牛津小学英语3A第七课 Unit 7 教案 教学设计

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第一篇:牛津小学英语3A第七课 Unit 7 教案 教学设计

牛津小学英语3A第七课 Unit 7 教案 教学设计


step 1.free talk T: Hello, what is your name?

S :My name is …

T: Look, this is my sweater.S :Oh, it is nice.T :Thank you.T :Look, that is my blouse.S: It is nice.T: Thank you.T :(教师示意,交换)

T :It is nice.S : Look,.This is my new book.T :It is nice.S :Look,that is my shirt.Step 2: 教师指着一女生,让学生说

S: This is her blouse.指另一个女生

S :This is her T-shirt.教师指着另一个男生,边指边说: T: This is his shirt.(重读)T :This is his pencil-box.(多说几遍)Teach “his’train practise T :This is his …

That is his

让学生练习这两句 Step 3

1review the words that we have learned 2 study the new word 拿出一件长裙what is this ? 教师呈现:dress, teach “dress” practise 同法学习“skirt,coat ,T-shirt” 3,play a game 教师画简笔画,学生猜猜看究竟是什么,step 4 T:Look,this is my blouse.Look at my blouse(twice)Teach “look at “ train practise

教师教授歌谣“Look,look,look,look at my „”


在练习的过程中,呈现出look at his/her..如指一男生说:look,look,look,look at my pen 教师改成 look,.look,look,look at his pen.让学生举一反三,引出look at her„ step 5 在上一环节教师可渗透It is smart.then teach “It is smart”(动作呈现)师:look at his „

生: It is smart.Look at her …

It is smart 生生对话:check it listen to the tape 教师指着一女生

T :Look at her blouse.S :It is smart.T;Yes, we also can say “It is pretty”

Teach “It is pretty”

同法根据“it is smart” T:Look at my blouse.S :It is smart/pretty.T:Thank you.(拿一件新衣服()

Look at my new …

S:It is smart/pretty.重读:new 且提醒新旧东西

左边:新文具盒,右边:旧文具盒;(NEW?)NO,teach “new”

new book.my new book.New pencil.my new pencil, 学生照例子举例子 T:Look at my new skirt.S :It is pretty.(twice)Exchange and pair work T :listen to the tape and read after it

第二篇:牛津小学英语3A Unit7教案 It’s nice!

3A Unit 7 It’s nice!




一、教学目标:1 能听懂、会说单词:a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a sweater, new, his和her。能听懂、会说Look at„及其应答It’s nice / pretty / smart.能用How nice!表达赞美、感叹之意;能用This is „和That’s„介绍物品。

二、教学重点:1单词: a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a sweater, new和nice。日常交际用语:Look at his / her„ It’s smart / pretty / nice./ How nice!Look, this is / that’s his / her„

三、教学难点:1 shirt, blouse, jacket, sweater, new 的读音。

能在情景中正确应用his和her。能比较自如地应用Look at„ 及其应答;能用This is„/That’s„介绍物品。

四、课前准备:1 教具准备:课前准备好一个布偶、实物(a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a sweater)及其相关图片。

教学准备:课前请每一位学生带四件衣服:a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a sweater。

五、教学过程:A:Free talk and motivation 以Good morning / Good afternoon, boys and girls.How are you? 和学生打招呼,学生依照情形回答,例如Good morning, Mr / Miss „I’m fine,thank you./ Not bad./ Not so good.拿出布偶,把布偶介绍给学生认识,说This is„(puppet’s name).假装布偶向学生打招呼,说Nice to meet you.学生回答Nice to meet you,too。布偶打哈欠,教师让布偶去睡觉:Go to bed,„布偶回答OK。Good night, boys and girls.学生回答Good night,„

B:Presentation and practice 介绍生词a shirt, a blouse, a jacket和a sweater。

a 把a shirt 的图片贴在黑板上。指着图片说This is a shirt.Say”a shirt”.学生跟读单词数遍。

b 同法教授单词a blouse, a jacket和a sweater。逐一把图片贴在黑板上。也可以把课前准备的衣服逐一展示给学生。介绍句型Look, this is„

a 指着自己的衬衫,说Look, this is my shirt.学生跟读句子。请学生拿出带来的衣服,请几位学生用Look, this is my „介绍自己的衣服。

b 把几件学生的衣服收集到教师桌上,记住每件衣服属于谁。接着把衣服一件一件拿出来,并指着物主说Look, this is his/ her„用此方法示范句型。

c 邀请几位学生轮流到教师课桌前,请他们拿起桌上任何一件服装,说Look, this is his / her„,找出物主,然后把衣服物归原主。

d 最后,可组织学生进行分组练习。介绍句型Look at„及其应答It’s smart / pretty / nice./ How nice!

a 走到布偶旁边,假装把正在睡觉的布偶叫醒,跟布偶互说Good morning ,„把布偶拿在一只手上,面向自己,假装与布偶对话。指着自己的衬衫,说Look at my shirt,„布偶回答It’s smart / pretty / nice./ How nice!学生跟读数遍。用其他衣服重复对话几次。

b 请几位学生扮演布偶的角色,示范对话数次。

c 最后,把学生分成四个组练习对话。

介绍句型Look, this is / that’s„

a 请一位男生拿着他带来的其中两件衣服到教室前面,一手拿一件衣服面向全班。教师站在男生旁边,指着男生手上靠近自己的衣服说Look, this is „再指着男生另一只手上的衣服说Look, that’s his„教师也可启发其他学生赞美衣服。

b 请一位女生出来,用同一方法示范句型。

c 把学生分成四人小组练习对话。练习前告诉学生this 和that的区别。

C: Learn to say 在黑板上写课题Unit 7 It’s nice。



D:Consolidation 请部分学生穿上各类服装组成时装表演队,并让他们一个接一个出场。同时教师和学生对表演队的服装作出评价。

T:Look at his / her „

Ss:It’s smart / pretty / nice./ How nice!

E:Listen to a song

播放字母歌曲ABC song, 如果学生已经会场,可以让他们跟着音乐一起唱。




一、教学目标:1 能听懂、会说单词:a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a coat。能比较熟练地在情景中运用Look at his/her„ This is a„That’s a„介绍物品。能正确地听、说、读字母Aa,Bb,Cc和Dd。

二、教学重点:1单词:a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a coat。日常交际用语:Look at his / her„ ;This is a„;That’s a„


三、教学难点:1 能在情景中正确应用his和her。能在实际情景中正确理解和运用this和that。

四、课前准备:教具准备:课前准备好实物(a puppet, a shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a T-shirt, a coat, a blouse)和字母卡片Aa-Dd。教学准备:课前请学生穿上或带上:a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a sweater, a jacket, a sweater, a T-shirt等服装。

五、教学过程:A:Revision and motivation 师生之间用Good morning / Good afternoon, boys and girls.How are you? 互相问候。师生之间谈论当天穿的衣服,复习已学过的句型和生词。

a T(指着自己的衬衫):Look at my blouse.(另一只手的布偶举起):Oh, it’s pretty.T: Thank you.Now, boys and girls, show the puppet your pretty clothes.b Ss(学生一个一个指着自己的衣服)Look at my blouse / shirt / jacket /sweater.Puppet: Oh, how nice.It’s smart / pretty / nice.c T(指着某一学生的衣服):Look at his / her blouse/ shirt/ jacket /sweater.Ss: Oh, how nice!It’s smart / pretty / nice.d T(老师拿起自己的衬衫,再指着另一女同学的衬衫):Look, this is my blouse.That’s her blouse.Ss: 模仿老师的话,个别交流:Look, this is my„ That’s her /his„

B:Presentation and practice T(拿出自己的外套,挂在衣架上):Look, this is my coat.Coat, my coat.Puppet: Oh, coat, your coat.That’s your coat.Ss:(齐读):Coat, your coat.That’s your coat.Ss(带外套的学生一个一个举起自己的外套):Look, this is my coat.Ss(其他学生回答):Oh, your coat.That’s your coat.T(指着一位穿T-shirt的男孩):Look at his / her T-shirt.Puppet: Oh, his T-shirt.It’s smart.S(指另一位同学的T-shirt):Look at his / her T-shirt.Ss(其他同学回答):Oh, his / her T-shirt.It’s smart.以同样的方

法再请几个学生操练T-shirt。T(给布偶穿上一条裙子):Look at her skirt.How nice.Skirt,skirt.Ss(齐读):Skirt, skirt.Ss(同桌操练):A:Look at her skirt.B:Oh, it’s nice!T(给布偶换上一件漂亮的连衣裙):Look at her dress.Dress,dress.Ss:(齐读):Dress, dress.T:(拿出自己的连衣裙):Look, this is my dress.Ss:Oh, it’s pretty / nice!

S1:(拿出自己的连衣裙):Look at my dress./ Look, this is my

dress.T:Oh, it’s pretty / nice!

用同样的方法让女学生一个一个展示自己的连衣裙,其他学生回答:Oh, it’s pretty / nice.How nice!等。

教师在黑板上画外套、T恤衫、裙子和连衣裙,让学生猜画的什么衣服。学生先个别猜,再集体用英语说出:a coat, a T-shirt, a skirt, a dress。

利用字母卡片,教授字母Aa, Bb, Cc, 和Dd,要求学生仔细听发音,认真看口形。教师示范读音(升降调)若干次后让学生跟读。



C: Consolidation T: Please open your Workbooks to page 21.Look at Exercise A.Please say them in English one by one.Ss: 用英语一一说出服装名称。

T: Now, listen to the tape.Find and circle.Ss: 听音画图。

T and Ss:检查校对。T:Please open your Student’s Books to page 45.Look at these pictures.Picture One.Look at his jacket.(老师示范图1)

S1:How nice!

T: Talk about these pictures.Practise in pairs.Ss: 同桌谈论这些图。

T and Ss: 交流、检查。T:出示a jacket, a sweater, a blouse, a shirt的实物。

Ss: Say them in English.T:(出示这些衣服)This is a„(指着黑板上的画)That’s a„

Ss:(同法个别操练)This is a„ That’s a„

a T: 换上一件新外套,在教室里走一圈,边走边说:Look at my

coat.Ss: How nice!

Ss:(学生一一按老师的示范):Look at my„

Ss:(其他学生):Oh, How nice!

b T:(请部分学生穿上各种服装,组成时装表演队,逐个出场)

Look at his/ her„ How nice!

Ss:(半班)Look at his/ her„(半班)How nice!

c Homework.让学生回家练习本单元的生词及句型。


一、教学目标:1 能熟练掌握本单元单词。能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。

能唱歌曲Color song。


二、教学重点:1单词:a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a coat, a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a sweater, new,和.。日常交际用语:Look at his / her„ How nice!Look!this is /that’s a„ 能正确地听、说、读字母Aa,Bb,Cc和Dd。

三、教学难点:1 能熟练听说本单元所学的单词。能在实际情景中灵活运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。


四、课前准备:教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪、实物(a skirt, a dress, a shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a T-shirt, a coat, a blouse)、假发套、多套卡片、彩笔、字母卡片。教学准备:课前每位学生带好彩笔和四线三格本。板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 7 It’s nice!并划好四线三格。

五、教学过程:A:Free talk.师生之间用Good morning / Good afternoon, boys and girls.How are you? 互相问候。学生依照实际情况回答。取出假发套,将一名学生装扮成外国人,介绍给全班同学说:This is Miss/ Mr„ 让扮演角色的学生向全班同学打招呼,说Nice to meet you.学生回答Nice to meet you, too.B:Revision 复习Look at „

a 教师指着自己的衣服,说:Look at my„全班同学表示赞叹:It’s pretty / nice / smart./ How nice!

b 教师示范几次后请一位同学指着自己的衣服,说Look at my„同桌学生表示赞叹。

c 最后组织学生分组练习。

复习his / her

a 教师举起学生的物品,说Look at his / her„

b 全班同学回答:It’s pretty / nice / smart./ How nice!

c 教师取出衣物包,里面装有各类衣服。一名学生上来任意摸出一件,并当场穿上。半班学生说Look at his / her„另半班应答It’s pretty / nice /smart./ How nice!(建议准备一些不合身的衣服,制造有趣效果,以激发学生兴趣。)复习Look, this is/ that’s„

a 教师利用实物投影仪特写一物品,说Look, this is„然后调节焦距,将焦距,将物品拉到远处Look, that’s a „

b 换物品,从集体到个别让学生操练,Look, this is/ that’s„

c 个别学生上来自己操作投影仪说:Look, this is/ that’s„(让学生自己动手,有助于调动他们的学习积极性。)复习字母Aa-Dd

a 利用字母卡片,让学生认读。(可将卡片一闪而过,增加游戏色彩。)

b Misssing game: 戴好一张字母卡片,问学生“Which one’s missing?”

