.Toward that end, the UN Security Council is building a closer working relationship with the AU Peace and Security Council.We are also moving ahead with the United Nations Ten-Year Capacity-Building Programme in support of the African Union, especially in the provision of technical support for AU peacekeeping.Indeed, the past year has seen a welcome expansion and consolidation of the strategic partnership between the United Nations and the African Union, including regular dialogue and cooperation between the UN Secretariat and the AU Commission.As we mark Africa Day, I reaffirm the commitment of the entire UN system to supporting Africans in their efforts to build durable peace, security and sustainable development.生物多样性国际日文告


全球化的一个有害副产品是,非本地物种正在危害世界各地的生态系统、生计和经济。仅南非政府每年即支出多达6 000万美元,力图消灭诸如荆树等正不断侵蚀宝贵农田、河流系统和开普植物王国等具有重要经济价值旅游景点的植物。






Secretary-General's message on the International Day for Biological Diversity The global decline in biodiversity remains alarming, despite agreement at the World Summit on Sustainable Development to significantly reduce the rate of loss by 2010.The main causes include deforestation, changes in habitat and land degradation, often linked to the growing impact of climate change.Another threat – the focus of this year's observance of the International Day for Biological Diversity – is the spread of invasive alien species.An unwanted by-product of globalization, non-native species are harming ecosystem services, livelihoods and economies throughout the world.The Government of South Africa alone is spending as much as $60 million per year in an attempt to eradicate plants, such as wattles, that are invading valuable farmland, river systems and economically important tourist sites such as the Cape Floral Kingdom.In the Great Lakes of North America, zebra mussels are affecting shipping, fisheries and electric power generation.Throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean, rats from foreign ships are exterminating indigenous birds.In many countries in Africa, water hyacinth is clogging lakes and rivers, to the detriment of aquatic wildlife and the communities and industries that profit from it.There are many other examples of how invasive alien species can affect native biodiversity, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and even human health.Such threats stand to be exacerbated by the other drivers of biodiversity loss, and climate change in particular.The implications for poverty reduction, sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals are profound.The Convention on Biological Diversity is addressing the threat of invasive alien species by setting global priorities and guidelines, sharing information and expertise, and helping to coordinate international action.The most cost-effective and feasible method of control is prevention.To be successful, this strategy requires collaboration among Governments, economic sectors and non-governmental and international organizations.A country can only prevent invasions if it knows which species may invade, where they may come from and the best management options for dealing with them.Individuals, too, have a responsibility.Abiding by local and international quarantine and customs regulations will prevent the spread of insect pests, weeds and diseases.A simple rule applies: leave living organisms in their natural habitats and bring home only memories.Next year is the International Year of Biological Diversity.Highlights include a high-level segment of the United Nations General Assembly and the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, in Nagoya, Japan.These events will help to shape future strategies to preserve the planet's ecosystems.Controlling invasive alien species and addressing the other causes of biodiversity loss is an increasingly urgent task.I urge all Governments, organizations and individuals to renew their efforts to protect life on Earth.世界电信和信息社会日致辞


在过去20年中,因特网已转变为无与伦比的全球资源,横跨知识与娱乐的世界。因特网目前在亚洲有6亿使用者,在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区有1.3亿使用者,在非洲有5 000万使用者,这种通信手段在不断扩大。它处于我们日益相互连接和网络联通的各个社会的枢纽,驱动着全世界各个经济体,推动贸易和商业,促进更完善的保健、食物生产和教育。在这种阔步迈进中,保障因特网各个至关重要的系统和基础设施免于网络犯罪者的袭击,意义重大。




World Telecommunication and Information Society Day marks the founding of the International Telecommunication Union on 17 May 1865, and commemorates its role in connecting the world.Over the past two decades, the Internet has been transformed into an unmatched global resource that spans the worlds of knowledge and entertainment.Now with more than 600 million users in Asia, 130 million in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 50 million in Africa, it is an ever-expanding means of communication.It lies at the fulcrum of our increasingly interconnected and networked societies, driving the world’s economies, fostering trade and commerce and promoting better health care, food production and education.With these tremendous strides, safeguarding the Internet’s vital systems and infrastructures against attack by cybercriminals has taken on great importance.The theme of this year’s observance is “Protecting Children in Cyberspace”.Children and young people are among the most prolific users of the Internet and mobile devices.As they surf through cyberspace seeking information and entertainment and building social networks, they are also among the most vulnerable to exploitation.Without safeguards, their precious lives are at grave risk in the vicious world of cybercriminals and paedophiles that prey on easy targets.The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes the right to education and access to information, as well as the right to engage in play and recreational activities.The Convention also accords the child protection against all forms of exploitation and inducement to engage in any unlawful activity.It is our duty to ensure that the provisions of the Convention are applied rigorously so that children can safely access the Internet and other online resources without fear of falling prey to unscrupulous predators.The virtual world has exciting possibilities for nurturing children and helping them grow into creative, productive adults.But we must mind the pitfalls that could scar them for life.I urge policy makers and industry leaders to find the means to make the rapidly evolving virtual world safe for everyone.* *** *









Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Families This year's International Day of Families, being commemorated under the theme, “Mothers and Families: Challenges in a Changing World,” focuses on the important role of mothers for families and communities around the world.Mothers play a critical role in the family, which is a powerful force for social cohesion and integration.The mother-child relationship is vital for the healthy development of children.And mothers are not only caregivers;they are also breadwinners for their families.Yet women continue to face major – and even life-threatening – challenges in motherhood.Childbirth, which should be a cause for celebration, is a grave health risk for too many women in developing countries.Improving maternal health is the Millennium Development Goal on which the least progress has been made.A woman in a least-developed country is 300 times more likely to die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications than a woman in a developed country.We must make pregnancy and childbirth safer by enabling health systems to provide family planning, skilled attendance at birth and emergency obstetric care.Violence against women, many of whom are mothers, remains one of the most pervasive human rights violations of our time.It has far-reaching consequences –endangering the lives of women and

girls, harming their families and communities, and damaging the very fabric of societies.Ending and preventing violence against women should be a key priority for all countries.We must also ensure universal access to education.The benefits of educating women and girls accrue not only to individual families but to whole countries, unlocking the potential of women to contribute to broader development efforts.Statistics also show that educated mothers are much more likely to keep their children in school, meaning that the benefits of education transcend generations.As we strive to support mothers in their caregiving work, we should develop and expand family-friendly policies and services, such as child care centres, that would reduce some of the workload placed on women.Women and men alike need stronger public support to share equally in work and family responsibilities.Families built on the recognition of equality between women and men will contribute to more stable and productive societies.We face multiple challenges in our changing world, but one factor remains constant: the timeless importance of mothers and their invaluable contribution to raising the next generation.By rewarding their efforts and enhancing their living conditions, we can secure a better future for all.世界卫生日致词







Secretary-General's message on World Health Day When disaster strikes, well-prepared, functioning medical services are a priority.Floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters can take a terrible toll on human life.So, too, can infectious disease outbreaks and man-made disasters, such as chemical spills or radiation accidents.Hospitals, clinics and other health facilities must react swiftly and efficiently.They must also provide safe havens, and not become disaster zones themselves.When a hospital collapses in an earthquake, burying patients and staff, the human cost multiplies.When an infectious disease spreads because a hospital is poorly ventilated or constructed, or because health care workers lack adequate training, we are failing people at their most vulnerable.To focus attention on these simple but important principles, World Health Day for 2009 has adopted the campaign slogan: ”Save lives.Make hospitals safe in emergencies“.It is a global call to action for countries to work to prepare their health systems for emergencies.Collaboration between different United Nations entities and other international actors is crucial to helping countries to achieve this goal.The World Disaster Reduction Campaign for 2008? has pooled the efforts of the World Health Organization, the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the World Bank towards making health facilities more able to stand up to cyclones, earthquakes and other hazards.We must protect public health by designing and building health care facilities that are safe from natural disasters.We must also ensure they are not targeted during conflicts.Health care workers must be trained to work safely in emergencies, so they can save lives, rather than becoming victims themselves.And we must guarantee the continuity of the health services that a community relies on, such as immunizations, dialysis and the delivery of babies, once the immediate emergency has passed.We cannot prevent all disasters.But we can work together to ensure that when they occur, hospitals and other health facilities are ready and able to save lives.在国际提高地雷意识和协助地雷行动日发表的致辞






Secretary-General's message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action I have visited many countries that face the scourge of landmines.I have seen the devastation caused by these indiscriminate weapons, which hamper reconstruction, damage the environment and cause grievous injuries and death for decades after conflicts end.Conditions may vary from Iraq to Sudan, from Lebanon to Zimbabwe, from Afghanistan to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.What doesn't change is the threat to life and limb.Facing these dangerous conditions, mine action workers risk their lives to rid land and roads of mines.Over the past two decades, United Nations assistance in mine action has reached more than 50 countries and territories.Recently, United Nations mine action specialists were among the first international workers to resume humanitarian activities in Gaza, where explosive remnants of war pose significant threats Beyond removing weapons, mine action means ensuring a safe environment for civilians, developing local capacity and restoring dignity to survivors through job opportunities and other reintegration programmes.Mine action also means adherence to the relevant legal instruments, including the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention, Protocol V on explosive remnants of war and the recently adopted Convention on Cluster Munitions.The Second Review Conference of the Mine Ban Convention, to be held later this year in Cartagena, Colombia, offers an opportunity to renew commitment to the treaty and to mine action efforts around the globe.My fervent hope is that the world will one day be free from the threats caused by landmines and explosive remnants of war.But it will take concerted collective efforts on all fronts to realize this goal.On this International Day, let us renew our commitment to carrying out this life-saving work.世界提高自闭症意识日致辞



我看到那些坚持不懈地为实现这一目标而努力的充满爱心的人们能够达到什么样成就。去年,摇滚乐队Rudely Interrupted在联合国举办了音乐会,这个乐队成员均为残障人士,包括自闭症患者。他们的演唱充满温情、打动人心,全场为他们起立鼓掌,通过他们的演出带来的纯粹的快乐,他们表明了残障人士能够为世界做出怎样的贡献。

主唱歌手Rory Burnside的话尤其令人深受启发。他说“我对患有某种残疾的儿童的忠告是:不要让残障挡住你的路。将残障变成你的优势;不要让它成为你的劣势。一个红灯之后可能是一连串绿灯,间或有几个黄灯。红灯不过是小小的考验而已。绿灯和黄灯肯定多于红灯”。


Secretary-General's message on World Autism Awareness Day By designating 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day, the United Nations General Assembly has helped to galvanize international efforts to promote greater understanding about autism.This year's observance is being marked with lectures, briefings, screenings, musical performances, video conferences, art installations and other activities carried out by the UN family and a full constellation of partners.I welcome this growing international chorus of voices calling for action to enable children and persons with autism to lead full and meaningful lives.This is not a far-off dream;it is a reality that can be attained by promoting positive perceptions about autism as well as a greater social understanding of this growing challenge.I have seen what caring people who work tirelessly for this goal can achieve.Last year, the United Nations hosted a rock concert by Rudely Interrupted, whose members have various disabilities, including on the autism spectrum.They brought the audience to its feet with warm, communicative songs and showed, through the sheer joy of their performance, how much people with disabilities can offer the world.The words of lead singer Rory Burnside were especially inspiring.“My advice”, he said, “to kids who have some form of disability is: don't let it stop you.Use it as your strength;don't use it as your weakness.One red light can lead to a whole bunch of green lights, with a few orange lights thrown in.And the red lights are just a bit of a test.There are definitely more green and orange”.On World Autism Awareness Day, let us capture and share this spirit, and let us intensify global efforts to ensure that children and persons with autism everywhere can benefit from the supportive environment they need to reach their full potential and contribute to society.在奴隶制和跨大西洋奴隶贸易受害者国际纪念日的致辞



尽管奴隶制已经正式废除,但种族主义仍沾污着我们的世界。而且,当代形式的奴隶制,包括债役奴役,强迫卖淫,利用儿童从事战争和国际毒品贸易,也在沾污着我们的世界。我们必须站出来大声疾呼,反对这种恶行。《世界人权宣言》指出: “人皆生而自由;在尊严和权利上均各平等。” 不遵守这一基本原则,就直接导致惨无人道的奴役和恐怖的种族灭绝。


