
时间:2019-05-15 12:44:27下载本文作者:会员上传




Seeing is believing.Talking mends no holes.Taking a cold shower every morning does him a lot good.____in an atmosphere of simply living was what her parents wished for.(CET-4 1999,1)

A)The girl to be educated

B)The girl educated

C)The girl's being educated

D)The girl was educated

动名词和不定式都可以做主语。不定式做主语表示具体的动作,动名词做主语则可以表示抽象或一般性的动作或情况。根据句意,这个女孩在朴素的生活环境中接受教育是她的父母所希望的,接受教育不是具体的一次性动作,因此用动名词,答案为C。当动名词做主语时,我们常用先行词it作形式主语,而把真正的主语动名词放到句尾,特别要注意如下结构:It is useless(no use, no good, no harm)doing...It is a waste of time doing...It is worthwhile doing...【例如】

It is no use crying over spilt milk.It is a waste of time discussing such matters with him.It is no good leaving today's work for tomorrow.2)动名词作动词宾语


a)英语中有些动词后面只能跟动名词作它的宾语。这类动词常见的有:admit, advice, anticipate, appreciate, avoid,consider, delay,deny,dislike, enjoy,escape,excuse, fancy,favor, finish,imagine,include , keep, mind,miss, postpone, practise,prevent , propose, resist, risk, suggest等。


Mike often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.The doctor suggested that I avoid smoking and drinking for a month.Would you mind opening the window?The murderer denied killing the rich man.I would appreciate ____it a secret.(CET-4 1995,6)

A)your keeping B)you to keep

C)that you keep D)that you will keep


That young guy still denies____the fire behind the store.(CET-4 2000,12)

A)to start B)shavingsstarted

C)start D)to have started


b)动名词在demand, deserve, need, require, want等动词后面作宾语时,表示被动的意



Part I Writing


The above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010.We see that one with higher education background earns more money weekly than those with lower ones.For instance, the college students with no degree get paid$712 per week whereas those with a Bachelor’s degree can earn $1038.Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to account for this phenomenon.To begin with, compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which are essential to a high-income work.Also, the higher one’s education degree is, the bigger platform he will have to show his ability.For example, his college, university, or research institute will organize various job fairs for them to communicate face to face with employers.This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment.Therefore, substantial education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to build our country and strive for a better life for ourselves.高分版:

Education Pays

Judging from the table, we can see that people’s income increases along with their education levels.Above all,the average college graduates earn much more than the typical high-school graduates.The fact revealed by these data is obvious: a degree does bring distinctive financial benefits to its holders.But is it true that a degree alone can ensure a bright future? I don’t think so because, on the one hand, the financial value of high education depends heavily on what skills graduates can gain from it instead of the degree itself.After all, an employer only pays for your ability and performance, not for your certificate.On the other hand, the most valuable bless high education brings to graduates is the ability to learn quickly and efficiently.People received more education tend to keep lifelong learning habits after their graduation, which would help them gain more opportunities in their career path.In conclusion, what accounts for education pays is not the degree alone, but the graduate’s ability and leaning habit.作文B: 标准版:

Education Pays

The above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010.We see that unemployment rate of those with higher education background is much lower than those with lower education degree.For instance, the unemployment rate of college students with no degree is as high as 14.9% while that of those with doctoral degree is only 1.9%.The followingreason, in my opinion, is the most important one to account for this phenomenon.Compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which make them more qualified and competent for their task.Thus, they are less likely to lose their jobs.This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment.Therefore, education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to avoid unemployment.高分版:

Education Pays

As is shown in the table, the unemployment rate decreases steadily as the education level increases.The fact revealed by the statistics is obvious: graduates with a degree are less likely to be unemployed.What has brought about this effect? I believe there are three main reasons.To begin with, the education level is still the top factor that employers would take into account when selecting job candidates.It is believed that people with a college degree tend to be more intelligent and qualified.In addition, as a result of good learning habit formed during college, job hunters with high education background are also more efficient in acquiring and processing job hunting information.Finally, college education equips graduates with specialized skills, leading to greater attachment to the company they are employed and higher possibility to be reemployed even if they leave their previous company.In conclusion, it is the qualifications, learning habit and specialized skills that high education equip a graduate that make one distinctive in labor market.【标准版点评】



这次作文题目有两个版本。题目都是Educational Pays(教育回报),一个版本的图表显示的是教育水平越高,收入越高,另一个版本的图表显示的是教育水平越高,失业率越低。



第一段:描述图表。先一句话引出图表总体内容The above bar chart clearly shows us „ 然后具体描述现象We see that„。最后用for instance引出一些具体数据来例证现象。


第三段:给出建议。先是总结这个现象This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment.(教育值得投资)。然后是建议国家增大教育投资,以及个人要努力学习。



本次四级作文围绕着同一个话题,education pay(教育回报),出现了两个版本,一个是教育和失业率的关系,另一个是教育和收入的关系。就话题而言,命题难度并不高,选用的是贴近考生实际生活的熟悉话题。形式上则采取图表作文的形式,图表作文在四级考试中较少出现,很多考生可能刚拿到题目会束手无策,但是只要考生仔细阅读题目,就不难发现,除了需要简单描述图表之外,其写作思路和话题作文非常类似。





Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1.B showmanship 细节题。这道题的答案对应原文第一句话,从putting on a show 可以推出showmanship。

when it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs.题干与原文的匹配度比较高,仔细阅读不难得出选择是B


He invented lots of functional gadgets.细节题。原文第2段第2句话提到了乔布斯突出的三个方面,第三句话明确指出最后一个方面,也就是他在functional gadgets 上的贡献对人们的生活影响最大,对比第二题的选项,应选A

He stood out in three ways—as a technologist, as a corporate leader and as somebody who was able to make people love what had previously been impersonal, functional gadgets.Strangely, it is this last quality that may have the deepest effect on the way people live.3.B His keen interest in designing elegant and user-friendly gadgets.细节题。答案在第三段第二句,“obsessed with product design and aesthetics, and with making advanced technology simple to use”。讲到乔布斯痴迷于产品的设计和美学上,以及使高科技简单易用。所以选B

As a technologist, Mr Jobs was different because he was not an engineer—and that was his great strength.Instead he was obsessed with product design and aesthetics, and with making advanced technology simple to use.4.A

One of the greatest chief executives of his time.细节题。答案在第4段第一句话的后半句“many of those corporate giants as one of the greatest chief executives of his time.”所以选A,其他的选项均不正确。

Within the wider business world, a man who liked to see himself as a hippy, permanently in revolt against big companies, ended up being hailed by many of those corporate giants as one of the greatest chief executives of his time.5.D an inspiration

细节题。答案在第四段第三句话。“is an inspiration to any businessperson”。所以选D

His fall from grace in the 1980s, followed by his return to Apple in 1996 after a period in the wilderness, is an inspiration to any businessperson whose career has taken a turn for the worse.‘

6.C He commanded absolute loyalty from Apple users.细节题。由关键词fanatical loyalty 定位到低段第一句话。所以乔布斯成功最令人震惊的地方在于它获得了苹果用户的绝对忠诚。选C

But what was perhaps most astonishing about Mr Jobs was the fanatical loyalty he managed to inspire in customers.7.D It originates in the consumer market.细节题。由关键词special report定位到第6段第一句,As our special report in this week's issue(printed before Mr Jobs's death)explains, innovation used to spill over from military and corporate laboratories to the consumer market, but lately this process has gone into reverse.Many people's homes now have more powerful, and more flexible, devices than their offices do;consumer gizmos and online services are smarter and easier to use than most companies' systems.过去创新是从部队和公司实验室再拓展到消费者市场,现在的情况是反过来。所以选D

8.closed and inflexible

细节题。由关键词 “critics complained”定位到第七段第一句,可知空格处应填写“closed and inflexible”。

Mr Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use.9.combined


At the recent unveiling of a tablet computer by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, whose company is doing the best job of following Apple's lead in combining hardware, software, content and services in an easy-to-use bundle,10.reshaping entire industries

细节题,由关键词the magic of computing定位到原文最后一段,空格处填reshaping entire industries.But in the end he conjured up a reality of his own, channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped entire industries.Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A 11.W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town.There are a lot of roses in bloom.M: Why don’t we walk over there and see for ourselves?

