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English Listening and Speaking Course

Instructor:Yolanda Lesson 3 Part 1:生活英语口语

第3 课:我的校园生活 【常用单词】 school 学校 ; primary school 小学; secondary school 中学 college 学院; university 大学 ; term 学期 campus<美>校园; principal 校长; teacher 教师 English 英语; Chinese 汉语 math 数学 history 历史; music 音乐; biology 生物 computer 计算机; classroom 教室; textbook 教科书,课本 pen 笔 ; piece of paper 纸张; blackboard 黑板 rubber 橡皮; desk 桌子; chair 椅子 ruler 直尺; dictionary 字典; exam 考试 quiz 测验; mark 分数; homework 家庭作业 review 复习; page 页; repeat 重复,反复 lecture 演讲; library 图书馆

【常用句子1】 I'm still studying.我还在念书。I have some questions.我有问题要问。

After school,I do my homework.放学后,我做家庭作业。I don't want to fail my exams.我不想考试不及格。I forgot my homework.我忘了写作业。Could I use your ruler?我可以用你的尺子吗?

It's my freshman year.我是新生。I failed my history mid-term.期中考试我历史考砸了。

Can I borrow your textbook?可以借你的书用下吗? I get a degree.我拿到了学位。

Do you have Chinese this afternoon?你下午有语文课吗? Can you say it again,please?请你再说一遍好吗?

【常用句子2】 Class begins.开始上课。It's your turn.轮到你了。Well done.做的不错。Time's up.时间到。Nobody?Anyone?No one?Anybody else?没人?还有别的人吗? Speak loudly.说大声点。What do you think about that? 你的看法是? Stand up!起立!Go to the board.到黑板前来。

Write your name.写下你的名字。Sit down.坐好。Open your book.打开课本。Turn to page six.翻到第六页。Read page six.朗读第六页。Colse your book.把书合起来。Put away your book.把书收起来。Listen to the question.听问题。Raise your hand.举手。Give the answer.给出答案。

Answer the questions.回答问题。Work in groups.小组讨论。Help each other.互相帮助。

Do your homework.做你的家庭作业。Bring in your homework.带上你的家庭作业。

Check the answers.检查答案。Hand in your homework.交家庭作业。Take out a piece of paper.拿出一张纸。Turn off the lights.关掉灯。Turn on the projector.打开放映机。Take notes.做笔记。

Part 2:Listening exercise a1 1.When can the book be borrowed from the library? A.In June.B.In July.C.In September.2.When will Mr.Addison return? A.On Thursday night.B.On Monday night.C.On Friday morning.a2 3.When will the woman return? A.On November 28.B.On December 10.C.On December 12.4.When should the woman hand in the project? A.Today.B.Yesterday.C.The day before yesterday a3 5.When did the lecture probably begin? A.At 8:15.B.At 8:50.C.At 8:05.6.When does the first bus leave the campus on Saturday? A.At 2:00 p.m.B.At 6:30 a.m.C.At 7:00 a.m.Part 3:Reading

Bullying I’ve never understood bullying.Why do people have to make the life of another person so miserable? Why do they think they have the right to punch and kick someone they think is weaker than them.I was bullied when I was a child.It was a living hell.I was really afraid to go to school, for many, many years.I knew I was not safe during break times.It was always a group of bullies that got me in the corridors, or on the playing fields.They made me hate school.I know they also changed me for life.I have no confidence now.I’m 32 years old but I’m afraid to speak up for myself.The school bullies took away my belief in myself.They didn’t know that they would scar me for life.The physical scars have gone but not the emotional ones.Part 4: Discussion 1.Have you experienced bullying when you are in school? Did you see some people bullying others? How do you feel about that? What do you think should the school, society and parents do to prevent bullying?

第二篇:英语听说课程 教案

English Listening and Speaking Course

Instructor:Yolanda Lesson 1 Part 1:生活英语口语

第1 课:我的一天

常用词汇 wake up 睡醒 get up 起床 go to the bathroom 去浴室 have a shower 淋浴

brush my teeth 刷牙 wash my face 洗脸 get dressed 穿衣服 listen to the CDs/MP3 听CD/MP3 read the newspaper 看报纸 have breakfast 吃早餐 go to school 去学校 go to work 去上班

have lunch 吃午饭 go home 回家 make dinner 做晚饭 phone a friend 打电话给朋友

get on line 上网 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 often 经常 usually 通常 sometimes 有时 never 决不

常用句子 I usually get up at 7 o'clock.我一般7 点起床。

Today I got up at 8:30.Because it's Sunday.因为是星期天,所以我8:30 起床。

I normally wash my face and brush my teeth at 7:15 a.m.我一般在早晨7:15 洗脸刷牙。

I usually eat breakfast at 7:30.我一般上午7:30 吃早餐。

I usually have an egg, milk and orange for breakfast.我经常吃1 个鸡蛋,牛奶和桔子。

I go to work/school by bus.我搭巴士上班/上学。

I often drive to work.我经常开车去上班。

I like to have a sleep after lunch.午饭后我喜欢小睡一会儿。

Sometimes I just do nothing.有时候我什么也不做。

I really like cooking.我真的很喜欢烹饪。

I often listen to CDs when I am relaxing.我放松休息的时候经常听CD。

I go for a walk every evening.我每天晚上都去散步。

I watch CCTV news report every evening.我每天晚上看中央电视台新闻报道。

I read the computer magazine every weekend.每周末我都看电脑杂志。I take a shower at 9 o'clock.我晚上9 点洗澡。