United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: ”Racism Still Pollutes Our World“ Message on the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 25 March 2009 VIENNA, 25 March(UN Information Service)and continue to fight-for justice, assimilation and respect.The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery.Estimates vary of how many millions of men and women were transported, but what is not in dispute is the legacy of this vile traffic.Africa has yet to recover from the ravages

of the slave trade or the subsequent era of colonization.And, across the Atlantic, and in Europe and elsewhere, people of African descent still struggle daily against entrenched prejudice that keeps them disproportionately in poverty.Despite the official abolition of slavery, racism still pollutes our world.So too do contemporary forms of slavery, including bonded servitude, forced prostitution, and the use of children in warfare and the international drug trade.It is essential that we speak out loud and clear against such abuses.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that ”all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.“ Failure to observe this fundamental principle leads directly to the inhumanity of slavery and the horror of genocide.Speaking out is the theme of this year's observance.It asks us to ”Break the Silence, Beat the Drum".Since the dawn of humanity in Africa, drums have provided the pulse of our history, and they continue to help us celebrate our common humanity.Today I urge everyone, everywhere, to beat the drum to proclaim that black or white, man or woman, we are one people.When musicians play, they pay attention to each other while playing their own parts.We must follow their lead.We can achieve harmony only if we respect each other, rejoice in our diversity, and work together for our common goals.世界防治结核病日致辞






Secretary-General's message on World TB Day The steps being taken around the world to stop tuberculosis(TB)are having an impact.Today, the epidemic is continuing its decline.But the rate of decline is far too slow, and TB still

takes a life every 20 seconds.Millions of people are benefiting from treatment through coordinated national efforts, but millions more are still missing out.Unless we accelerate action, the numbers of those falling ill will continue to grow.Together, we need to help prevent infection, find all people who are ill far earlier and provide treatment for all.We have a Stop TB Strategy that can do this and a Global Plan to Stop TB that sets the course, but our efforts are falling short.We must redouble our efforts to fight multidrug-resistant(MDR-TB)and extensively drug-resistant(XDR-TB)forms of TB.We must also continue to fight the TB/HIV co-epidemic.I welcome the commitment of governments, multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, foundations and members of the corporate, academic and research communities working to halt and reverse the spread of the disease and stay on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.In this time of economic crisis, we must protect investments in global health, particularly to protect the most vulnerable.Global cooperation in fighting tuberculosis, and all the Millennium Development Goals, must be essential to our task ahead.As we look to the future, we need to build and expand our partnerships to deliver the solutions we know work today.We also need to innovate so we can prevent disease, save lives and enable communities to thrive.世界水日致辞






Water is our most precious natural resource.More than ever we need to work together to use it wisely.While the world’s growing population is consuming more freshwater, climate change is making less water available in many regions as glaciers recede, rainfall becomes less predictable, and floods and droughts become more extreme.Managing water carefully and balancing the varied needs for it is vital.Much of the planet’s water, above or below ground, is shared.Forty per cent of the world’s people live in one of 263 basins that are shared by two or more countries.Concern over the possibility of violent disputes features regularly in discussions about sharing limited water resources.But while the potential exists for water to act as a catalyst for conflict between States and communities, precedent suggests that the opposite is actually what happens.Cooperation, not conflict, is the most common response by people facing competing demands.Under the theme “Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities”, World Water Day this year highlights how transboundary water resources can act as a unifying force.Worldwide, there are at least 300 international water agreements, often among parties that are otherwise at odds.These agreements demonstrate the potential of shared water resources to foster trust and promote peace.Political will, a flexible policy framework, strong institutions and an inclusive approach will help us build on this foundation for the benefit of all.On this World Water Day, I urge governments, civil society, the private sector and all stakeholders to recognize that our collective future depends on how we manage our precious and finite water resources.消除种族歧视国际日献词






On this day in 1960, 69 peaceful protestors were gunned down by police in the South African township of Sharpeville as they demonstrated peacefully against the apartheid “pass laws”.Many more – including women and children – were wounded.A wave of revulsion washed round the world.By proclaiming 21 March as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the General Assembly wished to honour the memory those who were massacred and to condemn racism.Since then, the apartheid system in South Africa has been dismantled.Racist laws and practices have been abolished in many countries, and we have built an international framework for fighting racism, guided by the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.The Convention is now nearing universal ratification, yet still, in all regions, too many individuals, communities and societies suffer from the injustice and stigma that racism brings.Next month, government and civil society representatives will meet in Geneva to review progress since the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, in Durban.In the years since, the world has witnessed a disturbing rise in reports of hatred and bigotry, linked in part to terrorism and increasing migration.The Review Conference is a timely opportunity for countries to share experiences, identify best practices and reaffirm their commitment to the battle against racism.Racism exists in all countries, and I urge all countries to work together in the struggle against it.The first article of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights affirms that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination reminds us of our collective responsibility for promoting and protecting this ideal.Together, we must strengthen our common endeavour to put an end to racial discrimination and xenophobia wherever it occurs.国际妇女节致辞







“联合起来制止暴力侵害妇女行为”运动鼓励男女携手合作,反对暴力侵害妇女行为。我们只有通过共同行动,才能创造更加平等与和平的社会。值此国际妇女节之际,让我们大家下定决心,有所作为。Message on INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY

One year ago, I launched a campaign calling on people and governments the world over to unite to end violence against women and girls.The campaign will run through 2015, the target date for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.The link with the Goals is clear.We must stop the habitual and socially ingrained violence that mars lives, destroys health, perpetuates poverty and prevents us from achieving women’s equality and empowerment.Violence against women is also linked to the spread of HIV/AIDS.In some countries, as many as one in three women will be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime.Women and girls are also systematically and deliberately subject to rape and sexual violence in war.Violence against women stands in direct contradiction to the promise of the United Nations Charter to “promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.” The consequences go beyond the visible and immediate.Death, injury, medical costs and lost employment are but the tip of an iceberg.The impact on women and girls, their families, their communities and their societies in terms of shattered lives and livelihoods is beyond calculation.Far too often, crimes go unpunished, and perpetrators walk free.No country, no culture, no woman, young or old, is immune.Increasingly, men, too, are speaking out against this stain on our society.Global examples include the White Ribbon Campaign and the V-Day Campaign’s “V-Men” counterpart.And at community workshops, men are teaching other men that there is another way and that “real men don’t hit women”.32

Changing mindsets and the habits of generations is not easy.It must involve all of us – individuals, organizations and governments.We must work together to state loud and clear, at the highest level, that violence against women will not be tolerated, in any form, in any context, in any circumstance.We need economic and social policies that support women’s empowerment.We need programmes and budgets that promote non-violence.We need a positive image of women in the media.We need laws that say violence is a crime, that hold perpetrators accountable and are enforced.The “Unite to End Violence against Women” campaign encourages men and women to join hands to oppose violence against women.Only by acting together can we create more equal and peaceful societies.Let us all, on this International Women’s Day, resolve to make a difference.秘书长在国际缅怀大屠杀受害者纪念日的致词











United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “Let Us Remember the Victims of the Holocaust by Reaffirming Our Faith in the Dignity and Equal Rights of all Members of the Human Family”

Message on the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, 27 January 2009

Today we remember the millions of victims of the Nazis – nearly one third of the Jewish people and countless other minorities – who suffered atrocious acts of discrimination, deprivation, cruelty and murder.New initiatives in Holocaust remembrance and education have given us an authentic basis for hope.That hope is the theme of this year’s observance.But we can and must do more if we are to make that hope a reality.We must continue to examine why the world failed to prevent the Holocaust and other atrocities since.That way, we will be better armed to defeat anti-Semitism and other forms of intolerance.We must continue to teach our children the lessons of history’s darkest chapters.That will help them do a better job than their elders in building a world of peaceful coexistence.We must combat Holocaust denial, and speak out in the face of bigotry and hatred.And we must uphold the standards and laws that the United Nations has put in place to protect people and fight impunity for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.Our world continues to be plagued by ruthless violence, utter disregard for human rights, and the targeting of people solely for who they are.On this fourth International Day of Commemoration, let us remember the victims of the Holocaust by reaffirming our faith in the dignity and equal rights of all members of the human family.And let us pledge to work together to turn today’s hope into tomorrow’s better future.34



首先视译英文部分,对照中文译文找出难点与重点,并背诵重点语句; 然后视译汉文部分,尽可能利用英文原句原词,做到学以致用; 最后通读英文部分,进一步消化吸收重点语句。

国际青年日致辞 2010年8月12日






THE SECRETARY-GENERAL---MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY 12 August 2010 This year‘s commemoration of International Youth Day also marks the launch of the International Year of Youth, under the theme ―Dialogue and Mutual Understanding‖.Today‘s challenging social and economic environment warrant a special focus on youth.Eighty-seven per cent of people aged 15 to 24 live in developing countries.The global economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on young people;they have lost jobs, struggled to find even low-wage employment and seen access to education curtailed.As economies slowly begin to stabilize, the needs of young people should be paramount.This is a moral imperative and a developmental necessity.But it is also an opportunity: the energy of youth can ignite faltering economies.I am regularly inspired by the good will, talent and idealism of the young people I meet across the world.They are making important contributions to our work to eradicate poverty, contain the spread disease, combat climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.I call on Member States to increase their investments in young people so they can do even more.During the International Year, the United Nations and its youth organization partners will focus on the need to encourage dialogue and understanding across generations, cultures and religions.In a world in which different peoples and traditions are coming into closer, more frequent contact than ever before, it is crucial that young people learn how to listen intently, empathize with others, acknowledge divergent opinions, and be able to resolve conflicts.Few endeavors are more important than nurturing these skills, and educating young people about human rights, for in them we not only see the next generation of leaders, but also crucial stakeholders of today.Let us also recognize that older generations themselves stand to learn a great deal from the experiences and examples of young people as they come of age in a world of accelerating interconnectedness.As we launch this International Year, let us acknowledge and celebrate what youth can do to build a safer, more just world.Let us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their future and ours.秘书长

国际青年日致词 2008 年8 月12 日

气候变化的科学很复杂,但事实却很简单:我们的世界将遇到麻烦。我去 年访问南极时看到了这一点,因为南极年代久远的冰体融化的速度远远超过了我们的预料。如果不予以解决,气候变化会损害已经在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展,还可能对和平与安全造成严重影响。除非我们彻底改变我们的生活方式,否则2008 年时的青年人到了我这样年纪之的时候世界将很可能成为很不宜居住之地。



值此国际青年日之际,我敦促世界各地的青年人投入他们的精力和智慧,建成一个更安全、更可持续的星球。THE SECRETARY-GENERAL--MESSAGE FOR INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY 12 August 2008 Though the science of climate change is complex, the facts are simple: our world is heading towards trouble.I saw this last year when I visited the Antarctic, where age-old ice is melting much faster than we originally thought it would.Left unaddressed, climate change could cause an unravelling of the progress that has been made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and could also have serious implications for peace and security.Unless we make radical changes in the way we live, by the time the youth of 2008 reach my age, the world may well have become a rather inhospitable place.The theme for this year‘s observance of International Youth Day is ―Youth and climate change: time for action‖.Today‘s young people will bear the consequences of climate change, thanks to the unfortunate legacy of their elders.In many developing countries in particular, youth--especially girls and young women--are often responsible for farming, finding water and collecting fuel wood.These tasks will be rendered more difficult – and will take even more time away from education or productive activities – as climate change affects the availability of water, agricultural productivity and the survival of ecosystems.Yet young people are also well placed to contribute to the fight even now.They are adept at spreading new habits and technologies.They are adaptable and can quickly make lowcarbon lifestyles and career choices a part of their daily lives.Youth should therefore be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels.And they can actively support initiatives that will lead to the passage of far-reaching legislation.We will need the spirit of youth in abundance as the world seeks to embrace cleaner, more sustainable forms of energy, including renewable resources.The transition to a low-carbon economy that we hope young people will see in their lifetimes offers tremendous opportunities.Not least, economic growth that is fuelled by clean energy and technological innovation will create jobs that could help alleviate the dire global problem of youth unemployment.On this International Youth Day, I urge young people around the world to invest their energies and bright ideas into shaping a safer, more sustainable planet.秘书长国际青年日致辞 2007年8月12日







The United Nations Secretary-General's Message on International Youth Day, 12 August 2007 International Youth Day is an annual opportunity to recognize the world's 1.2 billion young people, to celebrate their achievements, and to push for their participation in all areas of society.This year's commemorationfocuses on the enormous contributions young women and men everywhere can and do make towards national uplift.They are valuable and committed partners in the global effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of cutting poverty and hunger in half by 2015.They remain at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS.And they bring fresh, innovative thinking to longstanding development concerns.Approaching the mid-point of the race to achieve the MDGs, we need their participation more than ever.Their energy and idealism can help make up for lost ground, and achieve our development goals in full and on time.In turn, we must fulfil our obligations to youth.The World Programme of Action for Youth asks Governments to consider the contributions of young persons on all policies affecting them.Governments must honour this commitment.They must also increase the financial, education and technical support made available to young people, and help them realize their potential.Despite growing recognition of their needs, young people in many parts of the world continue to be marginalized and ignored.Their status as a group experiencing disproportionate levels of poverty and unemployment is frequently overlooked.As a result, the young are three times more likely than adults to lack jobs.In fact, while they constitute one fourth of the world's labour force, young people make up almost half of its unemployed.It is high time that we stopped viewing our young people as part of the problem and started cultivating their promise and potential.On this International Youth Day, let us all resolve to invest in and protect our most valuable resource, and give young men and women a fair and full stake in our society, and in its success.2006年8月12日国际青年日 秘书长在国际青年日的献辞





