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第二篇:Unit 3 Life in the future教案

Unit 3 Life in the future 一.Teaching aims:

1.Inspire the students to imagine the future life.2.Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.3.To improve the students’ oral ability.二.Teaching Important & difficult point: 1.Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.2.Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say something according to the text.3.To improve the students’ oral ability.三.Teaching methods:

reading;asking and answering activity;pair or group work.四.Teaching Aids: a computer, multmedia.五.Teaching procedures: Step1: Lead-in have a free talk about the following questions: 1.How do you usually get to school? 2.What kind of vehicle will people use in the future?

3.Where would you like to live in the future? 4.What kind of housing would you like to have in the future? 5.Talking about the future, what do you care about most? Step2:Pre-reading Discuss the following questions in five groups and share some pictures with the Ss:

1.Imagine what changes will happen in the next century inhousing,transport,jobs,families,communication,environment and education.2.What changes do you expect to see in our life in one thousand years’ time?

3.What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome in one thousand years?

4.Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD 3008? Step3: Fast Reading Listen to the text carefully, and translate the passage Para.by Para.Then do some exercises: 1.Read and find out in which paragraph you can find answers to the questions.1)Who transported Li Qiang into the future? 2)What will home be like in the future? 2.Put the following sentences into the correct order.a.We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.b.I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised.c.I won a travel to the year AD 3008.d.I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.Step4: careful reading Answer some questions basing on each paragraph and do some blank form exercise:

1.Go through the first two paragraphs quickly and answer the following questions.1.)What is a “time lag”?

2)How did Li Qiang feel when he was in the capsule ? 3)Who guided Li Qiang’s trip?

4)Why did Li Qiang’s guide give him some tablets? 5)Who transported them to the future? 3)Why did Li Qiang’s head ache? 2.Summary Step5: Homework Discussion Does the writer have an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future? Give your reasons.

第三篇:Unit3 A healthy life reading教案

Unit3 A healthy life


Step 1 Warming-up Show some pictures on the computer(Directions): Looking at the following pictures and answer:(1)、What are they doing ?(2)、Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?(Ask the students to describe the pictures using their own words)Straightforward description: Picture 1: They are singing.Healthy Picture 2: Playing cell phone lying on bed.Unhealthy Picture 3: They are dancing.Healthy Picture 4: They are playing basketball.Healthy Picture 5: They are eating too much or overeating.Unhealthy Picture 6: They are do yoga.Healthy Picture 7: They are smoking.Unhealthy Step 2 Pre-reading Discussion: 1.Since you have a better understanding of health, I am wondering if any of you smoke? If you have, have you ever tried to stop?

2.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking? Possible answer: Some adolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media.Some think it's cool.Maybe some want to lighten some stress.3.Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking if you want to stop smoking or give some suggestions to your friend? Possible answer: From the internet;from our teachers;from our parents and so on.Step 3 Reading Part 1 Useful words and expressions.due to 由于

be addicted to / addict oneself to 沉迷于…… be accustomed to习惯于 automatically 自主地 mentally 心理上地 abnormal 反常的 Part 2 Fast reading.Tick what has been written in the passage.Jame’s grandpa’s recent life√

the ways to become addicted to cigarettes√ different types of cigarettes√ harmful effects of smoking benefits of smoking suggestions to quit smoking√ Part 3 Careful reading.Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text.1.Why did the grandfather write this letter?(A)A.To help his grandson to give up smoking.B.To give him some advice on how to keep fit.C.To share his experience of getting on the Internet.D.To tell him to focus on study.2.What can we learn about the grandfather from the text?(D)A.He will take part in a long bike ride.B.He rides his bike 20 kilometers every day.C.He celebrate his 82nd birthday two weeks ago.D.He has a very healthy lifestyle.3.In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?(D)A.Using scientific theory.B.His failure in love.C.His sports activity.D.His own experience.4.From the passage,we can learn James’ grandfather has the following characteristics EXCEPT being __(D)______.A.determined B.energetic C.thoughtful

