My Sugar, My Honey.* Three Little Monkeys Three little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said: “No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”
Two little monkeys…….One little monkey jumping on the bed, He fell off and bumped his head……….* Star Light, Star Bright Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight.* Sugar, Sugar(◎)Sugar, ah honey honey You are my candy Boy And you’ve got me wanting you Honey, ah sugar sugar You are my candy boy And you’ve got me wanting you
I just can’t believe the loveliness of loving you I just can’t believe it’s true I just can’t believe the one to love this fellling to I just can’t believe it’s true
Repeat(◎)*Mamma mia(◎)Mamma mia, her I go again My, my, how can I resist you Mamma mia, does it show again My, my, just how much I’ve missed you
幼儿英语教学常用的warm up(2009-03-17 17:18:05)标签:冯佳 少儿英语教学 幼儿英语 小学英语素材 英文歌曲 英语教学 教育
每次都说要整理自己的教学笔记,今天好不容易有些时间赶紧把这些资料整理好,希望能对大家有所帮助。下面列举的都是一些英文朗诗和英文歌曲。What are you doing now
What are you doing now? I am reading now.What are you doing now? I am jumping now.What are you doing now? I am running now.What are you doing now? I am laughing now.Hi hi hi hi ha ha ha ha ha ha.2.Eyes ears nose mouth chant Eyes.eyes.chua chua chua Ears ,eard.eng eng eng Nose, nose.sh sh sh Mouth, mouth.um um um 3.Hello song Hello hello how are you , fine , fine, fine ,thank you.Hello hello how are you, oh oh just so so.Hello hello how are you, no no I am terrible.4.Rabbit song
Left , left ,right ,right ,go ,turn around go go go!5.Everything is moving now
Everything is moving now.Let me show you how.My head is shaking, shaking ,shaking, shaking.My arms are swing, swing ,swing ,swing.My legs are moving, moving, moving ,moving.6.Hamburger
Hamburger hamburger turn around Hamburger hamburger touch the ground Hamburger hamburger reach up high Hamburger hamburger touch the sky 7.Numbers chant
Point up, point down ,show me one Stand up ,sit down, show me two
Clap your hands and stamp your fee, show me three.Listen to me listen to her.show me four.Write A , write B , show me five.8.Help(这是一个情景剧,一个病人,一名医生,一名护士)Doctor doctor help help Nurse nurse shoot shoot shoot Buzz!Ouch.What can you see
Look ,look what can you see? I can see a bird in the tree.I can see a monkey drinking tea.I can see a tiger watching TV.Ha Ha Ha 10 Take a bath
You are dirty , you are dirty.Are we dirty , are we dirty.Take a bath.take a bath.Hey ya ya.Hey ya ya.I am clean.幼儿英语歌曲律动宝典之一(2009-01-08 08:55:10)标签:冯佳 英文歌曲 幼儿英语 早教 歌曲方法 育儿
前文<<浅谈幼儿英语歌曲律动教学>>中提到:幼儿在第一母语自然习得过程中,歌曲律动是主要的语言学习内容之一.从小教会孩子念各种各样的儿歌和绕口令,通过这些歌曲的学习使得幼儿在不知不觉中学习发音,了解语言规律及习惯用语等等.同样歌曲律动在幼儿学习第二语言时也是必备不可少的环节.歌曲律动给了孩子练习的机会,有助于练习发音,培养正确的语音语调,增加词汇量等语言技巧.歌曲律动也是幼儿认知,理解这个社会的特殊方式.通过歌曲律动能使学生产生愉快体验的学习方式.我收集了一些课堂常用的英语歌曲,希望能对老师有些帮助: 1.Everybody look at me,please shake your body.Everybody look at me,oh my baby you and me.(这歌的调是<刨冰进行曲>)
2.Goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher, goodbye teacher so long.see you again see you again see you again next week.(本歌曲是<新年好>的调)
3.Go ,go ,go to the farm.rooster chick and hen.Merrily, merrily , merrily ,merrily , Let's go to the farm.(这首歌的调是
4.I jump , I hop , I run run run I jump, I hop, I learn learn learn I jump , I hop.I play play play
I jump, I hop.I turn around(当唱完这首数来宝时老师可以去抓没有回到座位的小朋友)
5.Sunny , sunny, what a sunny day.come on let's go ,let's go to play.Oh-oh,yeah-yeah.It's a sunny day.(这是<兔子舞>的调)
6.What's the weather like today? like today, like today?
