温家宝在2010中欧文化高峰论坛上的致辞 President José Manuel Barroso, Professor Umberto Eco, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to visit the EU headquarters and attend the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum.This year marks the 35th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic relations, and it is highly significant to hold a China-EU cultural forum, the very first of its kind on such an important occasion.This is a creative event in the history of our cultural exchanges.It symbolizes a new stage in our cultural interactions and a step forward in the overall China-EU relations.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend my warm congratulations.Culture is a bridge that connects people's hearts and minds, and a bond that enhances understanding and trust between states.Cultural exchanges have a longer history than exchanges in the political field and a more profound impact than economic exchanges.As time goes by, many prominent figures and events will fade into history.But culture lives on.It gains even stronger vitality with the passage of time and has an enduring influence on the way we think and live.Different geographies have nurtured a variety of cultures, each with unique features and attributes.They are like the shining stars in the sky, adding radiance to each other and illuminating the vast universe.Cultural diversity inspires different cultures to interact with each other, influence each other and complement each other, thereby advancing human civilization and enriching our lives.As the main birthplaces of Oriental and Western civilizations, China and Europe have made tremendous contribution to the progress of human civilization.Ancient Greece produced great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, while China produced great thinkers such as Lao Zi, Confucius, Zhuang Zi and Sun Zi.These ancient sages laid the intellectual groundwork for civilizations in the East and West.The two civilizations are distinctly different, yet both are open and inclusive.The outstanding achievements of ancient Greek arts and epics, the power of logic and reason in German philosophy, the Renaissance in Italy and the French Enlightenment led Europe to greater democracy and civilization.While in the distant East, the concepts of the Golden Mean, Great Unity and Harmony in traditional Chinese culture made China a nation of perseverance, benevolence and high ideals.China and Europe have a long history of cultural interflows.As far back as centuries B.C., the Silk Road linked Chang'an and Rome, making possible the dialogue between Chinese and European civilizations.The travelogue of Venetian businessman Marco Polo introduced China, then a mysterious land, to the West.Matteo Ricci, the Italian missionary, brought advanced science and technology from Europe to China, inaugurating the spread of Western learning to the East.The four great inventions of China(the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and movable type printing)and the introduction of Chinese classics to Europe had a far-reaching impact on the development and evolution of modern European society and culture.The Western ideas of democracy and science spread to China in the modern era and became a banner for Chinese intellectuals in their pursuit of development and revitalization of the Chinese nation.The history of cultural development and exchanges proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of wisdom gained through productive activities over the long years.They are symbols of human progress and the shared asset of all mankind.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, cultural exchanges with Europe have made steady progress.In the new century, China has worked with greater openness to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation with EU countries.A new pattern of high-level, all-dimensional cultural exchanges has taken shape.A host of large-scale cultural events have been staged, such as the “Year of China in France” and the “Year of France in China” from 2003 through 2005, the “Year of Italy”, the “Year of Spain” and the “Cultural Year of Greece” in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively, and the “Europalia.China” in Belgium in 2009.They all won wide acclaim from the cultural and art communities as well as the general public.Spreading far and wide in China, modern European culture has found a passionate audience among the Chinese people.At the Shanghai World Expo, the distinctive pavilions of Belgium-EU, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, among others, have drawn long lines of Chinese visitors.Cultural institutions set up in China by some EU countries, such as the French Cultural Center, the Goethe Institute and the Cervantes Institute, have become favorite rendezvous for foreign language learners and culture fans in China.Likewise, the Chinese cultural centers set up in recent years in Paris, Berlin and Valletta are warmly received by many Europeans.The communication taking place in these venues touches the soul and has enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between China and Europe and imbued our relations with vigor and vitality.When we look at China-EU cultural relations, we need to adopt a strategic perspective and have an open mind.We need to make our exchange of ideas and culture more extensive, in-depth and enduring.We need to promote interactions between our cultural institutions and encourage cooperation in the cultural industry and related products and services.I ardently hope that more people in China and EU countries, especially the younger generation, will get to know more about each other's national conditions and cultures through direct engagement and first-hand experience so as to better promote the steady and healthy growth of China-EU relations.Friends from the academia, Ladies and Gentlemen, Cultural diversity is a defining feature of human civilization.Respecting the independence and development of different cultures and strengthening cultural interflows and cooperation is essential to upholding cultural diversity in the world.In an era of globalization, mankind is faced with many common challenges which need to be addressed through cultural communication and cooperation.This China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum is a good start in this respect.We will jointly explore, from a cultural perspective, the way forward for mankind's development.China advocates full respect for the cultural tradition, social system and development path of every country and calls for an open and inclusive approach towards different civilizations.We sincerely hope to learn from the achievements of all civilizations through extensive cooperation and work toward a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.Let's join hands and strive to reach this worthy goal.Thank you.