I read some news on the internet.我上网看新闻。

I go to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening.我晚上10 点睡觉。

Part 2:Listening exercise 1a09 017.At what time will the speakers meet tomorrow morning? A.11:15.B.3:30.C.10:45.018.When would Thomas and Lily like to leave? A.Tomorrow.B.Next Monday or Tuesday.C.This Tuesday.2a08 015.When did the man see Jim? A.At 3 o'clock.B.At 4 o'clock.C.At 5 o'clock.016.What time will the game be finished? A.4:20 p.m.B.4:00 p.m.C.3:00 p.m.3a07 013.When will the two speakers leave if they get cheaper tickets? A.On Tuesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.014.When should the woman go to the zoo according to the man? A.On Sunday afternoon.B.On Saturday afternoon.C.On a week day.Part 3:Reading Don’t you think books are the best thing in the world? I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t reading a book.I still have memories of being in my school library when I was about five years old.I have been a bit of a bookworm since then.You’ll usually see me with my head buried in a book.I love all kinds of books.Novels are great for getting to know other worlds and cultures.A good book is one where you never want the story to end.I also like autobiographies because I think it’s interesting to read about people’s lives.Encyclopedias are cool too – you can learn everything about everything in these.I still prefer books to the Internet.Books need to be in your hand and made of paper.Part 4: Discussion 1.Do you like reading books? Which kind of book do you like most? And try to explain why you like it so much.


















第四篇:商务英语听说教案 unit 3


Unit 3 Placing Orders


After learning this unit, students will learn how to

1.To place an order after acceptance 2.To talk about the availability of goods 3.To offer help to solve the shortage of supply by recommending a substitute.教学重点、难点: Teaching focus 1.Sentence patterns to place an order after acceptance 2.Vocabulary building: terminology about placing orders including good, order and stock.Teaching difficulties 1.To let students understand how to place an order 2.Sentence patterns to place an order and ask for the quality of goods 教学方法:

1.Situational Teaching Approach 2.Lecturing method 3.Group Activity Approach 4.Task-based Approach


1.Multi-media classroom 2.Projector 3.microphone 4.Computer

2.Let the students work in pairs to talk about how to place an order and write them down;3.Talking about considering placing an order and confirming the order;3.Talking about how to make some changes on the order;4.Offering help to solve the supply shortage.Part II listening and speaking 2 Task 1: listening

1.Get students to do the exercises on P52;2.Check the answers.3.Summary: Summarize what students have learned in this lesson, point out what they should master.Task 2: Interpreting 1.Let the students write down the answers by themselves.2.Check it with their partners 3.Choose one or two answer to share with the whole class.4.Give them the correct answer.Task 3: Supplementary reading

1.Let the students read the text by themselves;

2.Divide them into groups and talk about the answers with their partners.3.Choose one or two answer to share with the whole class.4.Give them the correct answer.Task 4: Supplementary vocabulary 1.Read the vocabulary to the students 2.Explain some important words in details

Homework Make a dialogue about placing an order in pairs and write it down.Read the passage in page 252.-

第五篇:英语视听说3答案 课本


Basic listening practice



(1)the first day(2)changing(3)really good(4)hard workers(5)went over her head


Task 2

1.extra training2.chemistry3.accounting4.many field of study5.better potential

6.business degree7.challenging8.how to learn9.better understanding10.narrow-minded Task 3


Model 1

1.already I feel like I’ve learned a lot

2.I already feel like I’m up to my ears in homework

3.have to hit the books

4.rub off on you

5.Probably, you’ll have to repeat the year

6.I’ll be burning the midnight oil

Model 2

1.how I’m going to study awake

2.He could put the entire basketball team to sleep during the championship game’s tough No pain, no gain he usually fails half of the studentsI’m bored to death

Model 3

1.what are your primary duties as professor

2.I do a lot of research and writing

3.Teaching is an important part of being a professor

4.applying for grants to fund my research

5.being a professor sounds pretty competitive

6.So you get F in this course

Let’s talk



Page 16task 1

1.standardized tests2.abilities and interest3.interest4.pressure5.well-rounded6.get into good colleges7.the rest of the school8.from bad to worse

Task 2

1.course2.puizzes3.semeter4.confident5.party6.make7.missed8.the had a flat tire on the way back and didn’t have a spare9.placed them in separate rooms ,handed each of them a paper10.On the second page was a question worth 95 points :”which ofthe tires was flat ” Task 3




