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了解网上开店的优势 了解淘宝的各项规则 免费申请店铺 轻松发布宝贝








经营方式灵活 限制因素较少 消费群体广泛


信用评价规则 淘宝投诉规则


进行开店考试 填写店铺信息


4、轻松发布宝贝:加入消费者保障服务 发布一口价宝贝







总学时:36(2节/周)• 开课时间: • 适用班级: • 专业:商务英语

• 使用教材:《商务英语翻译》 • 出版社:高等教育出版社 • 授课教师: 教学目的


• 在课堂上主要讲授专题翻译技巧,通过讨论互动形式让学生翻译,并讲解翻译要点。

• 在课后主要是通过布置作业巩固所学的翻译技巧,以章节文体翻译为任务驱动,并要求学生查阅资料,不断提高翻译水平。教学要求 1.掌握本单元翻译技巧; 2.熟悉本单元的篇章翻译主题; 3.熟记与本单元主题相关的词汇; 4.基本句子翻译训练与篇章翻译; 5.课外作业及翻译笔记。考核方式

•平时成绩占 30%(出勤、课堂表现、作业)• 期末考试占 70% • 考试方式:试卷

Chapter One: General introduction to Business translation

1.Teaching Objectives ● To learn basic knowledge about translation ● To master the translation theory: translation process and translation standard ● To be familiar with translation skills: literal translation and liberal translation 2.Teaching Focus ● translation theory: translation process and translation standard ● translation skills: literal translation and liberal translation 3.Teaching Difficulties ● What to consider in the translating ● How to transfer the original meaning into acceptable target language 4.Characteristics of the Teaching ● Integration of theory and practice 5.Teaching Methods ● Lecturing, exemplification, heuristic method, class discussion 6.Teaching Facility ● Multi-media(PPT), blackboard writing 7.Teaching procedure and content 7.1 Lead-in Work(5mins): Importance, task, and requirements.7.2翻译的定义(Definition of translation)

定义1: 把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表示出来。(translation means translating meaning)《现状汉语字典》 定义2:把一种语言翻译成另一种语言。(translation is an activity of bilingual transformation)《韦氏新大学辞典》 定义3:翻译是按照作者的意图把一篇文章的意思用另一种语言描述出来的过程。Peter Newmark: Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.)定义4:所谓翻译,是指首先从语意、其次从文体在译语中用最贴近、最自然的对等语再现源语的信息。Eugene A.Nida: Translation consists in reproducing in the target language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.)定义5: 翻译是异种文字语言或符号语言通过人脑思维或电脑预算进行标准化的等价交换行为。黄龙 • 定义6:翻译是带着镣铐跳舞。钱钟书 • 定义7:翻译即叛逆。法国:斯皮瓦克

• 定义8:翻译是把一种语言的言语产物在保持内容方面,也就是意义不变的情况下改变为另一种语言的言语产物的过程。苏联:巴尔胡达罗夫

• 定义8:翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。张培基:《英汉翻译教程》 • 定义9:广义的翻译是指语言与语言、语言变体与语言变体、语言与非语言等的代码转换和基本信息的传达。狭义的翻译是一种语言活动,是把一种语言所表达的内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出来。杨莉藜: 《英汉互译教程》

• 定义10:翻译是许多语言活动中的一种,它是用一种语言形式把另一种语言形式里的内容重新表现出来的语言实践活动。翻译是门艺术,是语言的再创作艺术。冯庆华:《实用翻译教程》 • 定义11:翻译是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。翻译是科学、翻译是艺术、翻译是技能。陈宏薇:《汉英翻译基础》 7.3翻译的分类 • 按代码分:语内翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译(interlingual translation)、语符翻译(intersemiotic translation)• 按主体的性质分:人工翻译(manual translation)、机器翻译(machine translation)• 按翻译的工具和成品形式分:口译(interpretation)、笔译(translation)• 按翻译的性质分:文学翻译(literary translation: 包括小说、诗歌、戏剧等文学作品)和实用翻译(pragmatic translation:包括科技、商务、公文、法律等翻译)

• 按翻译的模式分:全译、摘译、编译、缩译、改译等。7.4翻译的过程

• 理解(comprehension)


例1:Suddenly the line went limp.“I’m going back,” said Kurth.“We must have a break somewhere.Wait for me.I’ll be back in five minutes.”(词汇意义的理解)

(队伍突然乱了。“我回去看看,”科斯说,“我们得找个地方休息一会。你们等一会儿,我五分钟就回来。”)例2:It’s three years since I smoked.(我抽烟三年了)此处对since有错误的理解,其余延续性和非延续性动词一起使用时语法意义不同。与延续性动词一起使用表示一个动作的结束;与非延续性动词一起使用表示一个动作的开始。It’s three years since I began to smoke.才是抽烟已经三年了的意思。(语法结构的理解)例3:What a lawyer would do after his death?-Lie still.(律师死后会做什么?-静静地躺着。[继续撒谎] 修辞手段的理解 例4:Her performance brought down the house.(她的表演赢得了满堂喝彩.)(习语的理解)