2010年10月07日 03:45:57 来源: 新华网
10月6日,中国国务院总理温家宝与欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐在布鲁塞尔共同出席中欧文化高峰论坛开幕式并致辞。这是温家宝在致辞。新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
新华网布鲁塞尔10月6日电 中国国务院总理温家宝6日在布鲁塞尔与欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐共同出席首届中欧文化高峰论坛开幕式并致辞。全文如下:
在中欧文化高峰论坛上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2010年10月6日,布鲁塞尔)
10月6日,中国国务院总理温家宝与欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐在布鲁塞尔共同出席中欧文化高峰论坛开幕式并致辞。新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
各位学者,各位朋友: 文化的多样性是人类文明最本质的特征。尊重不同文化的独立与发展,加强文化交流与合作,是维护世界文化多样性的重要前提。在全球化的时代,人类面临着许多共同的问题,都需要通过广泛的文化沟通与合作来寻求答案。今天举办的中欧文化高峰论坛就是大家在思想文化领域共同探寻人类未来发展方向的一次很好的尝试。中国提倡充分尊重各国的文化传统、社会制度、发展道路,倡导开放兼容的文明观,也真诚地愿意通过与各国广泛开展合作,博采各种文明之长,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。让我们携起手来,为这一神圣使命共同努力!
新华网布鲁塞尔10月6日电 中国国务院总理温家宝6日在布鲁塞尔与欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐共同出席首届中欧文化高峰论坛开幕式并致辞。全文如下:
在中欧文化高峰论坛上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝(2010年10月6日,布鲁塞尔)尊敬的巴罗佐主席,尊敬的艾柯教授,女士们,先生们:
在中欧文化高峰论坛上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝 2010年10月6日,布鲁塞尔 Remarks by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum Brussels, 6 October 2010 尊敬的巴罗佐主席,尊敬的艾柯教授,女士们,先生们:
President José Manuel Barroso, Professor Umberto Eco, Ladies and Gentlemen, 非常高兴来到欧盟总部,出席中欧文化高峰论坛。今年是中国与欧盟建交35周年,中欧双方借此重要时机首次举办文化论坛,很有意义。这是中欧文化交流史上的一大创新,标志着中欧文化交流进入了新的阶段,也表明中欧关系深入向前发展。在此,我代表中国政府表示热烈祝贺!
I am delighted to visit the EU headquarters and attend the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum.This year marks the 35th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic relations, and it is highly significant to hold a China-EU cultural forum, the very first of its kind on such an important occasion.This is a creative event in the history of our cultural exchanges.It symbolizes a new stage in our cultural interactions and a step forward in the overall China-EU relations.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend my warm congratulations.文化是沟通人与人心灵和情感的桥梁,是国与国加深理解和信任的纽带。文化交流比政治交流更久远,比经济交流更深刻。随着时光的流逝和时代的变迁,许多人物和事件都会变成历史,但文化却永远存在,历久弥新,并长时间地影响着人们的思想和生活。不同的地域环境造就了不同的文化底蕴,形成了各具特色的文化形态,它们如同浩瀚苍穹的璀璨群星,交相辉映,光耀宇宙。正是文化的多样性,使不同文化相互影响,相互交融,相互促进,推动了人类文明的进步,也丰富了人类的生活。
Culture is a bridge that connects people's hearts and minds, and a bond that enhances understanding and trust between states.Cultural exchanges have a longer history than exchanges in the political field and a more profound impact than economic exchanges.As time goes by, many prominent figures and events will fade into history.But culture lives on.It gains even stronger vitality with the passage of time and has an enduring influence on the way we think and live.Different geographies have nurtured a variety of cultures, each with unique features and attributes.They are like the shining stars in the sky, adding radiance to each other and illuminating the vast universe.Cultural diversity inspires different cultures to interact with each other, influence each other and complement each other, thereby advancing human civilization and enriching our lives.中国与欧洲,作为东、西方文明的主要发源地,对人类文明进步都做出了巨大贡献。在古希腊,曾涌现出苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等众多先哲,而在古代中国,也曾诞生了老子、孔子、庄子、孙子等伟大思想家。他们的思想分别奠定了东西方文明思想体系的基石。这两个文明体系既特点鲜明,又开放包容。古希腊艺术和史诗的杰出成就、德国哲学的理性思维能力、意大利的文艺复兴、法国的思想启蒙运动,把欧洲一步步引向民主与文明。而在遥远的东方,中国文化传统中的中庸、大同与和谐的理念,塑造了中华民族富于理想、坚忍不拔、宽厚仁爱的性格特质与民族精神。
