Lesson 1: Hello!
一、教学目标: A.知识目标:
a.认识三个人物:Li Ming、Jenny Smith、Danny b.掌握新句型:Hello/Hi.My name is ________.What ’s your name ? B.能力目标:
C.情感目标: 通过本课的学习,让学生知道怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。
hello / hi 你好
What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is ______.我的名字是______。
What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is ______.我的名字是______。
五、教学过程: Class opening Greeting a.用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好 b.再用英语向同学们做简单的自我介绍
T: Hello.My name is ______.指着自己,说出名字。重复几次让学生明白是什么意思。
(设计意图:引起学生对英语的好奇心,激发学生的兴趣)New Concepts
在此引出My name is ______.并告诉学生在My name is ______.后加自己的名字。然后鼓励学生试着练习一下。
T: Hi.My name is ________.What’s your name ? D: Hello.My name is Danny.T: What’s your name ? D: My name is Danny.T: Oh.Danny.Hi.Danny.此时,要向学生强调What’s your name ?的用法。之后可以让学生和教师的手偶来练习刚刚学会的句子
3、介绍书中的人物由于学生是刚接触到这几个小朋友,而且他们要和我们一起学习、一起成长,所以教师很有必要让学生认识这几个人。利用图片分别介绍Danny、Jenny Smith和Liming同时告诉学生Jenny 住在 Canada(加拿大),Li Ming 住在China(中国)。然后领读Canada China(因为这几个单词也要作为重点的知识,同时还为学习教科书奠定基础。)
4、Student Book(设计意图:录音为学生提供了准确、地道的语音、语调、语速,便于学生学习外语是摆脱母语羁绊;多次朗读有助于语感的形成,为以后的大量阅读奠定较好的基础:模拟表演对话,培养了学生的动口、动脑的能力,也为初步交际打下基础。)
5、Play game(1)Play “go—stop”
(当喊道stop时,就互相询问名字)(2)Play “Find friend”
6、Let’s sing 一起唱这首歌,以熟悉和练习本课句子。
7、Let’s act 角色扮演以帮助学生掌握本课重点。Class Closing
Lesson 1: Hello!Hello Hi!What’s your name ? My name is ________.课后反思:
Lesson 2:Boy,Girl and Teacher
使学生能听、说、认识、口头运用单词:teacher, boy, girl 能理解并口头运用:What’s his/her name? 能力方面:
1.认识新单词三会(会说、会听、会读): teacher 教师 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 his 他的 her 她的
2.掌握新句子:两会(会听、会说): This is a______.这是______。What’s his name? 他叫什么名字? His name is ______.他的名字是______。What’s her name? 她叫什么名字? Her name is ______.她的名字是______。
五、教学流程: Class opening 1.Greeting:Hello!/Hi!2.Review: What’s your name? New Concepts 1、利用班里的男孩引出boy,并对其进行介绍:This is a boy.领读boy,接着介绍His name is _____.(说出这位学生的名字),教师可以重复这句话,使学生理解它,如果学生不能明白,教师就多举几个例子,例如:
T: What’s his name? His name is __A___.What’s his name? His name is ___B__.What does this word ‘his’means?
在学生理解his的含义后教师指着某个男生问学生:What’s his name? 试着让学生回答:His name is _____.反复进行几组后就要放手让学生自己来练习了。
教授单词girl, teacher和句子What’s her name?同上述方法.设计意图:根据年龄特点,用创设情景的方法,直观的将所学内容展示给学生,生动活泼,使学生容易接受新知。激发学生的学习兴趣。2.Listen to the tape,and read after it.设计意图:让学生在模仿练习进一步熟练课文内容,并同时进行听力训练。3.Let’s play 游戏规则:让几名自告奋勇的学生面对全班站在教室的前面,教师站在这一排学生得一端。
第一个人说:My name is Hong.第二个人说:My name is Bing.和Her name is Hong.(指着第一个人说)第三个人说:My name is Ming.和 Her name is Hong.(指着第一个人说)His name is Ming.(指着第二个人说)这个游戏一直进行到这一排的最后一个人,要求教师必须记住所有学生的名字。
4.Make a dialogue in groups.设计意图:使学生在活动中发散思维,并培养他们的合作创新精神,能够运用所学知识进行简单的口语交流,培养自主学习能力。Class Closing Goodbye!
Lesson 2: Boy,Girl and Teacher
teacher boy girl What’s his name? His name is.What’s her name? Her name is.课后反思:
Lesson 3:How are you?