Q: What will the speakers probably do?

答案:C.Go to the park to enjoy the flowers.点评:对话中女士介绍了一处漂亮的公园,从男士的回答“为什么不去看看呢?”可以判断,接下去两人可能会去这个公园。see for 看见

12.M: My presentation is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall.I hope to see you there.W: Oh, sorry.I was about to tell you that I have an appointment with my dentist at 9:00 o’clock tomorrow.Q: What do we learn about the woman?

答案:C.She cannot attend the presentation.点评:从对话中可知,女士九点要去看牙医,无法参加男士的讲座了。

13.W: How long have you been running this company?

M: Twenty years if you can believe that.I brought it from a small operation to what it is today.Q: What do we learn about the man?

答案:B.He is a very successful businessman.点评:从对话中可知,男士经营这家公司20年了,而且成功把公司从一家小公司发展到了现在较大的规模。run v.经营,管理

14.M: Have you read the news on the campus net? Susan has won the scholarship for next year.W: I knew she would from the very beginning.Such a brilliant and diligent girl!She certainly deserves it.Q: What does the woman mean?

答案:D.She has every confidence in Susan.点评:从对话中可知,女士一直很看好Susan, 觉得她肯定能拿到奖学金。sb.deserves it.某人应得的。

15.W: Taking a bus to Miami, it’s cheaper than going by train.M: That’s true.But I’d rather pay a little more for the added comfort and convenience.Q: What does the man mean?

答案:D.It is worth the money taking a train to Miami.点评:从对话中可知,坐车去迈阿密比火车便宜,但火车更舒适便捷。

16.M: I think it’s time we got rid of all this old furniture.W: You’re right.We need to promote our image besides it’s not a

real antique.Q: What do the speakers mean?

答案:C.The old furniture should be replaced.点评:从对话中可知,男士和女士都认为应该把旧家具换掉,以改善形象。对话中有些生词,但不影响对主要含义的把握,可以忽略。

get rid of 处理掉

17.M: That was some storm yesterday.How was I afraid I couldn’t make it home.W: Yeah, most of the roads to my house were flooded.I didn’t get home from the lab until midnight.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

答案:B.The man got home late due to the storm.点评:从对话中可知,昨天有暴风雨,女士担心自己回不了家,男士直到半夜才回家。

18.W: My boys are always complaining that they’re bored.M: Why don’t you get them into some team sports? My son and daughter play soccer every Saturday.And they both look forward to it all week.Q: What does the man mean?

答案:A.The woman’s sons might enjoy team sports.点评:从对话中可知,男士建议女士可以让自己的儿子们参加一些团队运动,这样他们就不会觉得无聊了。

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard

W: So John, I hear you and Arthur share a job, don’t you?

M: Yes.We’ve shared a sales job at Sonatechfor about two years now.W: Well, how do you divide up your schedule?

M: You know we are both sales representatives, and we take orders over the phone.When we started job sharing it was difficult, because we both worked all day Monday.I worked Tuesday and Thursday and Arthur worked Wednesday and Friday.The problem was that when I was in the office on Tuesday.I would talk to people, then they would call back on Wednesday with a question.But Arthur couldn’t answer the question and he couldn’t ask me about it because I wasn’t in the office.So he had to ask the people to call me back the next day, Thursday.Of course, they didn’t like to wait until the next day to have their questions answered.W: Yes, that sounds like a problem.M: So, finally we decided that Arthur would work in the mornings and I would work in the afternoons.Now if someone calls with the question for me in the morning, Arthur tells them to call me in the afternoon.This way, people get their questions answered the same day.W: What do you do about vacations? M: Well,Sonatechgives the usual two weeks of vacation to full-time employees, I take a week and Arthur takes a week.W: It sounds like job sharing has worked out well for you.M: Yes, it has.We are both happy with it.Q19.What do John and author do at Sonatech?

答案:C.Take orders over the phone.Q20.What problem did John and Arthur have when they started job sharing?

答案:A.Customers’ questions could not be answered on the same day.Q21.What does John say about their annual vacation?

答案:D.They each take a week.点评:


对话中围绕工作的话题词汇有:schedule:(工作)计划,安排;sales representative:销售代表;vacation:假期,休假;full-time employee:全职员工。

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard

W: May I see your license, please?

M: But officer, did I do something wrong?

W: Do you mean to say you didn’t see the speed limit sign back there?

M: Um, no, madam, I guess I didn’t.W: In other words, you drove by too fast to read it.The sign says 35m/h.A school is just nearby, you know?

M: Don’t get me wrong, but my speedometer didn’t read much faster than that.W: Then, why is it that my radar showed you are going 45? Let me put it another way.I’m going to give you a ticket.Again, may I see your license, please?

M: Here it is, officer.But let me explain.I was late for an important appointment and I was worried that I wouldn’t make it on time.So...W: Uha, just a minute, here.Your license is no longer valid.You should have renewed it two weeks ago.I’m going to have to write you up for that, too.M: What? Really?

W: Your license becomes invalid on your birthday and that was two weeks ago according to the date here.You are in violation of the law—driving without a valid license.M: I’m sorry, madam.I hadn’t realized that.W: Here’s the ticket for not having a valid license.But I’m only going to give you a warning about exceeding the speed limit.Be careful next time.M: Yes, madam, officer, I will.Thank you.Q22.Where was the man stopped by the police officer?

答案:B.Near a school.Q23.What did the man claim about the speed limit sign?

答案:A.He did not notice it.Q24.What did the woman say about the man’s driving license?

答案:C.It is no longer valid.Q25.What was the man’s penalty?

答案:B.He got a ticket.点评:


本对话中关于交通话题的词汇:speed limit:限速;give you a ticket:开罚单;license:执照,驾照;speedometer:n.速度计;里程计。Section B Passage 1

Since I started working part-time at a grocery store, I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buy something.To me, a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping card.One of the first things customers forget is how to count.There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line, which is clearly marked 15 items or less, with 20, 25 or even a cart load of items.Customers also forget why they came to the store in the first place.Just as I finish ringing up an order, a customer will say, “Oops, I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread.I hope you don’t mind waiting while I go get it.” Five minutes later, he’s back with the bread, a bottle of milk, and three rolls of paper towels.Strange is that seems customers also seem to forget that they have to pay for their groceries.Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, my customers will wait until I announce the total.Then, in surprise, she says, “Oh no, what did I do with my check book?” After 5 minutes of digging through her purse, she borrows my pen because she’s forgotten hers.But I have to be tolerant of customers because they pay my salary, and that’s something I can’t afford to forget.Q26.What does the speaker say about customers’ entering the grocery store?

