
时间:2019-05-15 09:54:29下载本文作者:会员上传


1.1 Entertaining clients: Types of activities and cost Choosing retail premises to rent: location and length of contract Deciding on packaging for products: image and production process

Work experience programme What kinds of work experience the company might offer How the participants should be selected 1.2 Selecting staff for promotion: attitude to work and current performance Considering a career change: further study or training and opportunities for future promotion Planning an advertising campaign: market research and selecting appropriate media

English language training How to encourage employees to take part in the training What kind of schedule would be suitable for the training 1.3 Choosing transport for a business trip: convenience and cost-effectiveness Aiming for promotion: quality of performance and company loyalty

Exporting goods or services for the first time: personal contacts and professional advice


What practical arrangements the company needs to make before the trip Which work and leisure activities would be suitable for the group

1.4 Dealing with complaints from clients: offering and apology and suggesting a solution to the problems Setting prices for new products: production costs and competitors' prices Aiming to reduce staff turnover: financial incentives and career structure

Entertaining foreign clients What kinds of activities would be suitable for the visit What information it would be useful to know about the clients before finalising the programme

2.1 Trying to attract new staff: competitive wages and company reputation Preparing to go away on a business trip: information colleagues and clients and delegating essential tasks Planning corporate hospitality: guest list and type of event

Staff magazine What type of information to include in the magazine

Which type of staff should contribute to the magazine 2.2 Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy: description of the work and experience needed by applicants Delegating work to others: clear instructions and choice of person for the task Designing a company website: type of information to include and different language versions

Video conferencing

What the company needs to know about the meetings that take place at present What the advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing might be 2.3 Meeting foreign clients for the first time: foreign language skills and knowledge of cultural differences Deciding whether to buy or rent office equipment: cost and speed of technological change Aiming to increase staff productivity: offering bonuses and creating a pleasant environment

Seminars for students What kinds of information it would be useful to know about the students What the most useful topics would be 2.4 Aiming to keep good staff: promotion opportunities and salaries Organising a conference: conference speakers and facilities at conference center Producing a marketing plan: identifying targeting customers and setting a budget

Sales managers conference What information you will need to send to the sales managers before the conference What activities you could organise to help people to get to know each other better

3.1 Aiming to improve career prospects: Reading business articles and learning a foreign language Deciding how to transport goods: destination and speed Purchasing new machinery: level of automation and maintenance requirement

Promoting a new model Which features of a car might be important to the target group How an advertising campaign could present the car

3.2 Considering setting up a staff canteen : Employees' opinions and cost to the company Working as a teacher: sharing expertise and deciding responsibilities Negotiating a contract with a customer: customer needs and available budget

Trade delegation What the advantages and disadvantages of sending staff on the trip might be What kinds of information about doing business in the country the staff need to know before the trip

3.3 Planning a presentation: audience and equipment needed Selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients: experience and reliability Introducing a new product range onto the market: timing and advance publicity

Selling old stock Whether to offer the same discount on all products How customers could be informed of the discounts

3.4 Selecting a retail sales assistant: previous experience and appearance Contacting clients by telephone: calling at the right time and listening carefully Managing change: clear objectives and communication

Giving presentations Which types of staff would benefit most from this training How to decide whether training has been successful


BEC中级口试话题总结 SBEC中级口试试题Part Ⅱ

1.What is important when planning a presentation? Finding out about the audience

researching the topic 2.What is important when aiming to improve customer service? Staff Training

Customer Satisfaction Surveys 3.What is important when managing a project? Encouraging Teamwork

Keeping to schedule 4.What is important when motivating staff? Financial benefits

Career development Opportunities 5.What is important when dealing with competition? Pricing policies

advertising strategies 6.What is important when planning health and safety training? Selecting topics

selecting staff to attend 7: What is important when choosing new office equipment? Prices and discounts

Brand names 8.What is important when entertaining foreign business clients? Venue for entertainment

Cultural Differences 9.What is important when aiming to reach new markets? Market research

Advertising 10.What is important when choosing a management training course to attend? Program Contents

Length of course 11.What is important when relocating a business? Local workforce available

Location of site 12.What is important when advertising a new product? Target markets

Choice of media 13.What is important when starting a new job? Knowledge of company procedures

Help from company staff 14.What is important when selecting staff for marketing trips abroad? Position in the company

previous experience of other countries 15.What is important when aiming to reduce production costs? Efficiency of production line

Cost of raw materials 15.What is important when choosing people to work in teams? Variety of experience

Personal qualities 16.What is important when dealing with a heavy workload? Time management

sharing tasks 17.What is important when developing new products? Market research

Pricing 18.What is important when being interviewed for a job? Information about the company

Personal appearance 19.What is important when exhibiting at a trade fair? Quality of display

Staff selected 20.What is important when introducing a reward system for staff? Purpose of the reward system

Types of reward offered 21.What is important when entertaining clients? Types of activities

Cost 22.What is important when choosing retail premises to rent? Location

Length of contract 23.What is important when deciding on packaging for products? Image

Production process 24.What is important when selecting staff for promotion? Attitude to work

Current performance 25.What is important when considering a career change? Future study or training

Opportunities for future promotion 26.What is important when planning an advertising campaign? Market research

selecting appropriate media 27.What is important when choosing transport for a business trip? Convenience

Cost-effectiveness 28.What is important when aiming for promotion? Quality of performance

Company loyalty 29.What is important when exporting goods or services for the first time? Personal Contacts

Professional advice 30.What is important when dealing with complaints from clients? Offering an apology

suggesting a solution to the problem 31.What is important when setting prices for new products? Production costs

Competitors’ prices

32.What is important when aiming to reduce staff turnover? Financial incentives

Career structure 33.What is important when planning the layout of a new store? Attractiveness

Security of goods 34.What is important when choosing a new sales agent? Experience of agent

Number of contacts 35 What is important when monitoring the quality of service provided? Feedback from customers

checking sales figures 36: What is important when…?

Selecting applicants for a job

work experience

personal qualities 37: What is important when…?

Choosing a new supplier

price and discounts

reputation 38: What is important when Aiming to improve production quality…? Up-to-date equipment staff training 39: what is important when…?

Preparing for a job interview studying the job advertisement finding out about the company 40: what is important when…?

Deciding whether to attend conference venue speakers 41: What is important when…?

Developing new products

market research

costs involved BEC中级口试试题 Part III 1.Program for New Staff

The manufacturing company you work for would like to introduce a full programme of training for new staff.You have been asked to help prepare the programme.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what should be covered by the training programme---how else new staff can be helped to settle into their jobs as quickly as possible 2、Company Dress Code Your Managing Director is unhappy with the general standard of dress among staff.You have been asked to make recommendations about introducing a dress code or company uniform.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what the advantages and disadvantages of having a company uniform would be---what kind of dress code would be appropriate for staff in different types of jobs Staff Training Your company has decided to use an outside agency for training sales staff.You have been asked to have preliminary discussions with the agency to organise this.4.Company Video

The manufacturing company you work for is planning to make a video to show to potential customers and investors.You have been asked to help with planning the video.---Discuss the situation together, and decide:---which departments and activities in the company should be included in the video---which company personnel should appear in the video 5.Business Magazine Article

An international business magazine is sending a journalist to write about your region, and wants to include an article about the retail company you work for.You have been asked by your company to help the journalist plan the article.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what kinds of information should be included in the article---how this article could benefit your company 6.Opening a Branch Abroad The retail company you work for has decided to open a branch abroad for the first time.You have been asked to help with the planning of the new branch.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what staffing arrangements might be necessary for the new branch---which information about premises in that country it would be useful to find out about

7.Entertaining Foreign Clients

Your company is entertaining a group of foreign clients for three days, including one

non-working day.You have been asked to plan a programme for the visit.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what kinds of activities would be suitable for the visit---what information it would be useful to know about the clients before finalizing the


8.Work Experience Programme

The manufacturing company you work for has decided to offer a two-week work experience

programme for a small group of students from a local business college.You have been asked to help with the preparations for this programme.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what kinds of work experience the company might offer---how the participants should be selected 9.English Language Training

Your company is planning to offer 30 hours of English language training to employees.You have been asked to help with the planning and organization of the training.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---how to encourage employees to take part in the training---what kind of schedule would be suitable for the training 10.Teamwork

Your company is sending a small group of employees away together for three days to

encourage them to work as a team.You have been asked to help plan the programme.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what practical arrangements the company needs to make before the trip---what work and leisure activities would be suitable for the group 11.Foreign Business Trip

Your company is attending a trade fair in a foreign country for the first time.You have been asked to help with the preparations for the trip.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what travel and accommodation arrangements you will need to make before the trip---which kinds of business customs in the foreign country it would be useful to know about, and how to find out about these before the trip 12.(For three candidates)Entertaining Foreign Clients Your company is entertaining a group of foreign clients for three days, including one

non-working day.You have been asked to plan a programme for the visit.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what kinds of activities would be suitable for the visit---which members of staff should accompany the visitors---what information it would be useful to know about the clients before finalizing the

programme 13.For three candidates Work Experience Programme

The manufacturing company you work for has decided to offer a two-week work experience

programme for a small group of students from a local business college.You have been asked to help with the preparations for this programme.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---what kinds of work experience the company could the participants should be selected---what feedback and evaluation should take place after the programme has finished 14 For three candidates

English Language Training

Your company is planning to offer 30 hours of English language training to employees.You have been asked to help with the planning and organization of the training.Discuss the situation together, and decide:---which staff would benefit most from English language to encourage

employees to take part in the training---what kind of schedule would be suitable for the training 15 For three candidates


Your company is sending a small group of employees away together for three days to

encourage them to work as a team.You have been asked to help plan the programme.Discuss the situation together and decide:---what practical arrangements the company needs to make before the trip---which work and leisure activities would be suitable for the group---how to evaluate the success of the trip BEC中级模拟口试试题 Stage One Interlocutor: Good morning.My name is John Smith, and this is my colleague, Mary Clinton.And your names are Li Hua and Wang Wei? Li: Yeah

