The Age of Innocence
The Age of Innocence is a novel by Edith Wharton.The story was happened in New York City's upper class in the 1870s, and told us a story of love triangle.One major character of this story, Newland Archer is a young, popular, successful lawyer.Before he meets Ellen Olenska, his life has never changed, and always has been filled with the old culture and customs of the old society.Ellen makes him find the new and wrong things in upper class.At one time, Newland had lost himself in his love to Ellen and wanted to elope with her.But after his wife’s pregnancy, Newland still surrenders to the society, find the “right” way to continue his own lift, and never out of loyalty to their marriage.Well, in the beginning of the story, Ellen has fled from her unhappy marriage, and has returned to America.She fell in love with Newland.However, because of she love he, Ellen drives an important decision.When she has heard the May's pregnancy, she immediately decides to disappear from his life and leave America.In my opinion, Ellen is a typical rebel of that society;she doesn’t know all the rules of Old New York’s upper-class.And, she hates all things in a boring life;the most important one is a marriage without love.However, those rules destined the impossibility between she and Newland’s love.They can't get rid of the bondage of the society, their love also have no place to survival.In a word, they think and consideration too much for each other.At last, they will miss each other.Another major character of this story, May Welland is different from the above two person.She is a great model of upper class.She smile all the time, always know what to do and how to do.At first, she follows and obeys and engaged to Newland.After the marriage, when she suspects Newland is Ellen's lover, May has always pretends to be happy before society.She always knew that her husband love with others, but She loves her husband.In the end she has used her unborn kid to keep her husband.May always think she will win in this love battle because of the whole society behind her.After reading this novel, I think that the poorest man is Newland.He
can’t follow his own heart to love the woman which he loves.He must be observing the rules of society.If he becomes like Ellen, he will lose everything that he has built his own foundations in upper class in New York.In the end, he is neither, nor is he himself.However, under this society, they are all victims, not only Newland but also May and Ellen.This is the biggest tragedy in the 1870s’ New York.Well, in the end of novel, Newland just look at the window and never go to upstairs.Young Ellen smiling in his memory.Then he finally realizes he always keep his best memory in the deep of his own heart.The love between him and Ellen is a kind of spirit and soul love.This kind of love will never disappear forever.
[《纯真年代》我的读后感]《纯真年代》我的读后感2011-02-27 23:27编者按,【锦江岁月】里《纯真年代-怀念八十年代锦江》一文所反映的昔日单纯美好的犹如世外桃源般三线生活和913厂厂友们童年的经历是相通的,《纯真年代》我的读后感。故把这篇文章的读后感归类到913昔日生活点滴栏目。作者:913棋王读《纯真年代-怀念八十年代锦江》一文,作者文字质朴生动,短短数语就能把我们带入到了一个,我们也曾经感受过的那段单纯的、无忧无虑的三线生活岁月。我相较《纯真年代-怀念八十年代锦江》一文的作者作者是79年的而言还要大上好几岁,从出生年份上说作者基本上可以归纳到80后的群体,相对来说我们童年时的物质丰富度比之作者还要差一点。从作者回忆自己经历的纯真的八十年代看,那时的生活单纯而充满乐趣。譬如这段那时人们的娱乐生活比较简单。厂里会放电影,大人买两毛钱的奶油瓜子,带着我们一起去。小一点的时候,我们也看不懂,就和其他小朋友在外面疯,制造噪音。夏天最棒,有坝坝电影,我就在妈妈坐的藤椅上爬来爬去。,还有这段夏天傍晚我们就到山上去采野果子,捉蚱蜢。冬天会下雪,上学的路上我们从屋檐上摘下个冰柱舔一舔,或是用白白的雪捏成一串糖葫芦,咬几口。,这样生动的文字无疑是很富有感染力的。在文章中我也注意到了两个不好的小现象,即作者上幼儿园时某些阿姨就会把好的玩具分给当官的孩子,作者就玩不到自己羡慕很久的玩具,还有就是锦江二村住工人,作者小时候的感觉是停电好像也总先停二村的。进入到九十年代后作者随家搬到了新都,学校的老师上课不讲普通话大约就是一个开始变化的信号,作者开始察觉到人与人的关系开始变淡了,眼看着大人们整天忙碌着下海,作者直观地感到九十年代失去了八十年代那般单纯美好、犹如世外桃源般的小幸福。其实我认为九十年代的不美好是源自于八十年代的缓慢积累,所谓量变引起了质变。以作者童年经历里玩不到喜欢的玩具和二村先停电实的例子,就可以从中发现一点蛛丝马迹。这就好比职工从享有老大哥地位到最后沦为了弱势一样,完成这一步并非是突然而至,显然是一步一步地缓慢变化而来的,只不过最开始的变化尚未引人注目而已。难能可贵的是,作者从丰富的物质生活中看到了精神生活却变贫瘠起来,从锦江不好的变化中朴素地看到了造成这些丑陋现象的来源是这个时代,这反映出一个锦江青年人的独立思考和成熟。总之本篇文章不单唤起我们重新回忆起昔日三线生活的美好,同时也引起我们对时代变迁的思考,的确是一篇好文章!