答案:A.They behave as if their memories have failed totally.Q27.Which customers are supposed to be in the express line?

答案: D.Those with 15 items or less.Q28.What does the speaker say some customers do when they arrive at the check-out counter?

答案:B.Go back and pick up more items.Q29.What does the speaker say about his job at the end of the talk?

答案: A.It requires tolerance.点评:本篇短文主要讲述了作者在一家杂货店兼职工作的经历和感受,并深刻地体会到顾客不仅仅是来商店买东西的人。作者认为,当顾客推起一辆购物车时,所有的事情就抛之脑后了。他们不会算计一件商品值多少钱,他们忘了自己来商店要买什么,他们甚至忘记要为商品付钱,他们不知道东西买够没有就去收银台排队结账,当收银员开始扫顾客的商品时,顾客又会跑回去拿很多商品回来,更需要收银员提醒付钱,但这都是作者作为收银员所应忍受的,因为“顾客是上帝”,这是作者不敢忘记也是从这次经历中学到的事情。

这篇文章基本上没有生僻的词汇,以叙述为主。但是其中有几个短语需要关注:grocery store意为“杂货店”;ring up意为“用收银机记录收入的钱,收银机扫条形码”;credit card意为“信用卡”。理解了这些词,对听力的整体理解会有提升。Passage 2

The speech delivery style of Europeans and Asians tends to be very formal.Speakers of these cultures often read oral presentations from carefully retain manual scripts.On the other hand, American speakers are generally more informal relative to speakers and other cultures.American audiences prefernatural, spontaneous delivery that conveys a lively sense of communication.They don’t relay well to speakers who read from a manual script.If you use an outline of your ideas instead of a prepare text, your speech will not only sound more natural, but you will also be able to establish better relationship with your listeners and keep their attention.The language and style you use when making an oral presentation should not be the same as the language in style you use when writing.Well retain information, that is meant to be read, does not work aswell when it is heard.It is, therefore, important for you to adapt retain texts or outlines for presentations.Good speakers are much more informal when speaking than when writing.They also use their own words and develop their own speaking styles.Whenever possible, they use short words.Listeners are appreciated when speakers use simple, everyday words in a presentation.One advantage is that it is much easier for speakers to pronounce short words correctly.Another is that long and sophisticated vocabulary choices make listening more difficult.Question 30 to 32

30.What does the speaker say American audiences prefer?

答案:D.A natural and spontaneous style of speech.31.What should one pay attention to when making an oral presentation?

答案: B.Differences in style between writing and speaking.32.What does the speaker focus on in the talk?

答案:A.The key to becoming a good speaker.点评:本篇文章重点分析了成为一名优秀的演讲者的关键因素。欧洲人和亚洲人的演讲风格往往是趋于比较正式的,而美国人的演讲风格是自然、自发、生动地传递表达信息,这也正是听众所喜欢的方式。同时,做口头报告时应注意写作和口语所要求的风格差异,有了这样的认识后,你才能在今后的演讲中运用简短贴近生活的言语表达自己的想法,形成自己的演讲风格,成为一名优秀的演讲者。

这篇文章相对简单,没有出现太难的生词,较容易理解。整个内容就围绕一个主题展开,清晰明了,只要能抓住此主题线索,整篇文章的结构就一目了然了。Passage 3

A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time.If corrected too much, he will stop talking.He compares a thousand times a day the difference between language as he uses it and language as those around him use it.Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s.In the same way, kids learning to do all the other things they learn without adult teachers, to walk, run, climb, ride a bike, play games, compare their own performance with what more skilled people do, and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to detect his mistakes.We do it all for him.We act as if we thought he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him.Soon he becomes dependent on the expert.We should let him do it himself.Let him figure out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what is the answer to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or that.If right answers need to be given, as in mathematics or science, give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time on such tedious work? Our job should be to help the children when they tell us that they can’t find the way to get the right answer.Question 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.Q33 How does a child learn to do something according to the speaker?

答案:D.By comparing his performance with others.Q34 What belief do teachers commonly hold according to the speaker?

答案:C.Children cannot detect their own mistakes.Q35 What does the speaker imply about the current way of teaching?

答案:A.It is unhelpful to students’ learning.点评:


Section C

Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance.To the foreign visitor, Americans seem to be more concerned with getting things accomplished on time(according to a predetermined schedule)than they are with developing deep interpersonal relations.Schedules, for the American, are meant to be planned and then followed in the smallest detail.It may seem to you that most Americans are completely controlled by the little machines they wear on their wrists, cutting their discussions off abruptly to make it to their next appointment on time.Americans’ language is filled with references to time, giving a clear indication of how much it is valued.Time is something to be “on,” to be “kept,” “filled,” “saved,” “wasted,” “gained,”

“planned,” “given,” “made the most of,” even “killed.”

The international visitor soon learns that it is considered very rude to be late--even by 10 minutes--for an appointment in America.Time is so valued in America, because by considering time to be important one can clearly achieve more than if one “wastes” time and doesn’t keep busy.This philosophy has proven its worth.It has enabled Americans to be extremely productive, and productivity itself is highly valued in America.Many American proverbs stress the value of guarding time, using it wisely, and setting and working toward specific goals.Americans believe in spending their time and energy today so that the fruits of their labor may be enjoyed at a later time.答案:








44.it is considered very rude to be late--even by 10 minutes--for an appointment in America.45.It has enabled Americans to be extremely productive, and productivity itself is highly valued in America.46.Americans believe in spending their time and energy today so that the fruits of their labor may be enjoyed at a later time.原文出处:http://www.xiexiebang.comprehension(Reading in Depth)

Section A

47.N taking

48.D concern

49.M stop

50.B available

51.I prefer

52.L specify

53.O variety

54.G nationwide

55.F items

56.E criteria


47.N take a cue from 固定搭配,表示按„的指点行事。

48.D 在快餐在儿童中引起肥胖症的现象受到越来越多关注的背景之下,19家公司宣誓将为儿童提供更多健康的菜单选择,结合上下文可知空格处应填concern

49.M 因为上一段刚刚提到快餐引起儿童肥胖的问题获得了越来越多的重视,第2段顺承上面的内容,讲到汉堡王采取的相应措施:将从本月起停止提供儿童快餐里的炸薯条和苏打汽水.所以填stop。

50前面说了将停止提供儿童快餐里的炸薯条和苏打汽水,根据although知道内容上应该是一个转折,所以后面应该是still available,仍然可以买得到。

51.这句话涉及到一个比较,whether...or, 选项中只有prefer一个课用于比较,所以空格处填prefer.52.这是紧接着上一句的,上面刚刚讲到问顾客是选择套餐时是更喜欢选牛奶还是苹果片,这是一种将顾客的需求具体化,所以填specify。

53.a variety of 固定搭配,各种各样的。在这句话中是指其他参与将为美国儿童提供更健康的事物的快餐店,也提供各种各样的菜单选择。

54.结合上下文可知,(Kid Live Well)“让孩子们生活的更好”运动应该是全国范围内展开的一场大型运动,所以填nationwide。


56.前面提到的食物都是低脂、第卡路里的健康食物,最后一句中提到在其他的要求中,餐馆提供的附加菜必须满足同样的要求, 所以填criteria

Section B

As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn’t good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero.That’s bad for the economy, of course.And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now.But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think.That’s because job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover data.After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations, and retirements.(Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.)In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does.Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still humming along, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was 4.7 million!

