
时间:2019-05-13 12:22:52下载本文作者:会员上传




skirt裙子blouse女衬衫pants 裤子shirt 男衬衫sweater 毛衣wear穿new 新的old旧的is 是it 它 are 是they他们birthday gift 生日礼物 coat 大衣scarf 围巾hat 帽子gloves 手套boots 靴子whose 谁的who谁 this 这 These这些mine 我的shoe 鞋sock袜子 dress连衣裙 short短裤 a pair of 一双,一对Sunday星期日 Monday星期一 Tuesday 星期

二 Wednesday 星期三Thursday星期四Friday 星期五 Saturday星期六 pyjamas 睡衣slippers 拖鞋 housecoat 睡袍 too big太大 too small太小 just right 正好put on 穿上


What is he wearing?他穿着什么衣服?

He is wearing a green sweater.他穿着一件绿色的毛衣。He is wearing blue pants.他穿着蓝色的裤子。Whose hat is this ? 这是谁的帽子? It is Kim's hat.这是科母的帽子。Is this your hat?这是你的帽子吗? No, it is not mine.不,不是我的。What day is it ? 今天星期几? It'sSunday.今天是星期日。














1、升用字母“mL” 表示,毫升用字母“L”表示。()







210÷30○240÷60 263÷27○10

*0÷80○540÷60 487÷18○20 L○5000 mL 4吨○4200千克

3600毫升○3升60毫升 5500毫升○7升



30×80= 540÷90= 200÷30= 480-90= 240÷80= 900÷90= 105÷5 = 408÷4= 9+80÷2= 0÷99=


370÷18= *8÷69= 196÷22= 38×26=


716-384÷16 36×12÷27 708÷(86-27)

五、猜猜“我”是谁?(8 分)




1、一听饮料250 毫升,8听饮料多少升?(5分)

2、某小学有教师28人,学生386人。全校师生参加植树劳动,如果每50人分成一组,那么最多够分成几组 ?(5分)











姓名:________ 成绩:_______





1、A、mum B、mother C、father


2、A、pencil B、pen




B、book C、sick


4、A、above B、five



5、A、seventy B、sixty



6、A、Monday B、Saturday C、Sunday


7、A、sock B、skirt







9、A、gym B、classroom C、arm


10、A、old B、cold



86 73 18 24 56 98 27 47 39

33 72 60 14 8 12 20 68


()1.A.Where does a bird live?

B.Where does a panda live?

()2.A.Li Ming is in front of the tree。

B.Li Ming is behind the tree。

()3.A.A tiger has stripes。

B.A tiger has a porch。

()4.A.Walk backward。

B.Walk forward。

()5.A.Let’s go shopping。

B.Let’s go to the tea shop。




Zebra ____________ trunk ____________

fur____________ tail ____________

wing ____________ different _____________

feathur ____________ mane ______________

drive a car ____________ stay home ______________


two fifty-eight twelve forty one hundred

1.Thirteen plus ________ equals twenty-five。


2._______ plus eight equals forty-eight。


3.Forty –five plus fifty-five equals ____________。


4.Twenty-four plus _______ equals eight-two。


5.Eight plus two equals __________。



()1.——Is this a cat?——___。

A、Yes, it is.B、Yes, it isn’t.C、No, it is。

()2.Tigers eat ________。

A.bananas B.grass C.meat

()3.Where does a _____ live? In a hole。

A.snake B.panda C.fish

()4.What has fur?

A.An elephant has fur.B.A bird has fur。

C.A lion has fur。

()5.Can a cat swim? ________

A.Yes, it can B.No, it can’t.C.No, I can’t。

()6.——___ is the dress?——I can show you。

A、What B、How C、Where

()7.——It’s June.The weather is _______。

A、cold and snowy B、windy and cloudy C、hot and sunny

()8.——Let’s go _________。

A、shop B、shopping C、city

()9.A bird has ______。

A.feathers and wings B.paws and fur C.fingers and feet。

()10._______ is the animal on the farm。

A.Elephant B.Kangaroo C.Cow




A、I want to go to movie theatre.B、Let’s go to movie theatre。

C、You can go to movie theatre。



A.Li Ming is in front of Danny。

B.Li Ming is behind Danny。

C.Li Ming is beside Danny。



A、I want to buy a dress.B、I don’t want to buy a shirt。

C、I don’t want to buy a dress。



A、What’s your name? B、What do you want to buy? C、Can I help you?