C: Presentation and practice 字母书写

a 教师要在黑板上的四线三格里进行书写示范。因为学生是初次接触字母书写,教师要说清笔画、笔顺及字母在四线三格中的位置。

b 带领学生书写,要求学生在自备四线三格本上按板书示范书写1-2遍。

c 请个别学生到黑板上书写,教师进行点评。


a 教师准备两套卡片,第一套为颜色卡片,第二套为服装卡片,衣服卡片上的衣物部分被剪掉,变成中空。

b 教师先拿出颜色卡片,问学生What colour is it?学生回答Blue.等。

c 在所有颜色都问过的基础上,把颜色卡片放在衣服卡片后,就变成有颜色的衣服了。衣服卡片的中空部分显示出背后颜色卡片的颜色。

d 教师对学生说The dress is blue.学生跟读。

e 示范几次后,教师叫学生回答。

f 教师可预先准备几套卡片,让学生按照上法作分组练习。

D Listen and number.学生做Fun house 中的Listen and number.取几位学生的作业放到实物投影仪上教师批改,学生校对。

E Draw and guess.教师在纸上画件衣服,并涂上色。先让学生猜画的是什么,学生问:A coat? A shirt?„


F Sing a song.学生听录音,跟唱Color song。


G Homework.让学生回家后根据第43页上的图片内容自编对话。

收集各色物品,复习表示颜色的生词。抄写所学字母Aa, Bb, Cc和Dd。



《牛津小学英语3A》Unit 7 说课教案


《牛津小学英语3A》由是译林出版社和牛津大学出版社出版的。专供小学三年级为起点学习英语的学校使用。本套教材注重对学生的口语训练及学生兴趣的培养,书中内容多与学生所熟悉的日常生活有关,本课所在的单元的题目是“It’s nice.”主要教学一些服饰类单词,并让学生能围绕这些单词进行简单交谈以及表达赞美之意。设计这节课旨在激发学生学习的英语的兴趣,培养他们一定口语感和良好的语音语调基础,为进一步学习打下基础。教学目标(1)认知目标

能听懂,会说单词a shirt , a blouse ,a jacket , a sweater , new ,his 和her.能听懂,会说Look at „及其应答It’s nice /pretty/smart.能会用How nice!表达赞美,感叹之意,能用this is „ 和that’s „ 介绍物品。(2)情感目标





通过实物,句子等情境来学习,巩固单词his/her, new等单词,让学生进行整体感知,而非孤立地死记硬背。3.交际法


我通过让学生进行校服展示“fashion show”任务,使学生在玩中学,做中学。教学环节

1.Warm-up and revision.Act and sing 《 Hello!How are you ?》互相问好。Chant 《They are nice》

Here is a chair.It’s a nice chair.Here is a desk.It’s a nice desk.Here is a bed.It’s a nice bed.Here is a sofa.It’s a nice sofa.在全班齐声说chant 的同时,每组派一位学生上黑板贴家具,组成一卧室。2.Presentation activities.教学同型“Look at „”及其应答。

通过刚才的chant,学生们对“nice”“smart”“pretty”已有了一定的感知,教师便顺势问:“Is our bedroom nice?”引导学生回答“It’s nice.”接着,教师经实物投影的形式出示穿着不同服饰的自己的照片,同时介绍:“Look at my T-shirt/dress.”引导学生会用“It’s pretty/nice/lovely”来表达对女式服装的赞美,教师接着用“Thank you.”让学生明白得到赞扬后出于礼貌应表示感谢。教师还可通过出示学校一男教师的照片来练习学生用smart/cool等词来表达对男式服饰的欣赏之情。在同桌练这一句型及其应答时,教师可以趁学生说:“Look at my „”时顺势说:“Look at his /her „”,使学生在直观情景中学习并区别his/her,易于理解,便于记忆。然后,教师再以实物投影的形式出示几位认为自己穿着漂亮的学生的照片。以整体语言教学法来让学生掌握句型“Look at his /her„”,在教授单词“new”时,教师通过出示新旧两条不同的裙,让学生领会“new”和“old”这对反义词的意思。最后同桌操练句型“Look at my/his/her new „”。“It’s nice/pretty/smart/cool/lovely/cute.”“Thank you.” 教学句型“Look, this is „”“Look, that’s„”和服饰类

单词shirt , blouse , jacket ,sweater及应答“How nice!” 首先教师由“Look at my new skirt.”“I like it very much, but the weather is getting cold.So we should buy some new clothes.”引出一起去易趣网上挑选衣服的任务。学生在一边欣赏衣服之际,学习四个新单词,同时教师贴每幅单词图片于黑板上。在学习的过程中,教师还应让学生明白有些衣服虽然好看但却不适合这个季节了,应选择购买和季节相符的服饰,这四个新单词都放入“Look ,this is „”中去学习,并同时引出赞美句“How nice!”通过自己夸张的表情让学生明白赞美的程度。

其次,通过介绍较远处学生的服饰来让他们建立this 和 that 两词空间距离感,然后同桌用“Look , this is „”“Look ,that’s „”进行操练。最后,看挂图,跟读课文,全班集读课文,改唱歌曲《Goodbye》 I’m smart.I’m smart , my shirt is smart.You’re nice.you’re nice ,your blouse is nice , your blouse is nice.He’s cute , he’s cute ,his jacket is cut.She’s lovely , she’s lovely.her sweater is lovely ,her sweater is lovely.3.Practise activities.让学生观看多媒体演示的师生一起评价的童装秀后,让学生分四大组准备进行自己的“fashion show”.在每组表演时,教师均可通过定格来让观看表演的学生进行评价。4.Homework.1四人一组,设计自己最喜爱的校服,下节课进行评选同学心目中最喜欢的校服。2同桌两人合作,自编一组关于服饰的日常对话。

语言学家Jespearson 说过:Native language is learnt so well because parents are greatly pleased at every little advance the child makes.Even awkward attempt meets with sympathy and encouragement and the most difficult step on the path of language becomes the merriest game.在整节课的教学中,我着重培养学生的口语感和初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,并通过听、说、唱、演、做等活动激发学生的学习兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说,不忽视学生的任何一个细小的进步。帮助他们养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习方法,发展自主学习的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。





Unit 7 It’s nice A: Look at my(图)skirt.B: It’s nice.his(图)blouse.It’s smart.her(图)sweater.It’s cool.It’s pretty.A: Thank you.扶沟县教师说课技能大赛 Unite 4 Do you like pears? 韭园镇董村小学:宋德芳 2010 年 5 月 Unite 4 Do you like pears? 各位老师: 大家好!我说课的内容是人教版小学三年级下册第四单元第一 课。我的说课内容主要从说教材,说教法和学法,说教学步骤这 三个方面来说明的。

说教材首先我通过对本教材的分析后知道本单元以 fruit 为话题,分 A、B、C 三部分。以 A 部分和 B 部分 Let's learn 中 8 种水果单 词为线索,AB 部分中 Let's talk 桥梁,C 部分中的任务活动为中 心,贯穿整个单元。本课是本单元的第一课,主要要求学生掌握 四种水果单词 peach,pear,orange,watermelon,同时通过 Let's play,练习水果单词和复习颜色单词。在教学中,我围绕 fruit 这一主 题设计一系列的活动,让学生在轻松愉快的情境中表达语言,感 受语言,理解语言,从而习得语言。

我采用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用 英语进行简单日常交际的能力。

结合新课程标准和大纲提出的基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标和具体要求 我将本课教学目标设计如下:


1.听懂、认读、会说 4 种水果单词 watermelon,peach,pear,orange。,2.要求发音准确、语调自然。

3.通过 let's play 练习水果单词和复习颜色单词。


1、对 peach.pear,watermelon,orange 认读。


我主要通过讲故事导入——多媒体呈现——灵活运用这三个主 要步骤来突破教材重难点的。

在教学开始让学生通过有趣的故事 以旧带新引入新知,通过对教材内容的了解感知新任务,并在教师用图片、录音等多种媒介的感官刺激下实现对知识的体验和实践最后在真实的生活情境中运用、绘画,实现能力的发展。说教法和学法: 说教法和学法:

(一)情境教学法: 针对学生的兴趣,我将教学建立在满足学生好奇,好玩的心理需 要的基础上。使教学活动一开始就带有浓厚的故事色彩,在单词 练习中使用了课件来语音呈现,在活动中让学生通过画水果来提高学生感知能力,并通过活动提高对这几种水果的认读能力。小组活动学习法 把全班分成几个小组,课堂各项教学活动均以小组活动为主线,2 学生互相交流,比赛,共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英 语的乐趣及交流的意义。

鼓励法 课堂评价主要以鼓励性评价为主分别采用了师评、组评、自评为 主要方式,课上老师恰当的使用激励性评语和赠送小礼物的方法 让学生渴望成功的心理得到满足,这也是激励学生积极投身英语 学习的一个最简单而有效的方法。板书设计

Unit 4 Do you like pears Let's talk: peach,pear,orange,watermelon Let's play: 教学准备:教具的安排和使用 教学课件,贯穿在整个课堂中使用。水果图片,在呈 现教学目标时使用。用来评价奖励的小贴画,在活动中使用。


说教学步骤整个教学程序我采用了听、说、读、写、画一系列的教学活动,具体设计为热身——复习与导入——新课呈现——趣味操练— 3 —巩固练习——布置作业这五个环节。Step1、热身(warm-up)。Let's enjoy a song“An apple a day”让学生熟悉本单元这首 歌曲。活动方式:学生边唱边拍手。Step2、复习/导入(lead in/revision)设计目的:通过一个小故事,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生交谈 欲望,为引出新知做好充分准备。活动方式:先叙述小故事,激发学生兴趣。故事梗概:在一座美丽的大森林里,猴妈妈和她的几个可爱 的孩子在一起愉快地玩耍。孩子们手里拿着自己喜爱的水果,忽 然,一个阴影从空中掠过,他们手里的水果不知道为什么忽然不 见了。他们追赶那个影子来到魔法森林里,去未能得到他们想要 的全部水果。他们走上彩虹桥,是谁帮助他们得到了自己喜爱的 水果了呢? 同学们,你们想不想知道呀?

在课件展示过程中,询问学生有关水果的颜色,以此来复习颜色的单词。T:What's this?S1:It's a peach.T;What colour is it?(pointing to peach).S1:It's pink.T:What's this?S1:It's a pear.T;What colour is it?(pointing to pear).S1:It's yellow.T:What's this?S1:It's an orange.T;What colour is it?(pointing to 4 orange).S1:It's orange.T:What's this?S1:It's a watermelon.T;What colour is it?(pointing to watermelon).S1:It's green.Step3、新课呈现(Presentation)Teach the new words Peach,pear,orange,watermelon.在课件展示过程中,利用正在 播放的课件和准备好的卡片来展示。读的时候,要求学生口型到 位,发音准确。在黑板上示范画水果,让学生明白 draw 和 colour 的意思,并跟读,以加深印象。然后,老师发指令,让学生听音,画出今天所学的水果并着色。Step4、趣味操练(Practise)Let's draw and colour.设计目的:通过画画涂色活动,使学生在真实的语境中轻松 地学习语言。

活动方式:小组竞赛 老师发指令,学生以小组为单位,比赛画画并涂色。T:Draw a peach,colour it pink.Draw a pear ,colour it yellow.Draw an orange,colour it orange.Draw a watermelon,colour it green Step5、巩固(Consolidation)设计目的:通过听音举图片这一环节,加深对新知的理解,培养学生对单词的理解和记忆力。

活动方式:以小组为单位,一人当小老师发指令,其他人用 自己刚才所画的图片作道具,听音举出相应水果图片。S1:Show me the peach.Show me the pear.Show me the orange.Show me the watermelon.每小组内选出动作最快,反应最迅速的学生,给予奖励。

Step6、总结/家庭作业(Sum up/Homework)1.当堂作业:调查本组成员最喜欢的水果,如表 Name Favourite fruit Name Favourite fruit 将今天你学到的水果单词说给爸爸妈妈听。



课 题:Unit 1 Hello 第一课时 :



What’s your name?


3、认识五个人物:David、Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Mike、Nancy


a bird、a dog、a cat、a monkey、a zebra、a panda、a、tiger、an elephant




1、能听懂、会说交际用语Hello/Hi, I’m„

What’s your name?









Lesson 1


1、能听懂并会读句子:Hello/Hi, I’m„

What‘s your name?

2、认识五个人物:David、Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Mike、Nancy


正确掌握Hello/Hi, I’m„

What’s your name?的语音语调,会进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名






Step 1

Free talk T: Good morning ,boysand girls.Welcome back to school.I‘m your English teacher this term.you can call me Miss Ji.S:(齐)Miss Ji T: Show ―Miss‖

S: read ―Miss‖

Step 2


1、(1)T:(到学生面前)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Ji T:(站到学生旁边引说)I’m„ T:(开火车练说)

S: Hello/Hi, I‘m…

(2)T: show these word: Hi、Hello、I’m„ S: learn to say

S: work in pairs(小组练说、全班交流)

(3)T:(拿David等五人图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(Liu Tao ,Yang Ling ,Mike ,Nancy)S:(齐读)David„

S:(拿David等人图片开火车练说)Hello/Hi, I’m David„ T: Hello/Hi ,I‘m Miss Ji

2、(1)T:(手拿洋娃娃)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Ji.What‘s your name?

T:(示范说)I’m TianTian T: Hello/Hi, I‘m Miss Ji.What‘s your name? S:(拿洋娃娃)I’m TianTian(2)T: Now boys and girls, look here!Please read after me.Show: What‘s your name?

S: read: name/your name/What‘s your name?

T:(向三人说)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Ji.What’s your name? S123: I‘m…

Exchange S: Hello/Hi, I‘m… What‘s your name? T:(拿人物图片)I’m David„(3)T:(把图片给学生)

S: work in pairs(小组交流、全班交流)

3、(1)T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David.What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m Liu Tao T:(走向该生)Hello/Hi, Liu Tao.S: Hello/Hi, David(2)T:(开火车)Hello/Hi,„.S: Hello/Hi,…

(3)T: work in pairs Step 3


1、Open your book and listen to the tape

2、Read after the tape

3、work in pairs(小组练读、全班分角色读)Step 4


1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape

2、Act the dialogue

课 题:Unit 1 Hello 第二课时


Lesson 2



2、Can listen say and read these words : a bird、a dog、a cat、a monkey、a zebra、a panda、a tiger、3、理解冠词a/an之间的区别

二、教学难点 八个动物单词的读音


an elephant 八张动物全身像及半身像、五张人物图片、四个动物玩具


Step 1 Free talk

1、T: Hi/Hello, I’m Miss Ji.What’s your name? S: I’m„(利用人物图片)

2、Act the dialogue S: Hi/Hello, I‘m… What‘s your name? S: I‘m…

Step 2 Presentation

1、(1)T:(show doll and say some times)What’s this? It’s a bird T: a bird(升调)a bird(降调)

S: Read toghter S: Read one by one T: Show the rhyme: bird bird 是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳(2)The same way learn: a cat、a dog、a monkey(3)practice play a game B:模仿动作猜动物

2、(1)、T:(show card and say)What’s this ? It’s a panda.T: a panda(升调)a panda(降调)

S: Read toghter S: Read one by one T: Show the rhyme: panda panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝(2)、The same way learn: a zebra、a tiger、an elephant(3)practice Step 3 Practice

1、Show the rhyme and say together bird bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳 dog dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪

cat cat 是小猫,小猫 cat喵喵喵

monkey monkey是小猴,小猴monkey爱吃桃 panda panda是熊猫, 熊猫panda是国宝 zebra zebra是斑马,斑马zebra浑身是条纹 tiger tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王

elephant elephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙


3、look and guess(出示八张动物半身像)T:(教给方法)a dog(升调)S: Guess Step 4 Consolidation

1、Open your book and listen to the tape

2、Read after the tape

3、Fun house: Listen and circle Step 5 Homework

1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape 课 题:Unit 1 Hello 第三课时


Lesson 3







2、“Look and say”中的图片


Step 1 Free talk

1、Listen a song : “Hello ”

2、Greeting T: Hi/Hello, I‘m Miss Ji.What‘s your name? S: I‘m…

T: Hi/Hello…

S: Hi/Hello…

3、Act the dialogue(三组)S: Hi/Hello, I‘m… What‘s your name?

