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热11已有 260 次阅读 2010-09-30 17:02 标签: 人力资源 APEC 致辞 会议 开发


深化交流合作 实现包容性增长


中国国家主席 胡主席


Deepen Exchanges and Cooperation for Inclusive Growth

--Address by President Hu Jintao At the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting

September 16, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,来自亚太经合组织各成员的朋友们齐聚北京,参加第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议。这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对与会各位代表表示诚挚的欢迎!

Today, friends from the APEC member economies are gathering in Beijing for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting.The theme of the meeting is “Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth”.First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting and sincere welcome to all delegates。


The Asia-Pacific region is among the world's most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential.It has an important place and role in the world economy, with the 21 APEC member economies making up nearly 60% of total global economic output.After 21 years of development, APEC has become an economic cooperation organization in the Asia-Pacific region that has the most full-fledged institutions and attracts the highest level of participation。


In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing.In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development.The 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people.To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work on together。


The ultimate purpose of inclusive growth is to spread the benefits of economic globalization and economic development among all countries, regions and people and to realize balanced economic and social progress through sustainable development.Our goal is greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment.To this end, we must develop the economy, transform the economic development pattern, raise the efficiency of economic development, and create more social wealth so that our people can lead a better life.We should pursue social equity and justice.To this end, we must ensure everyone equal access to development opportunities, steadily put in place a system for guaranteeing social equity with a focus on ensuring fairness in rights, opportunities, rules and distribution, and eradicate obstacles that keep our people from participating in economic development or sharing the fruits of economic development.We should put people first, ensure and improve people's livelihood, institute a social safety net that covers all, and address issues vital to people's livelihood, including education, labor and employment, health care, old-age support and housing.We should work hard to ensure that development is for the people and by the people and its fruits are shared among the people.Here, I want to make the following four proposals within the context of the theme of the meeting:


First, give priority to human resources development.Human resources development holds the key to people's full participation in economic development and to improvement of conditions for their survival and development.It also provides the basis for sustainable economic development and inclusive growth.Development of human resources can be sustainable.Among all the advantages we are endowed with, the advantage in human resources is the most reliable.It can bring out the greatest potential in us and its development calls for our utmost efforts.We should be committed to the concept that human resources are the number one resources in economic and social development, and should speed up efforts to form strategies that give priority to human resources development.We should focus on readjusting the structures of human resources and investing in human resources development.We should make institutional innovations in human resources development by building a development mechanism that is jointly invested by the government, society, employers and individuals.And we should actively plan for and make readjustments to the professional mix, level and distribution of human resources, so as to boost the innovation power of human resources of all kinds。


Second, implement the strategy of full employment.Employment is vital to people's livelihood.Full employment in society will enable more people to share the fruits of economic and social development.We should make full employment our priority goal in economic and social development and implement the strategy of expanding employment to maximize employment and development opportunities for workers and ensure full employment for our people.The government should take greater responsibility in employment promotion.We should implement a more proactive employment policy and relevant fiscal, financial and industrial policies and build a public service system for employment that covers both rural and urban areas.We need to improve the long-term employment aid system that is accessible to all people with difficulties, and enhance the interactive mechanism between employment and social security.We also need to promote decent work as well as harmonious labor relations。


Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers.We need to improve the quality of workers and make sure that economic growth is truly driven by scientific and technological advancement, improvement of workers' quality and innovation in management.This meets the need for people's all-round development and provides a major guarantee for economic and social development.We need to improve the quality of our workers to promote transformation of the economic growth pattern, economic restructuring and upgrading and harmonious growth between the economy and society.We should offer proper guidance to our workers so that they will improve their moral and educational background, raise their working capacity, obtain new knowledge, skills and know-how and become high-quality workers to meet the needs of economic and social development in the new era.We should take steps to adapt to changes in economic growth pattern and improvement of economic structures, and build and improve a vocational training system accessible to all workers and formulate a guiding system, training system, evaluation system and incentive system to help our workers improve their professional and technical skills in an all-round manner.It is important to bring into full play the role of education in improving the quality and capacity of workers.To achieve the goal of building a study-oriented society and realizing life-long education, we need to give priority to education, make it more modernized, and ensure its non-profit and universal nature.We should protect our citizens' right to education as provided for by law and work hard to nurture high-quality workers, professional talents and leading creative talents。


Fourth, build a social security system that ensures sustainable development.A sound social security system is a major guarantee for economic and social development;it also provides a safety net for social harmony and stability.On the basis of economic development, we should build a social security system covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure its coverage is broad, basic, multi-tiered and sustainable.We should better coordinate social insurance, social assistance and social welfare, and raise the level of social security steadily.We should vigorously increase social security input in government budget, expand the coverage of social insurance, improve the social assistance system, and promote social welfare and charity endeavors so that we will better ensure our people's rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care and housing。


Practical and win-win cooperation is essential if we, APEC member economies, are to achieve common development.We should beef up economic and technical cooperation, advance regional trade and investment liberalization, and narrow the development gap among member economies to promote common prosperity.We should work more closely in employment, social security and other fields by promoting policy dialogue and experience sharing.We should broaden our cooperation in human resources development, build platforms for technical cooperation, and raise our cooperation level with the focus on helping developing members in human resources development.To this end, China has decided to launch, together with other APEC member economies, the APEC Skills Development Promotion Project。


China is a strong supporter and follower of inclusive growth, a concept that is consistent with our pursuit of scientific development and social harmony.While speeding up the transformation of economic growth pattern and maintaining stable and relatively fast economic growth, China is committed to integrating economic development with improvement of people's lives.We focus on addressing issues that directly concern people's biggest and most immediate interests, and endeavor to promote social progress designed to improve people's livelihood.In response to the international financial crisis, China has introduced the policy of ensuring economic growth, people's livelihood and stability.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We vigorously promoted economic development, focusing on improving efficiency, and, at the same time, increased input in social programs, intensifying our efforts to improve the social safety net and address problems concerning people's livelihood.We are keenly aware that despite the significant achievements in economic and social development, China remains the largest developing country in the world.China's basic national conditions, a huge population, weak economic foundation and imbalance in development, remain unchanged, and we face many serious challenges in economic and social development.We will stay committed to scientific development, deepen reform and opening-up, and push forward economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development in an all-round way.We will better coordinate the various links and aspects in our modernization drive, create even more social wealth, and improve people's lives to achieve all-round, balanced and sustainable economic and social development。


Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region faces unprecedented opportunities of development.We, APEC members, should work together and make the best use of this APEC cooperation platform to deepen and broaden our cooperation.Hand in hand, let's move toward the objective of enduring peace and common prosperity for the benefit of people in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large。


I wish this meeting a complete success!