A.I see a dog in a purple hat。

B.I see a sheep in a purple hat。

C.I see a sheep in a red hat。



A.The elephant has mane。

B.The monkeys has mane。

C.The lion has mane。



A.What do monkey eat?

B.What do they eat?

C.Monkeys eat bananas。































六、教学措施 :












冀教版九年级上册Unit1教案(英文版)Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 1:Higher, Faster, Stronger Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: modern, gold, record, event, twentieth Oral words and expressions: ancient, Athens, Beamon, medal, shooting, athlete, silver, bronze, sprint Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the history of Olympics.2.Encourage the students to work hard for our country.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about the Olympics.2.Wishes and congratulations.Teaching Difficult Points: Some words and expressions used in the Olympics.Teaching Preparation: some pictures of Olympics Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of Olympics to the class.Let the students say something about the Olympics.Show some new words to the students with the help of the pictures.At the end, introduce the topic of the unit to the class.Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT.”

Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1.When were the first Olympics? 2.When did the modern Olympics start? Step4.Now let’s learn how to use the new words.Make some sentences with the new words.Sometimes they can guess the meanings of the new words.Step5.Read the text and find out the words that stand for places, time, medals, sports and events.Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angeles Time: ancient, modern, BC(Before Christ), AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze Sports and events: race, sprint(a short race), long jumping, shooting Step6.Discuss the main ideas of the text.Answer the questions in Quick Quiz!Have the students talk about the history, sports and events, and famous athletes of the Olympics.Step7.Divide the class into several groups.Talk about the 2008 Olympics Games.What do the students know about it? Step8.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Play the game in the class.Divide the class into several groups.Then each group have a student in front of the class to imitate a sport.The others guess by using “Is it______?”

Step9.Homework 1.Finish the activity.2.Search on the Internet for more words about the Olympics.Summary: Today’s subject is familiar to the students, but the English words about the Olympics are difficult for them.So we must spend a little time to deal with the new words.Show some pictures to help the students know more about Olympics.The pictures also help the students know about the history of Olympics.Lesson 2: Swimming for Gold Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: close, race, seem, tie, up and down, beat, the others, volleyball Oral words and expressions: Barcelona, freestyle, Thompson, swimmer, spectator Teaching Aims: 1.The sports that Chinese are good at.2.Stimulate students’ learning interest.Teaching Important Points: 1.Express wishes and congratulations.2.Learn Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.Teaching Difficult Points: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Teaching Preparations: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Preparation: Step1.Play a game.Divide the class into several groups.Every group says a sport.The others must say two sentences about the sport.When they are in trouble, the others and the teacher can help them Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT’.Talk about swimming.1.What do you think of swimming? 2.Where do you like to swim? 3.Is swimming good for us? Is it dangerous? Let the students talk about the questions in pairs.Then give their answers in front of the class.If you like swimming, you must pay attention to the safety.Don’t go swimming alone.Don’t swim in the deep water.You must keep touch with the others.Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who won China’s first gold in swimming? 2.Who was the second in the match? If the students can’t write Jenny Thompson correctly, please write it on the blackboard for them.Step4.Discuss Let the students talk about the swimming about China.They can talk according to the following order.The players’ names: Zhuang Yong, Luo Xuejuan, Qian Hong, Lin Li, Yang Wenyi The events: freestyle Step5.Read the text and analyze the text in details.1.In which event did Zhuang Yong win the gold medal? 2.Was it a tie? 3.Did she win the other medals at the same time? 4.Who else won Olympic medals in swimming at the 1992 Olympic Games? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.”

