(二)表扬学生时所用的肢体语言。如hey!hey!we are great!(对着天花板大吼两声,然后两只手露出大拇指从身前突然举过头顶。)
2、I say you do 老师说出动作类的单词和短语,小朋友能够做出相应的动作。
3、老师说出一些单词或句子,请学生做出相应的反应动作。如老师说:Thank you 孩子们会说 you`re welcome。
5、某一些固定模式的举一反三。如:flap flap flap ,clap clap clap ,flap flap, clap clap.smile~!飞飞飞,拍手拍手拍手,飞飞,拍手拍手,微笑!
(四)根据单词或短语的词义所表达的肢体语言。这类肢体语言又要分为动词类,形容词副词类、名词代词类三大类。如 hop单脚跳 touch摸 quickly快地 mad疯的 sandwich三明治等
(五)对固定句型设计固定模式的肢体语言。如:What’s your name?(伸出食指分别指向自己的太阳穴,对面的人及快刷过自己的鼻子)
摘 要:肢体语言教学方法对于促进小学生理解和掌握英语非常有益。教师在小学英语教学中,可以适当运用肢体行为、动作、表情等无声语言配合讲解,丰富信息含量,使表达更清晰准确。通过这样的肢体表现,可以加快小学生学习英语的速度,提高其理解能力,使英语教学效果最佳化。将具体探讨小学英语教学中肢体语言的合理运用措施,期望对英语教学开展有积极推动作用。
此外,面部表情的运用也很重要。小学英语教师应对学生展现爱的微笑,让他们感受到教师的和善、友好,从而建立融洽和谐的师生关系,促进教学开展。丰富的表情也可以展现教师内心的想法,使学生感受到教师的亲切自然。教师还可以与学生在一起进行游戏玩乐,唱歌跳舞。对学生亲和地摸摸头,友好地拉拉手,肯定地点点头,鼓掌表扬,竖起大拇指说句“Very good!”,握紧拳头说句“Come on!”这些微小动作都可以让学生感受到鼓舞和关怀。
英语中词汇学习是最基本的任务,也是需要小学生大量记忆理解的。英语词汇和汉字有极大区别。汉字有形声字、形近字、象形字等不同的形式,而英语单词由英语字母组合而成,单词释义多样,小学生记忆起来比较困难。此时,教师就可以用手势、动作、表情等无声语言来组织学生识记英语词汇。例如:在学习“What does he do”这一节时,有许多的职业单词需要学生认识,“teacher,doctor,nurse,farmer,driver,businessman,singer”,这时教师可以和学生玩一个“扮演角色”的游戏。教师说“Act like a teacher/farmer...”,然后学生依据指令进行动作表演。通过这种方式既令课堂氛围非常融洽,又使学生很快掌握这些词汇。
小学生刚开始学习英语,对英语还比较陌生。现在课堂上教师基本运用全英文进行教学,然而学生由于词汇量、认知能力、语感以及环境等因素影响,对于教师的讲解不一定能听明白。这也就造成听不懂指令,全英文教学受到限制。在这种情况下,教师可以合理运用肢体语言,利用手势、动作等传达语义,增进学生的理解,使他们能及时领悟指令,促进课堂教学开展。如,在?M行The listening part时,教师可以将手放在耳朵做听状,并告知学生“Listen carefully”;让学生从热烈讨论状态恢复安静,可以将食指放在嘴边说“Keep quiet”。这样进行几次学生将很快掌握这些指令,以后也就不需要再做动作了。
小学英语教材内容丰富,词汇量大,有许多英语句型、语句需要理解记忆,并且还有很多重难点知识要掌握。教师在对教材内容深入分析后,根据重难点可以设计有效教学活动,利用肢体语言配合,将语句含义形象表示出来,促进语言表达。例如,在学习“What are you doing?”这一单元时,为了使学生熟练掌握重点句型“What are you doing?I am...”教师可以指导他们用肢体动作做出课文中的这些词汇“listening to music,washing the clothes,cleaning the room”。学生可以边读边做动作边记忆,然后再相互提问句型,并配合动作进行回答。这样将使课程更显趣味性,学生对句型掌握得也能更熟练,轻松掌握重点知识。
[1]王海英.肢体语言在小学英语教学中的应用[J].吉林教育,2015(9):56.[2]方晓琴.肢体语言在小学英语教学中的辅助应用探究[J].校园英语旬刊,2017(9):143.编辑 郭小琴
(甘肃省秦安县中山学区 北庄小学 甘肃 天水 741614)
摘 要: 小学英语课程改革目标中提出:要提倡学生主动参与,乐于探究,勤于动手,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣。由于小学生刚刚接触英语,词汇量不够大,并且缺少一定的语言环境,给学生英语学习造成了一定的困难。在这种情况下,教师可以运用肢体语言来辅助英语教学。肢体语言是指通过身体各部分能为人所见的活动来进行表达和交流,包括手势、眼神、动作及姿态。运用肢体语言能大大提高课堂教学的效果,有利于激发学生参与学习的兴趣,帮助学生独立思考,实现合作学习。
关键词: 肢体语言;小学英语教学;运用
Application of Body Language in Primary School English Teaching
Guan Jianqiang(School of Foreign Languages, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui, Gansu, 741000)
Abstract:Primary English curriculum reform proposes that English teaching should promote students’ active participation and willingness of exploration, arouse students’ interest in English learning.Since primary school pupils have just been exposed to English, with small vocabulary and the lack of a certain language environment, it is difficult for the pupils to learn English well.In this situation, teachers may use body language to support English teaching.Body language is carried out through the activities of the various parts of the body.It includes gestures, eye contact, action and attitude.Using the body language can greatly enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching, help inspire students to participate in learning, help students to learn independently, and achieve the collaborative learning.Keywords:
body language, primary school English teaching, application 1.引言
在学习语言的过程中,我们总是强调扩大词汇量、掌握语法知识、练习掌握标准的语音,以便更好地传达自己的思想。然而,美国心理学家Albert Mehrabian在实验中得出一个这样的公式,即:信息传达总量=7%的语言知识+38%的语言表达+55%的面部表情和动作。由此可见,我们在与他人进行沟通时,语言知识只是起到7%的传达作用,语言表达方式占38%,而常被我们忽略的肢体语言在沟通中却占了55%比例。很显然,肢体语言在交流中有着极其重要的功能和作用。现在小学英语教学中常用的TPR教学法,即全身反应教学法,在很大程度上要依赖于肢体语言的合理运用。美国著名教育学家杜威也提倡“learning by doing”(在做中学)的教学模式。语言学家Franklin曾经说过“Tell me, I will forget;teach me, I will remember;involve me and I will learn”。由此可见,肢体语言在语言教学过程中有着非常重要的作用。
在课堂教学中,教师可用手势来辅助语言表达,边说边做,让学生正确理解课堂指令的含义。如Sit down, please!教师伸手,手掌向下挥动;请学生回答问题,教师举手示范并说:Have a try!学生便会模仿教师举手并说:Let me try.教师手掌向上并招动,表达的意思是 You, please!Come here.教师前伸一只手,掌向里,并向着自己招动,即表示让学生过来;向学生一招手,然后用手指向讲台边,表示Come to the front;想让学生安静时,就伸出食指放在嘴唇上;右手握拳向下有力一拉,意为Come on;把手放在嘴巴上做喇叭状,意思是让学生说话能大声点:louder,please!当学生的回答非常精彩的时候,教师竖起大拇指,意为Great!教师把右手的食指和大拇指围成一个圆圈,其它三个手指往上翘表示OK,这个手势笔者在教学课堂上使用频率最高,如学生做好课堂作业或写好听写的单词时,用“OK”手势告知教师任务已完成,可以进行检查或进行下一环节。又如学习招呼用语:Hello, Hi, Good morning!教师均可用日常问候的招手来增强语言学习的趣味性,提高学生的理解力。手势在体态语中是动作变化最快、最多,应用最为广泛的,它具有丰富的表达力。因此,在课堂教学中,教师应把手势语用得简练、适当、自然,使学生能从自己的肢体动作中明白其中的意思,达到心领神会的地步,从而既节省了时间,又提高了效率。