Thank you。



lavender 2010年09月30日16:49 来源:国际在线 点击



深化交流合作 实现包容性增长


中国国家主席 胡锦涛


Deepen Exchanges and Cooperation for Inclusive Growth

--Address by President Hu Jintao At the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting

September 16, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,来自亚太经合组织各成员的朋友们齐聚北京,参加第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议。这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对与会各位代表表示诚挚的欢迎!

Today, friends from the APEC member economies are gathering in Beijing for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting.The theme of the meeting is “Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth”.First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting and sincere welcome to all delegates。


The Asia-Pacific region is among the world's most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential.It has an important place and role in the world economy, with the 21 APEC member economies making up nearly 60% of total global economic output.After 21 years of development, APEC has become an economic cooperation organization in the Asia-Pacific region that has the most full-fledged institutions and attracts the highest level of participation。


In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing.In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development.The 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people.To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work on together。


The ultimate purpose of inclusive growth is to spread the benefits of economic globalization and economic development among all countries, regions and people and to realize balanced economic and social progress through sustainable development.Our goal is greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment.To this end, we must develop the economy, transform the economic development pattern, raise the efficiency of economic development, and create more social wealth so that our people can lead a better life.We should pursue social equity and justice.To this end, we must ensure everyone equal access to development opportunities, steadily put in place a system for guaranteeing social equity with a focus on ensuring fairness in rights, opportunities, rules and distribution, and eradicate obstacles that keep our people from participating in economic development or sharing the fruits of economic development.We should put people first, ensure and improve people's livelihood, institute a social safety net that covers all, and address issues vital to people's livelihood, including education, labor and employment, health care, old-age support and housing.We should work hard to ensure that development is for the people and by the people and its fruits are shared among the people.Here, I want to make the following four proposals within the context of the theme of the meeting:


First, give priority to human resources development.Human resources development holds the key to people's full participation in economic development and to improvement of conditions for their survival and development.It also provides the basis for sustainable economic development and inclusive growth.Development of human resources can be sustainable.Among all the advantages we are endowed with, the advantage in human resources is the most reliable.It can bring out the greatest potential in us and its development calls for our utmost efforts.We should be committed to the concept that human resources are the number one resources in economic and social development, and should speed up efforts to form strategies that give priority to human resources development.We should focus on readjusting the structures of human resources and investing in human resources development.We should make institutional innovations in human resources development by building a development mechanism that is jointly invested by the government, society, employers and individuals.And we should actively plan for and make readjustments to the professional mix, level and distribution of human resources, so as to boost the innovation power of human resources of all kinds。


Second, implement the strategy of full employment.Employment is vital to people's livelihood.Full employment in society will enable more people to share the fruits of economic and social development.We should make full employment our priority goal in economic and social development and implement the strategy of expanding employment to maximize employment and development opportunities for workers and ensure full employment for our people.The government should take greater responsibility in employment promotion.We should implement a more proactive employment policy and relevant fiscal, financial and industrial policies and build a public service system for employment that covers both rural and urban areas.We need to improve the long-term employment aid system that is accessible to all people with difficulties, and enhance the interactive mechanism between employment and social security.We also need to promote decent work as well as harmonious labor relations。


Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers.We need to improve the quality of workers and make sure that economic growth is truly driven by scientific and technological advancement, improvement of workers' quality and innovation in management.This meets the need for people's all-round development and provides a major guarantee for economic and social development.We need to improve the quality of our workers to promote transformation of the economic growth pattern, economic restructuring and upgrading and harmonious growth between the economy and society.We should offer proper guidance to our workers so that they will improve their moral and educational background, raise their working capacity, obtain new knowledge, skills and know-how and become high-quality workers to meet the needs of economic and social development in the new era.We should take steps to adapt to changes in economic growth pattern and improvement of economic structures, and build and improve a vocational training system accessible to all workers and formulate a guiding system, training system, evaluation system and incentive system to help our workers improve their professional and technical skills in an all-round manner.It is important to bring into full play the role of education in improving the quality and capacity of workers.To achieve the goal of building a study-oriented society and realizing life-long education, we need to give priority to education, make it more modernized, and ensure its non-profit and universal nature.We should protect our citizens' right to education as provided for by law and work hard to nurture high-quality workers, professional talents and leading creative talents。


Fourth, build a social security system that ensures sustainable development.A sound social security system is a major guarantee for economic and social development;it also provides a safety net for social harmony and stability.On the basis of economic development, we should build a social security system covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure its coverage is broad, basic, multi-tiered and sustainable.We should better coordinate social insurance, social assistance and social welfare, and raise the level of social security steadily.We should vigorously increase social security input in government budget, expand the coverage of social insurance, improve the social assistance system, and promote social welfare and charity endeavors so that we will better ensure our people's rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care and housing。


Practical and win-win cooperation is essential if we, APEC member economies, are to achieve common development.We should beef up economic and technical cooperation, advance regional trade and investment liberalization, and narrow the development gap among member economies to promote common prosperity.We should work more closely in employment, social security and other fields by promoting policy dialogue and experience sharing.We should broaden our cooperation in human resources development, build platforms for technical cooperation, and raise our cooperation level with the focus on helping developing members in human resources development.To this end, China has decided to launch, together with other APEC member economies, the APEC Skills Development Promotion Project。


