
时间:2019-05-15 08:18:52下载本文作者:会员上传



Chen Deming in 2010 China Development Forum,delivered a speech

















March 21, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming attended the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse at the “2010 China Development Forum,” and make a speech.Speech following major elements:

1, open trade is an important force for global economic recovery

Over the past year by the international financial crisis, the world economy has withstood the last century since the Great Depression of the most serious challenges.Macroeconomic policy incentives in various countries, the international economic situation, some positive changes.Of world trade experienced in 2009, after about 22% of the decline, the recent upward trend gradually presented.For example, the fourth quarter of 2009, German exports rose 3% in a strong chain, the net trade contribution to GDP by two percentage points.In January 2010, Japan's exports increased 40.9% year on year, which surged 68.1% to Asia, the month trade surplus of ¥ 85,200,000,000.South Korea's exports in January increased by 47.1%, the highest since the 90s last century, the biggest one-month increase.This round of global trade, an important feature of the recovery is in emerging markets including China, a substantial increase in domestic demand, boosting the economy's investment-related goods and intermediate goods, export-led recovery.The first two months of this year, China's imports grew 64%, including from the United States, the European Union and Japan, imports were up 37%, 35% and 48%, from Russia, Malaysia and other countries, the import has also doubled, to to promote economic growth in the countries concerned to play a positive effect.These facts suggest that the economic globalization today, the level of economic interdependence, mutual influence, and open trade for the promotion of global economic recovery has an important role.We note that, with the bottom of the world economy has been gradually emerging from the crisis, countries expressed greater attention to international trade.Not only attach importance to developing countries, developed countries also show a high level of ambition.With the Great Depression 80 years ago compared to the current global trade, investment and finance associated with the extent of deep mutual influence of the large, far more than the last time, no one country can rely on the global economy out of its own to achieve recovery.If we adhere to fair, free and open trade philosophy, not only to encourage the development of domestic industries, bigger global market, “cake”, but also to maximize participation in the international division of labor, to keep channels of international trade convenience and smooth, fair and equitable distribution “ cake ”, will help to promote global economic recovery process, the promotion of world economy into a comprehensive, sustained and balanced development track.Conversely, if a country adhere to a zero-sum game perspective, ignoring the interdependence of the conditions of globalization, there will be a loss for both sides of the situation.If vigorously to all kinds of trade protection, they might will repeat the last century, 30 years of the disastrous spread of protectionism, so that the global economy is facing a “second bottom,” risk.Second, rational view of the crisis and global economic imbalances in the relationship between the