附录原文:纯真年代--怀念八十年代的锦江作者:庄艳八十年代,提起自己是锦江人,倍感自豪。那是一个团结奋进,朝气蓬勃的年代。那里有我父母挥洒的青春,有我无比怀念的童年生活。那时的锦江厂,就如世外桃源,培养出来的人都非常优秀,读后感《《纯真年代》我的读后感》。而我当时的结论是认为锦江厂的水不一样,喝了就会变聪明。为什么会有人讲普通话,上海话,四川话呢,我那时想是因为他们吃的是普通饭,上海饭和四川饭。厂里住宅分一村、二村和三村。感觉上三村住的大部分是上海人和当官的,一村住的也是很多当官的,二村住工人,停电好像也总先停二村的。听说幼儿园老师为了方便我们上厕所,直接把我们放在痰盂上坐着,等爸爸妈妈来接我们的时候,我们一站起来,痰孟还在屁股上吊着。那时的某些阿姨就会把好的玩具分给当官的孩子,我就从来没有玩到过有些令我羡慕很久的玩具。社会的不平等早早的在这个时候就在我们幼小的心里埋下了种子。那时人们的娱乐生活比较简单。厂里会放电影,大人买两毛钱的奶油瓜子,带着我们一起去。小一点的时候,我们也看不懂,就和其他小朋友在外面疯,制造噪音。夏天最棒,有坝坝电影,我就在妈妈坐的藤椅上爬来爬去。印象比较深的电影有大西洋底来的人,超人。那时没有象现在的大型商店可逛,不过我们还是常常去邮电楼对面的矿贸店看看,再走远点,那就是去赶中和厂。偶尔能坐厂交通车去一趟成都,还可以买个娃娃头、雪糕,那真是享受啊。上了小学后,还会怀念幼儿园的那个有滑梯和转亭的小小游乐场,周日就和别的同学一起冒生命的危险翻墙进去玩。都不知道大人有多担心。小学生活丰富多彩,每年六一儿童节是我最兴奋的时候。我们班一年级跳的舞蹈七七号巡洋舰,二年级跳的铁臂阿童木都得了全校一等奖。三年级隔壁班有几个男生自导自演的霹雳舞引起了全校轰动。每年还有风筝节,我爸爸帮我做的风筝飞得最远,但是不高,还有一年有灯笼比赛,爸爸给我做了只小白兔灯笼,里面放的日光灯,白白的,真好看。印象中还经常有各种体育比赛在俱乐部举行。我们那时正刮学骑自行车的风,成天在俱乐部的草地上骑。最羡慕的是有的小朋友有自行车,后轮两边各有两个小轮,怎么骑都不会倒。夏天傍晚我们就到山上去采野果子,捉蚱蜢。冬天会下雪,上学的路上我们从屋檐上摘下个冰柱舔一舔,或是用白白的雪捏成一串糖葫芦,咬几口。改革开放的春风吹啊吹,终于还是吹进了这世外桃源。大人们也忙着下海了。那时从二村走到俱乐部的一路上,都是麻辣烫,串串香。一毛钱一串的莴苣,在红油锅里涮一涮,拿出来后再裹上一层干海椒面,嗯,现在想起了还流口水呢。自由市场生意也很红火,还记得有个卖日用品的老财迷吗?自由市场对面有个蒸饭的大锅炉,我们中午放学会去端饭,还要回家开火门,不然等爸爸妈妈回来就做不成饭了。后来要搬新都了,印像中大概爸爸妈妈们就不会打麻将了,因为他们每周可以去宝光寺和桂湖公园玩。心目中的新都,真是个金碧辉煌的地方。但是去了新都才发现我们进了一个大社会。学校的老师上课居然不讲普通话,害得我现在的普通话都不标准了。同学的背景各不相同,人和人之间的关系也变淡了。我就这样离那纯真年代越来越远。可是多年以后回头再看我们现实的锦江厂,她不知道什么时候也悄悄地变了,她也逃脱不了社会各种垃圾的污染。物质生活变得丰富了,精神生活却变贫瘠。人们忙忙碌碌,不知道要追求什么。现在我已经长大成人,我为锦江厂失去那单纯美好、犹如世外桃源般的小幸福,和她最终的没落而惋惜。但这一切都是这个时代造就的。我将永远怀念八十年代的锦江厂。作者于2005年8月发自美国华盛顿州立大学
The Age of Innocence
The Age of Innocence is a novel by Edith Wharton, and Edith Wharton was the first woman won the Pulitzer Prize.The story was happened in New York City's upper class in the 1870s, and told us a story of love triangle.Newland Archer is a young, popular, successful lawyer.Before he meets Ellen Olenska, his life has never changed, and always has been filled with the old culture and customs.But all of that have been changed.Ellen has fled from her unhappy marriage and has returned to America.But she fell in love with Newland.So Ellen makes him find the new and wrong things in upper class.At one time, Newland had lost himself in his love to Ellen and wanted to elope with her.But after his wife’s pregnancy, he immediately decides to disappear from his life and leave America.But Newland still surrenders to the society, find the “right” way to continue his own lift, and never out of loyalty to their marriage.Ellen is a typical rebel of that society;she doesn’t know all the rules of Old New York’s upper-class.And, she hates all things in a boring life;the most important one is a marriage without love.However, those rules destined the impossibility between she and Newland’s love.They can't get rid of the bondage of the society, their love also have no place to survival.They think and consideration too much for each other.At last, they will miss each other.Another major character of this story, May is different from the above two person.She smile all the time, always know what to do and how to do.At the first, she engaged to Newland.After the marriage, when she suspects Newland is Ellen's lover, May has always pretends to be happy before society.She always knew that her husband love with others, but she loves her husband.In the end she has used her unborn kid to keep her husband.May always think she will win in this love battle because of the whole society behind her.After reading this novel, I think that Newland is a poor guy.He can’t love the woman which he loves.He must be observing the rules of society.If he becomes like Ellen, he will lose everything that he has built his own foundations in upper class in New York.In the end, he is neither, nor is he himself.However, under this society, they are all victims, not only Newland but also May and Ellen.This is the biggest tragedy in the 1870s’ New York.I am very happy to born in this century, because I can choose my own love and I will cherish the happy time.