1.掌握三会词汇:book chair desk school 2.学会问候语“How are you? I’m fine, thanks.”。B.能力目标:
1.能熟练演唱歌曲“How are you?”,演唱流利,发音准确。
2.会使用句子“What’s this?”来问自己不知道的东西,并能够用“It’s a„”回答。
1.新单词:三会(会听、会说、会认):book chair desk 注意:desk是指书桌或是办公桌,而在日常生活中常用的桌子要用table 2.新句型:(会听、会说):
What’s this? It’s a ________.这是什么? 这是________。How are you? I’m fine.你好吗? 我很好。
三、教学难点:What’s this? It’s a ________.这是什么?这是________。
五、教学流程: Class opening Greeting 1)教师用“Hello / Hi!”问候全班,要求学生回答“Hello/Hi!”
2)教师同学生做手偶游戏,进行“What’s your / her / his name?”的对话。
New Concepts 1、Listen a song:
A:Hello B:Hi!A:What’s your name ? B:My name is ________.A:Oh, how are you? B: I’m fine.然后反复强调最后这两句话,在激起学生的好奇心后,教师可以直接告诉学生这两句话的意思,并告诉他们这两句话的运用环境。在学生理解后就可以播放歌曲了。
教师播放歌曲“How are you?”。再利用歌曲中的课件展示一遍这组对话,让学生充分的加以理解。
B、利用实物教授book chair desk 在学生理解这几个单词的意思后引出对话:What’s this? It’s a ________.2.Practice:
1)I ask , you answer 教师在教室里来回走动,随意指着一本书、一张桌子或一把椅子询问“What’s this?”,学生来回答。教师可以快速指出物品或出示图片,由于小学生竞争好胜的意识比较强,这样就可以锻炼学生的反应能力,调动他们参与活动的积极性。
2)Play a game“Stop,go” 把学生分为几组,先由一个小组来进行。此小组的几名学生低头来回走动,教师喊“Stop!”,示意学生停下来,同眼前的学生进行问候,练习对话“How are you?”。
3)Sing a song 两个环节的游戏过后,让学生放松一下,师生同唱这节课学的歌曲“How are you?”从而调动每一个学生参与的积极性。
4)Let’s play 让一位学生在黑板上画画,其他学生用英语说出他画的是什么。
3、Make dialogue: 教师引导、鼓励学生每天见面的时候说问候语,久而久之就能很自然的脱口而出了。
Class Closing Goodbye!
六、板书: Lesson 3: How Are You?
book chair desk How are you? I’m fine, thanks.课后反思:
Lesson 5: Number 1-5
一、教学目标:(Teaching Aims)知识目标:
1、正确地听、说、读、写、用单词:one, two, three, four, five;2明白句型How many? 3.能正确应用Nice to meet you ?进行口语交际;
二、教学重点(Main points)和 教学难点(Difficult points): 1.单词one, two, three, four, five;2.本课的句子以及拓展运用。能够正确运用本课所学对话;能够根据本课内容进行口语交际
三、教具(Teaching Aids)和 学具:录音机磁带、教师用卡片和张贴画图片、单词短语卡片、奖励用的贴纸、实物、学生用小卡片
Step1: Class opening
2、Sing a song:“How are you?”(老师和同学之间边握手边唱)3全班边做动作边说歌谣:What’s this? What’s this? What is this? It’s a book It’s a book It is a book.(chair desk把书放在黑板槽里,以便引出新课)(设计意图:简单的问候以及歌曲的演唱,在课的一开始就给孩子们营造一种轻松愉快的课堂氛围,增进师生之间的情感交流,使学生进入一种自然的语言状态。并引出新课)Step2: New concepts
一、New concepts :How many? 1.T: How many books do I have?(讲解How many并板书)Ss:1 T: Can you say it in English? Let’s learn.“One” Read after me.Check them.How many books do you have?(利用学生的实物来教学。其他数字依此方法讲授并板书,以组为单位适当给与奖励。)2.Play a game to remember the number words。(设计意图:让学生做游戏,其目的在于激发学生的学习兴趣及学习主人的意识,使学生很自然的进入一种自觉的语言学习状态)
3.Ask the students to the front.(适当给与奖励。)
二、Chant 用chant来练习数字,活跃课堂气氛
三、Nice to meet you!
用汉语告诉学生当一个人初次遇到某个人时,可以说:Nice to meet you!并让学生跟随老师重复数次。
先师生之间对话。Hello!My name is-------。What is your/her/his name?My/her/his name is--------。Nice to meet you!
现在,Guo Yang and Jenny相遇了,他们在说些什么?你们想知道吗? 播放录音,让学生听。
听完回答问题(此种教学方法极大地提高了学生的求知欲)角色扮演,用手偶来演,然后问学生:Where is---------?(由此引出第二部分,过渡自然。)
四、Let’s play Play a game“Stop,go” 把学生分为几组,先由一个小组来进行。此小组的几名学生低头来回走动,教师喊“Stop!”,示意学生停下来,同眼前的学生进行问候,练习对话“Nice to meet you”。
Step3: Class closing 1.T: How many „„ do you have?(手指黑板上的奖励图标)Let’s chant.1-1-1;1-2-2;1-3-3;1-4-4;1-5-5.可让学生边拍手边唱,可男女生齐唱,轮唱,如谁愿意独唱老师可给奖励,以鼓励学生敢于表现自己。
2.Do the activity book: Lesson 5:
五、Blackboard Hand-writing Lesson 5:Number 1-5 How many? Nice to meet you
Lesson 7: How Many ?