And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month.I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job.It’s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from(and compete for).And it’s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it’s a new one or not.But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don’t is their ability to stay motivated.They’re willing to do the hard work of identifying their valuable skills;be creative about where and how to look;learn how to present themselves to potential employers;and keep going, even after repeated rejections.The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn’t looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.So don’t let the headlines fool you into giving up.Four million people get hired every month in the U.S.You can be one of them.57.The author tends to believe that high unemployment rate ______?

A)deprives many people of job opportunities.B)prevents many people from changing careers.C)should not stop people from looking for a job.D)does not mean the U.S.economy is worsening.58.Where do most job openings come from?

A)Job growth

B)Job turnover

C)Improved economy

D)Business expansion

59.What does the author say about overall job growth?

A)It doesn’t have much effect on individual job seekers.B)It increases people’s confidence in the economy.C)It gives a ray of hope to the unemployed.D)It doesn’t mean greater job security for the employed.60.What is the key to landing a job according to the author?





61.What do we learn from the passage about the unemployment figures in the US?

A)They clearly indicate how healthy the economy is.B)They provide the public with the latest information.C)They warn of the structural problems in the economy.D)They exclude those who have stopped looking for a job.SB__1答案

点评:本篇文章选自TIME周刊的财经板块,原文标题为“Why Job Hunters Shouldn’t Worry So Much About Paltry Job Growth”,文章主要表达了这样一种观点,即找工作的人不必太在意官方提供的高失业率,就业增长等数据,原因在于这些并不等说明现实情况,比如:人员更替带来了更多的职位空缺,因此,即便是经济增速缓慢,就业增长为零,依然还是有很多的职位空缺存在。所以,如作者最后点睛所言,So don’t let the headlines fool you into giving up.不灰心不放弃。


今后大家还应当继续注重一些商务词汇的表达,如job turnover(人员更替),termination解雇,land jobs找工作,等等。

57.The author tends to believe that high unemployment rate ______?

答案:C.should not stop people from looking for a job.解析:本题重点考察作者观点。题干问在作者看来,高失业率怎么样?锁定原文第一段,虽然第一段中的bad for the economy,discouraging,change careers等字眼跟选项ABD当中的词汇很类似,但是要注意的是,真正表达作者观点的是第一段最后一句But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think。其实高失业率跟你没太大关系。包括原文最后一段第一句“So don’t let the headlines fool you into giving up.”所以,综上所述,它不该给你找工作带来阻碍,引申意思就是该怎么办就怎么办,不要在意官方统计的高失业率。

58.Where do most job openings come from?

答案:B.Job turnover

解析:本题属于细节考查题。题干问大部分的职位空缺来自于哪里?根据四个选项,可以用排除法将business expansion排除,因为原文并未提及。再剩下的三个选项中,根据原文第二段的第一句job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much asjob turnover data以及turnovercreates more openings than economic growth does.可以确定人员更替(turnover)提供了更多的职位空缺,因此答案为Job turnover。

59.What does the author say about overall job growth?

答案:A.It doesn’t have much effect on individual job seekers.解析:本题继续考察作者观点。题干问作者对于整体就业增长(overall job growth)的态度是怎样的,可以定位到原文倒数第三段,关键是第一句:I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job.此处用到双重否定,“我并不是说整体就业增长对一个人找工作没有丝毫影响”,也就是说“有一定影响,但是没有那么大”所以答案是A,而BCD选项的confidence,hope,job security原文并未提及。

60.What is the key to landing a job according to the author?


解析:本题属于细节考查题。定位原文倒数第二段第一句But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don’t is their ability to stay motivated.关键词是stay motivated

61.What do we learn from the passage about the unemployment figures in the US?

答案:D.They exclude those who have stopped looking for a job.解析:本题属于细节考查题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn’t looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.可知答案选D,那一部分人已经被排除掉了,所以失业率这个数据是有水分的。

Our risk of cancer rises dramatically as we age.So it makes sense that the elderly should be routinely screened for new tumors — or doesn’t it?

While such vigilant(警觉的)tracking of cancer is a good thing in general, researchers are increasingly questioning whether all of this testing is necessary for the elderly.With the percentage of people over age 65 expected to nearly double by 2050, it’s important to weigh the health benefits of screening against the risks and costs of routine testing.In many cases, screening can lead to additional biopsies and surgeries to remove cancer, which can cause side effects, while the cancers themselves may be slow-growing and may not pose serious health problems in patients’ remaining years.But the message that everyone must screen for cancer has become so ingrained that when health care experts recommended that women under 50 and over 74 stop screening for breast cancer, it caused a riotous reaction among doctors, patients and advocacy groups.It’s hard to uproot deeply held beliefs about cancer screening with scientific data.Certainly, there are people over age 75 who have had cancers detected by routine screening, and gained several extra years of life because of treatment.And clearly, people over age 75 who have other risk factors for cancer, such as a family history or prior personal experience with the disease, should continue to get screened regularly.But for the remainder, the risk of cancer, while increased at the end of life, must be balanced with other factors like remaining life expectancy(预期寿命).A recent study suggests that doctors start to make more objective decisions about who will truly benefit from screening-especially considering the explosion of the elderly that will soon swell our population.It’s not an easy calculation to make, but one that make sense for the whole patient.Dr.Otis Brawley said, “Many doctors are ordering these tests purely to cover themselves.We need to think about the rational use of health care and stop talking about the rationing of health care.”

That means making some difficult decisions with elderly patients, and going against the misguided belief that when it comes to health care, more is always better.62.Why do doctors recommend routine cancer screening for elderly people?

A.It is believed to contribute to long life.B.It is part of their health care package.C.The elderly are more sensitive about their health.D.The elderly are in greater danger of tumor growth.63.How do some researchers now look at routine cancer screening for the elderly?

A.It adds too much to their medical bills.B.It helps increase their life expectancy.C.They are doubtful about necessity.D.They think it does more than good.64.What is the conventional view about women screening for breast cancer?

A.It applies to women over 50.B.It is a must for adult women.C.It is optional for young women.D.It doesn’t apply to women over 74.65.Why do many doctors prescribe routine screening for cancer?

A.They want to protect themselves against medical disputes.B.They want to take advantage of the medical care system.C.They want data for medical research.D.They want their patients to suffer less.66.What does the author say is the general view about health care?

