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Unit 1


单元标题:unit1 Invitations 项目训练名称: Speaking And Writing 教学目标与要求: 1.能力目标:After learning this, the students should learn to make an oral invitation and write an invitation card or a letter for personal invitation or official occasions..They also can give a reply to an oral invitation and a written invitation 知识目标:The words, the phrases and sentences about the invitations.二、学习重点与难点:1.The new words and phrases

2.The sentences about the invitations

3.The invitation cards or letters









情境一 Inviting Friends to a Party 情境二 Declining an Invitation 训练方法:Ask the students read the dialogue in roles(二)说的能力训练


情境一 Suggest going skiing with your friend.情境二 Invite your friend to go to a concert on Friday evening 情境三 Invite your friend to go to the early show of the movie” My Fair Lady” 情境四 Decline your friend’s invitation to go dancing next Friday afternoon.情境五 Decline your friend’s invitation to go out to dinner.2、训练方法:The students make the conversation in groups


步骤一 Give students some relevant expressions

步骤二 Do the exercises

步骤三 Ask the students to give their show in groups


1、训练任务:Write a invitation letter in English according to the information given in Chinese

Write a reply to the above letter.2、训练方法:书面翻译

三、学习内容: I.Introduction:

In our daily life, we need to invite the others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know the western custom about invitation.Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to invitations.When you receive an invitation you should answer it immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not.If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say “May I let you know this evening ”or some such words.By studying this unit, we will know about how to invite the others, how to accept or decline the invitation, and how to write invitation cards/letters.II.Invitation Cards and Letters(1)General form of formal imitation letters Letterhead(company’s name of sender)

Inside name and address(name and address of receiver)Date(date/month/year or month/date/year)Salutation(Dear xx)Body Complimentary close(e.g., Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Yours sincerely)Signature

(2)Contents of invitation cards a Who give the invitation? b Who do you want to invite? c Why do you invite the guest? d When should the guest arrive? e.Where should the guest go ? When write invitation cards and letters, we should follow the fixed form strictly, express the meaning as politely as possible, and try to use some simple and short sentences to save the time of senders and receivers.(3)Useful sentences for Writing Making invitations We should be delighted if you could join us.I hope you will let me know that you can come.I would very much like you to come to our party.I am happy to invite you to visit our university.We have pleasure in inviting you to our annual conference.We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Accepting the invitation Thank you for you letter of 25 May, and I am pleased to confirm my participation in this year’s conference in July.I am glad to come and look forward to seeing you again.Very many thanks for your invitation to dinner on 16th February.Decline an invitation Thanks so much for thinking of me.I regret so much that we will not be able to attend her wedding.Hoping all the same to see you soon.I regret that I am not able to accept your invitation at this time.It was very kind of you to invite me, but I am afraid that I will not be able to come.III.Follow the Samples Useful words, phrases and sentences

1)Useful phrases nothing special drag oneself away from do you want me to do…? thank sib.for doing sth.see you then anything special.promise to do have something in mind.think of give sb.a ring

(2)Useful sentences about invitation I’d like to invite you to dinner.Why don’t you come and join us for disco? It is very kind of you to invite me.How nice of you!Many thanks.I’d love to.That would be fine.Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday? I am sorry I can’t, but thank you all the same.It is very kind of you, but you see I’ll have to prepare for my exam.I am afraid I’m busy tonight, perhaps tomorrow evening? Are you doing anything special tomorrow? Would you like to go roller skating this Saturday afternoon? I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner tonight.I’d like to take you somewhere really special..How about eight o’clock?

Oh, I’ve no idea yet.How about going to the downtown pool?



