第一篇:NAU 大英四 外教的口语测试问题
1.Have you ever been so angry, you hit the roof? 2.tell me about a time you were down in the dumps? 3.do you know anyone who has depression? 4.do you think money makes you happy? 5.what are some leisurely activities you enjoy? 6.do you believe children should participate in beauty contests? 7.do you believe plastic surgery is sometimes necessary to get a better job? 8.do you think people with many tattoos can be beautiful? 9.have you ever personally experienced a natural disaster? 10.how long does an earthquake usually last? 11.what kinds of natural disasters is common in china? 12.at what age would you like to retire? 13.do you think it’s more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job? 14.if you could own your own business, what would it be? 15.what does your father do for a living? 16.what would be your dream job? 17.what’s the job you would like to do? 18.what kind of employee is likely to be fired from their job? 19.are you aloner? 20.would you rather work from home or in an office? 21.how will you spend your summer vocation? 22.if you won a million yuan, how will you use it ?
Such self-reliance is a principal value of child rearing in middle-class America.So long as the child is shown exactly how to do something — whether it be placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or making up for a misdeed — he is less likely to figure out himself how to accomplish such a task.And, more generally, he is less likely to view life — as Americans do — as a series of situations in which one has to learn to think for oneself, to solve problems on one's own and even to discover new problems for which creative solutions are wanted.(Unit 1)
Near the end of the year, when I put on the Salvation Army's red apron, something changes inside me.Instead of feeling out of place economically, I begin to feel a genuine sense of belonging.As I ring my bell, people stop to share their personal stories of how much it meant to be helped when they were going through a rough time.People helping people is something I feel deeply connected to.While I'm ringing the bell, complete strangers have brought me hot chocolate, leaving me with a
lingering smile.Countless individuals have helped to keep me warm with the sentiments of the season.December is the time of year I feel wealthiest.(Unit 2)
At times, I turn on the television and just leave it to talk away in the background, something that I'd never done previously.The voices of the programs are comforting, but then I'm jarred by the commercials.I find myself sucked in by soap operas, or needing to keep up with the latest news and the weather.“Dateline,” “Frontline,” “Nightline,” CNN, New York 1, every possible angle of every story over and over and over, even when they are of no possible use to me.Work moves into the background.I decide to check my email.(Unit 4)
When I'm in this state, I fight my boyfriend as well, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by our typed dialogue.The fight takes hours, because the system keeps crashing.I say a line, then he does, then crash!And yet we keep on, doggedly.I'd never realized how important daily routine is: dressing for work, sleeping normal hours.I'd never thought I relied so much on co-workers for company.I began to understand why long-term unemployment can be
so damaging, why life without an externally supported daily plan can lead to higher rates of drug abuse, crime, suicide.(Unit 4)
The runway felt different this time.It startled him for a brief moment.Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay.The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.That's only one inch off the National record, he thought.The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety.He began shaking the tension.It wasn't working.He became more tense.Why was this happening to him now, he thought.He began to get nervous.Afraid would be a more accurate description.What was he going to do? He had never experienced these feelings.Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother.Why now? What was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this? It was simple.His mother always used to tell him when you felt tense, anxious or even scared, take deep breaths.(Unit 5)
As he began sprinting down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar.The surface below him felt like the country road he used to dream about.Visions of the golden wheat fields seemed to fill his thoughts.When he took a deep breath, it happened.He
began to fly.His take-off was effortless.Michael Stone was now flying, just like in his childhood dreams.Only this time he knew he wasn't dreaming.This was real.Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.The air around him was the purest and freshest he had ever sensed.Michael was soaring like an eagle.(Unit 5)
So some people may find it ironic that I grew up to be a mechanical engineer.In fact, I am the only female engineer at my company.In order to get my college degree, I had to take a lot of math and science classes.I also had to work with a team of students as part of a national competition to convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle--that's where I learned how to fix cars.I'm proud to say that I got A's in all my classes, including multivariable calculus and differential equations.I've always been pretty good at math and design, but I didn't understand where that could take me.I was expected to go to college, but no one ever told me I'd make a good engineer someday.(Unit 6)
I studied a lot in college, too.I had moments of panic while sitting underneath the buzzing fluorescent lights in the engineering library on Saturday afternoons, when I worried that the estrogen in my body was
preventing me from understanding thermodynamics.But the guys in my classes had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldn't afford to lose confidence in myself.I didn't want to choose between my femininity and a good career.So I reminded myself that those studies, the ones that say that math comes more naturally to men, are based on a faulty premise: that you can judge a person's abilities separate from the cultural cues that she has received since she was an infant.No man is an island.No woman is, either.(Unit 6)
1.What is your way of learning?