例5:She is as fair as Helen.(她是一位绝代佳人。或她和海伦一样漂亮。)(文化背景的理解)

例6:I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me.(我教书并非因为教书对我来说很容易。)(弄清逻辑关系)例7:The sun gives light and heat.The leading lights of diplomacy are having a meeting in New York.Could you give me a light? A smile of triumph lit up her face.I Had a light meal.Aluminum is a light metal.书上例1和例2.(语境的理解)● 表达(reproduction)表达是翻译的第二步,是译者把所理解的内容正确、充分而又自然地传达给读者的过程。要注意体现原文的思想内容、语体色彩,做到内容和风格上忠实原文,而且又要符合译入语的语法和表达习惯。例1:Don’t cross the bridge till you get it.例2:A doctor’s duty is to make every effort to save the dying and the wounded.书上例子1和2.● 校 核(Revision)• 校核内容:检查译文中的人名、地名、日期、方位、数字等是否正确;

• 修改译文中错译或不妥之处; • 检查是否有段、句或重要的词漏译。7.5 翻译方法

• 直译(Literal Translation):把一种语言所传达的内容和形式变换为另一种语言和形式的过程,力求保持原文的形式。• 汉语和英语属于两种不同的语系,但在词汇、句子结构、语序和文化内涵等方面又有一定的对等性,这也是直译的基础。例如,在英语的几种句型结构中,英语和汉语有很大程度上是对应的。1)主语+系动词+表语 2)主语+不及物动词 3)主语+及物动词+宾语 4)主语+及物动词+双宾语


• 适用范围:词义对等的词语、借用的概念和术语、大部分句子。• 书上例子1, 2, 3.例如:1)Today, technology has made us all virtual neighbors.• 今天,科技使我们所有国家实际上成为邻邦。

2)As you build a new China, American wants to build a new relationship with you;We want China to be successful, secure and open, working with us for a more peaceful and prosperous world.• 当你们建设一个新中国的时候,美国希望同你们建立一种新型关系,我们希望中国成功、安全、开放,同我们一道为一个更加和平、繁荣的世界而工作。


• First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests.意 译(liberal translation):意译是由于两种语言的差异性造成而选择的一种翻译方法,如果直译对翻译造成意思含糊不清,不能确切地表达原语的信息和文化内涵,甚至还引起严重误解,牛马不相及时,这时译员要采取其他变通方法,做适当的语法和词汇调整,或进行解释性翻译,但关键是要翻译出原语的真正含义。


• 例如:

直译 意译

Queen’s English 女王的英语 标准英语

I will show you the ropes.我给你看些绳子。我教你做法。• 拳头产品 fist products competitive-edge products • It’s an order from President Bush.” “I don’t care if it is from bush, tree, or grass.”

• 直译:“这是布什总统的命令。”“我不在意它是来自灌木、树,还是草。

• 意译:“这是布什总统的命令。”“管它什么布什、布头,还是布片呢,与我无关。

• 三个人品字式坐下,闲聊了一会。

• The three men sat facing each other in a triangle way and talking for a while.• 实际上,直译和意译有时很难区分,意译也要受原文的约束,不是完全的“自由”。例如:

• Wasted and withering years 蹉跎岁月

• Just to reap easy-to-reach profit 坐收近水楼台之利 译员的素养(qualification of translators)• Solid foundation of languages • Wide knowledge • Strict working attitude • Knowledge of translation skills and theories • Strong sense of duty 7.6 中国翻译史





林纾:文学家、文论家、诗人和画家,他以口授的方式翻译了160多部文学作品,著名的有《巴黎茶花女遗事》(La Dame au Camelias)、《黑奴呼天录》(Uncle Tom’s Cabin)、块肉余生述(David Copperfield)、王子复仇记(Hamlet),他不懂外文,故删减、遗漏之处甚多;

严复:天演论(Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)、社会通诠(A History of Politics)、原富(An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations);提出“信、达、雅”的翻译标准;


第四次高潮:1946-1956年上半年-我国翻译队伍初具规模;1956下半年-1966上半年-我国翻译事业有组织、有计划地发展; 第五次翻译高潮:1978-至今,我国翻译事业蓬勃发展。作业参考译文:



Summery and assignments: Exercise3 on page 10.第二章: 商务英语和商务英语翻译Business English and its


1.商务英语的界定: • 商务英语与普通英语的关系:A functional variety of common English, one kind of ESP(English for Special Purpose)• 商务英语范畴: Language knowledge;Communication skills, Professional content;Management skills;Cultural background.-Nick Brieger • 商务英语: English used in the international business activities such as technology introduction, business advertising, foreign trade, business invitation, foreign labor services contract, business insurance, international investment, international transportation etc.which involve with at least two enterprises or agents from different countries.2.商务英语的文体特点