Wang: Yeah Interlocutor: Thank you.Now, first of all, we'd like to know something about each of you.Mr.Li, can you tell me about yourself? Li: My pleasure.As you know, my name is yandali.I'm from Shandong province.I'm now studying in Beijing union University.And I'm majoring in business English there.Interlocutor: Thank you.Mr.Li.Now Mr.Wang, can you tell me about your ambitions Wang: Yes.I am now a student with Suzhou University majoring in business administration.I hope I can get my MBA and join a world-famous multinational company.And after I have had enough experience, I am going to start a company of my own.Interlocutor: Thank you, Mr.Wang.And Mr.Li, could you tell me about your ambitions? Li: A big question for me indeed.I've never thought about it, but I bet I'll work towards a CEO of a big multinational corporation.That's my goal in life.And that's why I am spending so much time on English, business English in particular.Interlocutor: Mr.Li, you said you're spending a lot of time on business English.Do you think business English is difficult to learn? Li: Not exactly, though it may be difficult at the initial stage.The thing is that you need to have some business knowledge before you start to learn business English.Interlocutor: How about you, Mr.Wang? Is it difficult for you? Wang: Not really.You know, I like English very much, and my major is business administration.So I have always found business English very interesting.Stage Two

The importance of having a good CV Well, in my opinion, you can never underestimate the importance of having a good CV.In the majority of cases, your CV is the employer's first impression of you, your first chance to impress your potential employer, let's say.It is the essential illustration of your

suitability for the job, showing how your skills and experience match your employer's

requirements.But more than that, it shows your ability to summarize, prioritize and present information effectively, essential skills in today's job market.It also shows your linguistic and

communicative abilities.Even though employers these days use a variety of selection techniques, such as analyzing your handwriting, a good CV is still the single most important part of any application.Stage Three Time Management Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce.You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.Discuss, and decide together:

------why poor time management can become a major problem in companies

------what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.Zhang: Hi, Ms Wang, you know, our company is sort of out of control these days.Don't you think so? Wang: Yeah.Everything seems to be in disorder here in our company.And that obviously

has a lot to do with poor time management.Zhang: You mean poor time management has caused all these problems.Why? Wang: When time is not well planned within a company, they usually do not allocate blocks of time to specified tasks.They do not have a definite idea of when they should complete a certain task.And Zhang: And I think they often neglect the ordering of priorities.I mean certain tasks need

our prior attention.But in our company every task is treated on an equal basis, even if it is a very urgent task.Wang: That's the point.So time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with.Zhang: So what do you think we can do so that time is managed effectively here in our company? Wang: You mean what procedures we can adopt? Zhang: Sure.That's what our boss is asking us to do.Right? Wang: Right.I think we've got a lot to do.First, we should make all the staff members

realize how important effective time management is to our company.Zhang: Yes, I think we can give them instruction in time management, especially those in

supervisory positions.Wang: Right, perhaps we can run a few training programs for them.If need, we may invite some experts from outside to help us.Zhang: Another thing we can do is to make all the managers, or even every staff member,come up with a job description of their own.In this way, they can be pretty sure

about what they are responsible for and what they are not.Wang: Yes, that's a good idea.And I think, the top managers of our company should come up with a set of rules as to what kind of jobs should be given priority to.In this way, we can make sure that important tasks are dealt with first.Zhang: Good idea.So to sum up, our company should run a few training programs, and every staff member should write a job description of their own.Wang: And rules should be made as to what kind of job should be given priority to.15

第三篇:BEC 历年真题 部分


The Negotiating Table

You can negotiate virtually anything.Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation.Some people negotiate deals for a living.Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf.He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation.He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial.Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him.The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other.More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view.Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”.This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”.However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game.Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits.Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you.Pitch your look to suit your customer.You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable.People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them.They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you.Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side.Ask questions rather than give answers and take an

interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly.You do not need to become their best friends but being too clever will alienate them.A lot of deals are made on impressions.Do not rush what you are saying---put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity.Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.Inevitably some deals will not succeed.Generally the longer the negotiations go on, the better chance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone to waste.However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this becomes too great , neither party may be prepared to see the deal through.More common is a corporate culture clash between companies, which can put paid to any deal.Even having agreed a deal, things may not be tied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argue about small details.De Cohen thinks that children are the masters of negotiation.Their goals are totally selfish.They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly.If Mum refuses their request , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him.If al else fails, they will try the grandparents, using some emotional blackmail.They can also be very single-minded and have an inexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing.So there are lesson to be learned from watching and listening to children.Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order to

A put people at ease

B remain detached

C be competitive

D impress rivals Many people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning to

A convince the other party of their point of view

B show they are not really interested

C indicate they wish to take the easy option

D protect their company’s situation Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you should

A adapt your style to the people you are talking to

B make the other side feel superior to you

C dress in a way to make you feel comfortable.D try to make the other side like you According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you to

A gain their friendship

B speed up the negotiations

C plan your next move.Dconvince them of your point of view Deals sometimes fail because

A negotiations have gone on too long

B the companies operate in different ways

C one party risks more than the other.D the lawyers work too slowly Dr Cohen mentions children’s negotiation techniques to show that you should

A be prepared to try every route

B try not to make people feel guilty

C be careful not to exhaust yourself

D control the decision-making process.关于negotiating techniques的文章。传统的阅读题型,相对比较容易。

15题,答案很明显:he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation。帮助他抽离他的谈话中的感情成分。要想选对,只需要知道选项B中detached的含义:not reacting to or becoming involved in something in an emotional way

16题,这题貌似只能采取排除法。因为几个选项和原文的对应都不是太明显。问为什么很多人在一开始要对一个建议说“不”。答案是第二段的最后一句:Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.。最高管理层在一开始可能会拒绝这个建议,因为这样是一个更安全的选择。但是如果他们真的不感兴趣的话,他们就不会在那里(谈判)了。A在这段文字中没有提到,B不对,他们肯定是感兴趣的,C也不对没有提到,原文说的是safer option。选D,之所以会拒绝,因为从维护公司利益的角度,这样是一个safer option。

17题,答案也很明显:Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you.这里的两个词组可以解释下:

dress down: to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wear relate to :to feel that you understand someone's problem, situation etc

所以这个句子意思是穿的不那么正式,这样可以让另一方接近你。也就是A说的是你的风格适应你的谈判对象。C不对,不是make you feel comfortable,而是make others feel comfortable。D也不对,可能会误选,不是让别人喜欢你,like太夸张了,只是容易接近。

18题,答案在第四段的第一句话:Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side.。走进另一方的世界,就是原文说的understanding the other person,目的是为了sell your proposal,也就是让对方接受你的建议,选D。

19题,谈判失败的原因,答案是第五段的这么一句:More common is a corporate culture clash between companies, which can put paid to any deal。公司文化冲突导致的。文化冲突,就是两个公司在运作、理念等等上的不一致,选C:两个公司以不同的方式运作。


找妈妈,妈妈不行就在感情上敲诈爷爷奶奶。此路不通就换另一条,就是A说的尝试每一条路线。B没有提到,C不对,原文说小孩子有inexhaustible supply of energy。D也没有提到。


The Scientific Approach to Recruitment

When it(0)to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision is made within the first five minutes of a meeting.??Yet employers like to(21)themselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes.In today’s competitive market place, the(22)of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the company’s success and, as a result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to(23)the best in the field.One method in particular that has(24)in popularity is testing , either psychometric testing, which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or ability£aptitude testing(25)an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidate’s suitability for a role.It(26)companies to add value by identifying key elements of a position and then testing candidates to ascertain their ability against those identified elements.The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one(27)of the recruitment process may have some merit, but in reality there is no real(28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential future performance of any individual.The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and strong definition of the elements of each position to be(29)as the whole recruitment process is based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on a CT and the first five minutes of a meeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employed in the(30)of recruitment.21.A suggest B convince C advise D believe

22.A worth B credit C quality D distinction

23.A secure B relies C attain D achieve

24.A lifted B enlarged C expanded D risen

25.A provides B offers C contributes D gives

26.A lets B enables C agrees D admits

27.A portion B member C share D component

28.A extent B size C amount D measure

29.A occupied B met C filled D appointed A business B topic C point D affair

《The scientific approach to recruitment》,招人的科学方法。这篇完型比较简单。完型填空也有两种题型,两种解题思路。一种是从意思上理解然后做出选择,一种是根据单词的用法。前者比较容易,后者很考验语言功底。

21题,理解上下文的意思。前面说招人时的决定一般是在五分钟以内做出的。但是雇主们试图使自己详细相信他们在挑选过程中是经过了深思熟虑的。Convince oneself,使确信。其他的词没有这个用法。


23题,招人者试图利用一切方法来抓住这个领域最好的(人才),secure the best,抓住最好的。realise是实现,attain是获得,后面不能接人,achieve是实现一个目标。

24题,rise in popularity,固定搭配,popularity是知名度的意思,这个词组应该可以翻译成声名鹊起。

25题,provides with,提供。给组织提供另外一种方法。offer的用法是offer sb sth,contribute在这里意思不对。



Component:one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc

Portion:a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts



29题,fill a position,填补空位,fill在这里的意思是to perform a particular job, activity, or purpose in an organization, or to find someone or something to do this。不能选occupy,因为occupy更强调人的一种主动,而这里只是客观说某个需要填补的职位。

30题,in the business of,也是一种固定的说法,在什么的过程中。很多场合都可以使用。可以多看几个例句:

We’re in the business of stimulating the economy(By Obama)

Energetics is a specialist management consultancy in the business of climate change


There is a commonly held view that the only way to get(0)decent pay increase is to move on: to go out into the job market and find someone(31)is prepared to pay you a figure more in line(32)the talents you can offer.Whilst changing employers from time(33)time is something we probably all need to do to advance our careers in the directions we want them to take, it is nevertheless an activity that carries quite definite risks.Irrespective of(34)well we research prospective employers, a new job is still largely a step into the unknown.It may turn(35)to be a good move or it could prove to be a complete disaster : most of us(36)had

experience of both.The point here, though, is that changing employers is not something we want to be doing all the time and certainly not(37)time we feel the urge for better pay.We’d(38)taking more risks than we needed to just to achieve a pay rise.Getting a pay rise should always be viewed(39)a serious business.There are no quick fixes or gold methods with “ guaranteed “ results.Quick fixes only serve to trivialize the issues and could(40)some circumstances get you into very serous trouble indeed.答案及解析