D.out of date 5.What is NOT included in the advice about stop smoking on the internet?(C)A.Relax.B.Determination.C.Courage.D.Get help from others.Step 4 Post-reading Summary.Jame’s granddad wrote to help James 1____ smoking.Jame’s granddad once became 2____(addict)to cigarettes in three ways.His body was accustomed to 3____(have)nicotine.He began to do it automatically and became 4____(mental)addicted.But he finally managed to stop 5____ realizing the harmful effects of 6_____.He also told James that smoking did harm to heart and 7____(lung)and that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.So he gave James some 8____(advise)and encourage him not to be 9 ___(disappoint).10____ he kept trying, he would succeed eventually.1.quit/ stop 2.addicted








10.If Step 5 Homework Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking? Some words you may use in your composition healthy

cause lung cancer

cough badly

heavy smoker

be harmful to

smell terrible

be addicted to

It’s no good(doing)

a waste of money

cause fire

第四篇:教案Unit3 life in the future剖析

Unit3《Life in the future》


Warming-up and Reading Teaching Goals: 1.Learn some new words and expressions.2.Improve the Ss’reading skills.3.To illustrate Ss’ imagination of future life

4.Know the more advanced forms of transport in AD 3005 and the advantages and problems of life in the future.Teaching Methods: 1.Inductive method 2.Pair work and group work 3.Illustration 4.Deductive Method Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in 1.The teacher can start with daily greetings and try to lead in some words in this unit.Q1: Where do you come from? Do you live in the downtown or in the countryside? Is it a suitable location for people to live in? What is it made of?(brick, stone, steel, glass, wood, plastic, bamboo, mud…).Q2: No matter where you live, I am wondering how do you usually go to school?(by bike, by car, by bus…)

Bikes, cars, buses and so on can be used to carry people or things from one place to another place, and they are called vehicles.Q3:What other vehicles do you know? carriage, ambulance, jeep, airbus, train, truck, motorcycle, fire engine, … Q4:What means of transport do you know? Car, bicycle, motorcycle, train, plane, Space craft Q5:Imagine what the future means of transport will be like? 2.Conclusion This unit introduces what life in the future might be like to Ss.By discussing and answering the questions above can make Ss have a general understanding of the present and future life and can also illustrate Ss’ imagination about the future life.【设计说明】

由日常问候开启话题,通过提问学生家乡情况导入城镇生活,引出不同的建筑材料及交通工具中的生词;然后总结交通工具的种类来预测未来的交通方式,从而导入课文。Step 2 Warming up and Pre-reading Task1:Pair work In pairs let Ss list the changes in transport, environment, education and housing will happen in the next century.Present time In one Thousand Years’ Time Transport Environment Education Houses 【设计说明】

通过对交通,环境,教育和住房四方面的发展和预测让学生发挥自己的想象力进入阅读文章的处理学习中。Step 3 Skimming Task2:Skimming the text and try to find the answer to the question Q: Which changes are mentioned in the text? time travel – transport – air quality – religion – clothing – eating – houses – towns Task3:Prediction Work in pairs and make a prediction.Q: Which changes are good and which are bad? 【设计说明】

猜测是培养学生阅读能力的方法之一,因此笔者首先提出问题引发学生思考,对未来生活的各个方面进行预测。其次通过快速阅读的方式,了解文章梗概,把握文章线索,找出文中对未来生活变化的描写,培养学生快速阅读的技巧与能力,并对未来生活变化的好坏进行小组讨论,培养集体协作精神。Step4 Scanning Task4:Scan the text and find the answers to the questions.Q1: How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they? Q2: When did the writer write this letter? And to which year did he travel? Q3: Why did Li Qiang travel to the year AD 3005? 【设计说明】

