
时间:2019-05-15 13:06:10下载本文作者:会员上传




1.Is this a box? Yes, ___ _____.No,________ ________

2.Is Mike your brother? Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.3.Is Peter at home? Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.4.Did your uncle read books?Yes,______ _____No, _______

5.Are they ducks? Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.6.Is this your T___shirt? Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.7.Is that a teacher `s desk?Yes,________is.No,________is`t.8.Does your brother like play football?

Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.10.Can you use a computer?

Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.11.Is there a forest in the park?

Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.12.Are there any fish in the rivers?

Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.13.Is the trash bin behind the door?

Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.二、根据汉语提示,用人称代词的适当形式填空:

1.————(我)am a teacher.2.————(她)is eleven years old.3.————(他)studies in NO.1 primary School.4.————(我们)have English ,mach, Chinese today.5.________(它)is a map of China.6.Mr Brown help _______(我)wash the car.7.I saw ________(你)in the bookstore yesterday.8.Please give_________(他)an English book.9.The blue bike is ____________(我的)。

10._________(她)is an American girl.



1.“How often do you take the medicine ?” “______ four hours.”




D.Each 【答案及解析】答案选 C 2.“Is this bike yours?” “No,it's ______.”




D.Bobs' 【答案及解析】答案选 C

3.“Is there ______ good on TV this evening?” “Sorry,nothing good.” A.nothing



D.everything 【答案及解析】答案选 C 肯定句中用something,否定句和疑问句中用anything.4.You have a good suggestion,but it's not as practical as _______.A.he



D.her 【答案及解析】答案选 C

5.A chemist prepares his experiments carefully before trying to carry _____ in his lab.A.it out

B.out it

C.them out

D.out them 【答案及解析】答案选 C carry out 实施 宾格放在词组中间,名词放在词组后面 如,carry out his experiments.1.Nowadays _____ seems to enjoy looking at fat girls.That is why many companies have developed special foods to help people to slim(苗条)


B.anybody C.somebody

D.no one

【答案及解析】答案选D enjoy doing sth.anybody在疑问句和否定句中指没有人,在肯定句中指任何人

2.You have to hurry up if you want to buy eggs because there's hardly _____ left.A.anything

B.something C.nothing

D.everything 【答案及解析】答案选A hardly 否定词,几乎不 3.He felt bad because he had drunk too _____ the night before.A.many



D.little 【答案及解析】答案选B 本题主要考查可数名词和不可数名词 drink too much 喝多了

too much wine 太多的酒

4.She promised her parents to write _______ while she was away.A.other day

B.another day C.every other day

D.any other day 【答案及解析】答案选C every other 每隔„„ 5.It was terrible.One passenger was killed,and _____ was badly hurt.A.the others

B.rest C.the rest D.the other 【答案及解析】答案选D he others后面谓语动词接复数

1.Some people hope to be more successful while _____ simply want to feel more comfortable.A.the others

B.others C.the other

D.another 【答案及解析】答案选 B some others, comfortable 舒适的

2.If anyone happens to call while I am out of the office,please have ________ leave a message for me.A.he



D.them 【答案及解析】答案选B have sb.do sth.让某人做某事

3.The first thing that my brother and _______ did in the early morning was to go out to see the pony.A.I



D.my 【答案及解析】答案选A pony 小马,主语 first thing,谓语动词 was to go out to see,宾语 the pony.4.“I'd like some more bananas.” “I'm sorry,there is _______ left.” A.no



D.none 【答案及解析】答案选D

5.There are two windows in this bedroom._______ of them face south,overlooking a beautiful park.A.Both


C.The two

D.Either 【答案及解析】答案选A either 开头谓语动词要接单数,both谓语动词用复数

1.“I felt a bit hungry.” “Why don't you have ______ bread?”




D.a piece 【答案及解析】答案选 B习语 Why don't you have some„„

2.The jacket doesn't fit Terry,as he has _______ huge body and the jacket is _____ small.A.such a; such

B.such a; so C.so ; so

D.so ; such a 【答案及解析】答案选 B such修饰名词,so修饰形容词 so huge the body 3.“Why are you smiling?”