3.2.2肢体语言在单词教学中的运用 词汇的教学在英语学习中占有很重要的位置,一味的看卡片领读、跟读不能让学生产生良好的学习心理,有些学生甚至不知道单词怎么拼写,只是毫无意义地跟着大家一起滥竽充数。小学生的好奇心很强,而且也是非常好动的,运用肢体语言可以让学生动起来,从而提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生能更快更好的记单词。教师可以运用教授字母的方法,也可以配上一些动作,让学生去猜单词的意思,使学生能更快的掌握单词。例如:教授pot时,可以让学生把一只手伸直,另一只手向上弯曲抓住自己的耳朵,身体不停的倾斜、直立做出倒水的动作。这样用肢体语言示范之后,大多数学生都能猜出单词的意思。这种教学示范既直观又生动,很快就能调动学生的学习积极性,使学生能够爱上英语。用同样的方法,在教授动物的单词时,我会让学生找出这种动物的特点表演出来,或者模仿这种动物的声音。例如:教授rabbit时,学生会把两只手都握成“V”字型放在头顶,然后蹲着跳跃。这种方式能让学生养成仔细观察的习惯,让学生更加热爱生活,把生活和学习融合在一起。
句子是一篇课文的重要组成部分,在英语教学中起着承上启下的作用。一遍一遍的听、说、读、写固然能加深学生对句子的印象,却不能让学生理解怎样才能更好地将其运用到实际生活中。所以,在教授句子时,我们可以设计一些与日常生活相关的情景,运用肢体语言,将句子设计在情境之中,既能让学生领悟句子的含义,又能将其运用到实际生活当中,可谓一举两得。展示道具——包,用手指着这只包,对学生说:Look at my new bag!并做出打开状,Open it and see.学生很快进行了模仿。又如教授句型:Is this a …? 教师可在复习之前学习过的单词后,用双手张开置于身体两侧并上下挥动双臂表示在模仿bird飞翔,然后同时问学生:Is this a bird ? 学生可以很快理解,并回答:Yes.然后教授回答这一句的正确答语,应该在Yes的后面加上it is, 并演示完整答语。当然句中斜体词可以进行替换,如把bird 替换成cat,再配以黑板上的句型,学生很快可以掌握这一句型并进行操练。
3.2.4肢体语言在课文教学中的运用 语言学习就是一个从难到易的学习过程,由字母到词、句,最后学习课文。肢体语言用在学习课文的过程中也可以按照课文内容创造情景,制造一个良好的学习环境,锻炼学生的相互合作能力,也能让学生在情景中更好的理解课文。学习课文时,教师可以让学生很好的进行表演,发挥学生好动这一特点,并且能提高学生的想象力,依靠大脑中丰富的想象创造出不同的情景,让学生觉得课堂更有新意。在新课程改革中,任务型教学逐渐了走进我们的课堂,并且更加强调了教师的主导地位和学生的主体地位,作为教学主导者的教师便是学生学习中的导演。教师在课堂上如果能够恰当的运用肢体语言,就可以使课堂教学更为生动活泼、印象深刻,达到增强记忆、提高效率的目的。
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一、Body language在小学英语教学中的运用
1、Body language在vocabulary上的运用
小学生模仿力强,好新奇,但是注意力持续时间短。针对这一特点,教师在教学时,可以运用丰富的肢体语言去吸引他们的注意力。如在教低年级学生“eat, fly, sing”等单词时,我会边出示单词卡边做相应的动作,尽管有些动作可能会夸张可笑,但所收到的效果是不可言喻的。教师在教学过程中适当的运用肢体语言,可以使原本枯燥无味的单词变得生动起来,学生很快便能掌握,而且
印象深刻。如在教到“open”时,教师可以边教单词边做开门的样子,学生边做动作边念单词,学生的口和身体一起动起来,记忆更加深刻;再如,教monkey时可做猴子的动作;教drink时,可做喝水的动作;等等。在巩固生词教学时,利用肢体语言同样可达到满意的效果。如巩固football, basketball, smile等单词时,教师可做一个踢足球的动作,让学生来回答;或者请一个学生做出微笑的表情,其余学生答smile;等等。还可以反过来,以组为单位,请一个学生说单词,其余的学生做动作;这些方法都能让学生感受到英语带来的极大兴趣。
2、Body language在Let’s sing教学中的运用
小学英语为了增加趣味性,每单元都会有Let’s sing部分。教师如果在课堂上适当地教英语歌曲,不仅可以使孩子从紧张的学习中得到放松,把孩子的注意力再次转移到课堂上,还可以活跃课堂气氛。如在教授“My new teacher”时,我会边唱边指着自己,同时在适当加上其他动作,这样不仅可以帮助学生理解意思,而且也能引起学生的兴趣。学生可边唱边跟着老师做动作,这样一首歌很快就能学会了,而且记忆时间长。
3、Body language在Story time教学中的运用
由于小学英语教材中的Story time部分有一定的难度,很多教师并不把它作为教学部分来讲,只要求自学能力好的学生自己学。其实孩子们有很强的表演欲,他们常常扮演电视中的人物,模仿他们的神态、语言。而Story time是小学生扩大知识量的一大资源,教师若能用上肢体语言教学这部分的内容,学生就不会很难理解。如我在教“At a farm”的“story”部分时,我就利用两个拇指来扮演Zip和Zoom,再配上我绘声绘色的演绎,孩子们便很快的进入了故事情节中。“story”部分的内容有趣生动,若再加上教师丰富的肢体语言,学生的收获是不可比拟的。
二、Body language在小学英语课堂中的作用
1、Body language能活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生距离
用body language教学,引起学生的注意,激发他们的学习兴趣和积极性,使课堂活跃起来。肢体语言的运用使课堂营造出和谐友好的教学氛围,使学生很容易亲近教师,不会对教师产生畏惧感,学生会乐意投入到课堂中来。同时,丰富的肢体语言可以在无形中拉近老师和学生之间的距离,增进双方之间的感情。教师作为学生求学路上的指明灯,一举一动都会引起学生的关注。教师惟有走近学生,才有利于师生情感的沟通,从而让学生喜欢上你所教的科目。
2、Body language能调动学生的学习兴趣
俗话说“兴趣是最好的老师。”一旦学生对该科目产生了兴趣,这便使他们很容易掌握所学的知识。柏拉图说过“初期的教育应是一种娱乐,这样就更容易发现一个人的天生的爱好。”在小学英语初期阶段,如何激发学生对英语学习的兴趣更为重要。要激发学生的学习兴趣,可以采用“鼓励”的方法。在课堂上,我经常会鼓励学生,当他们答对时,我就会竖起大拇指对他们说:“You’re great,you’re excellent, good job。”并和全班同学一起为他们鼓掌或奖励stick等。有了这样的鼓励后,学生学习英语的热情会更加高涨,会更加积极参与到教学中来。
在传统的课堂教学中,大多数注重语言板书的运用,反而不太注重教学中的body language的运用。其实,适当地使用body language,比传统的说的效果更好。比如:在课堂上,学生交头接耳时,教师可以用目光适当的扫视一下他,“提醒”他注意听课。这样既不影响其他学生,又不打断教师的讲课思路。
英语是一门语言,想要掌握它,就必须多操练。在课堂上,教师要以学生为主体,多鼓励他们, 让他们感到学习英语带来的成就感与自豪感,使他们对英语的学习更加强烈, 增强他们学习的欲望。语言学家Franklin曾经说过“Tell me, I will forget;teach me, I will remember;involve me and I
will learn.”由此可以看出body language在教学中的重要性。教师body language的运用,既能提高学生的学习兴趣,还可以让他们觉得学习英语不再是一件困难的事,同时激发他们的想象力和创造力。在小学英语课堂上,body language的适当运用,可以使我们的教学达到“事半功倍”的效果。
【标题】肢体语言在小学英语教学中的运用 【作者】周 有平
【关键词】肢体语言;英语教学;小学 【指导老师】王露 李芬芳 【专业】英语
I.Introduction As everyone knows, the classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that the pupils learn English.Teachers usually have enough attention to their verbal language in teaching language, but in fact language is not just composed of verbal or vocal form.Students do not only get information from teachers’ sounds but also from the teachers’ signs, gestures, and any other means related to the situation, all of which are named body language by researchers.Body language is composed not only of signs, gestures, marks having understood meanings, but also of facial expressions, eye movements, voice inflections, postures, body positions and even clothing.In school education, body language plays a positive role in cultivating students’ characters.For, teachers are usually respected, and factually, what or how the teachers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students.In short, teachers’ graceful body language helps to improve students’ artistic-appreciation and moral characters.If students develop a wonderful body language, an optimistic and active feeling will be possibly formed.They will surely have a more smooth interpersonal relation.The affection of teachers’ body language on the students is reflected not only by creating a good example, but also