Divide the class into several groups.Talk about why they can get the gold medal.What can we learn from them? It’s their love to our country that supports them to get the gold.They need spirit to overcome themselves.That’s what we need in our learning.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the nest reading in the student book.Summary: We are Chinese.We are proud of ourselves.How can Zhuang Yong get the gold medal? They love our country.They want to do better than the others.It’s not easy for them to get medals.They pay their sweat and hard work.What can we do now? We must study hard from now.Lesson 3: Are You an Athlete Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: volleyball, table tennis=ping-pong, luck, tennis Oral words and expressions: design, rope, jump rope, sit-up, push-up Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the Olympics events.2.Cultivate the spirit to compete in life and study.Teaching Important Points: 1.The Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.2.The Object Clause.3.Wishes and Congratulations.Teaching Difficult Points: The Direct Speech and the Indirect Speech.Teaching Preparation: some balls Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Divide the class into groups.One student acts, the others in the group guess the sport.Let’s see which group can get the most scores.Step2.Show the students the language points with the flashcards.Such as: the same as, good luck, jump over, two more times Make sentences with the expressions.The book is the same colour as that one.Good luck to you.Don’t jump over the wall.It’s too high.You can jump two more times.Step3.Class Olympics Have a class Olympics in the classroom.The teacher brings rope and ball to the classroom.Divide the class into several groups.Every group has two students in front of the class at a time.One student is the player, the other is the timekeeper.Now compete in the classroom.Step4.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: What’s Danny’s idea?

Step5.Read the text and find out what Jenny’s idea is.Is it OK? At the same time, practice how to express wishes and congratulations.Step6.Come to PROJECT Let the students find out the event that they fit.They must think carefully: What will they need if they want to have the event? How many people do they need? How will you keep the score? How will you measure the time? Step7.Homework 1.Finish the activity book.2.Go on reading the student book.Summary: We have classroom Olympics in our classroom.It’s good for the students.It will increase students’ interest of learning English.Prepare some techniques before the class.Keep the time in one minute.You’d better give them praise if they get the first.When they are doing the sports, let the others practice the expressions: good luck, the same to you, congratulations.Lesson 4: Good Luck to You Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: do one’s best, give up, believe Teaching Aims: 1.Learn more about the Olympics.2.Study hard for our country.Teaching Important Points: 1.Wishes and congratulations.2.Some language points.Teaching Difficult Points: Some language points: do one’s best, good luck to you, up and down, believe in Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of the champions.Liu Xiang got the gold medal in 110-metre hurdle race.Show the picture to the students.Then let them listen to the Chinese song.Step2.Show more pictures of Chinese athletes to the students.Then let them discuss the following questions: Who is the athlete? What does he do? How many Olympics did he take part in? Did he get medals in the Olympics? Step3.Listen to the tape and sing the song together.If they can’t follow it, play the tape again.Step4.Read the tape as a poem.Then show some language points to the class.Let them make sentences with the language points or organize a short passage.Remember the language points in a certain situation.Step5.Let the students sing after you.Act out when you are singing.All the students stand up and sing loudly.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”

Divide the class into several groups.Every group sends a few students to the front to tape part in some events.Begin the events, while the others cheer for their players.Try their cheers or songs in the class.We can change it as the events change.Summary: Play songs of our country or show more pictures of our country’s athletes.Let the students feel the strength of our country.All the people come to the same place to complete.We remember friendship is the first and the competition is the second.Lesson 5:Danny’s Very Special Guest Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: guest, such, able, great, practise Oral words and expressions: Jeff Johnson Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the foreign athletes.2.Know the saying: Failure is the mother of success.Teaching Important Points: 1.The tense of the object clause.2.The use of the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.Teaching Difficult Points: The tense of the object clause.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Ask some students to answer the questions.If some students can imitate the famous singer or player, they can act in front of the class.Ask the students to come to the front and act.The others guess who the man is and what his job is.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1.Who will come to Danny’s school? 2.What does the man do? Step3.Read the text.Encourage the students to ask questions by themselves.1.Why does Danny have to write the diary? 2.What’s Danny’s favourite sport?

