
时间:2019-05-15 02:47:11下载本文作者:会员上传



 It's impossible to defeat a person who never gives up!打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的! We are what we repeatedly do.我们重复什么,就会成为什么样的人。

 Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.优秀,不是一种行为,而是一种习惯。

 You have to undergo countless hardships and tremendous sacrifice to achieve any success.获得任何的成功,你都要经历无数的磨难,做出巨大的牺牲。

 Everybody has responsibility for the fall and rise of the nation.天下兴亡,匹夫有责。

 Ask not what the world can do for you , ask what you can do for the world.不要问你的祖国能为你做些什么,要问一问你能为你的祖国做些什么。

 Totally mastering English is the most effective way to love your country!彻底征服英语就是最好的爱国!

 If you can dream it, you can achieve it!敢于梦想,就能实现! Never let yourself down!不要让自己失望!

 Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.不要承担你完成不了的事,但一定要信守诺言。

 Our obligations to our Life never cease but with our lives.我们对祖国的义务永远都不会终结,直至我们生命的尽头。

 Nothing can /stop the man / with the right mental attitude / from achieving his goal;没有人能阻挡有正确态度的人获得成功。


 nothing on earth / can help the man / with the wrong mental attitude 也没有人能帮助有错误人生态度的人。

 Take time / to deliberate;but when the time / for action / arrives, stop thinking/and go in.考虑时不要匆忙,但是一旦行动的时刻到来,就要毫不犹豫的付诸行动!

 Always / bear in mind that / your own resolution / to succeed / is more important/ than any one thing.永远铭记:你要成功的决心比任何东西都更重要。

 When you play, play hard;when you work, don’t play at all.玩耍的时候,尽情玩耍;工作的时候,不要儿戏。

 The only limit / to our realization /of tomorrow/ will be our doubts / of today.Let us move forward / with strong and active faith.今天的怀疑是对明日成就的唯一限制。让我们怀着坚定而主动的信念前进吧。

 Every new day begins / with possibilities.It's up to us/ to fill it / with the things / that move us / toward progress and peace 每一天的开始都带来各种新的可能。能否在每一天都做一些让我们走向进步与和平的事情,这都由我们决定。

 If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes.But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person.It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you.The main thing is / never quit, never quit, never quit.只要你活得够久,你就会犯错误。但是如果你能从中吸取教训,你就会变得更加优秀。关键在于你如何面对困境,而不是让困境影响你。最重要的事情就是永不放弃,永不放弃,永不放弃。

 Change will not come / if we wait / for some other person / or some other time.We are the ones / we've been waiting for.We are the change / that we seek.如果我们总是等着别人或者其他时机,改变永远不会到来。我们自己就是我们一直等待的人,我们自己就是我们所寻求的改变。


 Stop worrying, start living.停止忧虑,开始生活。

 Believing in yourself / changes everything.相信自己,就能改变世界。

 The more / you endure / the more strength / you develop.忍耐越多,力量越大。

 Never say / “there's no way”, there is always / a way.永远不要说没办法,总有办法。

 Man possesses nothing / but spirit.The only true wealth / is spiritual wealth.人除了精神,一无所有!精神财富才是真正的财富!

 A genius / is simply the person / who repeats / the most times.天才就是重复次数最多的人

 Education doesn't / do us much good / unless / it is mixed / with sweat.只有浸透了汗水的教育才是真正的教育。

 The one thing / we can never / get enough of / is love.The one thing / we can never / give enough of / is love.我们永远得不够的一样东西是爱。我们永远给不够的一样东西也是爱

 All the so-called / “secrets of success” / will not work / unless you do.如果不实践,一切所谓的“成功的秘诀”都无法奏效。 Don't lose sight of / your dreams.不要忘记自己的梦想!

