Unit 15 Exam focus: Speaking I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To familiarize Ss with the content of the Speaking Test
ii.To provide useful tips
iii.To practise the Speaking Test II.Materials needed: Cassette-Pass Cambridge BEC
Preliminary Exam Focus
Cards: 11 cards: one set of cards per
pair/group to be photocopied from T’s Guide
III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview · The Speaking Test T gives an overview of the Speaking Test.· How to succeed Ss brainstorm tips for success based on four assessment criteria then compare their ideas with the tips in the book.· Personal information Ss practise answering questions about general topics in preparation for Part One.Ss listen to a bad version of a Speaking Test and compare it with a good version.· Short talk Ss look at an exam topic and read tips on how to improve their answer.Ss listen to a bad then a good version of Part Two of a Speaking Test.Ss take turns to give a short talk, taking into account the tips from the lesson.· Collaborative task Ss read through tips and have a discussion.Ss listen to a bad then a good version of Part Three of a Speaking Test.http://club.TopSage.com
Ss have discussions, taking into account the tips from the lesson.· Exam practice Reading Part Sever: Form-filling.Writing Part One: Note.Writing Part Two: Long memo.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1 Introduction of the Speaking Test Ss open their books and read the overview of the exam format.Step 2 How to succeed T writes the four headings: Interactive communication, Organisation of ideas, Grammar and vocabulary and Pronunciation on the board and Ss brainstorm tips for succeeding in the Speaking Test.Interactive communication The examiners will pay attention to how well the Ss work together.Ss need to ask polite, if possible indirect, questions and frame interactions with common courtesies.Organisation of ideas Ss are expected to produce extended turns and use connectors.They have the chance to express opinions and justify them.Grammar and vocabulary Although marks are given for range, accuracy and appropriateness are more important.Pronunciation The examiners will listen for the pronunciation of individuals sounds, intonation and sentence stress.A slightly slower, but natural, rhythm is better than a fast but disjointed delivery.Step 3 Personal information Ex.1 Speaking T focuses on the general topics that might arise in Part One of the Speaking Test in which Ss will have to answer but not ask questions.T writes family on the board and elicits questions to do with the topic.Ss then write three questions for each of the
remaining words in Ex.1.Ss ask each other their questions.Ex.2 Speaking T gives Ss cards with conversation topics on them.Ss do the task as a mingling activity and try to find out as much as possible about their partner and the topic on the card.Ex.3 Listening T explains that the cassette contains bad and good versions of simulated BEC Preliminary Speaking Tests.Ex.4 Listening T plays the second version of the same part of the test, in which the candidates demonstrate improved exam technique.Step 4 Short talk Ex.1 Speaking In the second part of the Speaking Test Ss are expected to talk about a subject for about a minute.T elicits the prompt and T elicits possible ways of organizing the talk.Ex.2 Speaking T reads through the tips about the short talk in Part Two of the Speaking Test.T stresses that Ss should cover all the points mentioned in the rubric and link their ideas with a variety of words.T also reminds Ss that they will be expected to ask the other candidate a question.Ss work in pairs to answer for the subject on page 102.Ex.3 Listening Ss listen to a bad version of Part Two of the Speaking Test and discuss Ceneric’s performance.Ex.4 Listening Ss listen to a good version of Part Two of the Speaking Test and discuss Caroline’s performance.Ex.5 Speaking T tells Ss to look at the Activity Sheet on page 131.Ss take turns to choose a topic and give a short talk.Step 5 Collaborative task
Ex.1 Speaking
In the collaborative task it is essential task that Ss are able to react to each other and express their views on a subject.---What other activities could you arrange for a potential client?---Why is it important to socialize with potential clients? Ex.2 and Ex.3 Speaking
Ss listen to two versions of Part Three of the Speaking Test(a bad one and a good one)and discuss their performances.Ex.4 Speaking T puts Ss into pairs and tells them to look at the Activity Sheet on page 132.T reads different scenarios to different pairs and refers them to the correct prompt.Each pair discusses their scenario.T monitors and after about two minutes asks an appropriate question for that scenario.Step 6 Exam practice.Help Ss finish Exam practice.http://club.TopSage.com
第二篇:剑桥商务英语》授课教案Unit 3