As the main birthplaces of Oriental and Western civilizations, China and Europe have made tremendous contribution to the progress of human civilization.Ancient Greece produced great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, while China produced great thinkers such as Lao Zi, Confucius, ZhuangZi and Sun Zi.These ancient sages laid the intellectual groundwork for civilizations in the East and West.The two civilizations are distinctly different, yet both are open and inclusive.The outstanding achievements of ancient Greek arts and epics, the power of logic and reason in German philosophy, the Renaissance in Italy and the French Enlightenment led Europe to greater democracy and civilization.While in the distant East, the concepts of the Golden Mean, Great Unity and Harmony in traditional Chinese culture made China a nation of perseverance, benevolence and high ideals.中欧双方文化交流源远流长。早在公元前数世纪,古老的“丝绸之路”就连接起长安和罗马,开启了中欧文明对话的先河。威尼斯商人马可·波罗游历中国大地后的游记,为西方世界揭开了东方国度的神秘面纱。传教士利玛窦带来了大量欧洲的先进科学知识,拉开了“西学东渐”的序幕。中国的“四大发明”和 “经籍西传”曾为欧洲近代社会文化的发展演变带来了深远的影响。近代西方“民主”与“科学”思想传入中国,成为中国知识分子追求国家强盛和民族复兴的一面旗帜。中外文化发展和交流的历史证明,一切优秀的文明成果是人类长期生产实践经验和智慧的结晶,是人类文明进步的象征,是全人类的共同财富。
China and Europe have a long history of cultural interflows.As far back as centuries B.C., the Silk Road linked Chang'an and Rome, making possible the dialogue between Chinese and European civilizations.The travelogue of Venetian businessman Marco Polo introduced China, then a mysterious land, to the West.Matteo Ricci, the Italian missionary, brought advanced science and technology from Europe to China, inaugurating the spread of Western learning to the East.The four great inventions of China(the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and movable type printing)and the introduction of Chinese classics to Europe had a far-reaching impact on the development and evolution of modern European society and culture.The Western ideas of democracy and science spread to China in the modern era and became a banner for Chinese intellectuals in their pursuit of development and revitalization of the Chinese nation.The history of cultural development and exchanges proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of wisdom gained through productive activities over the long years.They are symbols of human progress and the shared asset of all mankind.新中国成立后,中欧间文化交流不断发展。特别是进入新世纪后,中国以更加开放的姿态,巩固和深化与欧盟各国在文化领域的交流与合作,逐步形成了高层次、全方位的文化交流与合作新格局。2003年至2005年的中法文化年、2006年在华举办的“意大利年”、2007年的“西班牙年”、2008年“希腊文化年”以及2009年在比利时举办的“欧罗巴利亚中国艺术节”等一系列大型文化交流活动,更是受到了文化艺术界以及民众的广泛赞誉。
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, cultural exchanges with Europe have made steady progress.In the new century, China has worked with greater openness to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation with EU countries.A new pattern of high-level, all-dimensional cultural exchanges has taken shape.A host of large-scale cultural events have been staged, such as the “Year of China in France” and the “Year of France in China” from 2003 through 2005, the “Year of Italy”, the “Year of Spain” and the “Cultural Year of Greece” in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively, and the “Europalia.China” in Belgium in 2009.They all won wide acclaim from the cultural and art communities as well as the general public.欧洲现代文化在中国广泛传播,受到了广大中国人民的喜爱。在上海世博会上,比利时-欧盟、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙等许多各具文化特色的场馆吸引了众多中国参观者。法国文化中心、德国歌德学院、西班牙塞万提斯学院等一些欧盟国家的驻华文化机构,聚集了不少中国的语言学习者和文化爱好者。近年来,在法国巴黎、德国柏林和马耳他瓦莱塔等地的中国文化中心也受到了众多欧洲朋友的青睐。这些心灵上的沟通增进了中欧之间的相互了解和友谊,为中欧关系注入了勃勃生机。
