
时间:2019-05-15 13:24:19下载本文作者:会员上传







































“ 同学们,我国古代教育家孔子曾经说过,三人行,必有我师焉。就是说,三个人当中,肯定会有一个人在某一方面超过我,那么这个人就是我的老师。今天在这节课上,孙老师希望你们能勇于做孙老师的老师,你们答不答应?答应的请举手!” 课堂气氛一下活跃了起来,学生个个举起了手。

可这时孙老师话锋一转,说:“ 要想做孙老师的老师可不容易呀!” 坐在下面的学生面面相觑,不知道孙双金老师的葫芦里卖的什么药,陆续把手放了下去。

紧接着孙老师又说:“ 因为孙老师年龄毕竟比你们大,在知识和生活经验上也比你们丰富,所以你们要想做孙老师的老师就必须做到什么呢?特别在这节课上。”

有学生老老实实地答道:“ 上课必须认真听孙老师讲课。”


这时另一个学生出其不意地回答:“ 我们在这节课上一定专心听讲,如果能指出孙老师讲课的错误,提出孙老师不能解答的问题,那我们就是孙老师的老师。”(注:下面全体听课老师齐鼓掌)


理论对接:孙老师的这个别具一格的开场白,通过暗示、鼓励等手段,一下子拉近了教师和学生的心理距离,将传统意义上不平等的师生关系置于一种平等友好的关系之中。从心理学角度来看,学生已经把老师当作“自己人” 了,或者说已把老师当作朋友了。




-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later.But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question

欢迎听众(正式)I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...I'm glad you could all get here...It's GREat to be back here.Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词

-I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...It's my pleasant duty today to...I shall be speaking today about...Today's topic is...Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度

-During the next ten minutes, I shall...I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this briefMy presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...I am going to examine these topics in the following order(...first,...next,...after that,...finally)I will deal with these topics in chronological order...I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it(...specifically,...in a wider context).We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.-We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语

-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you




1.Right, let's get started.2.Let me introduce myself.3.I've divided my presentation into three main parts.4.Just to give you a brief overview.5.I'll be saying more about this in a minute.6.I'm sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.7.There's an important point to be made here.8.OK, let's move on.(go on to make your next point)

9.As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.10.To go back to what I was saying earlier.11.Are there any questions you'd like to ask at this point?

12.I'd like to look at this in more detail.13.Let's put this into perspective.(to explain it this way)

14.Perhaps I should expand on that a little.15.To digress for a moment?(to depart from your plan)

16.So, to sum up?

17.That brings me to the end of my talk.18.Thank you.I'm sure you all have lots of questions.转帖三

1.Greeting, name, position

Ladies and gentlemen.It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.Good morning.Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.I started out in….Good afternoon and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.It’s a pleasure to be with you today.2.Ttile/Subject

I’d like to talk(to you)about….I’m going to present the recent…

explain our position on…

brief you on….inform you about…


The subject/focus/topic of my presentation….We are here today to decide…


learn about….The purpose of this talk is to update you on

put you in the picture about…

give you the background to…


I shall only take …minutes of your time.I plan to be brief.This should only last …minutes.4.Outline/Main parts

I’ve divided my presentation into four parts/sections.They are….The subject can be looked at under the following headings:….We can break this area down into the following fields: First/First of all… Secondly/then/next…

Thirdly/and then we come to… Finally/lastly/last of all….5.Questions

I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of the my talk.If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.Please interrupt me if there’s something which needs clarifying.Otherwise, there’ll be time for discussion at the end


I.Opening Remarks开场: Sample Opening Remarks

1)Thank you very much, Prof.Fawcett, for your very kind introduction.Mr.Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning!I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.2)Ladies and gentleman.It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.3)Good morning.Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.4)Mr.Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction.President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning!Is my voice loud enough?

5)Good morning, everyone.I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today.I am here to talk to you about…

6)Good morning, everyone.I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation.Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question.By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?

Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢

Mr.Chairman, thank you for your introduction.First, I would like to thank Mr.Chairman for his gracious introduction.Thank you very much, Prof.Fawcett, for your very kind introduction.I would like to thank Dr.Huang(主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼

Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning!

Members of the conference!

Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向听众致意

I am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in Hong Kong.I am honored/privileged to be here(with you this afternoon).I am proud to be here on this special occasion.It’s a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference.I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium/ at this conference..It is a great pleasure to be given the honor of first speaker on this important topic.Others 细节,如确认话筒音量

Can you hear me all right?

Is my voice too loud?

Reference to the Audience 与听众呼应

I can see many of you are from …department.I know many of you are familiar with this topic.You all look as though you’ve heard this before.I understand that you’ve all traveled a long way./ After hours of conference, you must feel a little tired.Now I’d like you to see an interesting topic…

II.Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation引入话题 Background Information

I would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.Let us start with the theoretical basis of this new technique.To begin with, we have to consider the principle.I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides.I should like to preface my remarks with a de script ion of the basic idea.May I begin with a general outline of this project?