Unit I


单元标题:unit1 Invitations 项目训练名称: Passage and Exercises 教学目标与要求: 1.能力目标:After learning this, the students can understand the customs of inviting people in different countries.They also can translate the invitation letter from English to Chinese and in version.And they can translate some useful sentences.2 知识目标:The new words, the phrases and sentences about the invitations.And the students can finish all the exercises by themselves.二、学习重点与难点:1.The new words and phrases

2.The sentences about the invitations

3.The invitation letter








1.训练任务:Passage I Are you really being invited? 2.训练方法:Ask the students read the passage(二)说的能力训练

1、训练任务:Ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions according to the passage

2、训练方法:Answer the questions one by one


步骤一 Read the passage by themselves

步骤二 Ask the students to answer the questions according to the passage


1、训练任务:Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage

Fill in the blanks with property words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary

Translate the following sentences into English

2、训练方法:Do the exercises by themselves

三、学习内容:Passage I

A.Related Information

The customs of inviting friends vary from country to country.Generally speaking, on formal occasions, the invitation is usually made well in advance.But as for some informal cases, the invitation is usually made orally.To either of these two invitations, the person being invited should give a clear reply whether the invitation is accepted or not.B.Language points Important Words

(1)commit: v.entrust, hand over, make oneself responsible 使承担(保证),使作出保证;把…交托给

expression: commit oneself e.g.: I think I can come tonight but I won’t commit myself till I know for sure.If you want to be an actor you have to really commit yourself to it.The government claimed to commit itself to improving health care.(2)invent :v.discover and create something new?发明,设计,编造 invention n.发明、创造、发明物

inventive adj.发明的 e.g.didn't invent the story.Everything I told you is true.The first safety razor was invented by this company in 1903.?(3)appropriate: a.proper, suitable?合适的,恰当的

e.g.: This isn’t an appropriate occasion to discuss finance.I didn’t think his comments were very appropriate at the time.Her remarks were considerate and very appropriate to the situation.(4)instance: n.certain situation, circumstance or occasion, case or example 情形,情况,事例

expression: for instance e.g.: In the local industry, for instance, 5 000 jobs are being lost.There have been several recent instances of planes taking off without adequate safety checks.(5)casual: a.informal, not very serious?随便的,随意的,非正式的 e.g.: The new law is intended to deter the casual user of drugs.For some people casual clothes mean a shapeless T-shirt and old jeans.? Are you employed permanently or on a casual basis?(6)explicit: a.clear, definite 清楚的,直率的

e.g.: She was very explicit about what she thought was wrong with the plans.Sheila shouldn't get lost because I gave her very explicit directions how to get there.(7)drop: v.fall down, give up, lower 滴,落,下降,变弱,中断 e.g.: The book dropped form the shelf.She dropped the tray with a crash.I don’t want to talk about it any more – let’s drop the matter.(8)refuse v not to do what one has asked refusal n 拒绝

e.g.: She refused to believe what I said.When I asked him to leave, he refused.I was surprised at his refusal to help me.(9)assume v.to take or accept as true 假设 e.g.Assume(that)you'd like to decide Let's assume the statement to be correct assuming that.....=supposing / suppose that假设……(10).identify v.recognize认为

e.g.Would you to be identify the man who robbed you? expressions: identify with 同情 认同 identify oneself with 与……有关、支持 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

(1)(Para 1)You are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation if for..Analysis: Pay attention to the sentence pattern not…until.which means not before a particular time or event.Translation: 在你尚未弄清出邀请的具体内容前,你没有必要答应一定参加。Example: Don’t move until I tell you.(2)(Para 1)For example, if you say that you are free and the invitation turns out to be something you

had hate to do, then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later.Analysis: You had hate to do is a relative clause used to modify something.(2)Be in a position can take either an infinitive clause or an of-V-ing phrase, thus be in a position of having to take back..can be also rewritten as be in a position to take back…

Translation: 比如说,如果你说有空,而邀请参加的却是你不想做的事情(到你已经去过10次的景点旅游,那么你就可以回绝邀请,或者以后再编一个借口)

Example: If you list a few priorities, then you will be in a position to do things in the ring order of priority.(3)(Para 3)In many instances it is the inviter who pays.Analysis: This emphatic sentence takes the structure of “it is …who/that..” Translation: 在许多情况下,应由邀请人付帐单。

Example: It was he who broke the window.(4)(Para 3)..it may be more of a suggestion than an invitation..Analysis: Pay attention to the pattern: it is more of … than … 与其说。。不如说。。Translation: 这样说更像是建议而不是邀请。