Spreading far and wide in China, modern European culture has found a passionate audience among the Chinese people.At the Shanghai World Expo, the distinctive pavilions of Belgium-EU, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, among others, have drawn long lines of Chinese visitors.Cultural institutions set up in China by some EU countries, such as the French Cultural Center, the Goethe Institute and the Cervantes Institute, have become favorite rendezvous for foreign language learners and culture fans in China.Likewise, the Chinese cultural centers set up in recent years in Paris, Berlin and Valletta are warmly received by many Europeans.The communication taking place in these venues touches the soul and has enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between China and Europe and imbued our relations with vigor and vitality.我们要以战略的眼光和开放的胸怀看待中欧文化交往,更加广泛、深入、持久地开展中欧间思想文化界的交流,推动文化机构间的互动,鼓励文化产业和产品服务领域的合作。我真诚希望通过直接的接触和直观的感受,让更多的中欧民众、特别是青年一代更多地了解对方的国情与文化,从而更好地促进中欧关系稳定健康发展。
When we look at China-EU cultural relations, we need to adopt a strategic perspective and have an open mind.We need to make our exchange of ideas and culture more extensive, in-depth and enduring.We need to promote interactions between our cultural institutions and encourage cooperation in the cultural industry and related products and services.I ardently hope that more people in China and EU countries, especially the younger generation, will get to know more about each other's national conditions and cultures through direct engagement and first-hand experience so as to better promote the steady and healthy growth of China-EU relations.各位学者,各位朋友: Friends from the academia, Ladies and Gentlemen, 文化的多样性是人类文明最本质的特征。尊重不同文化的独立与发展,加强文化交流与合作,是维护世界文化多样性的重要前提。在全球化的时代,人类面临着许多共同的问题,都需要通过广泛的文化沟通与合作来寻求答案。今天举办的中欧文化高峰论坛就是大家在思想文化领域共同探寻人类未来发展方向的一次很好的尝试。中国提倡充分尊重各国的文化传统、社会制度、发展道路,倡导开放兼容的文明观,也真诚地愿意通过与各国广泛开展合作,博采各种文明之长,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。让我们携起手来,为这一神圣使命共同努力!
Cultural diversity is a defining feature of human civilization.Respecting the independence and development of different cultures and strengthening cultural interflows and cooperation is essential to upholding cultural diversity in the world.In an era of globalization, mankind is faced with many common challenges which need to be addressed through cultural communication and cooperation.This China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum is a good start in this respect.We will jointly explore, from a cultural perspective, the way forward for mankind's development.China advocates full respect for the cultural tradition, social system and development path of every country and calls for an open and inclusive approach towards different civilizations.We sincerely hope to learn from the achievements of all civilizations through extensive cooperation and work toward a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.Let's join hands and strive to reach this worthy goal.谢谢大家!Thank you.
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
Remarks by H.E.Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
At the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum
Brussels, 6 October 2010
President José Manuel Barroso,Professor Umberto Eco,Ladies and Gentlemen,非常高兴来到欧盟总部,出席中欧文化高峰论坛。今年是中国与欧盟建交35周年,中欧双方借此重要时机首次举办文化论坛,很有意义。这是中欧文化交流史上的一大创新,标志着中欧文化交流进入了新的阶段,也表明中欧关系深入向前发展。在此,我代表中国政府表示热烈祝贺!
