
时间:2019-05-15 09:16:29下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello, everybody.As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.大家好。在2011年即将结束,2012年即将来临之际,我想祝福所有人有一个快乐和健康的新年。

The last year has been a time of great challenge ['tʃælindʒ] 挑战and great progress['prəuɡres]n.前进;进展 for our country.We ended one war and began to wind down绞下,接下 another.We dealt a crippling [‘krɪplɪŋ] blow to al-Qaeda n.基地组织and made America more secure [si'kjuə] 使安全.We stood by our friends and allies ['ælaizn.联盟国,同盟者]around the world through natural disasters and revolutions[,revə'lu:ʃən]n.革命.And we began to see signs of economic[,ɪkə'nɔmik] adj.经济的 recovery [ri'kʌvəri]n.重获,here at home, even as too many Americans are still struggling['strʌɡliŋ]adj.奋斗的 to get ahead(使)走在前面,进步,获得成功.对美国来说,过去的一年是拥有巨大挑战和巨大成就的一年。我们结束了一场战争,并开始结束另一场战争。我们沉重打击了―基地‖组织,使美国更加安全。在世 界各地发生自然灾难和革命的时候,我们和我们的朋友和盟国站在一起。我们已经能看到美国国内出现了经济复苏的迹象,即便很多美国人仍在艰难度日。

There’s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change.And as we head into the New Year, I’m hopeful['həupful]adj.抱有希望的 that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy[i'kɔnəmi]n.节约, 节省;经济体制 create[kri'eit]vt.创造 more jobs, and strengthen['streŋθn]加强

the middle class阶级.毫无疑问,2012年将会带来更多的改变。在我们迈向新年之际,我对我们具备面对改变,经历改变后能够更加强大充满希望,这些改变包括让美国经济增长,创造更多就业机会,并使中产阶级更加壮大。

I’m hopeful because of what we saw right before Christmas, when Members 肢of Congress ['kɔŋɡres] 代表大会came together to prevent [pri'vent] 预防a tax [tæks]vt.向…征税hike [haik] vt.提高for 160 million Americans – saving节省 a typical['tipikəl]典型的 family about $40 in every paycheck.[’peitʃek]薪水.They also made sure Americans looking for work won’t see their unemployment[,ʌnim'plɔimənt]失业 insurance[in'ʃuərəns]n.保险 cut off.And I expect Congress to finish the job by extending[iks'tend] 延长these provisions[prə‘vɪʒn] 供给through the end of 2012.我之所以对此抱有希望,是因为我们看到在圣诞节前,国会议员一起努力避免1.6亿美国人民的税负提高——这为一般家庭在每份工资单上节省了40美元。他们还确保了美国人民在失业时保险不被削减。我期待着国会能把这些条款延长至2012年年底。

It was good to see Members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans.But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate[di'beit] 讨论.Through email and Twitter['twɪtə] and over the phone, you let your representatives[,repri'zentətiv]代表 know what was at stake处于成败关头.Your lives.Your families.Your well-being['wel'bi:ɪŋ]安康;福利.You had the courage 勇气to believe that your voices could make a difference紧要.And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.很高兴看到国会议员为数百万美国工人做出了正确的选择,但正是你们在辩论中发声才使之成为可能。你们通过电子邮件、推特、电话让议员们知道事情的利害,这 事关你们的生活,你们的家人和你们的福址。你们有勇气相信自己的声音能够使事情发生改变。在一天即将结束的时候,国会议员们让事情发生了改变。

More than anything else, you are the ones who make me hopeful about 2012.Because we’ve got some difficult debates and some tough[tʌf]adj.坚韧的 fights to come.As I’ve said before, we are at a make-or-break不成则败 moment for the middle class.And in many ways, the actions we take in the months ahead will help deter[di'tə:min] 做出决定mine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren 孙子to grow up in.你们比任何事物更让我对2012年充满希望。因为我们将面临一些困难的辩论和艰难的斗争,正如我以前所说,我们正处在一个对中产阶级而言成败攸关的关键时刻。在许多方面,我们未来几个月的行动将决定我们想要一个什么样的国家,以及我们的子孙将生活在一个怎样的世界里。