Unit 3 Exam focus: Vocabulary I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To provide Ss with useful strategies for coping with unknown vocabulary ii.To present useful ways of organising and storing new vocabulary II.Materials needed: None III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview
·Vocabulary in the examination
Warmer: To writes up the words vocabulary and grammar to introduce the topic.T ensures Ss understand why vocabualry is an Exam focus unit.·Understanding words: Ss identity types of words then label the types of
words gapped in sentences and complete the gaps.Ss guess the meaning of potentially unfamiliar
words through the use of context.·Stroing new vocabulary: Ss discuss the addvantages and disadvantages of
five ways of physically recording vocabulary.Ss then look at examples of five ways of organising vocabulary and discuss which they use and how they are useful.Ss then assign groups of words to the most approproate means of atorage.·Vocabulary cards: Ss look at an example of a vocabulary storage cards and
complete cards in a similar way.Ss work I pairs and ·discuss which types of information they would choose to store on cards.·Buildig your vocabulary: Ss focus on word families and notes ways of
changing from through suffixes, prefixes etc.They then build up words and write example sentences.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step1 Vocabulary
Ex1.Ss work in pairs to identify the types of words.Ss then identify which type of words can fill the gaps and complete the sentences.Ex2.T makes up some sentences using nonsense words to make the point about information around the unknown word indicating its meaning.Help Ss guess the meaning of the words in italics from the information in the rest of the sentence.http://club.TopSage.com
Step 2 Storing new vocabulary Ex1.Ss work in pairs as they discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the five ways of physically storing vocabulary.T encourages Ss to report any other ways they know and which they can recommend to other Ss.Ex2.This exercise is to introduce five basic strategies for organising and recording vocabualry.They are diagrams, tables, keywords, scales and word fields.Ex3.Ss work in pairs and decide how best to store the groups of words.Step3 Vocabulary cards Ex1.Ss look at an example of a vocabulary storage cards and complete cards in a similar way.Ss work I pairs and discuss which types of information they would choose to store on cards.Step4 Building your vocabulary Ex1.T directs Ss to look at some common ways of changing the forms of words and double check in the dictionaries.Ex2.Ss work in pairs and brainstorm as many different forms of the words as possible.http://club.TopSage.com
第三篇:剑桥商务英语》授课教案Unit 8
Unit 8(a)Business equipment I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To enable Ss to talk about business equipment ii.To practise reading for specific information iii.To practise listening for gist and specific information iv.To review language for giving instructions and practise form-filling II.Materials needed: Cassette-Pass cambridge BEC Preliminary III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·Office equipment Vocabulary: Ss sort items of office equipment according to whether they are essential, useful, not important.Reading: Ss scan two advertisements for photocopiers.Ss read the advertisements again and answer multiple-choice questions.Speaking: Ss discuss which of the two photocopiers would be best for three different people.Reading: Ss complete a form to obtain more information about one of the photocopiers ·Giving instructions Listening: Ss listen to a conversation to identify the problem with a new shredder.Ss listen again to complete instructions on using instructions.Languages focus: Ss review language for giving instructions.Speaking: Ss Play a board game to consolidate business-equipment-related
vocabulary.(Activity sheet page 127)
Ss take turn to give instructions for and identify pieces of equipment.·Self-study Vocabulary: Sorting exercise(matching verbs with machines).Word-building exercise(equipment-related vocabulary).Writing: Ss give written advice on problems with equipment.Ss write operating instructions for a piece of equipment.Reading: Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise.Exam practice: Matching visuals with sentences.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1.Office equipment Ex.1 Vocabulary.http://club.TopSage.com
Ss sort vocabulary relating to office equipment.Ss discuss their categories in pairs before a general feedback session.Ex.2 Reading.Ss scan the two photocopier advertisements in order to answer the two questions.The advertisements are authentic with correspondingly rich language.Ss should simply focus on the answers to the questions.Ex.3 Reading Ss read the advertisements in more detail in order to answer the multiple-choice questions.Ex.4 Speaking