Unit 2

Page 21


Task 1

1.nature2.environmential problem3.pollution4.promote5.aware of6.from occurring

7.law8.throw away9.fined10.trash

Task 2


Task 3


Model 1

1.getting along during this unusually hot weather

2.the hot, humid weather is killing her

3.does bring global warming and rain

4.Everybody should know that cause global warming , otherwise we won’t stop it

5.not to burn any more wood and coal

6.the polar ice caps melt and oceans rise

Model 2

1.asking for donation to save the rainforest

2.They need hot, tropical climates

3.heavy rainfall leads to dense vegetation

4.plant and animal species exist only in rainforests

5.are in danger of destruction by

6.find a way to save them

Model 3

1.a big sandstorm hit our city

2.The air was full of dirt and sand and dust

3.comes after a long period of drought

4.the soil can be lifted up

5.plant more trees and grass

6.launchig a new afforestation program in a bid to address the environmental problem


b a h d g e c f

page 34task 1

1.water pollution2.overconsumption3.economic growth4.resources5.social advancement

6.restricted7.government planning8.economic policy9.remarkable step10.balance Task 2


Task 3

1.negative2.report3.warming4.pressures5.mountainous6.barely7.make way for

8.expect 98 percent of the mountain areas to experience severe climate change by 20559.The UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problems facing mountain areas10.Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted most of the year

1.signs2.warmer temperatures3.warmest4.snow5.attracts6.trouble7.normal8.best season9.one-time10.white

Unit 3

Page 39



Task 2

1.roots2.what3.moral4.diligence5.sin6.teachings7.centuries8.even as children they were thought ,”If it worth doing at all , it’s worth doing well”9.In English a new word has been created to describe people who work compulsively10.Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society , because they are extremely productive

Task 3


Model 1 interests rank above everything elseIt’s a sharp contrast to the oriental collectivismis not necessary an equivalent for selfishnessall values ,rights and duties originate in individuals

5.in oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anything else

6.Why do American cherish individualism

Model 2

1.always seem to be in a hurry

2.What do you think are the reasons for that difference

3.Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle

4.let them to create fast food

5.globalization shrinks the differences between cultures

6.the gap will eventually be bridged

Model 3

1.they’re on top

2.they definitely get the best marks

3.They never skip-class

4.did homework each night until the early hours

5.That’s the secret of their success

6.I just want to learn in an interesting way

Page 50

1.transatlantic slave trade2.unknown lands3.diginty or payment

1.rich2.cotton and sugar

1.all over the world2.family history3.changed

1.200th anniversary

1.bannned2.taking part in3.slavery4.freed

Page 52

Task 1


Task 2


Page 54

1.disappearing2.kicking3.tea shop4.image crisis5.update6.compete7.fast

8.product designers9.contacts10.similar11.want12.challenge13.comsumer


Unit 4

Page 57


Task 1

1.typical2.known3.Generally4.find5.apartment6.sole7.principal8.Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States9.adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families10.companies are getting involved in the arrangement of day care

Task 2


Task 3


Model 1

1.I’m having a hectic time working on this report

2.It’s been more than five years , almost six, since we were married

3.Time has gone so fast

4.I’m this close to getting a promotion

5.What has that got to do with it

6.you have a great point

Model 2

1.So many people in the United States get divorced

2.the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent

3.westerners fall head over heels in love quickly

4.some marriage break up ,but most couples stay together

5.Do people get married young

6.Do women usually work after they get married

Model 3

1.haven’t seen dad for ages

2.my mom’s been pretty sick 68


9.sad10.stress11.friends12.helps13.Christmas14.cousins15.presentsTask 1

1.divorce her husband2.irresponsible3.changing jobs4.stability5.bills6.poverty line7.apartment8.yells at9.calls him names10.half

Task 2


Task 3

1.the last word2.remarriage failures3.picture4.eights times5.wife6.dating

7.lonelines and anxiety8.second9.response to her10.lukewarn11.warmed up

12.accepted13.ripe14.blended into15.right

Page 72



Unit 5

Page 75CABCC



Task 3

1.buy2.office wear3.likes4.cats5.pet6.time7.special dish8.little party

9.little trip10.countryside

Model 1

1.we have goose and ham for Christmas dinner

2.we eat leftovers for days

3.he’ll refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthy meal

4.we heap up our presents under the tree

5.Your family prolongs the celebration for three days

6.Isn’t that what the true spirit of Christmas is supposed to be

Model 2

1.spend the holiday with her mother and brother

2.They were happy just to have survived their first harsh winter

3.that’s good reason to celebrate

4.symbolize a family reunion

5.to be together and share a huge dinner

6.just thinking about all that food makes my mouth waterdon’t exaggerateNever thought I was good enough for youseriously, mom’s not so badWhy not just have both our parents here for Christmas

Model 3 you ok? people in funny costumes and masks everywhere dressing like witches and ghostsA crowd of children followed me ,shouting

5.They were hoping you’d give them candy

6.It’s a funny kind of holiday

Page 86

e b g d h a f c

Page 88


Task 2


8.the tradition was born ,on the third Sunday every June ,close to the anniversary of sonora’s father’s death

9.The card probably has a nice message on it saying what a great dad their father is

10.British people might give their dad a bit of a rest-make him a cup of tea ,or even wash his car and mow the lawn

Page 91

1.fun2.headache3.1504.two million5.feeling6.atmosphere


13.most famous14.different15.spreads



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