国际社会已经认识到如今专家们称为贫穷年轻化的问题,并使其成为1995年《世界青年行动纲领》的一个优先领域。《纲领》把青年人视为消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标全球努力的平等伙伴。2005年的世界首脑会议重申并加强了政府对发展议程作出的承诺,这为青年人参加解决影响他们的问题的行动开创了新机会。值此国际青年日,让我们抓住机遇,加倍努力支持青年人并释放他们的巨大潜力,为我们大家造福。INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY Message by Kofi A.Annan, UN Secretary General 12 August 2006

The theme of this year's observance of International Youth Day is “Tackling poverty together: young people and the eradication of poverty”.The world's young people, now numbering more than 1 billion, are a major human resource for development, and can be key agents of innovation and positive social change.Yet the scale of youth poverty robs the world of that potential.In a world of great riches, nearly one in five people between the ages of 15 and 24 must eke out an existence on less than one dollar per day, and almost half live on less than two dollars per day.Moreover, while youth make up one fourth of the world's labour force, they account for one half of its unemployed.Labour markets are having difficulty providing stable occupations with good prospects for young people, except for the highly trained.Without decent work, young people are left particularly susceptible to poverty, which in turn complicates access to education and basic health services, further impeding employability.Over the long term, disadvantaged youth will confront steeper obstacles along the path to progress, and may not accrue the assets that commonly come through steady and long-term employment, such as access to assets and resources, strong social networks and decision-making status in the family or community.Our challenge is clear: we must pay more attention to education, and in particular to the transition from education to employment.And the ability of youth to find full and productive employment must be a central objective of national development strategies, including poverty reduction policies.The international community has recognized what experts are now calling the juvenilization of poverty, and made it a priority area in the 1995 World Programme of Action for Youth.The Programme has approached young people as equal partners in the global effort to eradicate poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.Government commitment to the development agenda was renewed and reinforced by the 2005 World Summit, which has opened up a fresh opportunity to engage youth in action on the issues that affect them.On this International Youth Day, let us seize that opportunity, and redouble our efforts to support young people and free up their enormous potential, for the benefit of us all.秘书长国际扫盲日文告 2006年9月8日




只有通过识字后的学文化方案、进一步接受教育和培训的机会、营造使扫盲事业得以兴旺发达的―识字环境‖,使扫盲工作本身经久不衰,识字这一宝贵的赠与才能维系发展。在今天国际扫盲日,让我们作出承诺,加紧开展各项国内和国际努力,在全世界提高识字水平。让我们给予扫盲事业一次改变世界各地人民和社会的真正机会吧。MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY 8 September 2006 Literacy sustains development.That is the theme of this year‘s International Literacy Day.It recognizes that higher literacy rates are essential to economic growth, poverty eradication, social participation and environmental protection.It reminds us that literacy is the platform for developing a society‘s human resources.Literacy begins with primary education, and achieving universal primary schooling by 2015 is one of the Millennium Development Goals.Yet primary education does not reach every child;there are more than 100 million girls and boys who never enrol in school.Even for those who are enrolled, the quality of primary schooling may be so poor that it leads to only a fragile command of basic literacy skills.And while official statistics put the number of illiterate adults at more than 770 million, that figure does not include the millions more who are ill-equipped to deal with everyday needs of learning, understanding and communicating.Clearly, in many parts of the world, development has not yet delivered one of its most important outcomes--more literate and better educated populations.At the same time, those societies are being robbed of the crucial tool for development which literacy represents--a tool that enables people to take advantage of new learning opportunities, respond to changing occupational demands, undertake greater responsibilities, build their way out of poverty and protect themselves against disease--especially HIV/AIDS.Women and girls who are deprived of literacy lack a vital weapon in freeing themselves from inequality and discrimination.As we are reminded by the overall theme of the United Nations Literacy Decade(2003-2012), literacy is freedom.The precious gift of literacy can sustain development only if it is itself sustained--by post-literacy programmes, further opportunities for education and training, and the creation of ―literate environments‖ in which literacy can thrive.On this International Literacy Day, let us pledge to step up national and international efforts for improved literacy levels worldwide.Let us give literacy a real chance to transform individuals and societies around the world.世界土著人民国际日致辞 2010年8月9日





New York, 9 August 2010Secretary-General's message for Nelson Mandela Day Nelson Mandela is a towering figure.He embodies the highest values of humanity, and of the United Nations.His life, his strength and his decency are an example to us all.He fought his oppressors for years.And then, he forgave them.I am lucky enough to have met Nelson Mandela.Like so many others, I was struck by his charisma and charm.But I was most impressed by his humility.When I tried to thank him for his life's work, he replied: ―It was not me.‖ He preferred to talk about what other people had done in the struggle for human rights and dignity.That is just one reason why Nelson Mandela is such an inspiration to millions.He was not backed by money or power.As he constantly reminds us, he is an ordinary man.But he has achieved extraordinary things.Nelson Mandela's accomplishments came at great personal cost to himself and his family.His sacrifice not only served the people of his own nation, South Africa, but made the world a better place for all people, everywhere.Today, on the first Nelson Mandela International Day, we thank him for everything he has done for freedom, for justice and for democracy.He showed the way.He changed the world.We are profoundly grateful.Hiroshima, Japan, 2 August 2010Secretary-General''s message on World Population Day This year, some 60 countries are collecting data and counting people as part of the 2010 census process.A census is the only statistical operation that covers the whole population and all areas of a country.UNFPA – the United Nations Population Fund – and other partners are supporting this massive effort in many parts of the world.Access to good data is a component of good governance, transparency and accountability.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger, and advance education, health and gender equality.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to humanitarian crises.The theme of this year's World Population Day is ―Everyone counts‖.To be counted is to become visible.This is especially important for women and young people.Data that is sorted by gender and age can foster increased responsiveness by national decision-makers to the rights and needs of women and youth and help build a more equitable and prosperous society.It is promising that many countries that were unable to complete a national census in the past have reported success during this current round.The next challenge will be to ensure the data is used to make evidence-based plans and policies that will improve opportunities for current and future generations.On this World Population Day, I call on decision-makers everywhere to make each and every person count.Only by considering the needs of all women and men, girls and boys, can we achieve the Millennium Development Goals and advance the shared values of the United Nations.国际合作社日致辞 2010年7月3日





今天,在我们为2012国际合作社年纪念活动做准备的时候,我鼓励各国政府继续与合作社和民间社会组织合作,共同努力实现国际商定发展目标,包括千年发展目标。通过合作,我们才能真正建设一个更加美好的世界。New York, 3 July 2010Message of the Secretary-General on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

As we prepare for this September's United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals, we must recognize the major impediment to development posed by drug abuse and illicit trafficking.As this year's theme stresses, it is time to ―Think Health, Not Drugs‖.Drug abuse poses significant health challenges.Injecting drug use is a leading cause of the spread of HIV.In some parts of the world, heroin use and HIV have reached epidemic proportions.Drug control – including prevention and measures to reduce the harmful effects of drug use – is therefore an important part of the battle to combat HIV/AIDS.Drugs are a threat to the environment.Coca cultivation destroys vast swathes of Andean rain forest – the lungs of our planet – as well as national parks.Chemicals used to make cocaine poison local streams.The illicit drug trade also undermines governance, institutions and societal cohesion.Drug traffickers typically seek routes where the rule of law is weak.In turn, drug-related crime deepens vulnerability to instability and poverty.To break this vicious circle, it is essential to promote development in drug-growing regions.Our work to achieve the MDGs and fight drugs must go hand-in-hand.In seeking to eradicate illicit crops, we must also work to wipe out poverty.Recent worrying trends – in parts of West Africa and Central America – show how drug trafficking can threaten the security, and even the sovereignty, of states.That is why the United Nations is putting a stronger emphasis on enhancing justice and fighting crime in peace-building and peace-keeping operations.National governments must also do their part.I urge all states to become parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.I also call on states to live up to their commitments, as Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption, to strengthen integrity and reduce the corruption that facilitates the drug trade.On this International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us reaffirm our commitment to this shared responsibility within our communities, and among the family of nations.联合国公共服务日致辞








New York, 23 June 2010Message of the Secretary-General on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Torture is a crime under international law.The prohibition of torture is absolute and unambiguous.Torture cannot be justified under any circumstances whatsoever, whether during a state of war or in response to terrorism, political instability or any other public emergency.And yet, torture is still practiced or tolerated by many States.Impunity persists for the perpetrators.The victims continue to suffer.The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is an occasion to underscore the internationally-recognized right of all men and women to live free from torture.It is an opportunity to reaffirm our collective commitment to prohibit torture and all cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment.I urge all States that have not yet done so to ratify and honour their obligations under the Convention against Torture and the provisions of its Optional Protocol.I also appeal to all States to invite the Special Rapporteur on Torture to visit their prisons and detention facilities, and to allow full and unhindered access to those detained there.In addition, only two additional ratifications are required for the entry into force of the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance.The Convention will reinforce the international legal framework to combat and prevent this heinous practice – which is clearly and historically linked with the practice of torture.I urge those States which have not ratified the Convention to do so as soon as possible.On this Day we also express our solidarity with millions of victims of torture, and reiterate the need for all States to provide justice and rehabilitation for them.I thank donors to the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture and commend the persistent efforts by many NGOs and individuals to alleviate the suffering of these victims.On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, I call on States and people to do their utmost to rid the world of this cruel, degrading and illegal practice.世界难民日









New York, 20 June 2010the lowest number in two decades.The reasons for this include prolonged instability in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and southern Sudan.The theme of this year's observance--―Home‖--highlights the plight of the world's 15 million refugees, more than three-quarters of them in the developing world, who have been uprooted from their homes by conflict or persecution.For many refugees today, rapid urbanization means that home is not a crowded camp run by an international humanitarian organization, but a makeshift shelter in a shantytown, outside a city in the developing world.As these cities continue to experience spectacular growth, refugees are among their most vulnerable residents.They must struggle for the most basic services: sanitation, health and education.The impact of the global financial and economic crisis only increases the threat of marginalization and destitution.We in the humanitarian community must adapt our policies to this changing profile of need.This means working closely with host Governments to deliver services, and intensifying our efforts to resolve conflicts so that refugees can return home.On World Refugee Day, let us reaffirm the importance of solidarity and burden-sharing by the international community.Refugees have been deprived of their homes, but they must not be deprived of their futures.防治荒漠化和干旱世界日 2010年6月17日





New York, 17 June 2010Secretary-General's message for 100-day countdown to International Day of Peace One hundred days from today, the world will mark the International Day of Peace – a day on which armed conflict is meant to be stilled? a day on which we appeal to combatants to observe a ceasefire? a day on which we reaffirm commitment to non-violence and the peaceful resolution of disputes.This year's observance, which takes place on 21 September, focuses on youth and development, under the slogan: ―Peace = Future.‖

Young people already play a crucial role in working for peace.Yet I know they can do even more.So this International Day comes with a challenge for young people everywhere: Expand on your work to build peace.Share your plans and ideas, with creativity and passion.The world's concerns will soon be in your hands.This year, the International Day of Peace coincides with the Summit I am convening to boost progress towards the eight Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).Achieving the goals is essential for ending armed conflict and building sustainable peace.I hope the voices of young people will be heard at the Summit and in the run-up to it.Over the next 100 days, I urge young people to plan projects that can help create the conditions for peace in their communities, in their schools, in their countries.We need your voice and commitment, and we will share your stories with the world.As we start the countdown to the International Day of Peace, we recognize two truths: Only in a peaceful environment will young people realize their full potential – and young people have the potential to start building that peaceful world today.世界海洋日致辞 2010年6月8日