● 大量使用商务专业词汇(Terms or jargons):商务英语的语言形式、词汇以及内容等方面与专业密切相关,所承载的是商务理论和商务实践等方面的信息。例如:银行业:BIS:Bank for international settlement(国际清算银行)、D/D: demand draft(即期汇票)、D/P: document against payment(付款交单);运输业:Ex Dock(码头交货)、F.A.S.(Free alongside ship 船边交货)、FOB(离岸价)、保险业:A.P.(Additional premium 附加费)、W.P.A.(with particular average 水渍险)GSP(generalized system of preferences普惠制)等等。例句:

1)Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C by draft at sight.我方付款方式是凭保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证付款。2)As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter of credit at 60 days’ sight or D/P sight draft.按照协定,上述订货的付款方式是见票60天的信用证,或付款交单的即期汇票。

3)The issuing bank is bound to pay drawings under the credit negotiated by the advising bank.开证行对通知行议付的信用证负有付款责任。● 语言正式、精炼,用词严谨、规范,词义准确 多用 不用

approval approbation prior to /previous to before think cogitate continue keep on/go on discuss have a discussion apply file an application investigate

hold an investigation in the nature of like for the purpose of for on the grounds that since / because with reference/regard to about ● 语句复杂,句式规范,文体正式

例1:Three full sets of negotiable, clean on board, original ocean Bill of Lading made out to the order of shipper and blank endorsed, notifying China Nation Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.全套可转让清洁已装船海运提单正本三份,以托运人指定的人为抬头,空白背书,通知目的港的中国外贸运输公司。

例2: 买方应在货到目的港30天内向卖方提交索赔通知,在此期间如卖方未接到买方索赔通知及授权检验机构出具的证明材料,则认为买方无索赔要求。

Buyer shall give Seller notice of any claim within 30 days after arrival of goods at the port of destination.Unless such notice, accompanied by proof certified by an authorized surveyor, arrives at the Seller’s office during such 30 days periods, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived any claim.●常使用现在时、被动语态、祈使句和情态动词表达时效性、客观性、礼貌性

例1: Unless otherwise stipulated in the L/C, the expression “shipment” used in stipulating an earlier and/or latest shipment date shall be understood to include the expression “loading on board”, “dispatch” and “taking in charge”.除非信用证另有规定,用于规定最早及/或最迟装运期的“装运”一词应理解为包括“装船”、“发运” 和“接受监管”

例2:Also under separate cover we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examine them you can be certain that the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.译文:此外,另邮寄样品一些,相信贵公司审视后,可确定这些产品物美价廉。3.商务英语翻译标准

• • 翻译标准:

严复提出的“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)• • Eugene A.Nida: 功能对等(functional equivalence)Peter Newmark: 语义翻译和交际翻译

张培基:忠实、通顺(faithfulness, smoothness)刘重德:信、达、切(fidelity, expressiveness, closeness)商务英语翻译标准:“忠实、准确、统一” —刘法公 4.商务英语翻译要点


例1:I read all the anti-trade literature I could get my hands on.Yet throughout it all, not once did I hear a logical, never mind reasonable, case against free trade.我阅读了所有能够找到的反自由贸易的宣传资料,但从头至尾,找不出任何合乎逻辑的反自由贸易实例,姑且不谈它们是否有道理。

分析:literature与“文学”无关,而是指小册子之类的印刷品,hear不是“听见”,而是“获取信息”之意,never mind reasonable不是修饰case,而是插入语。

例2.三来一补(指来料、来图、来样加工和补偿贸易)The “three-plus-one” trading mix(custom manufacturing with materials, designs or samples supplied and compensated trade)2)学一些商务知识,熟悉两种语言对同一概念的表达习惯 escape clause(免责条款)concessionary loans(优惠贷款)consignment(寄售)In a foreign transaction, an open account is a convenient method of payment and may be satisfactory if the buyer is well established, has demonstrated a long and favorable payment record, or has been thoroughly checked for creditworthiness.在对外贸易中,记账赊销是一种方便的付款方式。如果买方资信优良,长期以来又有良好的支付记录,或其信誉经过彻底核实,那么,采用此种方式可能是令人满意的。


例1:The bank in Ecuador will instruct its agent bank in the United States to establish a letter of credit.Price: RMB 30 per yard, C.I.F.C, 5%, Lagos.Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days prior to the date of shipment.厄瓜多尔银行将通知它在美国的代理银行开具信用证。价格为:成本、保险加运费到拉格斯,每码30元人民币,包括5%的佣金。付款方式为:使用保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证付款

Assignments and summary: Page 20: Exercise 3(3,5,7,9,10).Teaching reflection: The students feel quite difficult for the translation of business English, for there are so many difficult words that are quite different from their usuall meanings.They need to accumulate more terminology in the process of study.第三章: 英汉翻译中的词语翻译(Diction选词用字)1.复习:商务英语文体的风格及其翻译;

