
时间:2019-05-15 05:16:09下载本文作者:会员上传


Here are the topics or questions for 2009year’s English Speech Competition on Creative English Teaching.Please support your opinions with your own pedagogical thinking and teaching experience when you make a speech.1.Lead-in is the first step that teachers bring students into a certain learning atmosphere in teaching a new course.In terms of psychology, which psychological characters of students should a teacher value most? As an English teacher, which methods of lead-in do you often use so as to arouse students’ interests in class?(Several teaching examples to support your views, please)英语课堂教学的第一步是把学生引入特定的英语语言环境之中。这就是导入。从教育心理学上讲,新课导入应注重学生的哪些心理特征?请结合教学实例,谈谈你采用了哪些导入法来激发学生的学习兴趣?

2.As we all know, one of the effective activities in language teaching is group work.In what way is it helpful to your students and what good experience and suggestion would you like to share with us?Please give a speech about it.(Several teaching cases to support your views, please)结合教学体验和实例,简要阐述小组活动对学生语言学习在哪些方面有帮助。和其他老师分享一下你在组织小组活动方面的经验和建议。

3.Would you please make a speech on how we teachers should use textbooks properly and efficiently according to the reality of your students’ learning, as textbooks ought to be the main resource in teaching language?(With teaching cases to support you)结合教学体会,谈谈如何依据学生学情,正确、有效使用教材,让教材发挥主要教学资源作用?

4.The aim of learning English is using it in the future, so to help students improve their English competence(ability)is more important than to teach them basic language knowledge such as sounds, vocabulary and grammar.However, it does not mean we don’t need to teach grammar.Please make a speech on how to teach grammar efficiently.(Your teaching experience can strongly support you.)语言教学的目的是为了将来的运用,因此帮助学生提高英语语言能力比教给学生语言基础知识更重要,如发音、词汇和语法。然而这并不意味着我们不必教语言和语法知识。请结合你的教学实际谈谈如何有效地开展语言和语法知识教学。

5.Some think errors are inevitable in the process of language learning.So we should focus mainly on fostering the students’ competence of using the language fluently, and errors the students make can be ignored.What’s your opinion about this perspective? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you.有人认为,语言学习过程中的错误是不可避免的。因此我们应当主要关注如何培养学生流利地使用语言,至于学生的语误是可以忽略的。对此你的看法如何?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。6.Big class poses challenges for language teaching.This occurs especially in China.As a successful language teacher, how do you cope with the problems arising from the large scale of class? What measures have you taken efficiently? Let’s share your creative thinking and doing.班额过大对语言教学是极大的挑战,在中国尤其如此。作为成功的英语教师,你是如何应对大班教学产生的问题?你采用了哪些有效的措施?让我们来分享你的创新思维和作为吧。

7.A high motivation is a must in successful language learning.Then what would you do to arouse and retain your students’ interest in English language learning? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you.要学好一门语言动机很重要。你在英语教学中是如何激发和延续学生的英语学习兴趣的?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。

8.Language environment is important for successful language learners.However, is it possible to master a foreign language for students in a faraway countryside school in China? What will you do, if you are a teacher in a countryside school, to help create a better English environment for your students? Let’s share your creative thinking and doing.语言环境对于语言学习的重要性是不言而喻的。那么,地处中国遥远农村的乡村中学学生有可能掌握一门外语吗?为了帮助创设一个更好的学英语的环境,你是怎么做的?让我们来分享你的创新思维和作为吧。

9.Our mother tongue is Chinese.Is it a help or hindrance in a foreign language teaching? Perhaps both?What’s your opinion about this perspective? Please make a speech to express your point of views with your own teaching experience to support you.我们的母语是中文。作为母语的中文对学生学习外语有帮助还是造成障碍?或许两者兼而有之?请结合自身教学经历加以阐述。

10.Activities in the form of questions and answers are very common in language teaching.It’s known to all that good questions can be of great help in activating students’ thinking.Please give a speech on how to raise good questions and make full use of them to push on your teaching.问与答是语言教学中常见的活动形式。大家都知道,好的设问能激发学生的思维。请结合教学实际,就如何设置能启迪思维的问题并充分利用这些问题推进教学谈谈你的思考与做法。

11.Some people say a mistake is a gift to the class.It’s true that mistakes can offer students opportunities to learn better.But we have to know how to give corrections in an acceptable way or let students correct mistakes themselves.Please make a speech about your teaching practice in this aspect.有人说语言错误是课堂教学中的礼物。学生确实能够通过纠错学得更好。但是我们必须知道如何以学生能够接受的方式纠错,或者让学生自己纠正错误。请举例说明你的观点和做法。