通过跳读文章了解了文章中的人物、时间、地点、事件、原因等关键要素,因此让学生通过阅读寻找上述要素,不仅让学生的阅读具有目的性,而且降低了阅读的难度。Step5 Reading for details 1.Before the journey Q1: What did Li Qiang suffer from? Q2: How did Li Qiang feel? What makes him feel better? Q3: Where did they arrive? 2.During the journey Q1: How did Li Qiang overcome the lack of fresh air? Q2: How did the hovering carriage float? Q3: How can a person move swiftly? Q4: What were people doing there? Q5: What happened to Li Qiang? Q6: What is a “time lag” flashback? 3.After the journey Q1: How did the author feel after visiting the special house? Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.【设计说明】 通过精读课文,从事件发生的先后顺序及地点转换顺序了解文章细致内容,按照“时空旅行前,时空旅行中及时空旅行后”的时间线索来处理文章细节。在此过程中锻炼学生精读的阅读技巧,处理文章生词,并适当地引入几个过去分词做状语及定语的句子,为语法部分的讲解作个铺垫。

Step 6 Consolidation Ask Ss to tell the following sentences are True or False(T or F)(1)Li Qiang was worried about the journey, so he was unsettled all the time.(2)Wang Ping is his friend who is also a good guide.(3)His head ached because of lack of oxygen.(4)Li Qiang lost in touch with Wang Ping, but he found him at last.(5)Wang Ping’s mother was not friendly to him.Suggested Answers:(1)F(2)T(3)F(4)T(5)F 【设计说明】

通过正误判断题来进一步让学生来巩固课文内容。Step7 Homework Group Work: In pairs retell Li Qiang’s story traveling to the year AD 3008, either in writing or in speech.You may make use of the words and expressions you have just learnt.【设计说明】




会使用动词一般将来时描述预测将要发生的事件,未来的生活。明白will, shall 和be going to 的区分。二.教学重点: 1.一般将来时

2.重点词汇和词组 3.课文主要内容 三.具体内容:

(一)一般将来时 用法:

1.表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。He will go to New York next year.2.表示将 要反复发生的动作或习惯性动作。

We shall have two P.E.lessons per week this term.结构:

1.shall/ will + 动词原形 shall 用于第一人称。

I shall go to Shanghai after graduation.They will go to Shanghai after graduation.基本句式:

肯定句:主语+shall/will+动词原形+其他 Our teacher will have a meeting tomorrow.否定句:主语+shall/will not+动词原形+其他 They won’t go swimming this weekend.疑问句:shall/will +主语+动词原形+其他? Will Tom finish his homework on time? Yes, he will./No, he won’t.2.be going to +动词原形 be 随主语的变化而变化。It is going to rain.We are going to swim this weekend.基本句式:

肯定句:主语+be going to +动词原形+其他

I am going to buy a dictionary this afternoon.否定句:主语+be not going to +动词原形+其他 We are not going to stay here long.疑问句:Be + 主语+ going to + 动词原形+其他 Is it going to rain tomorrow? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.3.will/shall 和be going to 的区分:

1)will 表示说话人认为,希望或假定要发生的事。be going to 表示某事物有迹象要发生。

I am sure that the Olympics in Beijing will be very successful.Look at the clouds.It is going to rain.2)will 表示意图时不指事先考虑的 be going to 指事先考虑的

Tomorrow we will have an exam, so I am going to review the lessons.3)will 不能用于条件状语从句中,而be going to 可以。If you are going to join the party, please do better.4.the re be there be 句型常用来表示“某处存在某物”。1)there be 句型的基本句式 肯定句:there be +主语+其他

There is an apple, a banana and some pears in the bag.否定句:there be +not +主语+其他

There aren’t many people on the bus.疑问句:be there +主语+其他

Are there any students on the playground? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.2)there be 句型的时态

一般现在时:there +be(am, is, are)+主语+其他 There are eight students in the classroom.一般过去时:there +was/were + 主语+其他

There was a group of young people working on the farm yesterday.一般将来时:there +will + be +主语+其他 There will be a strong wind tomorrow.There will not be a strong wind tomorrow.Will there be a strong wind tomorrow? Yes, there will./No, there won’t.(二)语言点和词组:

(1)However, some things will stay the same.但是,有些事情是不变的。

stay , 系动词,后面接形容词、名词。

e.g.Nothing stays the same for long.什么都不会一成不变。The lecture is on how to stay healthy.讲座的话题是如何保持健康。

类似的动词:look, feel, taste, smell, seem, sound e.g.They looked worried today.他们今天看起来很着急。The cakes taste good.蛋糕尝起来很好吃。She felt tired.她感觉累了。

Her face turned red when she heard it.当她听到这时,她的脸变红了。

Her voice sounded quite sweet.她的声音听起来很甜。(2)not… any more =no more不再……(从次数角度……)

not…any longer=no longer 不再……(从时间角度……)e.g.She didn’t cry any more.她不再哭了。

They are no longer young.他们不再年青了。(3)check out 检查、核查

check up 核对、检验(第十三册)

(4)enough water /food/time/ money 足够的水、食物、时间、钱

enough 修饰形容词、副词,后置 e.g.big enough 足够大 good enough 足够好 well enough 足够好 strong enough 足够壮 old enough 足够老

(5)because of 跟名词或代词 because 跟从句(主语+谓语)

e.g.She didn’t go to school yesterday because of illness.She didn’t go to school yesterday because she was ill.(6)lead to 通向、引起、导致

Too much work and too little rest will lead to illness.工作太多,休息太少会导致疾病。

I know a short-cut leading to the parking lot.我知道一条通向停车场的近路。课堂练习:

I.按要求改写句子。1.Teenagers will use computers to do everything.(一般疑问句)___________________ 2.There will be much pollution.(否定句)________________________________________ 3.There will still be schools in the future.(一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_________________________________________ ______________________ 4.Will there be flying cars in the future? Yes, there will.(肯定句)_____________________ 5.People will travel by flying cars in the future.(提问)__________________________ 6.Students will hand homework to their teachers by e-mail.(提问)_____________________ 7.People will still read a traditional book when they want to enjoy a good story.(提问)

____________________________________________________________________ 8.I wil l be over 50 years old in 2050.(提问)___________________


1.There a new TV play on channel 1 this evening.A.is going to have B.will have C.is going to be D.shall be 2.I’m not sure if it tomorrow.If it , we won’t go to the Great Wall.A.will snow, snows B.will snow, will snow C.snows, snows D.snows, will snow 3.—Do you mind my opening the window? It’s hot here.—.A.I think you’re wrong B.Yes, please.C.Of course not.D.I don’t agree.4.—hall we go to the zoo tomorrow? —.A.Thank you B.Very well C.Excuse D.Good idea 5.They’ll see changes in travel, ? A.will they B.won’t they C.do they D.don’t they 6.People will buy things the Internet.A.to B.in C.on D.at 7.You look angry.Would you like to eat? A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 8.There is on TV tonight.Let’s go for a walk!

A.something interesting B.interesting something C.nothing interesting D.anything interesting



能够正确使用动词不定式 二.教学重点和难点: 1.动词不定式的使用


(一)动词不定式: 结构:to +动词原形


To learn English well is very difficult.不定式做主语,往往由it作形式主语,不定式移到句子的后面。It is difficult to learn English well.2.作表语

The duties of a postman are to deliver letters and newspapers.3.作宾语

I hope to become a teacher after graduation.跟不定式作宾语的常见动词有:agree, want, refuse, offer, promise, choose, decide, determine, fail, ask, hope, expect, wish, learn, afford, intend, demand, manager, prepare begin, start, forget, remember, like ,love, try, need, …