The impact of financial crisis is so broad and deep, prompting each of us must seriously consider: What is causing this crisis? I think we can get to know from the three levels.First, it is the world's economic operations cyclical adjustment results.According to Kondratieff, Schumpeter and other scholars of the economic long-cycle theory, by the industrial revolution and technological innovation induced by the long-period fluctuations, is roughly 40-50 years.To the beginning of this century, with the dividends of globalization and information technology revolution in the system effects of diminishing, the world economy has reached a stage downstream.Secondly, the imperfect structure of global governance exacerbated the economic volatility.Since the 90s of last century, in the information network technology revolution driven by the rapid development of international division of labor, commodity exchange radius increasingly expanded the scope of the gradual formation of a global network of production and exchange.In the absence of effective mechanisms for global governance situation, production and consumption is not balanced contradiction has intensified the volatility of the economic cycle.Third, the financial supervision and lack of a direct cause-induced financial crisis.In recent years, financial innovation and speculative factors, the double promotion, virtual economy over-development, which although a certain extent, help accelerate financial flows and promoting effective allocation of resources, but more because of the high rate of leveraged risk pregnant with great.Internal risk as the market continue to accumulate, the outbreak of a systemic crisis has become an inevitable event.Internationally, there are public opinion is attributed to the crisis in order to trade imbalances-based global imbalances.This is a relatively one-sided, very narrow understanding.In the economic globalization today, the imbalance between national savings not only as a part of the imbalance between consumption, trade imbalances, but also the performance of the world's imbalance in the distribution of wealth, resources, ownership and consumption imbalances, the international monetary system and imbalance in a series of deep-seated, structural problems.Leading causes of imbalance are complex, multifaceted, and its root cause is a serious imbalance in the North-South development.Even if the international balance of payments from a single perspective, according to the modern market economy enterprises to sell production quotas, consumption decisions in a certain sense, the theory of production, if the major consumer of government can not effectively maintain the currency steady and let the bubble excesses development, and will eventually lead to economic imbalances and crises.During this time, individual countries always looks at China's trade, and to rely on a substantial appreciation of the RMB exchange rate to achieve the “global economic rebalancing.” This argument ignores two basic facts: first, whether it is theory and practice have shown that a country's currency appreciation of the role of regulating the trade balance is limited.From 2005 to 2008, the RMB exchange rate appreciated by about 20%, China's trade surplus rise, not fall;in 2009 has been the basic stability of RMB exchange rate, China's trade surplus fell by 34.2% but significantly;from January to February of this year, China's trade surplus fell by 50%, I expect China's trade in March this year, and may even run deficits.In this context, we can also take a look at the history of the German mark and the yen after the situation.Second, China's economic development has been the division of labor in collaboration with countries, benefit-sharing process.With China as the node in the international division of labor chain, China's imports of raw materials driven by the primary industries related to national development;through a large number of intermediate goods imports for the neighboring countries and regions to create a trade surplus;through capital goods, luxury goods and trade in services imports developed countries, created a large number of job opportunities.China is still processing trade, cross-border investment, at all levels, with countries to share the development and cooperation in space.In 2009, world trade declined 22%, China's exports fell 16%, imports fell 11.2%.However, from the economies of customs data, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Turkey and other countries exports to China are still maintained two-digit positive growth;the European Union, the United States exports to China have also decreased by only 1.53% and 0.22%.At present, the global economic uncertainties are still large, the basis of China's economic rebound is still strong, extreme pressure a currency appreciation of each other no good, non-rational choice.Third, the global economy the coordinated development of the joint efforts of the international community

Looking back at the history of the world economy, the successive crises are theoretical reflection, policy adjustment and implementation of change in opportunities.At present, countries have to address the constraints to focus on economic development, institutional, structural contradictions, and accelerating the pace of the new industrial revolution, and strive for technical innovation and upgrading the economic structure and effective breakthrough, more emphasis on expanding domestic demand, boost the development of endogenous motivation.As a big developing country with 1.3 billion people, China is also speeding up economic restructuring.In 2009, China's total retail sales of social consumer goods, 12.53 trillion yuan, a real growth after deducting price factors, 16.9%, the highest since 1986, the highest real growth rate, the contribution rate of GDP reached 52.5%.The size of the domestic market this year is expected to reach 2 trillion U.S.dollars, far higher than China's total exports.In the future, China will further expand the breadth and depth of opening up, improve the quality and level of utilizing foreign investment and expanded advanced technology and equipment, key parts and components imported and domestic goods in short supply, and actively promote international balance of payments;by expanding the service sector to further open to promote enterprises to “go” and other ways to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries.As China's industrialization and urbanization process, speeding up, will release a long-term economic growth and huge domestic market.Multinationals investing in China is China's enterprise legal person, their products are “Made in China” products, will work with other companies to share in this huge market opportunity.To achieve a more balanced global economy, and coordinated development requires the joint efforts of the international community.Like to take this opportunity, I would like to make three suggestions:

First, uphold the free and open development concept.“Openness” not only refers to a state of international exchanges and economic cooperation, adopt a positive attitude to promote, but also refers to the Government to relax controls, to pay attention to the market's basic role in resource allocation.Over the past half-century especially in the last two decades of globalization, so that all countries benefit from the whole greater than the losses.The future, all countries should open a firm conviction, and actively promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, firmly opposed to any form of protectionism, to fortify the good momentum of global economic recovery.Second, speed up the Doha Round negotiations.The Doha negotiations as soon as possible to achieve a fair and balanced results, both to establish a rational international economic order and the objective requirements, but also to promote the balanced development of global economy, the fundamental path.Whether developed or developing economies, economies, should be long-term perspective, demonstrate greater sincerity and determination to promote the realization of goods, capital, and there are rules in the international free flow of, and continuously improve the level of global coordination and governance, from the fundamental enhance the international competitiveness of countries and the global economy, ability to resist risks.Third, the countries to share changes in mode of development opportunities.At present, countries are speeding up a new industrial revolution, the development of clean energy and low-carbon technologies, the implementation of the Internet, material integration and networking “cloud computing” strategy, the world is at the eve of a new round of technological revolution.The international community should share the co-development opportunities, while cautioning against all kinds of disguised protectionism.China ready to work with countries in industry, business and experts and scholars to conduct exchanges, share opportunities and work together to promote the healthy development of the world economy to make efforts.After his speech, Chen Deming also on the Doha Round negotiations, the RMB exchange rate and other issues of Morgan Stanley Asia Chairman Stephen Roach and other participants questions.


