shortening the teacher-student estrangement by which a more harmonious studying atmosphere.As a matter of fact, teachers’ friendly appearance can greatly encourage students’ studying enthusiasm.Furthermore, the characteristics of theoretic and abstraction of knowledge also require the vivid, dramatic and accessible gestures to make it specific and figurative.As a result, students’ interest is motivated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved.There are many useful and proper methods to achieve the goal and one of them is using body language.II.The Necessity and Importance of Using Body Language in English Teaching A.The Definition of Body Language What is Body Language? It is known as non-verbal behavior, which transmits information through body gestures, postures, actions and facial expressions.1 In human beings’ oral communication, people always have some body movements while talking, such as body postures, countenances, gestures and so on.They are also delivering the information, making a set of system which is equal to the language signal one, the nonverbal social intercourse.People regard the behavior for using the nonverbal method to communicate as nonverbal behaviors.Not only by words, body Language is also to show how one feels by the way of sitting, standing, walking, etc.According to the research of psychologists, these ways can express what the verbal language cannot convey directly.Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary gives the definition of body language as “the way you move your body, which shows people what you are feeling”.2 Any kind of body movements or postures can be referred as body language which transmits messages to the observer.E.T.Hall names this kind of language as silent language, who argues that time talks, space talks, physical settings also talk, and one’s culture even the pitch of one’s voice, tempo and intonation can tell people something.3 Each part of the human body, either in motion or stillness, conveys a meaning which depends upon the physical, social, and cultural context of the action.The message may be deliberately intended, expressed in some sort of accepted code.For example, when a person points, shakes a fist, or nods the head, or they may be involuntary gestures of response, means that he was angery or something others.The same conception can be defined in different ways according to people’s different perceptions.From the above, body language is referred to nonverbal language, silent language, sign language, and paralanguage, body talk, and kinesics and so on.Each of these definitions focuses on one or more aspects of it.The essential characteristics of this body language can be concluded as follows: Firstly, it’s a means of communicating ideas and feelings.Secondly, it’s nonverbal without any words, but includes the manners of how words are said.Thirdly, it reaches its communicative purpose not only through the body function itself such as facial expressions, gestures, postures, but also the objects and settings around.Fourthly, it employs not only ears but mainly eyes and other senses as well.Fifthly, it involves both the sender and the receiver consciously or unconsciously.4 This kind of non-speech act can be used with words or used alone.During the process of exchanging and understanding between the teachers and the students, this has the special vital significance.So it’s necessary to use body language in teaching.In this thesis, the author employs body language to a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings through eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, postures, body movements, voice inflections, messages via objects, time and so on.B.The Necessity of Using Body Language in English Teaching Body language in teaching is an effective way in terms of language teaching methods, this can be proved either in language teaching or language theory or in practice.So by enforcing the study of body language and making it scientific and systematic, the body language will play a more important role in real classroom teaching and in teaching method research.Now more and more young learners start to learn English.It is popular for them to learn English when they are still very young when they have little or no vocabulary.In this circumstance, body language will play an important and necessary part in teaching if the teacher wants to teach them well.Obviously, if the teacher can use body language well in teaching, it will be likely to lead the children to succeed in language learning