Ss read the descriptions of the three people and decide which photocopier each person should buy.Ex.5 Ss complete the form for more information for James Clarkson from the previous exercise.Step 2.Giving instructions Ex1&2.Listening.Ss listen to a conversation about a new shredder in order to decide what the problem is and how Anna and Becky solve it.Then Ss listen again in more detail in order to complete the notes.Ex.3 Speaking Ss work in a group of four to play the game.To make counters T photocopies and cuts out the line drawings of the machines on the game Activity sheet on page 127.The purpose of this game is to recycle vocabulary in order to prepare for the following exercises.Ex 4.Speaking
One S gives instructions for one of the pieces of equipment illustrated, without saying which one it is.His partner guesses which object it is.Ss then change roles.Step 3.Self-study Help Ss finish Self-study exercises.http://club.TopSage.com
Unit 8(b)Correspondence I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To raise awareness of and practise writing formal correspondence ii.To practise reading for specific information II.Materials needed: None III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·Sending a quotation Warmer: T brainstorms different types of business letter.Reading: Ss read three types of correspondence and match them with descriptions before answering comprehension questions.Speaking: Ss discuss differences between letters, faxes and e-mails then exchange information about their correspondence.·Letters of acceptance Reading: Ss order extracts from a business letter and match the extracts with descriptions of the paragraphs.Languages focus: Ss match functions with letter phrases.Writing: Ss write a letter querying an invoice.·Self-study Vocabulary: Explanation of abbreviations.Matching exercise(letter openings and closures).Spoken vs.written functional phrases.Writing: Ss correct a grammatically correct but informal letter of enquiry.Exam practice: Party invitation notice.Letter replying to an enquiry.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step1.Sending a quotation T quickly brainstorms different types of formal business letter such as complaint, enquiry, etc.T also brainstorms alternation types of inter-company correspondence.E.g.fax, e-mail, memo.When would we use a formal little and the alternations? One of the deciding factors is the relationship between the writer and reader.Ex.1.Reading The aim of exercise to introduce some samples of writing and to make the point that the type of correspondence we use and the language we write depends on a number of factors, including relationship.Ss quickly scan the 3 forms of correspondence to find the necessary information.http://club.TopSage.com
Note: 1、10th,sept.(BE)/ 11.10th(AE)2、Subject:/Re:
3、① Dear Miss××/Dear Mrs.××
Dear Ms×× / Dear Mr.×× Yours sincerely ② Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully ③ Dear Nancy/Alan Best Regards Best wishes ④ I’ve attached a copy of…;Please find enclosed a copy of… Attach
附加,enclose 兹附上…
Enclose 用于信函,attach
Enclose is used only with letters but attach can be used with letters but attach can be used with both letters and e-mails.Suggested answers:
1、Julian Hughes(fax)---has already organized courses for Norwest.Dave(e-mail)may also done so.2、Rebecca Brooks(letter)---has not worked with Norwest before.3、Dave(e-mail)-is a personal friend of Alan’s.Ex 2.Reading Ss read through the questions and scan the correspondence for the relevant information.Then Ss explain their answers, referring to the correspondence.Suggested answer:
1、Synergy Management Consultants(7.5 hours)
2、Watson & Railton
3、ATC Consulting(525 pounds includes VAT, whereas Watson and Railton’s 499 pounds does not)4.Synergy Management Consultants 5.Watson & Railton(or in---company)Ex 3.Ss work in pairs and read the correspondence for detailed comprehension,noting any differences between the three replies.The different fall into several categories such as salutation, use of language and familiarity.The linguistic differences include use of conventional phrases and also vocabulary such as venue/location, delegates /no.of people.http://club.TopSage.com
1、Julian Hughes(fax)①use Alan’s first name, signs off with his own first name, no reference line.②some informal language(Many thanks)③some abbreviations(I’ve attached)④some less formal vocabulary(no of people)