一、教学目标:(Teaching Aims)1.语言知识:
(1)听懂会说、读、写词汇:pen pencil ruler crayon pencil box(2)听懂会说本课词汇、句型:pencil case;blackboard;How many ___________do you have? 2.情感态度:
(1)培养学生有兴趣学习英语学习用具和黑板等词汇。(2)鼓励学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。(3)培养学生积极与老师和他人合作; 3.教法学法:
二、教学重点(Main points)和 教学难点(Difficult points):
(1)重点:学会pen pencil ruler crayon pencil box并掌握。
三、教学用具、学具(Teaching Aids):录音机 卡片 手偶 实物 多媒体等
Step1: Class opening and review: 1.A chant:(学生刚刚接触英语,把权力下放给学生,让他们自编儿歌,目的是为了巩固所学的单词:男孩boy,女孩girl,teacher教我读book,book放在desk上,我们坐在chair上,我们都在school里,one two three four five。)(设计意图:歌曲和学生自编的chant,在课的开始就引起他们的注意力,激发起潜在的幽默情趣,活跃气氛,营造良好的儿童学英语的氛围。调动学生的学习热情。)2.Review: T: Now look.What is it ? 出示:book „„ Ss: It’s a book.Step 2: New concepts: 1.Demonstrate: 1)A guessing game:(点击或画出钢笔的一部分,学生可任意联想回答,然后再点击出示或画出钢笔的全图)
T: What is it? You know? Ss: „„(学生发挥想象力,随意猜测。)T: Oh , no(yes).It is a pen.Do you have a pen?(教师手拿一支钢笔,给孩子们一种提示。)Ss: Yes.T: Please show me.Read after me: pen Ss: „„(Read and recite this word.)
T: Who can recite? Please put up your hands.Ss: „„(检查单词的掌握程度,背得好的给与鼓励)
T:Look carefully, Guess, what is it?(出示铅笔的一部分,让其猜想。)Ss: „„(学生发挥想象力,随意猜测。)T: Right.It is a pencil.Do you have a pencil? Read after me.How to remember it? Ss:在pen的后面加cil。
T: Good.Who can read? Please put up your hands.Ss: „„(学生朗读单词)
T: Look carefully, Guess, what is it?(使用此方法,可依次出示ruler crayon pencil box。)
(设计意图:利用猜谜游戏,由部分到整体,由虚而实,趣味联想,引出新词:pen、pencil、ruler、crayon、pencil box词画结合,音形结合吸引学生注意力,让学生留下深刻印象,充分体现了探究式学习方法)2)Play a game.利用单词卡片做游戏,练习新单词。Ss:(学生操练)
(设计意图:通过练习,进一步加深学生对词汇的认识并及时巩固。)2.How many _______ ? 1)T: Oh, where is my book? I don’t have one book.May I have one book, please? Ss: Yes.T: Thanks.Now I have one book.How many books do you have?(Read after me.)Ss:(学生跟读句子并回答问题)(依照此方法在领做两次对话.)
2)依次点击课件出示或出示挂图或实物:pencils、pens、crayons、pencil boxes、rulers。
T: Practice in pairs.Ss: „„(以组为单位,看哪组在最短的时间内做完对话。)3)出示多媒体课件或Li Ming and Jenny 的手偶: T: Guess: what are they speaking? Ss: „„(学生猜测)4)出示录音。
T: Now let’s listen and read.Ss: Listen to the tape and read.T: Who can? Ss: Make up the dialogue.(及时给与鼓励)
(设计意图:借助图画、问答等形式一步步启发学生对句型的理解和掌握,并能实际应用。通过师生演示,给出了学生一定的情境,学生运用所学知识创编新的对话,使学生运用语言的能力有所提高,培养了学生的创造力。互动式交流,体现了对学生自主学习精神及合作学习的培养。)5)Let’s play 3.回顾、反思:教师引导学生回顾今天所学的内容,查漏补缺。T:What did we learn in this class? S: „„
(设计意图:满足学生学在玩中的内心需要,达到了教育学双方的公正,实现了快乐学英语的最大化。)Step3: Class closing.五、Blackboard Hand-writing Lesson 7: How Many? pen、pencil、ruler、crayon How many do you have?