and it will make the lessons a pleasant experience for them.For instance, when we are teaching the children how to say hello when they meet their friends, we can teach them to say “Hello” directly.Meanwhile, with the words we may shake their hands with and smiles on our face.By observing these gestures, they will soon know how to greet when they meet their friends.When we teach “good morning and good evening” we can also make gestures, then the children will understand that what’s the meaning of “morning” and “evening”.Also they can practice these words with their classmates.Another example, we can make some gestures by using body movement to teach some actions to the children.We may sit down and stand up to explain “sit” and “stand”, and point out our fingers to explain “up” and “down”.So we can also use the gesture like a picture to show the action to the children.Because the children are very young, they all like playing games.If teachers make some activities for the children and use body language as much as possible, for sure, the children will get a deep impression, and they can also remember what is taught to them very well.In order to evaluate the true role of English in the school system, it is important for the teachers who are not native speakers to evaluate their knowledge and ability to use English.English teaching is really a key part of the school education.In classes, body language plays a significant role in cultivating the students’ characters.Body language is also an important media through which people communicate with each other.Briefly speaking, Body Language is expressing a certain meaning of a kind of silent language by gesture, manner and countenance, which includes eyesight language, facial language, hand language, body movement and so on.According to experts, our non-verbal language communicates about fifty percent of what we really mean while words themselves contribute a mere seven percent.Our bodies send out messages constantly and often we don’t recognize that we’re communicating a lot more than we realize.The behavioral scientists tell us that almost the whole body language can be used as the manners for human communication and be served for the teaching.Once a psychologist made an experiment to prove that the total result of the information include seven percent of writing, thirty-eight percent of tone, fifty-five percent of countenance and movement.The linguist Mr.Child says: “the foreign language teacher should be able to perform and dance for joy, make a vivid gesture, movement and countenance as an actor, should not always be gentle and cultivated or just stand stiffly on the platform.”5 Body Language not only replenishes and deepens the verbal language, but also takes a great effect on the verbal language.If the teacher can use the Body Language fittingly, accurately and proficiently to assist the teaching in the classroom , it can not only draw on the student’s attention, bring up their study interest, but also enable them the accurate understanding of language contents, deepen their impression.From the above we know that the use of body language in English teaching is necessary and practical.In the English teaching, body language is frequently used to improve the teaching effect and the students’ ability.They will help teachers express their own ideas and thoughts accurately and lively.Ⅲ.The Function of Using Body Language in English Teaching In the communication, the body language is subjected to the culture and background, so we can get the information of a person, something about his age, sex, economics, district, social status, cultural accomplishment, social intercourse role and so on.Usually, the information provided by body language can give more information than words.Because it has some functions, such as explanation, hint, adjustment, emotion, substitution.Sometimes, one eyesight, one physical movement may contains some meaning out of words.So the body language will hint something.For instance, during the process of class, the pupil stares at the teacher carefully, it shows that the pupil is interested in the topic;and the pupil may nod, it will encourage the teacher continue his talking.If the pupil can’t understand and absent-minded, it shows that, the pupil doesn’t interest in the topic, and the teacher can change other topics or speak slowly to attract the pupil’s attention.In the teaching process, it is agreed that body language usually has six functions, they are as follows: 6 A.Repeating In order to involve the students in classroom