2.How would you like to interpret “a life full of riches”?
3.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents?
4.Some of us like to live a life in contact with real things and real people.But others favor a virtual existence.Which life is better?
5.Some people say obstacle is a mixed blessing.Do you agree?
6.Many people say women are still treated unfairly in many sectors.Do you agree?
7.How do you think the computer and the Internet have changed the world?
8.What is your philosophy of life?
9.What success have you got in your life for which you feel proud?
10.Name one positive phenomenon that has changed your life? How has it affected you?
11.How do you manage disputes in your dorm?
12.What are your leisure time activities? / Could you tell me how you like to spend your leisure time?
13.Describe a book you read in your childhood.How did it affect you?
14.Do you like to eat with your friends or do you like to eat alone?
15.Who should bear the responsibility for payment of tuition fees?
16.If you could start your life again, would you do anything differently?
17.Which parts of China would you recommend a foreigner to visit?
18.How do you strike a balance between play and work?
Test Paper for Oral English
1.When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country, while others
prefer to keep their own customs.Compare these two choices.Which one do you prefer?
2.Is it better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city?
3.When asked how they plan to solve their own housing problem, some people say they prefer renting an apartment
while others say they prefer buying an apartment.What will you do? Why?
4.What are the changes of people’s life in E-time?
5.Advertising helps to sell products.Do advertisements have a positive or negative impact on our life?
6.Should the government spend more money in improving the public transportation?
7.What’s the relationship between food and health?
8.Is love the only element for people to achieve a happy marriage?
9.Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year.Do you think these people deserve such
high salaries? Why?
10.Do you think the focus of education should be shifted from examination to quality improvement?
11.In modern society, many people have worked for a few years, but they still have not found the right position in the
society.What’s your view on profession and career? What’s your ideal job? What are the principles in guiding your job-hunting?
12.Some universities ask students to evaluate their teachers.Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples
to support your answer.13.Do you think television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of
famous people such as public figures and celebrities? Use details to explain your opinion.14.Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.Choose one
resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.15.Some people believe that the best way of learning about is by listening to the advise of family and friends.Other
people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience.Which do you think is preferable?
1.在过去的25年中, 中国创造了国内生产总值年均增长8%的世界奇迹.但与此同时,在社会,环境等方面也付出了
是我们所说的双赢.我们要对腐败官员进行有效的监督,防止他们滥用职权.随着中国进入WTO, 大量跨国公司来到中国.他们正在用丰厚的薪金吸引熟练的专业人员.许多决策者都认为,仅仅重视智力教育是不够的.提高学生的道德品质与创新能力已经成为人们所关心的问题.就业力包含多种能力: 专业技能,环境适应能力,团队工作能力和求职技巧等.大多数大学生在这些方面都很欠缺.7.作为承办国,2008年奥运会的会徽已经确定.现在北京正在加强公共交通的建设,修建轻轨铁路,地铁,快速路和郊
贫困和饥饿.12.中国第一艘载人宇宙飞船神州五号发射成功是中国人民在攀登世界科技高峰征途中迈出的历史性的一步.(Three candidates tested together make up one group.Groups 1~7/8 will be tested on , group 8/9~14/16 Thursday.Groups are numbered and listed by Leon.Each group will choose at random one question among 12 to discuss and 3 sentences to translate on the exam day.)
我们已进入21世纪,未来社会对人的素质将会有更高的要求,特别需要的是每个人有较强的口语交际能力。因此,进行口语交际训练是素质教育的重要内容,是语文教学义不容辞的职责。我们语文教师,应该认识到 “口语交际”教学不仅仅是依靠口语进行双向或多向的信息交流的一种活动,它除了具备听话、说话的能力外,还有与人交往能力、待人处事能力、生存能力等。因此,作为一名语文老师,应该着眼于学生的明天,为学生将来发展着想,从思想上重视对学生进行口语交际训练,并想方设法在教学实践中落实口语交际教学,使学生真正具备口语交际的本领。
2010~2011学第二学期(2011.7 1~5年级)