As President['prezidənt] 总统, I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility[ri,spɔnsə'biliti]n.责任 are rewarded[ri'wɔ:d] 报酬 – one where everyone has a fair公正的 shot and everyone does their fair share.That’s the America I believe in.That’s the America we’ve always known.And I’m confident肯定的 that if we work together, and if you keep reminding使想起 folks人们 in Washington what’s at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee [,ɡærən'ti: 保证;担保every American the opportunities [,ɔpə'tju:niti] 机会, 时机they deserve[,ɔpə'tju:niti]n.机会, 时机.作为总统,我承诺将尽我所能让美国成为一个只要努力工作和尽心尽责就能得到回报的地方,一个所有人都得到公平机遇和回报的地方。这是我所笃信的美国,这是 我们一直以来所知的美国。如果我们并肩协作,如果我们提醒华盛顿人士利害所在,我确信我们将能够使美国前行,并确保所有美国人获得他们应获得的机遇。

Thanks for watching, and from Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo and myself, Happy New Year.感谢收看,米歇尔、玛丽亚、萨莎、波和我本人祝你们新年快乐。



Obama: The Change We Need

This is a defining moment in our history.We face the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression--760,000 workers have lost their jobs this year.Businesses and families can't get credit.Home values are falling, and pensions are disappearing.Wages are lower than they've been in a decade, at a time when the costs of health care and college have never been higher.At a moment like this, we can't afford four more years of spending increases, poorly designed tax cuts, or the complete lack of regulatory oversight that even former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan now believes was a mistake.America needs a new direction.That's why I'm running for president of the United States.Tomorrow, you can give this country the change we need.My opponent, Senator McCain, has served his country honorably.He can even point to a few moments in the past where he has broken from his party.But over the past eight years, he's voted with President Bush 90% of the time.And when it comes to the economy, he still can't tell the American people one major thing he'd do differently from George Bush.It's not change to come up with a tax plan that doesn't give a penny of relief to more than 100 million middle-class Americans--a plan that even the National Review and other conservative organizations complain does far too little to benefit the middle class.It's not change to add more than $5 trillion to the deficits we've run up in recent years.It's not change to come up with a plan to address our housing crisis that puts another $300 billion of taxpayer money at risk--a plan that the editorial board of this newspaper said 'raises more questions than it answers.'If there's one thing we've learned from this economic crisis, it's that we are all in this together.From CEOs to shareholders, from

financiers to factory workers, we all have a stake in each other's success because the more Americans prosper, the more America prospers.That's why we've had titans of industry who've made it their mission to pay well enough that their employees could afford the products they made--businessmen like Warren Buffett, whose support I'm proud to have.That's why our economy hasn't just been the world's greatest wealth creator--it's been the world's greatest job generator.It's been the tide that has lifted the boats of the largest middle class in history.To rebuild that middle class, I'll give a tax break to 95% of workers and their families.If you work, pay taxes, and make less than $200,000, you'll get a tax cut.If you make more than $250,000, you'll still pay taxes at a lower rate than in the 1990s--and capital gains and dividend taxes one-third lower than they were under President Reagan.We'll create two million new jobs by rebuilding our crumbling