activities, teachers often are using Body language to repeat what they want to express.In English class, many words like: “Stand up!” “Sit down!” “Come here!” “Go back to your seat!” cannot be understood by the students immediately.But the students can understand through teachers’ hand signal, for example, “Stand up!” Both hands slightly rise upward;“Sit down!” Both hands slightly put down;“Come here!” The palm beckons the students to get near to the teacher;“Go back to your Seat!” The gesture and words have a similar meaning and reinforce one another.B.Complementing Though messages that repeat can represent alone, complementing generally adds more information to words.Such as, a teacher can tell someone that he is satisfied with the students’ performance, but this message takes an extra meaning if he pat the student on the shoulder at the same time.Physical contact places another layer of meaning on what is being said.If we want to congratulate a student, we are apt to enlarge the size of our smile and throw open our arms to congratulate him or her, which make a complement to all the words it would take to convey the same feeling.Many researchers in this area refer to this as a type of accenting because it accents the idea that the teacher is trying to make.We can accent an important point by speaking in a voice that is much louder than the one that we use in communication.C.Substituting This is a fundamental function of using Body Language in teaching.And teachers use substitution in body language when they perform some action instead of speaking.Some researchers named this function emblem.When we require the students to listen to the tape, the finger can point at the ear;when needing students to practice drills in pairs, the teacher may stretch out two fingers to signal, and so on.D.Regulating Regulating a well-organized class is an essential way to have classes by using some form of Body Language.We nod our head in agreement to imply to our students that we agree and that he or she should go on talking.However, if a group of students is making noise, teachers might place our index finger to our lips as an alternative to say “please be quiet!” On all accounts, our body language helps us to control the class.E.Adapting As teachers, we use our bodies or an object in order to facilitate adjustment to the communication situation.In English classes, when teachers teach students to read aloud, they can go down the platform and enter the special domain of students.By this, they can control the classroom, find out students’ mistakes and correct their pronunciation and intonation.When doing some practice, teachers had better move up and down, which can arouse students’ attention and stimulate their enthusiasm.F.Contradicting On some occasions, our body language sends signals opposite from the literal meanings contained in our verbal messages.It is a contradictory message when we say that we are glad to see the student, but at the same time break eye contact.When people receive conflicting data, they tend to rely mostly on nonverbal messages.When the teacher asks a question, if students answer questions wrongly, a smile can dispel their disappointed feelings and make them study more diligently without feeling disheartened.On the contrary, if the facial expression is frigid, it will make students feel puzzled.All these functions can be called positive stimulation which is the serviceability and useful techniques for our teaching.IV.The Concrete Application of Body Language in English Teaching in Primary School Using various body languages in different types of English class has great influence on the teaching, especially for those young learners.The teachers should have an actor’s performing skills to apply body language to class.Performing vividly can help to establish the imaginary space for the students.Following are some concrete application of body language in English teaching in primary school: A.Using Body Language in Speaking The spoken language is one of the important ways to communicate, so we should try to develop the students’ ability of speaking.Factually they are helped to reach the aim in a certain degree by their teacher’s body language.The contemporary emphasis is gradually laid on spoken English teaching.The first lesson of every unit in junior English begins with dialogue.The teaching programs require the teachers to organize the class to practice English according to the characteristics of dialogue.Generally speaking, the body language can arouse and sustain the students’ interest of learning and using English.In the English class, the teachers should not only use body languages themselves, but also ask the students to use them according to the different situation.Take it for example, the first lesson in Unit one, Book one is about the time when the new students first meet, and they don't know each other.So a teacher can introduce himself first, such as: “Hello, everyone, nice to meet you here.Now I’ll introduce myself to you.My name is Arthur.I like playing basketball, for, it makes me much stronger;I like playing chess, for, it makes me more clever;and I like reading books, for, ‘reading makes one perfect’”.During the introduction, the teacher should use the new vocabularies and sentence structures together with a vivid expression and appropotiate gestures as possibly as he can.He smiles when he says hello to the class;he shakes hands with some students saying “Nice to meet you”;he writes name down on the blackboard;he imitates the action of dribbling and shooting at the basketball, playing chess and turning pages to explain his hobby.After his introduction, the teacher can create a circumstance for the students to practice: “Mary and Jack are new classmates.They are walking together in the street, and they meet one of Jack’s old friends, Yang Pei.Then they two are introduced to each other by Jack.” After the students’ practice, the dialogue is introduced naturally from it.Usually, the application of body language in different situations will result in an attracting and successful lesson.B.Using Body Language in Listening The Greek philosopher said: “Nature has given man one tongue and two ears that he may hear twice as much as he speaks.” 7 From the saying we can learn how important the listening is in our daily life.To understand others is a basic purpose in English teaching, and teachers often train the students’ listening accordingly.In this process, if the body language is used, the effect will be better.When beginning a new lesson, the teacher narrates the story outline in English.The body language may help to explain it.For example, a teacher can stretch out his arms slowly to reinforce his idea when he says “She is in a very big room”;she can open his eyes widely with mouth opened when he says “She is so beautiful a lady”.As a result, the students will have such an impression: She is very beautiful indeed;a teacher who imitates the crying or the movement of the animals under the premise of teaching order will surely achieve a better effect.C.Using Body Language in Reading The purpose of primary English teaching is to train the students’ preliminary ability of using spoken and written English.In the elementary school, we lay emphasis on the reading ability that serves the students’ further study.Here we mainly mention the benefits for reading aloud.Reading aloud helps the students to get a correct pronunciation and intonation and to develop the combination of vocabularies’ pronunciation, spelling and meaning.Furthermore it also helps the students to find out the article’s internal feelings and appreciate the beauty of the language.Reading aloud is basic in the primary school, and the teachers should make full use of body language to develop the students’ ability of reading aloud.When reading the sentences, attention should be paid to where to speak softly, emphasize, and raise or lower our tone.To make it clear, we can imitate the strong or soft pats that are used in music teaching, which means to use the arcs to represent different tones.Generally speaking, we use falling tones in declarative and special interrogative sentence, first rising tones and then falling tones in the choosing interrogative sentence.The students in the elementary school are not often accustomed to and always confuse them;however, with the help of body language, they can solve the problem much more easily.For example, they use gestures.As they read the choosing interrogative sentence, they raise their hands in rising tones and lower in falling tones.After training for some times, as soon as they read the sentences, they will remind themselves of the gestures.As a result, there will be no problems understanding the sentences at all.To be brief, the vivid gesture together with the fluent English can create a good circumstance of learning, which will surely play an active part in improving the students’ reading ability.D.Using Body Language in Writing Writing is one of the four basic skills of learning language, and it is so important a skill that we can even say without