China is a strong supporter and follower of inclusive growth, a concept that is consistent with our pursuit of scientific development and social harmony.While speeding up the transformation of economic growth pattern and maintaining stable and relatively fast economic growth, China is committed to integrating economic development with improvement of people's lives.We focus on addressing issues that directly concern people's biggest and most immediate interests, and endeavor to promote social progress designed to improve people's livelihood.In response to the international financial crisis, China has introduced the policy of ensuring economic growth, people's livelihood and stability.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We vigorously promoted economic development, focusing on improving efficiency, and, at the same time, increased input in social programs, intensifying our efforts to improve the social safety net and address problems concerning people's livelihood.We are keenly aware that despite the significant achievements in economic and social development, China remains the largest developing country in the world.China's basic national conditions, a huge population, weak economic foundation and imbalance in development, remain unchanged, and we face many serious challenges in economic and social development.We will stay committed to scientific development, deepen reform and opening-up, and push forward economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development in an all-round way.We will better coordinate the various links and aspects in our modernization drive, create even more social wealth, and improve people's lives to achieve all-round, balanced and sustainable economic and social development。


Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region faces unprecedented opportunities of






深化交流合作 实现包容性增长


中国国家主席 胡锦涛


Deepen Exchanges and Cooperation for Inclusive Growth

--Address by President Hu Jintao At the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting

September 16, 2010


资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,来自亚太经合组织各成员的朋友们齐聚北京,参加第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议。这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对与会各位代表表示诚挚的欢迎!

Today, friends from the APEC member economies are gathering in Beijing for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting.The theme of the meeting is “Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth”.First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting and sincere welcome to all delegates。


The Asia-Pacific region is among the world's most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential.It has an important place and role in the world economy, with the 21 APEC member economies making up nearly 60% of total global economic output.After 21 years of development, APEC has become an economic cooperation organization in the Asia-Pacific region that has the most full-fledged institutions and attracts the highest level of participation。


In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing.In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development.The 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people.To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work on together。


The ultimate purpose of inclusive growth is to spread the benefits of economic globalization and economic development among all countries, regions and people and to realize balanced economic and social progress through sustainable development.Our goal is greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment.To this end, we must develop the economy, transform the economic development pattern, raise the efficiency of economic development, and create more social wealth so that our people can lead a better life.We should pursue social equity and justice.To this end, we must ensure everyone equal access to development opportunities, steadily put in place a system for guaranteeing social equity with a focus on ensuring fairness in rights, opportunities, rules and distribution, and eradicate obstacles that keep our people from participating in economic development or sharing the fruits of economic development.We should put people first, ensure and improve people's livelihood, institute a social safety net that covers all, and address issues vital to people's livelihood, including education, labor and employment, health care, old-age support and housing.We should work hard to ensure that development is for the people and by the people and its fruits are shared among the people.Here, I want to make the following four proposals within the context of the theme of the meeting:


资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



First, give priority to human resources development.Human resources development holds the key to people's full participation in economic development and to improvement of conditions for their survival and development.It also provides the basis for sustainable economic development and inclusive growth.Development of human resources can be sustainable.Among all the advantages we are endowed with, the advantage in human resources is the most reliable.It can bring out the greatest potential in us and its development calls for our utmost efforts.We should be committed to the concept that human resources are the number one resources in economic and social development, and should speed up efforts to form strategies that give priority to human resources development.We should focus on readjusting the structures of human resources and investing in human resources development.We should make institutional innovations in human resources development by building a development mechanism that is jointly invested by the government, society, employers and individuals.And we should actively plan for and make readjustments to the professional mix, level and distribution of human resources, so as to boost the innovation power of human resources of all kinds。


Second, implement the strategy of full employment.Employment is vital to people's livelihood.Full employment in society will enable more people to share the fruits of economic and social development.We should make full employment our priority goal in economic and social development and implement the strategy of expanding employment to maximize employment and development opportunities for workers and ensure full employment for our people.The government should take greater responsibility in employment promotion.We should implement a more proactive employment policy and relevant fiscal, financial and industrial policies and build a public service system for employment that covers both rural and urban areas.We need to improve the long-term employment aid system that is accessible to all people with difficulties, and enhance the interactive mechanism between employment and social security.We also need to promote decent work as well as harmonious labor relations。

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/




深化交流合作 实现包容性增长

女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,来自亚太经合组织各成员的朋友们齐聚北京,参加第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议。这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对与会各位代表表示诚挚的欢迎!

Today, friends from the APEC member economies are gathering in Beijing for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting.The theme of the meeting is “Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth”.First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting and sincere welcome to all delegates。


The Asia-Pacific region is among the world's most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential.It has an important place and role in the world economy, with the 21 APEC member economies making up nearly 60% of total global economic output.After 21 years of development, APEC has become an economic cooperation organization in the Asia-Pacific region that has the most full-fledged institutions and attracts the highest level of participation。


In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing.In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development.The 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people.To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work on together。


The ultimate purpose of inclusive growth is to spread the benefits of economic globalization and economic development among all countries, regions and people and to realize balanced economic and social progress through sustainable development.Our goal is greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment.To this end, we must develop the economy, transform the economic development pattern, raise the efficiency of economic development, and create more social wealth so that our people can lead a better life.We should pursue social equity and justice.To this end, we must ensure everyone equal access to development opportunities, steadily put in place a system for guaranteeing social equity with a focus on ensuring fairness in rights, opportunities, rules and distribution, and eradicate obstacles that keep our people from participating in economic development or sharing the fruits of economic development.We should put people first, ensure and improve people's livelihood, institute a social safety net that covers all, and address issues vital to people's livelihood, including education, labor and employment, health care, old-age support and housing.We should work hard to ensure that development is for the people and by the people and its fruits are shared among the people.Here, I want to make the following four proposals within the context of the theme of the meeting:


First, give priority to human resources development.Human resources development holds the key to people's full participation in economic development and to improvement of conditions for their survival and development.It also provides the basis for sustainable economic development and inclusive growth.Development of human resources can be sustainable.Among all the advantages we are endowed with, the advantage in human resources is the most reliable.It can bring out the greatest potential in us and its development calls for our utmost efforts.We should be committed to the concept that human resources are the number one resources in economic and social development, and should speed up efforts to form strategies that give priority to human resources development.We should focus on readjusting the structures of human resources and investing in human resources development.We should make institutional innovations in human resources development by building a development mechanism that is jointly invested by the government, society, employers and individuals.And we should actively plan for and make readjustments to the professional mix, level and distribution of human resources, so as to boost the innovation power of human resources of all kinds。