2.简介:词汇选择在翻译中的重要性;词汇的选择如何理解。Diction(i.e.choice of words)is as important in E-C translation as in C-E translation.As we said, English is as complex and sophisticated a language as Chinese is, and, as is the case with Chinese, a word is capable of being used in five, ten or even more different senses, depending on the different collocations or contexts.3.英汉词语的对比

3.1英语词汇一词多义的现象颇为普遍,其涵义范围比较宽,比较丰富多彩,词义对上下文的依赖性比较大,独立性比较小。-----刘宓庆 3.2英语词汇孤立的时候,词汇的意义是无法确定的,即是游移不定的,所以说词汇的意义即是其在语言中的运用。

(The meaning of a word is its use in language.)Weigenstein 维根斯坦

3.3 现代汉语词汇的涵义范围比较窄,词义比较精确、固定、严谨,其伸缩性和对上下文的依赖性较小,具有较强的独立性。没有上下文的情况下语义的差别不大。

3.4 英语在现代科技飞速发展的今天,不断更新词汇,词义范围越来越大;而汉语语言有着悠久的历史传统,有特殊的民族文化底蕴和内涵,故汉语的词义很不容易受外部环境的影响,并在一定程度上“流于执着、凝滞,不易变通”。

3.5 英语词语的语体分为五种:超正式体,正式体,普通体,非正式体,超非正式体;汉语分为三种:书面体,普通体和口语体。4.词语翻译注意事项

4.1 注意常用的字和词语,切忌望文生义。因为其一词多义的现象,所以翻译时要根据词性和上下文来判断一个词语或字的意义。例如: Run: run作为不及物动词有31个释义,作为及物动词有25个释义,作为名词有38个释义,作为形容词有4个释义。给我们翻译带来困难的不仅是一词多义,还有词语搭配中的虚实两用,即一个词的原义,或者是实义以及它的引申义,或者是虚义。例如: Run across: 跑过 偶然碰见 Run away: 跑开 失去控制 Run back over: 跑会 回顾

Run counter to: 跑离 违反 与„.背道相驰;Run down:跑下 用完;撞到;贬低 Run in: 跑进 顺便探望; Run into:跑进 限于,偶然碰到 Run to seed:变得不修边幅 Run for: 竞选 Run aground:搁浅 Run wild: 发疯;

Run a sword through sb.: 用刀刺死 汉语也是如此:

上班:go to work;be on duty;上报:appear in the newspaper, to report to a higher authority;上膘: become fat;上场:appear on the stage;上当:be taken in He was badly wounded in the head.他头部受重伤。You should use your head a bit.你该用一下自己的头脑。He has a good head for mathmatics.他的数学能力很强。Prick with the head of a neele.用针尖挑。4.2 翻译时对不确定的词义要勤查字典;

4.3 选词就是找到最好的表达方法:一般说来,词义的选择是在一组同义词或近义词之间进行的。翻译时要注意原文与译文在文体、语域、比喻形象和感情色彩上的对应程度。如:

死:亡,故,卒,誓,崩, 亡故, 身故,物化,谢世,过世,就世,仙逝,归西,回老家,玩儿完,粉身碎骨,溘然长逝,寿终正寝,一命呜呼等表达。

Perish, succumb, suffocate, expire, decease, depart, drown, fall, hang, cease respiration, relinquish life, lose one’s life, emit the last breath, cease to exist, come to a violent death, come to naught, meet one’s death, commit suicide, end one’s days, be no more, drop dead, pass away, fade away, check in, check out, burn out, kick in, kick off, go up, cash in, go west 等; 1)go to sleep 长眠; 2)to be no more 没了,不在了; 3)to close one’s eyes 闭眼,合眼; 4)to lay down one’s life: 献身; 5)to die martyr: 牺牲;6)to expire 逝世; 7)to pass away 与世长辞,去世 8)to end one’s way 寿终; 9)to go west 归西 10)to breathe one’s last:咽气,断气;11)to come to a violent death 横死;死于非命

12)to give up the ghost: 见阎王;13)to kick the bucket 翘辫子,翻白眼; 14)abandon the world 弃世,谢世 15)to pay the debt of nature 了解尘缘 再如: 1)2)3)4)


以上翻译不需选词,但是在比较正规的书面语体里就不能一味地用“好”来翻译good, 应根据上下文来选用有一定文采的比较正规的褒义词。如: 1)


There were all labeled as good It was a girl with good manners.He is a good man.他是个好人。This is a good book.这是本好书。I wish you good luck.祝你好运。She is a good friend of mine.她eggs.这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。3)

Dogs are often regarded as man’s good friends.狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。4)

He was told, when complaining that he could not follow Nasser’s movies, that Nasser was a good chess player.有一次,当他抱怨纳赛尔棋步难以捉摸时,有人对他说,纳赛尔是个高明的棋手。5)

He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.我们又一次领受了他那广博的知识、丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。6)