“Oh,I've just thought of _________.” A.funny something

B.something funny C.nothing funny

D.funny anything 【答案及解析】答案选 B 形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词的后面 不定代词:something,anything,somebody,anybody,nothing,nobody.4.Young babies can use _________ hand equally well.A.either



D.every 【答案及解析】答案选A 强调两者之中任何一个 5._______ road out of town is good,but this one is better than the other.A.Both



D.Neither 【答案及解析】答案选 D

1.It was at the music hall _______ we met each other for the first time.A.when



D.that 【答案及解析】答案选 D 强调句

2.Modern technology has made ______ possible for the whole world to be closer than ever before.A.this



D it's 【答案及解析】答案选 C it is possible „„是可能的

3.It is during his spare time _______ John has been studying a course in French.A.when



D.what 【答案及解析】答案选 B it is„„ 强调句 4.“Have you heard the news about Tom?” “No,what _______ ?” A.was it

B.were they

C.are they

D.is it 【答案及解析】答案选 D news 当消息讲是不可数名词

5.I wonder why ________ possible for you to do the work by yourself.A.you

B.you are

C.it isn't

D.you were 【答案及解析】答案选 C I wonder why 宾语从句 1.“Did Amy's parents leave her any money?” “No,she has to support ______ now.” A.herself

B.by herself C.all alone

D.on her own 【答案及解析】答案选 A support oneself 养活自己

2.In _____ own way,mathematics can be as creative and exciting as poetry.A.It



D.theirs 【答案及解析】答案选 B mathematics 数学(单数)

3.Neighbors ought to respect _______.A.themselves

B.one another

C.each one

D.to each other 【答案及解析】答案选 B

4.This furniture is different from _______.A.ones


C.that one

D.that 【答案及解析】答案选 D furniture是不可数名词,5.For ______ interested in nature,the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.A.that



D.those 【答案及解析】答案选 D hike 徒步旅行,overnight camping在野外露营

1.“May I help you with some shoes,sir?” “Yes,I'd like to try on those brown _______.” A.one




【答案及解析】答案选 B shoes是复数,对应ones, try on 试穿

2.“Do you like the book Sidney gave you?” “Very much.It's exactly _______ I wanted.” A.one which

B.the one

C.one that

D.one what 【答案及解析】答案选 B 下文提到上文提到的单数可数名词,用the one

3.“Shall I mail the letter for you?” “Yes,I'd appreciate ________.”

A.that you do B.you to do it


D.it 【答案及解析】答案选 D 指代前面提到的事,用it.4.The patient chiefly lived on milk and fruit because he had ______ to eat.A.nothing else

B.anything else C.something other

D.nothing other 【答案及解析】答案选 A 修饰不定代词的形容词放在不定代词的后面 live on 以„„为生 5.________ doesn't matter what you do at this point.A.They



D.It 【答案及解析】答案选 D it doesn't matter 没关系 1.People have proved _________ to be true that the heat we get from coal and oil comes from the sun.A.that



D./ 【答案及解析】答案选 B it 是形式宾语,that从句是真正的宾语

2.I don't think ________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.it



D.those 【答案及解析】答案选 A

3.“Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?” “No,______ only the two passengers who got hurt.” A.it was

B.there is C.it were

D.there was 【答案及解析】答案选 A 强调句

4.__________ he realized it was too late to return home.A.No sooner it grew dark than B.Hardly it grew dark when C.It was not until dark that D.Scarcely it grew dark when 【答案及解析】答案选 D no sooner than=as soon as 一„„就„„, scarcely when=as soon as, hardly when=as soon as

5.It was not until she arrived in class ________ realized she had forgotten her book.A.and

B.when she


D.that she 【答案及解析】答案选 D not until 直到„„才 6.It was ______ who arrived there first,despite our detour(绕路)




D.ours 【答案及解析】答案选 B

7.It was _______ the next morning that Kunta began to think about where he was going.A.after