32题,in line with,和什么一致,固定搭配,在中级的选词版完型里常考到这个词组。这句的意思是,找个一个愿意给你提供和你才能更加一致的薪水的人。

33题,from time to time,时不时的。changing employers from time to time,时不时的换老板。

34题,Irrespective of,同regardless of一样,后面接让步状语从句,不管我们对可能的雇主研究的多么好,新的工作都是一个未知数。用how well。

35题,turn out to be,固定用法。


37题,理解前后文意思。换老板不是件我们经常愿意做的事情,并且也不是一想要加薪就要换老板。用every time,表示每次要加薪就准备换老板。

38题,这题有点难度,考验人的语法功底。首先这个句子是虚拟语气,We’d是we would的缩写,而不是we had。是表示对将来的假设,我们要承担更多的风险。所以用would be。

39题,比较明显的,view as,将什么视作什么。

40题,和circumstance相关的词组,很容易想到under/on some circumstance,在某种情况下。

BEC商务英语高级考试历年真题(4)Genuine feedback would release resources to be used elsewhere.Managers are expected to enable their staff to work effectively.Experts are unlikely to facilitate a move to genuine feedback.There are benefits when methods of evaluating performance have been negotiated.Appraisals tend to focus on the nature of the face-to-face relationship between employees and their line managers.The idea that employees are responsible for what they do seems reasonable.Despite experts’ assertion, management structures prevent genuine feedback An increasing amount of effort is being dedicated to the appraisal process.A

Performance appraisal is on the up and up.It used to represent the one time of year when getting on with the work was put on hold while enormous quantities of management hours were spent in the earnest ritual of rating and ranking performance.Now the practice is even more frequent.This of course makes it all the more important how appraisal is conducted.Human resources professionals claim that managers should strive for objectivity and thus for feedback rather than judgement.But the simple fact of the matter is that the nature of hierarchy distorts the concept of feedback because performance measure are conceived hierarchically.Unfortunately, all too many workers suffer from the injustices that this generates.B

The notion behind performance appraisal-that workers should be held accountable for their performance-is plausible.However, the evidence suggests that the premise

is wrong.Contrary to assumptions appraisal is not an effective means of performance improvement-it is judgement imposed rather than feedback, a judgement imposed by the hierarchy.Useful feedback , on the other hand, would be information that told both the manager and worker how well the work system functioned, and suggested ways to make it better.C

Within the production system at the car manufacturer Toyota, there is nothing that is recognizable as performance appraisal.Every operation in the system has an associated measure.The measure has been worked out between the operators and their manager.In every case, the measure is related to the purpose of the work.That measure is the basis of feedback to the manager and worker alike.Toyota’s basic idea is expressed in the axiom “bad news first”.Both managers and workers are psychologically safe in the knowledge that it is the system-not the worker –that is the primary influence on performance.It is management’s responsibility to ensure that the workers operate in a system that facilitates their performance.D

In many companies , performance appraisal springs from misguided as assumptions.To judge achievement, managers use date about each worker’s activity, not an evaluation of the process or system’s achievement of purpose.The result is that performance appraisal involves managers’ judgement overruling their staff’s, ignoring the true influences on performance.Thus the appraisal experience becomes a question of pleasing the boss, particularly in meetings, which is psychologically unsafe and socially driven, determining who is “in” and who is “ out”.E

When judgement is replaced by feedback in the true sense, organizations will have a lot more time to devote to their customers and their business.No time will

be wasted in appraisal.This requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about the organization of performance appraisals, which almost certainly will not be forthcoming from the human resources profession.关于员工评估和反馈的文章。一个组织内部的上下级沟通真的太重要了。

第一题,说真正的反馈可以释放用在别处的资源。意思上真正的反馈可以让人腾出精力。答案是E段的第一句:When judgement is replaced by feedback in the true sense, organizations will have a lot more time to devote to their customers and their business。这题的意思还算比较明显,feedback in the true sense,就是genuine feedback,devote to their customers and the business,就是把资源释放在别的地方。

第二题,说经理们是被期望着使员工工作得更有效率。答案是C段的最后一句:It is management’s responsibility to ensure that the workers operate in a system that facilitates their performance.经理们的责任,也就是managers are expected to,有利于他们的表现,就是enable their staff to work effectively。

第三题,说专家不大可能有利于真正反馈的进程。答案是E段的最后一句:which almost certainly will not be forthcoming from the human resources profession。人力资源专家,就是experts。需要理解下这里的forthcoming的含义:willing to divulge information.(人)愿意透露消息的。专家们不愿意透露消息,也就是不能指望专家来facilitate。

第四题,说商讨评估表现的方法是有利的。答案是在C段,有点分散。前面说The measure has been worked out between the operators and their manager。这个措施是在操作者和经理们之间拟定的。between the operators and managers,也就是评估表现的方法是被商讨了的。后面介绍的情况都是这个measure有多么的好:is the basis of feedback。综合起来,就是选项说的,商讨是有好处的。

第五题,说评估倾向聚焦于员工和他们直属经理们之间面对面关系的性质。这个选项可能会弄的人一头雾水,首先得弄明白这里的面对面关系指的是什么。员工和直属经理的关系,就是上下级的关系,过分看重这个关系,那么在评估过程中就会有顾虑,谁还敢揭自己上司 的短?所以这个句子的意思是说评估过程中有顾忌,无人敢说真话。答案是D段的这么一句:Thus the appraisal experience becomes a question of pleasing the boss。评估过程成了讨好自己的老板,说的就是这个意思。


第六题,说员工对他们所作负责的想法听起来很合理。答案是B段的第一句:The notion behind performance appraisal-that workers should be held accountable for their performance-is plausible。这里的accountable就是负有责任。Plausible是貌似真实的,也就是seems reasonable。

第七题,说虽然有专家们的主张,管理层的结构阻止了真正的反馈。答案是A段的这么一句:the simple fact of the matter is that the nature of hierarchy distorts the concept of feedback。管理层的机构,就是这句里提到的the nature of hierarchy,等级制的性质。这个单词在BEC阅读里常出现。distort,扭曲,就是选项里的prevent。

第八题,说在评估过程中投入了更多的努力。答案是A段的这么一句,有点隐晦:Now the practice is even more frequent.This of course makes it all the more important how appraisal is conducted.这个句子是紧跟上文的,the practice指的就是appraisal。评估的更频繁,评估是怎么进行的显得更加重要。认为更加重要了(makes it all the more important),就会投入更多努力了。综合起来,这些的意思就是评估过程投入了更多的努力。不太容易看出来。


In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key activity.From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate need.Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted

well to the changing needs for communication.since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the past.In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000 peopleor 35%-on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing anticipated.减少了80000员工(或者说减少了35%的员工),预期还会减少更多。A选项是对的,made redundant是前面某套题目阅读的第五部分考过的词组;B不对,没有完成(completed),因为预期还会裁减更多(with further downsizing anticipated);C也不对,迷惑性最大,reduced its workforce of 80.000,用了介词of,所以这句的意思是一共就80000员工,而实际情况是减少了80000


16题,问根据此人的观点,沟通的角色是什么。也就是问沟通的目的或者作用是什么。答案在第三段。沟通是为了帮助人树立自信,说服他们虽然要面临一些变化,但是同样也会拥有一些新的机会。说白了,就是鼓励这些被裁的人。答案选C,强调变化的积极方面。这里的positive aspects是对前面说的bring with them new opportunities的一个概括。(想起了电影《在云端》,up in the air,里面那个老男人的工作就是职业裁员专家,专门对被裁的人说些这样的话。)

17题,问调查显示大多数人对change的反应是什么。这题在答案中也很明显,但是选项很纠结。都有点似是而非。The second category, usually the majority, may respond to threatened changes with a feeling of having been let down.,and even feel anger at the company for what they see as changing the terms of their employment.大多数员工的反应就是很失望,甚至会很愤怒。个人觉得这题出的不够严谨,没有哪个选项能严格从原文中提炼出来。对比下D要好点,因为对公司失望和愤怒,就是觉得受到了不公正的待遇。此题有待高手补充更完美的理由。

18题,问沟通过程主要依赖于什么。答案是第五段的这句:people prefer to get their information face-to-face from their line managers。喜欢面对面的从直属经理那里获取信息。所以选C,个人的交流。

19题,问组织内部提供信息的指导准则是什么。最后一段的第一句就是:The general rule in company communication is to tell employees as much as you can as soon as you can。尽可能的快,尽可能的多。不能提供细节的,至少给个大致的背景消息(put the news in context)。时机成熟了,再告知更多。选B:在可能的最早的阶段让人有个总体的印象。

20题,给文章选标题。这种题在BEC的阅读里还真不多见。选标题,就是要挑选文章的最主要意思,从整体上把握文章的main ideas。这篇文章通篇说的就是communication,前面介绍了沟通的背景:裁员;接着说了员工对裁员的反应;然后最后两段,一段说员工喜



The Negotiating Table

You can negotiate virtually anything.Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation.Some people negotiate deals for a living.Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their behalf.He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation.He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial.Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him.The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other.More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view.Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”.This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”.However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game.Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits.Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you.Pitch your look to suit your customer.You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not

overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable.People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them.They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you.Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side.Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly.You do not need to become their best friends but being too clever will alienate them.A lot of deals are made on impressions.Do not rush what you are saying---put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity.Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.Inevitably some deals will not succeed.Generally the longer the negotiations go on, the better chance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone to waste.However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this becomes too great , neither party may be prepared to see the deal through.More common is a corporate culture clash between companies, which can put paid to any deal.Even having agreed a deal, things may not be tied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argue about small details.De Cohen thinks that children are the masters of negotiation.Their goals are totally selfish.They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly.If Mum refuses their request , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him.If al else fails, they will try the grandparents, using some emotional blackmail.They can also be very single-minded and have an inexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing.So there are lesson to be learned from watching and listening to children.Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order to

A put people at ease

B remain detached

C be competitive

D impress rivals Many people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning to

A convince the other party of their point of view

B show they are not really interested

C indicate they wish to take the easy option

D protect their company’s situation Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you should