In every Chinese city, we got into the streets, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants.在中国我们每到一个城市,就逛大街、逛公园、上剧场、下饭馆。注意区别褒义词和贬义词。

1)Then Hilter’d black empire would suddeny collapse in rubble, blood, and flame.希特勒的黑暗帝国,顷刻之间就会在血泊与烈火中崩溃,夷为废墟。5.翻译书上例子讲解。练习:

1)I have a short memory.2)Liu Hu-lan’s life was short brilliant.3)He complained that the notice was too short.4)Indeed he has a shourt temper.第四章: 英汉翻译中的增词法与减词法


Be careful about the “polysemy” phenomena;Be mindful of “collocation” in Chinese;Making distinction between “derogatory” terms and “commendatory” terms;Pay attention to the style, register, and rhetorics of the language;2.介绍新课内容增词法和减词法的翻译(Amplification and Omission);

Usually a translator is not supposed to add any meaning to or subtract any meaning from the original work.This is the principle not to be violated in translation.However, it does not follow that a translator should refrain from supplying or reducing the necessary words to make his version both accurate and in keeping with the usage of the language translated into.Both amplification and omission are often employed in E-C and C-E translation.3.增词法理解:1)就是在原文的基础上添加必要的单词、词组、分句或完整句,从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯和在文化背景、词语联想方面与原文一致,即译文和原文在内容、形式和精神三方面都对等起来。--冯庆华



例1:The English language is in very good shape.It is changing in its own undiscoverable way, but it is not going rotten like a plum dropping off a tree.英语目前的情况很好,它正按照它那不易为人发现的方式在起着变化,而不是像一只树上掉下来的李子那样在逐渐腐烂。

例2:I had imagined it to be merely a gesture of affection, but it seems it is to smell the lamb and make sure that it is her own.原来我译文这不过是一种亲热的表示,但是现在看来,这是为了闻一闻羊羔的味道,来断定是不是自己生的。(增加时间状语)

例3.I have not been satisfied with my efforts to date and I have been constantly searching for some sort of organized and systematic contribution wihich I could make to bridging the gaps between the Eastern and Western worlds.我对到目前为止所做的努力并不满意,我一直在寻求能够有组织地、系统地写点东西,以弥合东西方世界之间的沟壑。(增加时间状语)例4:Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection()weakness, thrift()avarice.勇敢过度即成蛮勇,感情过度即成溺爱,节俭过度即成贪婪。(增加省略的成分)


例1:the financing of the sale often involves bills of exchange and documentary credits 商品买卖的货款收付情况体现在汇票或跟单信用证中。

例2:After the football match, he’s got an important meeting.在观看足球比赛之后,他有一个重要的会议去参加。(增加动词)例3:Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light;就其基本内容而言,这一学说提出的论点包括:光速是宇宙中最快的速度;(增加修饰语,以示强调)

例4:Not to educate him(the child)is to condemn him to repetitious ignorance.如果我们部队儿童进行教育的话,那就要使儿童沦入世世代代的愚昧状态。(增加名词)

例5:Sino-British links have multiplied – political, commercial, educational, cultural, defensce, science and technology.中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技等方面的联系成倍地增加了。(增加概括词)

例6:Old age is like a palne flying through a storm.Once you are aboard, there’s nothing you can do.老年就像一架在暴风雨中穿行的飞机,一旦你上去了,一切都将无能为力。(增加量词)3)


例1:Le Monde, the B.B.C., the New York Times, the entire Arab press, all quote Heikal at length.法国的《世界报》、英国广播公司、美国《纽约时报》以及整个阿

为了沟通不同的文化:增加背景知拉伯世界,都经常大量引用海卡尔的话。(增加背景知识)例2:The blond boy quickly corossed himself.那个金发小男孩立刻在胸前划十字,祈求上帝保佑。(增加文化知识)

例3:This greatest scientist was born in New England.这位伟大的科学家出生在美国东北部的新英格兰。(增加背景知识)例4:三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。

The wit of three cobblers combined surpasses Zhuge Liang the master mind.(增加文化内涵)练习:

1.They have done for the State far more than we have.(句法省略的词汇)2.We recognize-and share-China’s resolve to resist the attempts of any nation which seeks to establish global or regional hegemony.3.We in Britain have every reason to wish for better relations with the states of Eastern Europe.And we do sincerely want them.(使用代词避免重复)4.Those werethe words that were to make the world blossol for me, “like Aaron’s rod, with flowers”.英汉翻译中的减词法


3.减词法(omission):As noted in the last class, because of the difference in syntax and usage between Chinese and English the metods of “amplification” and “omission” are called for, depending on the real meaning of the original and the usage of the language to be translated into.4.减词法依据:与英语相比,汉语中代词(尤其是人称代词)和连接词(尤其是并列连接词“和”)使用得很少,能省略的代词和连接词一般不在句子里出现。此外,英语中有冠词,汉语中没有。因此,在英译汉时应避免在句子里过多地使用代词和连接词,否则译文就会显得不自然、不流畅,这时就要采用减词法翻译。5.减词法使用的场合 1)冠词的省略。例如:

That veteran scientist says, ‘Remote sensing of the earth form man-made satellites seems to have an extremely pomising future.’