What's the weather like today? It's a sunny day/It's a cloud day/It's snowy day.(这是
7.Fly fly fly your kite, high in the sky.Up down up down high in the sky.8.triangle ,draw a triangle.rectangle, draw a rectangle.square, draw a square.circle, draw a circle(老师边唱边做形状的动作)
一些常见的文学名著的英译(2009-02-17 10:37:37)标签:幼儿英语 文学名著英译 英语教学 小学英语素材 幼教 教育
清华教授崔刚老师说过,在重视英语教学的同时不要忽视汉语和中国文化的教育.为此他特意列举了一些常见的文学名著的英译.现拿出给大家分享.1.阿Q正传: The True Story Of AhQ
2.红楼梦: A Dream in Red Mansions The Story Of The Stone
3.聊斋志义: Strange Tales Of A Lonely Studio 4.论语: Analects Of Confucius
5.三国演义: The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 6.山海经: The Classic Of Mountains And Rivers 7.史记: ShiJi
Historical Records 8.水浒传: Heros Of The Marshes 9.围城: A Surrounded City
10.西厢记: The Romance Of West Chamber 11.西游记: Pilgrimage To The West Journey To The West
1、One two three four one two three four ,clap your hands ;two two three four,stomp your feet; three two three four,nod your head;four two three four,hands on knees.2、walk jump run stop Walking Walking,Walking walking, Jump jump jump,Jump jump jump,Running running running , Running running running ,Now let’s stop.Now let’s stop.3、Clap stomp snap bump clap clap clap(拍拍手);Stomp stomp stomp(跺跺脚);Snap snap snap(打响指)Bump bump bump(打击膝盖)
4、Shake your body(1)
shake your shoulders,shua shua shua;Shake your hands ,clap clap clap Shake your hip ,pia pia pia Shake your feet ,dong dong dong
5.Shake your body(2)
Shake shake up;Shake shake down Shake shake shake shake;Let’s turn around。Shake shake up;Shake shake down,Shake shake shake shake;Let’s sing a song
6、Finger play one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua Two finger, two finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump Three finger ,three finger,turn turn turn ,turn to a fork ,cha cha cha Four finger ,four finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a cat ,meow meow meow Five finger ,five finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a tiger ,aw aw aw
7、Five fingers One finger,one finger,point,point,point.Two fingers,two fingers,cut,cut,cut.Three fingers,three fingers,miaow,miaow.miaow.Four fingers four fingers,touch,touch,touch.Five fingers,five fingers,clap,clap,clap.8、Happy happy,ha ha ha.两手食指在嘴角往外划,然后两手往两侧打开,张开五指笑 angry angry,heng heng heng.卷袖子,跺脚cry cry,wu wu wu.两手食指擦眼泪 shy shy,mm mm mm.两手抱胳膊作害羞状
9、follow me Follow follow follow me(双手从左往右拍手四下);Hands up ,hands down ; Follow follow follow me ;Stand up,sit down ;Follow follow follow me;Let’ s turn around ;Follow follow follow me,let’s sing a song.Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei, Go go go
10、one two three four five Point up point down(双手食指上指,下指);Show me one(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1)
Jump up jump down;Show me two ,Look up look down;Show me three,Stand up sit down;Show me four ,Hands up hands down;Show me five ,One two three four five(依次出手指表示1、2、3、4、5后砍头)
11、Everybody, hold your hands and form a circle.Big circle, big big big.....small circle, small, small, small....Hands up!1,2,3...Hands down!1,2,3.Hands left!1,2,3.Hands right!1,2,3,12、Let’s count one two ,tie your shoe;Three four ,touch the floor;Five six ,stir and mix(伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状);Nine ten ,count again(双手反过来再数一遍);One two three four five six seven eight nine ten(一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍)
13、Oh rabbit Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit ,red red eyes,Oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua;Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit, long long ears , Oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu;Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit, Short short tail, Oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia
14、Big bad wolf Knock konck knock(敲门三下),Who is it(手放耳边听),It’s mummy(捏鼻子装妈妈的声音);Open the door(双手打开门),Come in please(招手);Oh ,no(双手胸前摆手),Big bad wolf(打狼);Go out(双手推狼出去),Big bad wolf(打狼)