D.not until 【答案及解析】答案选 D after 在„„之后, before 在„„之前, when 当„„时候, not until 直到„„才

8.It was _______ he got a map that he started on his away.A.until


C.not until

D.not till 【答案及解析】答案选 C until 直到, till 直到, not until 直到„„才



1.My mother’s sister A.grsndmother

2.My fsther’s brother B.sunt

3.My fsther’s fsther C.grsndfsther

4.My mother’s mother D.uncle

5.younger E.shorter

6.tsller F.smsller

7.biger G.older

8.plsy ping-pong H.踢足球

9.plsy bssketbsll I.打乒乓球

10.plsy footbsll J.打篮球

11.Chins Ottsws

12.U.K.Wsshington D.C

13.Csnsds Beijing

14.U.S London

15.Austrslis Csnberrs


阿姨__________ 叔叔__________ 眼镜_____________

澳大利亚____________ 加拿大____________ 首都________________

国家______________ 汉语___________ 知道____________

讲____________ 表兄/弟/姐/妹____________ 东方________

南方_________ 西方___________ 北方_____________


()1.I ______ sunts snd uncles.s.hss b.hsve c.hsving

()2.Aunt Wsng ______ my mother’s sister

s.sre b.sm c.is

()3._______ nsme is Jing.s.She b.her c.Her

()4.Aunt Wei Ping is my _____ wife.s.uncles b.uncles’ c.uncle’s

()5.How does your mother is go to work?

s.She ests lunch.b.she goes to work by bus.c.She goes to work in the morning.()6.Is she _____ bus driver.s.sn b.s c.some

()7.My uncle _______ to work.s.drive b.driver c.drives

()8.Whst do they like ___________.s.to do b.do c.dos d.does

()9.____________is it? It is 5 o’clock.s.Whst b.Where c.Whose d.Whst time

()10.___________book is it? It is mine.s.Whst b.Where c.Whose d.Whst time

()11.___________is my pen? It ‘s on the desk..s.Whst b.Where c.Whose d.Whst time

()12.______________is this? It’s s pencil.s.Whst b.Where c.Whose d.Whst time

()13.Do they _________?

s.works b.working c.work

()14.North points __________on the msp.s.up b.down c.left d.right

()15.I live __________ Chins.s.in b.st c.of d.on



Hello, my nsme is Jimmy.I’m s boy.I’m eleven.I sm in Clsss Five Grsde Six.Now let me tell you something sbout my fsmily.There sre three people in my fsmily.My fsther, my mother snd I.My fsther is s worker snd my mother is s worker too.And they sre both good workers , I sm s good Student.My fsther snd mother love me very much too.We hsve s new csr.It’s green.I like it very much.1.We hsve sn old csr.().I’m in Clsss Six ,Grsde Five.()

3.There sre three people in my fsmily.()

4.My fsther snd mother sre both workers.()

5.I don’t like out csr.()


Li Ming hss two good friends from Csnsds.They sre Rose snd Mike.their country is very fsr from Chins.They sre in the ssme school, but they sre not in the ssme clsss(班).Li Ming snd Rose sre in Clsss One.They live in the ssme buiding.It is s little fsr from their school.They ride their bicycles to school snd ride home together every dsy

()1.Where sre Rose snd Mike from?

A.The U.K.B.Csnsds C.Austrslis

()2.LiMing snd Mike sre ____________.A.in the ssme clsss B.not in the ssme school C.not in the ssme clsss

()3.They live _______________.A.berry fsr from their school B.nesr their school C.in one building

()4.They go to school snd come home ___________________.A.by bicycle B.by bus C.by csr


Zhsnglin is s boy.He’s twelve yesrs old.His English is very good.Becsuse his mother is sn English tescher.His fsvorite clothes sre yellow shirts.It’s very nice.He likes to plsy footbsll with his friends.He slwsys goes to school by bus.On Sundsys we often plsy snd study together.We sre good friends.1.Whst does Zhsnglin’s mother do?

2.Whst colour sre Zhsnglin’s fsvorite clothes?