12.As the researches show, students can learn best when they feel relaxed and safe in learning activities.In your English class, how do you take measures to help students overcome their anxiety? Please give a speech with some examples to support you.研究证明,学生的情绪处于安全和放松的时候,学习效果最好。在英语课堂上,你采取什么措施帮助学生克服焦虑情绪的?请举例说明你的观点和做法。


























1、祖冲之推算圆周率:祖冲之推算圆周率的结果要比欧洲人早1000多年。他从圆内接正6边形,12边形,24边形……一直到12 288边形和24 576边形,依次求出它们的边长和面积。在这一过程中,对有9位有效数字的大数进行加、减、乘、除和开方运算。当时运算的工具是竹棍(算筹),对9位数字的大数,要经过130次以上的运算,这是艰巨的任务。祖冲之经过艰苦的运算,终于得出结果:大于本数的近似值是3.1415927;小于本数的近似值是3.1415926,圆周率应界于两者之间。这一伟大成就,具有世界意义。日本数学家三上义夫主张把这个圆周率称为“祖率”,是十分恰当的。


































1.Actions speak louder than words.When I first look at the cartoon, I can't help laughing at the hen who seems to be seriously making a foolish announcement to the public that she always lays eggs, smooth and round and never without eggwhite and yolk inside the shell.However, when I start to study the cartoon more carefully, I find something significant in it and gradually I come to Understand the author' intention.Nowadays,almost all trades and professions are repeatedly making sincere promises to people: government people assure that they are noble and clean and will serve people heart and soul,merchants smilingly swear that the products they sell are of superior quality, genuine instead of false, life-time maintenance guaranteed and the cheapest market price,etc.Year after Year, such prormises are repeated.I wonder why they take so much trouble to boast loudly about their obligations and duties.People believed them at first, but gradually became awakened because they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises.“Actions speak louder than words.” The hen is foolish enough to make her egg-promise, why shouldn't those nonsense-makers become cleverer? 2.Two heads are better than one.We know that two heads are better than one.It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem.In our daily lives,We can meet many different problems.Some problems are difficult to solve.For example, when I learn math or other subjects,I often meet some difficult exercise.First , I will think of this question and try to work it out by myself.If I couldn‟t do it by myself,I will ask my classmates or my teacher for help.They always give me some useful advice.That means we should learn to co-operate with others.We can gain more knowledge and information from others, we can learn some good ways to study, we can know more ideas about the same question, we can also save some time and energy.3.An early bird catches worms.One day,I want go to my favorite library to find a place to surf the internet or do some reading.The library is open at 8 o‟clock.I got up at seven.Then ,I ate my breakfast.I took the No.7 bus to the library at seven forty.I thought time was still early.I was merry and unhurried on the road.However ,it seems that i counted my chickens before they are hatched.When I got there,there were too many people to have a seat for me!!To our surprise ,the situation on the second floor is the same as the first!

So ,it is obvious that an early bird often catches the worm.When we want to do sth., we should make full preparation, and take actions much earlier.We all should be early birds!.4.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Today I want to tell us a small story.Two friends were hiking when they encountered a bear.Frightened and thinking only of himself, one of the hikers climbed a tree.With no time to hide, the other hiker threw himself on the ground and pretended to be dead.The bear approached(靠近)and sniffed(嗅)around his head.The man remained(保持)calm, holding his breath until the bear walked away.With the bear out of sight, the hiker in the tree came down.He asked his friend if the bear had said anything, since the bear had put its mouth to his friend‟s ear.“As a matter of fact,” the hiker who had been on the ground replied, “it told me not to trust people who abandon(抛弃)their friends in difficult times.”

A friend in need is a friend indeed.We should be honest and sincere to our friends.When they are in trouble ,we should give our hands and our love.Friendship is the most valuable treature in our lives.5.A journey of a thousand miles begains with a single step.A journey of a thousand miles begains with a single step.Roman is not built in one day.If you want to be successful,you should do every small things best from now on.(healthy living habits, learning habits)6.A lazy youth, a lousy age.My mother often says,“A lazy youth,a lousy age.”I think so,too.When my mother was young,education was not very good.Most of her classmates went to work after leaving middle school.But my mother thought she had little knowledge,so she went on studing.She studied very hard.At first,she wasn‟t good at study.But she never gave up.Finally,she became successful.Now,she is a senior engineer.From my mother's story,I know that I should be hardworking when I am young.We should try our best to learn more good things when we are young.It‟s a stage to make preparation for our future.A tall building must have a good foundation.No pains, no gains.Hard work brings its reward.If you want your future to be bright, please work hard now.7.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.When you‟re down, friends lift you up.When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you up.I like staying with friends.Because friends are always give me a helping hand when in difficulty.Of course, I will treasure(珍惜)my friendship no matter what.8.All men cann’t be first.You can‟t be an Apple Loved by All People

An attractive apple got ripe and loved by many people.It happened to meet an old man on the street one day.“Do you love me?” it asked with the most charming smile.“No.” answered the old man.“Have you never heard of the saying „one apple a day, keep the doctor away from me‟?”