Example: She is more of a musician than a poet.新编实用英语教案案首


Unit 1


单元标题:unit1 Invitations 项目训练名称:Listening and Grammar 教学目标与要求: 1.能力目标:Practice the students’ listening comprehension.Make the students can understand the dialogues and the passage.They also can finish the exercises in section II(Being all ears).And they can retell the dialogue.2.知识目标:Word Order in a Dependent Clause 从句的语序

二、学习重点与难点:1.The first conversation

2.Word order in a dependent clause








1.训练任务:Listen to dialogue 1 and finish the Ex.1.2

Listen to the passage and finish the Ex.3.4 2.训练方法:Listening



2、训练方法:Explaining and do some exercises


步骤一 Explain the word order in a dependent clause

步骤二 Do some exercises


1、训练任务:Correct the errors in the following sentences.Translate the following sentences into English.2、训练方法:Do the exercises by themselves


Word Order in a Dependent Clause 从句的语序


英语中从句经常用疑问词引导,如what, who 等,但与疑问词引导的简单句不同,从句不使用疑问语序,而使用陈述句语序。即主语在前,谓语在后的顺序排列。还应注意,因为从句不使用疑问倒装结构,所以一般现在时何一般过去式不再用do, does, did等助动词构成从句结构

1.常用来引导从句的疑问词有what, when, where, who, whether, how 等,这些疑问词一般仍保留原有的疑问含义。

eg: She wanted to know when my brother had visited Paris.How he plays the trick is a secret.They wondered why we would like to join them 2.Whether 可以引导主语从句,if 不能引导主语从句,但是两者都能引导宾语从句,引导宾语从句时,两者都表示“是否“,但是if后面不能加or not.eg: Whether he will accept the job is difficult to say.Whether you like it or not has nothing to do with me.3.疑问词一般可以用来引导主语从句,宾语从句和表语从句。写作时要注意语序。(1)主语从句的语序

eg:Why he didn’t accept our invitation still puzzles me.Whether he comes or not matters little to me.(2)宾语从句的语序

I don’t mind whether he comes or not.I don't understand why he didn't accept your invitation.(3)表语从句的语序

The key point is how you can get such an experience.The fact turns out to be what he never expected.4.When, where 等如用来引导状语从句或定语从句,它们不再是疑问词,也不具有疑问含义,语序为陈述语序。


eg:When she visited the famous museum in Paris, she met my father.Could you stay for a while where you are now?(2)定于从句的语序

She still remember the day when she met my brother in Paris.Exercises:

I.Translate the following sentences into English


Unit I Book 3 MY FIRST JOB 教学目标:

文化背景: job interview 语篇特点:叙述文,修辞手法

语言知识:垂悬分词的用法;proceed;have … in common;a crocodile of;the last straw;panel

1.Difficult Sentences

1.(LL3-5, Para.1)Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience of teaching my chances of landing the job were slim.What is the grammatical function of “being very short of money and wanting to do something useful”?

It is an“-ing” participle phrase used as an adverbial to indicate cause or reason.* Being a homely girl, her chances of winning the first place in the Beauty Contest are slim.Paraphrase this sentence.Because I was in bad need of money and was eager to do something useful, I applied for the job.But when I did so, I was afraid that there was little possibility for me to get the job because I did not have a university degree, and I didn’t have any teaching experience, either.2.(LL1-2, Para.2)

… three days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an interview.Paraphrase this sentence.Three days later, I received a letter, asking me to go to Croydon to have an interview.3.(LL1-2, Para.3)

…gabled Victorian house of red brick and with big staring sash windows.Can you imagine what kind of house and windows the author was talking about? Gable: the triangular portion of the wall, between the enclosing lines of a sloping roof.Victorian time refers to the reign of England’s Queen Victoria(1837-1901).More generally, it refers to the second half of the nineteenth century.The typical features of Victorian house are multi-textured or multicolored walls, strongly asymmetrical facades, and steeply pitched roofs.Sash window: A kind of window that may be movable or fixed and that may slide in a vertical plane.What are “staring windows”?