 Let's improve the quality / of our life.Take time to work, it is the price / of success.Take time / to think, it is the source / of power.Take time to read, it is the foundation / of wisdom.Take time / to be friendly, it is the road / to happiness.让我们一起改善生活质量。花时间工作,这是成功的代价。花时间思考,这是力量的来源。


花时间阅读,这是智慧的源泉。花时间让自己变得友善,这是通往幸福的道路。 Today / is the first day / of the rest / of your life, You are younger / today / than you ever will be, Make use of it / for the sake of / tomorrow 今天是你余生的第一天,你今天比以后任何时候都年轻。为了明天,充分利用今天吧  The first law / of success / is concentration / to bend all the energies / to one point, and to go directly / to that point, looking / neither to the right / nor to the left.成功的首要法则是聚焦!把所有的能量集中在一个点上!直击要害,不左也不右! A successful person / is one / who can lay a firm foundation / with bricks / that others throw at him or her.一个成功的人就是能用砸过来的砖头为自己打下坚实基础的人。

 No matter / how hard it is, just keep going / because you only fail / when you give up.无论多么艰难,都要继续向前,因为只有你放弃的那一刻,你才输了。 Always / look for ways / to improve yourself / and your country.永不停息地寻找改进自我和国家的方法。

 There is / a giant asleep / within every man.When / the giant awakens, miracles happen.每个人的心中都有一个沉睡的巨人。当巨人醒来时,奇迹就会发生

 It’s better / to strive for today / with sweat / than regret today / in tears.与其今天在泪水中悔恨,不如今天在汗水中拼搏。

 Great works / are performed / not by strengths, but by perseverance 完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚忍不拔的毅力

 Whatever / you're going through, tell yourself / you can handle it.Compared to / what others have been through, you're fortunate 不管你在经历什么,告诉自己你一定能应付。相对别人所经历的而言,你是极其幸运的的。


 Challenges are / what make life / interesting;overcoming them is / what makes life / meaningful.挑战让生命充满乐趣,而征服挑战使生命富有意义。

 Every single day, every single person, and every single experience / is a unique / and wonderful gift. 每一天、每个人、每件事都是一份独特而精彩的礼物。

 I'm alive, / so / I'm lucky./ I'm healthy, / so / I'm blessed.我活着,所以我幸运。我健康,所以我幸福。 Make each day / your masterpiece.让每一天都成为人生的杰作。

 Smooth seas / do not make / skillful sailors.风平浪静的大海锻造不出熟练的水手。

 The most powerful weapon / on earth / is the human soul / on fire.地球上最强大的武器就是燃烧的人类灵魂!

 The difference / between a successful person / and others / is not / a lack of strength, / not a lack of knowledge, / but rather / a lack of will. 成功者和其他人的区别不是力量的匮乏,也不是知识的匮乏,而是意志力的匮乏。

Everyone dies, / but not everyone really lives.每个人都会死,但不是每个人都真正活过。

 It's determination / and commitment / to an unrelenting pursuit / of your goal / that will enable you / to attain the success/you seek.对目标坚定追求的决心才能确保你的成功。

 The core quality / of character / is integrity.人类最核心的品质就是正直!


 In my mind, / every day / I'm trying / to figure out / how I can improve./ I think / that's very important./ You always have to / strive to be better, and to be more creative.在我的脑海中,每一天我都在努力寻找改进自我的方法。我认为那很重要!你必须努力变得更好,更有创造力。

 Develop an attitude/of gratitude, / and give thanks / for everything / that happens / to you,/knowing that / every step forward / is a step toward / achieving something / bigger and better / than your current situation.养成感恩的态度。感谢所发生的一切。人生的每一步都在向着更好、更高的境界前行。 More miracles / happen to people / who have faith.养信念的人可以创造更多的奇选

 Truly believing / in yourself / is a skill.真正相信自己是一项技能。

 Genius / only means / working hard / all one's life.天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。

 Wise people / understand that / they will make mistakes.睿智的人知道自己会犯错误。

 The more prepared / you are, the more confidence / you will have.准备得越充分,你的自信心就越大!

 Be courageous / and move forward, even if / it feels / uncomfortable.Sacrifice is necessary / for success.勇敢前行,即使你感到不舒服!牺牲对于成功是必要的。

 Don't bother / about genius.Don't worry / about being clever.Trust hard work, perseverance, and determination.别琢磨如何成为天才。别处心积虑地想变得聪明起来受相信勤奋、毅力和决心


 I push myself, and I push my employees / and partners / and everybody else.I think / it's important / to push.If you push, you get to / a new level of ability.我逼迫我自己,我逼迫我的员工和伙伴,我逼迫所有人。我认为逼迫是重要的。当你逼迫自己的时候,你的能力就达到了一个新高度!