S: I‘m…

Step 2 Presentation

1、Show picture 1 of “Look and say”

(1)T: Look at the picture(指着图说)The boy is David.The girl is Yang Ling.What are they saying? Let‘s make a dialogue.T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi ,I’m Yang Ling.What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(2)Ask two students, one act Yang Ling , one act David, make a dialogue S:…


2、Show other pictures(1)T:What are they saying? Please talk to your partner.S: work in pairs(2)Act the dialogue Step 3 Practice

1、Sing a song(1)Listen to the tape(2)Sing after the tape(3)Sing together

2、Do exersices T: Open your book, let‘s do some listening(1)Listen and judge T: Talk to your partner, what are they saying S: Talking T: Listen and judge(2)Listen and draw T:(出示动物图片)What’s this? S: Respond S: Listen and draw(3)Listen, find and circle T: What are these? S: Find and say S: Listen, find and circle Step 4

Homework(1)Listen to the tape(2)Read the text and these words

课 题:Unit2 Nice to meet you 第一课时





1.能听懂、会说以下交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语介绍其他人和相互问候.“This is „”,“Nice to meet you”, “Nice to meet you,too.” “Good morning”,“Good afternoon”.2.认识四个人物Mr.Green , Miss Li, Helen, Wang Bing.正确运用和理解Mr.和Miss 3.会唱歌曲《Hi, Nancy》


1.日常交际用语“This is „” ,“Nice to meet you”, “Nice to meet you,too.” “Good morning”“Good afternoon”.2.认识四个人物Mr.Green , Miss Li, Helen, Wang Bing.四、教学难点 1.比较熟练的运用“This is „” ,“Nice to meet you”, “Nice to meet you,too.” “Good morning”“Good afternoon”.2.能正确运用和理解Mr.和Miss


A.Free talk and motivation.(约4分钟)

1.教师出示Nancy头饰向学生介绍This is „

2.依次和学生打招呼Hello/What’s your name? /I’m„

3.引出句型Nice to meet you ,做出和学生握手的样子,理解其意思,并引导学生回答Nice to meet you,too.4.师生反复操练句型.5.出示幻灯片,教师引导学生用句型“This is „”说出动物单词。B.Presentation and practice.(约20分钟)

1.介绍四个人物Mr.Green ,Miss Li, Helen, Wang Bing.a.播放第三张幻灯片出现人物Helen,教师介绍“This is Helen.”并播放声音“Nice to meet you”,学生一起回答“Nice to meet you,too.”

b.同法教授其它Mr.Green,Miss Li, Wang Bing.一一播放幻灯片,并操练句型“Nice to meet you” “Nice to meet you,too.”(幻灯片4-6)c.教师用一些图片让学生正确运用和理解Mr.和Miss.(幻灯片7-8)

d.播放歌曲Hi, Nancy,分别用四个人物来替换歌词,进一步巩固人物特征。2.介绍“Good morning” 和“Good afternoon”的运用和区别。a.教师画钟面,以不同的时间分别教学:“Good morning”,和“Good afternoon”。b.师生可以相互操练。

c.Chant.This is Wang Bing.Good morning, Wang Bing!Nice to meet you, Wang Bing.This is Helen.Good afternoon, Helen!

Nice to meet you, Helen.3.游戏。(约4分钟)

请四位学生戴上人物头饰,围成一圈,再请一位学生蒙上眼睛,站在中间,四位戴头饰的同学其中一位说“Hi, I’m„,Nice to meet you.”蒙着眼睛的同学听声音方向找出那个同学和他握手并说“Nice to meet you,too,”猜对的学生可以加以奖励。依次请学生表演(先前教师可以示范操练)C.Learn to say(约5分钟)1.播放课件,完整听完课文对话


3.关掉声音,请学生配音。D.Consolidation.(约6分钟)1.请学生自编对话。2.表演对话。E.复习歌曲Hi, Nancy F.Homework.1.跟读课文对话三遍

2.复习歌曲 ☆教学调整☆

课 题:Unit2 Nice to meet you 第二课时

Lesson 2


《义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语》3A第二单元 第二教时B Look and learn。


1、能听懂、会说单词:yellow, brown, white, red, blue, green, black, orange。

2、能在情景中熟练运用询问颜色的日常用语:What colour? Yellow./„

3、能唱歌曲《Hi, Nancy!》


1、单词:yellow, brown, white, red, blue, green, black, orange。

2、日常用语:What colour? Yellow./ „





a人物图片及与颜色有关的各种物品:单词图片、彩笔、各色星形贴纸等; b录音机和磁带。



Unit 2 Nice to meet you



Sing a song(约5分钟)

1、用录音机播放歌曲《Hi, Nancy!》让学生边做手势边跟着唱。

2、让四名学生扮演上节课认识的人物Mr.Green, Miss Li, Helen和Wang Bing。


T: This is Helen/„.Let’s say ‘Hi,to her/him, OK?

S: Hi, Helen!4、改编歌曲演唱 ‘Hi, Helen /Mr.Green/Miss Li,/Wang Bing’ T: Can you sing the song for her/him? S: ‗Hi, Helen/….Hi, Helen/….Good morning.Good morning.‘ B Presentation and practice(约20分钟)

1、T:Look, what’s this?(幻灯片a red car)S:Car T:Yes, it is a car.And what colour is it?(出示词卡“What colour?”)师领读,生跟读“What colour?”

“Red.” 然后小组→个人 找出身边红色的物品,一边指,一边练习说单词red。

同法,出现幻灯片4-10,教授其他7个颜色类单词,并将颜色图卡贴黑板上。(幻灯片4:a green car 幻灯片5:a yellow car 幻灯片6:an orange car

幻灯片7:a white car 幻灯片8:a blue car

幻灯片9:a black car

幻灯片10:a brown car)

2、Look and learn 1)Open the books and listen to the tape.2)Read after the tape.3、Ask and answer出示一幅彩色的汽车图画进行指问。(幻灯片11)T: What colour? S: Yellow/ Black…

师生问答 → 生生问答 C Consolidation(约15分钟)

1、Game“Look and match”

Look at the blackboard and match the pictures with the right words, then say the colour out.If he is right, he can get a star which has the same colour.2、Game“Look and guess”

1)Look at a nice umbrella’s shadow.It has many colours.Guess.2)Check the answers.If he is right, he can get a star.D Homework(约1分钟)1听录音并跟读单词。


课 题:Unit2 Nice to meet you 第三课时



《义务教育课程标准实验教科书•牛津小学英语》3A第二单元 第三课时



2.能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语; 3.能唱歌曲 Hi, Nancy!


1.能听懂、会说本单元日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候; 2.能听懂、会说八个有关颜色的单词。


1.在运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候时,要求用词恰当,语调自然,特别要注意This is„的正确读音;

2.认识四个人物:Miss Li, Mr Green, Wang Bing, Helen。理解并能正确运用Mr和Miss。




Step 1.Warm up Sing a song “ Hello!”(约2分钟)Step 2.Free talk(约4分钟)

1.用Good morning./Good afternoon.与学生打招呼。

2.向学生提问What’s your name? 并以Nice to meet you./Nice to meet you, too.致以问候。3.使用What colour? 复习颜色。单词卡片

Step 3.Revision(约10分钟)

1.让学生彼此之间以Hello, Hi互致问候,询问对方的名字。

2.引导学生在询问得知对方的姓名后以This is „的句型向全班同学进行介绍。3.Group work.将学生分成3人一组,让组内的同学互相介绍,并使用句型Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.打招呼。

4.Read the dialogue of Part A.跟录音齐读后,请各组同学上前表演。

Step 4.Presentation(约20分钟)1.Ask the students to look at the pictures of Part C.让学生仔细观察c部分的四幅图。

2.将四幅图分成两组,第一、第二幅图中的场景是紧密相连的。上午九点半,Helen 和Liu Tao相遇。互致问候后,Liu Tao又将

Helen介绍给恰好路过的 Yang Ling。引导学生使用以下句型对话。3.Helen: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Liu Tao.Liu Tao: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Helen.Liu Tao: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Yang Ling.This is Helen.Yang Ling: Nice to meet you, Helen.Helen: Nice to meet you, too.4.第三、第四幅图之间的场景也是连贯的。下午五点十分,Helen 遇见了Wang Bing,在Helen和Wang Bing 打招呼时,一只小狗刚好经过。小狗快活地对Helen叫着Woof!Helen立刻蹲下身,友好地向小狗伸出了手。可以运用以下句型:(幻灯片13)Helen: He/Hello, I‘m Helen.What‘s your name? Wang Bing: I‘m Wang Bing.Helen: Good afternoon, Wang Bing.Helen: Nice to meet you, Bobby.Bobby: Woof!5.取出人物头饰, 创设情景, 进行小组表演,评出优胜组。

Step 5.Consolidation(约3分钟)

1.打开《补充习题》Unit2,练习第一项听录音,根据所听到的内容顺序,在方框中写上序号。2.1)Hi, Peter.This is Mr Green.2)Hello, I‘m Miss Li.3)A: What‘s your name? B: I‘m Wang Bing.4)Hello, Nancy.This is Helen.Step 6.Homework(约1分钟)用英语向家长介绍你的同学,并让他们互致问候。

课 题:Unit2 Nice to meet you 第四课时


一 教学内容

《义务教育课程标准实验教科书•牛津小学英语》3A第二单元第四课时 二 教学目标 能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词。能比较熟练地在情景之中用本单元所学的日常交际用语。三 教学重点 单词:yellow, brown, white ,red, blue, green, black, orange, Miss和Mr。2 日常交际用语:This is„ Good morning/afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.四 教学难点 能熟练听说本单元所学的单词。能在情景中灵活运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。五 课前准备

1单词卡片,水彩笔,彩色贴纸。教学准备:课前请学生准备好彩笔,白纸和练习册。3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 2 Nice to meet you。六 教学过程

Step 1 Free talk(约3分钟)以Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls和学生打招呼,学生依据实际情况回答。2 Sing the song “Hi,Nancy”,学生一起唱,第二遍替换人物和更改歌词请学生来唱。

Step 2 Revision and practice(约16分钟)

1请一位同学拿着书中某一人物的图片扮演这个人物,到前面来,然后老师上前说:Good morning/afternoon, What’s your name?学生回答:I’m „然后、老师把他介绍给其他学生This is„ 2 呈现幻灯片里面的卡通形象:米老鼠、Snoopy、柯南,请同桌之间任意选择,先介绍,再打招呼。4 由一名学生扮成外国人,老师和他/她打招呼,Hi /Hello,I’m „Nice to meet you。他/她回答 Nice to meet you, too.然后继续问What’s your name?他/她回答 I’m „,然后老师把他/她介绍给另一位同学Good morning/afternoon,This is Miss/Mr„/ This is Miss/Mr„,然后他们之间相互打招呼。(幻灯片9)5 学生们依次这样介绍下去,复习和巩固本单元的日常交际用语。6Listen and draw,取出补充习题,完成练习并核对。竞赛表演,请学生分组根据所学编一些简短对话进行表演(表演出色者给予奖品:带有颜色的贴纸)。

Step 3 Presentation and practice(约21分钟)利用事先准备好的颜色卡片快速闪动,让学生认读关于颜色的单词。2 Missing game:取一张单词卡片藏起来,问学生What is missing? 3 男女生比赛,老师说出一颜色单词,谁先将单词卡片贴在黑板上为胜利者,给予奖品。Listen and colour,取出课本完成练习并检查核对。老师准备几套卡片,四套为颜色卡片,其余的为水果/动物/衣服/食物的卡片,除颜色卡片外其余卡片上的图案为中空。老师拿出颜色卡片称在中空图案后面,问学生What colour is it?学生回答„ 把全班分成四组进行练习,然后小组比赛,在相同时间内进行猜颜色比赛,哪个组猜得对的多为胜,给予奖品。老师取出一件印有小丑图案的白色T恤衫,然后取不同颜色的水笔,在填入颜色时不让学生看到,请学生来猜,哪个组猜得对的多为胜,给予奖品。8 学生分组进行画画填色,然后进行类似的游戏。9 Listen and colour,取出补充习题完成练习并检查。

Step 4 Homework(约1分钟)留意有颜色的事物,复习表示颜色的单词,遇到没有学过的颜色单词可以通过查字典找到,并教会其他同学。用所学的简单交际用语进行日常交流。3 复习本单元,预习下一单元的内容。

课 题:Unit 3 This is my father 第一课时

1.认识人物:Mr Black,Mrs Black ,Gao Shan.2.句型:This is my„


1、能用This is my „.句型介绍家庭成员


3、认识三个人物并能正确理解和运用Mr Black , Mrs Black , Gao Shan 教学重点:

掌握单词father/ mother /sister/ brother ,并能用句型 This is my „介绍家庭成员.教学难点:正确掌握father/ mother/ sister/ brother 的发音.教学具准备:





Step 1 Warm up

1、Sing songs and act :《Hello 》、《Hi,Nancy》

2、Greetings: Hi/Hello,I’m„

Good morning/Good afternoon.Nice to meet you,… Nice to meet you ,too

3、Free talk :

用 “What’s your name?”与部分生交流,并复习句型 “This is „”.T: What‘s your name?