A adapt your style to the people you are talking to

B make the other side feel superior to you

C dress in a way to make you feel comfortable.D try to make the other side like you According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you to

A gain their friendship

B speed up the negotiations

C plan your next move.D convince them of your point of view Deals sometimes fail because

A negotiations have gone on too long

B the companies operate in different ways

C one party risks more than the other.D the lawyers work too slowly Dr Cohen mentions children’s negotiation techniques to show that you should

A be prepared to try every route

B try not to make people feel guilty

C be careful not to exhaust yourself

D control the decision-making process.关于negotiating techniques的文章。传统的阅读题型,相对比较容易。

15题,答案很明显:he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation。帮助他抽离他的谈话中的感情成分。要想选对,只需要知道选项B中detached的含义:not reacting to or becoming involved in something in an emotional way

16题,这题貌似只能采取排除法。因为几个选项和原文的对应都不是太明显。问为什么很多人在一开始要对一个建议说“不”。答案是第二段的最后一句:Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.。最高管理层在一开始可能会拒绝这个建议,因为这样是一个更安全的选择。但是如果他们真的不感兴趣的话,他们就不会在那里(谈判)了。A在这段文字中没有提到,B不对,他们肯定是感兴趣的,C也不对没有提到,原文说的是safer option。选D,之所以会拒绝,因为从维护公司利益的角度,这样是一个safer option。

17题,答案也很明显:Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you.这里的两个词组可以解释下:

dress down: to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wear

relate to :to feel that you understand someone's problem, situation etc

所以这个句子意思是穿的不那么正式,这样可以让另一方接近你。也就是A说的是你的风格适应你的谈判对象。C不对,不是make you feel comfortable,而是make others feel comfortable。D也不对,可能会误选,不是让别人喜欢你,like太夸张了,只是容易接近。

18题,答案在第四段的第一句话:Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side.。走进另一方的世界,就是

原文说的understanding the other person,目的是为了sell your proposal,也就是让对方接受你的建议,选D。

19题,谈判失败的原因,答案是第五段的这么一句:More common is a corporate culture clash between companies, which can put paid to any deal。公司文化冲突导致的。文化冲突,就是两个公司在运作、理念等等上的不一致,选C:两个公司以不同的方式运作。

20题,为什么要借鉴小孩子的办法,原文最后一段提到小孩子的办法就是,爸爸不行找妈妈,妈妈不行就在感情上敲诈爷爷奶奶。此路不通就换另一条,就是A说的尝试每一条路线。B没有提到,C不对,原文说小孩子有inexhaustible supply of energy。D也没有提到。


Sweet smell of excess-for just £ 47.874 a bottle

The marketing says it is the “ ultimate symbol of indulgence and truly impeccable taste”.A new scent, named V1, has(0)launched for Christmas-retailing at just £47.874.The makers are proudly promoting it(31),the “ world’s most expensive perfume” and are confident of selling the limited edition of 173 bottles-(32)it should be exactly 173 bottles is not made clear in the publicity for the product.Although carefully priced at just under the £50.000 mark, this perfume is clearly(33)something for anyone who considers £30 too much to pay for a bottle of eau-de-toilette.Those(34)are potential customers will certainly be reassured to learn that a case covered in rubies and diamonds is included free(35)charge.Purchasers are assured of further savings, with unlimited scent refills guaranteed indefinitely-at no extra cost.The fragrance is the idea of Arfaq Hussain, a 27-year-old clothes designer who first made a name(36)himself with an air-conditioned jacket he was asked to make

by the singer Michael Jackson(37)far, Mr Jackson is the only person to(38)placed an order-he wants two, according to Mr Hussain.Mr Hussain is unconcerned at having no previous experience of perfumery.“ It’s so(39)more than a perfume----it’s a piece of jewellery, too.” explained Mr Hussain.He attempted to describe the £47.874 sensation.“ it is delicate , fragrant and quite unique.When you open the lid, it takes you totally away.It’s just(40)being surrounded by thousands of wild flowers and roses.这是高级阅读部分的一个新题型。不仅中级里面没有,一般的英语考试也没有。填词版的完形填空。乍一看会觉得很难,有点像是主观题。其实题型什么的都是次要的,都是借着题型这个外壳考察语言功底。只要基本功够扎实,完全可以通过摸准不同题型的特点来做出正确的答案。

具体说BEC H里的填词版完型,里面填入的词主要是连词、介词和代词,一般不会让你填入那种需要发挥超级想象力才能想得出的形容词和动词。做题的思路有两种,一种是固定用法、常见表达,一种是从语法角度分析句子结构,来判断句子缺失的成分。


31题,这题答案很明显。圣诞发布的香水,制作者打算将它开发成“世界上最昂贵的香水”(most expensive perfume),promote„.as,将什么给开发成什么。

32题,要从意思和句子结构上进行分析。前面说发售限量版的173瓶香水,后面一个破折号做进一步的说明。从意思上看,词组made clear很关键,表原因的;而从句子成分上看,这里就是关系代词引导的从句在句子中充当补充成分。而能够表示原因的关系代词,是why。

33,34,35,这三道题也很明显。33题从意思上做,这个香水肯定是不适合认为30英镑的香水很贵的人,所以是填not,表否定;34题,those who的搭配,应该够的上条件反射的级别,those who are potential customer,那些是潜在客户的人;35题,free of charge,免费,固定搭配。

36题,这题考察的也是一个固定搭配,make a name for oneself,使„出名。这个香

水的创意来自一个服装设计师,而此人最早出名是因为迈天王让他制作了一件空调夹克(air-conditioned jacket)。

37题,截止目前迈天王是唯一的下了订单的人。So far,截止目前。

38题,下了订单。have done,表示完成的意思。

39题,理解句子的意思+固定用法的使用。这个句子的意思很明显:它不仅仅是一瓶香水,它还是一件珠宝。所以空格前后搭配的意思应该是不仅仅。用so much more than。例如:so much more than just a home。

40题,最后几句话都是夸赞这个香水的。多么的精致独特。而当你打开香水的时候,你整个人都被take away了,就像是被成千上万的野花和玫瑰簇拥着。说香水,却扯到wild flowers和rose上面去了,所以是比喻,用like。


The Scientific Approach to Recruitment

When it(0)to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision is made within the first five minutes of a meeting.Yet employers like to(21)themselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes.In today’s competitive market place, the(22)of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the company’s success and, as a result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to(23)the best in the field.One method in particular that has(24)in popularity is testing , either psychometric testing, which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or ability£aptitude testing(25)an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidate’s suitability for a role.It(26)companies to add value by identifying key elements of a position and then testing candidates to ascertain their ability against those identified elements.The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one(27)of the recruitment

process may have some merit, but in reality there is no real(28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential future performance of any individual.The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and strong definition of the elements of each position to be(29)as the whole recruitment process is based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on a CT and the first five minutes of a meeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employed in the(30)of recruitment.21.A suggest B convince C advise D believe

22.A worth B credit C quality D distinction

23.A secure B relies C attain D achieve

24.A lifted B enlarged C expanded D risen

25.A provides B offers C contributes D gives

26.A lets B enables C agrees D admits

27.A portion B member C share D component

28.A extent B size C amount D measure

29.A occupied B met C filled D appointed A business B topic C point D affair

《The scientific approach to recruitment》,招人的科学方法。这篇完型比较简单。完型填空也有两种题型,两种解题思路。一种是从意思上理解然后做出选择,一种是根据单词的用法。前者比较容易,后者很考验语言功底。

21题,理解上下文的意思。前面说招人时的决定一般是在五分钟以内做出的。但是雇主们试图使自己详细相信他们在挑选过程中是经过了深思熟虑的。Convince oneself,使确信。其他的词没有这个用法。


23题,招人者试图利用一切方法来抓住这个领域最好的(人才),secure the best,抓住最好的。realise是实现,attain是获得,后面不能接人,achieve是实现一个目标。

24题,rise in popularity,固定搭配,popularity是知名度的意思,这个词组应该可以翻译成声名鹊起。

25题,provides with,提供。给组织提供另外一种方法。offer的用法是offer sb sth,contribute在这里意思不对。



Component:one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc

Portion:a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts



29题,fill a position,填补空位,fill在这里的意思是to perform a particular job, activity, or purpose in an organization, or to find someone or something to do this。不能选occupy,因为occupy更强调人的一种主动,而这里只是客观说某个需要填补的职位。

30题,in the business of,也是一种固定的说法,在什么的过程中。很多场合都可以使用。可以多看几个例句:

We’re in the business of stimulating the economy(By Obama)

Energetics is a specialist management consultancy in the business of climate change

Time for a new career

“losing your job isn’t the end of the world: it gives you’re the chance the a new beginning(0)says Caroline Poole, 30, Who was made redundant(31)her role

as head of marketing campaigns with an insurance group two years ago.The news was a blow, especially after a successful nine-year career with the business, but she was determined to see redundancy(32)a positive force for change.(33)it seemed a tough lesson at the time, redundancy was the catalyst that redirected my career, “ says Caroline “It gave me the break I needed to understand(34)my career objectives lay.”

Working with a consultant, Caroline explored a number of work options that oppealed to her.She also took advantage of workshops on issues(35)as setting up your own business, and managing your finances.A key consideration for her was(36)easy it would be to balance working in London with home life 100 kilometers away.She was encouraged to network(37)other marketing professionals and via this route made contact with a communications agency.She took time out to go travelling , and on her return was offered a role in the agency.(38)was proof to her that she still had marketable skills.Two years(39)from redundancy, Caroline is planning another career break.“ The experience of redundancy has made me view my options with more confidence.I now know that I can dictate my own career path, even(40)it were to mean resigning first and then taking time to find the right direction” she says.填词版的完形填空,关于失业之后该如何开始新的职业生活的。这些文章读多了,对人是会有启发的。此外,这种题型也很考验人的语言功底,短语积累和基本的语法知识是必不可少的。

31题,考查的是固定搭配。这里的意思很明显,是指这个女的在自己的职位上被开除了,make redundant是商业英语里的地道说法:Follow a fair and legal process when it's necessary to dismiss staff on the grounds of redundancy.如果是made redundant,后面的介词用from,可以看个例句:Just been made redundant from your last job?