Second, implement the strategy of full employment.Employment is vital to people's livelihood.Full employment in society will enable more people to share the fruits of economic and social development.We should make full employment our priority goal in economic and social development and implement the strategy of expanding employment to maximize employment and development opportunities for workers and ensure full employment for our people.The government should take greater responsibility in employment promotion.We should implement a more proactive employment policy and relevant fiscal, financial and industrial policies and build a public service system for employment that covers both rural and urban areas.We need to improve the long-term employment aid system that is accessible to all people with difficulties, and enhance the interactive mechanism between employment and social security.We also need to promote decent work as well as harmonious labor relations。


Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers.We need to improve the quality of workers and make sure that economic growth is truly driven by scientific and technological advancement, improvement of workers' quality and innovation in management.This meets the need for people's all-round development and provides a major guarantee for economic and social development.We need to improve the quality of our workers to promote transformation of the economic growth pattern, economic restructuring and upgrading and harmonious growth between the economy and society.We should offer proper guidance to our workers so that they will improve their moral and educational background, raise their working capacity, obtain new knowledge, skills and know-how and become high-quality workers to meet the needs of economic and social development in the new era.We should take steps to adapt to changes in economic growth pattern and improvement of economic structures, and build and improve a vocational training system accessible to all workers and formulate a guiding system, training system, evaluation system and incentive system to help our workers improve their professional and technical skills in an all-round manner.It is important to bring into full play the role of education in improving the quality and capacity of workers.To achieve the goal of building a study-oriented society and realizing life-long education, we need to give priority to education, make it more modernized, and ensure its non-profit and universal nature.We should protect our citizens' right to education as provided for by law and work hard to nurture high-quality workers, professional talents and leading creative talents。


Fourth, build a social security system that ensures sustainable development.A sound social security system is a major guarantee for economic and social development;it also provides a safety net for social harmony and stability.On the basis of economic development, we should build a social security system covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure its coverage is broad, basic, multi-tiered and sustainable.We should better coordinate social insurance, social assistance and social welfare, and raise the level of social security steadily.We should vigorously increase social security input in government budget, expand the coverage of social insurance, improve the social assistance system, and promote social welfare and charity endeavors so that we will better ensure our people's rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care and housing。


Practical and win-win cooperation is essential if we, APEC member economies, are to achieve common development.We should beef up economic and technical cooperation, advance regional trade and investment liberalization, and narrow the development gap among member economies to promote common prosperity.We should work more closely in employment, social security and other fields by promoting policy dialogue and experience sharing.We should broaden our cooperation in human resources development, build platforms for technical cooperation, and raise our cooperation level with the focus on helping developing members in human resources development.To this end, China has decided to launch, together with other APEC member economies, the APEC Skills Development Promotion Project。


China is a strong supporter and follower of inclusive growth, a concept that is consistent with our pursuit of scientific development and social harmony.While speeding up the transformation of economic growth pattern and maintaining stable and relatively fast economic growth, China is committed to integrating economic development with improvement of people's lives.We focus on addressing issues that directly concern people's biggest and most immediate interests, and endeavor to promote social progress designed to improve people's livelihood.In response to the international financial crisis, China has introduced the policy of ensuring economic growth, people's livelihood and stability.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We vigorously promoted economic development, focusing on improving efficiency, and, at the same time, increased input in social programs, intensifying our efforts to improve the social safety net and address problems concerning people's livelihood.We are keenly aware that despite the significant achievements in economic and social development, China remains the largest developing country in the world.China's basic national conditions, a huge population, weak economic foundation and imbalance in development, remain unchanged, and we face many serious challenges in economic and social development.We will stay committed to scientific development, deepen reform and opening-up, and push forward economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development in an all-round way.We will better coordinate the various links and aspects in our modernization drive, create even more social wealth, and improve people's lives to achieve all-round, balanced and sustainable economic and social development。


Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region faces unprecedented opportunities of development.We, APEC members, should work together and make the best use of this APEC cooperation platform to deepen and broaden our cooperation.Hand in hand, let's move toward the objective of enduring peace and common prosperity for the benefit of people in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large。


I wish this meeting a complete success!


Thank you。



主席先生,各位同事: Mr.President, Dear Colleagues, 十年前,就是在这间庄严肃穆的大厅里,召开了联合国千年首脑会议,各国领导人向全世界立下誓言,一定要使每一个人实现发展权,并使全人类免于饥饿和贫困。千年峰会吹响了消除全球贫困的号角,成为推动人类共同发展的里程碑。

Ten years ago, in this very hall, world leaders held the UN Millennium Summit and made the solemn commitment of making the right to development a reality for everyone and freeing the entire human race from hunger and poverty.The Millennium Summit was a call for action to end global poverty and represented a milestone in the endeavor to promote the common development of mankind.弹指一挥间,十年过去了。在国际社会的共同努力下,大批遭受饥饿的人们基本解决了温饱,众多因贫困而失学的儿童走进了梦寐以求的校园,越来越多艾滋病患者得到社会关爱和及时救治。同时也要看到,千年发展目标在不同地区和领域的落实还不平衡,许多国家在改善妇幼健康、实现男女平等和保护生态环境等方面进展不明显,不少发展中国家受到国际金融危机、自然灾害和粮食、能源市场波动的严重冲击,全球饥饿人口又有新的增加,实现千年发展目标依然任重道远。Time flies.Thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community over the past decade, many people who suffered from hunger now have access to basic necessities, many children who were denied education due to poverty now have their dream of going to school come true, and more and more AIDS patients have received timely treatment and care.That said, we must not lose sight of the fact that progress toward the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)is still uneven in different regions and fields.Many countries have yet to make visible headway in improving the health of women and children, achieving gender equality, and protecting the eco-environment.A considerable number of developing countries have been hit hard by the global financial crisis, natural disasters and volatilitiesin the food and energy markets.And the global population living in hunger has increased.Achieving the MDGs therefore remains a long and uphill journey.中国始终积极响应联合国的倡议,为实现千年发展目标作出了不懈的努力。1978年以来,中国绝对贫困人口减少两亿多人,占发展中国家减贫人数的75%。我们注重从制度上保障和改善民生,在全国城乡实行9年免费义务教育,对8亿农民实行新型农村合作医疗,启动新型农村社会养老保险试点,低收入群体就业、子女入学、居住条件等问题也都得到很大改善。China, an active and sustained supporter of the UN initiative, has made tireless efforts to reach the MDGs.Since 1978, the number of Chinese living in absolute poverty has been lowered by over 200 million, accounting for 75% of the total population lifted out of poverty in developing countries.We have enhanced the institutional arrangements aimed at ensuring and improving people's well-being.We have extended the free nine-year compulsory education nationwide, introduced the rural cooperative medical care scheme for the 800 million farmers, and launched the rural old-age insurance program on a trial basis.Access of low-income groups to employment, housing and education has significantly improved.我们清醒地认识到,中国人口多、底子薄,发展不平衡,目前还不富裕,人均GDP位居世界100位左右,发展经济、改善民生的任务还很重。按中国政府现行扶贫标准,还有数以千万计的贫困人口。我们正在制定国民经济和社会发展“十二五”规划、新十年扶贫开发纲要,扶贫开发力度将进一步加大。我们坚信,千年发展目标在中国大地上一定能够如期实现。