另外feel, find, think, consider 等动词后接不定式做宾语,补语是形容词时,常用it做形式宾语,把不定式后移。

I find it difficult to learn English.4.作宾语补足语(补充说明宾语)I wish him to win the game.跟不定式做宾补的常见动词有:

advise, wish, prefer, order, teach, get, expect, like, want, ask, encourage, invite, require, tell, help, allow, force 还有一些词后面跟不带to的不定式做宾补:

see, hear, notice, feel, watch, make, let, have, listen to … He saw them play on the playgr ound.5.作定语

There are a lot of books to read.不定式与其修饰的词之间一般都有动宾关系,如果不定式是个不及物动词,其后应有介词。He is a nice person to work with.There are a lot of books to read.6.作状语 1)表示目的

To pass the exam, I must do my best to study.不定式作目的状语时,否定式必须用in orde r not to do,so as not to do Let’s hurry in order not to be late for the class.2)表示结果

She lived to see her grandson go to university.3)表示原因

I am glad to see you.She was very happy to hear the good news.7.不定式常与疑问 词连用构成短语:

Eg: what to do / how to do/ where to go / when to st art/ which to buy Do you know how to use a computer?

(二)如何表达同意和反对 agreement disagreement 1.You’re right.1.I don’t agree.2.That’s true.2.I don’t think so.3.I agree.3.I’m not sure about that.4.Yes, I think so, too.4.Of course not.5.That’s true…..5.I think you are wron g.(三)词组 1.a popular type of writing 一种流行的文学体裁 2.think of 认为

3.want sb.to do sth.想让某人做某事 want to do sth.想做某事 4.decide to do 决定做某事

5.encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做某事 6.such as …..例如

7.be interested in ….对……感兴趣

8.as a result …..结果;由于……结果as a result of Eg: He was late for school this morning as a result of the snow.由于下雪他今早上学迟到了。

He worked hard, and as a result, he got promoted quickly.他工作努力,被提拔得很快。

9.come true 成为现实

Eg: He said that I would become a doctor and it has come true now.他说我会成为医生,现在这预言成真了。10.make sb + rich 使某人……富有 make sb do 使某人……做某事

Eg: What you are doing will only make things worse.你现在所做的只会使情况更糟。

It’ll make me so happy if you accept it.你要是接受了,我会十分高兴。

The boss made the workers work ten hours a day.老板强迫工人一天工作十小时。

11.base on 基于…… 以……为基础 12.Englishman Englishwoman Frenchman Englishmen Englishwomen Frenchmen German Germans Chinese Japanese Viennese 13.come / go 常用的动词,也常用来组成词组 come(1)come from 来自(2)come in 进来

(3)come back 回来(4)come down 下来,降落(5)come on 加油(6)come after 跟随(7)come along 快点(8)come by 从旁边走过,经过(9)come first 在前面,名列第一(10)come home 回家(11)come into 进入(12)come over 过来,来访(13)come across(偶然)碰到(14)come out 出来(15)come to 达到,合计(16)come round 来访,到来

(17)come up 上来,走近(18)come and go 来来往往(19)come at 攻击,袭击 go(1)go about 走来走去(2)go abroad 出国,出门(3)go after 追随,跟随(4)go against 反对,违背(5)go ahead 前进,进展(6)go along 沿着,前进(7)go around 四处走动(8)go back 回去(9)go down 下去,下沉(10)go easy 仔细一点

(11)go for a picnic 去郊游(12)go for nothing 徒劳(13)go forward 前进,进展(14)go from ….to 从…变成(15)go home 回家(16)go in 进入(17)go into 走近,加入(18)go on 继续,(19)go on with 继续,把…进行下去(20)go over 查看,复习,走过去(21)go to bed 上床睡觉(22)go to school 上学(23)go up to town 去城里,进城(24)go wrong 走错路

