雅思听力考试这两年Section2和Section3 中选择题为主要题型,而且这两个提醒尤其以matching 和multiple choice 两类题型最难.很多同学也会比较怕这类题,今天上海环球雅思程莹老师就来讲讲如何在听力上做好Matching.雅思听力Matching题技巧一: 快速记笔记.比如剑桥雅思真题6Test4Section2里面关于一片旅游展览会的文章,文中讲到不同队的志愿者负责不同的项目,他们要着不同颜色的服装。要匹配的是:checking entrance tickets,preparing refreshments,directing car-park traffic,这三个,选项分别是green yellow blue red 四个颜色。那么我们在听的时候可以听到red相关的关键词是: phone calls,entrance;yellow 相关的关键词是distribute,information,waiting;blue相关的关键词是:chef bar; green 相关的关键词是: traffic park,在后面她又继续讲说关于human traffic 也是放在red team。所以这样根据关键词匹配,迅速得出正确答案。
举个例子,比如我们剑桥雅思真题那篇关于Rivenden City Theatre(剑桥雅思真题6Test1Section2)改造的那篇文章,其中就见到了剧院一系列的改造,其中提到了box office, shop, ordinary seats, seats for wheelchair users, lifts 和dressing rooms, 这种剧院的改造,无非就是哪些变大了(larger/large),哪些变小了(smaller),哪些是变没了(replaced, gone, demolished),哪些变多了(more),哪些变少了(less fewer),在原文中无非就是会出现这些词,我们把听到这类相关的词速记下来,然后再到选项中去匹配答案,而不是听到一个box office 立刻去选项中挑,这样非常耽误时间,而且会导致后面的两道题漏听。初次之外,这类题答案密集出现,根本不会给考生留出找答案的时间。一般的听力6-7分钟,但是这个部分听力只有5分钟,一分钟100-120词,可以知道这几个答案是密集出现,中间半句废话都没有。
在单选题中,正确往往会在最后出现。当然,也不排除前置的可能,例如rather than表示前肯后否,应该选rather than前面出现过的信息。
Questions 21—24 Q5.mp3
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.Self-Access Centre Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because
[A] they enjoy the variety of equipment.[B] they like being able to work on their own.[C] It is an important part of their studies.选择答案: A B C 2 Some teachers would prefer to
[A] close the Self-Access Centre.[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.选择答案: A B C 3 The students’ main concern about using the library would be
[A] the size of the library.[B] difficulty in getting help.[C] the lack of materials.选择答案: A B C 4 The Director of Studies is concerned about
[A] the cost of upgrading the centre.[B] the lack of space in the centre.[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre.选择答案: A B C
Questions 21—24
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.Self-Access Centre 听力原文:
PAM: Hi Jun.As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of
our Self-Access Centre.We have to decide what we want to do about this
very important resource for our English language students.So, can you
tell me what the students think about this?
JUN;Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it.The
majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides
a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major Q21
component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements
to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren't enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one
thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check
their personal emails.We don't want to stop you students using it, but we
think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails.Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Q22
Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you
think the students would feel about that, Jun?
JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it
wouldn't be like a class activity anymore.Our main worry would be not being Q23 able to go to a teacher for advice.I'm sure there would be plenty of things to
do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the
activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing
set-up;they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher
and staying together as a group to do activities.If we could just improve
the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.Is the cost going to be a problem? PAM: It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly
got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in Q24
there outside class hours.If we're going to spend a lot of money on
equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything
is looked after properly.Anyway, let's make some notes to see just what
needs doing to improve the Centre.Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because
[A] they enjoy the variety of equipment.[B] they like being able to work on their own.[C] It is an important part of their studies.选择答案: A B C
正确答案:C Some teachers would prefer to
[A] close the Self-Access Centre.[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.选择答案: A B C
正确答案:B The students’ main concern about using the library would be
[A] the size of the library.[B] difficulty in getting help.[C] the lack of materials.选择答案: A B C
正确答案:B The Director of Studies is concerned about
[A] the cost of upgrading the centre.[B] the lack of space in the centre.[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre.选择答案: A B C
PAM: Hi Jun.As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of
our Self-Access Centre.We have to decide what we want to do about this
very important resource for our English language students.So, can you
tell me what the students think about this? JUN;Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it.The
majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides
a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major Q21
component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements
to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren't enough for one
each at the moment and we always have to share.PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one
thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check
their personal emails.We don't want to stop you students using it, but we think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails.Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Q22
Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you
think the students would feel about that, Jun?
JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it
wouldn't be like a class activity anymore.Our main worry would be not being Q23
able to go to a teacher for advice.I'm sure there would be plenty of things to
do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing
set-up;they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher
and staying together as a group to do activities.If we could just improve
the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.Is the cost going to be a problem?
PAM: It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly
got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in Q24
there outside class hours.If we're going to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything
is looked after properly.Anyway, let's make some notes to see just what
needs doing to improve the Centre.
文都国际教育官方网站:http:// 文都国际教育官方网站:http://www.xiexiebang.com/
1.住址:【14 Hill(s)Road】
2.时间:【After 7 pm / Before 9:30 am / after 9.30】 不确定
4-5.homestay的要求(两个空)real 【garden】;only one 【guest】
7.对食物的要求:【vegetarian / vegetable only】
8.最高租房费用Max Rent:【100 pounds per week】开始说60~80后来补充说up to 100
9.注册日期:【23rd March】
2一次为慈善募捐所作的徒步旅行(charity walking holiday)。6个选择题,4个填空题。
2.有个PIE CHART 图表是问题捐款占总比例,平均选【过一半的那个,有55%-65%吧】 前面有干扰
3.募捐的用途选【A,for student】
4.参加者的要求【VERY FIT】(原文是 extremely fit)
5.可以带自己的装备吗? 因为原文说可以靠LOCAL 单位,所以选【B,是只要带some of the own things】
填每天的安排,第三天valley,第五或六天是visit a ancient temple,第八天是swim in a water fall,第九天是。。没记忆,但不难填,传统产品等。
7.spend one day on a 【forest】
8.visit ancient 【temple】
9.swimming in 【park lake / waterfall】
10.visit a weaving 【blanket】
3一个学生和老师的谈话,关于topic,supervisor/department decide,的各个方面的问题的先是6个选择题;
1.选何种research topic?(选C)
4.又是PIE CHART,所有大学的drop-out rate 选【C、60%】;『比50%略多那个。45%只是这个大学的drop-out 率,后面再讲平均的,不可能是45%,但A、75%又太高了』
5.有个获取资料的方法:选【B、上网查】/【talk to a person】{上网查绝对不对,那个教授先就否掉了,然后说可以打