The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in my lecture.The first point I'd like to make is the historical background of the invention.First, I shall explain to you why this new program is correct and feasible.Topic

I would like to concentrate on theproblem Of antibiotic abuse in hospitals.I shall devote my talk to the surgical treatment of coronary disease.I want to confine my talk to the latest developments in civil engineering.Today, I am going to give a talk on the application of computers in medicine.My topic today will deal with the observation of supernova.In today's talk, I' 11 restrict myself to the etiology of 15-epa~i;s.In my presentation this morning, I' 11 limit myself to three major points only.I take the liberty of restricting my discussion mainly to highway bridge construction.Now, I would like to address myself to the most important aspect of this problem.Among the many languages, I shall mention only BASIC.What I am going to present today is the methodology and the data analysis.I'm not going to say much about that except to discuss the literature on that topic.Outlining

My talk today consists of two parts.One is...and the other is...I've divided my presentation into four parts.I shall first talk about...and then touch on...and finally discuss...The subject can be looked at under the following headings:...(Pointing to the PowerPoint display)

I would like to divide my talk into two parts.The first part deals with…, the second part concerns...My presentation will be given in four parts.The first part deals with...The second part relates to...The third part concerns...And the last part discusses…


The purpose of this presentation is to...This talk is designed to…

Comprehensive Samples Sample 1

Thank you, Mr.Chairperson, Mr.Director-General, distinguished members of the ILO's Governing Body and friends.I welcome this opportunity to be here today, with an Organization which in many ways belongs to all of us workers.I can think of, in fact, no other international body that one can claim as one's own so unambiguously.I have also had a longstanding formal association with the ILO.Many of my early pieces on women and technological change and on land rights were published by the ILO, as well as was the work of many other scholars.It is therefore a pleasure for me to be here on this important Symposium.The canvas of the Symposium is very large.I will focus on two aspects of gender inequality that centrally effect millions of women as workers but perhaps have failed to receive the attention they deserve.First, the gender gap in command over property and Productive assets and, second, gender biased social perceptions and social norms.Sample 2

I learned last May that you have to be careful in speaking to a group of professional communicators.After I conducted a writer' s workshop at the Toronto Conference of the International Association of Business Communicators, Janine Lichaczwrote asked me to speak here tonight and used the communication techniques I had recommended.She even included a footnote citing my lecture.I am susceptible to good communication and to flattery so I am pleased to be with you to discuss your topic for the evening, the use of language in the art of speech writing.I suppose we must begin by shaking our heads, woefully, over the sad state of language today, whether in formal speeches, casual conversation, or in writing.Most of us in this room no doubt agree with the generally negative tone of Time Magazine's year-end assessment which claims “our language has been besieged by vulgarities”.But to preserve our sanity as professionals in communication of us would probably join Time in optimistically expecting English somehow to

survive and even to prosper.Expressions on Other Occasions

Correcting the Title of the Presentation

First of all, I would like to mention that the title of my presentation should be...Please allow me to correct a mistake in the title of my speech which appeared in the program.Instead of...it should read...Reading.Another Person's Paper

Sometimes you are selected to read another person's paper, as he or she is absent.I shall read a paper by Dr.Li from Guangzhou, china, who regrets that he could not be here.The title of his paper is...I'm going to read the paper by Dr.Wang.It's a great pity that, because of a health problem, he could not be here.I was asked by the author to read his paper.He apologizes for not being able to come here.The next speaker, Prof.Zhang, regrets that she could not be here and has submitted her paper to me.I am not sure if I can present it as well as she expected.I am not sure whether I' 11 be able to be very confident in answering specific questions.However, I am somewhat familiar with his work, so I' 11 try my best.Checking the Microphone

First I want to check if all of you can hear me clearly.Am I speaking clearly and loudly enough for those in the rear of the room?

I wonder if those in the rear of the room can hear me.If those in the rear of the room can hear me, would someone please raise his hand?

Can you hear me clearly?

Can you hear me if I am away from the microphone?

Is the microphone working?

* Summary-How to Prepare a Good Introduction

Realize file great importance of the introduction of file presentation mad then do your best in delivering it.Don' t make file introduction either too wordy, or too brief.Usually, it covers 10 to 15 percent of your entire speech.Select tile ways to capture the audience attention.Indicate tile topic.Outline your Speech.Announce your purpose.Prepare several versions of tile introduction, compare them, and then select the best version.Finally, learn it by heart so as to be able to deliver it easily mid fluently.Don't start your speech with apologies.Pay attention to your body language.Chapter II Developing the Speech Text I.Announcing the Beginning of the Speech Text

To begin with, I would like to talk about a principle.I think it would be best to start out by looking at some pictures.The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms which I’11 use in my presentation.II.Shifting to the Next Main Point