“I don‟t care.Because I don‟t like your taste at all.” The apple got disappointed.Yes!As an apple, even the best one in the world, can‟t be loved by everybody.Everyone has its own taste and things can change at any second.Sometimes we feel down for not accepted by others.“Perhaps I‟m not that perfect yet”, we begin to blame ourselves, getting more and more frustrated.That‟s cruel.It‟s not your fault not to be appreciated.Many people walk in and out of your life, but very few will leave footprints in your heart.You can‟t be 100% perfect, anyway, and you don‟t have to be.Remember, don‟t set your goals by what other people consider important.You can‟t be an apple loved by all people.All that you can do is trying to be the best apple and letting others do the judging.9.Don’t climb a tree to look for fish.Can you get fish from a tree? Of course not.It‟s very important to find the right way and goal to finish one thing.Because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life.Instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It is like having a map to show where you want to go.A driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns.On the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil.Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.They decide what they want and then get there by making plans and setting goals.Goals ara not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach.It is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are.With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.10.Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.When we were at young age,we have been told that mever put off untill tomorrow what you can do today.However, there are still many people who like putting off the things they should do today until tomorrow.They have no plans for their work and their time.As a result, they will not accomplish their goals in the end.For instance, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night.I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morning so that I could finish my homework before class.But the next morning I was not able to get to school in time because of the traffic jam.I was punished by the teacher.we know that “Time is money”.“Time is life.” when time is gone, it will never return.This is the reason why we must value time.And it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time.In a word, we should get into the good habit of saving time.Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.11.Every coin has two sides.Every coin has two sides.Every thing has its advantage and disadvantage.For example,Internet is very useful for us.With the help of the net you can get many useful imformations,you can make friends with different people who are known or unkown,you can ask the help or question the answer.But the disadvantages of Internet also have a lot.The weak-willed persons maybe indulge games and amusement in Internet.We should make good use of it , We should correctly take the advantage of the net,make our life more beautiful.So we should always see one thing from two sides.We can analyse the advantages and disadvantages ,then make a balance between them.12.Every pleasure has a pain.When I see this topic ,I remember how I learned to ride a bike.When I was 6 years old,I pleaded to my father buying a bike to me.Dad smiled and said to me: “My child, you want to ride a bike, I can teach you.But you have to eat the bitter.” I said: “I certainly will.” Dad and I went to the store.He bought a colorful bike, and then a smile said to me: “Your car will be a new friend!”

We came downstairs, my father said to me: “ I'll teach you to ride a bike!” As you know ,I fell down from the bike many times.I said to my father :I don‟t want to learn to ride the bike.My father was serious, he said to me: “My child, when you grow up, you will have to face many difficult things.If you can not stand this, then how do you move toward success?” I seemed to understand what my father meant, and then continue to learn to ride a bike.Finally, I learned to ride a bike.“ Every pleasure has a pain.” this sentence is right.13.Experience is the best teacher.Learning is an essential part of growing, and there are many ways in which we can learn.We can learn from our parents, from our teachers in school and from our friends.In addition to learning by listening to others, we can also learn by reading or by doing things for ourselves.All of these learning methods have their advantages, but the one that is most effective for me is to learn by experience.One reason I prefer to learn by experience is because I believe that experience is the best teacher.Knowledge that I gain through experience is the knowledge that I remember best.A second reason is that practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when dealing with problems in everyday life.Third, I can learn from the process itself.Even when I make mistakes, I can learn something from them.Finally, learning by doing allows me to make my own discoveries and, in this way, I not only have a more meaningful learning experience, but often learn things I never expected.In conclusion, learning through experience is the best method for me because I can acquire practical knowledge and remember my lessons well.In addition, the knowledge I gain is not only meaningful, but also wider than that I can get from other learning methods.Therefore, I will continue to try to learn as much as possible by doing things myself.14.Friendship is love with understanding.Friendship is indispensable to people's life.A man without friends is an angel without wings.We have much to share with our friends in life, sweetness,excitement, bitterness etc, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.It takes many special qualities to make a friend.Understanding should come first.Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship.We may find our hobbies of common interests.This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end.Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble.Love is not selfish.Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.Understanding and love are the first two essences that comes to an authentic friendship.Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it