2、Rebecca Brooks(Letter): ①uses formal salutations(Dear Mr.Pickering, Yours sincerely)②reference line, formal phrases(your enquiry of 16 April)③formal vocabulary(venue, delegates)④use no contraction at all.3、Dave(e-mail): ①uses first names, no reference line, informal time reference(yesterday)②contractions(Here’s, I’ve)③informal vocabulary(quote,wanted,give me a call)④ellipsis(hope you can read it ok)⑤ Informal salutations(Best wishes)Ex.4 Speaking Ss work in pairs and exchange information about their own correspondence.Step2.Letters of acceptance.Ex 1.Reading.Alan decides to accept the Synergy offer and writes a letter of acceptance.Put the paragraphs of his letter into the correct order.As an alternative to doing the exercise from the book, T photocopies the extracts, cut them into separate pieces and give them to Ss as a jigsaw.T points out that the jigsaw letter is a reply to the correspondence from the previous page.During feedback Ss explain why they chose their particular order.Ex 2.Ss read the four functions and match them with the relevant paragraph from the jigsaw letter.During feedback Ss identify the exact language supporting their answers.This will highlight the functional phrases in the letter and lead into the next exercise.Ex 3.Vocabulary The matching exercises introduces some more functional phrases.Ss match phrases with functions and then T leads feedback..EX 4.Writing
This writing task is similar to Part Two of the Cambridge BEC Preliminary Writing Test(60---80 words).First of all, the class brainstorms the contents of
the required letter.Then T puts Ss in pairs and asks them to follow the procedure under the bullets in the exercise.Ss submit the first draft for editing by the class.Notes: 1、Delegates:8@ &549 per person 出席人数:8,单价为547英镑/人 Extras: Training Packs @&2.5 per person 额外费用:培训资料袋,单价为2.5英镑/人 发票中@的意思是:单价为……
2、Bankers: Lloyds Bank PLC …… 开户银行:英埃德(股份)银行 Useful expressions: 1、Re:事由 2 Invoice:发票清单
3、Thank you for your letter of …
4、I am writing to…
5、With reference to…事关
6、I am please to… 7、T am afraid that…
8、I would be grateful if you could 9、I look forward to hear from you.Suggested answer: RE: Training course invoice 1948 Dear Mrs.Brooks Thank you for your letter and invoice of 24 May 2001.I am afraid we are unable to accept the invoice as only six participants attended the seminar, not eight.Moreover, training packs were included in the price.I would be grateful if you could send me a correct invoice for the training course.I look forward to receiving your early reply.Yours sincerely Alan Pickering Step3.Self-study Ex 5.Writing Useful expressions:
1、price list
2、a copy of brochure is enclosed 随函附上产品宣传小册子
3、a wide range of photocopiers
4、Thank you for your letter of …
5、I enclose…
6、Any further questions/in formation
7、Do not hesitate to contact me
8、discounts available for…可得到折扣
9、a 3% discount is offered on…对 打折 10.I look forward to hearing from you Ex 6 Writing
Useful expressions、to hold/have a farewell party 2、to leave for his new job 3、to wish him well、in Reception / in the assembly hall at 5:30 pm 会议厅
第四篇:剑桥商务英语》授课教案Unit 7
Unit 7(a)Product description I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To enable Ss to describe products in general terms ii.To practise listening for specific information iii.To review language for talking about dimensions and comparatives and superlatives iv.To practise question formation II.Materials needed: Cassette-Pass cambridge BEC Preliminary III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·Presenting a product Warmer: T elicits vocabulary related to board game.Listening 1: Ss listen to a presentation of new board games and identify
pictures.Ss listen for more detail and identify what notes refer to.T reviews language related to dimensions.Language focus: Ss form questions about the games.Speaking: Ss work in pairs and describe a board game they like.·Describing a product Listening 2: Ss listen to the same sales manager talking to a retailer and
identify which games are of interest.Ss then listen again and answer compprehension questions.Langues focus: Ss review comparatives and superlatives.Speaking: Ss work in pairs.They list and rank points they considered when
buying something they both bought.·Self-study Vocabulary: Word-building and question formation exercise.Language focus: Comparatives and superlatives exercise.Writing: Ss write about a product they have recently bought.Exam pppractice: Multiple-choice gap-fill.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1 Presenting a product Warmer: T writes board game on the board.T asks Ss to work I pairs and think of five words or phrases connected with the idea of board game.T elicits Ss’ responses and uses this as a chance to pre-teach necessary vocabulary for the unit, i.e.board, dice, timer, cards, pieces and counters.Ex.1 Listening Robert Saunders, the Sales Manager at Columbine Games, talks about two new
products.Ss listen and identify the two games which Robert describes.Notes :
1.Mind twist 脑筋急转弯
2.our latest products in our range of games 游戏玩具系列中的最新产品 3.Which comes in two versions 现有两种版本供应 Come: 被出售,被供应
4.the four playing pieces are magnetic counters which are made of colored plastic 四个带磁的圆形硬片是用彩色塑料做成的(counter筹码)Ex.2 Listening 1 Ss listen to the cassette in more detail and decide what the numbered descriptions refer to.Key: Note:
1.How big is / What is the size of… 2.How heavy / What is the weight of… 3.How much / What is the price of… Ex.3 Grammar T elicits complete questions for the first few answers in Ex.2.T asks Ss to work in pirs and form the remaining questions.Ss are expected to demonstrate their ability to form questions in Part 2 of the Speaking Test.Ex.4 Speaking
Ss work in pairs describing games that they like.In order to give this activity more structure and review language which has arisen during the lesson, T writes some prompts on the board , e.g., type of game , size, weight, material, price, how to play, comments.Useful expressions: 1.bigger / smaller than… 2.It measures 50×50cm 3.It weighs…
4.light-weight 轻质的 5.The weight of it is… 6.lighter and smaller…
7.wooden playing pieces… 木质的棋子
8.be made of … 9.It only costs… 10.To retail at…
11.The retail price is …
12.easy to play…
13.This is a game for 3 or 6 players.14.The material of playing pieces is … Step 2 Describing a product Before Ss listen to the cassette, T prepares them by asking how they think Columbine sells its games: directly to the public? Through catalogues? Through retailers? Etc.Ex.1 Listening 2 Ss listen for gist on the first listening, simply to get an idea of the games Sophine is interested in.Note:
1.collectables 收藏品.The recommended retail price 建议零售价.And what would you be willing to sell it to us for ? = And what price would you be willing to sell it to us? 4.on large orders: 大宗定单
5.Not on Mind twist on its own.只买脑筋急转弯不打折 Ex.2 Listening 2 Then Ss listen the same cassette again and answer more detailed questions.Ex.3 Grammar T asks Ss to correct the sentences about Columbine’s games.As students focus on correctness of meaning, they will be using the comparative and superlative forms referred to earlier.T may point out that fewer in the first sentence is used with countable nouns.Less is only used with uncountable nouns.Ex.4 Speaking Ss works in pairs and think of something they have both bought.They discuss the criteria they used in selecting it and write them down.They then order all of the criteria mentioned in terms of importance for themselves.T gives them a little more time to prepare to report back to the rest of the class.Useful expressions: 1.reliability 2.image
3.performance 4.energy-saving 5.to save petrol ASAP 6.I prefer to choose the leading brands with reasonable price.http://club.TopSage.com
7.I’m more interested in the image of car.8.I think about after-sales service.9.I pay much attention to the reliability on the past of the sellers.10.Safety system is as important as energy-saving system.Step 3 Self-study
Help Ss finish exercises in this part.Ex 4 Exam practice Notes:
1.the latest addition to our extensive 最新产品 2.flexible machine 多功能机器 3.variety 种类,强调与众不同
4.range(在某一范围内)同类货品,一批,系列 5.spread 差异,差距
6.provide sb.With sth./ provide sth.7.however :然而,可是,要用逗号与其他成份分开
Unit 7(b)Product developments I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To enable Ss to talk about product development ii.To practise reading and listening for specific information iii.To review specific words(first, after that etc.)iv.To review the present continuous and going to for future arrangements and intentions II.Materials needed: Cassette-Pass cambridge BEC Preliminary
Cards-Set A 9 cards: one set of cards per pair/ group to be
photocopied from T’s Guide
III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·Product testing Speaking: Ss do a quiz about drug development in the USA.Reading: Ss read an article to find answers to the quiz.Ss re-read the article and complete a table aboout the stagesof the development process.Language focus: Ss review language for sequescing(first, then, nest etc.)Writing: Ss put cards describing the drug development process in order then write a text linkin the stages.Speaking: Ss talk in pairs about the development of one of their company’s products or services.·Making a product Listening: Ss listen to a marketing manager talking about plans for the
launch of a new arthritis drug and answer comprehension questions.Ss listen again and order the stages in the process.Langues focus: Ss review the present continuous for future arrangements
and going to for intentions.Speaking: Ss talk in pairs about their company’s plans.Ss then ask and
answer questions about personal plans.·Self-study Vocabulary: Gap-fill exercise.Language focus: Gap-fill exercise.Vocabulary: Multiple-choice gap-fill exercise.Exam pppractice: Multiple-choice comprehension exercise.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1 Product testing
Warmer: T writes drug development on the boardand asks Ss to work in pairsand think of five words connected with the subject(test, monitor, launch, develop, animals)Ex.1 Speaking
Ss work in pairs and do a quiz about drug development.The aim is to interest Ss in the topic and to provide a reason for reading the article in Ex.2.Ex.2 Reading Ss read the article to find the answers to the quiz.Notes:
(1)be to + 不定式结构表示的将来动作一般都是受人们一直控制的,表示计划,安排或受人之示,be going to 表示现在的意图。(2)Only five out of every 5000 drugs…
Out of… 从… 中 ; every 每各…的,每…之中的 E.g.in nine cases out of ten…
Out of every five men only two were fit.每五人中只有两人是合格的。(3)The research-based pharmaceutical industry…
Research-based 以研究为中心的
N.+ based 以…为据点(基地)的,以…为主要手段的 E.g.computer-based accountancy 利用计算机的会计工作(4)A London-based firm 总部设在伦敦的公司 Ex.3 Reading Ss read the article again and complete the table.Ex.4 Vocabulary Ss underline any sequencing words and phrases in the text.T then refers Ss to the Don’t forget!section.T should stress the usefulness of preparing the listener by making a global comment about the stages that follow.T should also ensure that Ss are confident with the use of the sequencers as they will be important for Ex.5 and Ex.6.Key:
Paragraph2.There are four stages of…First of all…then… Paragraph3.The first stage…After that…
The final stage … While… Paragraph4.When…
Paragraph5.When.., …finally… Ex.5 Writing Ss work in groups.T give each group a set of cards describing the process of the drug development.T then asks them to write a description of the drug
development process, using sequencers for clarity.Useful expressions: first of all / to begin with after that / then / finally / the final stage to test on animals / healthy humans / patients to keep a record of test results to launch the drug when / after the application is approved… The new drug can be on the market after..Suggested answer: There are a number of stages in the drug development process.First of all, the company tests the new drug on animals.After that, the company tests the drug on healthy people to check safety.The drug is then tested on a small number of patients to see how well it works.Finally, the drug is tested on a large number of patients.While the company is testing the drug, it keeps a record of test results for the authorities.When the company has finished tests on humans, it applies to the authorities for approval, when the authorities approve the drug, the company can finally launch it.Ex.6 Speaking Ss work in pairs and talk about the development of a produce or service in their company.They should be encouraged to use some sequencers for clarity.However, the main aim of this exercise is to transfer what they have learned to their own situation and to develop fluency.Step 2.Marketing a product Ex.1.Listening Before listening, T elicits how drugs are normally distributed(on prescription, over the counter etc).Ss listen to the cassette and answer the questions.Notes:(1)on the market E.g.there isn’t much fruit on the market at this time of year.(2)And is it going to be available from the chemist’s as well as doctors.(the chemist’s shop)(3)… only be available in hospitals on prescription from doctors – not over the counter.(4)on prescription from doctors : 凭医生的处方
(5)not over the counter :(买药)不用处方
Ex.2 Listening
It must be stressed that Ss will have great difficulty if they try to put the actions into the correct order immediately.T should tell them to listen and note down any dates they hear next to the appropriate actions.After that, they should be able to order the actions quite easily.Key: send information packs to doctors(end of April)visit doctors to talk about the product(beginning of May)give posters to doctors(a week before the launch)launch the drug(in 5 weeks’ time – on 18 May)give information leaflets to patients(just after the launch on 18 May)Ex.3 Speaking Ss work in pairs and tell each other about their plans of this term.Step 3 Self-study Help Ss finish Self-study exercises.http://club.TopSage.com
第五篇:剑桥商务英语》授课教案Unit 6
Unit 6.Exam focus : Reading I.Teaching Objectives:
i.To familiarise Ss with the content of the Reading Test ii.To provide useful tips iii.To practissr the Reading Test II.Materials needed: None III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·The Reading Test T gives an overviws of the Reading Test ·How to succeed Ss read tips for doing the Reading Test ·Exam practice Part One: Multiple-choice.Part Two: Matching.Part Three: Matching graphs and charts.Part Five: Multiple-choice.Part Six: Multiple-choice gap-filling.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step1.The Reading Test T relates feedback to the overview table about the Reading Test and explains key features.Part1.Multiple-choice Part2.Matching Part3.Matching Part4.‘Right , Wrong, Doesn’t say’ Part5.Multiple-choice and matching Patr6.Multiple-choice gap-filling Part7.From filling T reminds Ss that the papers have equal weighting.Ss should aim to complete the reading part of the exam in the first 60 minutes(leaving 30 minutes for writing).Step2.How to succeed T takes Ss through the tips and explains them in more detail.Step3.Exam practice.Help Ss finish Exam practice.http://club.TopSage.com