 You've got to dance / like there's nobody / watching, love / like you'll never be hurt, sing / like there's nobody listening,/ and live / like it's heaven / on earth. 你要跳舞,就像没有人在看一样!你要去爱,就像从来没有受过伤一样!你要去唱,就像没有人听一样!你要去生活,就像生活在人间天堂一样! The best way / to develop courage / is to set a goal / and achieve it, make a promise / and keep it.培养勇气的最好办法就是设定目标并坚决完成,做出承诺并坚持兑现。 The mistakes / of the past / are our torches / for the present.过去的错误就是点亮现在的火炬。

 God / gives every bird / its food, / but / he does not throw it / into its nest.上帝给每一只鸟食物,但他不会把食物扔进它的鸟巢。

 Wake up motivated / and thankful!/ Thousands of people / around the world / die in their sleep / every night./They don't get / to see today / like you and I./ Always be grateful / and appreciative.每天早晨起床,一定要充满动力和感恩!成千上万的人在睡梦中死去。他们无法像你我这样有机会看到今天!永远心怀感恩和欣赏!

 Do your work / with your whole heart / and you will succeed./ There is / so little competition!

全心全意做你的工作,你就会成功。就此而言,几乎没有竞争! Improve yourself / every day / in every way that you can.每天都要不断地从各个方面提高自己。


 You can have / unbelievable intelligence, / you can have / connections;/ you can have / opportunities / fall out of the sky./ But / in the end, / hard work / is the true, / enduring characteristic / of successful people.你可以有非凡的才能;你可以有关系;你可以有天上掉下来的大把机会——但是最终,苦干是成功人士真正的、不朽的特点。

 I never did anything / worth doing / by accident;/ nor did any / of my inventions / come by accident;/ they came by work-/ hard work.我从来都不是在无意问开展每一件值得去做的工作,我的任何发明都不是偶然的,他们是工作的结果——努力的工作。

 Continuous effort-/ not strength / or intelligence-/ is the key / to unlocking / our potential.持续不断的努力——而不是力气或智力——是开发我们潜能的关键。

 Don't be afraid / to work hard./ Enjoy / working hard./ Working hard / is a great mental / and physical exercise.不要害怕努力工作。享受努力工作。努力工作是非常好的精神和体能训练。

 Nobody's / a natural./ You work hard / to get good / and then work hard / to get better.谁也不是天才。人们通过努力工作变得优秀,然后再通过努力工作变得更加优秀。 Life / is full of challenges./ There is / no limit to / how many / of them / will come your way!/ Get ready, / be ready, / and stay ready.生活充满挑战。挑战不计其数。请时刻做好准备。

 Good fortune / favors the brave / and courageous.好运总是宠爱那些勇敢的人。

 Education / is the most important key / to success.教育是通向成功最重要的钥匙。


 Persistence / can produce / a miracle!/ Unfortunately, / very few people / can persist / long enough / to see a miracle / happen.坚持可以创造奇迹!不幸的是,很少人能长时间地坚持下去,直至奇迹发生。

 Personal excellence / is perhaps / the most important assets / that you can acquire.卓越也许是你能获得的最重要的资产! You may encounter / many defeats, / but you must not / be defeated./ In fact, / it may be necessary / to encounter the defeats, / so you can know / who you are, / what you can rise from, / how you can still / come out of it.你也许会遇到很多失败,但你决不能被击败!实际上遭遇失败是必需的,这样你才能认清自己是谁,你才知道从哪里站起来,你才知道怎样从失败里走出来。

 Achievement / is not a thing / to be waited for, / it is a thing / to go after.成就不是等来的,是争取来的。

 I believe / the greatest job / is when you can't tell / the difference / between work / and recreation, / and the best leaders / are those / who absolutely love / what they're doing.我认为,当你无法分辨工作和娱乐的区别时,你就拥有了最伟大的工作。杰出的领导者就是那些完全热爱自己的工作的人。

 If you love / what you do, / you will never work / a day / in your life.如果你热爱你所做的事情,你将一天都不会觉得自己在工作. Why shouldn't life / be about / doing what you love? / If you don't enjoy / what you're doing, / how can you / be really / good at it?



The place I’d like to visit most

1.where would you like to visit?

2.why do you want to be there?(give at lease two reasons)

3.what can you learn while traveling there?