A.The more, the better.B.Prevention is better than cure.C.Better early than late.D.Better care, longer life.SB_2 答案

62.D.The elderly are in greater danger of tumor growth.63.C.They are doubtful about its necessity.64.B.It is a must for adult women.65.A.They want to protect themselves against medical disputes.66.A.The more, the better.【点评】

这是一篇有关癌症筛查的文章。长期以来,人们认为对于老年人来说,随着年龄的增长,肿瘤生长造成的威胁就越大,所以医生建议他们进行各类常规的癌症筛查。但是近来,研究者开始怀疑它的必要性。当他们开始叫停50岁以下和74岁以上的妇女的乳腺癌筛查时,受惯例根深蒂固影响的人们掀起了轩然大波。不过,对于老年人来话说,癌症的风险还要和预期寿命进行权衡。近期的调查还显示很多医生让病人进行癌症筛查纯粹是为了在医疗事故中保护自己,所以这篇反对了人们长期以来的对健康检查的误解,即健康检查并非多多益善。Part V Cloze

Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children’s willingness to explore the world—an effect that has been observed

the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.The more secure we are in our

to Mom, the more likely we are to try new things and take risks.Now researchers are discovering that this effect continues into adulthood.A

reminder of Mom’s touch or the sound of her voice on the phone is

to change people’s minds and moods,71

their decision making in measurable ways.In a study

online in April in Psychological Science, undergraduate business students had to choose between safe bets and risky gambles—a bond with a guaranteed 4 percent yearly

or a riskier stock option, for example.In half the cases, the experimenters patted the students

on the back of the shoulder for about one second

providing verbal instructions about the study.Both male and female students who were touched by a female experimenter were

more likely to choose the risky alternative

were those who had not been touched or were patted by male experimenters.The reassuring(宽慰的)touch of a woman may have induced early associations, 78

the same openness to exploration that is observed in young children of

mothers, explains Jonathan Levav, a business professor at Columbia University and lead author of the study.To further

that a woman’s touch links feelings of security

risk taking, the researchers asked a

group of undergraduates to make financial decisions after a writing exercise.Half of them wrote about a time they felt secure and supported, whereas the

half wrote about feeling insecure and alone.Evoking(唤起)a

of insecurity made students in the latter group

receptive to the gentle shoulder pats from female experimenters and much more willing to take a risk—just as a child leaving for a field trip might steal one last reassuring hug

Mom before stepping on the bus.67.A.by




































































































【总评】完形填空原文源自美国科普杂志《科学美国人》(Scientific American)。原文标题为

All about My Mother: How Touch Helps Us Take Risks,作者Ferris Jabr。原文共五段,495字,题目选取了原文前三段并做了细微修改,共345字。主要讲述的是母亲与婴儿间形成的情感纽带会影响孩子探索世界的行为。这是一篇典型的议论文,第一段第一句给出论点,指出母亲与婴儿间形成的情感纽带会影响人们的行为,接着在第二段和第三段,通过两个已经发表的文章中的实验来证明这一观点。Part VITranslation

翻译 87.I finally got the job I dreamed about.Never before in my life___________(我感到如此激动)!

88.Yesterday Jane left the meeting early.Otherwise, she_____________________(可能会说一些后来会懊悔的话.)

89.With the noise going on outside the classroom, I had great difficulty _______________(集中注意力复习功课).90.This is the first time I ____________________(听到他们用法语交流).91.All the information you need to apply for your visa is _______________(可以免费获取).答案

87.had I felt so excited

【解析】本题考查过去完成时及倒装句。第一句话是过去时,第二句话可知其行为发生在过去之前,由此得出第二句话为过去完成时态,其结构为“had done”;第二句第一个词为“Never”否定词,因此句子主谓要倒装。

88.could have said somethingthat she might regret later

【解析】本题考查过去时态的虚拟语气。第二句是对过去行为一种推测,而事实上行为并未发生,因第一句话的时态是过去时,可判断此句是对过去的虚拟,其主句的构成为“主语+could+have +过去分词”。另外注意本句“后来会懊悔的”这个修饰语,通常翻译成一个简短的定语从句来修饰中心词。

89.in focusing on reviewing the lessons

【解析】本题考查短语固定搭配。”has / have difficult in doing something”,表示做什么有困难。本题表示无法集中注意力复习功课。“复习功课”通常的表达有 “review the lessons”, “go over the lessons”。

90.have heard them communicating with each other in French.【解析】本题考查使役动词的用法以及现在完成时。表示第几次做某事,本句谓语是“is”一般现在时,那么主句用现在完成时”have done”;“听到某人做某事”的固定表达为”hear sb.doing sth.”

91.available for free

【解析】本题固定表达。”be available “,意思为“可得到的,可获得的”;“免费”用介词结构”for free”。



41.We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have ______ one this month.(A)another(C)the other


42.It was difficult to guess what her _____ to the news would be.(A)impression(C)comment


43.I decided to go to the library as soon as I _____.(A)finish what I did(C)would finish what I was doing

(B)finished what I did(D)finished what I was doing

44.There were some ______ flowers on the table.(A)benefits(C)false


45.We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly----what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.(A)benefits(C)guides


46.Will all those _____ the proposal raise their hands?

(A)in relation to(C)in excess of

(B)in contrast to(D)in favor of

47.Children are very curious ______.(A)at heart(C)on purpose

(B)in person(D)by nature

48.The match was cancelled because most of the members _____ a match without a standard court.(A)objected to having(C)objected to have

(B)were objected to have(D)were objected to having

49.The teacher doesn't permit _____ in class.(A)smoke(C)smoking

(B)to smoke(D)to have a smoke

50.I like watching TV _____ to the cinema.(A)more than to go(C)more than going

(B)than going(D)rather than to go

51.I appreciate ______ to your home.(A)to be invited(C)having invited

(B)to have invited(D)being invited

52.I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _____ when judging my examination.(A)regard(C)account


53.You _____ all those calculations!We have a computer to do that sort of thing.(A)needn't have done(C)shouldn't have done

(B)must not have done(D)can not have done

54.Important people don't often have much free time as their work _____ all their time.(A)takes away(C)takes up

(B)takes over(D)takes in

55.When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ____ it.(A)got off(C)got away

(B)got across(D)got over

56.Many people complain of the rapid ____ of modern life.(A)rate(C)pace


57.San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _____.(A)is rarely(C)hardly is

(B)rarely is(D)is scarcely

58.The speaker, _____ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.(A)having known(C)knowing

(B)being known(D)known

59.American women were _____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.(A)ignored(C)refused


60.I couldn't find _____, and so I took this one.(A)a large enough coat(C)a large coat enough

(B)an enough large coat(D)a coat enough large

61.I always _____ what I have said.(A)get to(C)lead to

(B)hold to(D)see to

62.No sooner had we reached the top of the hill _____ we all sat down to rest.(A)when(C)than


63.Evidence came up _____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.(A)what(C)that


64.He moved away from his parents, and missed them ______ enjoy the exciting life in New York.(A)too much to(C)very much to

(B)enough to(D)much so as to

65.He was _____ of having asked such a silly question.(A)sorry(C)ashamed


66.The last time we had a family reunion was ______ my brother's wedding ceremony four years ago.(A)in(C)during


67.What _____ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?