32题,比较简单,see as,将什么视为。将失业视为改变的积极动力。

33题,虽然是艰难的一课(a tough lesson),还是改变了我的职业方向(redirect my career),有转折的意思,although和though。


35题,这题很明显,举例的,用such as。

36题,分析这个句子的成分。前面是a key consideration,做主语,有个was,是谓语,was后面的是宾语。在宾语成分里出现了it would be to balance„..这样的完整的句子,所以空格部分应该填入一个词,引导从句,并且这个词所接从句必须倒装。满足这个要求的词是how。(How引导的状语从句要求部分倒装)

37题,network with,词组:connect as or operate with a network,将„连成网。


39题,two years on,固定说法,两年以后,两年过去了。

40题,很容易联想到even if或者是even though,只能填if不能填though。这是两个意思和用法都不同的词组。even if,即便,带有假设的意思,后面接虚拟语气;even though,即使,表示既定事实。40空后面的句子是虚拟语气,因此这个题目只能填if。




第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟Example 1.Q:What’s your name? A:My name is(Kate)(注:括号内的为参考答案).Q:Where are you from? A:I come from(JiangSu Province)3.Q:Are you a student or worker?

A:I am a(student/worker)



1、What is your major?

2、Which course do you like best?

3、Why do you study English?

4、Do you like doing business? Why?


Exercise :(以下问题三选一,每人陈述一分钟,并把你要讲的内容写在作业本上。)

1、Selecting a business magazine,which is more important?


Content 2、Choosing software, which is more important?

Potential benefit

Hard disk

3、For the manager , which experience is more important?


Education background



(以下内容为二选一,每个对话内容在2分钟以上,直接讲,不用手写作业)1.The retail company is planning to open a new branch

Discuss the situation together and decide:

Q: A)What the company should consider when choosing a site?

B)How should the company advertise the opening of the new store?

2.Your company is organizing a conference for the sales mangers working in its office around the world.Discuss the situation together and decide:

Q: A)What information will you need to send the sales manager before the conference?

B)What activities you could organize to help people to get know each other better?



BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST 1 PART 1 Coaching the contact between coach and employee not solving all difficulties at work 2 the discussion of how certain situations could be better handled if they occur again 3 a coach encouraging an employee to apply what has been taught to routine work situations 4 coaching providing new interest to individuals who are unhappy in their current positions 5 coaching providing a supportive environment to discuss performance 6 employees being asked to analyse themselves and practise greater self-awareness coaching enabling a company to respond rapidly to a lack of expertise in a certain area Coaching A Coaching involves two or more people sitting down together to talk through issues that have come up recently at work, and analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effectively on subsequent occasions.Coaching thus transfers skills and information from one person to another in an on-the-job situation so that the work experience of the coach is used to advise and guide the individual being coached.It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threatening atmosphere.B Coaching means influencing the learner's personal development, for example his or her confidence and ambition.It can take place any time during an individual's career.Coaching is intended to assist individuals to function more effectively, and it is a powerful learning model.It begins where skills-based training ends, and helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations.Individuals being coached are in a demanding situation with their coach, which requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their reasons for doing things.C The coach professionally assists the career development of another individual, outside the normal manager/subordinate relationship.In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this.However, it can provide a space for discussion and feedback on topics such as people management and skills, behaviour patterns, confidence-building and time management.Through coaching, an organisation can meet skills shortages, discuss targets and indicate how employees should deal with challenging situations, all at short notice.D Effective coaches are usually those who get satisfaction from the success of others and who give time to the coaching role.Giving people coaching responsibilities can support their development, either by encouraging management potential through small-scale one-to-one assignments, or by providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs.A coach is also a confidential adviser, accustomed to developing positive and effective approaches to complex management, organisational and change problems.这篇文章讲的是培训(coaching)的作用。培训对一个公司的发展和员工的成长都是至关重要的。文章的内容比较泛,但是题目的答案比较明显。

第一题,教练和员工之间的接触不能解决工作中的所有困难。答案是C段的这么一句:In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this.理论上,培训可以提供所有问题的答案。但是实践中达不到这样。Fall short of是关键词。

第二题,讨论某些情况如果再度出现的话怎么样可以处理的更好。答案是A段的这么一句:analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effectively on subsequent occasions.分析应该如何进行处理并且在接下来的情况下怎样可以处理的更有效。这里的dealt with more effectively对应于题干中的better handled,on subsequent occasions.也就是occur again。

第三题,教练鼓励员工将所学应用到日常的工作中。答案是B段的这么一句:helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations.帮助个人将学到的正式知识用在日常工作和管理情况下。这里的day-to-day work and management situations就是题干中的routine work situations,what has been taught也就是formally learnt knowledge。

第四题,培训为在现有岗位上不高兴的个人提供了新的兴趣。答案是D段的这么一句:providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs。对感觉自己在现有岗位上受困的经理们提供附加的工作满足感。这里的stuck in their present jobs就是题干中的unhappy in their current position,added job satisfaction可以对应于题干中的new interest。

第五题,培训提供了一个有力的、支持性的讨论工作表现的环境。答案是A段的:It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threatening atmosphere.它允许成功和失败在一个没有威胁的气氛下被评估。成功和失败也就是performance,supportive environment可以对应于non-threatening atmosphere。

第六题,员工被要求分析他们自己并且培养出更强的自知。有必要理解下self-awareness的含义,不能简单的从中文理解成自我意识,看英文解释:knowledge and understanding of yourself。所以答案是B段的这么一句:requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their reasons for doing things.要求他们考虑自己的行为并且思考这么做的理由。consider their own behaviour可以对应于题干中的analyse themselves,思考这么做的理由也是为了进一步增进对自己的认识。

第七题,培训可以使得公司对某个领域的技术缺失迅速做出反应。答案是C段的最后一句:indicate how employees should deal with challenging situations, all at short notice.指出员工怎样处理有挑战性的情况,在短时间内。At short notice是一接到通知就,短时间内的意思,可以对应这一题的respond rapidly,challenging situations可以指代题干中的a lack of expertise in a certain area.BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST 1 PART 2 自助餐领域


Lucy Robertson started working at a takeaway food business to supplement her income during her student days at Edinburgh University, Several years later she had bought the business and now, 17 years on, she owns Grapevine Caterers, probably Scotland's leading independent caterers, with a turnover of almost £6m.She had never planned to own a business, and had certainly never considered a career in catering.(0).......However, her unplanned career began in 1985, when she returned to Edinburgh and

discovered that the takeaway she had worked in was up for sale.On impulse, she bought it, but admits that at the time she knew nothing about catering.(8).........It was a difficult time, but essential in terms of gaining the experience she needed.The late 1980s boom was good for business, with large numbers of office workers wanting takeaway food for their lunches.(9)........'At one point there were 26 food outlets within a 5-kilometre radius,' Robertson recalls.As the economy changed and the once packed office blocks started to become vacant, it became clear that Robertson would need to diversify.(10)........It changed the direction of the company for good.As Robertson began to win catering contracts, she decided that the company would have to move to larger premises.In 1994, the move was made when she bought another catering business that already had a number of profitable contracts for boardroom lunches.Meanwhile, Robertson's main competitor, the oldest catering company in Edinburgh, was causing her some anxiety.'Customer loyalty is not to be underestimated,' she warns.But Robertson is not someone who is easily put off.(11)........Partly as a result of this, turnover doubled, and having outgrown another site, Robertson bought a city-centre location for the group's headquarters.By now, Grapevine's main competitor was a new catering company called Towngates.Although Robertson tried to raise enough money to buy Towngates, she did not succeed.Then luck intervened and Towngates went bankrupt.(12)........Many accepted and the company's turnover went from £700,000 to £l.5 million almost overnight.However, the company's growth was not as smooth as it sounds in retrospect.Robertson admits, 'We were close to the edge during the growth period.Like many under-capitalised companies trying to grow, it might easily have collapsed.' But that, she feels, is the challenge of developing your own business.A But there are plenty of similar contracts to be won in the east of Scotland before Robertson turns her attention elsewhere.B Her way round this particular problem was to recruit the catering manager of the rival company.C But this demand was short-lived, and before long, increasing competition made it harder to make a profit.D 'It was a dramatic learning curve and very small amounts of money were earned at first,’says Robertson.E She decided that the solution, since many companies required working lunches for meetings with clients, was to prepare and deliver meals to business premises.F On hearing this, Robertson immediately contacted all of their clients and offered the services of Grapevine Caterers.G Instead, she studied accountancy after leaving university, and a steady if unspectacular professional path seemed set.《Buffet Zone》,自助餐区域,在这篇文章里的意思应该是自助餐领域,讲的是一个在自助餐领域取得了惊人成绩的杰出女性创业的故事。这套题目不难,尤其比起第四辑的题目。文章本身有很清晰的故事发展脉络,选项和原文的对应也比较明显。文章的几个段落是按照时间先后、故事发生的先后进行的,很明确。第一段是总括,第二段是讲的创业起步阶段的一些困难以及应对困难的对策,第三段是公司好转后的办公室重置(relocation),第四、五段是公司的竞争情况,最后一段总结。

第八题,前面说一时冲动她买下了这个外卖餐馆(takeaway),事实上那个时候她对餐饮业一无所知。空格后面说的是这段时间很困难,但是对获得所需要的经验却是很有必要的。所以第八题的空格部分应该填入跟学习、积累经验有关的内容。D选型最吻合,It was a dramatic learning curve,这里的learning是关键词,很明显的答案信号。还有very small amounts of money were earned at first,at first也是关键词。

第九题,空格前面说large numbers of office workers wanting takeaway food for their lunches,大量的办公室员工需要外卖食品做午饭,这里的wanting是个很关键的词。空格后面话锋一转,说曾经一度5公里内有26家食品商店,但是经济转变了,一条街都空了(blocks started to become vacant)。从上下文来分析,第九空的内容应该和办公室员工的外卖需求有关,同时带有转折意思。C选项完全符合这一条件:但是这种需求是短暂的,不久,逐渐增长的竞争使得赢得利润变得更加困难。