15、Nod your head Nod your head ,yes yes yes(点三下头);Shake your head , no no no(摇头)Raise youe hand ,one two three(举右手伸手指示1、2、3); Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3);
Look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua(双手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)Look at her ,chua chua chua(指任一女小朋友),Clap your hands pia pia pia(拍手三下)Very good ,ha ha ha(双手胸前绕圈,放嘴边大笑)
16、Two Little Blackbirds(两只小八哥)
Two little blackbird,Sitting on a hill; One named Jack,And one named Jill.Fly away,Jack.Fly away, Jill.Come back, Jack.Come back, Jill.17、
I have a head, nod my head, nod, nod, nod;I have two hands, clap my hands, clap, clap, clap;I have two arms, shake my arms, shake, shake, shake.I have two legs ,wiggle my legs, wiggle, wiggle ,wiggle.18、Five little monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head(收起一只手指,然后作抱头状)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:(手拿电话,在空中作拨号状)“No more little monkeys jumping on that bed.”(表情严肃地摇动手指)
19、listen and do
Point to the door, point to the window, point to the light, point to the floor, point to the blackboard.(walk walk walk ,stop;run, run, run, stop;jump, jump, jump, stop;)
1、Morning song Good morning, good morning ,nice to see your smiling face;Good morning,good morning ,to you and to you.Hello steven, hello jhon, hello Mary ,hello Tom, good morning good morning ,to you and to you.2、A B C Song Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.Good morning, good morning and how do you do.I’m very well, I’m very well, thank you.Mama kiss me, Papa bless me, now I sing my ABC:A BC song.3、手指歌 One little,Two little,Three little fingers; Four little,Five little,Six little fingers; Seven little,Eight little,nine little fingers,Ten fingers on my hand!Ten little,Nine little,Eight little fingers; Seven little,Six little,Five little fingers,Four little,Three little,Two little fingers,One finger on my hand!
4、fingers.One and one two, two and two four, three and three six for me, four and four eight, five and five ten, little fingers in my hands.5、
6、Head shoulder knees and toes Head and shoulder,knees and toes,knees and toes; Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and noses,Head and shoulder,knees and toes,knees and toes.7、.Hello Hello ,hello ,how are you(左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开);Fine ,fine,thank thank you(依次伸左右大拇指,拱手感谢)Hello ,hello ,how are you(左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开)No no ,just so so(双手胸前摆手后体前交叉低头摇晃身体做不好意思状)
8、what’s your name? Hello, hello, what’s your name? what’s your name? what’s your name? hello, hello, what’s your name? my name is mary.(可改成:how are you? I’m fine, thank you.)
9、Teddy bear Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around ,Teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground ,Teddy bear, teddy bear tie your shoes ,Teddy bear, teddy bear read the news ,Teddy bear, teddy bear go
upstairs, Teddy bear, teddy bear say your prayers, Teddy bear, teddy bear turn off the light, Teddy bear, teddy bear say goodnight
10、《Old MacDonald》:Old MacDonald had a farm.E-I-E-O, and on this farm had some chicks, E-I-E-O, and chick, chick, here, and chick,chick there.Here chick, there chick, every chick chick~~~~.11、
13、color song Red yellow green and blue, green and blue;Red yellow green and blue, green and blue;Stand up, sit down, turn around, Red yellow green and blue, green and blue Sunny day
14、Sunny day Sunny day, oh ,sunny day, how I long for a sunny day.I want to sing, I want to dance, hey hey hey hey hey , a sunny day.15、Sunny Sunny, sunny, it’s sunny day;sunny, sunny, it’s sunny day;oh~oh~~,it’s sunny day.(可改成:cloudy, rainy, windy)
16、Days of week Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.17、Hokey pokey You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all about and then you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around and that’s what it is all about, hey!(left foot, right hand, left hand, right shoulder left shoulder, right hip, left hip, whole self.)