(样卷)The place I’d like to visit most is America.First of all, many high-tech products are made in America, and I want to buy them.What’s more, American people are very friendly and I can talk with them in order to improve my English.In addition, I can learn western culture and customs there.In one word, I can improve myself in America, so it is the place I’d like to visit most.(9)

1.World is beautiful.There are many places as beautiful as pictures.The place I’d like to visit most is France.It is said that France is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.I want to see the sunset and sunrise of France with my parents.I’m sure that the view will be impressive.Second, I’ve heard that the food in France is really tasty.I’d like to have a try.Life is a voyage.I can learn different culture and customs while traveling there.I can also practice my foreign language at the same time.I’d life to visit France when I grow up.(xu qingyi)

2.In the middle of the U.S.A, lies a metropolis names Chicago.And it’s the place I’d like to visit most.Although Chicago is not as famous as New York City.It has more advantages and it’s more attractive to me.I can imagine that when I walk on the path of the country road, nothing can be more enjoyable than this.The quiet and peaceful life there attracts me most.Also, Chicago is the origin of the country music, which is my favourite kind of music, I can hear more about country music there.That’s Chicago!I can experience different culture and customs while traveling.Birds are whistling, wind is blowing over my face.In my eye, it’s a wonderful paradise!(guyu)

3.With the history of more than two thousand years, the Great Wall is definitely the most attractive destination to visit.Winding its way trough the mountainous areas, it has defended the attacks from the enemies up till now.and it also marks the spirit of us Chinese – never giving up.That’s the most important thing for me to learn in order to be a real Chinese citizen.The Great Wall was the glory of our past.With the help of it, I will be the hope of our future!That’s why I’m sp eager to call at it!(huyiqian)

4.The place I’d like to visit most is the countryside of France.As we all know, France is famous for its romantic culture and customs as well as nice natural views as well.Imagine, the bright sunshine warms everybody and brightens every corner.The stunning yellow flowers shining under the clear sky.How fantastic it is!Besides, the air of countryside is so fresh that you can take a deep breath and exercise your body while waiting for the wonderful sunrise.The last but the most important, I can learn about classical culture while traveling there.(wang xin yue)

The place I’d like to visit most is London, That’s my dreaming place.I want to be there to visit the London Bridge, the Big Ben, the Waxwork Museum and so on.The places of historical interest always draw my attention.In addition, I know London is a modern city so that I can know the latest fashion.What’s more, my favourite singer Adele is British, I really want to know what inspires her to create so many amazing songs.All in all, I really want to visit London.While traveling there, I can learn the local culture and broaden my horizon.I can’t help imagining how wonderful it will be if I go there.London, it is the place I’d like to visit most.Fang Jie

There are many famous places in the world, but the place I’d like to visit most is the capital of France—Paris.You may ask why I’d like to visit there.There are several reasons.First, Paris is another word for romance.It is a city full of love.Second, it has a long history.Finally, there are many places of interest.We will broaden our mind and get a lot of knowledge.Generally speaking, if I go there, I can learn a lot.I can see different culture and improve my speaking skill.It is really a good place to visit.Zhu Qiurong

The place I’d like to visit most is Britain.I can’t wait to visit Britain.Britain is surrounded by the ocean.Its view must be beautiful.What’s more, there are many places of interest in Britain.These draw my attention.I can learn the traditional culture of Britain while traveling there.It is interesting to learn about other country’s culture and customs.During the trip, I can improve my listening and speaking abilities.I think the trip will be both enjoyable and rewarding.I’d like to visit Britain sometime in the future.I hope my dream will come true.Xu Liang

When I was young, my mother always told me stories about Australia.In my opinion, Australia is a beautiful country.And it has become the place I’d like to visit most.My aunt lives in Australia, we keep in touch with each other by phone.She often tells me that the sky there is blue, the breeze blows gently everywhere.And I can get a lot of knowledge from the local museums.People there are very friendly.So I’d like to visit there.I can learn traditional culture there.It is really exciting.I hope I will visit Australia someday.Tang Shiyin

The place I’d like to visit most is Wuzhen.As a famous tourist attraction, it is as beautiful as a

painting.When you walk in the narrow street, you can hear the old songs everywhere.The people who live there are kind, too.They always welcome the tourists with warm heart.We should experience the beauty of life in a small town like Wuzhen.Slowing down the steps of the life, and you can realize your colourful dream in real life.Tan Zhili

The place I’d like to visit most is Italy.Several months ago, I received a few photos from my friend Maggie, who had just came back from the country.The interesting culture, fantastic environment and friendly local citizens amazed me a lot.In addition, traditional Italian food tastes delicious, such as pizza, fried chicken wings and chocolate puddings!Last but not least, I can also learn not only much from Italian history and customs, but also the kindness and honesty of Italian people.What a wonderful country to visit Italy is!