pencil box、
第一单元 亲亲祖国
3、复听歌曲指导学生结合书上的谱例仔细听,分辨歌曲中与色块中的旋律相似的几句旋律,鼓励学生听到后举手示意,用彩笔在书上画出来。、听后请同学谈感受,谈收获。进行思想教育。、聆听歌曲我爱我的家乡、引导学生感受歌曲的基本情绪、再听,引导学生用自己的语言描绘歌曲的意境、教师有感情的范唱。、指导学生有表情的演唱歌曲,歌曲乐句较长,教师要引导学生在演唱歌曲时注意换气 10、歌曲处理:结合中国地图请学生说说祖国之最,并换词演唱、创编歌词、作者把家乡描绘的这么美,请你说说家乡的美丽,组织学生分组活动,并分组展示。教师;生活中你们都是有心人。请把你家乡的景色,特产编成歌词,在自己的小组里唱唱吧 13、师生评价、小结。
教学目标: 通过演唱歌曲《在祖国的怀抱》激发对幸福生活的热爱。
10、在唱,跳 打击乐器伴奏等活动中结束本课。
·第一单元 走进大自然
向往大自然的愿望、融入大自然的心境和热爱大自然的感情.课前准备:有关大自然的资料、多媒体课件.师生活动 设计意图 教学再设计及教学随笔
师生活动 设计意图 教学再设计及教学随笔
教学过程 设计说明 交流空间
师生活动 设计意图 教学再设计及教学随笔
预设:有的会有相机留驻永恒;有的会写首小诗来歌颂荷花,歌颂大自然…… 教师随即引导课文的最后一段“作诗,我要试试看——当然还要好好的想.”
师: 同学们我们看到的野花也有许许多多,也有各种美的色彩,也有好的品格,你们觉得那一种野花最美?为自己出个题目写一写吧.(如果有人写到蒲公英就更好,为《金色的草地》做铺垫.)
教学过程 设计说明 交流空间
1、引导学生学习积累的方法,学会书面积累,阅读积累.2、、养成经常使用小本本的习惯,愿意写出自己看到、听到和想到的东西,培养写话兴趣..环节 教学过程 设计说明
师描述: 晶晶拿出他的“采蜜集”给我们看.1.在小组内读 “采蜜集”,找出这些句子的规律
2、学生交流自己创作的有关感悟自然的句子.3、教师鼓励学生继续在课余博览群书,积累好词好句、好段好篇.4、鼓励学生敢于创作.“采蜜集” 教给积累的方法,目的在于培养学生阅读兴趣,养成自主积累、主动积累的习惯,强化积累的意识.(二)读读背背
1.能用普通话条理清晰的讲述自己喜欢的故事.2.能认真倾听别人讲话.3.积极发言,大胆表述自己.教学过程 设计说明 交流空间
mì lín ɡǎn shòu wǎnɡ bā bó zi wēi wǔ
yǎnɡ wò zhā jìn cái liào shǒu zhāng shuìjiào
选词填空.要求 请求
1.无论在学习上还是纪律上,学校对我们的()是很严格的.2.李明向老师(),允许他去给生病在家的赵燕补习功课.希望 愿望
用直线把下面的词语恰当地搭配起来.悦耳的 小象 聚精会神地 做
整齐的 铃声 不声不响地 听
乖巧的 心灵 东摇西摆地 说
美好的 牙齿 自言自语地 站
冀教版九年级上册Unit1教案(英文版)Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 1:Higher, Faster, Stronger Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: modern, gold, record, event, twentieth Oral words and expressions: ancient, Athens, Beamon, medal, shooting, athlete, silver, bronze, sprint Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the history of Olympics.2.Encourage the students to work hard for our country.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about the Olympics.2.Wishes and congratulations.Teaching Difficult Points: Some words and expressions used in the Olympics.Teaching Preparation: some pictures of Olympics Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of Olympics to the class.Let the students say something about the Olympics.Show some new words to the students with the help of the pictures.At the end, introduce the topic of the unit to the class.Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT.”
Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1.When were the first Olympics? 2.When did the modern Olympics start? Step4.Now let’s learn how to use the new words.Make some sentences with the new words.Sometimes they can guess the meanings of the new words.Step5.Read the text and find out the words that stand for places, time, medals, sports and events.Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angeles Time: ancient, modern, BC(Before Christ), AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze Sports and events: race, sprint(a short race), long jumping, shooting Step6.Discuss the main ideas of the text.Answer the questions in Quick Quiz!Have the students talk about the history, sports and events, and famous athletes of the Olympics.Step7.Divide the class into several groups.Talk about the 2008 Olympics Games.What do the students know about it? Step8.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Play the game in the class.Divide the class into several groups.Then each group have a student in front of the class to imitate a sport.The others guess by using “Is it______?”