19、I have two hands I have two hands, the left and the right.Hold them up high, so clean and bright, clap them softly, one two,three, clean little hands are good to see.My face is bright, my teeth all white.My dress is clean and all of me.so dear playmates follow me.So that our mother will be happy.20、
Goodbye teacher,good bye teacher, good bye teacher so long.see you again,see you again,see you again next week(tomorrow)
be a little soldier.Walking walking Walking.Be a little rabbit.Jumping.be a little horse.running running.one finger.One finger, turn turn turn.Turn to a toothbrush.Sha sha sha.Two fingers.two firgers turn turn turn,turn to rabbit jump jump.Three fingers Three fingers turn to a fork.cha cha cha.Four fingers Four fingers turn to a cat.Miao miao miao.Five fingers Five fingers turn to a tiger ao ao ao.one one one.everybody, run.Two two two , tie your shoe.Three three three, touch the tree.four four four, open the door.five five five, give me five.one finger, one finger 点点点。Two fingers Two fingers剪剪剪。Three fingers three fingers弯弯弯。Four fingers Four fingers叉叉叉。Five fingers Five fingers, turn to bonny(tiger).three little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell down, and bumped his head, mom call the doctor and the doctor said, no more little monkeys jumping on the bed, two little monkeys….happy happy ha ha ha.sad sad , 5 5 5.frighten frighten 嗯 嗯 嗯。Angry angry ,heng heng.Hungry hungry装做饿。
hello hello, how are you.Fine fine, fine thank you.Hello hello how are you.Oh oh, just so so.head head ,shake shake shake.Shoulders ,shoulders , shake shake shake, hips hips.knees knees.toes.Eye eyes,唰唰唰,nose ,nose ,ca ca ca.ears ears ears.a a a mouth mouth发出声音。
tall tall tall ,make yourself tall.Big big big ,make your eyes big.Long long long, make your arms long.Short short short, make yourself short.Small small small, make you eyes small,short short short, make your arms short.I am a farmer, I like farming ,嘿咻咻嘿咻咻。I am a singer I like singing, 喜唰唰喜唰唰,ya ya.I am a boxer, I like boxing,哗嘿哈。one two three four five,(读时蹲下或摸一个地方)最后give me five.Rabbit Rabbit rabbit has red eyes shua shua shua Rabbit rabbit has long ears a a a Rabbit rabbit has a short tail pia pia pia the bus The wheels on the bus go round and round The doors on the bus go open and shut The babies on the bus go wa wa wa The horns on the bus go bi bi bi The dogs on the bus go wang wang wang The cats on the bus go miao miao miao The children on the bus go 嘘——Let’s go!Numbers
One one, there is one sun.Two two, there are two shoes.Three three, there are three trees.Four four, there are four doors.Five five, there are five knives.One two three four five.Everything is moving now.Head is shaking, shaking shaking shaking Knees are moving, moving moving moving Arms are swimming, swimming swimming swimming Hips are swaying, swaying swaying swaying Body is shaking, shaking shaking shaking clap your hands 1、2 1、2、3
Open your eyes ,look at me 1、2 1、2、3
Close your mouth , not to say 1、2 1、2、3
Clap your hand ,happy day 1、2 1、2、3
Shake your hips ,do this way 1、2 1、2、3
Stamp your feet ,hey hey hey finger game
One one one
Every body run.Two two two
Tie your shoe Three three three
Touch the tree Four four four
Open the door Five five
Give me five
10、touch touch Touch your eyes
(ai ai ai)Touch your nose
(xiu xiu xiu)Touch your mouth
(beng beng beng)Touch your ears
(xu xu xu)Touch your knees
(peng peng peng)It’s time to class It’s time for class,please be quite , sit up straight , Look at miss X , listen carefully.I am a little cat I am a little cat I am a little cat miao.miao miao
miao miao I’m a little dog I’m a little dog wang wang wang
wang wang I’m a little duck I’m a little duck Ga Ga Ga
GaGa I’m a little goat