Right Honorable Lord Mandelson, Honorable Ambassador Fu Ying,Dear Friends from the Business Community, Ladies and gentlemen,下午好!

Good afternoon.今天,由中国机电产品进出口商会和英中贸易协会组织的中英经贸合作研讨会在这里隆重开幕。在此,我谨代表中华人民共和国商务部表示衷心的祝贺!今天,中英两国政府和工商界的人士聚集在这里,围绕“新挑战、新机遇”这一主题,深入探讨应对危机、共谋发展的重大举措,具有十分重要的现实意义。在此,我预祝研讨会取得成功!

Today, we hold the Seminar on China-Britain Economic and Trade Cooperation jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanic and Electronic Products and the China-Britain Business Council.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, I’d like to extend heartfelt congratulations on its opening.It brings together government officials and business people from China and Britain to explore ways to tackle the crisis and promote development.The theme---“New Challenges, New Opportunities”, is highly relevant.I look forward to a successful meeting.毋庸置疑,这场国际金融危机,使世界经济陷入上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地。作为一个外向度较高的发展中国家,中国的经济发展,特别是对外贸易投资也受到了较大的冲击。从2008年11月份开始,中国进出口贸易连续三个月出现负增长,吸收外商直接投资出现了明显下滑趋势。我们也注意到,英国经济增长和就业也遭受了严重打击。双边贸易也受到负面影响,今年1月,中英双边贸易额同比下降21.6%,下降幅度之大、速度之快是罕见的。

Without doubt, this international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since the Great Depression.China, as a developing country with heavy reliance on foreign trade, is experiencing a hard time in economic growth, particularly in foreign trade and investment.Since November 2008, China’s imports and exports have seen negative growth for 3 consecutive months, while inward investment has been sliding.We’ve also noted that economic growth and employment here in Britain has also been dealt a heavy blow.Two-way trade between China and Britain has suffered as well.In January 2009, bilateral trade value dropped 21.6% year on year.The gravity and speed of the decline are unprecedented indeed.当前,为应对危机和挑战,世界各国纷纷出台了应对措施,这对提振信心、缓解危机起到了重要作用。但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。世界经济发展的历史早已证明,在危机面前,封闭与保护没有出路,开放与合作才是正途。此次我率领中国贸易投资促进团访英,就是落实温家宝总理本月初“信心之旅”的一次重要后续活动,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势下,以实际行动反对贸易保护主义的态度与决心。

To tackle the crisis and challenges, countries have taken various countermeasures, contributing greatly to restoring confidence and mitigating the consequences of the crisis.However, in the face of a crisis, efforts of a single country are far from enough.In a world featuring globalization, economies are inextricably interwoven with each other.The history of world economy has proven that insulation and protectionism offers no way out;openness and cooperation is the right recipe to heal a crisis.The visit of the China Trade and Investment Promotion Delegation, which I lead, to Britain is an important follow-up to Premier Wen Jiabao’s “Trip of Confidence” earlier this month.It shows the stance and resolution of the Chinese government to oppose protectionism under difficult circumstances.新挑战中往往蕴含着新的机遇。对于中英两国来说,危机将促使我们延伸和拓宽互利合作的内涵。目前,中国各级政府和部门,正在积极落实保持经济稳定增长的各项举措。伴随大规模民生工程、基础设施和生态环境等领域的建设,包括英资企业在内的数十万家在华外资企业将分享这些新的商机。我在中国各地调研过程中,感受到许多中国企业特别是民营企业,对欧优势技术和装备的采购具有浓厚的兴趣。作为中国在欧盟中的第三大贸易伙伴和累计第一大对华投资国,中英两国在生物、信息、环保、低碳经济、能源科技、新材料、医药卫生等领域,拥有巨大的合作潜力。中国还是世界服务贸易和高档消费品增长最快的市场。这意味着英国大量知名品牌产品以及金融、分销、设计、咨询等服务业企业,会有更多机会参与中国市场的竞争。当然,也会有越来越多的中国企业具备与英国企业合作的实力。我们鼓励中英双方企业在各个领域扩大交流和深化合作,共同分享宝贵的发展机遇。