S: I‘m …

T:(指着该生询问其余学生)This is „, yes or no? S: Yes/ No.This is …

(在生否定回答时,相机让生练习句型 This is „)

4、进一步复习“ This is „” 句型.师出示一些图片,让生用 “This is..” 句型一一介绍图片上的内容,鼓励生用修饰词,如在介绍一只白猫时,鼓励生说 “This is a white cat.” Step 2 Presentation and practice.1、Learn to say :This is my father.Show the family photo.T:Today we‘re going to learn a new dialogue.Look at this photo of my family.Let me introduce someboday about it.a、T: This is my father ,(师反复重复:father , This is my father)What does“father” mean? Do you know? “Father”means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”.b、Read after the T,then play a game:

T: father Ss: Dad.T: Dad Ss: father.c、T: Show me your family photo ,please introduce your father to me ,You should say : Miss Ji,this is my father.d、Practice and check.2、Learn to say : This is my mother/brother/sister.The same method and then play a game.the T say the word aloud ,but the Ss say it low.If the T say it low ,the Ss say it aloud.3、Singa song “Family song”把四个单词father ,mother ,brother ,sister 编成歌曲,让学生在歌中熟悉四种称呼。

4、Check.Look at your photo and introduce your family to your deskmates


Step 3 Consolidation.1、The T shows the picture 1.T: How many people are there in the picture? Ss:Three.T: Who are they?

Ss:Nancy,Mr Green ,Mr Black.T: Mr Black is Nancy‘s father ,Nancy wants to introduce her father to Mr Green ,What are they

talking about?


3、Listen to the tape and repeat.4、Act T: Who‘d like to act out the dialogue?

Three students a group,talk about this picture.5、The T introduce Gao Shan to the Ss.(This is Gao Shan)

6、Show the picture 2 and act: I’m David ,who wants to be Nancy, who wants to be Gan Shan? Listen to me ,please.T:say “Hello, GaoShan ,this is my sister ,Nancy.”

Gao Shan says:―Hi, Nancy.‖ Nancy says:―Hi,Gao shan.‖

7、Three students a group make the dialogue.8、Check.9、Listen to the tape, just listen and repeat it.10、Open the books ,turn to page 18 , A Learn to say.Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 4 Homework

Listen to the tape and read after the tape.课 题:Unit 3 This is my father 第二课时

教学内容: B部分单词:

bananas.watermelons ,peaches, pears.apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples.教学目标:




bananas ,watermelons ,peaches, pears ,apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples 教学重点:



bananas ,watermelons ,peaches, pears ,apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples 教学具准备:




Step1.Warm-up.Greetings.(同位之间练习)Hello /Hi,…

Good morning/ Good afternoon.Nice to meet you ,…

Nice to meet you ,too.2 Introduce.Please introduce your family members to your partner.Practice in pairs.Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say the new word: bananas.a.Show the fruit.(bananas)

T: Look, have some bananas , Please show me your bananas and say bananas.Ss: bananas.T: I have a banana.Show me your banana and say ―a banana‖.Ss: a banana.b.Practice.Pass the bananas and say ―bananas‖ one by one.Show a banana and say :―this is a banana‖.2.Look and say the other words.The same method.3.read these words in pairs 4.check Step3.Consolidation.1.game 1.T: Let’s play a game ,ok? There are some fruits in my bag ,I want one student to come to the blackboard ,touch and guess,If you’re right ,I’ll give you some fruit.e.g S1: apples ? Ss: Yes.(or no)

2.game 2水果游戏

这里有10幅图,都是一些水果,猜的时候要有三个部分:水果的名称,水果是一个还是很多个;水果是什么颜色的。比如,你觉得第一幅图是一个香蕉就说: a banana, yellow;如果你觉得有几个香蕉就说:bananas, yellow.T: Now let‘s begin.猜测可以以4人为一小组,教师可以给每个小组一次机会,进行猜测,猜完后教师揭晓谜底,猜对的小组可以加分。最后分数最高的一组可以给每个同学一盆水果。


3.Listen to the tape and repeat.Once: Only listen.Twice :Listen and repeat.4.Do the workbook : B Listen and draw.Step 4 Homework :

1.Read the words three times and read these after tape.课 题:Unit 3 This is my father 第三课时

教学内容: C: Look and say 补充习题 :A Listen and respond.B Listen and number.教学目标:

1、更熟练地运用“This is „.”介绍人物,及用“Nice to meet you ”来问候

2、完成补充习题 :A Listen and respond.B Listen and number.教学重点难点:




Step1: Warm-up:

1.Greetings.Listen and sing a song 《family song》

2.Free talk。围绕两人初次见面的所需进行问候练习.3.Guess: What’s in my basket?(猜水果篮里有什么?)

利用感官.4.Listen and imitate.听音模仿练习.(复习巩固A部分会话)


1.Show the pictures(Mr Black, Mrs Black, Mr Green ,Miss Li).Please say :―Good morning/ afternoon to them.” 生来分别扮演这四个角色,分成四个小组,进行互动式练习。

2.学生用 “Good morning /afternoon „Nice to meet you ,„ Nice to meet you ,too.”练习

3.Show the wall pictures.(c Look and say)Look at the pictures.Questions :a.How many people are there in the picture ?

b.Who are they? c.What are they talking about? 4.同桌讨论 5.Practice

e.g(1)Mr Green :Good morning ,Mr Black.Mr Black: Good morning,Mr Green.(2)Mrs Black: Good afternoon /Nice to meet you ,…

Mrs Li :

Good afternoon /Nice to meet you ,too.(3)Helen:

Hi ,Li Tao ,This is my brother ,Mike.Li Tao:

Nice to meet you , Mike.Mike:

Nice to meet you ,too.(4)Mike :

Hello,Gao Shan ,This is my sister ,Helen.Helen :

Nice to meet you ,Gao Shan.Gao Shan : Nice to meet you ,too.B: Can you make a dialogue like these.Try to act.Step3 Do the workbook.1.Page 7: Unit 3

This is my father.A Listen and respond.Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.e.g(1)Miss Ji: Hi ,I‘m Miss Ji.S1: Hi, I‘ m … KEY:(1)Hi,I’ m „(2)Good afternoon.(3)Nice to meet you ,too.(4)Nice to meet you, Mrs Black.纠正好答案之后,学生可以自由进行练习,以巩固所学,扩充知识面。

3.Turn to the next page : B Listen and number.先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。

Step 4 Consolidation

Listen to the tape and repeat(PartA, PartB)Step 5 Homework

Listen to the tape and read after it three times about A Learn to say and B Look and Learn.课 题:Unit 3 This is my father 第四课时



Listen and judge.Play a game.Say a rhyme.教学目标:








Step 1.Warm-up Greetings.Sing songs :《Hello 》,《Nancy》,《Family songs》 Free talk :围绕将别人介绍出去之类的交际进行交流。Play a game

(1)Magic nose

(2)magic eyes

(3)magic ears

Step 2 Presentation.1.Show the pictures.T:What are their names ? Do you know ? Please introduce themselves to me.S1: Hi,Miss Ji ,This is …

S2: Good morning/afternoon ,This is …

T: Who want to make a dialogue?给予鼓励。

S1: Hi, I‘m… S2: Hi, I‘m …S3 :

Nice to meet you ,…S4:Nict to meet you ,too.„

2.Show the pictures(fruits)采用小组竞赛。

Game1: 说单词,师在黑板上一边贴水果图,生一边抢说。师随意快速贴出水果图,生必须迅速做出反应,既正确又快速者为赢,积累得分,高分为胜。

Game2: 指单词,教师一边说单词,几名学生在板前指认水果图。

3.Listen and judge.Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.If it is right ,you must write :“

”,but not “×”.最好先利用实例来说明!

4.Play a game.Show the pictures.e.g S1:

What can you see?

S2: I can see a banana /some bananas.Practice in pairs.Check.5.Say a rhyme.a.Listen to the tape ,just listen

b.Read after the T.c.Practice in pairs.Step 3 Works: 配对连线.A Mr Green is Nancy‘s father

B Mrs Black is Nancy‘s


C Mr Black is Nancy’s friend(朋友)

D David is Nancy’s


E Nancy is David‘s


F Helen is Nancy‘s

mother 播放歌曲《Goodbye》

Step 4 Homework: Listen to the tape and learn the song《Goodbye 》.2 背诵Unit3

课 题:Unit4 Goodbye第一课时




learn to say



“Get up ,Go to school ,Go home,Go to bed ,Goodbye , See you, Good night.‖



日常交际用语“Get up ,Go to school, Go home, Go to bed, Goodbye, See you,Good night.”


Step 1

Warm-up :

1.Sing two songs :“Hello!”“Hi,Nancy!” 边唱边交际表演。

2.Greetings: Hello!Hi!Good morning /afternoon /Nice to meet you.3.Free talk :

(1)T: Hi /Hello ,I‘ m Miss liu ,What ‗s your name? S: Hi/Hello,Miss liu,I‘m ××

T: Good morning/Good afternoon ,××,This is ××

S1: Nice to meet you ,××.S2: Nice to meet you ,too.(2)S1:Good morning /Good afternoon ,××,This is ××.S2: Nice to meet you ,××,S3:Nice to meet you , too.(3)S1:Hi, I‘m Nancy,This is my father /mother /brother/sister S2: Nice to meet you … S3: Nict to meet you ,too.Step 2.Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say :―Get up ,××‖,―All right ‖ a.利用课件:一面钟:指针指向six;太阳慢慢升起,背景为野外的花香鸟语声。T: Oh, It’s six.The sun rises.“Get up ,boys and girls”

S1:―All right.‖(say ―All right ‖ ,do ―Get up ‖)b.Read after the T.“Get up ”“All right ” 利用情境,学生进行组组、男女生的练习。

c.Sing ―Get up ,Get up ‖ ―All right,All right ‖ c.Practice :

T—S,S—S,Group work.Work in pairs.d.Check.2.Learn to say :―Go to school now ,××‖.―Ok ,××,Goodbye ‖

a.T: boys and girls,Look at the clock ,It’s seven ,Put up your schoolbag ,Go to school now ,LiLi.(帮助学生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上学了)

S1:Ok,Miss Yan ,Goodbye.b.Read after the T.“Go to school ,now ‖―Ok ‖

c.Practice.(开火车练习:S1:Go to school, ××.S2: Ok,Go to school,××.S3:Ok.„„.)此时播放合适的音乐,渲染气氛。

d.Check.3.Boys and girls,I‘m tired ,Let‘s have a rest.Play a game :Listen and do.(one student say “Get up ”,the others act it)

2.Learn :―Go home,now ,××,All right,See you ,××‖

a.T: LiLi ,It‘s five o‘clock,school is over ,Go home,now,LiLi.S1:All right ,See you ,Miss Yan.(边说边背书包走出教室,准备回家 b.Read after the T

“Go home.‖ ―See you ‖

c.Practice要(练习时,把see you 和Goodbye 交换使用。)

d.Check.Play a game :Guess:

(Teacher act “Get up。What am I doing ?” student guess.)3.Learn :―Go to bed now ,××,Ok ,Good night,××‖


T :―LiLi,It‘s nine,The moon rises ,Go to bed ,now ,LiLi.‖ S1:“Ok, Good night.”(边说边打着哈欠)

b.Read after the T.“bed ‖ ―Good night‖

c.Practice and check.(小组内先自由练说,再进行组组之间的评比。)

Step3.Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.(first only listen ,the second time repeat).2.Act the part A.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中)3.4.Workbook :Page 10 A

Listen and judge.Step 4.Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A three times.Sing―Goodbye!‖ Design: Unit 4 Goodbye

课 题:Unit4 Goodbye第二课时


一、教学内容 :

B Look and learn

二、1、能听懂、会说以下八个家用物品类单词:a desk ,a chair , a bed, a sofa, a table,a telephone, a bookcase, a fridge.2.会用英语进行交流。



Step 1.Warm-up : 1.Sing 《Hello》、《Hi,Nancy!》.师生共乐。


Hello, everyone!Good morning everyone„„.以及围绕上一节课所学句型。

3.Freetalk.Step2 Presentation and practice.简单地自我介绍以及介绍家人。

1.Learn to say new word: a.T: Boys and girls ,Let’s go to my home(Take out picture B Look and learn)今天你们将参观我的家,从我家出来后,你们将学会许多有用的单词。S1: Miss liu? what's this? T: This is a fridge.b.Read after the T.a fridge ,This is a fridge.T: Boys and girls ,what colour?