Step9.Homework 1.Finish the activity.2.Search on the Internet for more words about the Olympics.Summary: Today’s subject is familiar to the students, but the English words about the Olympics are difficult for them.So we must spend a little time to deal with the new words.Show some pictures to help the students know more about Olympics.The pictures also help the students know about the history of Olympics.Lesson 2: Swimming for Gold Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: close, race, seem, tie, up and down, beat, the others, volleyball Oral words and expressions: Barcelona, freestyle, Thompson, swimmer, spectator Teaching Aims: 1.The sports that Chinese are good at.2.Stimulate students’ learning interest.Teaching Important Points: 1.Express wishes and congratulations.2.Learn Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.Teaching Difficult Points: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Teaching Preparations: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Preparation: Step1.Play a game.Divide the class into several groups.Every group says a sport.The others must say two sentences about the sport.When they are in trouble, the others and the teacher can help them Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT’.Talk about swimming.1.What do you think of swimming? 2.Where do you like to swim? 3.Is swimming good for us? Is it dangerous? Let the students talk about the questions in pairs.Then give their answers in front of the class.If you like swimming, you must pay attention to the safety.Don’t go swimming alone.Don’t swim in the deep water.You must keep touch with the others.Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who won China’s first gold in swimming? 2.Who was the second in the match? If the students can’t write Jenny Thompson correctly, please write it on the blackboard for them.Step4.Discuss Let the students talk about the swimming about China.They can talk according to the following order.The players’ names: Zhuang Yong, Luo Xuejuan, Qian Hong, Lin Li, Yang Wenyi The events: freestyle Step5.Read the text and analyze the text in details.1.In which event did Zhuang Yong win the gold medal? 2.Was it a tie? 3.Did she win the other medals at the same time? 4.Who else won Olympic medals in swimming at the 1992 Olympic Games? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.”
Divide the class into several groups.Talk about why they can get the gold medal.What can we learn from them? It’s their love to our country that supports them to get the gold.They need spirit to overcome themselves.That’s what we need in our learning.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the nest reading in the student book.Summary: We are Chinese.We are proud of ourselves.How can Zhuang Yong get the gold medal? They love our country.They want to do better than the others.It’s not easy for them to get medals.They pay their sweat and hard work.What can we do now? We must study hard from now.Lesson 3: Are You an Athlete Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: volleyball, table tennis=ping-pong, luck, tennis Oral words and expressions: design, rope, jump rope, sit-up, push-up Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the Olympics events.2.Cultivate the spirit to compete in life and study.Teaching Important Points: 1.The Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.2.The Object Clause.3.Wishes and Congratulations.Teaching Difficult Points: The Direct Speech and the Indirect Speech.Teaching Preparation: some balls Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Divide the class into groups.One student acts, the others in the group guess the sport.Let’s see which group can get the most scores.Step2.Show the students the language points with the flashcards.Such as: the same as, good luck, jump over, two more times Make sentences with the expressions.The book is the same colour as that one.Good luck to you.Don’t jump over the wall.It’s too high.You can jump two more times.Step3.Class Olympics Have a class Olympics in the classroom.The teacher brings rope and ball to the classroom.Divide the class into several groups.Every group has two students in front of the class at a time.One student is the player, the other is the timekeeper.Now compete in the classroom.Step4.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: What’s Danny’s idea?
Step5.Read the text and find out what Jenny’s idea is.Is it OK? At the same time, practice how to express wishes and congratulations.Step6.Come to PROJECT Let the students find out the event that they fit.They must think carefully: What will they need if they want to have the event? How many people do they need? How will you keep the score? How will you measure the time? Step7.Homework 1.Finish the activity book.2.Go on reading the student book.Summary: We have classroom Olympics in our classroom.It’s good for the students.It will increase students’ interest of learning English.Prepare some techniques before the class.Keep the time in one minute.You’d better give them praise if they get the first.When they are doing the sports, let the others practice the expressions: good luck, the same to you, congratulations.Lesson 4: Good Luck to You Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: do one’s best, give up, believe Teaching Aims: 1.Learn more about the Olympics.2.Study hard for our country.Teaching Important Points: 1.Wishes and congratulations.2.Some language points.Teaching Difficult Points: Some language points: do one’s best, good luck to you, up and down, believe in Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of the champions.Liu Xiang got the gold medal in 110-metre hurdle race.Show the picture to the students.Then let them listen to the Chinese song.Step2.Show more pictures of Chinese athletes to the students.Then let them discuss the following questions: Who is the athlete? What does he do? How many Olympics did he take part in? Did he get medals in the Olympics? Step3.Listen to the tape and sing the song together.If they can’t follow it, play the tape again.Step4.Read the tape as a poem.Then show some language points to the class.Let them make sentences with the language points or organize a short passage.Remember the language points in a certain situation.Step5.Let the students sing after you.Act out when you are singing.All the students stand up and sing loudly.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”
Divide the class into several groups.Every group sends a few students to the front to tape part in some events.Begin the events, while the others cheer for their players.Try their cheers or songs in the class.We can change it as the events change.Summary: Play songs of our country or show more pictures of our country’s athletes.Let the students feel the strength of our country.All the people come to the same place to complete.We remember friendship is the first and the competition is the second.Lesson 5:Danny’s Very Special Guest Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: guest, such, able, great, practise Oral words and expressions: Jeff Johnson Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the foreign athletes.2.Know the saying: Failure is the mother of success.Teaching Important Points: 1.The tense of the object clause.2.The use of the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.Teaching Difficult Points: The tense of the object clause.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Ask some students to answer the questions.If some students can imitate the famous singer or player, they can act in front of the class.Ask the students to come to the front and act.The others guess who the man is and what his job is.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1.Who will come to Danny’s school? 2.What does the man do? Step3.Read the text.Encourage the students to ask questions by themselves.1.Why does Danny have to write the diary? 2.What’s Danny’s favourite sport?