New challenges often present new opportunities.To China and Britain, this crisis will serve as a catalyst to enrich our reciprocal cooperation.At present, governments at all levels in China are in full gear to implement measures targeted at maintaining the steady growth of economy.With the execution of large-scale projects in public welfare, infrastructure, and ecological environment, hundreds of thousands of companies with foreign including British investment will be able to share these new business opportunities.During my investigation and study tours around China, I found that many Chinese enterprises, especially private ones, are very interested in buying more advanced technology and equipment from Europe.Among all EU countries, Britain is the third largest trade partner for China and has made the most investment in cumulative terms.Our two countries enjoy huge potential in such fields as biology, information and environmental technology, low-carbon economy, energy technology, new materials, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.China is the fastest-growing market for international services trade and high-end goods, which could be translated into more opportunities for many famous British brands and companies in such service sectors as finance, distribution, design and consultancy to compete in the Chinese market.Of course, more and more Chinese companies will possess the caliber to cooperate with British companies.We encourage companies from the two countries to further deepen exchanges and cooperation in every field and share those valuable opportunities.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen,尽管当前我们遇到了严峻的挑战,但以科技进步和生产要素全球配置为基础的经济全球化趋势不会逆转,各国经济相互联系和依赖的程度仍将继续加强。英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?斯密的理论影响了200多年来的国际贸易实践。选择在这里作为我们此次贸易投资促进团的最后一站,赋予了此次活动更加特殊的意义。我们一路走过来,无论是老朋友还是新伙伴,无论是签订合同或者仅仅是洽谈意向,大家都进行了坦诚而深入的沟通,取得了许多有形和无形的丰硕成果。更为重要的是,我们向外界传递了秉持开放心态、携手合作、共渡难关的诚意和信心。我们坚信,未来商机无限,春天终将来临。

Despite the severe challenges in front of us, globalization based on scientific advance and global allocation of resources will remain irreversible.Economies will be even more linked to and dependent on each other.Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade.Adam Smith’s theories have influenced international trade over the past 200 odd years.Selecting Britain as the last lag of our trip has added special significance to this event.Along the way, we have had candid and in-depth dialogues with friends old and new.We have reaped tangible and intangible fruits by signing contracts or negotiating intentions.Most importantly, we have demonstrated to the rest of the world our sincerity and confidence to tide over the difficulties by opening mind and joining hands.We believe that there are boundless opportunities in the future, and spring is right around the corner.谢谢大家。

Thank you.


Opening Remarks at the 2015 China Development Forum 在中国发展高层论坛上的开幕致辞

Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of International Monetary Fund 国际基金组织总裁克里斯蒂娜·拉加德

Beijing, March 22, 2015 中国北京,2015 年3 月22 日

Your Excellence, Vice Premier ZHANG Gaoli, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen;good morning!Zao Shang Hao!


I am absolutely delighted to be back in Beijing.I would like to thank Mr.LI Wei and his colleagues at the Development Research Center for inviting me here today.我非常高兴重返北京。感谢国务院发展研究中心的李伟主任及其同事邀请我参加今年的发展高层论坛。

Of course, it is no coincidence that the prestigious China Development Forum is held at this particular time of the year.As it is often said here in China, “a good year is determined by its spring”.当然,负有盛名的中国发展高层论坛在一年中的这个特定时间举办,并非巧合。中国有句俗话:“一年之计在于春”。

Over the next two days, policymakers, business executives, and thought leaders will discuss the defining issues that will determine China’s economic development this year and beyond.Our discussion about China’s Economy in the “New Normal” comes at a pivotal moment for both China and the world.在接下来的两天里,政策制定者、企业高管和思想领袖将探讨一些具有决定意义的问题,这些问题将决定中国今年及以后的经济发展走向。我们对中国经济“新常态”的讨论对中国和整个世界而言都处于一个关键时刻。