3.How does he slwsys go to school?


4.How old is Zhsnglin?


5.Is he my good friend?


6.Whst do we do on Sundsy?






提起 this、that 和 it ,大家对它们并不陌生。this、that 既可作为形容词,又可作为指示代词,而 it 只能作代词用,使用时要注意它们的区别。

1.this 指离说话人较近的人或物, that 则指离说话人较远的人或物。如:

This is a book.这是一本书。(指近处)

That is a banana tree.那是一棵香蕉树。(指远处)


2.向别人介绍某人时,要说“ This is …”,而不说“ That is …”,也不能说“ He is …”或“ She is …”。This is Li Mei.Li Mei,this is Wei Hua.这是李梅。李梅,这是魏华。

3.叙述在一起的两样东西时,先说的用 this ,后说的用 that.如: This is a computer.That is a TV set.这是一台电脑,那是一台电视机。

4.在回答 this 或 that 作主语的疑问句时,要用 it 代替 this 或 that.如: It's a ruler.这是尺子。

-Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?

-Yes, it is.是的。

其实,我们平时在第一次提到某物时,常用 this 或 that 来指代,后文中再出现此物时,就用 it 来代替 this 或 that 了。

5.有时候,人们在打电话时,向对方介绍自己用 this 指代“我(I)”,询问对方则用 that 指代“你(you)”。如:

-Hello, is that Mike? 喂,你是迈克吗?

-No, this is Tom.不,我是汤姆。

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此时切不要用“ I am …”、“ Are you … ? ”或“ Who are you? ”等句式,但可以用 it 替换 this 或 that.如:

-Hello,is it Mr Green? 你好!你是格林先生吗?

-Yes,it is Mr Green.Who is it?


6.当指性别不明的婴儿、身份不明的人或是只闻其声不见其人的时候,用 it 而不用 this 或 that.如以下敲门时的对话:

-Who's it? 是谁呀?

-It's me.是我。

最后提醒同学们注意: this 和 is 不能缩写,但 that、it 与 is 连用时可分别写为 that's 和 it's.如:

This is a bike.(不可写成: This's a bike.)

It is a pencil-box.(可以写成: It's a pencil-box.)(一)知识概要

连词是一种在句子与句子之间,短语之间以及名词等其他词语之间起连接作用的虚词,它不能单独作句子的成份。按其意义可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词连接的双方是对等的。常有的并列连词有and, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, as well as等。但如果连接的两部分意义不趋向一致,意义有转折的并列连词有:but, however, while(而),only(只不过)。还有表示选择关系的并列连词,如:or, or else, otherwise… 再有的是连接双方,互为因果,或表示前因后果的连词有:for, so, therefore(因此),then等。从属连词在初中范围内常常用来连接名词性从句,如:that, if, whether, 其次用来连接状语从句。其中有原因状语从句,常用的连接词有:when while, as, since, before, after, once, as soon as, until, till 连接条件状语的连词有:if, unless, as long as 等,而原因状语的连接词有because, since, as, now that(既然)。目的、结果、方式、比较、地点等状语从句的连接词有:so that, so…that, such…that, as…as, than, where… 它们在句子与文章中几乎无处不见。具体用法见下表。


种类 功用 例句

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并列连词 连接具有并列关系的 词 He knows neither English nor French.短语 Are you going by bus or on foot?

分句 Mary was a good girl, but she had one shortcoming.从属连词 引导: 状语从句 I'll do it as you told me.You will be late unless you hurry.连接代词和连接副词 主语从句 What he said proved true.When we'll start has not been decided yet.表语从句 This is why he didn't come yesterday.That is where he lives.宾语从句 The man asked me which I liked best.

I can't understand why she is so late.关系代词和关系副词 定语从句 Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.

He came last night when I was out.(二)正误辨析

[误] Both my parents are not here.They went to the concert just now.

[正] Neither of my parents is here.They went to the concert just now.

[析] 在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right.在英语中应被理解为“我们俩不都对。”而Neither of us is right。才能被理解为“我们俩无一正确”。

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[误] He or his parents has some tickets for the film.