译文:那位老科学家说,‘从人造卫星上对地球进行遥感勘测,其前途看来是不可限量的。2)物主代词的省略(omission of possessive pronoun)

例如:He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.译文:他把双手放进口袋里,然后耸了耸肩膀。3)省略关系代词(omission of relative pronouns)。

例如:Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist.译文:不承认这个事实,就不是唯物主义者。

“We have seven days in a week,” said the teacher to the pupils.老师对小学生说:“一个星期有七天。” 4)结构词的省略。(omission of structural words)例如:The transfer of administrative personnel in that colony was so frequent as to create a kaleidoscopic effect.在那个殖民地,行政官员调换频繁,就像走马丁似的。5)系动词的省略(omission of linking verbs)。

例如:It was hot and humid yesterday.昨天的天气又热又潮湿。These developoing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.这些发展中国家,土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。6)比较标志词的省略(omission of signs of compoarsion)。First, there are quite a few English expressions wihich, though of a “comparative degree” in form, stand for a specific concept or state of affairs;and this kind of “comparative degree” is usually not to be expressed in the Chinese version.e.g.higher education高等教育;younger generation年轻的一代;better students优秀学生;weaker states弱国, etc.例如:Jiangsu Province is smaller in area, but denser in population, than Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.译文:江苏省面积比新疆维吾尔自治区小,人口却比新疆稠密。6.解释书上例子。

1.The retailers perform many functions.First, he may provide a convenient location.Also, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells.Third, the retailer aids in promoting the product, often through displays and advertising.Fourth, the retailer may finance the customer by extending credit.Further, the retailer performs storage function in his outlet, by having goods available.练习:

1.He is not well today, but he still comes to class.他今天身体不好,但(他)还是来上课了。2.It is better to do well than to say well.说得好不如做得好。

3.The sun is bright, and the sky is clear.阳光灿烂,晴空万里。

4.In September 1939, the Second World War broke out.(在)1939年9月,第二次世界大战爆发。5.这架电视机真是价廉物美。

This television is really cheap(in price)and fine(in quality).第五章:英汉翻译中的重复翻译法


● 英汉语重复的目的; ● 英汉语重复的缺点; ● 英语避免重复的方法; ● 汉语重复表达的特点; ● 英汉重复翻译技巧。2.教学重点

● 英语避免重复的方法; ● 汉语重复表达的特点; ● 英汉重复翻译技巧。3.教学难点

● 两种语言的特点比较及翻译技巧的掌握。4.教学特点 ● 理论与实践相结合 5.教学方法


● 多媒体(PPT), 黑板 7.教学步骤:

7.1 复习翻译的减词法:

Q1:Why is omission necessary for the English-Chinese translation?(语言对比)Q2:How many cases should be used the translation skill of omission? What are they? 7.2 英汉语重复表达的目的:

1)表达强调语势;2)表达生动活泼;3)表达明确。7.3 英汉语重复的缺点:重复使得表达啰嗦,单调乏味。

7.4 英语避免重复的方法:英语中尽量采用替代、省略或变换方法来避免无意图的重复,这样不仅能使行文简洁、有力,而且符合英语民族的语言心理习惯。替代(substitution)有名词性替代、动词性替代、分句性替代。省略有名词性省略、动词性省略、分句性省略、句法的省略、情景的省略等。变换主要指利用同义词、近义词复现和句式变化等来避免重复。

7.4.1 指代法:使用代词(人称代词、物主代词、指示代词以及用于非限制性定语从句的关系代词)来避免重复。

例如:The U.S.infantryman, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France;he was fresh, well-fed, and unscarred by battle.译文:虽然美国步兵部队需要的后勤供给过于奢侈,但在法国的一仗却打得十分漂亮。他们精神饱满,营养充足,战争没有给他们留下任何创伤。书上例子。

7.4.2 换词法:使用范畴词、同义词或准同义词来避免重复。例1:John’s bought himself a new Ford.He practically lives in the car.约翰给自己买了一部新的福特牌汽车,他几乎就住在这部汽车里。例2:I don’t know where to stay when I arrive in New York.I have never been to that place.我不知道到了纽约要住在哪里,我从来没有去过那个地方。

例3:The monkey’s most extraordinary feat was learning to operate a tractor.By the age of nine, the animal had learned to solo on the vehicle.这只猴子最了不起的技能是学会驾驶拖拉机。到了九岁的时候,这只猴子已经学会单独表演驾驶拖拉机了。书上例子。