S: A green fridge …

c.T: Boys and girls ,Let‘s sing it ,Ok?(Fridge ,fridge ,fredge ,I like fridge ,I like fridge)

d.Practice in pairs and check , one say these one by one.2.Look and say the other words.(bed ,bookcase)The same method.Play a game: 1.guess.1)




3.Check.Look at the picture and say ―This is a fridge /chair/…….‖ Step 3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Play a game :Passing a secret.3.Workbook: B Listen and circle.师生互动共同熟悉上面的事物。

4.Draw and guess: desk, table ,chair.以画简笔画的方式引入这三个单词的学习。

5.Chant.以Chant 形式学习sofa , telephone ,sofa ,sofa ,I sit in the sofa.Telephone ,telephone ,I call you on the telephone.6.Practice and check.Step4 Homework.Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A and Part B(several times.)课 题:Unit4 Goodbye第三课时



C Look and say


1.学会用This is a/an 句型介绍物品,并了解该句型与介绍人物的句型This is„间的区别。



四、教学过程: Step 1.Warm up :

1.Greetings.2.Free talk :围绕本单元句型及人初次见面相互介绍,问候之类的交际用语。3.Sing―Good morning to you ‖ Step 2.Presentation.1.Review.a.Play a game: Guess(e.g One student acts monkey ,the others guess ,―a brown monkey‖).Read the animal words.b.Play a game: Passing a secret(复习水果、家具类单词)

Read it.抛魔盒:具体为在魔盒的每个面上写上单词,进行抛掷,接到魔盒者应尽快读出与他对面的单词,然后便传递下去。

2.C Look and say.a.T: Boys and girls ,Look at the picture and say one by one ,who‘s fast? b.Read ―This is a /an …….‖

c.Play a game : Look for your friend(将这十二个单词所代表的形象制成卡片,请十二位同学各抽一张,按录音机中所述快速找出自己的“好朋友”)

3.Workbook: C Listen and colour.Key: 1.a black telephone

2.a red sofa.3.a green bookcase 4.a blue fridge.Step3.Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape(Part A,Part B)2.Read after the tape.(纠音、正音)

Step4.END.Sing ―Goodbye!‖ DESIGN:

Unit 4 Goodbye

This is a /an


Listen to the tape about Part A and Part B(3)then say it to your classmate.课 题:Unit4 Goodbye第四课时



Fun house


1.能听懂、会说Here’s a„


三、教学过程: Step1.Warm-up 1.Sing two songs :《Hello!》《Good morning to you!》


3.Do what I do ―Flying ,jumping , watching TV…..‖ 4.Free talk :Get up ,boys and girls /Go to school now /…

Step2.Presentation.1.Listen and number.a.T: Look at the picture , boys and girls ,who are they? What are they talking about? b.Listen to the tape and do it.c.Key : a 4

b 2

c 1

d 3

2.Think and place

a.Read after the T.“Here‘s a ……‖

b.Play a game : Think and place(Teacher‘s Book Page 20)3.Sing a song ―Goodbye ‖ a.Read after the T.“half past nine time‖, ―It‘s time to say ….‖ b.Listen to the tape.c.Learn to sing(sing and dance)Step 3 Homework.Listen to the tape and repeat.课 题:Unit 5 How are you ?第一课时


《义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语》3A第五单元 第一教时:A learn to say

二、教学目标 能学会使用问候语 How are you ?及其四种应答语。

2、会唱歌曲Hello!How are you ?


能学会使用问候语How are you ?及其四种应答语:

Fine ,thank you / Fine ,thank you ,And you ? I‘m fine ,too /Not bad ,thank you /Not so good.四、教具准备:录音机,卡片,磁带,挂图。


Step1.Warming –up

1.Greetings the Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,class? Glad to see you!2.Revision : Show me your English book ,Show me your rubber , What colour is it? 3.Now ,let‘s sing ,Ok ?(―Hi, Nancy‖.―Colour song‖)Step2.Presentation A.Let‘s talk.(1)Let‘s make a dialogue :

T:(show a toy)Look ,This is my friend Peter, He wants to be your friend ,Do you like him ? T:(Toy Peter)Hello ,I‘m Peter, Nice to meet you.SS:Hello, Peter.Sa : Hello , Peter, I‘m ×××.Sb: Good morning ,Peter ,I‘m ×××,This is my friend ×××.Sc: Nice to meet you ,Peter.T :Nice to meet you ,too.(2)Let‘s listen to the tape ,please listen carefully, then answer my questions : a.How many kids do you know ? b.What do you remember? c.Who is not so good ?(3)Teach and learn : How are you ?/Fine ,thank you.a.T holds up two fingers(the two fingers are opposed)Finger 1: Hi, How are you ? Finger 2: Fine ,thank you.(Twice times)b.Follow me and practise: Hi, How are you ? Fine ,thank you.c.Practice in pairs.d.check

e.Let’s sing together.《Hello!How are you!》(1)Learn to say : Fine ,thank you ,And(how are)you ? a.Finger1: Hi ,how are you ? Finger 2: Fine ,thank you ,And how are you ? Finger1: I‘m fine ,too.b.Read after the T.c.Mainpoints:And how are you ?/And you ? I‘m fine ,too.d.Ss say and do.(2)Learn to say : Not bad ……

a.Please say ―How are you ?‖to me.Ss: How are you ? Miss ……

T:Not bad(Smiling and swinging your arms)b.Read after the T and do what the T does.c.Please say ―Not bad ‖loudly.d.Sing:―Hello!~How are you ?……Not bad ,thank you ,……‖ Step3 Presentation.1.Learn to say : Not so good ,I‘m sorry.a.T shows the pictures and asks : what is Yang Ling saying about ?I‘m fine ?Not bad? Not so good ? b.Say :―Not so good.‖ c.Practice in pairs.Step4 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape.2.Try to repeat.3.Read after the tape.4.Action.Step5 Homework : Practice the dialogues to your parents.课 题:Unit 5 How are you ?第二课时


一、教学内容:B Look and learn : a pen ,a book ,a rubber ,a pencil ,a pencil box , a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener.二、教学目标:



Step1.Warm up

1.Listen and do : Hands up / down.Books up/down.,etc.2.Who’s wearing „„ today ?(复习颜色单词),ball pens.(1)Learn to say : pencils

a.Read after the T.b.What colour is it ?(e.ga green pencil)c.Contrast : a pencil & pencils.d.Chant(and clap your hands)Pencils ,pencils.They‘re pencils.Whatcolour are they? Oh ,they‘re green.(2)Learn―pens ,ball pens‖ in the same way.(3)Look and guess :What am Isaying ?(师不出声说单词,生根据师口形猜单词)B.Learn: books, rulers , rubbers.(1)Read after the T.(2)Check.(3)Draw and guess(师画出半个图形,生猜老师画的是什么)C.Havearest.If you ‗re happy , clap your hands.D.Learn : pencil boxes , pencilsharpeners.(1)Read after the T :a pencil box pencil boxes

(2)Let’s sing(Tune:《Hello!How are you 》Lyric :pencilpencil boxes ~ One ,two ,three ,four ,boxes ,~)(3)Learn―pencil sharpeners ‖ in the same way.(4)Check.a.Group work.b.“心灵感应”:Do you know what I am thinking about ? Step3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape carefully.2.Try to repeat.3.Point and say(师指图片,生抢答)4.Playa game : Guess : What ‗rein my bag? Step 4 Homework.Go over what welearnt today Step5 Good bye.Sing the song ―Goodbye.‖and say ―See you ‖ Designing of writing on the blackboard.课 题:Unit 5 How are you ?第三课时


C Look and say.二、教学目标



Step 1 Greetings : T: Hello ,boys and girls.How are you ,today ? Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ? T: Me too.Step2 Revision.1.Show me your pencils ,Show me your rubbers.Show me your ball pens 2.Let‘s talk in English.Hello,Good morning /afternoon.This is …How are you ? 3.Ask and answer(T&Ss)Get up ,××.All right.Go to school now ,××.OK.Go home now,××.All right ,See you ,Miss ××.Go to bed now.OK ,Good night.4.Ss make a dialogue.5.Play a game.Guess : What‘s in my school bag ?(book s, apples.bananas ,…, a teaching picture)Step3 Presentation.1.T shows the teaching picture and asks.a.How many people in the picture ? b.What are they talking about ? 2.Ss discuss :Group A : J 3.Check and modify.Group B: J 4.Group works.(全班分成四个小组,进行竞赛)Group C:J e.gpicture 1.(T: If you can do it well, I‘ll give your group one smiling face)Group C:J Mr Brown : Go to school now ,Mike.Mike : All right ,Bye ,Dad.5.Action.Step4 Have a rest.Sing the song ―Hello!How are you?‖

Step5 Listen andrespond.The T turns on the recorder(课前录制一些问话以便学生回答)

课 题:Unit 5 How are you ?第四课时

一、教学内容: D Fun house 1.Listen and circle.2.Guess and say.二、教学目标:



Step 1 Warm-up 1.Sing the songs.― Good morning.‖ ― Hello!How are you ?‖ 2.Greetings.How are you ? Fine ,thank you ,And you ? I‘m fine ,too.3.Listen and do.Let‘s fly.Let‘s jump.4.Free talk.How are you today? Fine /Not bad /Not so good.Step 2.Presentation.1.Play a game: Bingo.Guess: What are they?(猜图片,猜对者高呼Bingo,以示胜利)2.Read the words :(Pens ,pencils ,etc)3.Guess and say.(利用学生的文具或图片)e.gSa : A rubber? Sb : No.Sa: Rubbers ? Sb:Yes.4.Listen and circle.5.Sing the song ―Hello!How are you ?‖ Step3.Work book.1.Listen and number.2.Listen and judge.3.Listen and draw.课 题:Unit 6 Review and check 第一课时










学习Unit 6 A 部分和B部分。第四课时

学习Unit 6 C部分。

Lesson 1 Review Unit 1—3 教学目标:

1.使学生进一步掌握Unit 1—3的24个单词 2.提高学生学习英语的兴趣 教学内容: Unit 1—3 教学过程: Step 1 Warm Up

A.Sing songs :

《 Hello!》

《 Hi, Nancy!》 B.Say a rhyme : They are all very good.C.Greetings.T:Good morning /afternoon ,class.Ss:Good morning /afternoon ,Miss ××

T: How are you today ?

Ss:Fine ,thank you ,And you ?

T: Me ,too.Step 2 Practise.A

Unit 1 a Listen to the tape and repeat.b Read the dialogue aloud.c Look at the picture and try to act(C Look and say)Practise the dialogue in pairs.T: who‘d like to act the dialogue for us ? Action.B Unit 2

a Listen to the tape and repeat.b Try to act ―C Look and say.‖

c Make up a similar dialogue with your partner.d Show the cards(animals)(1)What‘s this ,do you know ?(e.g a bird)

(2)What‘s colour is it ?



(3)Read after the T

(e.g a green bird)

C Unit 3

a Listen to the tape and repeat.b Play a game(Voice game)用A部分交际用语中的关键词玩一个小把戏,比如:“Mr Green ”一词,老师大声说,学生小声说,或反之。

除了利用人物头饰操练外,可适当用一个Bobby 和Mimi两个小动物,调剂一下课堂气氛。c Look at the teaching picture and try to act.d Play games

(Review the fruit words)1)what can you see ?

I can see a „/ some „(注意名词单复数的不同)Step 4 Homework Listen to the tape five times ,from Unit I to Unit 3.课 题:Unit 6 Review and check 第二课时


1.使学生进一步掌握Unit 4—5的24个单词 2.提高学生学习英语的兴趣 教学内容: Unit 4—5 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up


Sing a song―Hello!How are you ?‖ B Greetings C Free talk.Step 2 Practise.A.Unit 4

a Listen to the tape and repeat.b Look at the teaching picture(C Look and say)and try to act.T:Please practise the dialogue in pairs.T: Who‘d like to act the dialogue for us ?

Think and place

1)Hang up the picture(Unit 4 B 家具类单词挂图)What can you see in the picture? 2)Ss: I can see a fridge /bed /„ 3)Here’s a „ B Unit 5

a.Play a game :Listen and do T: Show me your pencil box.Pick up your pencils.Put your rubber into your bag.Write down your names.Put up your hands.b.Look and guess: T: Watch my mouth closely and guess ―What am I saying ?‖


a pen



c.Listen to the tape and repeat

(A learn to say)

d.Try to act(c.Look and say)Step4 Have a rest

Sing―Ten Little Indian Boys‖ Step5 Homework.Listen to the tape five times from Unit 4 to Unit 5.Step6 Goodbye.Sing the song “Goodbye”

课 题:Unit 6 Review and check 第三课时


Unit 6 A.Listen and circle.B.Listen and number 教学目标:



Step1 Warm up

A.Sing the songs “Hello!”、“Hi ,Nancy!”、“How are you ?” B.Say a rhyme: “They are all very good.”

C.Greetings : “Glad to see you.” “ How are you today?” elc.Step2 Revision a Free talk(Encourage the Ss to talk to each other.)1.Review the words animals, fruits, furniture, school things, colors 2.将Unit 6出现的单词卡片贴至黑板上,集中复习黑板上单词,do(listen and circle)3.Listen and number.1).拿出东西让学生练习。比如,一支红铅笔 a red pencil , 一个黄色桌子 a yellow desk,让学生自己练习。

2).让学生将图中的物品加以描述,如:a blue fridge, a green sofa, a red telephone, a brown chair 3).Listen to the tape.(1).集中听独立做。


(3).Check Step 3 Workbook(C D E)1.Listen , find and circle.2.Listen , find and color.3.Listen and draw.在这三个过程中,先集中听独立做,然后重复内容,最后检查。

课 题:Unit 6 Review and check 第四课时


Unit 6 C Look and say 教学目标:


2.学生能用所学的单词或句子完成练习。Step 1 Free talk T: Good morning.S: Good morning.T: Hello, what‘s your name?

S: My name is xx.T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you.And you ? T: I‘m fine, too.T: Good afternoon.S: Good afternoon.T: Hello!How are you?

S : Not so good.T: I‘m sorry.Step 2 1.Look at the pictures.2.学生小组内编对话。3.Make dialogues.4.Act.Step 3 Workbook 1.Listen(once)会回答先回答(部分)


3.认识人物(尤其是区别比较大的:Mr Green, Mr Black)

4.Listen to the tape.课 题:Unit 7 It's nice 第一课时


Pattern: Look at his /my /her shirt /new blouse /jacket /sweater It‘s smart/pretty/nice How nice!教学目标:

1.使学生能理解并会说 “Look at his /my /her shirt /blouse /jacket/sweater”、“It’s smart /pretty /nice ” or “ How nice!”


Step1 Free talk and motivation.1.Greetings : Good morning /afternoon /How are you ? 2.Show a puppet.The T introduces the puppet to the Ss.T: Hello ,boys and girls ,This is Peter,Now I‘m Peter ,Nice to meet you ,boys and girls.Ss: Nice to meet you , Peter.T: Who want to be Peter? Let‘s make dialogue.T: Go to bed now ,Peter.Sp: Ok ,Good night.T: Get up , Peter.Sp: All right.T: Good morning ,Peter ,How are you ? Sp:Fine ,thank you.And you ? T: I‘m fine ,too.Let‘s learn to the new unit ,ok? Sp:Ok.Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say :Look ,this is my shirt /blouse/jacket/sweater.a.Show the shirt.T: Boys and girls.Look at the shirt and listen to me carefully.This is a shirt.Say ―a shirt ‖ Read after the T.T: Look at me and listen to me,please ,Look ,this is my shirt.Who is wearing a shirt ? Please stand up and say ―Look ,this is my shirt.‖

b.Learn to say : Look ,this is my blouse /jacket /sweater.The same method.2.Learn to say : Look ,this is her /his…

The T shows some clothes.a Guess.Whose jacket is this ?(A girl‘s jacket.)