New York, 8 June 2010Secretary-General's Message on World Environment Day Biodiversity, the incredible variety of life on Earth that sustains us, is in peril.Species are becoming extinct at the fastest rate ever recorded.Most of these extinctions are tied to human activities that are polluting and depleting water resources, changing and degrading habitats and altering the global climate.From frogs to gorillas, from huge plants to tiny insects, thousands of species are in jeopardy.The theme of this year's World Environment Day, ―Many Species.One Planet.One Future‖, echoes the call of the International Year of Biodiversity to stop this mass extinction and raise awareness about the vital importance of the millions of species that inhabit our planet's soils, forests, oceans, coral reefs and mountains.Our health, well-being and sustainable future depend on this intricate, delicate web of ecosystems and life.The global host of the 2010 World Environment Day celebration is Rwanda.This small country in the Great Lakes region of Africa is rapidly earning a reputation as a green pioneer.Home to 52 threatened species, including the rare mountain gorilla, Rwanda is showing how environmental sustainability can be woven into the fabric of a country's economic growth.Despite its many challenges, including poverty and widespread land degradation, the ―land of a thousand hills‖ is working to reforest, embrace renewable energies, pursue sustainable agriculture and develop a green vision for the future.This year, Kigali will be the heartbeat of a global, multicultural, intergenerational celebration of our planet, its millions of species and the countless ways in which life on Earth is interconnected.On World Environment Day, I appeal to everyone – from Kigali to Canberra, from Kuala Lumpur to Quito – to help us sound the alarm.Get involved, speak out.Learn and teach others.Show leadership and help clean up.Reconnect with nature, our life force.Together, we can develop a new vision for biodiversity: Many Species.One Planet.One Future.世界无烟日致辞 2010年5月31日








New York, 31 May 2010Secretary-General's message on the International Day for Biological Diversity The planet's species and habitats, and the goods and services they provide, form the basis of our wealth, our health and our well-being.Yet, despite repeated global commitments to protect this heritage, the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.Biodiversity loss is moving ecological systems ever closer to a tipping point beyond which they will no longer be able to fulfil their vital functions.Communities everywhere will reap the negative consequences, but the poorest people and the most vulnerable countries will suffer most.Seventy per cent of the world's poor live in rural areas, and depend directly on biodiversity for their daily sustenance and income.This is among the reasons why the target set by world leaders in 2002--to substantially reduce biodiversity loss by 2010--was integrated into the Millennium Development Goals.The deadline has arrived, yet the deterioration of our natural resources continues apace.To refocus attention on this challenge, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity.Later this year, the Assembly will hold a special high-level meeting, back-to-back with the September MDG Summit, to provide much-needed impetus to the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit in October.The goal is a new vision for biodiversity.That new vision must promote the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits from its use.It must also recognize the close links between our natural capital and our development objectives, a point reflected in the theme for this year's International Day for Biological Diversity, ―biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation‖.In this International Year of Biodiversity, let us reflect on the root causes of biodiversity decline and take action to arrest it.Let us adjust policies and mind-sets to reflect the true value of species and habitats.Let us recognize that biodiversity is life – our life.Let us act now to preserve it, before it is too late.世界电信和信息社会日致辞 2010年5月17日








New York, 17 May 2010Secretary-General Message on International Day of Families This year's commemoration of the International Day of Families focuses on the impact of migration on families around the world.Rising social and economic disparities create both pressures and incentives for people to leave their homes in search of better opportunities.Many migrate out of necessity due to poverty, unemployment, political or armed conflicts or violations of human rights.Parents migrate to improve the well-being of their children and other extended family members.In host countries, men and women can earn a better living and send income to family members back home.Migrants contribute to the economy of the host country, while also enriching the social and cultural fabric.Women migrant workers can gain independence and autonomy, becoming positive role models for others.Despite its many benefits, migration also places heavy burdens on family members.Migrants can face harsh living conditions, discrimination and low wages.They often lack safety nets, and suffer disproportionately in times of economic hardship.Unemployment can push many to the bottom rung of societies.Children of migrants can face a number of emotional and economic challenges unique to their circumstances, in particular a greater vulnerability to human trafficking, child labour and violence.To make the most of the benefits of migration, Governments should implement policies that help migrants adapt and prosper in their host countries.I call on those states that have not yet done so to ratify and implement the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.On this International Day of Families, let us renew our commitment to efforts that help and support migrant families around the world.世界新闻自由日致辞 2010年5月3日,纽约











New York, 3 May 2010Secretary-General's message on International Mother Earth Day Mother Earth – our only home – is under pressure.We are making progressively unreasonable demands on her, and she is showing the strain.For all of human history we have depended on nature's bounty for sustenance, well-being and development.Too often we have drawn on nature's capital without putting back.We are now beginning to see the consequences of failing to safeguard our investment.Climate change and the depleted ozone layer are among the starkest examples.Biological diversity--the incredible variety of life on Earth that sustains us--is in rapid decline.Freshwater and marine resources are increasingly polluted;soils and once-prolific fisheries are growing barren.The impact of our neglectful stewardship is being felt most by the world's most vulnerable people: those who live on the desert margins;indigenous communities;the rural poor;the inhabitants of the squalid slums of the world's expanding megacities.If they are to break out of the poverty trap and prosper, they need – at the very minimum – fertile land, clean water and adequate sanitation.Environmental sustainability – the wise management of Mother Earth's bounty – is one of eight Millennium Development Goals adopted a decade ago by United Nations Member States.The deadline for achieving the goals is 2015.This September, I will convene a summit in New York to review progress towards the MDGs and develop an agenda for action – a practical, results-oriented plan, with concrete steps and timelines.Protecting Mother Earth must be an integral component of our strategy.Without a sustainable environmental base, we will have little hope of attaining our objectives for reducing poverty and hunger and improving health and human well-being.For these reasons and more, the General Assembly has proclaimed that each year on 22 April we will observe International Mother Earth Day.I call on all governments, businesses and citizens of the world to give our Mother Earth the respect and care she deserves.世界卫生日致辞——―城市卫生问题至关重要‖ 2010年4月7日






New York, 7 April 2010Secretary-General's message on International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action Landmines and explosive remnants of war continue to inflict a terrible toll.These indiscriminate weapons cause grievous injuries and death, hamper reconstruction in post-conflict zones, damage the environment, and are an obstacle to socioeconomic and development activities long after conflicts have ended.They clog roads in Afghanistan, Sudan, Cambodia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.They block access to schools and to hospitals in Laos, Gaza and Nepal.But our work in this sector continues every hour of every day--and it is a success story.Over the past two decades, United Nations assistance in mine action has reached more than 60 countries and territories.In addition to removing weapons, mine action efforts develop local capacity, restore the dignity of survivors and build safe environments for civilians, affected communities and United Nations peacekeepers.Such actions make an invaluable contribution to our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.Our mine action work also involves promoting universal adherence to all relevant legal instruments, including the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention, Protocol V on explosive remnants of war, and the Convention on Cluster Munitions the latter will enter into force on 1 August 2010.The Second Review Conference of the Mine Ban Convention, held last December in Cartagena, witnessed a renewed commitment to the treaty and to mine action efforts around the globe.This work requires constant vigilance, diligence and collective action on many fronts.On this International Day, I salute the mine action workers who brave dangerous conditions and risk their lives in this pursuit.Let us all rededicate ourselves to this life-saving cause so that our children can live on a planet free from the threats caused by landmines and explosive remnants of war.世界提高自闭症意识日致辞 2010年4月2日





New York, 2 April 2010Secretary-General's Message on World Tuberculosis Day As we approach the target year of 2015 for reaching the Millennium Development Goals, there is good news to report in the fight against tuberculosis(TB).The world is on track to reverse the spread of this airborne killer.Deaths from TB continue to decline.These gains owe much to the many health care providers--governmental and non-governmental--patient advocates and others who have helped to treat and cure 36 million people since 1995.As a result, about 6 million lives have been saved.Our challenge now is to maintain this momentum.The theme of this year's observance of World TB Day is ―On the move against tuberculosis‖.The international community is indeed on the move on several fronts.Affected communities now know more about TB, thanks to public awareness campaigns.Financing for TB control continues to grow through mechanisms such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.UNITAID is supporting the provision of urgently needed medicines and diagnostics.WHO is providing policy innovation and coordinating technical support as the disease continues to evolve.The UNAIDS campaign, ―No More People Living with HIV Dying of TB‖, is promoting greater awareness of these interlinked epidemics.The research community has created pipelines of new diagnostics, medicines, and potential vaccines moving forward after decades of neglect.But progress should never distract us from the challenges.The numbers are still staggering.Last year, TB claimed 1.8 million lives, making it the second biggest infectious killer of adults worldwide.TB ranks among the top three killers of women of reproductive age.Rates of new TB illness are falling in all regions, but not yet in all countries.Overall, rates of decline are far slower than needed.Lapses in control drive the rise of multidrug-resistant TB, which is far more costly and difficult to treat, and remind us of the constant risk of setbacks.The international community has set a goal of universal access to prevention and treatment for all forms of TB, in adults and children, and among people living with HIV.In this day and age, no one should be dying from TB.On this World TB Day, let us stay ―on the move‖ in this important fight.New York, 27 March 2010Secretary-General's message on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Fifty years ago today, scores of non-violent protestors were massacred in Sharpeville, South Africa, during a demonstration against the country's repugnant pass laws.The United Nations marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on this solemn anniversary to reaffirm our commitment to guard against a repeat of the horrors rooted in racism – from slavery to the Holocaust, from apartheid to ethnic cleansing and genocide.26 The focus of this year's observance on the interface between racism and sport is particularly timely as South Africa will be the first African country to host the FIFA Football World Cup.It is our collective responsibility to ensure that there will be no room for racist and xenophobic acts both inside and outside stadiums at this important event.More broadly, we must push for all sports organizations to adopt stringent anti-discrimination policies, as well as frameworks for punishing the perpetrators of racist incidents and justice for the victims.At the same time, we should see this International Day as an opportunity to spotlight the positive role of sports in bringing people of all backgrounds and cultures closer together.Sports can empower disenfranchised communities, influence our perceptions and inspire millions of people around the world.Let us honour the memory of those who died in Sharpeville and other racist incidents by redoubling our efforts to eradicate all forms of racism and racial discrimination.Let us translate good intentions into legal standards and the will to uphold them.Above all, let us cherish the rich diversity of humankind and respect the inherent dignity and equality of every human being.诺鲁孜节致辞





New York, 21 March 2010Secretary-General's Message on World Water Day Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet.It is connected directly to all our United Nations goals: improved maternal and child health and life expectancy, women's empowerment, food security, sustainable development and climate change adaptation and mitigation.Recognition of these links led to the declaration of 2005-2015 as the International Decade for Action ―Water for Life‖.Our indispensable water resources have proven themselves to be greatly resilient, but they are increasingly vulnerable and threatened.Our growing population's need for water for food, raw materials and energy is increasingly competing with nature's own demands for water to sustain already imperiled ecosystems and the services on which we depend.Day after day, we pour millions of tons of untreated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes into the world's water systems.Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.And the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution, water shortages and the lack of adequate sanitation.The theme of this year's World Water Day, ―Clean Water for a Healthy World‖, emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk.More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.These deaths are an affront to our common humanity, and undermine the efforts of many countries to achieve their development potential.The world has the know-how to solve these challenges and become better stewards of our water resources.Water is central to all our development goals.As we mark the mid-point of the International Decade for Action, and look forward to this year's MDG Summit, let us protect and sustainably manage our waters for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.国际妇女节致辞:―权利平等,机会均等:共享进步‖ 2010年3月8日









Secretary General's Message for International Women's Day 2010 Gender equality and women‘s empowerment are fundamental to the global mission of the United Nations to achieve equal rights and dignity for all.This is a matter of basic human rights, as enshrined in our founding Charter and the Universal Declaration.It is part of the Organization‘s very identity.But equality for women and girls is also an economic and social imperative.Until women and girls are liberated from poverty and injustice, all our goals--peace, security, sustainable development--stand in jeopardy.Fifteen years ago at the Fourth World Conference on Women, Governments pledged to advance equality, development and peace for all women everywhere.The landmark Beijing Declaration has had a deep and wide-ranging impact.It has guided policy making and inspired new national laws.It has sent a clear message to women and girls around the world that equality and opportunity are their inalienable rights.There are many examples of progress, thanks in large part to the resolute efforts of civil society organizations.Most girls now receive an education, particularly at primary level, and more women are now more likely to run businesses or participate in government.A growing number of countries have legislation that supports sexual and reproductive health and promotes gender equality.Nonetheless, much work remains.Maternal mortality remains unacceptably high, too few women have access to family planning, and violence against women remains a cause for global shame.In particular, sexual violence during conflict is endemic.The Security Council last year adopted two strong resolutions on this issue and I have just appointed a special representative to mobilize the international community to address these crimes.My ―UNite to End Violence against Women‖ campaign and the recently launched Network of Men Leaders are striving to expand our global advocacy efforts.One key lesson of the past decade-and-a-half is the importance of addressing broader discrimination and injustice.Gender stereotyping and discrimination remain common in all cultures and communities.Early and forced marriage, so-called ‗honour killing‘, sexual abuse and trafficking of young women and girls are disturbingly prevalent and, in some areas, on the rise.Whether looking through the lens of poverty, or in times of disaster, we see that women still bear the greatest burden.Another lesson is that the United Nations must lead by example.Emphasizing that women are central to peace and security, we are working to deploy more women military and police officers in our peacekeeping operations.We have more women in senior United Nations posts than at any time in history, and we hope soon to have a dynamic composite entity within the UN system to provide more coherent programming and a stronger voice for gender equality and women‘s empowerment.I urge the General Assembly to create this new entity without delay.The Beijing Declaration remains as relevant today as when it was adopted.The third Millennium Development Goal – to achieve gender equality and women‘s empowerment – is central to all the rest.When women are denied the opportunity to better themselves and their societies, we all lose.On this International Women‘s Day, let us look critically at the achievements of the past 15 years so we can build on what has worked, and correct what has not.Let us work with renewed determination for a future of equal rights, equal opportunities and progress for all.世界社会公正日致辞 2010年2月20日