Those sash-windows are very big, so large that they look like wide open eyes staring at people.* John is wearing a staring red tie which makes him look like a comedian.4.(LL3-4, Para.3)…where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road.What does this sentence mean? The shrubs did their best to remain alive in spite of the dust and smoke from a main road with heavy traffic.What kind of figure of speech is used in this sentence? Personification(拟人).The shrubs are described as if they were human beings.5.(LL4-5, Para.4)… across his ample stomach was looped a silver watch-chain.What kind of sentence is it? What is special about its structure? It is an inverted sentence(倒装句).The normal order should be “… and a silver watch-chain was looped across his ample stomach”.6.(LL1-2, Para.5)He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone.Paraphrase this sentence.He cast a look at me with the same surprise and dislike as a colonel would look at a soldier with when the soldier’s bootlaces came loose.7.(LL13-14, Para.5)The headmaster and I obviously had singularly little in common.Paraphrase the sentence.Apparently the headmaster and I had no similar interests.8.(LL1-2, Para.7)I should have to split the class up into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels;…

Paraphrase this sentence.I should have to divide the class into three groups according to three different levels and teach one group after another.9.(LL5-8, Para.7)It was not so much having to tramp a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a crocodile of small boys that I minded, but the fact that most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.Paraphrase this sentence.I felt troubled not because I had to walk for a mile along the dusty streets of Croydon, followed by a group of boys, but because at that time most of my friends were having a good time and relaxing.10.(L1, Para.9)This was the last straw.What does this sentence mean?  “The last straw” comes from the proverb “It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.” It metaphorically means “an addition to a task, burden, etc.that makes it intolerable”.The whole sentence here means: This was the trouble that made the situation unbearable when it was added to the trouble I was experiencing.11.(LL1-2, Para.9)…the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.Paraphrase this sentence.The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totally humiliated.2.Words and Expressions

1.(L2 Para.1)suburb: n.an area where people live that is outside the center of a city

* They live in the suburbs.(=他们住在城外。)in a suburb of = on the outskirts of *John lives in the southern suburb of London.(=约翰住在伦敦的南郊。)*The garage is on the outskirts of the town.(=汽车修理厂在城外。)


2.(L4 Para.1)degree: n.the qualification obtained by students who successfully complete a university or a college course

Bachelor’s Degree


Master’s Degree


Doctor’s Degree


* 我哥哥有哈佛大学的硕士学位。(=My brother has a master’s degree from Havard.)

3.(L5 Para.1)land: v.to succeed in getting(a job, contract, etc.that

was difficult to get)

* There were over 400 candidates, but I landed the job at last.(=虽然有四百多名候选人,但我最终还是得到了这份工作。)

land sb.with sth.: to give sb.sth.unpleasant to do * 在举行宫廷舞会的那个晚上,灰姑娘仍然向平时一样被分配给了所有的家务。(=At the night of the royal party, Cinderella had been landed with all the housework as usual.)

4.(L5 Para.1)slim: adj.1.(approving)(of a person)thin, in a way that is attractive.* a slim person / figure / waist

* Regular exercise will make you slimmer.(=经常锻炼身体可以使你变得更加苗条。)

2.not as big as you would like or expect, small * slim chances / hopes / prospects of success

* You have little political support and slimmer expectations of political survivals.(=你在得不到什么政治上的支持,而在政界生存下去的期望值更渺茫。)

5.(L1 Para.2)summon(sb.to some place): vt.(formal)to order sb.to go to some place

* 1688年5月,他被紧急召往伦敦。(=In May 1688, He was urgently summoned to London.)

* 她召唤服务员过来。(=She summoned the waiter.)

6.(L1 Para.2)prove: linking v.be seen or found in the end(to be)后来被发现是,最终显现为

* The opposition proved too strong for him.(=事实证明,反对势力强大得让他难以招架。)

* 结果表明投资这个行业的股票是一个失败。(=Shares in the industry proved to be a poor investment.)

cf.turn out * It turned out that the opposition was too strong for him.The opposition turned out to be too strong for him.* It turned out that shares in the industry proved to be a poor investment.* Shares in the industry turned out to be a poor investment.7.(L2 Para.2)awkward: adj.making you feel embarrassed or difficult to deal with

* There was an awkward silence.(=一阵令人尴尬的沉默。)

* 不要问不好回答的问题。(= Please do not ask awkward questions.)