1.Actions speak louder than words.When I first look at the cartoon, I can't help laughing at the hen who seems to be seriously making a foolish announcement to the public that she always lays eggs, smooth and round and never without eggwhite and yolk inside the shell.However, when I start to study the cartoon more carefully, I find something significant in it and gradually I come to Understand the author' intention.Nowadays,almost all trades and professions are repeatedly making sincere promises to people: government people assure that they are noble and clean and will serve people heart and soul,merchants smilingly swear that the products they sell are of superior quality, genuine instead of false, life-time maintenance guaranteed and the cheapest market price,etc.Year after Year, such prormises are repeated.I wonder why they take so much trouble to boast loudly about their obligations and duties.People believed them at first, but gradually became awakened because they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises.“Actions speak louder than words.” The hen is foolish enough to make her egg-promise, why shouldn't those nonsense-makers become cleverer?

2.Two heads are better than one.We know that two heads are better than one.It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem.In our daily lives,We can meet many different problems.Some problems are difficult to solve.For example, when I learn math or other subjects,I often meet some difficult exercise.First , I will think of this question and try to work it out by myself.If I couldn‟t do it by myself,I will ask my classmates or my teacher for help.They always give me some useful advice.That means we should learn to co-operate with others.We can gain more knowledge and information from others, we can learn some good ways to study, we can know more ideas about the same question, we can also save some time and energy.3.An early bird catches worms.One day,I want go to my favorite library to find a place to surf the internet or do some reading.The library is open at 8 o‟clock.I got up at seven.Then ,I ate my breakfast.I took the No.7 bus to the library at seven forty.I thought time wasstillearly.I was merry and unhurried on the road.However ,it seems that i countedmy chickens before they are hatched.When I got there,there were too many people to have a seat for me!!To our surprise ,the situation on the second floor is the same as the first!

So ,it is obvious that an early bird often catches the worm.When we want to do sth., we should make full preparation, and take actions much earlier.We all should beearly birds!.4.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Today I want to tell us a small story.Two friends were hiking when they encountered a bear.Frightened and thinking only of himself, one of the hikers climbed a tree.With no time to hide, the other hiker threw himself on the ground and pretended to be dead.The bear approached(靠近)and sniffed(嗅)around his head.The man remained(保持)calm, holding his breath until the bear walked away.With the bear out of sight, the hiker in the tree came down.He asked his friend if the bear

had said anything, since the bear had put its mouth to his friend‟s ear.“As a matter of fact,” the hiker who had been on the ground replied, “it told me not to trust people who abandon(抛弃)their friends in difficult times.”

A friend in need is a friend indeed.We should be honest and sincere to our friends.When they are in trouble ,we should give our hands and our love.Friendship is the most valuable treature in our lives.5.A journey of a thousand miles begains with a single step.A journey of a thousand miles begains with a single step.Roman is not built in one day.If you want to be successful,you should do every small things best from now on.(healthy living habits, learning habits)

6.A lazy youth, a lousy age.My mother often says,“A lazy youth,a lousy age.”I think so,too.When my mother was young,education was not very good.Most of her classmates went to work after leaving middle school.But my mother thought she had little knowledge,so she went on studing.She studied very hard.At first,she wasn‟t good at study.But she never gave up.Finally,she became successful.Now,she is a senior engineer.From my mother's story,I know that I should be hardworking when I am young.We should try our best to learn more good things when we are young.It‟s a stage to make preparation for our future.A tall building must have a good foundation.No pains, no gains.Hard work brings its reward.If you want your future to be bright, please work hard now.7.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.When you‟re down, friends lift you up.When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you up.I like staying with friends.Because friends are always give me a helping hand when in difficulty.Of course,I will treasure(珍惜)my friendship no matter what.8.All men cann’t be first.You can‟t be an Apple Loved by All People

An attractive apple got ripe and loved by many people.It happened to meet an old man on the street one day.“Do you love me?” it asked with the most charming smile.“No.” answered the old man.“Have you never heard of the saying „one apple a day, keep the doctor away from me‟?”

“I don‟t care.Because I don‟t like your taste at all.”