T: This is SunTing‘s jacket, You can say ―Look ,this is her jacket‖.Read after the T.Guess whose shirt is this?(A boy‘s shirt ?)

S1:This is Zhang Shuo‘s shirt.T:You can say :“Look ,this is his shirt ”(提醒学生注意区别my ,his ,her三词的意义和用法)3.Practice in pairs.4.Learn to say :Look at … It‘s smart /pretty /nice.a

The T shows the puppet.T: Peter and I are talking , what are we talking about?Listen,listen,listen ,listen to me carefully.T: Hi, Peter.Tp: Hi, Miss Yao.T: Look ,this is my shirt.Tp: It‘s smart.The Ss repeat.T: Peter is wearing a smart shirt ,too.I want to make a dialogue with a student ,If I say ―Look at his shirt ‖You can say ―It‘s smart ‖ or ―It‘s pretty‖ T:(指着Peter)Look at his shirt.S1: It‘s smart /pretty.Practice.T—S


Group work.b.The T shows two pencil-boxes.T:This is a new pencil-box, That‘s an old pencil-box.Who has a new pencil-box ?Please stand up and say ―Look at my new pencil-box? ‖ S1:Look at my new blouse.T: It‘s pretty.(say and do it)You can say :Thank you.Practice.Can you make a new sentence.c.Learn to say the other drills.The same method.5.Play a game.a.Passing game.(pass clothes and say it)b.Guess(whose is this shirt /…?)c.Sing ―Colour song‖ Step5 Homework Listen to the tape and repeat.课 题:Unit 7 It's nice 第二课时

教学内容 :

单词 : a dress , a skirt , a T-shirt , a coat.教学目标:

1.能听懂会说单词a dress , a skirt ,a T-shirt ,a coat.2.能正确理解“this ” and “that ”的区别。教学过程 :

Step 1 Revision and motivation.1.Greetings.Good morning/afternoon.How are you ? 2.Sing a song《Colour song》:Who is wearing yellow/green /„today? 3.Revision.a.T(指着自己的外套):Look at my coat.举起布偶:Oh,it’s pretty.T: Thank you.Now ,boys and girls.Show the puppet your pretty clothes.b.(学生一个一个说):Look at my blouse/shirt /jacket /sweater.Puppet: Oh ,how nice.It‘s smart /pretty /nice

c.T(指着一学生的衣服): Look at his /her blouse /shirt „ Ss: Oh ,how nice.It‘s smart /pretty /nice … d.The T shows two clothes.T:Look , this is my blouse.That‘s her blouse.The Ss follow the T Step 2 Presentation and practice.1.The T shows a coat.T: Look ,this is my coat ,coat ,my coat.Puppet: Oh ,coat ,your coat.That‘s your coat.The Ss follow the puppet : Coat ,your coat.That‘s your coat.2.The Ss show their coats to the T and say : Look ,this is my coat.T: Oh ,your coat ,that‘s your coat.3.T(指着一男生的T-shirt): Look at his T-shirt.Puppet : Oh, his T-shirt.It‘s smart.Practice in pairs.4.T(给布偶穿上一条裙子)Look at her skirt.How nice.skirt,skirt.学生齐读。

Ss(同桌操练)Look at her skirt.How nice.相同的方法教学dress.Step 3.Consolidation

1.Listen to the tape.B Look and learn.2.Workbook.A.Listen find and circle.B.Listen find and colour Step 4 Homework:

Listen to the tape and repeat.课 题:Unit 7 It's nice 第三课时


1.C Look and say : Look at his /her … Look , this is … That‘s …

2.Work book : C Listen and judge.教学目标:

1.能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。2.能唱歌曲Colour song 教学准备: 挂图,录音机 教学过程:


1.Greetings :Look at his /her, Look, this is …That‘s … 2.Sing a song :《Hello!How are you ?》

Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Play a game.Look at the T‘s mouth and guess.(a shirt /dress …)2.Let‘s talk in English.T: Please show me your pretty clothes and say ―Look at my …‖ Ss(一个一个说):Look at my shirt /coat /sweater /„ T:It‘s smart /pretty /nice /… Exchange.3.Listen to the tape and try to imitate 4.出示教学挂图

a.(1)Is there a jacket or a coat in the picture?(2)Whose is this jacket ?(3)What ‗s the monkey saying? b.Discuss.c.Practice

Make a dialogue like this : Sa :Look at his jacket.Sb: It‘s smart /pretty /nice



Group work.d.Check.5.Show another pictures.a.Look at the picture.Q:1)How many people are there in the picture ?

2)How many clothes are there in the picture ? T: Who‘d like to make a dialogue with me ? e.g T: You are Nancy.I‘m another girl.You can say : Look ,this is my skirt ,I say :That‘s my blouse.S1: Look ,this is my skirt.S2: That‘s my blouse.b.Look at the other pictures and make dialogues.The same method.Step3 Do the workbook.Page 23 C Listen and judge.Listen to the tape and look at the pictures ,then mark.If it‘s true ,please draw a smiling face.If it‘s false ,please draw a crying face.Key : 1.J

2.J 3.L 4.J Step4 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape(Part A Part B)2.Read after the tape Step5 ending Sing a song :《 Goodbye 》

Step 6 Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat.课 题:Unit 7 It's nice 第四课时

教学内容: D Fun house :

1.Listen and number

2.Sing a song 《Colour song》 3.Draw and guess.教学目标:

1.继续学习新单词和新句子。2.会唱歌曲 “ Colour song”.3.鼓励学生学习和运用英语。教学过程: Step 1 :Warm up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 《Hello!How are you ?》 3.Say a rhyme 《They are all very good 》 Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Show the cards(clothes)Q: a.What‘s this ?

b.What colour is it? e.g a、a brown jacket

b、a white skirt „ S1: Look ,this is a brown jacket.S2: It‘s smart /pretty/nice(How nice!)2.Practice.T—S


Group work 3.Check.4.Listen and number.T: Open your student‘s Books to Page 44: D Fun house.Listen and number.a.Listen to the tape and number.b.KEY.a 6

b 7

c 4

d 2

e 1

f 8

g 3 h 5 Step 3.Sing a song :《Colour song 》 1.Listen to the tape.2.Sing after the tape.3.Action.Step4 Draw and guess.1.T: Look at the blackboard and guess what I am drawing.e.g S1: A coat?


No.S2: A T-shirt ?


Yes ,What colour ?

S1: Blue?


Yes.2.Practice in pairs.Step 5

Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat.课 题:Unit8 Let's go to the park 第一课时


单词: a zoo ,a cinema , a park , a supermarket ,the Great Wall ,by bike /bus /plane/car.二、教学目标:

1、能听懂会说单词: a zoo ,z cinema,a park ,a supermarket ,the Great Wall.by bike/bus /plane /car.2、鼓励学生用英语交谈。

三、教学过程: Step 1.Warm-up.1.Greetings :

Hello,everyone!How are you?…

2.Now ,Let‘s sing , together Ok?(―Hello ,How are you ?‖ , ―Hi, Nancy.‖)

3.Free talk.―Good morning‖ ―What‘s your name?‖ ― Look at my coat.‖ ― Look, this is a pen.‖ etc.Step 2.Presentation.A Game :快速闪动游戏。

T: What‘s this ? S: This is a bed …

T: What‘s this ? S: Sorry ,I don‘t know…

B Learn : ― a park ,a zoo ,a cinema ,a supermarket ,the Great Wall.1.T: Boys and girls ,This is a park.(出示图片)2.Read after the T: ―a park‖

T: Do you like to go to the Park? S: Yes.3.Check.4.Let‘s sing it.(park,park,I like go to the park.I like go to the park)

5.Look and say the other words.The same method.C Play a game :Look and guess :What am I saying ?(师不出声说单词,生根据口形猜单词。)D Learn : by bike /car /bus /plane.1.T: Look at this picture ,What is this ?who can read it ?(bike).2.Read after the T and check.“bike”、“by bike ”(read and do)边说边做表示骑车的动作,帮助学生理解“by bike”。3.Look and say the other words.The same method.4.Check.5.Play a game : Draw and guess(师画出半个图形,生猜老师画的是什么?)Step 3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Play a game : 心灵感应。

3.Workbook : B Listen and draw

Page 25.课 题:Unit8 Let's go to the park 第二课时


Pattern: ― Let‘s go to …‖, ―But how ?‖, ―by…….‖.二、教学目标:

1.能比较熟练地在情景中运用句型:Let’s go to „ but how? by...2.学会用英语进行交流


tape, radio ,masks(Cao shan ,Mike, Nancy,Mrs Black, Liu Tao ,WangBing, David ,Mr Black), teaching pictures.四、教学过程: Step1.Warming-up

1.Greating the Ss : Good morning /afternoon ,class?Glad to see you!How are you ? 2.Say a rhymeABCDEFGOOOO, have some tea.3.Free talk: e.g T: Hello ,How are you ? S: Fine ,thank you ,And you ? T: I‘m fine ,too.Let‘s go to school ,ok? S:Ok./All right.4.Review the words : zoo, park ,cinema, supermarket ,the Great Wall.复习go to school ,go home ,go to bed ,get up及答语Ok.All right.zoo,zoo ,go to the zoo.Step2 Presentation : 1.Play a game :Look and guess.e.g : Look ,what‘s this? This‘s a zoo.2.Learn to say : Let‘s go to …

Ok/All right /Good /Great.1)S1: Miss Yan ,This‘s a park.T: Let‘s go to the park ,Ok? S1: OK.T: Let‘s go to the park,All right?

S2: All right….(Using the body language)2)Read after the T.―Let‘s ….‖

3)Practice and check.T—S


Work in pairs.4)Sing and dance(Let‘s go to …)

(T takes out the picture ,Ss Look ,sing and dance)3.Have a rest :

Play a game: ―Listen and do ‖ e.g(T:Show me your sweater.Ss do it)4.Learn to say ―but how? by ……‖ T: Let‘s go to the zoo.S:ok.S: Miss Yan ,Let‘s go to the park.T: Good /Great ,but how ?by bike ,by car.by bus or by plane?(using the body language)S: By bike.1)Read after the T But how? 2)Practice and check.T—S S—S

Work in pairs.3)Sing and dance(Let‘s go to …,Let‘s go…..,Great /Good ….,but how ?but how?(The T takesout the picture ,the S Look ,sing and dance)5.Have a rest.Sing ―Hi ,Nancy.‖ Step3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Look at the picture and act.Step4.Home work.Listen to the tape and repeat four times.课 题:Unit8 Let's go to the park 第三课时


1.D Look and say ― Let‘s go to …by …‖ 2.Workbook : C Listen and match.二、教学目标:

学生会说“Let’s go to „by „”

By …)

三、教学准备: Teaching picture.四、教学过程:

Step1.Greetings : T: Hello, boys and girls ,How are you ? Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ? T: Me ,too.Step2 Revision.1.Play a game :Look and guess(复习第八单元单词)2.Let‘s talk in English.Hello /Hi, Good morning /afternoon.This is … What‘s your name ?

How are you ?…Look at my … It‘s nice.3.Ask and answer(T—S)Let‘s go to the park.OK,but how ? By bike …..4.Ss make a dialogue.5.Play a game: Listen and do Step 3 Pre sentation

1.T: Boys and girls ,what‘s this ?

Ss: This is a park.This is a bike.T: Let‘s go to the park.Ss: Ok ,but how ?

T: By bike.OR,T: Let‘s go to the park by bike.S: All right.2.贴图游戏。(游戏方法:老师或学生发出口令:Let’s go to „by „,有几名学生根据说话内容选择地点和交通工具的图片贴在句子的空白处。)

Let‘s go to …by …

3.T shows the teaching picture and asks : a.How many people in the picture? b.What‘s this /that?

c.What are they talking about? 4.Ss discuss.5.Check and modify.6.Group works.e.g picure1.Girl: Let‘s go to school by bike.Boy : All right /Ok /Good/Great.7.Action.Step4 Have a rest.Sing ―Hello!How are you ?‖

Step 5.Listen a match :(work book Page 26)Step6 ENDING.Sing ―Goodbye!‖

Step 7 Homework : Listen to the tape and repeat.课 题:Unit8 Let's go to the park 第四课时

一、教学内容: D: Fun house 1 Listen and number 2 Make and play 3 Say a rhyme


学生会熟练操练句式样Let’s go to„ but how„? Let’s go to„by„会说儿歌


Step 1:Warm up 1 Look at the picture and understand the meaning.2 Listen to the tape and finish Step 2 Presentation and practice 教师制作两转盘,一是地点,一是交通工具,选两个学生,一生抽地点,另一生抽交通工具,根据图片进行对话: S1: Let‘s go to … Ss: But how? S2: By „: Step 3 say a rhyme 1 Listen to the tape.2 Read after the tape(or teacher)3 Try to read it together.Step 4 Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat

课 题:Unit9 On and off第一课时


A部分的1、2幅图,以及Look and learn中的a tap ,a light ,a TV , awalkman.教学目的:

1、能听懂、会说Turn on /off „ 及其应答语All right /Ok等。

2、能听懂、会说常见物品:a tap ,a light ,a TV, a walkman.教学过程:

Step 1.Warm up

1.Sing a song : How are you ? 2.Free talk.(以前几个单元学的内容来对话)3.Greeting.Step 2 Presention and practice.1.学习单词: a light ,a TV , a walkman , a tap.a.出示图片或实物。师问: What’s this? 从而引出light , a TV, a walkman ,a tap.b.教读单词并分小组唱出:Light ,light ,turn on the light.TV,TV,„„ c.Play a game.心灵感应“让学生猜猜老师心里在想什么单词? 2.教学句型:Turn on the light.(please)All right.Turn off the light.Ok.a.创设情境:Oh ,look ,the light is shining ,It’s too waste ,××, Turn off the light ,please.让学生领会turn off the light即关灯的意思。然后操练Turn on /off „句型。边说边做动作。b.教师强调,请求别人干某事要加“please ”并教读。c.替换练习turn on the tap.(walkman , TV)turn off the tap(walkman.TV)d.play a game.教师请同学听口令做动作,并引导学生说出All right /Ok.等应答语。如果有的学生做错了。就请到黑板前表演节目。

3.Listen to the tape.4.Chant

Turn on the TV.Turn on the tap.Turn on the walkman.Turn on the light.You do the Hockey-cokey and turn around.La,la ,la,la ,la ,la.Turn off the TV.Turn off the tap.Turn off the walkman.Turn off the light.You do the Hockey-cokey and turn around.La,la,la,la,la,la.5.Read after the tape.6.Practise in pairs.Step 3 Sing a song ―Good bye!‖

课 题:Unit9 On and off 教学内容:

学习C Look and say.教学目的:

能根据动作说出相应的祈使句Close /Open „ Turn on /off „并弄清它们的异同。教学过程:

一、Warm up : 1.Greeting.2.Sing a song 《How are you ?》 《Colour Song》 3.Free talk.主要交谈本单元出现的句型。4.On duty.二、Review.复习B部分所学内容。

1.Touch and guess.(图片背面有分值,学生选择合适的分值,并猜图片中是什么)2.造句Can you make a dialogue?(加分)

三、Presentation and practice.a.教师拿出一个漂亮的盒子:Look ,boys and girls ,There are something in the box,They are for you.Do you want to have a look? 引出学生说出Open the box.利用tap ,walkman ,light.进行自由表演对话。c.出示挂图,进行看图表演对话。d.模仿learn to say编对话进行交谈。

Homework : 让学生回家跟父母一起练习本单元的单词和句型。

课 题:Unit9 On and off第三课时

教案内容: 教学内容:

复习、巩固句型、单词,能听懂并有韵律地诵读歌谣Let’s learn A B C.教学过程:

一、Warm up

1.Sing a song ―How are you ?‖ 2.Free talk.在操练中巩固本单元所学的句型。3.Greeting.二、Revision.1.复习单词: 游戏Guess and say(57页)教师出示图片,生猜出是什么? 2.齐读:

a door ,a tap,a basket ,a TV , a light ,a box ,a window ,a walkman.3.复习句型。




三、Presentation.1.学习listen and circle.a.先看书读出每个单词。b.听录音并答题。c.集体订正。2.学习Say a rhyme.A、静听。



课 题:Unit10 Thank you 第一课时



第一课时:A 部分句型 Yes,piease/Thank you.B部分单词。


1、能听懂、会说„,please ?/some„?/„? 以及应答语Yes ,please /Yes ,thank you.2、能听懂、会说四个食品类单词:a cake ,an egg ,a hamburger ,an ice –cream.3、对学生进行文明礼貌教育,学会说Thank you.三、教具准备:录音机,卡片,磁带,挂图。

四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings.2.Revision.a.食品类单词:an egg, a cake ,an ice-cream, a hamburger.b.Unit 9中的单词及句型: Can you make a sentence like this ?(Turn off the walkman ,please.etc)3.Count : 1,2,3,…10.4.揭题:Today ,we’ll learn Unit 10.Thank you.Ss learn to say :Thank you.T请S帮忙:Open the window ,please.(Ss):

All right.(T):

Thank you.Step 2 Presentation.1.情景导入:

It’s 9:00, Let’s go to the supermarket.Ss: Good ,but how ? T: By bus.Ss:Ok ,Let‘s go.1.出示食品(或以图片布置教室)

T: Wow ,So many things.I’d like an apple ,××,an apple ?(引导学生说,Yes ,thank you /Yes ,please).2.Learn to say : an egg.a.Read after the T.b.Ss read the word : an egg.小组 个人 全体 c.用升调来读,答语:Yes ,thank you /please.d.Drill.T示范 分组 同桌互练。

3.Learn to say : a cake ,a hamburger ,an ice –cream.a.Read after the T.b.Ss shout :(训练学生口腔肌肉,培养其大声说英语的勇气)。c.Ss check each other.4.Pattern drill.(食品加上升调询问)Step 3 Have a rest.Listen :《Hot cross buns 》

Step 4 Consolidation.1.Read after the tape.2.Play a game : Whisper耳语。(传话)。

3.What do you like best ?(chant : Cake ,cake ,I like ~)4.Action.生扮作售货员进行交际表演。

课 题:Unit10 Thank you 第二课时




2、A部分句型:No,thanks/thank you.二、教学目标:

1.继续学习„,please ?/some„?/„?

以及应答语Yes ,please /Yes ,thank you /NO ,thanks.2.能听懂、会说四个饮料类单词: a cup of coffee /tea ,a glass of milk /juice.三、教学过程:

Step1 Warm up.1.Sing ― Hi ,××.‖ ― Hello!How are you ?‖

2.Greetings :Good morning /afternoon /Nice to meet you /How are you ? /Look at my coat …/ Turn on the light ,please …/… 3.Revision.a.颜色类单词。b.食品类单词及句型。

S&S Practice.4.导入新授: S asks : Miss ××,An egg ? T: Yes ,thank you.S: A hamburger ? /Some cake ? / …

T: Yes ,please./… /No , thanks ,I‘m full.I‘v eaten too much.And I‘d like to drink.Step2 Presentation.1.Learn to say: a glass of juice.a.T: I like juice best.(喝一口)Mm ,It’s nice.Do you want to drink ?(Ss : Yes , thank you)juice

b.Read after the T:

orange juice /apple juice /… a glass of juice.a.Who can read it ? b.Drill:

A glass of juice ? Yes ,thank you.2.Learn to say : a glass of milk.a.Play a game : Guess :What’s in it ?(T指着课桌:What’s this in English ? Ss : It‘s a desk ?

T: What‘s in my desk ? Guess.(desk backet bag boxmilk)连环套猜)a glass of milk.b.Read after the T

some milk.a.Ss practice.b.Ss ask T: some milk ?(T): No, thanks.3.Learn to say : No, thanks /thank you.2.Learn to say : a cup of coffee /tea.a.T出示一只茶杯cup : cup ,cup,cup ,oh ,Lei ,oh ,Lei ,oh ,Lei.b.T闻一下咖啡:Mm, it’s delicious.Look ,coffee,a cup of coffee.c.Read after the T.d.出示茶:a cup of tea.e.Sing(曲调同《法兰西之夜》):coffee ,coffee ,a cup of coffee;Tea ,tea ,tea ,a cup of tea.f.Pattern drill : J : A cup of coffee /tea ? J: Yes ,please /No ,thanks /….Step 3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and try to imitate.2.Play a game : Smell and guess.e.g.Guess : What‘s it ? Er … Orange juice.Yes.课 题:Unit10 Thank you 第三课时


一、教学内容:D look and say


1、继续学习„„,please /„„? 以及应答语。


三、教学过程: Step 1: Warm up

1.Sing ―Hello,I‘m Helen.‖ ― Hi ,Nancy.‖ 2.Say two rhymes :《We’re happy today 》。《Let’s Learn A B C 》。3.Let‘s begin our class.4.Revision.a.服装类单词。


Let‘s talk in English : J: Good morning /afternoon.J: Good morning /afternoon.J: A hamburger ? J: No ,thanks.J: Some cake? J: Yes ,please.c.“疯狂”喊单词,分片对喊“对话” Step 2 Presentation.1.Play a game : Guess.a.文具盒(多种颜色),学生用升调猜 是哪一种颜色的文具盒。JS : A blue pencil-box ? JT: No.JS: A green pencil-box ?JT: Yes.„ b.cars.c.dolls.S&S practice.d.clothes.e.Food and drinks.2.Look and say.a.The T shows the teaching picture and asks : What can you seeb.Ss discuss.c.Check and modify.d.Group works.e.g Liu Tao: A green pencil box,please.Woman : All right.3.Action.Step 3.Have a rest.1.

Sing a song : Colour song.2.

Say a rhyme : We are happy today.课 题:Unit10 Thank you 第四课时 :

一、教学内容:E Fun house 1.Listen and judge.2.Smell and guess.3.Say a rhyme.二、教学目标:


2、能听懂并有韵律地诵读歌谣Green tea。

三、教学过程: Step1 Warm-up.1.Sing the songs.2.Greetings.3.Free talk.4.Listen and do : Let‘s fly.Let‘s jump.Let‘s read and write.Let‘s go to the park by car.Let‘s have some hamburgers.Let‘s have some tea etc.Step2 Presentation.1.Play a game : Draw and guess a.文具类物品:Things for school.b.食品和饮料:Food and drinks.c.Read the words 3 times each.d.Let‘s learn A B C

ABCDEFG,OOOO have some tea ,HIJKLMN,It‘s for Mary ,that‘s for Ann.OPQRST ,It‘s for you ,that‘s for me.UVWXYZ.Thank you ,thank you for your tea.2.Listen and judge.根据录音判断与所标物品是否一致,分别用√或×表示。keys: a√

b ×


d√ e ×

f ×

g √

h ×

3.Smell and guess: 准备一些食品和饮料,让学生蒙住眼睛猜一猜 : Guess What’s it ? 4.Say a rhyme : Green tea.Step 3 Workbook.1.Listen and judge.2.Listen and draw.3.Listen and match.课 题:Unit11 A boy and a girl第一课时


1、词汇:girl ,boy ,man ,woman ,nine ,ten ,from ,London, Nanjing,Chinese,English.2、学习单词:man ,woman ,boy ,girl ,nine, ten ,from,London ,Nanjing.教具准备:



Step1 Warm up

1.Sing a song 2.Greetings.(Hello,everyone.How are you today?)

3.Free talk:

a.T: Look ,this/that is my /his /herjacket.S: It‘s smart /pretty /nice/How nice.b.T:Turn off /on the … ,please.Ss:All right /OK.T: Open /Close the …, please.Ss: All right/Ok /Good.c.T: Some cake ?/An ice –cream ? Ss:No ,thanks /Yes ,please.d.T: What‘s your name ?/Your name,Please? S: I‘m…

e.学生出示人物照片以Look ,this is „介绍家庭成员或朋友。比如:Look, this is my father.(老师响应:Oh ,he is a man.并向学生展示man的图片,解释man的意思。在学生自由谈话的过程中,渗透了本课新知:man ,woman ,boy ,girl)Step2 presentation

1、学习My name is „句型。

a.S: What‘s your name,please?

T: My name is ×××.(老师的名字)。

T: My name is Liu Tao.(老师戴刘涛的头饰)。

b.T: What‘s your name?

S: My name is ×××(指名回答)及时纠正name的发音。


d.游戏(神耳)0游戏方法:(1生双眼被蒙,多名学生围住他,争着往他耳边凑,抢说My name is „„ 最后请该生把人名重复出来,看看能记住几个名字,记得最多的为大赢家,被称为“神耳”)

2、学习I’m„ I’m from„

a.Count(数数):One ,Two ,Three ,Four ,Five ,Six ,Seven ,Eight,Nine ,Ten.从第一个男生开始数起,每数到10,第10个同学就站起来说I’m ten.b.Guess― I‘m ten ‖

What dose it mean?

“I’m ten.”(这句话有哪些意思?生各抒已见。确定:当要说我十岁时,可以说I’m ten)最后,举一反三。

c.学生练说:I’m „

d.T:I’m from Xiting.指导学生读准from.e.学生练说I’m from„(Nan jing、London)3、学习句型:I’m a Chinese/English boy/girl.a.T指着一位男生:He is a boy.Ss :He is a boy.Sb:I’m a boy(示意该男生说)。b.教授句型:I’m a boy.(提示男生说:I’m a boy)全班男生齐说:I’m a boy.c.拓宽练习:Is David a boy ? Who is a boy ?(男生起立:I’m a boy)d.同样的方法教授:I’m a girl句型。(女生起立:I’m a girl)

e.学习man ,woman.出示人物图片,认识man与woman.并且会说:Mr Balck /Green is a man.Mrs Black/Miss Li is a woman.f.学习English和Chinese.T: Mrs Black is an English woman.正音:English.Miss Li is a Chinese woman.正音:Chinese.S: I‘m a Chinese boy /girl.学生戴头饰: S David :I’m an English boy.I’m form London.S Nancy: I‘m an English girl.I‘m form Nan jing.S Liu Tao: I‘m a Chinese boy.I‘m from Nan jing.Step 3: Have a rest : Sing a song.《 I’m Helen》

Step4 : Consolidation.1、用以上所学句型进行练习。

2、分组练习。My name is „I’m a Chinese boy /girl.I’m from Xiting.I’m ten /nine.3、Listen to the tape and try to imitate.4、指名朗读。

课 题:Unit11 A boy and a girl第二课时



1、词汇:tall , short , thin ,fat.2、日常交际用语:I’m „, I’m not „


1、能听懂、会说tall ,short ,thin ,fat.2、能听懂、会说I’m „/I’m not „.3、进一步学习自我介绍的方法。




Step1.Warm –up.1.Greetings.―Glad to see you.boys and girls.How are you? Let‘s sing and dance ,ok?)

2.Sing a song ―Colour song‖.3.“头脑风暴.” 上一节课你学会了什么? What do you remember? 鼓励学生大胆用英语发言,教师给予合适的评价和激励My name is „ I’m „ I’m from„

Step 2 Revision and motivation.1、教师自我介绍:T:My name is „ I’m a Chinese woman ,I’m from Xiting ,I’m thirty two.T: Can you intuoduce yourseleves?



Step3 Presentation and practice.1、学习tall ,short.a.师生对比。T:I’m tall ,You’re short.(指着班级里1高1矮学生)T:He/She is tall.He/She is short.b.学生跟读单词tall ,short.c.T:(指着个别学生)Are you tall /short ?