Song Jiayuan


Paris is romantic and has a lot of scenic spots, so it attracts me a lot.The first reason for why I’d like to visit Paris is that I’m now learning French.As a language learner, it’s necessary to practice with local people.Second, visiting such a historical city can enrich my knowledge.During the trip, I can experience the sights, sounds, tastes and smells ofthe French culture and customs.Paris is really a place worth visiting, so it’s the place I’d like to visit most.(2)

The place I’d like to visit most is France.This country always leads people to think of romance and freedom.It has a long history and people there are proud of their country , their nationality, their language and food so much.I’m eager to see Effel Tower, Louvre Palace and other places of historical interest with beautiful and mysterious stories.But I’m even more looking forward to meeting the French there.I am learning French now.It’s really a difficult language.When you hear it for the first time, you may think it’s not so beautiful as you thought.But you’ll fall in love with its special pronunciation.I’ll visit France as soon as I have a chance.(3)

Sichuan was a beautiful place before a terrible earthquake hit it on May 12th, 2008.But in my eyes, the disaster made it even more fascinating for its dignity.And that’s the place I’d like to visit most.The first reason is that I want to see how it looks after the recovery.In the light of the reports, a lot of students still have to study in dangerous houses, I am really worried about them and I want to do something for them.The second reason is that I was deeply moved by the spirit of people there.Although some of their families may have been dead, they didn’t stop moving on to their new life.Besides, there are a lot I can learn while traveling there, for example, the belief of never giving up.Through the TV news, they taught me that life was never like a game, I can never quit because of the fear.In a word, the beauty of courage makes Sichuan strong and charming and that’s the place I’d like to visit most.Among all the countries, Australia is certainly my dream destination in my heart.First, Australia is famous for beaches and coasts and considered as one of the best places for traveling.It is very pleasant to lie on the beach with the sun shining on a breezy day.Second, it attracts me a lot because of its friendly, warm-hearted and hospitable people.I can learn its culture and customs while traveling there.Australia is really the place I’d like to visit most.黄奕鹏9

It is Provence that the place I’d like to visit most is.Just close my eyes and try to imagine,” A purple field is right in front of me, he smooth touch of the breeze bring the fresh fragrance everywhere, a sense of romance spreading all over.” How awesome it is!The reason why I want to be there is not only the atmosphere of love there but also the friendliness of the local people.There sea so much to see and to do there.While traveling there, I can learn to find the beauty of our world.As a matter of fact, how to discover something new in my life is also one thing I can learn from the travel.Xu yue8











一是加大财政投入力度,加强了“双语”幼儿园基础建设。2008年,伊宁市出台《伊宁市城乡“双语”幼儿园建设方案》。提出了2008年46个村及20个城乡结合部全部建成“双语”幼儿园,少数民族儿童入园率达到85%。2009年,35个城乡结合部全部建成“双语”幼儿园,少数民族儿童入园率达到了100%的建设目标。近三年,市委、市政府多方努力,通过干部捐款、财政补贴拨付等筹措资金近500万元,加强了城乡“双语 ”幼儿园基础建设,分别配备教材教辅、教学设备,落实了教师工资、贫困生补助等,促进了“双语 ”幼儿园的发展。

二是加强教师队伍建设,不断提高教育教学水平。从2005年起,由教育、人事、编委、纪检监察等部门联合成立伊宁市“双语”教师招聘工作领导小组,到2008 年共招聘8批“双语”教师592人。每年教育局统一对招聘教师综合考核,考核合格者继续聘用,不合格者予以解聘。2009年,把592名“双语”教师中具备条件和考核合格的356名纳入市财政编制。2009年,由州教育局在全州范围内招聘了“双语”教师245人,进一步加强了“双语”教学力量。










This is to certify that been awarded National Endeavourers Scholarship for the 2011-2012 school year by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, a prize of CNY 5,000.January, 2013



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