第十题,上文说经济形势转变了,所以Robertson决定从事多样化的经营。后面说这种做法永远的改变了公司的经营方式。所以第十空应该填入相应的对策,怎么样来应对经济形势的转变。符合这一条件的是B和E,都是关于解决问题的,但是B选项所说的招募竞争对手的餐厅经理在上下文内容中没有提到。应该选D,为商业大厦送饭,正好对应下一段所说的。第十一题,这一题才应该选B,前面说竞争对手给自己造成了很大的困扰。但是Robertson却不是那么容易屈服的人。后面说部分原因是这个,营业额翻倍了。所以中间应该也是填入对策。和竞争对手有关的,应该选B,B的particular是个关键词,rival company也很明显。

第十二题,前面说Robertson想收购一个竞争对手,但是没成功,结果人家公司自己破产倒闭了。后面来了一个many accepted,可以看出这中间应该填入的是人家公司破产后Robertson的一些举措。F满足这一条件:一听到这些,Robertson马上联系他们的客户并且提供了自己公司的服务。

BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST 1 PART 3 怎样开发自己


We manage our own careers now.So knowing how to brand and position yourself in the market as 'Me plc' at different stages of your working life is becoming an increasingly vital skill.At least that is what image expert Mary Spillane believes.'Employment as we know it is decreasing.Jobs don't exist, work exists.In the next decade most of us will be suppliers, not staff.We will have clients not bosses.If you are under 30, you probably know that there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc.It promotes you and your potential to others.' 'We're working in multi-national, multicultural, multi-corporate teams and it's important to understand the implications of this.We need to create a personal brand that is unique, but complements the brand of the corporation we are working for.You have to find a way to do it so that you are not just a typical employee,' advises Spillane.'You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.'

Many people only remember Mary Spillane for the years she spent running a cosmetics company, but she actually has masters degrees in information science and politics.She used to hide that hard-hitting side, but is now eager to show it and forget about cosmetics.'Now that I'm working in the boardrooms of major plcs and global companies, I'm playing up my degrees and management background so that the image side is seen only as an addition to the value side,' says Spillane.Some contracts take longer than others.'The City law firms I'm currently working for are really difficult because they don't have any idea of what their brand should be, and are still very traditional even when talking about becoming modern.I'm showing them how to do everything from changing their reception areas-which tend to be very off-putting with their high-fronted reception desksdespite the benefit of notesand that means listening.B Listening is not the same thing as hearing;it is not an effortless activity.It demands attention and concentration.It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarificationprobably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical.And not having heard, you won't know you've missed anything until it's too late.C The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished.We then stop listening.Even worse, this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness, as once you have decided what to say there is a fair chance you will interrupt to say it.Good listeners don't interrupt.In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points.Nobody is offended by this and it shows that you have listened well.D Above all be patient and accept that many people are not very good communicators.It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying.Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally;it will help you to understand what they are getting at and form a response.But don't be too clever.Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing.这篇文章讲的是倾听(listening)的重要性。一个好的管理者必然是一个好的倾听者,所以要讲究倾听的艺术。第一题,有时坚持进一步的解释是很有必要的。答案是B段的这么一句:It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarificationit should help you to move up to the next level.B The Director Of course there are all the formal things in managing your bossone of the more serious failings in the book of management.The importance of being a team player is a side effect of the increasing interaction across departments and functional divides.Instead of pushing reports, paperwork and decisions around the organisation, 'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues,' says Steve Gardner, in his book Key Management Concepts.He adds, 'Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork.Multinational teams now study policy decisions in the light of their impact on the local market.' But is teamworking being overdone? 'Some managers are on as many as seven or eight different teams', says Dr Cathy Bandy, a psychologist who recently ran a conference on the subject.'They take up so much time that managers can't get on with core tasks.' Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose.There is also the danger of an unhealthy desire to keep the team going after the work has been done.'People feel

the need to belong, and team membership can provide a kind of psychological support.' The idea behind teamworking is that, when the right group of people is brought together, a 'force' develops which is greater than the sum of their individual talents.This is often true in sport, where good players can reach unexpected heights as members of an international team.However, few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a match.'In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it', says Steve Gardner.'Unfortunately, people focus instead on who the members of the team should be and what roles they are to play' Dr Bandy agrees.'There is always a danger that teams can turn into committees,' she says.'In a lot of situations, one or two individuals would be much more effective.' So what makes a successful team? There are some general qualities that have been identified.Steve Gardner recommends that in every team there should be someone who is good at researching ideas and another who is good at shooting down impractical ones.There should be those who can resolve the tensions that naturally occur in a team and others who are focused on getting the job done.Also, providing a clear and achievable target at the outset is the best way of ensuring that the team will move on to greater things.《Trouble with Teamwork》,团队合作的麻烦。文章讲了团队的重要性和很多团队存在的问题,以及怎么样才能打造一个成功有效的团队。

第十三题,问文章开头作者针对团队合作做了什么论点。第一段是强调团队合作的重要性,太多的个人成果会显得这个人不是个合格的团队成员。选答案要理解第一句话的含义:Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples of work they have done as members of a successful team are in as strong a position as those who can point to significant individual achievement.招聘者说能够给出自己作为一个成功团队成员的例子的候选人同那些指出重要的个人成果的人具有同样重要的地位。言下之意,拥有团队成员的经历也很重要。所以选D,作为一个团队成员如今被视为必要的管理技巧。A、B、C都没有提到。第十四题,问公司内部的团队合作是作为对什么的回应。也就是问团队合作的目的是什么,答案是第二段的这么一句:'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues 团队提供了一个动态的会议场所,使得思想可以分享,技能可以更加仔细的对准重要的商业问题。这句里的dynamic meeting place可以对应于B段的changing work practice。第十五题,问在第三段Dr Bandy暗示什么。答案是她的一句原话:Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose.形成团队然后开会成了它本身的终点,几乎不管目的是什么。也就是说很多团队的建立是没有意义的,多余的。选C,一些团队被不必要的创建了。第十六题,问作者认为团队合作在体育领域里更有效的原因是什么。第四段讲当一群正确的人被组合到一起时会产生一种高于这些人个人能力的力量,在体育比赛里就是如此。这一题的答案是第四段的最后一句:few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a match.。很少有企业能像赢得一场比赛一样有一系列清晰的目标,或者是对成功或失败有清晰的评判准则。也就是A选项所说的:知道他们想要实现什么。what they want to achieve可以对应于a set of objectives。第十七题,问这两个人同意当一个商业团队被创立时人们没有把注意力放在什么上面。这一

题要理解第五段的意思。第一句说In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it。在企业,每个人都必须很清楚挑战是什么以及团队是否是实现它的最好的办法。考虑团队是不是最好的办法,也就是说要考虑其他可能的途径,即B选项所说的团队的替代品(alternatives to the team),后面有句focus instead„.人们却把注意力放在了其他的地方。从这些可以看出答案是B。

第十八题,问关于运作一个成功团队Steve Gardner的建议是什么。这题的答案是对最后一段的概括。答案是最后一段第三句recommend后面的一长串there„who,要有不同的人胜任不同的角色。归纳起来,就是各司其职选C:选择能够自然融洽的胜任某个角色的人。其他几个选项都没提到。

第二段有个地方值得解释下。Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork。这里的dimension用法比较特别,表示方面,特征,并且是很地道常见的说法 牛津词典的解释:an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing。

麦克米兰的解释:a part of a situation, especially when it influences the way you think about the situation。

e.g: Doing volunteer work has added a whole new dimension to my life.常见搭配:an extra/added/additional/further dimension BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST3 PART 4 人力资源政策

《Human Resource Policy》,人力资源政策。主要是讲的CBA银行的人力资源政策。先简单介绍了这个银行的管理结构,是扁平化的组织结构(flatter organizational structure),而不是等级制公司(hierarchy)。总体原则是不招应届的刚出校门的毕业生,而要有一定的生活经验或者是工作经验。

第19、20、21题,这几空都是举例说明前面提到的human resources practices。19空是说的将公司的发展目标传达给员工。公司目标,用objective。purpose是指具体做某件事情的意图。这里有必要区分一下objective和purpose,看英文解释。

purpose: the reason you do something, and the thing you want to achieve when you do it objective: something that you are working hard to achieve, especially in business or politics 第20题,个人培训和发展计划的制定。个人发展计划,personal development plans,选C。

第21题,定期的表现回顾。用review。hold在这个句子里是举行的意思。the holding of regular performance review,定期举行员工的表现回顾。

第22题,说扁平化的组织结构可以给员工更加定义广泛的角色。broadly defined roles,选C。第23题,人际交往技巧是很重要的。interpersonal skills,是地道的说法。参见一个例句:you will need good interpersonal skills.第24题,这一句的意思很好理解,是说员工们越来越看重或者说是承认一个事实:顾客的满意是组织的主要目标。recommend是推荐、建议,后面不接the fact(事实),honour是敬重,obey是遵守,这里应该选择respect。respect这里是重视或者接受的意思,看英英词典上的解释:to accept that something which is established or formally agreed

is right or important and not to attempt to change it or harm it。所以这一空应该选择respect the fact,表示接受这个事实。

第25题,CBA银行追求这个目的是为着自己的利益,而不是为股东挣利润的工具。for the sake of something 或 for something's sake:for the purpose of;in the interest of;in order to achieve or preserve 为了„目的;为了„的利益;为了。。固定用法,选A。

第26题,寻找潜在的新成员。地道的词是potential,比如potential recruits, potential staff, potential candidates.第27题,考察的是短语take on的一个用法,雇佣:If you take someone on, you employ them to do a job.;write in:to write a letter to a newspaper, television company or other organization, to state an opinion or ask something以群众来信的形式表达的意见。

第28题,把毕业生分配在各个连锁金融服务领域。用area。field做领域、范围讲的时候是指的研究、活动,region是指的具体的地区,parts是部分,应该用area。第29题,完成目标,met the targets。

第30题,完成了目标就可以得到工作。secure:to get possession of;acquire: 第31题,招的人已经具有了一定的生活经验。gain:to obtain something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time eg: After you've gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a job.第32题,薪酬现在和业绩挂钩。link to,联系。

第33题,reward sb.奖励某人。reward employees for their achievements and effort,因为功劳而奖励员工。

BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST3 PART 5 起作用的会议

《Meetings that work》,起作用的会议。文章讲的是开好一个会议应该注意哪些问题。34题,it is vital to do sth.,做什么事情是至关重要的。too„to结构表示太而不能。从上下文和词组的用法来看,too是多余的。35题,正确的

36题,since so many are unproductive,是说的很多会议都没有效果。主谓宾很齐全,unproductive做形容词就可以修饰前面的meeting,results是多余的。37题,完整的句子应该是Sending an email or(by)using another means of communication might achieve the desired results in half the time。介词by是多余的。有by,不仅后面的主语不对,也没有与前面的sending保持一致。38题,正确的

39题,这个句子的前后没有因果关系,去掉so 40题,(Concerning)the key to a good meeting is an agenda,主谓宾是齐全的,the key to a meeting是主语,is是谓语,an agenda是宾语,意思就是日程表是会议的关键。Concerning是多余的。41题,正确的

42题,those who固定的搭配,指代哪些人,ones是多余的

43题,去掉插入成分starting with the most important,完整的句子是set(that)out the points for discussion。set out是词组,在这里是陈述、阐明的意思:present information or ideas in a well-ordered way in writing or speech.。所以that多余。44题,discuss是及物动词,做讨论时直接用discuss,而不是discuss about。事实上,在discuss后面接about时的about一般都是做“大约的”意思讲,而不是一个完整的词组。所以此处about多余。45题,正确的。

BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST 4 PART 1 连锁

1、This development is in an area where the potential for consumer spending is the highest in the country.2、The partners constructing this centre have been responsible for numerous other developments.3、The centre may become a model for future urban development plans.4、This centre is being marketed by the developers as the best place in the area to shop.5、Other shopping destinations are located close to the agreed site for this centre.6、Plans for this development have been presented to people who live in the area for comment and approval.7、This development is being built in an area which has experienced sustained growth over time.A

The Birmingham Alliance will provide Birmingham with one of Europe's largest regional shopping centres, right in the heart of the city.The Alliance, an initiative between three of the largest developers in the country, all with extensive experience of urban regeneration schemes, will facilitate an £800m investment in Birmingham.This will regenerate 40 acres of the city centre within the next decade.Planning permission is in place for the new scheme, which will be a short distance from existing prime retail areas.The development will be well serviced by all forms of public transport, as well as providing parking space for 3,200 cars.B

The private-public partnership between Legal & General and Bracknell Town Council will manage the £500m regeneration of the town's centre.The proposals, which are awaiting the outcome of consultation with local residents, provide for approximately 102,000m2 of retail and leisure facilities, 200 residential units and office accommodation.This development is expected to set the standard for town centre regeneration schemes to come because of the way it integrates the business and community sectors.It will also facilitate great improvements in the region's transport infrastructure.C

Bluewater is a symbol of retail excellence, achieved through a unique combination of design, retail mix, leisure, catering and hospitality.The centre, surrounded by parkland, is situated in the country's most affluent region.Eleven million people, with a combined spending power predicted to exceed a record 5.5bn pound, live within 60 minutes of the centre.The developers set a precedent in the industry by getting the country's three best-known department stores to open very large branches within the centre, as well as over 300 leading fashion and lifestyle stores.D

Following its recent stock market success, Lend Lease is now developing Overgate shopping centre in Dundee.Construction is well under way, and with several of the country's best-known retailers already secured, Lend Lease is promoting the centre as the unrivalled shopping destination of the region.The economic base of the area has improved continuously over the past decade, due to the fast expansion of the biomedical and service sectors.With an estimated potential market of 500,000 people, Overgate is proving attractive to leading UK retailers.这套题目的难度不一般,我估计能把这套题给吃透了,以后基本可以笑傲阅读的第一部分了。文章有点散,题目的信息也是相当隐晦,很可能看了半天依然找不着北。写到这里多啰嗦几句,越是这种时候越要沉住气:所有人都一样,别人不会感觉比你容易。这是整个BEC考试的第一部分,如果不对付好了,后面会溃不成军。

文章ABCD四个部分分别介绍了四个不同的连锁店的发展情况(retail development),因为是基本情况的介绍,所以有点泛,没法提炼重点,只能尽可能多的把文章里的疑似重点词汇划出来,以待备用。

第一题,说这个地区的消费支出潜力是整个国家最高的,这里的highest是关键词。答案是C段的这句话:Eleven million people,with a combined spending power predicted to exceed a record 5.5bn pound.意思是综合消费能力预计将超过记录。预计(predict),也就是潜力(potential)。hightest,也就是exceed a record。前面有个affluent,是形容词,富裕的。

第二题,说建筑这个中心的合作方曾多次负责其他的项目发展。答案是A段的一句话:an initiative between three of the largest developers in the country, all with extensive experience of urban regeneration schemes.意思是这三个国内最大的开发商都拥有广泛的城市建造经验。这里的with extensive experience就是题干所说的have been responsible for numerous other developments.第三题,说这个中心可能会成为未来城市发展规划的范例。答案是B段的一句:This development is expected to set the standard for town centre regeneration schemes to come。这种发展有望为即将到来的城市中心再建方案树立标准。set the standard对应于model,plans对应于schemes。

第四题,关键词是best,答案是D段的这么一句:Lend Lease is promoting the centre as the unrivalled shopping destination of the region.是说Lend Lease打算促使该中心成为这个地区无与伦比的消费目的地。Unrivalled对应于best。

第五题,关键词是一个close,答案是A段的:Planning permission is in place for the new scheme, which will be a short distance from existing prime retail areas。A short distance from也就是close。

第六题,说这个发展方案提交给了住在这里的人,等待他们的评价和同意。答案是B段的“The proposals, which are awaiting the outcome of consultation with local residents”,这个提议还在等当地居民商议的最后结果,完全一个意思。第七题,说建造在了一个曾经历了持续增长期的地区,答案是D段的“The economic base of the area has improved continuously over the past decade”,这个地方的经济基础连续改善了十年。sustained growth对应于improved continuously。

BEC中级真题详细解析:第二辑TEST 4 PART 2 员工评估

Staff Appraisals

A director of the advertising agency owned by tycoon Bob Jacoby once grumbled that he wasn't enjoying his work.Jacoby's reply was, 'I don't pay you good money to enjoy yourself.If you enjoy working here, you should be paying me money.' Jacoby's sentiments used to be common.(0)____ Happily, things have changed.Most organisations now undertake regular staff appraisals, at which employees have the opportunity to discuss one-to-one with their line manager their ambitions and hopes, their strengths and weaknesses, their achievements and their disasters.But it is worth remembering how new all this is, and why.For a start, appraising isn't something many managers do naturally of their own accord.They often find appraisals difficult to handle and have to be made to carry them out.Appraisal systems have become widespread partly as a result of employment legislation, but more particularly because companies have learned that such assessments can work to their advantage.(8)......The company can improve its collective performance by helping employees to improve their individual performance.Managers who use appraisals need to approach them very carefully.They should bear in mind their own experiences of being appraised when in junior positions, recalling which appraisals were helpful, which were not, and why.In most cases, their own bosses did their homework, checking out the job specification, the C.V.and any previous reports.(9).........As a result, a lot of time would have been wasted, debating exactly what had happened and when.Being prepared and appreciating what it is like to be on the receiving end are, indeed, the keys to successful appraising.It is important to begin an appraisal by giving members of staff a chance to express their own views about their performance.(10).........Any information gained from colleagues is normally given in a positive spirit, since nowadays everyone understands appraisals and appreciates that they are carried out with good intentions.The atmosphere in the appraisal should be one of positive and open discussion about how the employee is performing in the company.(11).........Some individuals will feel unjustly criticised when their boss makes comments on their performance.Others will respond fiercely to a critical assessmentotherwise known as 'pioneering'this would not be a giant leap and the sales force would take it in its stride.Also, they wouldn't need to re-equip their factory and could use non-UK sourcing if facilities here are in short supply.B Mesut Guzel They have the fundamentals of a survival strategy in a market where outsourced manufacture and brand differentiation hold the key to success.I think they should initially locate some of their

production in another country, where manufacturing quality tends to be better and it is easier to meet changing customer demands.But they should also regularly monitor production in Britain and think about outsourcing all this work abroad at some point if they need it done faster.The company should continue to work on innovative products, and thorough market research will help to ensure any new ideas are well received.C Gary Wilmot In order to beat their rivals in a highly competitive market, Flacks should ensure their products are attractive and build on their relationships with the big stores rather than trying to go it alone and market directly.They should also consider refocusing production by using their UK factory for high-specification products.They could eventually build more production overseas in a cycle of continuous development.D Michal Kaminski The demand for fashion accessories is relatively flat and the company should consider exploiting niche markets to improve its margins.But even within these, Flacks must distinguish its goods from those of its rivals in terms of quality, performance and design.Innovative sales, marketing and PR are vital to exploit these niche products.One competitive advantage that Flacks does have is production times.Many retail chains now have two-tier supply chains and Flacks could focus on top-up orders.They might also investigate other sales channels such as mail order.这篇文章是关于一个女性时尚饰品公司——Flacks的发展战略问题,四个专家给出了自己的建议。这套题目的答案稍微有些隐晦。

第一题,说在开发新产品前咨询客户的意见对于Flacks来讲是很明智的。答案是B段的最后一句:thorough market research will help to ensure any new ideas are well received.彻底的市场调查能够确保新的思想很好的被接受。Market research,市场调查,在很大程度上就是咨询客户的意见(consult customers),any new ideas可以对应于developing a new product,能够well received,那么对于公司来讲当然就是advisable了。选B。第二题,说为专业市场生产产品可以增加利润。答案是D段的这么一句:the company should consider exploiting niche markets to improve its margins这题关键是要理解一个市场的含义:niche market。看英英解释:a small area of trade within the economy, often involving specialized products。improve its margins也就是increase profits,选D。第三题,说Flacks可能需要改变它的一个设备的功能。这里答案不是太明显,是C段的这么一句:They should also consider refocusing production by using their UK factory for high-specification products。他们也需要考虑通过利用英国工厂生产高规格产品来调整生产焦点。也就是说,英国工厂原来不是生产高规格产品的,即题目说的改变它的一个设备的功能。第四题,说Flacks可以利用现有的技能来进入一个新的市场。答案是A段的这么一句:They need to move into a more promising market, one where demand is growing and where the company can exploit existing skills and contacts。他们需要进入一个更有发展前景的市场,一个需求增长并且公司可以利用现有技能和合同的市场。exploit existing skills也就是utilise its current expertise。第五题,说Flacks可以考虑关闭现有的生产设备。这题也有些隐晦,答案是这么一句:think about outsourcing all this work abroad。关键就在于outsource这个词的意思:turn to outside suppliers or manufacturers外购。既然是要考虑outsource——turn to outside manufactures,那么也就是可以考虑关闭自己的生产设备了。选B。