If I had to choose only two words that unite China and the world at this moment, it would be “structural reforms”.Of course, these comprise many challenges, but I want to highlight three key areas where impressive efforts by the Chinese government are underway:


• One, cleaning up the house – by promoting good governance through the anti-corruption campaign,• 一是打扫房间——通过反腐败来推动建立好的治理方式

• Two, cleaning up the air – by curbing pollution and preserving the environment,• 二是净化空气——这主要是通过抑制污染和保护环境

• And three, clearing the path to further engagement with the world – through further participation in the multilateral dialogue and through more international investment and trade.• 三是整理路径——通过深入参与多边对话和投资与贸易加强与整个世界的接触和联系

These reforms will lead to slower, safer, more sustainable growth.This is good for China and good for the world.Their fates are intertwined.这些改革将会导致中国的经济增速有所放缓,但更安全和更可持续。这既有利于中国,也有利于世界。中国与世界的命运相互交织。

Indeed, as China navigates the “new normal” of its own economy, it also contributes more to the global common good – to economic and financial stability, to environmental sustainability, and to a multilateral approach that is equal to the pressing global challenges facing us today.中国在驾驭本国经济适应“新常态”的过程中,也会在更大程度上增进全球共同福祉——无论是对于全球经济和金融稳定、环境可持续性,还是对于应对我们当前面临的紧迫全球挑战所需采取的多边方法都如此。

China knows that no-one can succeed alone.This is why the IMF is proud to be a partner in China’s economic endeavors here at home and on the global stage.I look forward to fruitful discussions here at the CDF.中国知道,单枪匹马不能取胜。这就是为什么国际货币基金组织对作为中国在本国和全球舞台上的经济发展伙伴而感到自豪。我期待着中国发展高层论坛上的讨论富有成效。

Thank you.Xièxiè.谢谢。




Right Honorable Lord Mandelson, Honorable Ambassador Fu Ying, Dear Friends from the Business Community, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!

Good afternoon.今天,由中国机电产品进出口商会和英中贸易协会组织的中英经贸合作研讨会在这里隆重开幕。在此,我谨代表中华人民共和国商务部表示衷心的祝贺!今天,中英两国政府和工商界的人士聚集在这里,围绕“新挑战、新机遇”这一主题,深入探讨应对危机、共谋发展的重大举措,具有十分重要的现实意义。在此,我预祝研讨会取得成功!

Today, we hold the Seminar on China-Britain Economic and Trade Cooperation jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanic and Electronic Products and the China-Britain Business Council.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, I’d like to extend heartfelt congratulations on its opening.It brings together government officials and business people from China and Britain to explore ways to tackle the crisis and promote development.The theme---“New Challenges, New Opportunities”, is highly relevant.I look forward to a successful meeting.毋庸置疑,这场国际金融危机,使世界经济陷入上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地。作为一个外向度较高的发展中国家,中国的经济发展,特别是对外贸易投资也受到了较大的冲击。从2008年11月份开始,中国进出口贸易连续三个月出现负增长,吸收外商直接投资出现了明显下滑趋势。我们也注意到,英国经济增长和就业也遭受了严重打击。双边贸易也受到负面影响,今年1月,中英双边贸易额同比下降21.6%,下降幅度之大、速度之快是罕见的。

Without doubt, this international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since the Great Depression.China, as a developing country with heavy reliance on foreign trade, is experiencing a hard time in economic growth, particularly in foreign trade and investment.Since November 2008, China’s imports and exports have seen negative growth for 3 consecutive months, while inward investment has been sliding.We’ve also noted that economic growth and employment here in Britain has also been dealt a heavy blow.Two-way trade between China and Britain has suffered as well.In January 2009, bilateral trade value dropped 21.6% year on year.The gravity and speed of the decline are unprecedented indeed.当前,为应对危机和挑战,世界各国纷纷出台了应对措施,这对提振信心、缓解危机起到了重要作用。但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。世界经济发展的历史早已证明,在危机面前,封闭与保护没有出路,开放与合作才是正途。此次我率领中国贸易投资促进团访英,就是落实温家宝总理本月初“信心之旅”的一次重要后续活动,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势下,以实际行动反对贸易保护主义的态度与决心。