infrastructure and laying broadband lines that reach every corner of the country.I'll invest $15 billion a year over the next decade in renewable energy, creating five million new, green jobs that pay well, can't be outsourced, and can help end our dependence on Middle East oil.When it comes to health care, we don't have to choose between a government-run system and the unaffordable one we have now.My opponent's plan would make you pay taxes on your health-care benefits for the first time in history.My plan will make health care affordable and accessible for every American.If you already have health insurance, the only change you'll see under my plan is lower premiums.If you don't, you'll be able to get the same kind of plan that members of Congress get for themselves.To give every child a world-class education so they can compete in this global economy for the jobs of the 21st century, I'll invest in early childhood education and recruit an army of new teachers.But I'll also demand higher standards and more accountability.And we'll make a deal with every young American: If you commit to serving your community or your country, we will make sure you can afford your tuition.And when it comes to keeping this country safe, I'll end the Iraq war responsibly so we stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while it sits on a huge surplus.For the sake of our economy, our military and the long-term stability of Iraq, it's time for the Iraqis to step up.I'll finally finish the fight against bin Laden and the al Qaeda terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, build new partnerships to defeat the threats of the 21st century, and restore our moral standing so that America remains the last, best hope of Earth.None of this will be easy.It won't happen overnight.But I believe we can do this because I believe in America.This is the country that allowed our parents and grandparents to believe that even if they couldn't go to college, they could save a little bit each week so their child could;that even if they couldn't have their own business, they could work hard enough so their child could open one of their own.And at every moment in our history, we've risen to meet our challenges because we've never

forgotten the fundamental truth that in America, our destiny is not written for us, but by us.So tomorrow, I ask you to write our nation's next great chapter.I ask you to believe--not just in my ability to bring about change, but in yours.Tomorrow, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, create new jobs, and grow this economy so that everyone has a chance to succeed.You can choose hope over fear, unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo.If you give me your vote, we won't just win this election--together, we will change this country and change the world.现在是美国历史的关键时刻。我们面临着大萧条以来最为严重的一场经济危机:今年以来已经有76万人失业;企业和家庭无法获得信贷;房价不断下滑,养老金日益缩水;工资降到了十年来的最低水平,同时医疗和教育成本却涨到了有史以来的最高点。

在眼下这样的危急时刻,我们承受不起又一个四年的支出增长、千疮百孔的减税措施、或是监管全无──即使是美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)前主席格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)现在也承认那是个错误。美国需要一个新的方向。这也正是我竞选美国总统的原因所在。


如果提出的税收计划没有让1亿多美国中产阶级获得一分钱的税项减免,这不是变革──即使是《国家评论》(National Review)杂志和其他保守派组织也抱怨说,这个计划对造福中产阶级贡献寥寥。在近年来不断累积的财政赤字上再添5万亿美元,这不是变革。如果解决房市危机的计划又将另外3,000亿美元纳税人的钱置于风险之中,这不是变革──《华尔街日报》编辑委员会称这一计划“产生的问题比解决的问题多”。


这就是为什么我们有些企业巨头把提高员工薪酬作为自己的一项使命,让员工能买得起自己生产的产品,比如巴菲特(Warren Buffett)这样的商界人士。我对能有他的支持感到自豪。这就是为什么美国经济不仅是世界上最伟大的财富创造者,也是世界上最伟大的就业机会制造者。它一直托举着有史以来规模最大的中产阶级之舟。




在国防安全问题上,我将负责任地结束伊拉克战争,这样我们就不必在这个国家享有巨额财政盈余的情况下每月却要在那里花费100亿美元。为了美国的经济、美国的军队和伊拉克的长期稳定,现在是伊拉克人站出来的时候了。我将最终完成对本·拉登(Bin Laden)和基地组织恐怖分子的打击,正是这些人制造了9/11恐怖袭击,同时我还会建立新的合作关系、击退21世纪出现的威胁,恢复我们的道德威望,让美国仍然是地球上最后也是最好的希望。