it, people can’t communicate with others.Not only should the students get some English knowledge and vocabularies, but also the ability to communicate in spoken and written English as what is mentioned in the teaching programs.To some extent, writing is much more important than speaking, for it can spread without the limitation of space and time.Since the students learn English as a media for communication, they should have the ability of writing.To get rid of students’ feelings of being dull and tiring, an English teacher has to use every possible method.This is the same to the writing.Teachers use different method in order to improve the students’ ability of writing, among which, the application of body language can deepen the object impression, such is magnificent in developing the students’ writing ability.The linguist Franklin ever said, “Tell me, I’ll forget;teach me, I’ll remember;involve me and I’ll learn.” 8 If students are asked to write an unfamiliar composition, they would probably be unable to and feel discouraged.However, students can write excellent articles if they have the experience.In and out of class, teachers should ask students to participant some English-related activities, and then ask them to write it down.Take “Snow” for example, having enjoyed themselves in the beautiful snowing and been given some hints, the students can write much better a composition.For contrast to their complete imagination, the students are deeply impressed by the body movement of the teachers and themselves, which leads to a better article.The most important standards of teacher are the clear and pertinent expression.The random will bring the wrong impression to the students, and affect the estimation of students to things.The other way around, it is propitious to the development of estimation.The nicety of body language has great influence on the teaching.According to the above description, the Body Language plays a key role in the teaching.In order to further explain the importance of body language, the author designed a model lesson of vocabulary to display the detail of Body Language in English teaching.In the whole class, the teacher was using the gesture, eye contact, posture and touching, at the same time, the students were mainly imitating, in this way, the students paid more attention to the points of knowledge.The author gives a model as following:
A Model Lesson of Vocabulary The Instructional Design for English Words Teaching Background 1.This class is selected from Primary English Students’ Book Five A, published by People’s Education Press.9 The task of this class is to study “Let’s learn” of unit 1, My New Teachers.2.There are fifty-six students during this fourty-five minute’s lesson.In the elementary schools students start to learn English from the third grade to the sixth grade ranged from 9 to 12 in age.The children of this age are curious, friendly.They have good activities and like to imitate.They like the new things, and are curious about the foreign language which can arouse their interest;the children like to take the others’ opinions and accept the teacher’s praise.They do not fear making mistakes, even if they have the shy feeling.3.Because the elementary school students are active and competitive, they can accept the new things more easily, and we can make them learning English in games, along with some activities and vivid body languages.10 It is entertaining and instructional, in which we can design many relaxing games and competitions participated by students, such as “Matching English with Chinese”, “I Do, You Say”, “Silently and Aloud” or “Picking Words”.These designs are suitable to the students’ cognitive ability and the children of their age, thus help them to have the fundamental mastery of English words.In this class, with the help of use Body Language will make a great achievement.Teaching Aims 1.Guide students to learn the correct spelling and writing of eight adjective words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, young, funny and kind.2.To train the ability of reading.Then understand the sentence and learn to use new words to substitute some of them.3.To arouse student’s interest, passion and cooperation.Teaching Aids Tape recorder;pictures;cards;computer;projector;blackboard;chalk.Teaching Procedures StepⅠ Warming-up A.Greet them as usual.(Shake hands with students and say hello to them.Ask about their last holiday, whether they have any new friends to lead them to this class.)B.Review “I have a new friend.He’s thin and tall.”