8.(L3 Para.2)a ten-minute bus ride Compound Words:


a twenty-month-old baby


a five-week holiday


second-hand smoke 十九世纪的建筑

a nineteenth-century building

9.(L3 Para.2)a quarter of 四分之一


a quarter of /one fourth of


four sevenths of 2/3

two thirds of

10.(L3 Para.3)survive: vi.& vt.continue to live or exist(after sth.bad)

* I do not think I can survive another year as a teacher.It is just too stressful.(=我无法再继续做一年老师,因为这种生活实在压力太大。)

* 这次撞车事故受伤的六个人中,只有两人活下来了。(= Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.)

11.(L2 Para.4)rotund: adj.having a fat and round body.Expression related to “fat”:


having a fat round body(euphemism or joke)corpulent:

excessively fat(formal, esp.for euphemism)plump:

slightly fat


slightly fat;round and plump(cheeks / child)obese:

very fat(formal or medical)

12.(L2 Para.4)moustache

13.(L1 Para.5)disapproval

“dis-”= the opposite

Word Formation:

approval---------disapproval agreement------disagreement advantage-------disadvantage appearance------disappearance belief-------------disbelief comfort----------discomfort grace-------------disgrace harmony---------disharmony like---------------dislike trust--------------distrust

14.(L1 Para.5)colonel & private


一级上将----General First Class 上将--------General 中将--------Lieutenant General 少将--------Major General 大校--------Senior Colonel 上校--------Colonel

中校--------Lieutenant Colonel 少校--------Major 上尉--------Captain 中尉--------First Lieutenant 少尉--------Second Lieutenant 上士--------Sergeant, First Class 中士--------Sergeant 下士--------Corporal 上等兵------Private, First Class 列兵--------Private

15.(L3 Para.5)grunt: v.to make a short low sound in the throat, especially to show that you are in pain, annoyed or not interested.cf.grunt, mumble, whimper & snap grunt: say sth.in a low rough voice, showing dissatisfaction,boredom, pain, irritation, or indicating inattention

mumble: say sth.too quietly and not clearly enough so that it is difficult or impossible to hear whimper: say sth.in an unhappy or frightened way snap: say sth.quickly in an angry or annoyed way More words related to “say”:

respond;reply; announce;explain;question;inquire;shout;murmur;whisper;yell;cry

16.(L3 Para.5)smell of: “Smell” is an intransitive verb.If something smells, it has an effect on your nose.* 这种口香糖有新鲜草莓的味道。(=The chewing gum smells of fresh strawberry.)

19.(L4 Para.5)stale: adj.dirty looking, not fresh or cheerful

* stale cigarette smoke(=难闻的烟味)

* stale sweat(=汗臭味)

20.(L4 Para.5)dingy: adj.dark and dirty.* a dingy room(=又脏又黑的房间)(此页插入图片B3-U1-21)* dingy curtain(=脏得发黑的窗帘)

21.(L5 Para.5)except

Except Vs.Except for

word or phrase + except + word or phrase * We went nowhere except to the library yesterday.* Everyone except Adam went to Jay’s concert.clause + except for + word or phrase * Your composition is well written except for a few spelling

mistakes.* The children are all asleep except for Nancy.clause + except + that(where, when……)clause * We will go outing tomorrow except that it rains.22.(LL7 Para.5)

Mantelpiece: the shelf above a fireplace

salt cellar


23.(L8 Para.5)proceed: v.1.to do sth.next, after having done sth else before.* 他简单地介绍了他的计划,接着又进行了比较详尽的解释。(=He outlined his plans and then proceeded to explain them in greater detail.)

2.to continue doing sth.that has already been started.* 我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。(=We are not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale.)

24.(L11 Para.5)bloodshot: red because of swollen or broken blood vessels

25.(LL12-13 Para.5)attach: v.1.to connect one thing to another * Please attach a recent photo to your form.(=请在表格上附上一张近照。)

2.If sb.is attached to sb.else or sth., he likes him or it.* It’s easy to become attached to that child.(=很容易喜欢上那个孩子。)

3.attach importance / significance to sth.: to believe that sth.is important * People often attach too much importance to family background.(=人们通常总是过于看重家庭背景。)

26.(L2 Para.6)range from A to B/between A and B: vary or extend between specified limits

* 我的学生们的年龄从5岁到50岁不等。(=My students’ ages range from 5 to 50.)