7.4.3 替代法:使用替代词语或替代句型来避免重复。

1)名词性替代(nominal substitution):用代词或某些名词来取代名词(词组),如第三人称代词、指示代词(this, that, thiese, those)、关系代词(who,whom,whose, that, which)、连接代词(who, whom, whose, what, which)、不定代词(all, wach, every, both, either, neither, one/ones, none, little, few, several, many, much, other, some, any, no)以及名词(enough, half, the same, the kind, the sort, the former, the latter)等。

例1:A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed.化学变化是改变粒子结构、形成新物质的一种变化。

例2: He hated failure;he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, and despised it in others.他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。2)动词性替代:用替代词来取代动词或词组。主要类型见书上。例1:The Americans are reducing their defence expenditure this year.I wonder if the Russians will do too.美国人今年已在削减国防开支,我怀疑俄国人也会这样做。例2: You don’t want to lag behind.Neither does she.你不愿意落后,她也不愿意落后。

例3:Mary speaks Chinese, and that very well.玛丽会讲汉语,而且讲得很好。

3)分句性替代(clausal substitution):用替代词so 或not来取代充当宾语的that 从句,用if so 或if not 来取代条件从句,用as来取代分句的一部分。例1:People believe that the American team will win the football game.Peter thinks so, but I believe not.人们认为美国队将赢得这场足球比赛,彼得也是这样认为的,我却认为并非如此。

例2:The Chinese have always been a great, courageous and industrious nation;it is only in modern times that they have fallen behind.And that was due entirely to oppression and exploitation by foreign imperialism and domestic reactionary governments.中国人从来就是一个伟大的勇敢的勤劳的民族,只是在近代落伍了。这种落伍,完全是被外国帝国主义和本国反动政府所压迫和剥削的结果。


例1:A man is called selfish, not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor’s.说一个人自私自利,并非因为他只图自己的利益,而是因为他不顾邻人的利益。

例2:One cannot learn to produce a sound from an explanation only, or get a correct idea of a flavor from a description: a sound must be heard, a color seen, a flavor tasted, an odor inhaled.人不能只从讲解中学会发音,也不能光靠看说明而真正体会出某种滋味来:声音必须耳闻,颜色必须目见,滋味必须口尝,气味必须吸入。7.4.5 保留介词法:即保留同一个介词以回避名词、动词或形容词的重复。例子:见书上。

7.4.6 紧缩法:就是将语句中两个或几个相关联的成分合成在一起,以避免一些词语的重复,使文字变得简洁紧凑。

例1:He was particularly interested in the articles on and by Lu Xun.他特别喜欢评论鲁迅的文章,也特别喜欢鲁迅写的文章。见书。

7.5 汉语重复表达特点:与英语不同,重复是汉语的一个特点,表现在语音上的需要,语法的需要和修辞上的需要。汉语的重复倾向与其语音文字的特点有密切的关系。汉字属于音节文字,一个汉字代表一个音节,音节分为声。韵、调单个部分,元音在音节中处于主要的地位,配上不同声调的升降抑扬,使得汉语具有铿锵动听的音乐美。现代汉语中双音节占优势,讲究词语的偶数音节的组合,读起来顺口,给人整齐、匀称而又平稳、舒畅的感觉。7.5.1 重叠(reduplication): 名词重叠:AA: 人人 天天 事事 年年 声声 字字 道道 家家

AABB: 男男女女 世世代代 风风雨雨 沟沟洼洼 日日夜夜 数量词重叠、动词重叠、形容词重叠、附加式重叠(毛毛雨 月月红)、偏正并列式、动宾并列式、主谓并列式等。7.5.2 重复(repetition):在修辞上称为反复。例1:我为人人,人人为我。One for all and all for one.例2: 大处着眼,小处着手。

Keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of the daily tasks.7.6 英汉翻译中的重复翻译技巧:通过比较,我们可以看出两种语言的特点,在以上这些场合尽量使用重复的方法来翻译英语。

例1:Most notably, China has avoided the large output declines and severe macroeconomic instability that have tended to characterize the transition experiences in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.最值得注意的是,中国避免了生产的大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性,生产的大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性曾经是中、东欧以及前苏联经济过渡时期的特点。7.7 句子翻译练习:

1)Happy families also had their own troubles.幸福家庭也有幸福家庭的烦恼。

2)Work with, and not against , nature.要顺应自然工作,不要违反自然工作。

3)Gathering facts, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings – this is all the work of science.收集事实并加以论证,提出理论并加以检验,以及归纳整理研究成果这就是科学工作的全部内容。Do exercise on page 53.-


Unit 1 Asking for Help

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 1.new words

knock, excuse me, certainly, village, trunk,hesitate,cabin … 2.Sentence structure I wonder if you can help me ? Would you mind my turning on the TV?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 2 Offering Help

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activity

Ⅱ Language Points 3.new words

dormitory, luggage, handle, front seat, particularly, touch … 4.Sentence structure That is very kind of you.What can I do for you

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 3 Giving and Receiving Gift

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 5.new words

the other day, conference, visiting scholar, optical, take part in … 6.Sentence structure I say, aren’t you Johe? By the way, haven’t I seen your picture somewhere?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 4 Making a Telephone Call