3.What should Danny do if the wants to be in Olympics some day? Step4.Discussion Imagine you are a report.You are going to see your favourite star today.What will you ask him.Work with your partner.Now imagine he is the star.After five minutes, ask the students to act their dialogue out in front of the class.Step5.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Give them a little time.Then let the students finish it in front of the class.After a student tells his story, the others can ask questions.Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: We all have dreams so we like film stars or players.Sometimes we don’t think we can do well in class.But we are better at swimming or skating.Everyone has shortcomings.If we want to do better, we must work hard at it.If we need help, we can ask our classmates and teachers for it.Work on!
Lesson 6: Diving “Dream Team” Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: dream, age, victory, catch up with Oral words and expressions: Dream Team, Sydney, dive, diver, Atlanta, platform, springboard, champion, coach Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the spirit of Olympics.2.Works hard to have our dreams come true.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinese Dream Team.2.The history of diving in the Olympics.Teaching Difficult Points: Understand the history of the Chinese diving.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Ask the students what they think of the Dream Team.Talk about the Dream Team of China.What sports are much stronger in China?
Let the students work in pairs.Talk about the questions in this part.Then let some students speak in front of the class.Step2.Show the picture of Fu Mingxia who is diving.Now talk about the diver.What do the students know about her? All of the students take part in the brainstorm and make a complete answer.Then we can write down.Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following question: 1.Who is in this text? 2.What is she? Step4.Read the text and check the answers.Now we know more about Fu Mingxia.Then ask some students to retell the experience of her.Step5.Show some pictures of Chinese and foreign divers.Sum how the diving is going in Chinese.If we want to keep the record, what should we do? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.”
Give them a little time.Try to finish the task in this class.Divide the class into several groups.Then let them discuss this part.Ask some students speak in front of the class.The others listen carefully and say their different opinions.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” We all know this saying.Don’t make your students study all the time.Ask them to care about the development of our country in many ways.In their free time, they can watch TV and read newspaper.Lesson 7: Don’t Fall off the Pizzas Teaching Contents: Master words and expressions: result, none, few Teaching Aims: 1.Learn the spirit of Olympics.2.Make use of the spirit in class.Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to demonstrate something clearly.2.How to write e-mails.Teaching Difficult Points: The tense of Object Clause.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:
Step1.Divide the class into several groups and sum what we learned in this unit.Do you think what Jenny wrote in her diary?
Let some students give their answers in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.How many events did Jenny’s class invent? 2.Whose invention did Jenny like best? Step3.Read the text and check the answers.Then encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.They can stand in front of the class and point out which student to answer the question.Step4.Make sentences with the language points: one by one, be fun, catch up with, think of We go into the classroom one by one.Playing football is fun.Nobody can catch up with me in the race.Who can think of better idea/ Divide the class into several groups.Every group has the same people as other teams.We play a making sentences game with the four phrases.The team who finishes the work first is the winner.Step5.Use the same groups to read the text.Which team can finish the text first? Every group has a student to see if the others read the text correctly.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Write e-mails to your pen pals.Try to finish the task in front of the class.Ask some students to present their e-mails in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: The best way to learn a foreign language well is to use it.Give the students more time to practice in the class.The use of the teacher is to instruct them.Give them help when they are in trouble.Class is a large stage for the students to act.Lesson 8: Unit Review Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson 7.Oral words and expressions from Lesson 1 to Lesson 7.Teaching Aims:
1.Learn more about the Olympics.2.Learn the spirit of the Olympics.Teaching Important Points: 1.Wish and congratulations.2.Direct speech and indirect speech.Teaching Difficult Points: Direct speech and indirect speech.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Ask the students to develop an event in groups.Ask them to say the rules of the game clearly and the play the game in front of the class.If they can’t play the game in the class, they must tell why not.Step2.Do the exercises in Lesson 8.Discuss some problems on the blackboard.At the same time, explain some important language points again.Remember to give examples.Step3.Come to “Do You Know”.Let the students to make examples to use the expressions.Can they find the correct situation to use them? If they are in trouble, the teacher can help them.Step4.Come to “Class Review Activity”.Bring some techniques to the classroom.We can play the class activities.Let the students speak English as much as possible.Step5.Sing the song “Good Luck to You”.Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Preview the last unit.Summary: Playing games is what the students like to do.So put the language points into the games.Let the students grasp the grammars and learn to use them in the happiness.Learning English happily is the aim that we are hunting for.So pay more attention to design suitable games for the students.