(A)do you suppose(C)will you suppose

(B)you suppose(D)you would suppose

68._____ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.(A)As for(C)Except


69.How close parents are to their children _____ a strong influence on the character of the children.(A)have(C)having

(B)has(D)to have

70.He _____ when the bus came to a sudden stop.(A)was almost hurt(C)was to hurt himself

(B)was hurt himself(D)was hurting himself

41.A 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.B 46.D 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.C

51.D 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.D 56.C 57.B 58.D 59.D 60.A

61.B 62.C 63.C 64.A 65.C 66.B 67.A 68.D 69.B 70.A



Part I Writing

【标准版】Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

Nothing runs smoothly in our life.To achieve things successfully, a strong will is essential.Life is like a Marathon.Many people can’t get to the terminal.This is not because they are lack of vitality but because their will of success is not strong enough.To take quitting smoking as an example, some regard it as a piece of cake.They make up their minds to quit it in the morning, but in the evening they feel that the smell of cigarettes is tempting.Their throats are sore, their mouths are thirsty, and their hands are shaking.After the painful mental struggle, they tell themselves that “One cigarette is enough.Just take one, and the next day I will quit it.” By doing this, they surrender to their weak will.In the end, they have quitted smoking “a hundred times”, but in no time they succeed.Just like quitting smoking, nothing succeeds without a strong will.To be successful in one’s life, a strong will means that you know where you go and you will persist on the road you choose.Undoubtedly success belongs to those who overcome their weak will and who hang in there until the last minute.【高分版】Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

As we have read from above, quitting-smoking seems easy, but in reality it is rarely achieved.There is something provoking and interesting in this paradox, just because sword does not wear the stone as dripping water does.The ability to do something over and over again in a short time may imply its easiness, but in a long run, a lifetime maybe, things turn out to be quite the opposite.Also, as is often the case, one may have obtained all the tools and opportunities to achieve something, but in the end they still fail due to the will shortage.So how could we avoid the dilemma? Here is the prime condition of success: will and perseverance.Concentrate you energy, thought and mind exclusively on the business in which you are engaged, hang on in there and be patient, for, as Emerson put it, no one can cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself.Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1【答案】A)sticks to them in their daily life

2.【答案】C)It is the basis of mutual trust

3.【答案】A.To ensure we make responsible choices.4.【答案】B.it is claimed to be unintentional.5.【答案】A.Avoid making excuses.6.【答案】C.value immediate benefits most.7.【答案】A)pay more dearly

8.【答案】steal a grade

9.【答案】honesty and good faith

10.【答案】the Watergate scandal

Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A

11.【答案】B)Go and ask the staff.12.【答案】A)He fell asleep in the middle of the TV program.13.【答案】B)She is worried about missing her flight.14.【答案】A)At a restaurant

15.【答案】A)He is being interviewed for a job.16.【答案】B)The man is unlikely to move out of the dormitory.17.【答案】D)The woman is going to make her topic more focused.18.【答案】B)They didn’t quite enjoy their last picnic.Conversation One

19.【答案】B)He prefers hot weather to cold weather.20.【答案】B)The cold houses.21.【答案】C)Depressing.22.【答案】B)They work hard and play hard.Conversation Two

23.【答案】B)French.24..【答案】C)careers guidance.25.【答案】D)Its pleasant environment.Section B

Passage One

26.【答案】C)The art of Japanese brush painting

27.【答案】B)To enhance concentration.28.【答案】A)How listeners in different cultures show respect.Passage Two

29.【答案】 B)Buying and maintain equipment.30.【答案】D)Two of his employees committed theft.31.【答案】B)Advancement to a higher position.32 【答案】D)She is competing with Chris for the new job.Passage Three

33.【答案】A)They help us see the important values of a culture.34.【答案】B)The values they reflect may change.35

Section C

Compound Dictation

Our lives are woven together.As much as I enjoy my own company, I no longer imagine I can get through a single day much less all my life completely on my own.Even if I am on vacation in the mountains, I am eating food someone else has grown, living in a house someone else has built, wearing clothes someone else has sewn from cloth woven by others, using electricity someone else is distributing to my house.Evidence of interdependence is everywhere;we are on this journey together.As I was growing up, I remember being carefully taught that independence not interdependence was everything.“Make your own way”,” Stand on your own two feet” or my mother’s favorite remark when I was face-to-face with consequences of some action: Now that you’ve made your bed, lie on it.Total independence is a dominant thing in our culture.I imagine that what my parents were trying to teach me was to take responsibilities for my actions and my choices.But the teaching was shaped by our cultural imagines.And instead, I grew up believing that I was supposed to be totally independent and consequently became very reluctant to ask for help.I would do almost anything not to be a burden, and not require any help from anybody.PART 4

Section A











Section B

Passage One

57, C encourage boys to express their emotions freely

58, A perform relatively better

59, C It fails to give boys the attention they need

60, A teaching can be tailored to suit the characteristics of boys 61, C They have sharper vision

Passage Two

62.C.It makes all the hard work worthwhile.63.D.Disputes over money may ruin a relationship.64.A.conflicts between couples tend to rise

65.D.men and women view money in different ways.66.C.discuss money matters to maintain a healthy relationship.Part V Cloze





Part VI Translation

87.Charity groups organized various activities to raise money for the survivors of the earthquake.(为地震幸存者筹款)

88.Linda couldn’t have received my e-mail(不可能收到我的电子邮件), otherwise, she could have replied.89.It’s my mother who/that keeps encouraging me not to lose heart(一直鼓励我不要灰心)when I have difficulties in my study.90.The publishing house has to consider the popularity of this novel.(考虑这本小说的受欢迎程度)。

91.It’s wrong to define happiness only by money.(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福)




Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)Section A 1.(A)Once a week.(C)Three times a week.(B)Twice a week.(D)Four times a week.2.(A)He left his notes at home.(A)He doesn't know where his notes are.(B)He doesn't want to lend his notes to the woman.(C)He agrees to lend her his notes.3.(A)He will go in spite of the cold weather.(C)He will go when he feels better.(B)He won't go since he is not feeling well.(D)He won't go as he hasn't finished his work.4.(A)Check the timetable.(C)Travel on a later train.(B)Go to the railway station earlier.(D)Cancel the trip earlier.5.(A)In New York.(C)In Newport.(B)In Boston.(D)In Washington.6.(A)A clerk at the airport information desk.(C)A policeman.(B)A clerk at the railway station information desk.(D)A taxi-driver.7.(A)A guest and a receptionist.(C)A customer and a shop assistant.(B)A passenger and an air hostess.(D)A guest and a waitress.8.(A)He's better.(C)He's sick in bed.(B)He's feeling worse.(D)He has recovered.9.(A)The man didn't want the woman to have her hair cut.(B)The woman followed the man's advice.(C)The woman is wearing long hair now.(D)The man didn't care if the woman had her hair cut or not.10.(A)He will return from Paris in two weeks.(A)He is studying French in Paris.(B)He is having a vacation in Paris.(C)He is planning to go back to Paris in a year.Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.(A)Washing plates.(C)Shining shoes.(B)Clearing tables.(D)sweeping the floor.12.(A)He must work six days a week.(C)He must study hard in his spare time.(B)He should never be late for work.(D)He should not bring his friends to the restaurant.13.(A)To pay him for his work.(C)To give his friends free drinks.(B)To let him have 3 meals a day in the restaurant.(D)To allow him to have more free time.12.(A)Because the boy was not a full-time worker.(B)Because the boy had made some mistakes.(C)Because he thought the boy had failed to meet his requirements.(D)Because he thought it was his son who should pay him.Passage Two Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.(A)Watching traditional plays.(C)Boating on the river.(B)Visiting the magnificent libraries.(D)Cycling in narrow streets.16.(A)There are many visitors there.(C)There are many old streets there.(B)There are many students there.(D)There are many bicycles there.17.(A)He thinks the city is too crowded.(C)He thinks the streets are too narrow.(B)He likes the place very much.(D)He admires the comfortable life of the students there.Passage Three Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.(A)He was good at writing about interesting people.(B)It was much easier to write stories about people.(C)He believed that people are always easier to learn about other people.(D)He thought people played an important role in world events.19.(A)Action.(C)Enterprise.(B)World News.(D)Faces and places.20.(A)He is a sportsman.(C)He is a photographer.(B)He is an actor.(D)He is a publisher.Part II Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Suppose we built a robot(机器人)to explore the planet Mars.We provide the robot with seeing detectors to keep it away from danger.It is powered entirely by the sun.Should we program the robot to be equally active at all times? No.The robot would be using up energy at a time when it was not receiving any.So we would probably program it to cease its activity at night and to wake up at dawn the next morning.According to the evolutionary(进化的)theory of sleep, evolution equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking for the same reason.The theory does not deny(否认)that sleep provides some important