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 7.new words

invite, drop in, look sb up, be off, stop off, make an appointment, in that case, get-together… 8.Sentence structure Just a moment, please? Could you hold on?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 5 On an Outing

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 9.new words

beach, souvenir, agate, ruby, wave, schooling, stern, limitation, muster, respond… 10.Sentence structure I’m sorry to trouble you.But can you show me the way to the nearest subway entrance? muster the courage?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 6 Traveling

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activity.Ⅱ Language Points 11.new words

dimension, mobility, earnestly, mobile, stride ,fascination, booth, freeform, … 12.Sentence structure Self-importance gets a positive boost by the mobile phone? What’s happing with you these days?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 7 Recreational Activities

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 13.new words

tip,assert,shape,count,financing,potential,competitor,lowlife,… 14.Sentence structure View items by category or by brand? What’s happing with you these days?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 8 Campus Life

Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 15.new words

keyboard, dedicate, bakery, aisle instantly ,subtotal, nutritional, sort, fraction,… 16.Sentence structure Sort products instantly by nutritional contents? When does it get there?

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit

Unit 9 Hobby and Clothes Ⅰ Objectives

1.Prepare students with the communicative functions of making requests and giving replies;2.Appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.Master the key language points in the text 4.Conduct a series of listening, speaking activits

Ⅱ Language Points 17.new words

fit you very well, space, beginner, certain musical instrument, in the mean time, one reason for … 18.Sentence structure With what do you think of this suit? What are you think of the dress? My hobby is collecting stamps Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: listening, reading 2th period: practice

Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st period:

Enable students to recite all of the dialogues 二.2st period:

Make dialogues by the words and sentences in this unit








我是商务德语的学生,商务嘛,最重要的实践应用之一就是网上开店了,君不见,马云创立的淘宝网的出现,兴起了一股网上交易的旋风,各种网上交易平台快速发展起来了,8月20日,亚洲最大的网络零售商圈淘宝网发布了《2009年上半年网购市场发展报告》:上半年淘宝网的交易额809亿元,逼近2008年全年的999.6亿元;注册会员1.4亿,占全国网民数4成以上.而且据统计2005年中国网上购物用户数达到1855万人,与2001年的208万人相比,足足增长了9倍之多呀,还有还有,2005年中国网上购物交易额达到193.1亿元,与 2001年少的可怜的6亿元相比,狂增长了32倍,望着这一堆堆铁一般的数据,我何止心动呀,一定要立即行动才赶上淘金之旅呢?




一开始,我很彷徨,完全不知从哪里入手,于是,我们想到了网络,朋友,老师和书本。有了这四样法宝,我们的方向慢慢清晰了。卖韩国原版的专辑和周边.现在很多女生很喜欢韩国的歌手,也希望买到韩国原版的歌手的专辑.并且,金融危机过后,韩元贬值的很厉害,换算下来,一张原版韩国专辑的价格几乎和国内的引进版持平,这是一个很有利的条件.另外,我本人也对韩国专辑方面比较了解,能够知道进货的方向和数量.所以,我找上了我在韩国留学的同学,让他作为进货方,接受我的订单,然后通过国际快递和海运的方式将商品运送到我这里.我的目标买家主要是东方神起的歌迷,但是其他韩国歌手的专辑也会接受买家的预定,毕竟,刚开店总是需要全面一点的.经营的商品涵盖了专辑,DVD,写真集,History Book以及官方和韩站的周边.进货事宜确定以后,就要需找客源了.喜欢东方神起的女生年龄分布很广,从10代-20代,各个年龄的人都有涉及.针对不同的顾客群,我采取了不同的营销方法.我先是在我的QQ群中为我的小店做了广告,这主要针对的是20岁左右的歌迷,实际上,产生的宣传效果是非常好的,我有一半左右的顾客都来源于我的QQ群.然后,我在歌迷最集中的百度贴吧发了帖子,这里的歌迷的年龄层是非常多元的,从小学生到工作一族都有涉及.不过,在贴吧发帖的人实在太多了,我必须要定时的自己回帖,保持我的帖子始终能够在第一页的上半部分出现.当然,宣传效果也是很好的,我有三分之一的顾客是来自于百度贴吧.最后,一部分顾客,就是通过淘宝的搜索之后,买家主动选择了我的小店.做完这些以后,我的开店计划已经进行了一半了,剩下的问题就是要注册店铺,装修店铺和商品照片拍摄和文案描述。


我们给小店起了个名字,叫“S的韩宫”,“S”是我的德语名Stefanie的首字母,而且QQ群里面的朋友们也习惯这么称呼我,对于来自QQ群里面的朋友们来说,这个“S”也拉近了我们之间的距离.而 “韩宫”则简洁的点出了小店的经营范围:韩国原版专辑.这个名字既简约也便于记忆.而且,淘宝网也支持修改





















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