S: Yes /No ,I‘m tall /short.d.领读:I’m tall/I’m not tall.I‘m short /I‘m not short.e.出示人物图片:(Mr Green和Mike ,Helen和Miss Li)学生根据图中人物的高矮情况练说:„„is tall ,„„is short.f.Listen and draw.听指令画画。A tall tree.A short tree.A tall bookcase.A short chair.2、学习thin ,fat.a.出示人物图片。(一胖一瘦的两个人:Gao Shan,YangLin)T: Gao shan is fat ,Yangling is thin.b.指着班级一胖一瘦两个学生:×××is fat ,×××is thin.示意学生说:I’m fat ,I’m thin.c.学生跟读fat ,thin.d.教会学生说:I’m fat /thin.教法同上。

e.出示动物图片:对比monkey与panda.T:The monkey is thin ,The monkey is thin,The monkey is thin ,very thin ,The panda is fat ,„„,very fat.3、指名读单词,检查这四单词掌握情况。

4、指名练说:I’m tall ,I’m thin /I’m short.I’m fat.(同位练习说)

4、找一找,说一说。××is tall.××is short.×× is fat.××is thin.Step4 Say a rhyme : Green tea.Step5 Consolidation.1.Please introduce yourselves :I‘m tall /short /fat /thin.2.Listen to the tape and imitate.3.Introduce :(学生连贯自我介绍)。

My name is … I‘m a Chinese boy /girl.I‘m from …,I‘m ten.I‘m(not)tall/short /fat /thin.Step6 Homework


课 题:Unit11 A boy and a girl第三课时


1、词汇:long ,short ,big ,small.2、日常交际用语:My hair is long ,My eyes are small.3、Look and say.教学目标:

1、能听懂、会说My „is /are

2、能听懂、会说long,short ,big ,small.3、能看懂C部分图意,会用He’s /She’s „His /Her „.4、继续学习巩固自我介绍的方法。


Step 1 Warm-up

1.Greetings.(Good morning /afternoon ,class.Are you happy ? Do you like English ?)

2.Sing a song ―A B C song.‖


Step 2 Revision and motivation.1.Listen and act.T: Touch your eye.Ss: Touch my eye.T: Touch your hair.Ss : Touch my hair.T: Touch your ear.Ss: Touch my ear.T: My hair is short /long.My eyes are big /small.2.游戏:(猜猜我是谁)

游戏方法:一生双眼被蒙住,其余学生捏住鼻子(使声音改变)作介绍。I’m tall/ short /fat / thin.My hair is „My nose is „ My eyes are „ who am I ? 眼睛被蒙的学生根据以上信息判断作自我介绍的学生是谁。

Step3 presentation.1.学习long和short.a.教师出示一把长尺子和一把短尺子:T:This ruler is long.That ruler is short.b.学习单词long ,short.注意正音 c.T:My hair is long /short.Ss: My hair is long/short.d.练习:学生举例说明:如My dress is long,my pencil is long ,My rubber is short „

2.学习big和small.a.Play a game : What‘s in the box ?


b.This box is big.That one is small.This orange is big.That one is small.c.学生跟读单词big ,small.并用手空划大小圈,表示big和small.d.T: My eyes are big /small.Ss:My eyes are big /small.eyes正音[aiz]

e.练习:The bus is big ,The car is small.The tiger is big ,The bird is small „


Step 4 Listen to the tape :rhyme ―My friends‖ 跟录音练说歌谣“My friends.”

Step5 Consolidation.1.智力大比拼

教师出示几张物品的图片(或实物),学生看图说话,The apple is big.The boy is fat „..2.Look and say.(部分内容)。

1)He is tall.2)Her pencil is long 3)She is fat.4)His pencil sharpener is big.Step6 Ending : Sing a song ―Goodbye.‖ Homework


课 题:Unit11 A boy and a girl第四课时


1.Fun house.2.完成练习册。





Step1 Warm-up.1.随堂检测: 上节课布置的口头作业读课文。1)小组长检查。2)抽查。

2.Sing a song : Colour song.3.Say a rhyme :My friends.4.Pass the pictures and




man ,woman ,boy ,girl ,fat ,thin, big ,small ,long ,short ,eye ,hair ,tall,short.Step2 Review.竞赛: 插红旗。比赛方法:每组派一名学生到板前排列词卡(本课的八个形容词)每两个意思相反的词放在同一个圆圈内,最先排好的,且无误的一组可以得到一面小红旗。

Step 3 Presentation : D Fun house.1.Listen and act.T: Open your book.Close your eyes.Turn on the light.Turn off the light.Put up your hands.Put down your hands.2.Listen to the tape and number.(D Fun house).a.先看四幅图:T:what can you see ?

S: I can see … b.听录音编号:

c.对答案:a 2 ,5

b 3 ,7

c 1 ,6

d 4 ,8.3.Listen and guess.(教师编谜语学生猜)

如:a.I’m very fat and big ,My nose is long ,Who am I?

b.I’m white ,My ears are long ,My tail is short ,My eyes are red ,Who am I?(兔子)

c.I‘m very thin ,My tail is long ,I can climb.Who am I?(Monkey)4.Say a rhyme : My friends.Step 4 Do the workbook.1.Listen and respond.a.Free talk.(复习Unit 7¬¬---Unit 11的对话)b.播放练习录音,学生抢答。

2.Listen and draw.a.听音贴图片:a zebra ,a tiger ,a bird , an elephant.b.游戏:Listen and point.c.听录音,连线。

3.Listen ,find and draw.a.猜猜。


a short skirt

a new fridge

a tall man

an egg.b.听录音画画。

4.Listen and match.a.出示人物图片(或衣服图片),全用This is „作介绍。


5.Listen ,find and circle.a.看图,说说你看到了什么。



课 题:Unit12 Review and check第一课时


教学目标 : 1.使学生会说7——9课的24个单词。2.使学生会使用交际用语。3.提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教学内容: Unit 7—9 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up

a.Say rhymes 《We are happy today.》 《Let’s learn A B C.》 《Green tea.》 b.Greetings.T: Good morning /afternoon ,class.Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,Miss Ji.T: How are you today ? Ss: Fine ,thank you.And you ? T: I‘m fine, too./Me ,too.Step 2 Revision.A、反口令练习。

a.Stand up b.Hands up C Open your mouth d.Close your eyes e.Sit down.B、Free talk.Step 3 Practise.A Unit 7

a.游戏:Draw and guess(通过老师的几笔,让学生猜,师画的是什么衣服?)b.Show the wall picture.Look at the picture and try to act.(练习CLook and say)Practise in pairs.Check.(学生到讲台前表演对话)B Unit 8 a.游戏:Look and guess.(通过老师或学生的表演,让其它人猜在哪里? 在游戏中复习a zoo, a park , a cinema, a supermarket.the Great Wall.)b.Play a game.出示两个转盘,根据指针所指的场所和交通工具练习对话。e.g S1: Let‘s go to the zoo.S2: Good ,But how?

S1: Let‘s go to the zoo by bus.C Unit 9

a.Listen to the tape and repeat.b.Play a game :Draw and guess.同位练习,一人画物品的一部分,另一人猜名称。e.g S1: What is it ?

S2: It‘s a plane.Step 4随堂检测: 检查本课所复习的内容。Step 5 Homework.Listen to the tape from Unit 7 to Unit 9

课 题:Unit12 Review and check第二课时


教学目标: 1.使学生会说10——11课的20个单词。2.使学生理解并会运用所学句型。3.提高学生学习英语的兴趣。

教学内容 : Unit 10—11 教学过程:

Step1 Warm-up.A.Sing a song ― Colour song.‖ B.Greetings T: Hi, boys and girls ,How are you ? Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ? T: I‘m fine ,too./Me ,too.Step2 Revision.A.Touch your body.T: Touch your hair.Ss:Touch my hair.T: Touch your nose.Ss: Touch my nose.„ B.Free talk.Step3 Practise.A.Unit 10 a.游戏:“闻、尝、猜 ”,通过游戏让学生猜食物或饮料,并操练之中的主要句型。b.Listen to the tape and repeat.c.Look at the picture and try to act.(C Look and say)Practise the dialogue in groups.A.Unit 11

a.反口令练习:复习Unit 11中的单词,如师说:“I’m thin.”生就说 “I’m fat.” b.Listen to the tape and repeat.c.Introduce.T: Please introduce yourself to others.e.g S1: My name is DongZheng.I‘m a Chinese boy.I‘m nine.I‘m tall.My eyes are big.指名上台自我介绍。Step4 Have a rest.Say a rhyme ―They are all very good.‖ Step5随堂检测,检查本节课所复习内容。Step6 Homework

Listen to the tape from Unit 1 to Unit 11.课 题:Unit12 Review and check第三课时

教学内容: Unit 12 A.Listen and colour B.Listen and circle.教学目标:

1.学生能够听得懂他所听到的内容。2.学生能正确的运用所学单词。教学过程 : Step1 Warm up

A.Sing a song ―Colour song.‖

B.Say a rhyme ―Let‘s learn A B C.‖ C.Greetings.Step2 Revision.a.Free talk.复习以下句型:Look ,this is „ It’s smart /„

Let's go to …

Some cake? Yes ,please./…

b.游戏:Look and guess(针对P70 A,B两题练习,将练习中出现的物品及颜色词在游戏中进行复习)b.随堂检测。

1.T: I speak in Chinese.You must speak in English.1)看,这是我的连衣裙。

2)咱们坐飞机去北京吧? 3)多漂亮呀!2.连线。

a hamburger

一杯橙汁 a cup of tea



茄克衫 dress

一杯茶 skirt

一个汉堡包 coffee

连衣裙 a glass of orange juice

短裙 Step 3 Have a rest.Say a rhyme ―Green tea.‖ Step4 Presentation.1.Listen and colour.a.Show the colour pencils.Ask : What colour ? b.Look at the picture.Do you know what they are in English ? c.Listen to the tape and colour.d.Check.2.Listen and circle.(练习前教师不指导,练习后根据情况反馈再稍加指点)Step 5 END

Sing the song “Goodbye.”.课 题:Unit12 Review and check第四课时


Unit 12 C Look and say.What are they saying ?Talk to your partner(s).教学目标: 1.使学生理解和运用所学的交际用语。2.使学生有互相合作的意识。教学过程 : Step1 Warm up.1.Greetings.2.Say a rhyme ―We are happy today.‖ 3.Sing a song ―Hello ,how are you ?‖ Step2 Revision.1.Introduce.用四句话介绍自己。My name is „

I‘m a Chinese boy /girl.I‘m nine./ten.I‘m tall /short.2.Play a game.出示图卡,指名二至三名学生到讲台前进行比赛,教师用英语说出任一单词,两生迅速找到相应的卡片,看谁的速度快。3.Show the picture.T: What can you see? S1: I can see a hamburger.S2: I can see a cup of coffee.„„

Step3 Presentation.1.The T shows the wall picture.(C Look and say).2.Do you know who they are ? 3.Group work.Ss discuss : What are they talking about ? 4.Check.Picture1 Yang Zing :Look at my skirt.Mike : It‘s short.Picture2 Yang Ling : Look at this dress.Mike : How nice!„„ 5.Try to act.Step 4 Workbook.A.Listen and respond.B.游戏:Look and guess一学生做出某一动物的特征,其余学生猜是何动物,以此复习动物类单词,帮助完成Listen and draw.C.Listen , find and draw.D.Listen and match.E.Listen ,find and circle.Step 5 Goodbye.

第五篇:牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教学设计

牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教学设计




1、能听懂、会说单词:a park, a zoo, a cinema, a bus, a car, a bike, a plane.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Let’s go to„ All right.OK.Let’s go.GoodGreat.But how? By „


1、a cinema, a bike, plane 的读音。



Step1 Free talk 教师与学生打招呼:Good morning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.学生回答:Nice to meet you too.T: What’s your name? How are you? Ss: „

T: Now, let’s sing a song ,OK?(师播放歌曲《Hello!How are you?》)Step2 Presentation 1.T : Today I’ll invite some new friends here.Look!What’s this?(呈现a panda, an elephant 和a tiger 的图片,)Where are they? Let’s ask.“Where are you?” “We are in the zoo.”教授单词a zoo.T: Let’s go to the zoo.引导学生说出“OK.Let’s go.” “All right.” 2.(出示公园的图画)T:Is this a zoo? No, it isn’t.It’s a park.教授单词a park 3.Look!There is a cinema near the park.教授单词a cinema.由Let’s go to the cinema.引出句型GoodGreat!But how? 4.听声音呈现三种交通工具的声音,让学生边猜边学单词。A car, a bus, a bike Step3 Practice 1.读儿歌

Zoo, zoo, zoo, let’s go to the zoo.But how, but how.Let’s go by car.Park, park, park.Let’s go to the park.But how, but how.Let’s go by bus.Cinema, cinema, Let’s go to the cinema.But how, but how.Let’s go by bike.2.Now you can invite your friends to go to the cinema.Use the sentences.S1: Let’s go to the cinema.S2: OK.All right.Good.Great.But how? By„(让学生边表演对话边做动作)3 Watch the cartoon 1. T: Let’s go to the cinema together.S: OK„ T: Look.What’s on? There’s a cartoon.Let’s watch it.(观看课文动画)

T :(屏幕定格在西安的图片)T:Where is it? S: It’s Xi’an.T: Let’s go to Xi’an.S: Good.But how? T: By plane.教授单词plane Step4 Consolidation 1.Read the text after the teacher.2.Read the text together.3.Look, there are many beautiful places here.You can choose one place to prepare a dialogue with your partner.4.Acting

(学生选择屏幕上的一幅图用所学的句型编对话)Step 5.Homework

(1).Read the words and the dialogues.(2).Make dialogues.(3)Say goodbye.跟着音乐同唱歌曲《Goodbye!》


Unit 8 Let’s go to the park Let’s go to the zoo.All right.OK.Good.Great.But how? By car/ bus/ bike.

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