On the other hand, we are keenly aware of the arduous tasks that we face in developing the economy and improving people's livelihood.China, with its large population, weak economic foundation and imbalances in development, is not yet a rich country.Its per capita GDP ranks about 100th in the world.By the Chinese government's standard, tens of millions of Chinese people are still below the poverty line.We are formulating the twelfth five-year plan on economic and social development and the program on poverty alleviation through development for the new decade, both of which will lay greater emphasis on poverty alleviation.We are convinced that the MDGs will be achieved as scheduled on the vast land of China.扶危济困、守望相助是中华民族的传统美德。新中国成立60多年来,我们一直本着国际主义和人道主义精神,竭尽所能向发展中国家提供形式多样、真诚无私的援助,促进了发展中国家的经济发展和民生改善,加深了中国与广大发展中国家的友谊,树立了南南合作的典范。今后,中国政府将进一步加强和改进援外工作,为全人类早日实现千年发展目标做出应有的贡献。

Offering mutual support and assistance in times of adversity is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.Since the founding of the People's Republic over 60 years ago, we have, in an internationalist and humanitarian spirit, provided sincere and selfless assistance in multiple forms to other developing countries to the best of our ability.Such assistance has contributed to the economic development and people's well-being of the recipient countries, deepened China's friendship with them, and set a good example of South-South cooperation.The Chinese government will further strengthen and improve foreign assistance and contribute its due share to the early achievement of the MDGs throughout the world.第一,推动发展中国家民生事业发展。这是中国对外援助的首要目标。迄今为止,中国为发展中国家援建了150多所学校、近百所医院、70多项饮水设施、60多个体育场馆;向近70个国家派遣了医疗队,累计派出两万多名医务人员,治愈了数以亿计的患者。今后五年,中国将再为发展中国家建设200所学校;派遣3000名医疗专家,培养5000名医务人员,为100所医院提供医疗器械、药品等,重点用于妇幼卫生及防治疟疾、结核、艾滋病等疾病;援建200个清洁能源和环保项目;加强对小岛屿发展中国家防灾减灾的援助,帮助他们提高应对气候变化能力。我愿在此宣布,今后三年内,中国将向全球艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金捐款1400万美元。

First, help improve the livelihood of people in developing countries.This is the primary objective of China's foreign assistance.To date, China has built over 150 schools, nearly l 00 hospitals, more than 70 drinking waterfacilities and 60-plus stadiums for other developing countries.We have sent a total of more than 20,000 medical personnel to nearly 70 countries, offering treatment to hundreds of millions of patients.In the coming five years, China will take the following steps in support of better livelihood for people in other developing countries: build 200 schools;dispatch 3,000 medical experts, train 5,000 local medical personnel and provide medical equipment and medicines to 100 hospitals, giving priority to women's and children's health and the prevention and treatment of malaria, tuberculosis and HIVIAIDS;build 200 clean energy and environmental protection projects;and increase assistance to small island developing states in disaster prevention and mitigation to help build up their capacity in countering climate change.Here, I would like to announce that China will, within the next three years, donate US$14 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.第二,减免最不发达国家债务负担。截至2009年底,中国政府免除了50个重债穷国和最不发达国家的256亿元人民币债务。中国将进一步免除这些国家2010年到期未还的政府无息贷款。

Second, reduce and cancel debts of the least developed countries.By the end of 2009, the Chinese government had cancelled debts worth RMB25.6 billion yuan owed by 50 heavily indebted poor countries(HIPCs)and least developed countries(LDCs).We will cancel their debts associated with the outstanding governmental interest-free loans that mature in 2010.第三,深化与发展中国家的金融合作。为帮助发展中国家应对国际金融危机,中国已向非洲国家提供100亿美元的优惠贷款,向越南、柬埔寨、老挝、印尼等东盟国家提供150亿美元信贷支持;还向国际货币基金组织增资500亿美元,明确要求将资金优先用于最不发达国家。今后中国将继续向发展中国家提供一定规模的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷融资支持。Third, deepen financial cooperation with developing countries.To help other developing countries counter the international financial crisis, China has provided US$10 billion in concessional loans to African countries and US$15 billion of credit support to some ASEAN countries, including Viet Nam, Cambodia, the Laos and Indonesia.We have committed to contribute US$50 billion to the IMF resources increase with an explicit request that the hnd be used, first and foremost, to help LDCs.China will continue to extend financing support of a certain scale to developing countries in the form of concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit.第四,拓展与发展中国家的经贸关系。中国坚持通过减免关税等多种途径,为发展中国家对华出口各类产品创造条件。中国已经承诺逐步给予有关最不发达国家95%税目的产品零关税待遇。从2010年7月起,中国已对33个最不发达国家的4700多个税目的输华产品实施零关税,优惠范围已包括这些国家绝大多数对华出口商品。今后,我们还将继续扩大输华零关税产品范围和受惠国家范围,并鼓励国内企业扩大对发展中国家的投资。