Happy New Year, everybody.At a time when we turn the page on one year and look ahead to the future, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for everything you’ve done to make America stronger these past eight years.Just eight years ago, as I prepared to take office, our economy teetered on the brink of depression.Nearly 800,000 Americans were losing their jobs each month.In some communities, nearly one in five folks were out of work.Almost 180,000 troops were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden was still at large.And on challenges from health care to climate change, we’d been kicking the can down the road for way too long.Eight years later, you’ve told a different story.We’ve turned recession into recovery.Our businesses have created 15.6 million new jobs since early 2010 – and we’ve put more people back to work than all other major advanced economies combined.A resurgent auto industry has added nearly 700,000 jobs, and is producing more cars than ever.Poverty is falling.Incomes are rising.In fact, last year, folks’ typical household income rose by $2,800, that's the single biggest increase on record, and folks at the bottom and middle saw bigger gains than those at the top.Twenty million more Americans know the financial security of health insurance.Our kids’ high school graduation rate is at an all-time high.We’ve brought 165,000 troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and took out Osama bin Laden.Through diplomacy, we shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program, opened up a new chapter with the people of Cuba, and brought nearly 200 nations together around a climate agreement that could save this planet for our kids.Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago.And marriage equality is finally a reality from coast to coast.We’ve made extraordinary progress as a country these past eight years.And here’s the thing: none of it was inevitable.It was the result of tough choices we made, and the result of your hard work and resilience.And to keep America moving forward is a task that falls to all of us.Sustaining and building on all we’ve achieved – from helping more young people afford a higher education, to ending discrimination based on preexisting conditions, to tightening rules on Wall Street, to protecting this planet for our kids – that’s going to take all of us working together.Because that’s always been our story – the story of ordinary people coming together in the hard, slow, sometimes frustrating, but always vital work of self-government.It’s been the privilege of my life to serve as your President.And as I prepare to take on the even more important role of citizen, know that I will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that this country forever strives to live up to the incredible promise of our founding – that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve every chance to live out our dreams.And from the Obama family to yours – have a happy and blessed 2017.



On behalf of the Obama family – Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo and me– I want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.我代表奥巴马全家——米歇尔,玛利亚,莎莎,小狗波,还有我——祝愿大家感恩节快乐!For us, like so many of you, this is a day full of family and friends;food and football.It’s a day to fight the overwhelming urge to take a nap – at least until after dinner.But most of all, it’s a time to give thanks for each other, and for the incredible bounty we enjoy.对于我们来说,就像你们大家一样,这一天会在家人和朋友中度过,一起吃感恩节食物,看橄榄球比赛。这一天要忙忙碌碌总想找个时间小憩一会,至少晚饭后会有这种想法。但对大多数人来说,这一天都会彼此感恩,感谢我们所得到的一切。

That’s especially important this year.As a nation, we’ve just emerged from a campaign season that was passionate, noisy, and vital to our democracy.But it also required us to make choices – and sometimes those choices led us to focus on what sets us apart instead of what ties us together;on what candidate we support instead of what country we belong to.这一天对于今年来说格外重要。作为一个国家,我们刚刚走出充满激情、嘈杂和我们民主制度中最重要的大选季节,但它需要我们作出选择。而有时候这些选择会过于着重在什么使我们不同,而不是联系起来;在支持我们的候选人,而不是我们的国家。

Thanksgiving is a chance to put it all in perspective – to remember that, despite our differences, we are, and always will be, Americans first and foremost.感恩节是一个让我们全面思考的好机会,要记住,尽管存在分歧,我们永远要把美国人民的利益放在首位。

Today we give thanks for blessings that are all too rare in this world.The ability to spend time with the ones we love;to say what we want;to worship as we please;to know that there are brave men and women defending our freedom around the globe;and to look our children in the eye and tell them that, here in America, no dream is too big if they’re willing to work for it.今天我们感激所获得的恩赐,在当今世界它们还是那么的稀有珍贵:我们可以与深爱的人一起度过美好的时光,我们可以自由表达我们的思想与崇拜,我们有那些无畏的军人在世界各地捍卫我们的自由,我们可以看着我们的孩子告诉他们,在美国这里,只要你愿意为之努力,没有什么梦想是不能实现的。