New York, 20 February 2010Secretary-General's message on International Anti-Corruption Day The theme of this year's observance of the International Anti-Corruption Day--―don't let corruption kill development‖ – highlights one of the biggest impediments to the world's efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals.When public money is stolen for private gain, it means fewer resources to build schools, hospitals, roads and water treatment facilities.When foreign aid is diverted into private bank accounts, major infrastructure projects come to a halt.Corruption enables fake or substandard medicines to be dumped on the market, and hazardous waste to be dumped in landfill sites and in oceans.The vulnerable suffer first and worst.But corruption is not some vast impersonal force.It is the result of personal decisions, most often motivated by greed.Development is not the only casualty.Corruption steals elections.It undermines the rule of law.And it can jeopardize security.As we have seen over the last year, it can also have a serious impact on the international financial system.Fortunately, there is a way to fight back.The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the world's strongest legal instrument to build integrity and fight corruption.A new mechanism decided on at the recent Conference of States Parties in Doha means that, from now on, states will be judged by the actions they take to fight corruption, not just the promises they make.The private sector should not lag behind governments.Businesses must also prevent corruption within their ranks, and keep bribery out of tendering and procurement processes.I urge the private sector to adopt anti-corruption measures in line with the UN Convention.Companies--particularly those that subscribe to the 10th principle of the Global Compact, to work against corruption--should pledge not to cheat and should open themselves up to peer review to ensure that everyone is playing by the same rules.We all have a part to play.On International Anti-Corruption Day 2009, I urge all people to join the UN anti-corruption campaign at www.xiexiebang.com.And I encourage everyone to make a pledge: never to offer or accept a bribe.Live by that motto, and the world will be a more honest place – and we will increase the chances of reaching the Millennium Development Goals.New York, 11 January 2010Secretary-General's video message for follow-up Conference on the International Year of Sanitation(26-27 January 2010)Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,31 It is a pleasure to greet all the participants in this important follow-up conference on the International Year of Sanitation.I thank the Government of Japan for organizing this event, and for being such a leader in this vital area.I would like to express my deepest appreciation to His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince of Japan, who is present at this conference.His dedication as Honorary President of my Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation is playing a valuable role in efforts to achieve the MDG target.I am also grateful for the contributions of His Royal Highness Willem-Alexander, Prince of the Netherlands, and all the other members of the board.The MDG sanitation target seeks to increase the proportion of people with access to improved sanitation facilities from 54 to 77 per cent.The latest figures indicate access is at 62 per cent.As many as 2.5 billion people are still living without improved sanitation.Sanitation is fundamental for human dignity.But it is also crucial for achieving other critical goals, from health to environmental protection to reducing infant and maternal mortality.The members of my Advisory Board and many others around the world have raised their voices about the sanitation crisis.They helped bring about the International Year itself, which was observed in 2008 and which by all accounts helped raise awareness and support for sanitation actions.We must sustain that momentum.The world has the know-how, the workable solutions and the resources to reach the MDG sanitation target.Now, we need results.This conference can help.I look forward to your contributions, including at this year's MDG Summit at the United Nations in September.And I offer my best wishes for the success of your deliberations in Tokyo.Thank you.国际青年日致辞





青年人往往以身作则:实践绿色和健康的生活方式,或促进创新使用新技术,如移动装置和在线社交网络。他们理应得到我们的充分承诺——充分接受教育的机会、充分的医疗保健、就业机会、金融服务和充分参与公共生活。在国际青年日,让我们再次承诺,支持青年人的发展。可持续性是最有希望的前进道路,青年可以带路。Secretary-General's message on International Youth Day 32 The theme of this year's International Youth Day – ―Sustainability: Our Challenge.Our Future‖ – is a global call to action for young men and women.Our world faces multiple, interconnected crises with severe and far-reaching impacts that fall disproportionately on the young.In 2007, for example, youth comprised 25 per cent of the world's working age population yet accounted for 40 per cent of the unemployed.The global economic downturn means that, in the near term, youth unemployment will continue to climb.Unemployment rates tell only part of the story, especially for the vast majority of youth who live in developing countries.For them, informal, insecure and low-wage employment is the norm, not the exception.Climate change, meanwhile, continues to compromise economies and threaten tremendous upheaval, saddling young people everywhere with an unjust ―ecological debt‖.This is a potentially crushing burden.At the same time, I am encouraged by the contributions that young people have made to the debate on climate change mitigation and adaptation.Their views and proposals can help build the momentum necessary to ―seal the deal‖ in Copenhagen later this year.Indeed, young people have proven themselves to be key partners in sustainable development.They have gotten involved in international forums such as the Commission on Sustainable Development, and have helped their Governments and communities to formulate poverty reduction strategies, entrepreneurial schemes and many other policies and initiatives.Young people often lead by example: practicing green and healthy lifestyles, or promoting innovative uses of new technologies, such as mobile devices and on-line social networks.They deserve our full commitment--full access to education, adequate healthcare, employment opportunities, financial services and full participation in public life.On International Youth Day, let us renew our pledge to support young people in their development.Sustainability is the most promising path forward, and youth can lead the way.在世界土著人国际日的致辞






Secretary-General's message on the International Day of the World's Indigenous People The world's indigenous peoples – 370 million in 70 countries--are the custodians of some of the most biologically diverse areas on earth.They speak a majority of the world's languages, and their traditional knowledge, cultural diversity and sustainable ways of life make an invaluable contribution to the world's common heritage.The adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General Assembly in 2007 was a landmark in the struggle of indigenous peoples for justice, equal rights and development.There have also been recent welcome steps at the national level;some governments have apologized to indigenous peoples for past injustices, and others have advanced legislative and constitutional reforms.Still, indigenous peoples remain some of the most marginalized populations, suffering disproportionately from poverty and inadequate access to education.Many face discrimination and racism on a daily basis.All too often, their languages face strictures or are threatened with extinction, while their territories are sacrificed for mining and deforestation.Indigenous peoples also tend to suffer from the low standards of health associated with poverty, malnutrition, environmental contamination and inadequate healthcare.With that in mind, this year's observance of the International Day focuses on the threat of HIV/AIDS.It is essential that indigenous peoples have access to the information and infrastructure necessary for detection, treatment and protection.Insufficient progress in health, in particular, points to a persistent and profound gap in many countries between the formal recognition of indigenous peoples' rights and the actual situation on the ground.On this International Day, I call on Governments and civil society to act with urgency and determination to close this implementation gap, in full partnership with indigenous peoples.关于―我们必须裁军‖运动的致辞







我已发起一个运动,名为WMD-We Must Disarm(我们必须裁军)。



今年9 月21 日的国际和平日将专门用于推动这一大业。

在此期间,请加入我们在Facebook、MySpace、Twitter 和联合国WMD-We

Must Disarm 网站推出的运动。

大家要为此疾呼。让我们最后一次说服领导人,大规模毁灭性武器只会造成 浪费和带来危险,是徒劳无益的。



Secretary-General's video message for 'We Must Disarm' Campaign Sixty-four years ago, atom bombs rained down on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Upon seeing such horror and devastation, people throughout the world thought such carnage must never happen again.But thousands of nuclear weapons remain in global arsenals.The risk of nuclear terrorism is real.Yet we are also seeing bold steps to limit and eliminate these weapons.The United Nations wants to build on this momentum.I have a vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.And I have a campaign, called WMD--We Must Disarm.We must disarm to save lives.We must disarm so that we can redirect precious resources to health, education and development.This year, the International Day of Peace, on 21 September, is dedicated to this cause.Between now and then, please join our campaign on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and the UN's WMD-We Must Disarm website.Let your voices be heard.Let us convince leaders, once and for all, of the waste, futility and dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction.In the face of this catastrophic threat, our message is clear: Together, we must disarm!Thank you.35 世界人口日致辞







In the midst of the worst global economic crisis in generations, we must find the most effective ways to continue progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.There is no better path than the focus of this year‘s World Population Day: investing in women and girls.As budgets tighten, the crisis threatens to wipe out hard-won progress in improving health and reducing poverty.When household incomes decline, girls are more likely to drop out of school.When profits decline, women are more likely to lose their employment and sources of income.When health systems suffer, women risk childbirth without life-saving services.Even before the crisis, a mother died every minute in pregnancy and childbirth, nearly all in developing countries where the crisis has pushed women deeper into poverty.Investing in girls‘ education delivers well-known returns.When girls are educated, they are more likely to earn higher wages and obtain better jobs, to have fewer and healthier children and to enjoy safer childbirth.And investing in women‘s health, especially reproductive health, can not only save the lives of half a million mothers, but also unleash an estimated $15 billion in productivity each year.As we commemorate the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development, let us accelerate efforts to achieve universal access to reproductive health by 2015.On this World Population Day, I call on decision-makers to protect women‘s ability to earn income, keep their daughters in school, and obtain reproductive health information and services, including voluntary family planning.Together, let us advance the rights of women and girls, and empower them as highly productive members of society capable of contributing to economic recovery and growth.There can be no better investment on this day or any other.36







Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Cooperatives The first cooperatives were born more than two hundred years ago when rural entrepreneurs and farmers decided to pool resources and help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.Subsequently, retail cooperatives emerged to help poor households escape the debt trap and provide access to better quality goods and services.Cooperatives have since developed in many areas, from manufacturing to financial services, spurred by the desire for a more equitable way of working and doing business.At a time of global economic distress, this history deserves to be more widely known.The theme of this year's observance of the International Day of Cooperatives – ―Driving Global Recovery Through Cooperatives‖ – highlights the value of cooperative enterprise.Cooperatives can strengthen the resilience of the vulnerable.They can help to establish more balanced markets for small farmers and give small entrepreneurs access to financial services.They can

create job opportunities and improve working conditions.The economic model of cooperatives is based not on charity but on self-help and reciprocity.In countries hit by the financial crisis, the cooperative bank and credit union sector expanded lending when other financial institutions had to cut back, easing the impact of the credit freeze on the most vulnerable.This highlights the importance of strong alternative business models and institutional diversity for the resilience of the financial system.Cooperatives deserve greater support.I urge Governments to adopt policies that support the establishment and development of cooperatives.Consumers, too, can help by buying food produced by small-holder cooperatives that is traded in fair markets.37 In the face of the current economic crisis, communities around the world are rediscovering the critical necessity to work for the common good.On this International Day, I encourage Governments and civil society everywhere to recognize the effectiveness of cooperatives and to engage with them as vital partners for global recovery and achieving internationally agreed development goals.秘书长禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日致辞






Secretary-General's message on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking This year marks the centenary of drug control – 100 years since the Opium Commission met in Shanghai to stop an opium epidemic.In more recent years, United Nations conventions have helped to address the challenge of drug abuse and reduce its terrible toll on individuals, families and communities.Drug abuse can be prevented, treated and controlled.I urge Member States to upgrade their preventive interventions and integrate drug treatment into public health programmes.The World Health Organization and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime continue to work with Governments and other partners to scale up drug treatment world-wide.I also urge full implementation of the United Nation Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.These instruments can help in the effort to prevent and control drug-related crime that is posing a serious security threat in many parts of the world.Greater development assistance and a strengthening of the rule of law are needed in countries that are vulnerable to the cultivation, production and trafficking of illicit drugs.Absent these essentials, these states risk instability and will face even greater challenges in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.On this International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us join together to help people suffering from drug addiction and to reduce the number of dangerous places on this planet where drugs are produced, trafficked and consumed.38