Lesson 1: What’s the Weather Like?
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: rather, shower, rise, rose, risen, set Oral words and expressions: thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset Teaching Aims: Talking about weather Teaching Important Points: 1.Describe the weather in spring;2.Talk about the temperature.Teaching Difficult Points: Describe the nature phenomenon.Teaching preparation: the pictures of spring Teaching Aids: audiotape;flashcards;pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Free talk 1.What weather do you like? Why or why not? 2.What sports can you do in this season? Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”
Let the students work in groups and answer the following questions: 1.Look outside.What’s the weather like today? 2.How does this weather make you feel? Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the weather like today?2.It is snowing, isn’t it?
3.what’s the temperature?4.is it going to rain today, isn’t it? Step4.Read the text and check the answers.Read the text in roles.Step5.Practice:Work in three students.Suppose you are a weather reporter.Now report today’s weather to the others in your group.Then report it to the class.Step6.Practice:Make up a dialogue between two or three students in class.It is about the weather in spring.Let some students act it out before the class.Step7.Homework 1.Find something that represents spring and show it to the class next time.2.Finish off the activity book.Lesson 2: It’s Getting Warmer!
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: become, became, become, fact Oral words and expressions: daylight, melt, lightning, fascinating Teaching Aim: 1.Know something more about spring;2.The compound words.Teaching Important Points: 1.When does spring begin? 2.How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st? 3.What is the weather like? Teaching Difficult Points: the compound words Teaching Preparation: some pictures of spring Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, some pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Let the students on duty reports the weather to the class.The others listen and decide it is right or wrong.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the date today?
2.How many ways can you write dates? 3.How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st? 4.What is spring weather like? 5.What is the temperature of the air near lighting? Step3.Read the text and check the answers.Step4.Listen to the tape again and imitate after it until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step5.Ask the students to ask other questions according to the text.You can begin like this: 1.When does the sun rise in the morning and when does it set in the evening? 2.Does it snow in early spring? 3.What is sometimes with thunder and lighting? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups and discuss these questions.Then let them report it to the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Write a composition about spring.Summary: We are enjoying spring now.We can feel it is warmer than before.But not all of us know when the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.Let the students observe after class, write it down and report it to the class.It can cultivate the students’ interests of learning
English.Lesson 3: Postcards!
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: road Oral words and expressions: outdoors Teaching Aim: 1.Grasp how to write a letter and the address.2.Know more about the spring in China and Canada.Teaching Important Points: 1.Find the differences between China and Canada in spring.3.Find the differences between the clothes that we wear in winter and in spring.Teaching Difficult Points: 1.What’s the weather like in Edmonton?
2.How to express one’s idea easily in a letter? Teaching Preparation: a postcard Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, postcards Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Free Talk:Let the students work in three and talk about the sports that we often do in spring.Then give a talk for the class.Step2.Have a match Read the text and see who read it best.Remember to encourage the students who preview the new lesson.Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it.Play the tape for several times until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step4.Ask the students to find questions and solve them.They can ask the questions like this: 1.How did Li Ming go to school on March twenty-first? 2.What’s the temperature that afternoon? 3.What time does the sun rise this morning? 4.Is it snowing in Canada? 5.When does it often snow in winter? 6.Did Danny fall in the snow? Step5.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”
Write a postcard to your friend to introduce the weather here.Then write the address and stick a stamp on it.Mail it in the post office.Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Listen to the song in Lesson 4.Summary:Written English is an important part in English learning.Practice is the key to it.Do they have the spelling mistakes or the grammar mistakes in the writing? Find out and help them come over it.Pay more attention to the writing because it’s an important part of communication.Lesson 4: Sun Is Rising Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: one by one, change Oral words and expressions: hillside, gently, blossom Teaching Aim: Enjoy the beauty of the spring Teaching Important Point: Grasp the changes that spring bring us Teaching Difficult Points: How to use “warm” and “gently”.Teaching Preparation: something that represents spring Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures or flowers Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Read the song aloud as a poem.This song has this song has common English words: come with me, through the trees, one by one, the flowers blossom.Translate these expressions into English.Step2.Play the audiotape and let the students just listen with the eye closed.Step3.Play the tape again and let the students sing with it.Step4.Explain the common English expressions.Step5.Practice the song a few times, with and without the audiotape.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.STEP7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Write down what you can see in spring.Summary We use this lesson to cultivate the students’ sense of enjoying English songs.Pay attention to the rhyme, rhythm and repetition in the song.Learning English songs is a little difficult from Chinese songs.Find the ways in which we can learn fast.Lesson 5: Fun in the Sun Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: shall, kick Oral words and expressions: cycling, How/What about„? Shall we„? Teaching Aims: How to enjoy oneself in spring.Teaching Important Points: 1.the sports that we do in spring.2.some drills: How about„? Let’s„ Teaching Difficult Points: How to advice sb.to do sth.Teaching Preparation: basketball and soccer Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards and balls Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:Step1.Listen to the tape of Lesson4 again, then let’s sing the song together.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the degree?