We’re also grateful that this country has always been home to Americans who see these blessings not simply as gifts to enjoy, but as opportunities to give back.Americans who believe we have a responsibility to look out for those less fortunate – to pull each other up and move forward together.我们感恩,也是因为在这个国家,美国人不会简单地把恩赐当做礼物去享受,还会把它们当做机会去回报。美国人相信我们有责任去关心那些不太幸运的人,彼此拉对方一把,然后一起向前。

Right now, as we prepare to gather around our dinner tables, there are families in the northeast who don’t have that luxury.Many of them have lost everything to Hurricane Sandy – homes, possessions, even loved ones.And it will be a long time before life goes back to normal.此时此刻,当我们准备围坐在餐桌前时,在东北还有许多家庭无法享受这些。他们在飓风桑迪的灾害中失去了一切——家园,财产,甚至深爱的亲人,生活恢复正常还需要很长一段时间。

But in the midst of so much tragedy, there are also glimmers of hope.Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen FEMA personnel, National Guard and first responders working around the clock in hard-hit communities.We’ve seen hospital workers using their lunch breaks to distribute supplies.Families offering up extra bedrooms.The fire department advertising free hot showers.Buses full of volunteers coming from hundreds of miles away.Neighbors sharing whatever they have – food, water, electricity – and saying again and again how lucky they are to have a roof over their heads.但在这些悲剧之中,我们仍会看到希望的曙光。过去几周以来,我们看到了联邦应急管理署的工作人员,国民警卫队的军人,以及第一救援人员们在受灾地区不分昼夜的工作。我们看到了医护人员利用午休时间发放救援物资。众多家庭提供出他们的空余卧室,消防部门提供免费热水淋浴,巴士满载着来自数百英里以外的志愿者来到灾区,大家彼此分享着拥有的一切——食物,水,电——并且一遍遍地说能有屋顶来遮雨是多么的幸运。

It would have been easy for these folks to do nothing – to worry about themselves and leave the rest to someone else.But that’s not who we are.That’s not what we do.这些人如果作壁上观本是很容易的——只要担心自己的问题,把其他的困难留给别人。但那就不是我们了,那也不是我们会做的。

As Americans, we are a bold, generous, big-hearted people.When our brothers and sisters are in need, we roll up our sleeves and get to work – not for the recognition or the reward, but because it’s the right thing to do.Because there but for the grace of God go I.And because here in America, we rise or fall together, as one nation and one people.作为美国人,我们勇敢,慷慨,善良。当我们的兄弟姐妹有需要的时候,我们会挽起袖子就去帮忙,不是为了获得认可或是奖赏,而是因为这是我们认为正确的事情。因为我这么做是为了上帝的恩典。因为在美国,我们同甘苦共患难,作为一个国家,一个民族。That’s something to be grateful for – today and every day.总有些事是值得我们感激的——今天以及每一天。

So to all the Americans doing your part to make our world a better place – it is my privilege to serve as your President.To all our servicemembers – it is my honor to be your Commander in Chief.And from our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving.因此,我要对所有各尽其职共同创造我们美好家园的美国人说,我为能够成为你们的总统而感到无比荣幸;我要对所有的部队军人说,我为能够成为你们的总司令而无比自豪。我代表我们全家祝愿你们感恩节快乐!


Clinton’s and Obama’s Independence Day Message


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton:


Hello, everyone, and happy Independence Day.诸位好,祝各位独立纪念日快乐。

At home, the Fourth of July means fireworks, barbeques, family and friends.But for all of you Americans living and working overseas, this day takes on a whole new meaning.It’s an opportunity to share our culture and our spirit, to open our doors and welcome new friends and partners.I want to thank you for representing the American people so well on this and every other day.在国内,7月4日意味着燃放烟火、烧烤野餐、家人和朋友。但对你们所有在海外生活和工作的美国人来说,这一天具有一层新的意义。这一天提供了一个机会,可以分享我们的文化和我们的精神,敞开我们的大门,欢迎新朋友和新伙伴。我感谢你们成为美国人民的优秀代表,不仅在这一天,而且天天如此。