I am delighted to visit the EU headquarters and attend the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum.This year marks the 35th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic relations, and it is highly significant to hold a China-EU cultural forum, the very first of its kind on such an important occasion.This is a creative event in the history of our cultural exchanges.It symbolizes a new stage in our cultural interactions and a step forward in the overall China-EU relations.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend my warm congratulations.文化是沟通人与人心灵和情感的桥梁,是国与国加深理解和信任的纽带。文化交流比政治交流更久远,比经济交流更深刻。随着时光的流逝和时代的变迁,许多人物和事件都会变成历史,但文化却永远存在,历久弥新,并长时间地影响着人们的思想和生活。不同的地域环境造就了不同的文化底蕴,形成了各具特色的文化形态,它们如同浩瀚苍穹的璀璨群星,交相辉映,光耀宇宙。正是文化的多样性,使不同文化相互影响,相互交融,相互促进,推动了人类文明的进步,也丰富了人类的生活。
Culture is a bridge that connects people's hearts and minds, and a bond that enhances understanding and trust between states.Cultural exchanges have a longer history than exchanges in the political field and a more profound impact than economic exchanges.As time goes by, many prominent figures and events will fade into history.But culture lives on.It gains even stronger vitality with the passage of time and has an enduring influence on the way we think and live.Different geographies have nurtured a variety of cultures, each with unique features and attributes(属性).They are like the shining stars in the sky, adding radiance to each other and illuminating the vast universe.Cultural diversity inspires different cultures to interact with each other, influence each other and complement each other, thereby advancing human civilization and enriching our lives.中国与欧洲,作为东、西方文明的主要发源地,对人类文明进步都做出了巨大贡献。在古希腊,曾涌现出苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等众多先哲,而在古代中国,也曾诞生了老子、孔子、庄子、孙子等伟大思想家。他们的思想分别奠定了东西方文明思想体系的基石。这两个文明体系既特点鲜明,又开放包容。古希腊艺术和史诗的杰出成就、德国哲学的理性思维能力、意大利的文艺复兴、法国的思想启蒙运动,把欧洲一步步引向民主与文明。而在遥远的东方,中国文化传统中的中庸、大同与和谐的理念,塑造了中华民族富于理想、坚忍不拔、宽厚仁爱的性格特质与民族精神。
As the main birthplaces of Oriental and Western civilizations, China and Europe have made tremendous contribution to the progress of human civilization.Ancient Greece produced great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, while China produced great thinkers such as Lao Zi, Confucius, Zhuang Zi and Sun Zi.These ancient sages(圣人)laid the intellectual groundwork for civilizations in the East and West.The two civilizations are distinctly different, yet both are open and inclusive.The outstanding achievements of ancient Greek arts and epics, the power of logic and reason in German philosophy, the Renaissance in Italy and the French Enlightenment led Europe to greater democracy and civilization.While in the distant East, the concepts of the Golden Mean, Great Unity and Harmony in traditional Chinese culture made China a nation of perseverance, benevolence and high ideals.中欧双方文化交流源远流长。早在公元前数世纪,古老的“丝绸之路”就连接起长安和罗马,开启了中欧文明对话的先河。威尼斯商人马可·波罗游历中国大地后的游记,为西方世界揭开了东方国度的神秘面纱。传教士利玛窦带来了大量欧洲的先进科学知识,拉开了“西学东渐”的序幕。中国的“四大发明”和 “经籍西传”曾为欧洲近代社会文化的发展演变带来了深远的影响。近代西方“民主”与“科学”思想传入中国,成为中国知识分子追求国家强盛和民族复兴的一面旗帜。中外文化发展和交流的历史证明,一切优秀的文明成果是人类长期生产实践经验和智慧的结晶,是人类文明进步的象征,是全人类的共同财富。
China and Europe have a long history of cultural interflows.As far back as centuries B.C., the Silk Road linked Chang'an and Rome, making possible the dialogue between Chinese and European civilizations.The travelogue of Venetian businessman Marco Polo introduced China, then a mysterious land, to the West.Matteo Ricci, the Italian missionary, brought advanced science and technology from Europe to China, inaugurating the spread of Western learning to the East.The four great inventions of China(the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and movable type printing)and the introduction of Chinese classics to Europe had a far-reaching impact on the development and evolution of modern European society and culture.The Western ideas of democracy and science spread to China in the modern era and became a banner for Chinese intellectuals in their pursuit of development and revitalization of the Chinese nation.The history of cultural development and exchanges proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of wisdom gained through productive activities over the long years.They are symbols of human progress and the shared asset of all mankind.新中国成立后,中欧间文化交流不断发展。特别是进入新世纪后,中国以更加开放的姿态,巩固和深化与欧盟各国在文化领域的交流与合作,逐步形成了高层次、全方位的文化交流与合作新格局。2003年至2005年的中法文化年、2006年在华举办的“意大利年”、2007年的“西班牙年”、2008年“希腊文化年”以及2009年在比利时举办的“欧罗巴利亚中国艺术节”等一系列大型文化交流活动,更是受到了文化艺术界以及民众的广泛赞誉。