Well, let's move on to the next point.We will now come to the second problem.Turning to the next question, I' 11 talk about the stages of the procedure.As the second topic, I shall stop here.Now let' s turn our attention to the third topic.So much for the methodology of our experiment.I would now like to shift to the discussion of the results.Now, let's move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation.That's all for the introduction and now we can go on to the literature review.Next, I would like to turn to a more difficult problem.The next point I'd like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.That brings me to my second point.I am glad that we can now leave this rather boring subject of mathematic deduction and go into a more attractive one, that is the application of the formula.III.Resuming the Topic

Let' s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech.Getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that...I want to return to the first part of my presentation.Now, to get back to the effect of temperature, you may be aware that the problems have been solved.This brings me back to the question of security.At this point I would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture.Referring again to the first question, I think...Referring to the Coming Point

I'll deal with it later.I' 11 touch upon that point in a moment.I shall tell you in detail shortly.IV.Introducing the Supporting Materials

I think this part is the most difficult, so I'll explain it in greater detail.I think this part of my paper is most important, so I plan to spend more time on it.Please allow me to deal with this matter more extensively.Being the most important part of my presentation, I will elaborate on it with more slides.I' 11 expand this topic with drawings and figures.Indicating the Points Briefly

Limited by the time available, I can only give you a very brief account of this matter.I don't think that I should describe the methods in detail, because they are included in the handout.I will not go into detail on it.This point has been talked about repeatedly in this symposium, so I am not going to spend too much time on it.Let's go through the following points very rapidly.I just want to outline for you what I experienced in using this new drug.I shall not go over all these explanations.My time is running short.So I'’11 be brief.It is sufficient to say that these experiments were poorly designed and without controls.V.Repairing a Slip of Tone

The first of such experiments began in 2000, rather than 1999.May I have the lights, I mean the slides.The temperature increased, I shall say decreased.The population is 13 million, sorry, 31 million.The exchange rate dropped from 2.5 to 1.8, I beg your pardon, 1.9.As you can see from the first row, excuse me, the second row, that the output increased two fold.VI.Expressions Concerning Audio-Visual Aids

Could we have the lights off? And the first slide, please.Lights off, first slide, please.Dim the lights, and first slide, please.The slide is not so clear.Please darken the room a little more.Could you please turn on the lights, please?

Now, we can have the lights on.Please switch on the lights.Lights on, please.I apologize that this slide is not so clear, but I hope you can still make out the general idea.Sorry for the small print.I'm sorry we left a figure out here.VI.Explaining the Contents on the Slides

This slide demonstrates...On this slide, you can see...This curve in this slide shows...This figure in this slide exhibits...This table on this slide presents...This diagram on this slide depicts...This chart on this slide displaces...The picture on this slide shows...The photomicrograph on this slide shows...The flow-chart on this slide points out...The circuit diagram on this slide represents~...~

Indicating the Sources of the Content in a

This figure is taken from.., by Dr.Li.This diagram is after that of Prof.Wang with some modification

VII.Demanding to Show the Next Slide

May I proceed to the next slide, please?

I think we can move on to the next slide.Let me show you the next slide.Now, we can go on to the next slide.'

Next slide, please.Next, please.Next!












活动准备:选 择4-6名有一定表演才能,口头表达能力较至强的同学扮演大家比较熟悉的著名科学家。组织这些扮演者阅读自己所扮演的科学家的生平事迹及有关故事,并写成演讲稿。班主任要引导他们摘录与教育目标有关的材料;帮助同学们准备有关的道具。



例二下面这个“黑色的诱惑”主题班会的设计,既符合现实的要求,又切中了当前活动准备: 班主任在活动进行的一周前,发动同学搜集有班主任出面和学校商量借用一台学校的电脑和电关材料。有条件的学校,班主任要和学校定下使用电化教室的时间。













活动建议:为巩固这次活动的成果,建议: 在活动结束后,班主任要根据掌握的情况,深入到让每个同学写一篇感想。曾经或正在迷恋网吧的同学家中进行家访,以求得到家长的支 持与配合。③这次活动应该邀请部分 家长到场。④因这次活动内容丰富,时间可考虑安排在下午的最后一节课,这样就可以不拘泥在一节课内完成,时间可适当延长。









活动准备:班主任预先根据平时对同学的观察,确定5至8位有一定组织能力,本人服装又朴素大方、符合学生身份的学生,让他们主动各找名同学组成一个活动小组并自任组 长。发动同学从自己家里拿来照相机,保证每组至少两台相机。

活动过程:班主任在同学行动前要明确地告诉学生:你们可以在校园内的任何地方拍下你认为符合你审美标准的形象。但要注意三点: 在 以小拍某个同学前,必须征得人家的同意。组为单位,集体行动。③在拍摄之前,必须向小组成员说明你拍下这个同学形象的理由。活动进行三天后,班主任可随意找出每组的一名同学召开一个座谈会,让他们简单谈一谈这三天里活动的情况,从中了解各组的进度和都拍下了什么形象。座谈会上,班主任可做适当 的点拨,但一定不能评论哪个形象拍得好、哪个形象捕捉得不好。











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