Today is a time to celebrate the birth of our nation and the values that have sustained us for 235 years — equality, opportunity, the rights enshrined in our founding documents.This year, we have been reminded again that these are not just American values;they are truly universal values.And as people across North Africa, the Middle East and around the world risk their lives to claim these universal human rights and freedoms, Americans are proud to stand with them.We are united by our common hopes and aspirations for a better world.今天是值得纪念的日子,庆祝我国诞生和维系我们235年之久的价值观——建国文献阐明的平等、机会和权利。今年,我们再次认识到,这些不仅仅是美国的价值观,而是真正普遍适用的价值观。在北非、中东和世界各地的人民冒着生命危险要求行使这些普遍权利和自由之时,美国人民很自豪地与他们站在一起。我们拥有共同的希望和愿望,齐心协力要求改善全世界的面貌。

So have a wonderful celebration.祝大家尽情欢度佳节。

And now, there’s someone else who’d like to say a few words.It is my great pleasure and privilege to introduce the President of the United States, Barack Obama.现在,还有一位想对你们说几句话。我十分高兴和荣幸地邀请美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马发表讲话。

President Barack Obama:


Hello, everybody.And to all who are gathered at our embassies and consulates around the world, happy Fourth of July.各位好!祝你们所有聚集在我们在世界各地使领馆的人7月4日独立纪念日快乐。

Today is a day to celebrate the very essence of America — the spirit and freedoms that have defined us as a people for more than two centuries and that have inspired countless others around the world.I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your families, civilian and military — Americans serving far from home in every corner of the globe.今天是庆祝美国最本质精髓的一天——也就是200多年来界定我们作为一国人民并且激励了世界无数其他国家人们的那种精神和自由。让我借此机会向你们和你们的家人,向文职人员与军人——向远离家乡在世界各个角落效劳的美国人表示感谢。

Every single one of you is an ambassador for America.You are the backbone of our foreign policy, and I want to thank you for the alliances you strengthen, the partnerships you forge, the rights and freedoms you defend, and the bonds between people that you build every day.你们每一个人都是美国的使者。你们是我国外交政策的栋梁。我感谢你们加强了联盟、打造了伙伴关系、捍卫了权利和自由、并且日复一日地在人民之间建立纽带关系。

I also want to salute our extraordinary local staff and your families who have made the decision to work with us.For some of you, I know that partnering with the United States comes with great risk.But the work you do every day is absolutely vital to the future of all our countries, and I thank you for your service.我还要向决定与我们一道努力的杰出的当地工作人员和他们的家人致敬。我知道,对你们有些人来说,与美国合作会带来巨大风险。但是,你们每天从事的工作对我们所有国家的未来都极其重要,我对你们的服务表示感谢。

Finally, I know that many of you are joined today by our friends and partners in your host countries.I want all of you to know that strengthening our ties with your countries, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect, will always be a cornerstone of my foreign policy.Because today we face challenges that no single country can meet alone.We will only realize the security, prosperity and opportunity that our peoples seek if we recognize the humanity we share and work together in

common purpose.That’s what all of you do every day.That’s what we can achieve together.最后,我知道,今天与你们许多人在一起的有我们在贵国的朋友和伙伴。我希望你们所有人都知道,与你们各个国家在互利和相互尊重的基础上加强关系将永远是我的外交政策的根基。这是因为我们今天所面临的挑战是任何国家都无法单独战胜的。要实现我们人民所追求的安全、繁荣与机会,我们必须着眼于我们共同的人性并为共同的目标协同努力。这正是你们所有人每天都在从事的工作。这是我们可以共同取得的成就。

So thank you for your service.Thank you for your partnership.God bless you all, and have a very happy Fourth of July.因此,感谢你们的服务。感谢你们的伙伴合作。上帝保佑各位。祝大家独立纪念日快乐。



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