The apple got disappointed.Yes!As an apple, even the best one in the world, can‟t be loved by everybody.Everyone has its own taste and things can change at any second.Sometimes we feel down for not accepted by others.“Perhaps I‟m not that perfect yet”, we begin to blame ourselves, getting more and more frustrated.That‟s cruel.It‟s not your fault not to be appreciated.Many people walk in and out of your life, but very few will leave footprints in your heart.You can‟t be 100% perfect, anyway, and you don‟t have to be.Remember, don‟t set your goals by what other people consider important.You

can‟t be an apple loved by all people.All that you can do is trying to be the best apple and letting others do the judging.9.Don’t climb a tree to look for fish.Can you get fish from a tree? Of course not.It‟s very important to find the right way and goal to finish one thing.Because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life.Instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It is like having a map to show where you want to go.A driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns.On the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil.Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.They decide what they want and then get there by making plans and setting goals.Goals ara not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach.It is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are.With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.10.Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.When we were at young age,we have been told that mever put off untill tomorrow what you can do today.However, there are still many people who like putting off the things they should do today until tomorrow.They have no plans for their work and their time.As a result, they will not accomplish their goals in the end.For instance, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night.I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morning so that I could finish my homework before class.But the next morning I was not able to get to school in time because of the traffic jam.I was punished by the teacher.we know that “Time is money”.“Time is life.” when time is gone, it will never return.This is the reason why we must value time.And it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time.In a word, we should get into the good habit of saving time.Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.11.Every coin has two sides.Every coin has two sides.Every thing has its advantage and disadvantage.For example,Internet is very useful for us.With the help of the net you can get many useful imformations,you can make friends with different people who are known or unkown,you can ask the help or question the answer.But the disadvantages of Internet also have a lot.The weak-willed persons maybe indulge games and amusement in Internet.We should make good use of it , We should correctly take the advantage of the net,make our life more beautiful.So we should always see one thing from two sides.We can analyse the advantages and disadvantages ,then make a balance between them.12.Every pleasure has a pain.When I see this topic ,I remember how I learned to ride a bike.When I was 6 years old,I pleaded to my father buying a bike to me.Dad smiled and said to me: “My child, you want to ride a bike, I can teach you.But you have to eat the bitter.” I said: “I certainly will.” Dad and I went to the store.He bought a colorful bike, and then a smile said to me: “Your car will be a new friend!”

We came downstairs, my father said to me: “ I'll teach you to ride a bike!” As you know ,I fell down from the bike many times.I said to my father :I don‟t want to learn to ride the bike.My father was serious, he said to me: “My child, when you grow up, you will have to face many difficult things.If you can not stand this, then how do you move toward success?” I seemed to understand what my father meant, and then continue to learn to ride a bike.Finally, I learned to ride a bike.“ Every pleasure has a pain.” this sentence is right.13.Experience is the best teacher.Learning is an essential part of growing, and there are many ways in which we can learn.We can learn from our parents, from our teachers in school and from our friends.In addition to learning by listening to others, we can also learn by reading or by doing things for ourselves.All of these learning methods have their advantages, but the one that is most effective for me is to learn by experience.One reason I prefer to learn by experience is because I believe that experience is the best teacher.Knowledge that I gain through experience is the knowledge that I remember best.A second reason is that practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when dealing with problems in everyday life.Third, I can learn from the process itself.Even when I make mistakes, I can learn something from them.Finally, learning by doing allows me to make my own discoveries and, in this way, I not only have a more meaningful learning experience, but often learn things I never expected.In conclusion, learning through experience is the best method for me because I can acquire practical knowledge and remember my lessons well.In addition, the knowledge I gain is not only meaningful, but also wider than that I can get from other learning methods.Therefore, I will continue to try to learn as much as possible by doing things myself.14.Friendship is love with understanding.Friendship is indispensable to people's life.A man without friends is an angel without wings.We have much to share with our friends in life, sweetness,excitement, bitterness etc, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.It takes many special qualities to make a friend.Understanding should come first.Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship.We may find our hobbies of common interests.This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end.Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble.Love is not selfish.Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.Understanding and love are the first two essences that comes to an authentic friendship.Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it



1.Western festivals in China 2.Losing weight 3.Memory 4.Heavy traffic in … 5.My school life 6.Fruits 7.Books and I 8.Internet 9.My childhood 10.Harvest 11.My favorite animal 12.My dream house 13.Making our earth more beautiful 14.My beloved person 15.My favorite sport 16.My ideal career 17.An interesting trip 18.My deskmate 19.Learning to learn 20.My favorite season 21.My favorite Chinese festival 22.Apet 23.My parents 24.My hometown 25.My hobby



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