restorative functions.It merely says that evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be inefficient and possibly dangerous.However, sleep protects us only from the sort of trouble we might walk into;it does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us.So we sleep well when we are in familiar, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if at all, when we fear that bears will nose into the tent.The evolutionary theory accounts well for differences in sleep among creatures.Why do cats, for instance, sleep so much, while horses sleep so little? Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do.But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep.Horses must spend almost all their waking hours eating, because what they eat is very low in energy value.Moreover, they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival depends on their ability to run away from attackers.21.The author uses the example of the robot in space exploration to tell us ______.(A)the differences between robots and men(C)about the need for robots to save power(B)the reason why men need to sleep(D)about the danger of men working at night 22.Evolution has programmed man to sleep at night chiefly to help him ______.(A)maintain a regular pattern of life(C)avoid danger and inefficient labor(B)prevent trouble that comes looking for him(D)restore his bodily functions 23.According to the author, we cannot sleep well when we _____.(A)are worrying about our safety(C)are in a tent(B)are overworked(D)are away from home 24.Cats sleep much more than horses do partly because cats _____.(A)need more time for restoration(B)are unlikely to be attackers(C)are more active than horses when they are awake(D)spend less time eating to get enough energy 25.Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? ______.(A)Evolution has equipped all creatures with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking.(B)The study of sleep is an important part of the evolutionary theory.(C)Sleeping patterns must be taken into consideration in the designing of robots.(D)The sleeping pattern of a living creature is determined by the food it eats.Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.“ Congratulations, Mr.Jones, it's a girl.” Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words.Some feel pride when they receive the news, while others worry, wondering whether they will be good father.Although there are some men who like children and may have had considerable experience with them, others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them.Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time.For other couples, pregnancy(怀孕)was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly.Whatever the reaction to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the shift from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task.Yet, unfortunately, few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this resocialization process.Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature focused on the role of a father.It is argued by some writers that the transition to the father's role, although difficult, is not nearly as great as the transition the wife must make to the mother's role.The mother's role seems to require a complete transformation in daily routine(生活规律)and highly innovative(创新的)adaptation, on the other hand, the father's role is less demanding and immediate.However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household.26.According to the author, being a father _____.(A)brings a feeling of excitement to some men(B)has a different

meaning for those who have daughters(C)makes some men feel proud and others uneasy(D)means nothing but more responsibilities 27.It is stated in the passage that _____.(A)some parents are not prepared to have a child(B)young couples do not like children at all(C)working couples do not have much time to take care of their children(D)many parents look forward to having a boy as their first child 28.In the second paragraph, the author ______.(A)criticizes fathers for not taking enough responsibilities in bringing up their children(B)excuses the American writers for ignoring the difficulties of being a father(C)supports the idea that the chief role of a father is to earn money for the family(D)complains about the lack of social programs to help husbands adjust themselves to being a father 29.The transition to the mother's role requires that the wife ______.(A)change her life style in a highly innovative way(B)make a complete change in her everyday life to deal with the new situation(C)stay at home to take care of the baby(D)help her husband in his resocialization process

30.Some writers argue that with respect to the change of roles, fathers, compared with mothers, _____.(A)have to shoulder more burdens(C)have an easier job to do(B)have to make more difficult adaptations(D)can usually do a better job Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text.The reader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers.In the light of these he puts further questions, and so on.For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness.At times, however, we become aware of it.This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between expectations and meaning.When successful matching is being experienced, our questioning of the text continues at the unconscious level.Different people converse with the text differently.Some stay very close to the words on the page;others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining.The former represents a kind of comprehension which is written in the text.The latter represents higher levels of comprehension.The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers.There is another conversation which from our point of view is equally important, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read.We call this a “process” conversation as opposed to a “content” conversation.It is concerned not with meaning but with the strategies(策略)we employ in reading.If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a process conversation with a text is usually pretty well developed.Not so our ability to hold a content conversation.It is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance when we are seeking to develop our reading to meet the new demands being placed upon us by studying at a higher level.31.Reading as a kind of conversation between the reader and the text becomes conscious only when _____.(A)the reader's expectations agree with what is said in the text(B)the reader has trouble understanding what the author says(C)the reader asks questions and gets answers(D)the reader understands a text very well 32.At a lower level of comprehension, readers tend to _____.(A)read a text slowly(C)interpret a text in their own way(B)read without thinking hard(D)concentrate on the meaning of words only 33.A “process” conversation has to do with ______.(A)the application of reading strategies(B)matching our expectations with the meaning of a text(C)the development of our ability to check the details(D)determining the main idea of a text 34.According to the passage, it is of great importance for readers at a higher level to maintain a balance between ______.(A)conscious and unconscious levels of comprehension(B)the reader's expectations and the meaning of a text(C)lower and higher levels of

comprehension(D)interpreting and criticizing a text 35.If we want to develop our reading ability at an advanced level, we should ______.(A)learn to use different approaches in reading different texts

(B)make our reading process more conscious(C)pay more attention to the content of a text(D)take a critical attitude towards the author's idea Passage Four Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Although April did not bring us the rains we all hoped for, and although the Central Valley doesn't generally experience the atmospheric sound and lightning that can accompany those rains, it's still important for parents to be able to answer the youthful questions about thunder and lightning.The reason these two wonders of nature are so difficult for many adults to explain to children is that they are not very well understood by adults themselves.For example, did you know that the lightning we see flashing down to the earth from a cloud is actually flashing up to a cloud from the earth? Our eyes trick us into thinking we see a downward motion when it's actually the other way around.But then, if we believed only what we think we see, we'd still insist that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night.Most lightning flashes take place inside a cloud, and only a relative few can be seen jumping between two cloud or between earth and a cloud.But, with about 2,000 thunderstorms taking place above the earth every minute of the day and night, there's enough activity to produce about 100 lightning strikes on earth every second.Parents can use thunder and lightning to help their children learn more about the world around them.When children understand that the light of the lightning flashing reaches their eyes almost at the same moment, but the sound of the thunder takes about 5 seconds to travel just one mile, they can begin to time the interval between the flash and the crash to learn how close they were to the actual spark.36.According to the author, in the area of the Central Valley, ______.(A)rains usually come without thunder and lightning(B)it is usually dry in April(C)children pay no attention to natural phenomena(D)parents are not interested in thunder and lightning