To tackle the crisis and challenges, countries have taken various countermeasures, contributing greatly to restoring confidence and mitigating the consequences of the crisis.However, in the face of a crisis, efforts of a single country are far from enough.In a world featuring globalization, economies are inextricably interwoven with each other.The history of world economy has proven that insulation and protectionism offers no way out;openness and cooperation is the right recipe to heal a crisis.The visit of the China Trade and Investment Promotion Delegation, which I lead, to Britain is an important follow-up to Premier Wen Jiabao’s “Trip of Confidence” earlier this month.It shows the stance and resolution of the Chinese government to oppose protectionism under difficult circumstances.新挑战中往往蕴含着新的机遇。对于中英两国来说,危机将促使我们延伸和拓宽互利合作的内涵。目前,中国各级政府和部门,正在积极落实保持经济稳定增长的各项举措。伴随大规模民生工程、基础设施和生态环境等领域的建设,包括英资企业在内的数十万家在华外资企业将分享这些新的商机。我在中国各地调研过程中,感受到许多中国企业特别是民营企业,对欧优势技术和装备的采购具有浓厚的兴趣。作为中国在欧盟中的第三大贸易伙伴和累计第一大对华投资国,中英两国在生物、信息、环保、低碳经济、能源科技、新材料、医药卫生等领域,拥有巨大的合作潜力。中国还是世界服务贸易和高档消费品增长最快的市场。这意味着英国大量知名品牌产品以及金融、分销、设计、咨询等服务业企业,会有更多机会参与中国市场的竞争。当然,也会有越来越多的中国企业具备与英国企业合作的实力。我们鼓励中英双方企业在各个领域扩大交流和深化合作,共同分享宝贵的发展机遇。

New challenges often present new opportunities.To China and Britain, this crisis will serve as a catalyst to enrich our reciprocal cooperation.At present, governments at all levels in China are in full gear to implement measures targeted at maintaining the steady growth of economy.With the execution of large-scale projects in public welfare, infrastructure, and ecological environment, hundreds of thousands of companies with foreign including British investment will be able to share these new business opportunities.During my investigation and study tours around China, I found that many Chinese enterprises, especially private ones, are very interested in buying more advanced technology and equipment from Europe.Among all EU countries, Britain is the third largest trade partner for China and has made the most investment in cumulative terms.Our two countries enjoy huge potential in such fields as biology, information and environmental technology, low-carbon economy, energy technology, new materials, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.China is the fastest-growing market for international services trade and high-end goods, which could be translated into more opportunities for many famous British brands and companies in such service sectors as finance, distribution, design and consultancy to compete in the Chinese market.Of course, more and more Chinese companies will possess the caliber to cooperate with British companies.We encourage companies from the two countries to further deepen exchanges and cooperation in every field and share those valuable opportunities.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen,尽管当前我们遇到了严峻的挑战,但以科技进步和生产要素全球配置为基础的经济全球化趋势不会逆转,各国经济相互联系和依赖的程度仍将继续加强。英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?斯密的理论影响了200多年来的国际贸易实践。选择在这里作为我们此次贸易投资促进团的最后一站,赋予了此次活动更加特殊的意义。我们一路走过来,无论是老朋友还是新伙伴,无论是签订合同或者仅仅是洽谈意向,大家都进行了坦诚而深入的沟通,取得了许多有形和无形的丰硕成果。更为重要的是,我们向外界传递了秉持开放心态、携手合作、共渡难关的诚意和信心。我们坚信,未来商机无限,春天终将来临。

Despite the severe challenges in front of us, globalization based on scientific advance and global allocation of resources will remain irreversible.Economies will be even more linked to and dependent on each other.Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade.Adam Smith’s theories have influenced international trade over the past 200 odd years.Selecting Britain as the last lag of our trip has added special significance to this event.Along the way, we have had candid and in-depth dialogues with friends old and new.We have reaped tangible and intangible fruits by signing contracts or negotiating intentions.Most importantly, we have demonstrated to the rest of the world our sincerity and confidence to tide over the difficulties by opening mind and joining hands.We believe that there are boundless opportunities in the future, and spring is right around the corner.谢谢大家。

Thank you.



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