(The teacher poses a giant to remind the students the word “strong”, stretches arms to imply “tall” and so on.Review the pronunciation of tall, thin, strong and short, which they have learnt last term.Prepare for the following study.)StepⅡ Lead-in Play the song in “Let’s start”.(Show the pictures of “Let’s start” to create a context, like, “T: Lily has many new teachers in her school.Do you have new teachers? Sh…” the teacher put her index finger on her lips to require them keep silence.)StepⅢ Presentation
A.Study of the word “young”.(Show the cards in “Let’s learn” to help them to understand this adjective.The teacher will put her left hand next to her face when speak out the word “young”.)1.Teacher’s demonstration.(It sounds like [j??], an adjective, a stage of human beings, animal or others.Then, teacher reads it aloud and poses the last posture to strength their imagination.)2.Students imitate the same body language and pronounce the word “young”.B.Study of the word “old”.(With a picture of an old man to ask students “Is he young?”)1.Teacher’s demonstration.(The phonetic symbol is [?uld], here [?u] is a vowel, read it completely then move on to the next phoneme.The teacher uses her hand to show the slow process.)2.Play a game(passing [?u] from front rows to the back to check the pronunciation of it, and the teacher knocking a student’s desk means he∕ she to speak it out).3.Put [?u] in [?uld] and read it out.(Teacher gives a comment from this action and the method of pronunciation [?uld], and poses an old man while pronounce the word “old”.)
4.Students imitate the pronunciation of “old” and keep a deep impression with the help of the teacher’s body position.C.Study of the word “funny”.1.Teacher’s demonstration.(The teacher plays like a monkey and read [′f?ni].Meanwhile, ask students to do some funny facial expression.)2.Pupils read after the teacher together with some silent language.D.Study of the word “kind”.1.Teacher demonstrates the method of this pronounce and compare [?u] with [ai].(The teacher uses her hand to remind the students to read it completely.Teach them [kaind] with a big smile.)2.The whole classes read this word out and a smile on their face.StepⅣ Consolidation
A.Read the new word on the blackboard when the teacher point to it.B.Play a game “silently and aloud” to familiar with these new words.(The teacher rises up her hand means aloud.)C.Play a game “I do, you say”.(The teacher uses body language which has been used in this class to activate the students to speak out these new words.)D.Read sentences.(Teacher will use body language to refresh their memory.)e.g.My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong.e.g.My new math teacher is funny and young.e.g.My new art teacher is very old and kind.StepⅤ Extending
(Ask students to make sentences cope with some gestures.)e.g.My new aunt is very beautiful and young.StepⅥ Summary
A.Speak out the new word according to the teacher’s body language.B.Read some sentences on their text book.Homework A.Practice those words after class.B.Write those new words on their exercise book.Blackboard design Unit1 My new teachers Short, tall, thin, strong old [?uld]
young [j??]
funny [′f?ni]
kind [kaind]
e.g.My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong.e.g.My new math teacher is funny and young.e.g.My new art teacher is very old and kind.V.Conclusion English learning needs practice.The fourty-five minutes in class is very precious and should be cherished, during which the students should practice as much as possible.To exert the limited time, teachers are required to adopt some effective methods.According to the psychological features of the primary school students, such as their lowly-developed abstract thought, their low ability of understanding, shortly-lasting intention to something deliberately, their high ability of imitation, strong curiosity, and strong desire to show themselves off, together with the purpose of the establishment of English course in elementary school and features of the English teaching material for the students.Teachers have varied and rich body language in class, but their meanings depend on the specific situations.Many body languages carry the meaning as teachers expect, and the same body language can express many different meanings in different concrete conditions.Students have a clear awareness of teachers’ body language in class.They know exactly what the teacher feels about them.The use of body language can not only attract the students’ attention, but also deepen their impression and imagination.The use of body language is completely up to the standard of audio-visual teaching principle, so teachers should try to teach English from the beginning to the end, with the corresponding body language.Finally, the efficiency of learning English will be improved.Notes 1 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Dictionary,(New York,1982), 211.Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary,(Cambridge University Press, 2001), 75.Hall, E.T.The Silent Language,(New York: Technology Press and John Wiley&Sons Inc ,1981),108.Brown, H.D.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching,(Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001), 142-53.Child, Body Language and Teaching,(Wuhan University of Technology Press,1979), 75-85.Anli Zhu, The Importance of Using Body Language in English Teaching,(Wuhan Automotive Polytechnic University, 2006), 92-103.7 Louisell, R.D, Descamps, “Methods for Elementary School Teachers,” Developing a Teaching Style,(Harper Collins Publishers, 25 March1992), 29-32.Fast, J.M.Body Language,(Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1966), 132-56.9Jack Booth, People’s Education Press Primary English Students’ Book,(People’s Education Press,2003), 2-4.Coger, L.I.Pelham, S.Kinesics Applied to Interpreters Theatre,(Speech Teacher Press, 1975), 91-99.Bibliography
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