第六题,说Flacks应该考虑发展同领先的连锁商已经建立起来的关系。答案在C段:build on their relationships with the big stores发展他们同大商店的关系。第七题,说扩展产品范围对劳动力来讲不是问题。答案在A段:They could think about brand extensionand you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule.Never say, 'I don't have time to plan today'.B Managers at all levels occasionally find they have taken on more than they can cope with.This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action.Until the problem is resolved, most of your time and energy will go into worrying about the situation and you will feel unmotivated.Think too about how to prevent it happening again.This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.C If a review of your working practices shows that you are too much of a perfectionist, do something about this.Modern definitions of quality refer to Witness for purpose'.If you bear this in mind, you may find it easier to persuade yourself to settle for an acceptable level of quality rather than perfection.When thinking about objectives and planning how to achieve them, consider how thoroughly you need to do something in order to meet your requirements.Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.D If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time.Many people file unnecessary papers and attend endless, unproductive meetings.Even top managers can be guilty of misdirecting their efforts by supervising subordinates too closely or failing to delegate.If you question the necessity of certain work, you may find it easier to avoid these misdirected efforts and this will better inform your planning in the future.《Successful Time Management》,成功的时间管理。文章针对怎么利用时间、提高工作效率提出了一些建议。


这句话同时是第一题和第四题的答案所在:Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.除非你有空闲的时间,否则不要在一件事情上花费额外的时间去努力涉及到所有事情。cover absolutely everything可以对应于deal with every detail。第二题,如果你有很多要做的,也许需要拒绝以后的工作。答案是B段的最后一句,有点绕:This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.这需要你变得坚定,避免答应超出现实的工作。more than is realistic,也就是眼前无法完成的工作,即work in the future。

第三题,任何计划行为都需要建立在一个有规律的基础上。答案在A段。A段整个就是讲的计划的重要性,有计划,才能合理安排时间。中间说有人喜欢在每天开始的时候计划,有人喜欢在结束前。答案是这么一句:you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule.你必须去试验寻找到最适合你的——寻找将这个活动融入到你的时间表的某种方法。要让计划融入进你的时间表,也就是说计划要成为你的日程的固定部分,即题目说的take place on a regular basis。第四题,在第一题已经说了,C段的最后一句,extra hours可以对应于additional time。第五题,可能有些例行的任务不需要被执行。答案是D段的第一句:If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time如果回顾某段时间发现你在一些并不是真正必要或者重要的事情上花费了时间,那么你需要仔细考虑这次你是否花的起。言下之意,有些things that are not really necessary or important(some routine tasks)可以不必花时间做(do not need to be carried out)。第六题,如果你觉得自己工作负担过重,那么查明原因很重要。答案是B段的这么一句:This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action。examine the reasons可以对应于identify the cause。

第七题,各个等级的人都会进行浪费时间的活动。答案在D段,需要提炼。D段整个讲的都是不要把时间浪费在不必要的事情上。前面说不要干一些routine task,后面说顶端的经理们也会误用他们的努力。最后一段盘点了很多人,前面的many people,后面的even top manager,和在一起就是题目说的people at all levels。不管是routine task,还是misdirecting their efforts,都是time-wasting activities。

BEC中级真题详细解析:第三辑TEST 2 PART 2 员工评估

《Staff appraisals》,员工评估。很多公司的员工和经理都害怕评估,但是好的评估可以增进员工的忠诚度和满意感,给公司带来益处。

第八题,前面说评估可能是个有用的或者是痛苦的经历。但是根据调查,标准的评估效果却不尽如人意。那么正常来讲,后面应该接着说评估不好(far from perfect)的原因或者是表现。C选项讲的是表现(problems),E选项虽然有because,但是不是讲的评估不好的原因。选C,正好和后面也对的上。出了问题,才使得后果更加严重(the possible outcome is even worse)。


第十题,接着上面讲评估的具体方法。空格的前面讲评估都是manager-led,并且介绍了一些过程。空格后面有in both cases,可以看出空格这里应该填入评估的另一种方法,和manager-led对应的。选项A最符合条件:经理们可能想要员工们自己评价自己的工作表现。alternatively这个连词是个暗示。

第十一题,前面说很多经理视评估为浪费时间。后面说如果没有必要的训练,很多经理都会回避那些需要在评估上讨论的让人不舒服的话题。E选项可以对应于上下文:那主要是因为他们并没有被演示怎么正确的进行评估。因为没有接受训练才不理解,才会认为是浪费时间。have not been shown也就是without the necessary training。

第十二题,这一空是最明显的。叫评估不合适,那就换个名字吧,选D,叫“performance review”。

BEC中级真题详细解析:第三辑TEST 2 PART 3 IT行业的问题

Problems in the IT industry

In the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departments of the future can fulfil their business goals will depend not on the regular updating of technology, which is essential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology.This is becoming more difficult.Best estimates of the current shortfall in IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and growing.And there is no end to the problem in sight.A severe industry-wide lack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and shrinking.Employers are chasing experienced staff in ever-decreasing circles, and, according to a recent government report, 250,000 new IT jobs will be created over the next decade.Most employers are confining themselves to dealing with the immediate problems.There is little evidence, for example, that they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in-house training, or retraining existing staff from other functions.This is the course of action recommended by the Computer Software Services Association, but research shows its members are adopting the short-term measure of bringing in more and more consultants on a contract basis.However, this approach is becoming less and less acceptable as the general shortage of skills, coupled with high demand, sends contractor rates soaring.An experienced contract programmer, for example, can now earn at least double the current permanent salary.With IT professionals increasingly attracted to the financial rewards and flexibility of consultancy work, average staff turnover rates are estimated to be around 15%.While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT staff 'golden handcuffs'other organisations, like local governments, are unable to match the competitive salaries and perks on offer in the private sector and contractor market, and are suffering turnover rates of up to 60% a year.But while loyalty bonuses have grabbed the headlines, there are other means of holding on to staff.Some companies are doing additional IT pay reviews in the year and paying market premiums.But such measures can create serious employee relations problems among those excluded, both within and outside IT departments.Many industry experts advise employers to link bonuses to performance wherever possible.However, employers are realising that bonuses will only succeed if they are accompanied by other incentives such as attractive career prospects, training, and challenging work that meets the individual's long-term ambitions.36

This means managers need to allocate assignments more strategically and think about advancing their staff as well as their business.Some employers advocate giving key employees projects that would normally be handled by people with slightly more experience or capability.For many employers, however, the urgency of the problem demands a more immediate solution, such as recruiting skilled workers from overseas.But even this is not easy, with strict quotas on the number of work permits issued.In addition, opposition to the recruitment of IT people from other countries is growing, as many professionals believe it will lead to even less investment in training and thus a long-term weakening of the UK skills base.《Problems in the IT industry》,IT行业的问题。IT行业的人才紧缺并且青黄不接,很多公司只顾短期利益,不愿意投入时间和成本进行培训。并且由于待遇等问题,人员流失现象十分严重。

第十三题,问根据第一段,IT部门的成功取决于什么。答案是but后面的一句:but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology.取决于他们能否留住精通于掌握最新技术的人。也就是A所说的,成功留住有技术的员工。第十四题,问第二段提到的一个问题是什么。第二段这么说:A severe industry-wide lack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and shrinking。一个严重的全行业范围的培训投入缺口意味着长期技术基础不仅老化而且紧缩。简单的说,就是人才短缺并且青黄不接。选B:有技术的IT人才未来会更少。Pool在这里是供应、聚集的意思。a pool of skilled labour:supply, common supply, reserve。第十五题,问对于第三段提到的IT行业的长期问题的可能的解决方法是什么。答案在这里:This is the course of action recommended。所以弄明白这里的this is是指代什么,就找到了正确的答案,this is指代的内容在前面:they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in-house training, or retraining existing staff from other functions.。他们开始对吸收的生手进行室内培训,或者是从其他功能上对现有的员工重新培训。简单概括,就是培训,无论是新来的还是老员工。答案选B:为新旧员工扩展公司的培训计划。

第十六题,问金融服务行业的一些企业,IT员工问题导致了什么。答案是第四段的这么一句:While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT staff 'golden handcuffs'



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    BEC中级口语题目及答案归纳 1.The first impression is vital. We should be neatly dressed to leave a good impression on the audience. 2.If you have a good sense of......


    单项选择题1、回答题: Working in sales is one of the few areas where first impressions really matter Good sales people (29)__________to have the personality to ge......


    第四辑 TEST1 : Part 2: 1、marketing importance of advertising slogans in promoting a brand or product.. 广告标语对宣传品牌和产品的重要性 2、information managem......


    经济师考试中级经济基础试题 一、单项选择题 (共70题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1.判断一个产权的权能是否完整,应当主要以为依据。 A.财产权利的归属 B.所......


    99年9月 每年春季,数以万计的中外客商云集申城,参加一年一度的华东出口品交易会。上海各类商品在这里与全国各地一比短长。上海的优势在于科技实力,因此高技术产口的出口应成为......


    中级按摩师复习题(一) (红色为答案) 一 概论 1 人生价值是( )的统一 A 自我价值和社会价值 B 人生观和自我价值 C 人生观和道德意识 D 自我价值和道德意识 2 人生的价值在于(......


    口试总结完整版 口试总结0612 1. 完美做好第二部分互动-notes的字写大写清晰 2. 记住对如何点,especially第三部分,务必务必进行原因的分析,整个BEC的考试即是对所述的点进行原因......


    考试大 商务英语站点 1 This company reports not being able to pass on higher costs to its customers. 2 The sale of part of a compa......