37.We believe that lightning is a downward notion because ______.(A)we were taught so by our parents from our childhood(B)we are deceived by our sense of vision(C)it is a common natural phenomenon(D)it is a truth proved by science 38.What is TRUE about lightning according to the passage?(A)Only a small number of lightning flashes occur on earth.(B)Lightning travels 5 minutes faster than thunder.(C)Lightning flashes usually jump from one cloud to another.(D)There are far more lightning strikes occurring on earth than we imagine.39.The word “activity”(Para.3, Line 3)is most closely related to the word(s)_____.(A)“cloud”(C)“lightning flashes”(B)“lightning strikes”

(D)“thunderstorms” 40.It can be concluded from the passage that ______.(A)we should not believe what we see or hear(B)things moving downward are more noticeable(C)people often have wrong concepts about ordinary phenomena(D)adults are not as good as children in observing certain natural phenomena Part III Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)41.Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to _____ some money.(A)pull(B)pick(C)gain(D)draw 42.By the end of the year all but two people ______.(A)have left(B)will leave(C)will be leaving(D)will have left 43.Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _____ populated regions of Western Europe.(A)densely(B)vastly(C)enormously(D)largely 44.Everyone had an application from in his hand, but no one knew which office room _____.(A)to send it to(B)to send it(C)to be sent to(D)to have it sent 45.The police set a _____ to catch the thieves.(A)plan(B)device(C)trap(D)trick 46.We _____ to start our own business, but we never had enough money.(A)have hoped(B)hope(C)had hoped(D)should hope

47.We have to try every means to _____ the costs of the construction project.(A)bring off(B)bring

forth(C)bring down(D)bring back 48.The students were participating _____ an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada.(A)for(B)in(C)to(D)at 49.When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____ of responsibility.(A)field(B)limit(C)extent(D)range 50.While _____ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.(A)having orbited(B)being orbited(C)having been orbited(D)orbiting

51.Language is a city, to the building of _____ every human being brought a stone.(A)which(B)that(C)it(D)this 52._____ of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing.(A)None(B)Either(C)Both(D)Neither 53.Government cannot operate effectively _____ it is free from such interference.(A)so long as(B)so that(C)unless(D)because 54.We welcome rain, but a(an)_____ large amount of rainfall will cause floods.(A)extensively(B)extremely(C)specially(D)constantly 55.Beethoven is my favorite musician.I regard him as _____ other musicians.(A)superior to(B)more superior than(C)more superior to(D)superior than 56.I hope that you'll be more careful in typing the letter.Don't _____ anything.(A)withdraw(B)omit(C)reduce(D)lead 57.We don't need air conditioning, _____.(A)nor can we afford it(C)neither can afford it(B)and nor we can afford it(D)and we can neither afford it 58.She is a very _____ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.(A)anxious(B)effective(C)adequate(D)efficient 59.The Browns ______ here, but not any more.(A)were used to living(B)had lived(C)used to live(D)had been living 60.I'll accept any job _____ I don't have to get up early.(A)lest(B)as long as(C)in case(D)though 61.Once out of the earth's gravity, the astronauts is _____ by the problem of weightlessness.(A)affected(B)effected(C)inclined(D)related 62.Medical research has shown that the widespread of use of cigarettes contributes _____ the increase of cancers.(A)towards(B)for(C)with(D)to 63.Could you find someone _____.(A)for me to play tennis with(C)play tennis with(B)for me to play tennis(D)playing tennis with 64.The computer has brought about surprising technological changes ______ we organize and produce information.(A)in a way(B)in the way(C)in that way(D)in no way 65.The manager of the hotel requests that their guests _____ after 11:00 p.m.(A)not to play loud music(C)don't play loud music(B)shouldn't play loud music(D)couldn't play loud music 66.He is late again today.I'll _____ that he will not be late tomorrow.(A)be sure(B)hope for(C)felt(D)to be felt 67.In Australia the Asians make their influence ______ in businesses large and small.(A)feeling(B)feel(C)felt(D)to be felt 68.This popular sports car is now being _____ at the rate of a thousand a week.(A)turned down(B)turned out(C)turned up(D)turned on 69.In Britain people drive _____ the left.(A)at(B)on(C)to(D)in 70.This programme will examine the writer's books in detail, _____ an introduction to her life.(A)following(B)having followed(C)being followed(D)to be followed Part IV Cloze(15 minutes)As the place circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong.The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and 71 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly 72 forward.At that moment, the air-hostess 73.She looked very pale, but was quite 74.Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 75 everyone that the pilot had 76 and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines--or at 77 how to drive a car.After a moment's 78 , a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot's cabin.Moving the pilot 79 , the man took his seat and listened carefully to the 80 instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport 81.The plane was now dangerously close 82 the ground, but to everyone's 83 , it soon began to climb.The man had to 84 the airport several times in order to

become 85 with the controls of the plane.86 the danger had not yet passed.The terrible 87 came when he had to land.Following 88 , the man guided the plane to ward the airfield.It shook violently 89 it touched the ground and then moved rapidly 90 the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.71.(A)although(B)while(C)therefore(D)then 72.(A)shifted(B)thrown(C)put(D)moved 73.(A)showed(B)presented(C)exposed(D)appeared 74.(A)well(B)still(C)calm(D)quiet 75.(A)inquired(B)insured(C)informed(D)instructed 76.(A)fallen(B)failed(C)faded(D)fainted 77.(A)best(B)least(C)length(D)first 78.(A)hesitation(B)surprise(C)doubt(D)delay 79.(A)back(B)aside(C)about(D)off 80.(A)patient(B)anxious(C)urgent(D)nervous 81.(A)beneath(B)under

(C)down(D)below 82.(A)to(B)by(C)near(D)on 83.(A)horror(B)trust(C)pleasure(D)relief

84.(A)surround(B)circle(C)observe(D)view 85.(A)intimate(B)familiar(C)understood(D)close 86.(A)Then(B)Therefore(C)But(D)Moreover 87.(A)moment(B)movement(C)idea(D)affair 88.(A)impression(B)information(C)inspections(D)instructions 89.(A)as(B)unless(C)while(D)so 90.(A)around(B)over(C)along(D)above Part V Writing(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:

1.现代的交通工具越来越发达 2.人与人之间的交往越来越频繁 3.结论 94.1 Part I 1—20题

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A

20.D Part II ——Part IV 21——90题 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.A 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.A 36.A 37.B 38.D 39.D 40.C 41.D 42.D 43.A 44.A 45.C 46.C 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.D 51.A 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.A 56.B 57.A 58.D 59.C 60.B 61.A 62.D 63.A 64.B 65.B 66.B 67.C 68.B 69.B 70.A 71.A 72.B 73.B 74.C 75.C 76.D 77.B 78.A 79.B 80.C 81.D 82.A 83.D 84.B 85.B 86.C 87.A 88.D 89.A 90.C 真题网提供



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