2.What will Danny wear tomorrow? 3.What will they do after school? 4.Why don’t Danny like basketball?
Step3.Read the text and check the answers.Then read the text again.Step4.Act the dialogue out in front of the class.Step5.Make up a similar dialogue according to the text.Let’s the students act it out in front of the class.Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.Divide the class into several groups.Write the answers down.Ask the several groups to change their answers.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Review the last lesson.Summary Spring is a beautiful season.It’s the favourite season of many people.In this season, everything begins to turn green.Spring represents the beginning.We have many things to do in it.We can fly kites and play ball games.Running in the wind is what we like to do in our childhood.Lead your students to think hard what they like to do in this season.Let them talk freely in the class.Lesson 6.Danny the babysitter
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: playground, hold, hold on, come down, push Oral words and expressions: babysitter, babysit, Debbie, bar, swing, swung Teaching Aims: 1.We should love each other.2.The duty of a babysitter Teaching Important Points: 1.How to demonstrate one thing clearly.3.Cultivate the spirit of loving each other.Let’s love life and peace.Teaching Difficult Points: Some verb phrases: turn around, hold on, fall off, run to, come down, climb on, give sb.a push Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Work in pairs.Tell your partner what you did after school yesterday.The teacher walks around to provide help if necessary.Step2.Skim the text and ask questions by the students themselves.Then solve them by themselves, too.Let some students write their questions on the blackboard.Then let others answer them.Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it until they can read it correctly and fluently.Step4.Ask some students to come to the front and act it out.Pay attention to who is clever enough to add something new.Step5.Retell the story in a third person.Step6.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.In a group of three, make up a “babysitting” role-play.Ask volunteers to act it out.Then it’s the other students’ turn.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.suppose one day, you become a babysitter, what will you do? Summary When we practice in the class, don’t forget to give chances to the poor students.When they have a little progress, encourage them to work hard.That’s what a good teacher should do.Lesson 7: Danny’s “Debbie” Day
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: herself Oral words and expressions: partly, all day Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to write a diary.2.What do we write in a diary.Teaching Important Points: When we are babysitters, what can we do? Teaching Difficult Points: the Past Tense Teaching Preparation: some toys Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, some toys Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:Step1.Work in groups.Retell Lesson 6 in Past Tense in a third person.Step2.Read the text silently by students themselves.Then answer the questions in the activity.Check the answers in the class.Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it.Some students may think it is easy to listen with the book.Then listen to the tape again with the book closed.At the same time, the teacher asks some students to repeat some sentences to see if they can listen clearly.Step4.Let some students read the text aloud in front of the class.Let’s have a match.Who can read it fast and correctly? Step5.Practice Work in groups.Write down experience that you have ever been a babysitter.Do you think it easy to be a babysitter? Why or why not? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Do the exercises on Page 9.Summary Can you write down your experience clearly? We often write in a time order.Expressing your ideas in English is not easy.So give the students more chance to practice.Writing is also an important way to check the grammars.Lesson 8: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about more knowledge in spring.There are many things that we don’t know before.2.What sports do people usually do in China and in Canada? Teaching Important Points: 1.What’s the weather like in spring? 2.The sports that we do in spring.Teaching Difficult Points: The using of some expressions: Let’s„, shall we„?turn around, come down, finally, then Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Teaching Procedure: Step1.First let’s sing the song together.Step2.Talk with your partners about the differences between the sports that we do in China and in Canada.Step3.Have you ever been a babysitter? Let some students talk about their experience in front of the class.Step4.Finish the exercises on Page7.Find some difficulties and solve them in front of the class.Step5.Let some students talk about what we learn in this unit.What do they want to say about spring? Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity.2.Prepare for a small quiz.Summary
The aim of teaching is not what they learn.The most important is to teach them how to learn.Cultivate the ability of learning by themselves in the class.Encourage them to find and solve questions
in class.