Secretary-General's message on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Despite an impressive legal and institutional framework to prevent it, torture is still widely tolerated or even practiced by Governments, and impunity persists for the perpetrators.The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is an occasion to reaffirm the right of all men and women to live free of the fear of torture.There is no justification for torture or any form of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment in any society, at any time, under any circumstance.I urge all United Nations Member States that have not yet done so to ratify and implement in good faith the Convention against Torture and the provisions of its Optional Protocol.I also appeal for all Members States to invite the Special Rapporteur on Torture to visit places where persons are deprived of liberty in their country and to extend their cooperation to allow full and unhindered access.This Day is also an opportunity to express solidarity with torture victims and their families, and to reiterate the need for all Governments to commit to full redress and rehabilitation for all victims of such abuses.The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture supports organizations that assist victims of torture and their families.I thank all donors to the Fund and encourage them to continue to support its important work.On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, let us reaffirm the inalienable rights and dignity of all men and women.Let us step up the fight against torture and cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment and punishment, wherever they occur.世界难民日致辞







值此世界难民日,让我们确保因冲突、迫害和**而无家可归的人得到建设更美好的生活所需的支助和服务。Around the world, millions of people have been uprooted by violence, persecution and conflict.The majority of these individuals and their families come from the developing world and are also especially vulnerable to the harsh fallout of the unfolding global economic crisis.The theme of this year‘s observance of World Refugee Day, ―real people, real needs‖, underscores how much refugees have lost--even their countries--and how much the humanitarian community must do to help them.There are gaps in meeting the basics: shelter, health services, education, food, clean water, sanitation and protection from violence and abuse.Malnutrition levels are frequently higher in displaced populations, as are mortality rates.Single women and girls are especially prone to exploitation.Experience shows that staying in school reduces exposure to such abuse.More resources are needed to build and maintain education facilities for refugees.Addressing these and many other gaps takes commitment and action.Solidarity must be the foundation of our response.This is especially so at a time when the economic crisis is putting pressure on humanitarian and development budgets.On this World Refugee Day, let us ensure that people displaced by conflict, persecution and upheaval get the support and services they need to build a better life.防治荒漠化和干旱世界日致辞

荒漠化和土地退化使三分之一的地球表面受到影响,并对多达10亿人的生计、福祉和发展构成威胁。在长期干旱、饥荒和日益深化的贫穷面前,许多人唯有一种选择:逃离家园。据估计,环境问题造成的移民人数已达到2 400万人。到2050年,这个数字可能增至2亿。






Secretary-General's message on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Desertification and land degradation affect one third of the Earth's surface, threatening the livelihoods, well-being and development of as many as 1 billion people.Faced with long periods of drought, famine and deepening poverty, many have only one option: flight from the land.There are already an estimated 24 million environmentally induced migrants.That number could rise to 200 million by 2050.This year's observance of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought highlights the growing threat to national and regional stability posed by desertification.Nearly one-third of the world's cropland has become unproductive and been abandoned in the past 40 years.Almost three-quarters of rangelands show various symptoms of desertification.Climate change is a contributing factor, but not the only one.In particular, we must reconsider our agricultural practices and how we manage our water resources.Agriculture and the raising of livestock account for 70 per cent of freshwater use and as much as 80 per cent of deforestation.Growing demand for crops for animal feed and biofuels will put further pressure on these scarce resources if not managed sustainably.Current global consumption and production patterns are unsustainable.The consequences will include further global food crises, such as we saw in 2008, and continued desertification, land degradation and periods of drought.As usual, the poor will be the first victims and the last to recover.The recently concluded seventeenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development stressed that desertification and land degradation are global problems that require a global response.In December, world leaders can provide such a response when they meet in Copenhagen to seal a deal on climate change.A comprehensive and equitable agreement to slow down global warming must also help developing countries to adapt to the impacts that are already under way.In particular, it must provide adequate and predictable financing to support improved land management, more efficient water use and sustainable agriculture.On this World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, let us recognize the security risks of letting desertification advance unchecked.Let us also recognize that by combating climate change we can help to reverse desertification, increase agricultural productivity, alleviate poverty and enhance global security.国际和平日倒计时100天致辞





Secretary-General's message to mark the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace The International Day of Peace, observed each year on 21 September, is a global call for ceasefire and non-violence.It is a time to reflect on the horror and cost of war and the benefits of peacefully resolving our disputes.This year, I will use this important day to ask governments and citizens of the world to focus on the important issues of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.The end of the Cold War helped lift the burden of nuclear catastrophe from a generation that had lived under its cloud since the end of the Second World War.Nonetheless, the threat persists, as recent events attest.Unless we vigorously work for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, we will continue to face threats from existing nuclear weapons, as well as additional risks that more States, even terrorists, might acquire and deploy such weapons, potentially annihilating millions of people.This alarming outlook is counterbalanced by a new momentum on the part of world leaders to address the issue of nuclear weapons.The United States and the Russian Federation have signalled a new commitment to cut their nuclear arsenals.Furthermore, the Conference on Disarmament, which includes all States with nuclear arms, has recently broken a decade-long deadlock and agreed to work to resolve some of the key issues related to disarmament and non-proliferation.We must build on this momentum.To that end, I am launching the WMD-WeMustDisarm!Campaign.Over the next 100 days, the United Nations and our partners around the world will work to raise awareness of the true costs and dangers of nuclear weapons.Between now and 21 September, we will issue 100 reasons to disarm, via Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, email, text message, radio and from friend-to-friend.Celebrities will also help us spread the message.And finally, as we observe the International Day of Peace with world leaders gathered in New York for the 64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, I will proclaim one strong, simple message: We Must Disarm!







The first observance of World Oceans Day allows us to highlight the many ways in which oceans contribute to society.It is also an opportunity to recognize the considerable challenges we face in maintaining their capacity to regulate the global climate, supply essential ecosystem services and provide sustainable livelihoods and safe recreation.Indeed, human activities are taking a terrible toll on the world‘s oceans and seas.Vulnerable marine ecosystems, such as corals, and important fisheries are being damaged by over-exploitation, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, destructive fishing practices, invasive alien species and marine pollution, especially from land-based sources.Increased sea temperatures, sea-level rise and ocean acidification caused by climate change pose a further threat to marine life, coastal and island communities and national economies.Oceans are also affected by criminal activity.Piracy and armed robbery against ships threaten the lives of seafarers and the safety of international shipping, which transports 90 per cent of the world‘s goods.Smuggling of illegal drugs and the trafficking of persons by sea are further examples of how criminal activities threaten lives and the peace and security of the oceans.Several international instruments drawn up under the auspices of the United Nations address these numerous challenges.At their centre lies the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.It provides the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out, and is the basis for international cooperation at all levels.In addition to aiming at universal participation, the world must do more to implement this Convention and to uphold the rule of law on the seas and oceans.The theme of World Oceans Day, ―Our oceans, our responsibility‖, emphasizes our individual and collective duty to protect the marine environment and carefully manage its resources.Safe, healthy and productive seas and oceans are integral to human well-being, economic security and sustainable development.世界环境日致辞






Secretary-General's message on World Environment Day The economic and financial turmoil sweeping the globe is a true wake-up call, sounding an alarm about the need to improve upon old patterns of growth and make a transition a new era of greener, cleaner development.The theme of this year's World Environment Day – ―Your planet needs you‖ – is meant to inspire all of us to do our part.The Earth faces the grave threat of climate change.While all countries will suffer, the poor will bear the brunt of the impact.But we also have an opportunity to change course.Crucial climate change talks will take place in Copenhagen in December.Together, we must press governments to ―Seal the Deal‖ for a new climate agreement.The world also needs a ―Green New Deal‖ focused on investing in renewable sources of energy, eco-friendly infrastructure and energy efficiency.This will not only create jobs and spur recovery but also help tackle global warming.If we invest even part of the substantial new economic stimulus packages in the green economy, we can turn today's crisis into tomorrow's sustainable growth.Moreover, countries that make the transition to a low-carbon society will reap more than significant environmental benefits;they will be well-placed to share their new technology with others.But our planet needs more than just action by governments and corporations;it needs each of us.Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces in common purpose we can make a tremendous difference.On this World Environment Day, I encourage all people to take concrete steps toward making the planet greener and cleaner.Switch off the lights.Take public transportation.Recycle.Plant a tree.Clean up your local park.Hold corporations responsible for their environmental practices.And urge your government representatives to Seal the Deal in Copenhagen.Secretary-General's message on World No Tobacco Day 44 Every year, some 5.4 million people die from illnesses caused by tobacco consumption – 80 per cent of them in low-and middle-income countries.Up to half of all smokers die from a tobacco-related disease, and science has shown that second-hand smoke harms everyone who is exposed to it.Left unchecked, tobacco-related deaths will rise to more than 8 million by 2030.Lung cancer, heart disease and other tobacco-related illnesses are part of a broader epidemic of non-communicable diseases, which include strokes, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.These diseases have become the world's leading cause of mortality.Sixty per cent of all deaths globally are caused by them, with women being the hardest hit.That we continue to allow such diseases to be caused by tobacco consumption is a global tragedy.It also comes at vast expense.Economies are harmed by the costs of treating of tobacco-caused diseases and by decreased productivity due to illness and premature death, while families whose members die or become ill due to tobacco use endure an unnecessary financial burden.On this World No Tobacco Day, I urge governments everywhere to address this needless threat to public health.维持和平人员国际日致辞

国际社会日益依赖联合国维持和平。维和部署创出了历史新高,部队、文职人员和警察数目共计超过113 000人。








Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Peacekeepers The international community's reliance on United Nations peacekeeping continues to deepen.Deployment is at a record high, with the number of troops, civilians and police totaling more than 113,000.The personnel who serve under the UN flag do so in some of the most difficult and inhospitable areas on earth, where they face instability, disease and violence on a daily basis.These brave men and women have shown tremendous dedication, making a tangible difference in the lives of many while showing to the world the caring and committed face of the United Nations.These efforts often come at high cost to the peacekeepers themselves.In 2008, 132 peacekeepers lost their lives in the line of duty – the highest one-year total in the history of UN peacekeeping.Whether felled by acts of violence, disease or accidents, each left an important legacy.The loss of ten women among those who died reminds us that female personnel are playing an increasingly important role in peacekeeping, and that they now shoulder grave risks as well.It has been nearly a decade since the Security Council adopted its landmark Resolution 1325 – the first omnibus text to recognize that women bear the brunt of armed conflicts, and should have a commensurate role in their prevention and resolution.Since then, the United Nations has pressed forward with intensive efforts not only to involve more local women in peacemaking and peacebuilding, but also to recruit more women into our own operations.The point is not to achieve gender parity for its own sake;the imperative is to draw on the unique and powerful contribution women can make.Female blue helmets, human rights monitors and other mission staff offer new skills and styles of functioning in the ever-evolving field of peacekeeping.Often, they can better communicate with local women, generating a greater sense of security while serving as an example of women's empowerment.As the Security Council has acknowledged, women frequently suffer most during conflicts, including from horrific acts of sexual-and gender-based violence.By including female police among our ranks, we foster a safe environment for victims to get the help they need and deserve.And by enabling victims to feel secure enough to come forward and press charges against perpetrators, we fight the culture of impunity that has prevailed for too long.There are still far too few women peacekeepers.With women joining national militaries and police in greater numbers, it is critical that Member States contribute even more female personnel to the United Nations.On this International Day, let us draw on the power of women to strengthen UN peacekeeping while helping women and girls themselves to transform their destinies – and societies – for the better.非洲日的致词






Secretary-General's message on Africa Day Africa Day, which marks the founding in 1963 of the Organization of African Unity, now known as the African Union, is meant to highlight Africa's achievements and to offer an opportunity to take stock of the massive and urgent challenges that remain.At the very time when Africa has achieved several years of sustained economic growth and improved stability, the global economic crisis is having a severe impact.We must protect the continent's poorest and most vulnerable people.The international community must not step back from its commitments.For my part, I will continue to urge effective, coordinated action by world leaders, as well as full support for the Millennium Development Goals and the New Partnership for Africa's Development.Climate change has emerged as a new threat to African development.If we work hard, and agree on deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, we can avoid some of the worst consequences--but not all of them.That is why we must also support adaptation, especially for the poor, who will suffer first – and worst.Most of all, we need leadership and commitment at the highest level to seal a deal at climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December.Africa has also seen a troubling re-emergence of unconstitutional changes of government.This reminds us not only of the need to support democratization, but to strengthen Africa's capacity to maintain peace and security.Toward that end, the UN Security Council is building a closer working relationship with the AU Peace and Security Council.We are also moving ahead with the United Nations Ten-Year Capacity-Building Programme in support of the African Union, especially in the provision of technical support for AU peacekeeping.Indeed, the past year has seen a welcome expansion and consolidation of the strategic partnership between the United Nations and the African Union, including regular dialogue and cooperation between the UN Secretariat and the AU Commission.As we mark Africa Day, I reaffirm the commitment of the entire UN system to supporting Africans in their efforts to build durable peace, security and sustainable development.47 生物多样性国际日文告