Fourth, broaden economic and trade ties with developing countries.China has worked consistently to create conditions for developing countries to increase their exports to China through tariff relief and other measures.China has made the commitment of phasing in zero-tariff treatment to products under 95% of all tariff items from relevant LDCs.Since July 2010, we have given zero-tariff treatment to the exports from 33 LDCs under more than 4,700 tariff items, covering the vast majority of the products from these countries.In the future, we will give zero-tariff treatment to more products and let more countries benefit from this arrangement.We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to expand investment in developing countries.第五,加强与发展中国家的农业合作。中国在发展中国家已建成200多个农业合作项目,派出大批农业技术专家,有力地推动了当地农业发展。今后五年,中国将再派遣3000名农业专家和技术人员,提供5000个来华农业培训名额,并重点加强在农业规划、杂交水稻、水产养殖、农田水利、农业机械等方面的合作。

Fifth, strengthen agricultural cooperation with developing countries.China has built more than 200 agricultural cooperation projects in developing countries and sent a large number of agro-technology experts to those countries, giving a strong boost to their agricultural development.In the next five years, China will dispatch 3,000 agricultural experts and technical staffs, provide 5,000 agriculture-related training opportunities in China, and enhance, on a priority basis, cooperation with other developing countries in agricultural planning, hybrid rice, aquaculture, farmland water conservancy and agricultural machinery.第六,帮助发展中国家开发人力资源。中国已经为发展中国家举办了4000多期培训班,培训了12万名各类管理和技术人才,为受援国积累了比黄金更为珍贵的人力资源。今后五年,中国将为发展中国家再培训8万名各类人员。同时,将增加发展中国家来华留学奖学金名额和在职人员硕士学历教育名额,并为3000名校长和教师提供来华培训机会。

Sixth, help developing countries develop human resources.China has held over 4,000 training courses and trained 120,000 managerial and technical personnel in various professions for developing countries, helping the recipient countries build up human resources that are more valuable than gold.In the next five years, China will train another 80,000 professionals in various fields for developing countries.We will increase the number of scholarships and mid-career master's degree programs for people from developing countries, and provide training opportunities in China to 3,000 school principals and teachers.今年7月以来,巴基斯坦遭受严重洪灾,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。作为友好邻邦,中国人民感同身受。为支持巴基斯坦抗击洪灾、重建家园,中国已提供了3.2亿元人民币的人道主义援助,并向巴灾区派出救援队。我愿借此机会宣布,在已有援助的基础上,中国将再提供2亿美元的无偿援助。

Since July this year, Pakistan has been hit by serious floods, which inflicted heavy casualties and property losses.China is a friendly neighbor of Pakistan.Our hearts go out to the Pakistani people.In order to support Pakistan's efforts in fighting floods and rebuilding the country, China has decided to provide it with RMB320 million yuan of humanitarian assistance and has sent a relief team to the disaster-stricken areas.I wish to take this opportunity to announce that China will, on top of the pledged assistance, provide another US$200 million of assistance to Pakistan.主席先生,各位同事: Mr.President, Dear Colleagues, 未来五年是实施千年发展目标的关键阶段。国际社会应增强紧迫感和责任感,携手共进,扎实工作。

The next five years is crucial for the attainment of the MDGs.The international community must, with a greater sense of urgency and responsibility, take solid steps together in the following aspects to achieve common progress.Identify work priorities.The United Nations needs to put the achievement of the MDGs as scheduled on the top of its agenda and ensure that the process is not interrupted or delayed by other issues.The international community should give high priority to helping Africa achieve development and shake off poverty and should also scale up support for the LDCs.Developing countries should make the eradication of poverty through development a central task and keep enhancing capacities for self-development.Honor official commitments.To offer a loaf of bread is more useful than making an empty promise.Developed countries should fulfill 1 in good faith their commitments, assume the main responsibility in assisting developing countries, raise the share of official development assistance in their gross national income to 0.7% at an early date, and provide long-term, stable and predictable financial assistance to developing countries.The assistance should be selfless and have no strings attached.Improve the implementation mechanisms.Institutional arrangements are an important guarantee for meeting the MDGs.The United Nations should continue to play a central role in international development cooperation.It is important to establish an assessment mechanism on the MDGs at an early date.International institutions need to strengthen coordination and cooperation with regional organizations to form a synergy in poverty alleviation through development.Uphold a peaceful environment.If a country does not have durable peace and stability, its people can hardly live and work in happiness and contentment.If the world does not have peace and stability, then the whole mankind can hardly achieve development and progress.Countries and nations should all discard past grievances, turn swords into ploughshares and resolve disputes by peaceful means.主席先生,各位同事: Mr.President, Dear Colleagues, 《千年宣言》的发表,使全世界在贫困中煎熬的人们看到了曙光。这是人类的希望之光,良知之光,仁爱之光。今天我们在这里重新相聚,就是要让这一光明普照全球,温暖每一个生活在贫困中的人。此时此刻,无数双充满期待的眼睛,正在从非洲大陆,从亚洲和拉美,从世界仍在饥饿和贫困笼罩下的地方默默注视着我们。我们没有理由让他们失望。让我们以更加积极的姿态、更加精诚的合作,为如期实现千年发展目标、促进全人类的发展和进步而努力奋斗!

The adoption of the Millennium Declaration brought light to the people suffering from poverty around the world.It was a light of hope, a light of conscience, and a light of love.Today, we are gathered here again to make the light shine brightly across the globe and warm the heart of each and every one living in poverty.At this very moment, countless people, fiom Africa, Asia and Latin America, and indeed from all places still under the shadow of hunger and poverty, are looking to us, their eyes full of expectation, and we cannot let them down.Let us work harder and cooperate more closely for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals on schedule and for the development and progress of all mankind.谢谢大家!Thank you.




深化交流合作 实现包容性增长

——在第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议上的致辞 中国国家主席 胡锦涛 2010年9月16日

Deepen Exchanges and Cooperation for Inclusive Growth--Address by President Hu Jintao At the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting

September 16, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,来自亚太经合组织各成员的朋友们齐聚北京,参加第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议。这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对与会各位代表表示诚挚的欢迎!