3.What should Danny do if the wants to be in Olympics some day? Step4.Discussion Imagine you are a report.You are going to see your favourite star today.What will you ask him.Work with your partner.Now imagine he is the star.After five minutes, ask the students to act their dialogue out in front of the class.Step5.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Give them a little time.Then let the students finish it in front of the class.After a student tells his story, the others can ask questions.Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: We all have dreams so we like film stars or players.Sometimes we don’t think we can do well in class.But we are better at swimming or skating.Everyone has shortcomings.If we want to do better, we must work hard at it.If we need help, we can ask our classmates and teachers for it.Work on!

Lesson 6: Diving “Dream Team” Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: dream, age, victory, catch up with Oral words and expressions: Dream Team, Sydney, dive, diver, Atlanta, platform, springboard, champion, coach Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the spirit of Olympics.2.Works hard to have our dreams come true.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinese Dream Team.2.The history of diving in the Olympics.Teaching Difficult Points: Understand the history of the Chinese diving.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Ask the students what they think of the Dream Team.Talk about the Dream Team of China.What sports are much stronger in China?

Let the students work in pairs.Talk about the questions in this part.Then let some students speak in front of the class.Step2.Show the picture of Fu Mingxia who is diving.Now talk about the diver.What do the students know about her? All of the students take part in the brainstorm and make a complete answer.Then we can write down.Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following question: 1.Who is in this text? 2.What is she? Step4.Read the text and check the answers.Now we know more about Fu Mingxia.Then ask some students to retell the experience of her.Step5.Show some pictures of Chinese and foreign divers.Sum how the diving is going in Chinese.If we want to keep the record, what should we do? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.”

Give them a little time.Try to finish the task in this class.Divide the class into several groups.Then let them discuss this part.Ask some students speak in front of the class.The others listen carefully and say their different opinions.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” We all know this saying.Don’t make your students study all the time.Ask them to care about the development of our country in many ways.In their free time, they can watch TV and read newspaper.Lesson 7: Don’t Fall off the Pizzas Teaching Contents: Master words and expressions: result, none, few Teaching Aims: 1.Learn the spirit of Olympics.2.Make use of the spirit in class.Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to demonstrate something clearly.2.How to write e-mails.Teaching Difficult Points: The tense of Object Clause.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Divide the class into several groups and sum what we learned in this unit.Do you think what Jenny wrote in her diary?

Let some students give their answers in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.How many events did Jenny’s class invent? 2.Whose invention did Jenny like best? Step3.Read the text and check the answers.Then encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.They can stand in front of the class and point out which student to answer the question.Step4.Make sentences with the language points: one by one, be fun, catch up with, think of We go into the classroom one by one.Playing football is fun.Nobody can catch up with me in the race.Who can think of better idea/ Divide the class into several groups.Every group has the same people as other teams.We play a making sentences game with the four phrases.The team who finishes the work first is the winner.Step5.Use the same groups to read the text.Which team can finish the text first? Every group has a student to see if the others read the text correctly.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Write e-mails to your pen pals.Try to finish the task in front of the class.Ask some students to present their e-mails in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: The best way to learn a foreign language well is to use it.Give the students more time to practice in the class.The use of the teacher is to instruct them.Give them help when they are in trouble.Class is a large stage for the students to act.Lesson 8: Unit Review Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson 7.Oral words and expressions from Lesson 1 to Lesson 7.Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about the Olympics.2.Learn the spirit of the Olympics.Teaching Important Points: 1.Wish and congratulations.2.Direct speech and indirect speech.Teaching Difficult Points: Direct speech and indirect speech.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Ask the students to develop an event in groups.Ask them to say the rules of the game clearly and the play the game in front of the class.If they can’t play the game in the class, they must tell why not.Step2.Do the exercises in Lesson 8.Discuss some problems on the blackboard.At the same time, explain some important language points again.Remember to give examples.Step3.Come to “Do You Know”.Let the students to make examples to use the expressions.Can they find the correct situation to use them? If they are in trouble, the teacher can help them.Step4.Come to “Class Review Activity”.Bring some techniques to the classroom.We can play the class activities.Let the students speak English as much as possible.Step5.Sing the song “Good Luck to You”.Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Preview the last unit.Summary: Playing games is what the students like to do.So put the language points into the games.Let the students grasp the grammars and learn to use them in the happiness.Learning English happily is the aim that we are hunting for.So pay more attention to design suitable games for the students.



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