全球化的一个有害副产品是,非本地物种正在危害世界各地的生态系统、生计和经济。仅南非政府每年即支出多达6 000万美元,力图消灭诸如荆树等正不断侵蚀宝贵农田、河流系统和开普植物王国等具有重要经济价值旅游景点的植物。






Secretary-General's message on the International Day for Biological Diversity The global decline in biodiversity remains alarming, despite agreement at the World Summit on Sustainable Development to significantly reduce the rate of loss by 2010.The main causes include deforestation, changes in habitat and land degradation, often linked to the growing impact of climate change.Another threat – the focus of this year's observance of the International Day for Biological Diversity – is the spread of invasive alien species.An unwanted by-product of globalization, non-native species are harming ecosystem services, livelihoods and economies throughout the world.The Government of South Africa alone is spending as much as $60 million per year in an attempt to eradicate plants, such as wattles, that are invading valuable farmland, river systems and economically important tourist sites such as the Cape Floral Kingdom.In the Great Lakes of North America, zebra mussels are affecting shipping, fisheries and electric power generation.Throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean, rats from foreign ships are exterminating indigenous birds.In many countries in Africa, water hyacinth is clogging lakes and rivers, to the detriment of aquatic wildlife and the communities and industries that profit from it.48 There are many other examples of how invasive alien species can affect native biodiversity, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and even human health.Such threats stand to be exacerbated by the other drivers of biodiversity loss, and climate change in particular.The implications for poverty reduction, sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals are profound.The Convention on Biological Diversity is addressing the threat of invasive alien species by setting global priorities and guidelines, sharing information and expertise, and helping to coordinate international action.The most cost-effective and feasible method of control is prevention.To be successful, this strategy requires collaboration among Governments, economic sectors and non-governmental and international organizations.A country can only prevent invasions if it knows which species may invade, where they may come from and the best management options for dealing with them.Individuals, too, have a responsibility.Abiding by local and international quarantine and customs regulations will prevent the spread of insect pests, weeds and diseases.A simple rule applies: leave living organisms in their natural habitats and bring home only memories.Next year is the International Year of Biological Diversity.Highlights include a high-level segment of the United Nations General Assembly and the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, in Nagoya, Japan.These events will help to shape future strategies to preserve the planet's ecosystems.Controlling invasive alien species and addressing the other causes of biodiversity loss is an increasingly urgent task.I urge all Governments, organizations and individuals to renew their efforts to protect life on Earth.世界电信和信息社会日致辞


在过去20年中,因特网已转变为无与伦比的全球资源,横跨知识与娱乐的世界。因特网目前在亚洲有6亿使用者,在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区有1.3亿使用者,在非洲有5 000万使用者,这种通信手段在不断扩大。它处于我们日益相互连接和网络联通的各个社会的枢纽,驱动着全世界各个经济体,推动贸易和商业,促进更完善的保健、食物生产和教育。在这种阔步迈进中,保障因特网各个至关重要的系统和基础设施免于网络犯罪者的袭击,意义重大。




World Telecommunication and Information Society Day marks the founding of the International Telecommunication Union on 17 May 1865, and commemorates its role in connecting the world.49 Over the past two decades, the Internet has been transformed into an unmatched global resource that spans the worlds of knowledge and entertainment.Now with more than 600 million users in Asia, 130 million in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 50 million in Africa, it is an ever-expanding means of communication.It lies at the fulcrum of our increasingly interconnected and networked societies, driving the world‘s economies, fostering trade and commerce and promoting better health care, food production and education.With these tremendous strides, safeguarding the Internet‘s vital systems and infrastructures against attack by cybercriminals has taken on great importance.The theme of this year‘s observance is "Protecting Children in Cyberspace‖.Children and young people are among the most prolific users of the Internet and mobile devices.As they surf through cyberspace seeking information and entertainment and building social networks, they are also among the most vulnerable to exploitation.Without safeguards, their precious lives are at grave risk in the vicious world of cybercriminals and paedophiles that prey on easy targets.The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes the right to education and access to information, as well as the right to engage in play and recreational activities.The Convention also accords the child protection against all forms of exploitation and inducement to engage in any unlawful activity.It is our duty to ensure that the provisions of the Convention are applied rigorously so that children can safely access the Internet and other online resources without fear of falling prey to unscrupulous predators.The virtual world has exciting possibilities for nurturing children and helping them grow into creative, productive adults.But we must mind the pitfalls that could scar them for life.I urge policy makers and industry leaders to find the means to make the rapidly evolving virtual world safe for everyone.* *** *







第三篇:艾玛 沃特森 联合国演讲稿 (中英文对照)



Your excellence UN Secretary-General,President of the General Assembly,Executive Director of UN Women,And distinguished guests 尊敬的秘书长阁下,大会主席阁下,妇女署执行主任阁下,以及尊贵的来宾们

Today we are launching a campaign called HeForShe


I am reaching out to you because we need your help,we want to end gender inequality 此番演讲是为了获得您的支持,能让我们一道行动,终结性别不平等

And to do this,we need everyone involved 实现这个目标需要每个人的参与

This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN 这次我们开创了联合国发起的同类活动的先河

We want to try to galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change,and we don’t just want to talk about it,We want to try and make sure that it’s tangible


I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women six months ago,and the more I’ve spoken about feminism,the more I have realized that fighting for women ’s right has too often become synonymous with men-hating 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女署的亲善大使,但我越是提及女权主义,越是意识到争取女性权益往往跟仇视男性混为一谈

If there is one thing I know for certain it is that this has to stop


For the record feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities, 在此声明,从定义上来说女权主义是一种信念,认为男女应该具有同等权利和机遇

It is the theory of the political economic and social equality of the sexes 也是政治经济以及社会的性别平等理论

I started questioning gender-based assumptions a long time ago 很久之前我就开始质疑种种基于性别的预设

When I was 8,I was confused about being called ”bossy”, because I wanted to direct the plays,that we would put on for our parents,but the boys were not 当我8岁时,因为我想编排给家长们的演出就被斥为“专横”,而男孩不会受到同样的指责

When at 14,I started to be sexualised by certain elements of the media, 当我14岁时,某些媒体开始渲染,我性感化的公众形象

When at 15 my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams,because they didn’t want to appear muscle-y 当我15岁时,我的女朋友们纷纷退出她们心爱的运动队,因为她们不像看起来肌肉发达

When at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings 当我18岁时,我的男性朋友们无法自如的表达他们的情感

I decided that I was a feminist,and this seems uncomplicated to me


But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word,women are choosing not to identify as feminists.但我近期的调查表明,女权主义已经变为不受欢迎的词汇,女人们不愿意被认为是女权主义者

Apparently I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong “too aggressive”,isolating and anti-men,unattractive,even 很显然我被列为那类女性,措辞强硬,过于激进,自我封闭一味反对男性,甚至缺乏魅力

Why has the word become such an uncomfortable one 为何这个词已经让人如此不适

I am form Britain,and I think it is wright that I am paid the same as my male counterparts,I think it is wright that I should be able to make decisions about my own body,I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and the decisions that affect my life,I think it is right that socially,I am afforded the same respect as men 我来自英国,我认为我应该获得与我男性同行同等的资金待遇,我认为我应该拥有自主支配自己身体的权利,我认为女性应该代表我参与到能影响我生活的政策制定中,我认为在社会上我也能赢得与男性同样的尊重

But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights.No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality,these rights I consider to be human rights 遗憾的是,我可以说世界上任何一个国家的女性群体都未能完全拥有这些权利,至今无一国家能断言,他们已经实现了性别平等,这些权利我认为就是人权

But I am one of the lucky ones,my life is a sheer privilege, because my parents didn’t love me less because I was born a daughter,My school did not limit me because I was a girl,my mentor didn’t assume that I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day 但我无疑是幸运的,我一直享受着特殊待遇,因为我的父母并没有因为我身为女儿就减少对我的关爱,我就读的学校也没有因为我是女孩就加以限制,我的导师也没有因为我日后将为人母而对我不予厚望

These influencers were the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today,they may not know it,but they are the inadvertent feminists,we need more of those and if you still hate the word,it is not the word that is important,it’s the idea and the ambition behind it,because not all women have received the same rights that I have.In fact statistically very few have been 这些影响我的人们正如推广性别平等的大使,是他们成就了今天的我,也许他们并没有察觉,但他们就是那些“无心插柳”的女权主义者们。我们需要更多的这类人,如果你任然厌恶这个词,那么其实词本身不重要,重要的是词背后传递的理念和愿景,因为并不是所有女性都拥有和我一样的权利。事实上从数据上看只有很少一部分女性拥有这样的权利。

In 1997 Hillary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women ’s rights,Sadly many of the things that she wanted to change,are still true today.But what stood out for me the most was that less than 30 percent of the audience were male!997年,希拉里克林顿在北京就女性权利发表了一次著名演讲,遗憾的是很多当时她力求改变的情况,在今天任然存在,但我更留意到男性观众少于30%的事实

How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participant in the conversation.当世界上只有一半人口收到邀请鼓励加入到谈话中,我们又怎能奢望改变这个世界呢

Men I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal information,Gender equality is your issue too 男同胞们我想借此机会向你们发出正式邀请,性别平等也是你们的议题

Because to date I’ve seen my father’s role as a parent being valued less by society,despite my needing his presence as a child as much as my mother’s


I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help,for fear it would make them less of man ,or less of a man.我看到年轻男性遭受心理疾病的折磨,而无法向外寻求帮助,因为害怕这样看起来不男人,被人瞧不起

In fact in the U.K.suicide is the biggest killer of man between 20 to 49 eclipsing road accidents,cancer and coronary heart disease 事实上在英国,自杀已经成为20到49岁男性的头号杀手,超越交通事故,癌症和冠心病

I have seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success,men don’t have the benefits of equality either 我目睹了男人们因为成为成功男人这样偏狭的观念而变得脆弱和缺乏安全感,男人一样没能享受到平等带来的福利

We don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes,but I can see that they are 我们不常谈到男性同样,遭受性别刻板印象的禁锢,但我能察觉到这点

When they are free things will change for women as a natural consequence,If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted,women won’t be compelled to be submissive,if men don;t have to control,women won’t have to be controlled


Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive,both men and women should feel free to be strong 不管是男是女都可以放任自己的铭感细腻,不管是男是女都可以培养自己的坚强无畏

It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals 如今我们应该用更大的视野看待性别,而不是两套对立的规范

If we should stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are,we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about,It’s about freedom 如果我们能不再通过消减异性的特征来定义自己,而开始正视自己所拥有的一切特质,我们都将变得更自由,这就是HeForShe的意义所在,它与自由息息相关

I want men to take up this mantle so their daughters sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice,but also so their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too 我希望男同胞们能传承这样的信念,那么他们的女儿们,姐妹们和母亲们都会免于遭受歧视,同时他们的儿子们也有权利释放自己的脆弱和更人性化的一面

We claim those parts of themselves they abandoned and in doing so be a more true and complete version of themselves 我们珍视他们所抛弃掉的那一部分人性我们这样做是为了他们能够保留更为真实和完整的人性

You might be thinking who is this Harry Potter girl and what is she doing speaking at the U.N.And it’s really good question,I’ve been asking myself the same thing,All I know is that I care about this problem and I want to make it better,And having seen what I’ve seen,and given the chance,I fell it is my responsibility to say something

你也许会问,这个哈利波特里 的女孩是干嘛的,她怎么会来联合国发表演说,这真是个好问题,我也曾反复问自己同样的问题,我只知道自己确实关心这个问题,也想尽绵薄之力改善现状,既然亲眼见到了这样的现状也获得这样的机会,我自觉有责任说些什么

Statesmen Edmund Burke said all that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing 政治家埃德蒙.伯克曾说过邪恶压制正义只需要善良的男男女女们坐视不理,无动于衷

In my nervousness for this speech and in my moment of doubt,I’ve told myself firmly, if not me,who? If not now,when?


If you have similar doubts when opportunities are presented to you,I hope that those words will be helpful,because the reality is that if we do nothing it will take 75 years or for me or to be nearly 100 before woman can expect to be paid the same as men for the same work 如果当你面前有这样的机会,而你也有次困惑的话,我希望这句话能对你有所帮助。因为事实上,如果我们无所作为,那要等上75年,对我来说甚至是将近100年,才能期待男性和女性实现同工同酬

15.5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as children and at the current rates,it won’t be until 2086 before all rural African girls can have a secondary education 接下来的十六年里将有1550万女孩,尚未成年就被迫嫁做人妇,而按照现在的进度,要直到2086年才能让所有的非洲女童都接受中等教育

If you believe in equality,you might be one of those inadvertent feminists that I spoke of earlier,and for this I applaud you 如果你怀有平等的信念,那你就可能是我之前提过的那些“无心插柳”的女权主义者。如果是这样,我会为你鼓掌

We are struggling for a uniting word,but the good news is that we have a uniting movement.it is called HeForShe.I am inviting you to step forward to be seen and to ask yourself “If not me,who?If not now,when?”