I’m a little goat Meo Meo Meo Meo Meo Ten little finger one little two little three little fingers, four little five little six little fingers seven little eight little, night little fingers, ten little fingers on my hands.ABC Song ABCDEFG, I like coffee, I like tea.HIJKLMN, I use paper, I use pen.OPQ, RST, do you see a flying bee? UVW, XYZ, rain rain go away!happy song happy happy ha ha ha.sad sad , hong hong hong.frighten frighten ho ho ho
Angry angry ,a a a.Hungry hungry eat eat eat hello song
Hello hello how are you.Fine fine, fine thank you.Hello hello how are you.Oh oh, just so so.two little blackbirds
two little blackbirds sitting on a wall ,one named jack, one named Joe,fly away jack, fly away Joe ,come back jack, come back Joe.tall and short tall tall ,take yourself tall.Big big ,take your eyes big.Long long, take your arms long.Short short, take yourself short.Small small, take your eyes small ABC song A A A say ok.B B B touch your knee.C C C look and see.D D D, make a “D”.E E E ,Have some tea.A B C D E, come and tell me.
把听唱英文歌曲作为课前的准备活动(warming up),能振奋学生的精神,提高学生的学习兴趣,增强学生的参与意识,从而为学生创造良好的英语学习氛围。这恰恰是我们教师所追求的:营造一个和谐、宽松的课堂氛围,让学生“在乐中学,在学中乐”。
及各种各样的句型,其中也不乏中学英语教学的重点句型,如歌曲We Wish You a Merry Christmas中的“We wish you a Merry Christmas.”,The More We Get Together中的“The more we get together, the happier we will be.”等。在教唱英文歌曲时,我常把经典句型写在黑板上进行讲解,让学生通过反复吟唱牢记这些句型。
歌曲或说一段英语歌谣,以集中学生的注意力,促使学生快速回到英语课堂。 课中,也可以插入英文歌谣,以吸引学生的注意力,保持乐学的状态。
课末,歌曲和歌谣可把课堂教学推向高潮,使学生以饱满的情绪结束一节课的紧张。 一段轻快的歌谣,几首优美的歌曲,学生用歌曲和歌谣来玩游戏,在学生间形成一
(1)音准 音色占50% :指歌唱各自然音、变化音及各种音程进行的准确性。
(2)节奏占30% :指歌唱时各种音符的时值、节拍的正确性。
(3)表现能力占20% :指歌唱时的感情表现及服装搭配与舞台效果。音乐教师打分:外教打分:
1.May I have your attention, please? The English Evening is about to begin.Please take your seats.Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.I'm very honoured to be the host for today's competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 第几届什么contest。Thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition.In today's show.There are 多少 contestants(选手)in both groups.They are coming from different Classes of different Grades.I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn
English better.These experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.
2.Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our headmaster(领导什么的),present/professor均可 to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎某某领导给我们讲话)
3.I think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.(介绍评委,与领导的介绍方式差不多)
4.Ok, time for show ,I think.The contest is divided into 多少组 groups.(eg.Now.let's warmly welcome contestant No.1 某某同学,he will show us the hero of MK.contestant No.2 ,get ready ,please.)其他的选手介绍也差不多。The next one making a show for us is contestant No.2 某同学 Let's welcome.Let's continue the competition.The next will be No.3xx please.Her song is “My family”and contestant No.4 get ready please
Now it’s time for No.4 xx.Her song is “My friend”.No.5 get ready please......5.And after all the contestants finished their shows, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now, we are taking a break.6.welcome back to the 什么比赛 contest.And now you are watching the final.After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.First, I would like to announce the third winners:xxx
And then, the second winners:xxxx
Ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? How exciting the moment is!Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:xxxx
7.now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.xxxx And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.And then second winners please.xxxxx
ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.8.well,how exciting today the contest is!
But ,now I have to say : That’s all , thank you!