[课堂练习] I.单选。

1.At last, she asked the old man if he had.A.something to say B.everything to say C.something saying D.everything saying 2.The little boy didn’t know what , so he stood against the wall crying.A.do B.to do C.doing D.should 3.–There are so many cars in the streets.--Yes, more and more people are to buy private cars.A.rather rich B.very rich C.enough rich D.rich enough 4.–Have you ever been to Japan?--Yes, I Japan last year.It was my first visit to Japan.A.has been to B.was going to C.have going to D.went to 5.Don’t the TV.The children are sleeping.A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn over 6.--is your favorite sports man?--Yao Ming.A.How B.When C.Who D.Which 7.The teacher told us any litter.A.don’t throw B.not to throw C.not throw D.to not throw 8.You look tired.You’d better earlier.A.go to b ed B.to go to bed C.went to bed D.going to bed 9.It’s important us have enough sleep.A.too, to B.to, for C.for, to D.with, to 10.There will be a meeting next week.A.some time B.sometime C.some times D.sometimes


1.My teacher advised me _______________ the book.I enjoyed ____________ it.(read)2.Jim’s father wanted him ______________ a lawyer, but he decided _______________ a writer.(become)3.At first, the thief refused _______________(tell)the truth, but the policeman made him _________(do)it.4.I hate ____________(wash)dishes, but my mother always forces me ___________(do)it.5.She needed _______(take)the big box to her room, the students helped her ______(carry)it.6.Don’t forget _____________(lock)the door when you ____________(leave).7.Do you mind my _____________(open)the window? It’s hot here.8.We all hope ______________(see)you soon.Can you come this weekend? 9.Shall I ________________(clean)the room first or _______________(boil)some water?

第五篇:7A Unit4 School Life 教案

7A Unit4 School Life(Reading II)教学简案

Learning aims:

1.Knowledge and ability:

1.To understand the text

2.To be able to use English to talk about school activities

3.To grasp the usage of some important expressions

2.Process and method:

The Ss prepare for reading, speaking and writing.Encourage them to talk about their day.3.Emotion, attitude and values:

Through the study on the expression of school life, cultivate the students’ love learning and take good care of the school emotion.Language focus:

Encourage students to express themselves and talk about their day.Teaching procedures:

1.Lead in: The teacher introduces herself.2.Warm-up activities:

Answer some questions quickly.Ask students to make a dialogue.3.The competitions between Group A and Group B:

① Recall the activities that Millie does at school(with the help of some pictures).② Read the text quickly and find out more phrases.△Ask students to write on the blackboard.△Explain some language points

4.According to Millie’s school life, finish the short passage as quickly as possible..5.Read Sandy’s day and then answer some questions.6.The final competition: Talk about your day.7.Homework: Write an e-mail to your friend about your father’s day.



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    高中英语 Unit 6 Life in the future 教案

    Unit 6 Life in the future(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计) Teaching aims and demands Goals: Talk about life in the future Practice making predictions Learn a......

    attitude to life 人生态度

    attitude to life 人生态度 We have a saying destiny character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is attitude is destiny, so if the right at......

    A healthy life 教案设计

    A healthy life 教案设计 一、 教案背景 1,面向学生:高中2,学科:英语 2,课时:1 3,教学背景:随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们越来越关注健康问题,中国是一个吸烟大国,大多数人知道......


    谢俊飞:What is Life? 生活是什么? Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. 生活是机遇,从中受益吧. Life is beauty, admire it. 生活是美景,去赞美它吧. Life is bliss,......

    Attitude to life 演讲稿

    A Positive Attitude to Life -----------Hu Kunsheng (14273029) In our daily life, people often do different things: some live happily, no matter what has happe......

    Life is a choice演讲稿

    Dear my classmates: Life is a choice Good afternoon! My name is jelly. I am Beijing, experimental school attend to Capital Normal School. I am very glad to be......

    演讲稿【the life cycle】

    Good morning everyone. My name is crystal .It is my honor to stand here to talk about the life cycle of a company. There are four stages in a company’s life. F......


    快乐大风车(少儿)目标 1、理解和学习绕轴旋转、对齿轮的应用有基本认识 2、能利用绕轴旋转原理联系生活自由创设 活动过程 一、暖场 1、打招呼问好 2、《风力发电》视频引入......