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, cultural exchanges with Europe have made steady progress.In the new century, China has worked with greater openness to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation with EU countries.A new pattern of high-level, all-dimensional cultural exchanges has taken shape.A host of large-scale cultural events have been staged, such as the “Year of China in France” and the “Year of France in China” from 2003 through 2005, the “Year of Italy”, the “Year of Spain” and the “Cultural Year of Greece” in 2006,2007 and 2008 respectively, and the “Europalia.China” in Belgium in 2009.They all won wide acclaim from the cultural and art communities as well as the general public.欧洲现代文化在中国广泛传播,受到了广大中国人民的喜爱。在上海世博会上,比利时-欧盟、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙等许多各具文化特色的场馆吸引了众多中国参观者。法国文化中心、德国歌德学院、西班牙塞万提斯学院等一些欧盟国家的驻华文化机构,聚集了不少中国的语言学习者和文化爱好者。近年来,在法国巴黎、德国柏林和马耳他瓦莱塔等地的中国文化中心也受到了众多欧洲朋友的青睐。这些心灵上的沟通增进了中欧之间的相互了解和友谊,为中欧关系注入了勃勃生机。
Spreading far and wide in China, modern European culture has found a passionate audience among the Chinese people.At the Shanghai World Expo, the distinctive pavilions of Belgium-EU, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, among others, have drawn long lines of Chinese visitors.Cultural institutions set up in China by some EU countries, such as the French Cultural Center, the Goethe Institute and the Cervantes Institute, have become favorite rendezvous for foreign language learners and culture fans in China.Likewise, the Chinese cultural centers set up in recent years in Paris, Berlin and Valletta are warmly received by many Europeans.The communication taking place in these venues touches the soul and has enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between China and Europe and imbued our relations with vigor and vitality.我们要以战略的眼光和开放的胸怀看待中欧文化交往,更加广泛、深入、持久地开展中欧间思想文化界的交流,推动文化机构间的互动,鼓励文化产业和产品服务领域的合作。我真诚希望通过直接的接触和直观的感受,让更多的中欧民众、特别是青年一代更多地了解对方的国情与文化,从而更好地促进中欧关系稳定健康发展。
When we look at China-EU cultural relations, we need to adopt a strategic perspective and have an open mind.We need to make our exchange of ideas and culture more extensive, in-depth and enduring.We need to promote interactions between our cultural institutions and encourage cooperation in the cultural industry and related products and services.I ardently hope that more people in China and EU countries, especially the younger generation, will get to know more about each other's national conditions and cultures through direct engagement and first-hand experience so as to better promote the steady and healthy growth of China-EU relations.各位学者,各位朋友:
Friends from the academia,Ladies and Gentlemen,文化的多样性是人类文明最本质的特征。尊重不同文化的独立与发展,加强文化交流与合作,是维护世界文化多样性的重要前提。在全球化的时代,人类面临着许多共同的问题,都需要通过广泛的文化沟通与合作来寻求答案。今天举办的中欧文化高峰论坛就是大家在思想文化领域共同探寻人类未来发展方向的一次很好的尝试。中国提倡充分尊重各国的文化传统、社会制度、发展道路,倡导开放兼容的文明观,也真诚地愿意通过与各国广泛开展合作,博采各种文明之长,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。让我们携起手来,为这一神圣使命共同努力!
Cultural diversity is a defining feature of human civilization.Respecting the independence and development of different cultures and strengthening cultural interflows and cooperation is essential to upholding cultural diversity in the world.In an era of globalization, mankind is faced with many common challenges which need to be addressed through cultural communication and cooperation.This China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum is a good start in this respect.We will
jointly explore, from a cultural perspective, the way forward for mankind's development.China advocates full respect for the cultural tradition, social system and development path of every country and calls for an open and inclusive approach towards different civilizations.We sincerely hope to learn from the achievements of all civilizations through extensive cooperation and work toward a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.Let's join hands and strive to reach this worthy goal.谢谢大家!
Thank you.