Today, friends from the APEC member economies are gathering in Beijing for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting.The theme of the meeting is “Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth”.First of all, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm congratulations on the opening of the meeting and sincere welcome to all delegates.亚太地区是全球最具发展活力和潜力的地区之一,21个成员的经济总量占世界经济总量近60%,在世界经济格局中具有重要地位和作用。经过21年的发展,亚太经合组织已成为亚太地区机制最完善、层级最高的经济合作组织之一。

The Asia-Pacific region is among the world's most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential.It has an important place and role in the world economy, with the 21 APEC member economies making up nearly 60% of total global economic output.After 21 years of development, APEC has become an economic cooperation organization in the Asia-Pacific region that has the most full-fledged institutions and attracts the highest level of participation.国际金融危机的发生和应对使我们更加深刻地认识到,在经济全球化深入发展的今天,要推动世界经济可持续增长、有效应对世界经济面临的风险和挑战,各国各地区必须加强交流合作,协力解决经济发展中的深层次、结构性问题。2009年亚太经合组织第十七次领导人非正式会议就包容性增长达成共识,提出要更好抓住经济全球化带来的机遇、更好应对经济全球化带来的挑战,创造就业机会,造福广大民众。实现包容性增长,切实解决经济发展中出现的社会问题,为推进贸易和投资自由化、实现经济长远发展奠定坚实社会基础,这是亚太经合组织各成员需要共同研究和着力解决的重大课题。

In the wake of the international financial crisis and based on our experience in dealing with the crisis, we have become more acutely aware of one thing.In an era of deepening economic globalization, if we want to ensure sustained global economic growth and effectively tackle the risks and challenges faced by the world economy, all countries and regions must strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together to address the underlying, structural issues in economic development.The 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2009 reached consensus on inclusive growth, and highlighted the importance of seizing the opportunities brought by economic globalization to better meet the challenges of economic globalization and create job opportunities for the benefit of our people.To realize inclusive growth, to resolve the social issues emerging from economic development and to lay a solid social foundation for trade promotion, investment facilitation and long-term economic development are all major topics that we, the APEC member economies, need to work on together.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen,实现包容性增长,根本目的是让经济全球化和经济发展成果惠及所有国家和地区、惠及所有人群,在可持续发展中实现经济社会协调发展。我们应该朝着生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的目标,坚持发展经济,着力转变经济发展方式,提高经济发展质量,增加社会财富,不断为全体人民逐步过上富裕生活创造物质基础。我们应该坚持社会公平正义,着力促进人人平等获得发展机会,逐步建立以权利公平、机会公平、规则公平、分配公平为主要内容的社会公平保障体系,不断消除人民参与经济发展、分享经济发展成果方面的障碍。我们应该坚持以人为本,着力保障和改善民生,建立覆盖全民的社会保障体系,注重解决教育、劳动就业、医疗卫生、养老、住房等民生问题,努力做到发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。在这里,我愿就本次会议主题提出以下4点建议。

The ultimate purpose of inclusive growth is to spread the benefits of economic globalization and economic development among all countries, regions and people and to realize balanced economic and social progress through sustainable development.Our goal is greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment.To this end, we must develop the economy, transform the economic development pattern, raise the efficiency of economic development, and create more social wealth so that our people can lead a better life.We should pursue social equity and justice.To this end, we must ensure everyone equal access to development opportunities, steadily put in place a system for guaranteeing social equity with a focus on ensuring fairness in rights, opportunities, rules and distribution, and eradicate obstacles that keep our people from participating in economic development or sharing the fruits of economic development.We should put people first, ensure and improve people's livelihood, institute a social safety net that covers all, and address issues vital to people's livelihood, including education, labor and employment, health care, old-age support and housing.We should work hard to ensure that development is for the people and by the people and its fruits are shared among the people.Here, I want to make the following four proposals within the context of the theme of the meeting:


First, give priority to human resources development.Human resources development holds the key to people's full participation in economic development and to improvement of conditions for their survival and development.It also provides the basis for sustainable economic development and inclusive growth.Development of human resources can be sustainable.Among all the advantages we are endowed with, the advantage in human resources is the most reliable.It can bring out the greatest potential in us and its development calls for our utmost efforts.We should be committed to the concept that human resources are the number one resources in economic and social development, and should speed up efforts to form strategies that give priority to human resources development.We should focus on readjusting the structures of human resources and investing in human resources development.We should make institutional innovations in human resources development by building a development mechanism that is jointly invested by the government, society, employers and individuals.And we should actively plan for and make readjustments to the professional mix, level and distribution of human resources, so as to boost the innovation power of human resources of all kinds.第二,实施充分就业的发展战略。就业是民生之本,实现社会充分就业是让更多人分享经济社会发展成果的重要途径。我们应该把充分就业作为经济社会发展的优先目标,实施扩大就业的发展战略,最大限度创造劳动者就业和发展机会,努力实现充分就业。要强化政府促进就业的责任,实施更加积极的就业政策,实施相应的财政、金融、产业等方面政策,建设覆盖城乡的公共就业服务体系,健全面向所有困难民众的就业援助长效制度,完善就业与社会保障的联动机制,促进体面劳动,构建和谐劳动关系。

Second, implement the strategy of full employment.Employment is vital to people's livelihood.Full employment in society will enable more people to share the fruits of economic and social development.We should make full employment our priority goal in economic and social development and implement the strategy of expanding employment to maximize employment and development opportunities for workers and ensure full employment for our people.The government should take greater responsibility in employment promotion.We should implement a more proactive employment policy and relevant fiscal, financial and industrial policies and build a public service system for employment that covers both rural and urban areas.We need to improve the long-term employment aid system that is accessible to all people with difficulties, and enhance the interactive mechanism between employment and social security.We also need to promote decent work as well as harmonious labor relations.第三,提高劳动者素质和能力。提高劳动者素质,使经济发展真正走上主要依靠科技进步、劳动者素质提高、管理创新的轨道,是实现人的全面发展的必然要求,也是推动经济社会发展的重要保证。转变经济发展方式,推动经济结构优化升级,促进经济社会协调发展,对劳动者素质提出了更高要求。我们应该引导广大劳动者提高思想道德素质和科学文化素质,提高劳动能力和劳动水平,努力掌握新知识、新技能、新本领,成为适应新形势下经济社会发展要求的高素质劳动者。要主动与经济发展方式转变和经济结构优化升级相适应,建立健全面向全体劳动者的职业技能培训制度,形成有利于劳动者学习成才的引导机制、培训机制、评价机制、激励机制,全面提高劳动者职业素质和技能水平。要充分发挥教育在提高劳动者素质和能力中的重要作用,按照建设学习型社会和实施终身教育的要求,优先发展教育,提高教育现代化水平,坚持教育的公益性和普惠性,保障公民依法享有受教育的权利,努力培养造就高素质劳动者、专门人才和拔尖创新人才。

Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers.We need to improve the quality of workers and make sure that economic growth is truly driven by scientific and technological advancement, improvement of workers' quality and innovation in management.This meets the need for people's all-round development and provides a major guarantee for economic and social development.We need to improve the quality of our workers to promote transformation of the economic growth pattern, economic restructuring and upgrading and harmonious growth between the economy and society.We should offer proper guidance to our workers so that they will improve their moral and educational background, raise their working capacity, obtain new knowledge, skills and know-how and become high-quality workers to meet the needs of economic and social development in the new era.We should take steps to adapt to changes in economic growth pattern and improvement of economic structures, and build and improve a vocational training system accessible to all workers and formulate a guiding system, training system, evaluation system and incentive system to help our workers improve their professional and technical skills in an all-round manner.It is important to bring into full play the role of education in improving the quality and capacity of workers.To achieve the goal of building a study-oriented society and realizing life-long education, we need to give priority to education, make it more modernized, and ensure its non-profit and universal nature.We should protect our citizens' right to education as provided for by law and work hard to nurture high-quality workers, professional talents and leading creative talents.第四,构建可持续发展的社会保障体系。完善的社会保障体系是经济社会发展的重要保障,也是社会和谐稳定的安全网。我们应该在经济发展的基础上建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,坚持广覆盖、保基本、多层次、可持续,加强社会保险、社会救助、社会福利的衔接和协调,不断提高社会保障水平。要加大公共财政的社会保障投入,扩大各类社会保险覆盖面,健全社会救助体系,发展社会福利事业和慈善事业,不断在全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居上取得新成效。

Fourth, build a social security system that ensures sustainable development.A sound social security system is a major guarantee for economic and social development;it also provides a safety net for social harmony and stability.On the basis of economic development, we should build a social security system covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure its coverage is broad, basic, multi-tiered and sustainable.We should better coordinate social insurance, social assistance and social welfare, and raise the level of social security steadily.We should vigorously increase social security input in government budget, expand the coverage of social insurance, improve the social assistance system, and promote social welfare and charity endeavors so that we will better ensure our people's rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care and housing.务实合作、互利共赢,是实现亚太经合组织各成员共同发展的必由之路。我们要加强经济技术合作,推动区域贸易和投资自由化,缩小成员间发展差距,实现共同繁荣。要加强就业、社会保障等领域交流合作,推动成员政策对话和经验共享。要拓宽人力资源开发合作领域,建设技术合作平台,提升合作水平,重点帮助发展中成员开发人力资源。为推动亚太经合组织人力资源领域合作,中国决定会同各成员启动“亚太经合组织技能开发促进项目”。

Practical and win-win cooperation is essential if we, APEC member economies, are to achieve common development.We should beef up economic and technical cooperation, advance regional trade and investment liberalization, and narrow the development gap among member economies to promote common prosperity.We should work more closely in employment, social security and other fields by promoting policy dialogue and experience sharing.We should broaden our cooperation in human resources development, build platforms for technical cooperation, and raise our cooperation level with the focus on helping developing members in human resources development.To this end, China has decided to launch, together with other APEC member economies, the APEC Skills Development Promotion Project.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen,中国是包容性增长的积极倡导者,更是包容性增长的积极实践者。中国强调推动科学发展、促进社会和谐,本身就具有包容性增长的涵义。我们既强调加快转变经济发展方式、保持经济平稳较快发展,又强调坚持把发展经济与改善民生紧密结合起来,以解决人民最关心最直接最现实的利益问题为着力点,大力推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设。在应对国际金融危机冲击的过程中,中国提出保增长、保民生、保稳定的方针,实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,既积极推动经济发展、提高经济发展质量,又加大社会领域投入,加强社会保障体系建设,着力解决民生问题。我们清醒地认识到,中国虽然取得了经济社会发展的巨大成就,但仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡的基本国情没有改变,经济社会发展面临诸多突出矛盾和挑战。我们将继续按照科学发展的要求,深化改革开放,全面推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设,促进现代化建设各个环节、各个方面相协调,不断增加社会物质财富、改善人民生活,努力实现经济社会全面协调可持续发展。

China is a strong supporter and follower of inclusive growth, a concept that is consistent with our pursuit of scientific development and social harmony.While speeding up the transformation of economic growth pattern and maintaining stable and relatively fast economic growth, China is committed to integrating economic development with improvement of people's lives.We focus on addressing issues that directly concern people's biggest and most immediate interests, and endeavor to promote social progress designed to improve people's livelihood.In response to the international financial crisis, China has introduced the policy of ensuring economic growth, people's livelihood and stability.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We vigorously promoted economic development, focusing on improving efficiency, and, at the same time, increased input in social programs, intensifying our efforts to improve the social safety net and address problems concerning people's livelihood.We are keenly aware that despite the significant achievements in economic and social development, China remains the largest developing country in the world.China's basic national conditions, a huge population, weak economic foundation and imbalance in development, remain unchanged, and we face many serious challenges in economic and social development.We will stay committed to scientific development, deepen reform and opening-up, and push forward economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development in an all-round way.We will better coordinate the various links and aspects in our modernization drive, create even more social wealth, and improve people's lives to achieve all-round, balanced and sustainable economic and social development.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen,亚太区域合作正面临着前所未有的机遇。亚太经合组织各成员应该携起手来,充分运用亚太经合组织这一合作平台,深化合作,拓展合作,不断朝着持久和平、共同繁荣的目标迈进,不断造福亚太人民和世界各国人民。

Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region faces unprecedented opportunities of development.We, APEC members, should work together and make the best use of this APEC cooperation platform to deepen and broaden our cooperation.Hand in hand, let's move toward the objective of enduring peace and common prosperity for the benefit of people in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.祝本次会议取得圆满成功!

I wish this meeting a complete success!


Thank you.



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