[正] He or his parents have some tickets for the film.

[析] 由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。

[误] You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam.

[正] You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam.

[析] or作为连词,这里的意思为“否则”。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school.[误] Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others.

[正] Though he is poor, he is ready to help others.

[正] He is poor, but he is ready to help others.

[析] “虽然……但是”是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了“虽然”则不要用“但是”,用了“但是”则不能再用“虽然”,二者只可用其一。

[误] Either you or I are on duty.

[正] Either you or I am on duty.

[析] either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither… nor, not only…but also等。

[误] Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now.

[正] Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now.

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[析] 并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。

父亲节初三作文:My Father There is always a brilliant image living in my heart.That is my dear father.Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person.But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at his good-personalities such as diligence, devotion, care, optimism ever since my childhood.Being a farmer, father works very hard in the fields all the year round.He works from dawn till dusk every day and even till midnight when it is the harvest season.He seldom enjoys leisure with other farmers even if the farm work is not much.He chooses to live a busy life with reluctance to stop for a while.Father devotes all himself to our family.As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me.For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year.Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age.In spite of all this, father never complains to us.It is his full devotion that we're living a better life now.It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college.Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well.Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself.If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor.My mother suffers a bad disease.Father looks after her very carefully.He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field.Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others.Father is a person full of optimism.He never complains about our poor life.He is never frustrated by trouble.He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life.Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man.He plays an extraordinary role in my family.We can't have anything without him.Now I'm pursuing further studies at college far away from father.I miss him very much.And I often see him in my dreams.His great image is deeply carved in my mind.评语:

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作者用词简洁精确,并能很好地尝试一些新学的词汇及表达,使简洁的行。文更为生动。作者没有运用太多复杂的句式,但能适当运用介词短语、分词结构、强调及重复的手法,恰到好处 地突出了行文句式的变化,使文章更耐读。资料来自:悦考网www.xiexiebang.com 悦考网www.xiexiebang.com







5.her parent(主语)

6.children my(复数、物主代词)


8.are(be 动词复数)


10.Ann's our(所有格、物主代词)




例:1.Listen to me,Dad.2.Peter is sitting behind me.3.Let me got here now.4.Give me an orange,please.三、you既是“你”或“你们”的主格,又是它们的宾格;her既是“她”的所有格,又是它的宾格。我们可以根据它们在句子中的位置来判断它们属于主格、所有格还是宾格。


如:You and I are going to school.You are going to school with me.五、人称代词的主格和宾格





I am Chinese.我是中国人。

2)宾格作宾语,放在及物动词或介词之后,有时还可以在口语中用作表语。如:①I don't know her.我不认识她。(动词宾语)

②What's wrong with it?它怎么了?(介词宾语)

③-Open the door,please.It's me.请开门,是我。(表语)




即:you and I;he/she/itandI;you,he/she/it and I



即:we and you;you and they;we,you and they







用来表示某人或某物属于“谁的”的代词叫做物主代词。形容词性物主代词有:my(我的),your(你的、你们的),our(我们的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的),their(他们 的)。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是“谁的”。

1.形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。例如:Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗?

2.如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。例如:


误:This is his a desk.正:This is his desk.3.与形容词一起修饰名词时,形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面。如:his English books他的英语书,their Chinese friends他们的中国朋友。



误:Is you mother at home?

正:Is your mother at home?


分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词)。例如:It's a bird.Its name is Polly.它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。

He's a student.His mother is a teacher.他是一名学生。他妈妈是一位教师。


名词所有格的构成表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 ’s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men’s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao’s works 毛主席著作 // a mile’s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone’s throw 一步之遥 // the moon’s light 月光

但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“’”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours’ walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes’ walk 五分钟路程 // two miles’ distance 两英里的距离


肉铺叫a butcher’s shop,但通常略写为a butcher’s。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor’s裁缝铺 // a barber’s理发店 // a doctor’s诊所 // my sister’s我姐姐的家 // stationer’s文具店 // Chaplin’s卓别林的家



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