心想事成may all your wishes come true步步高升

promoting to a higher position出入平安

safe trip wherever you go


success in your career


good luck in the year ahead


longevity and health


money and treasures will be plentiful财运亨通

may many fortunes find their way to you国泰民安

the country flourishes and people live in peace


treasures fill the home岁岁平安

peace all year round和气生财

harmony brings wealth一帆风顺

wishing you every success生意兴隆

business flourishes吉祥如意

everything goes well恭喜发财

wishing you prosperity多福多寿

live long and proper



English-Chinese Translation of MUN Terminology 1.Amendment [ə'men(d)m(ə)nt] 修正案 2.Badge [bædʒ] 胸卡.3.Deprive [dɪ'praɪv] the right to rote 取消表决权 4.Chair [tʃeə] 主席......................5.Close the debate [dɪ'beɪt] 结束辩论 6.Director[dɪ'rektə;daɪ-]会议指导 7.Delegate ['delɪgət]代表 8.Deputy ['depjʊtɪ] 副代表

9.Head [hed]

Delegate ['delɪgət] 代表团团长,领队 10.Faculty['fæk(ə)ltɪ]

Advisor [əd'vaɪzə]代表团指导 11.Delegation[delɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n] Bloc[blɒk]代表团.12.Distribution

[dɪstrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n] 分发.13.Document ['dɒkjʊm(ə)nt] officer 文件分发.人员 14.Drafting ['drɑːftɪŋ] committee [kə'mɪtɪ]起草委员会 15.Draft [drɑːft] Resolution [rezə'luːʃ(ə)n] 决议草案 16.Draw [drɔː]

lots [lɒts]


17.Elect [ɪ'lekt] by an absolute ['æbsəluːt](a simple)majority [mə'dʒɒrɪtɪ] 以绝对(简单)多数选出 18.Emergency [ɪ'mɜːdʒ(ə)nsɪ] meeting 紧急会议 19.Enjoy privileges ['prɪvlɪdʒ] 享受特权 20.Entry ['entrɪ] into force 开始生效

21.Executive [ɪg'zekjʊtɪv;eg-] secretary ['sekrɪt(ə)rɪ] 执行秘书 22.Exercise ['eksəsaɪz] the right of vote.行使表决权 23.Expert ['ekspɜːt]专家

24.Explain [ɪk'spleɪn;ek-] one’s rote 对所.投的票加以说明 25.Extend [ɪk'stend;ek-] the term of office 延长任期 26.Extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔːdnri] session 特别会议 27.Fill a vacancy ['veɪk(ə)nsɪ] 补缺

28.Final ['faɪn(ə)l]

report [rɪ'pɔːt] 最后报告 29.First ballot ['bælət]

第一次投票表决 30.First priority [praɪ'ɒrɪtɪ] 最优先项目

31.Fix the timetable ['taɪmteɪb(ə)l] of the settings ['sɛtɪŋ] 安排各次会议的时间表 32.Foot-note ['fʊtnəʊt]

脚注 33.Gallery ['gæl(ə)rɪ] 旁听席

34.General ['dʒen(ə)r(ə)l] committee [kə'mɪtɪ] 总务.委员会 35.General ['dʒen(ə)r(ə)l] debate [dɪ'beɪt]


36.Geographical [dʒɪə'græfɪk(ə)l] distribution [dɪstrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n]按地域分配 37.Give a ruling ['ruːlɪŋ] 作出裁定 38.Give a warning

['wɔːnɪŋ] 警告.39.Give up one’s turn to speak in favour ['feɪvə] of 把自己的发言机会让给 40.Give up the office t.o chairman ['tʃeəmən] 放弃主席的职务 41.Go back upon a vote 重新表决.42.Governing body 执行机构

43.Hand over the Chair to the Vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席..44.Have priority 有优先权 45.Have the initiative 有倡议权 46.Head of delegation 代表团团长 47.Heading 标题

48.Honorary president 名誉主席(会长)49.Host country 东道国

50.I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权 51.I ask for the floor 我请求发言 52.I give the floor to 我请…(发言)

53.I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言 54.Immunities 豁免

55.Implement the provisions of a Convention 实施公约的规定 56.Impose a vote 行使否决权

57.In a private capacity 以私人身份 58.In an official capacity 以官方身份 59.In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份 60.In the hands of chairman 听从主席决定 61.Include in the agenda 列入议程 62.Information desk 问讯处(台)63.Infringement 违反行为

64.Initiate a discussion 进行讨论 65.Instructions 指示、命令

66.International instrument 国际文件(特指国际公约等)67.Interrupt a vote 中断表决

68.Intervene in a debate 参加辩论

69.Invite speakers to be brief 请发言人简明扼要些

70.Invoke the chairman’s authority 请使用主席的权利 71.Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定 72.Item on the agenda 议程项目

73.Leave the matter to the chairman’s decision 把事情交由主席决定 74.Legal adviser 法律顾问 75.List of delegates 代表名单 76.List of speakers 发言人名单 77.Lobby 大厅、休息厅

78.Maintain one’s candidature 保持候选资.格.79.Maintain order 维持秩序

80.Make a personal statement 以个人名义发表声明.81.Memorandum 备忘录

82.Merge together several amendments 把几个修正案合并起来 83.Microphone 麦克风 84.Minutes 会议记录

85.Motion to Change the Speaking Time 动议更.改发言时间 86.Motion for a Moderated Caucus 动议有主持核心商榷 87.Motion for an Un-moderated Caucus 动议自由商榷 88.Motion to Close Debate 动议结束辩论

89.Move that a separate vote be taken 提议分开表决 90.Move the closure of debate 动议结束辩论 91.Negative vote 反对票 92.Note 照会

93.Note a statement 将一个声明载入记录

94.Note a violation of the rules 指出对规则的破坏 95.Object in principle 在原则上反对 96.Observer 观察员

97.Occupy the chair 担任主席 98.Office 职务

99.Official languages 正式语言

100.Official meeting 正式会议

101.Open a debate on procedure 开始程序问题的辩论 102.Open the Speakers’ List 产生发言名单 103.Oppose a proposal 反对一个建议 104.Original text 原文 105.Overrule 驳回 106.Page 意向条

107.Participants 参加者

108.Party to a convention 公约缔约国 109.Pass a vote of censure 通过指责决议 110.Permanent delegate 常人代表,常驻代表 111.Placard 国家牌

112.Place a statement on record 将一个声明载入纪录 113.Place at the end of the agenda 列在议程末尾 114.Platform 主席台 115.Plenary assembly 116.Plenipotentiary 全权代表 117.Point of Inquiry 咨询性问题 118.Point of Order 程序性问题

119.Point of Personal Privilege 个人特权问题 120.Position Paper.立场文件 121.Postpone a vote.延期表决

122.Postpone the discussion.推迟讨论

123.Postpone to the next session(sitting).延到.下一届(次)会 124.Preamble 序言......................125.Preparatory committee 筹备委员会......................126.Preparatory meeting 预备会议

127.President(submit)an amendment in writing 提出书面修正案 128.Press gallery 新闻记者席

129.Press releases 新闻稿......................130.Press-officer 新闻官......................131.Private meeting 秘密会议

132.Proceed to the discussion of the articles 开始讨论条款 133.Proceed to a second reading 进行二读 134.Proceed to a vote.进行表决

135.Programme of meetings 会议日程表 136.Programme of work 工作日程

137.Progress report 工作进展情况报告......................138.Protocol 议定书......................139.Provisional agenda 临时议程............................................140.Public gallery 公众旁听席......................141.Public meeting 公开会议

142.Put a question to the vote 把问题付诸表决 143.Put a written question 提出书面问题

144.Put one’s name on the list of speakers 登记发言......................145.Questionnaire 调查表,问题单

146.Raise a point of order 提出程序问题

147.Raise an objection of principle 提出原则性的反对意见 148.Rappotuer 主席助理,报告员 149.Ratify a Convention 批准公约

150.Recall the terms of the rules 忆及规则的条款 151.Recommendation 建议

152.Record in the minutes 列入会议记录

153.Refer to existing traditions 参照现存惯例......................154.Refer to the text 参照原文......................155.Refuse an appointment 不接受责任、职务 156.Refuse an office 不接受职务

157.Refuse to take the initiative 拒绝带头......................158.Regional conference 规则(条例,规章)

159.Remit to the appropriate committee 送交主管的委员会 160.Renewal of term of office 连任

161.Renounce the office of chairman 辞去主席的职务 162.Report 报告......................163.Representation 代表权......................164.Representative 代表......................165.Request a legal opinion 征询法律意见......................166.Request the speaker to keep the point under discussion 请发言人不要离开主题 167.Reservations 保留

168.Reserve one’s right to answer at a later stage 保留以后再答复的权利 169.Resolution 决议

170.Resolution committee 决议委员会

171.Restrict the time accorded to speakers 限制发言时间 172.Resume a debate 继续辩论 173.Resume a sitting 继续开会

174.Resume the chairmanship 继续担任主席 175.Right of vote 表决权 176.Role Call 点名 177.Rostrum 讲台

178.Round table meeting 圆桌会议 179.Rules 规则,法规

180.Rules of procedure 议事规则 181.Seat 座位

182.Secret ballot 无记名投票 183.Secretariat 秘书处

184.Secretary General 秘书长

185.Serve in(a Board)在(理事会)中担任理事 186.Set up a committee 设立一个委员会 187.Signatory to a convention 公约签字国 188.Signatory 附议国 189.Sit on a committee 参加委员会为委员 190.Setting the Agenda 确定议题

191.Speak from one’s place 在坐席上发言 192.Sponsor 起草国

193.Stand adjourned 休会

194.Stand for election 担任候选人 195.Standing body 常设机构 196.Statement 声明,发言 197.Status 地位......................198.Statutes 章程......................199.Steering committee 指导委员会......................200.Sub-committee 小组委员会......................201.Sub-heading 小标题,副标题

202.Submit a draft resolution 提出决议草案

203.Submit to the rules governing… 服从有关……的规则 204.Subsidiary body 附属机构

205.Substantive motion 实质行动议 206.Substitute resolution 替代的决议 207.Summary record 简要记录(纪要)

208.Support a candidature 支持(某人)的候选资格 209.Support a nomination 支持某个提名 210.Suspend the rules 放弃对规则的适用 211.Suspend the sitting 停止会议

212.Take a decision upon a motion 对动议作出决定 213.Take a stand for(against)a proposal 赞成(反对)214.Take into consideration 考虑到 215.Take part in a poll 参加选举 216.Take the floor 发言

217.Take up the discussion 开始讨论 218.Technical adviser 技术顾问

219.Term of office 任期......................220.The list of speakers in closed 发言登记已截止 221.The majority is obtained 获得多数......................222.The majority of members present and voting 出席并投票的成员多数 223.The meeting is called to order 宣布会议开始......................224.The motion is adopted 动议获得通过......................225.The motion is rejected 动议被否决

226.The requisite majority 必要的多数......................227.The result is final 结果是最后的 228.To address the meeting 发言 229.To be in office 在职 230.To be in session 开会 231.Treasurer 司库 232.Treaty 条约

233.Tri-partite 三方面......................234.Typewriting service pool 打字组......................235.Unanimous vote 一致同意

236.Unofficial meeting 非正式会议............................................237.Valid ballot papers 有效票 238.Verbatim record 逐字记录......................239.Verbatim reporters 速记人员......................240.Veto 否决

241.Vice-Chairman 副主席

242.Vice-Chairmanship 副主席......................243.Vice-Presidency 副会长 244.Vice-President 副会长 245.Vote 投票表决

246.Vote by roll call 唱名表决

247.Vote by show of hands 举手表决

248.Vote indicator 表决指示牌......................249.Vote of thanks 大会申谢......................250.Vote on the motion as a whole 表决整个动议......................251.Vote without debate 不经辩论的表决......................252.Votes cast 已投的票数......................253.Waive the rules 放弃对规则的适用 254.We have a quorum 我们已足法定人数 255.Withdraw a proposal 撤回提案

256.Withdraw one’s candidature 撤销候选人资格 257.Working languages 工作人员......................258.Working paper 工作文件......................259.Yield Time to Another Delegate让渡给他国代表......................260.Yield Time to Questions让渡给问题 261.Yield Time to Chair让渡给主席



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