* 我的兴趣很广泛,从象棋到爬山我都喜欢。(=I have wide interests, ranging from chess to mountain-climbing.)

27.(L3 Para.6)cricket

1.a kind of game

2.a kind of insect

28.(L1 Para.7)teaching set-up: a particular way of teaching.More compound words:

follow-up(=紧接之事件), sell-out(=售罄), set-up(=结构), breakdown(=崩溃), breakthrough(=突破), makeup(= 化妆), split-up(=分裂)

29.(L2 Para.7)in turn: one after another;to introduce a consequence or cause of something that you have just mentioned

* The teacher called out the students’ names in turn.(=老师依次叫出了学生们的名字。)

* We need revision of estimated sales and this, in turn, will mean revision in production schedule.(=我们必须修正销售量的估计,而这也意味着生产计划的修正。)

cf.in return: as payment or reward

* I bought him a drink in return for his help.(=为了答谢他的帮助,我请他喝了一杯。)

30.(LL5-7 Para.7)not so much…but…: not …but rather…

* It is not so much about her qualification for the job that we are concerned, but her health condition.(=我们担心的倒不是她是否有资格做这项工作,而是她的健康状况。)

“But”can be replaced by “as”: not so much A as B

* It wasn’t so much her appearance I like as her personality.(=与其说我喜欢她的外表,倒不如说我喜欢她的品格。)

31.(L2 Para.8)get to one’s feet: stand up

* 他喝得大醉,几乎没有办法站起来。(=Being heavily drunken, he could hardly get to his feet.)

Useful Expressions


land a job 2.一副……的神情

an air of…


attach importance to sth.4.表链

watch chain 5.最后一击

the last straw 6.教学安排

teaching set-up 7.板球

cricket 8.充血的 bloodshot


Unit 5

Our weather and Climate I.Teaching objectives vocabulary related to weather and climate.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of weather forecast.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.Practice to understand easy weather forecast.Practice to talk about the weather.II.Key points 1.Master the vocabulary about weather and climate.2.Understand the passages 3.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of forecast.4.Practice to talk about the weather and understand easy weather forecast.III.Difficult points 1.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.2.Practice writing a short weather forecast.3.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.IV.Teaching methodology

1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V.Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face Imitating Mini-Talks 1.Work in pairs.Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.Acting out the Tasks 2.Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.Key for reference: 1.Task: Ask for Mark’s comments on the weather.2.Task: Ask about and describe the weather at this time of year.3.Task: Ask Mr.Green about the weather condition tomorrow and plan an activity.4.Task: Talk about the change of the weather from long rainy days.5.Task: Complain about a cold day.Studying Weather Forecasts 3.A weather forecast id a statement that tells the public what the weather condition is going to be.We need to watch weather forecasts on TV or hear them over the radio every day.It is part of our life.Read the following samples of weather forecasts carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.Following Sample Dialogues

4.Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.Putting Language to Use 5.Mr.Parks is talking about the weather of two places in the United States with her students.Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.6.There is going to be s sports meet tomorrow.Bob is worried about the weather and you are talking about it.Fill in the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets.Then act it out with your partner.1.Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Script:(e.g)1.It look likes rain.2.Is it going to be fine this weekend?

3.There is a chance of snow this evening.4.Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.5.What’s the temperature today?

2.Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.3.Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.Handling a Dialogue 4.Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in the brackets according to what you have heard.Understanding a Short Speech/Talk 5.Now listen to a short speech/talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard.The words in brackets will give you some hints.6.Listen to the speech/talk again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in Column B.Section III Trying Your Hand Practicing Applied Writing 1.Read the following two samples of weather report and learn to write your own.2.Translate the following weather forecast into Chinese, using the data bank in the Workbook for reference.3.Write an English weather report according to the information given in Chinese.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar 4.Analyze the following sentences to see what tense they belong to.5.Correct the errors in the following sentences.6.Translate the following sentences into English.Keys for the exercise: 1)The weather was terrible yesterday.In fact, it has been awful.2)She has worked in this office for five years.3)I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year and had a very good time there.4)We have never spoken to each other since we quarreled last time.5)Turn down the TV a bit, the weather forecast hasn’t begun yet.Write and Describe a Picture Write a short passage of about 100 words to tell a story or about an event related to the picture given below.Some useful words and phrases have been provided to help you.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage one

1.Information Related to the Reading Passage 2.Language Points: 3.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)

(para.1)Climate change may be a big problem,but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.Analysis: May can be used to introduce concession in putting forward an argument.2)(para.1)As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.Analysis:As is often used to introduce an indicator of the information source, such as as we have learned.Similar structure are:as the saying goes,as everyone knows, as you know,as you put it,etc.3)

(para.3)By turning off lights, the television,and the computer when you are through with them, you can help a lot.Analysis: By is followed by a gerund, introducing a prepositional phrase of manner.Note,by is not necessarily always translated as “通过”.4)(para.8)One of the ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the air is to buy products that don’t use as much energy.Analysis:Two That-clauses are used to serve as post-modifiers of nouns:the first one is that we put into the air, modifying greenhouse gases;The second that-clause is that don’t use as much energy, modifying products.Note: In translation, the noun phrase products that use as much energy can simply be translated into”节能产品”, instead of “不消耗那么多能量的产品”.B.Important Words 1)trap:v store(energy, gas or water,etc.)so that it cannot escape.2)Stand-by:n.Readiness for duty.3)Absorb:v.Take in,sack up(liquid,heat,knowledge,etc.)4)Membership: n.Being a member of(an organization)5)Swell:v.(number or amounts)grow bigger;expand.4.Passage Translation 5.Read and Think: Answer the following questions according to the passage.6.Read and Complete

1)Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.2)Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the

form if necessary.7.Read and Translate 8.Read and Simulate

Passage two Information Related to the Reading Passage 1.Language Points: A.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)(para.1)The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes.Analysis: To remember about...is the post modifier of the sentence subject the most important thing, and that introduces the complement clause.2)(para.1)As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on the luck.Analysis: Within the as-clause of reason, there is a relative clause introduced by when and modifying periods.And in its main clause, there is another relative clause you get modifying weather, with the relative that omitted.3)(para.2)For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won’t see people meeting or spending time together outdoors as much as you do in hotter countries.Analysis: for people to meet outside modifies opportunities.Both meeting or spending time together are the object complement of verb see, and do refers to see...4)(para.3)Foreigners are often amused that the British people spend so much time discussing the weather.Analysis: That is often used to introduce a clause which gives the cause or the effect of an adjective, just like amused in this case.5)(para.4)Another reason is that the British people are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.Analysis:Here that introduces a subject-complement clause, in which a relative who-clause modified people.6)(Para.4)A comment on a nice day or a personal complaint about the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Analysis:Note that when or is used to coordinate two subjects, the verb must agree with the subject after or.To break the ice is an infinitive clause modifying an easy way.B.Important Words 1)depend: v.A.change according to(no passive)

B.Need someone or something for help or to be able to live.2)opportunity:n.A favorable moment or occasion(for doing sth.)3)Outdoors:ad.In the open air 4)Amuse:v.Make someone laugh;cause laughter in 5)Climate: n.The average conditions at a particular place over a period of year.6)Discuss:v.Talk about 7)Variable:a.Changeable, not steady 8)Reluctant:a.Unwilling and therefore perhaps slow to act.9)Converse:v.Talk informally 10)Personally:a.Belonging or relating to a particular person, not to others 11)Social:a.relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people 12)Comment:v.Make a remark, give an opinion 2.Passage Translation 3.Read and Judge: True/False 4.Read and Translate: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)the most important thing to remember about British is the weather.2)People in Britain can enjoy the lovely weather most of the year.3)British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.4)It is quite common in Britain for people to comment on a rainy day or an lovely day at a bus stop.5)The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.6)The best we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.7)The variable weather explains why British people talk a lot about it.8)Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Section V Appreciating Culture Tips

















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