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Period Three(Section A 3a---3c)Knowledge and skill:

1.Master the key words and expression:

object, magic, stick, hide, tail, turn…into, excite, western

2.Learn to tell stories.3.Develop students’ reading and comprehensive skills.Processes and method: Employ task-based teaching mode,and get the students to learn language points by reading drilling.Emotion ,attitude and value:

Arise students’ interest in legends.Difficulties and focus: Master the key words and expressions.Learn how to tell stories

Develop students’ comprehensive skills.Step 1 Revision Let some Ss tell the story of Yu Gong moves a mountain.Step 2 New words 1.Look at the pictures and learn about the new words.1.object n.物体 2.tail n.尾巴 3.stick n.棍;条 4.excite v.使激动;使兴奋 5.western adj.西方的

Step 3 Warming-up 1.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1.Who are they? 2.In which book are they the main characters? 3.Which character do you like best? Keys: 1.They’re Zhu Bajie, Su Wukong, Sha Heshang and Tang Seng.2.Journey to the West.3.I like Monkey King best.4 Watch a video about the Monkey King.Step 4 Reading Work on 3a: 1.Tell Ss to read the article in 3a quickly and try to find the answers to the questions: ① Which book is talked about? ② Who is the main character? ③ What is he like? Ss read the article quickly and try to answer the questions: 2.The Monkey King.3.He is not just any normal monkey.In fact, he sometimes does not even look like a monkey!Work on 3b: What he can do: ① He can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects ② He can make his magic stick small or large.What he can’t do:

Unless he can hide his tail, he can’t turn himself into a person.Step 5 Careful Reading 1.Read the passage again and judge the sentences below True or False.1.Most pupils in England watch the TV program called Monkey in 1979 for the first time.2.Journey to the West is a new Chinese book.It’s new to Chinese children 3.Monkey King is just a normal monkey.4.Monkey King can make 72 changes to his shape and size.5.If the Monkey King can hide his tail, he can turn himself into a person.6.The Monkey King uses a magic stick to fight the bad people.7.The Monkey King’s magic stick is so long that he can’t hide it in his ear.8.Western children like to read this book because the Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never give up.Keys: 1: T 2: F 3: F 4: T 5: T 6: T 7: F 8: T Work on 3c Let students complete the sentences with phrases from the passage.Check the answers。

Keys: 1.traditional 2.came out, became interested in 3.make 72 changes, turn himself into 4.is able to Step 6 Language points 1.…turning himself into different animals and objects.turn…into… 变成

e.g.I have a dream that I've turned into an elephant.我梦见自己变成了大象。2.But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person.unless conj.如果不;除非。引导条件状语从句,=if…not。e.g.Unless I do, we’ll be lost.如果我不这样做, 我们会迷路的。hide v.隐藏;隐蔽。(hide-hid-hidden)e.g.Where did you hide the money? 你把钱藏哪里了?

I hid the broken plate behind the table.我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。3.…the Monkey King uses a magic stick.magic adj.有魔力的;有神奇力量的

e.g.All the people heard of the magic carpet.所有人听说过魔毯的故事。Step7 Exercises Ⅰ.Choose the correct words.magic, birth, hide, tail, turn…into, western 1.Four years later, Laura gave _____ to a son.2.They want to _____ the old house into a hotel.3.England lies to the _______ part of Europe.4.She broke her _______ mirror into pieces.5.Dogs wag their_____ when they’re pleased.6.Don’t ______behind the door.It’s not safe.Keys: birth, turn, western, magic, tails, hide Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks.1.A neighbor ______(call)Tony, helped me repair my fence yesterday.2.The Monkey King can make 72________(change)to his shape and size.3.His uncle isn’t interested in _________(play)chess at all.4.The two boys kept ________(skate)for one hour.5.No one _______(be)able to answer him at that time.Keys: called, changes, playing, skating, was Homework Make sentences with these words.be able to;make 72 changes, turn…into;so…that;came out;become interested in;keep doing sth.Board Design

Which book is talked about? Who is the main character/ What is he like?



第二篇:Unit6 Me教案

Unit6 Me Teaching aim: 1.To learn the letters and the story.2.The pupils can act out the story.3.Never give up and love our families.Teaching important: 1.Master the sentences.Teaching difficult: How to act out the story.Teaching tools: Multi-media, PPT ,cards and stickers.Teaching steps Step 1 Warm-up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song.3.Free talk.(Introduce themselves)Step 2 Presentation 1.Show them a cat Mimi, then ask “Mimi is not happy, why?” 2.Show them a video and lead them to answer “He can’t see his mum.”

3.‘Who does he see in the story?’Lead them answer ‘rabbit, dog, mouse and a cat.’ Then teach the sentences one by one by listen and repeat.4.Show them pictures ,then ask them to circle and say, lead them to fill in the blank.5.Show them videos of kangaroo and lion.Then lead them to make new stories.6.Listen and have a look , Mimi find his mum.Then lead them to say out the sentences “My „Your„,too.” Step 3 Practice 1.Let’s chant.2.Listen and read follow the video.3.Say and act.4.Group work.Choose and act.5.Sing a song.(Mummy, Daddy)6.Read the sentence patterns on the blackboard.Step 4 Homework 1.Listen to and read unit 6.2.Act out the story.Unit 6 Me Are you my mum? Yes.No.My„is„/My„are„

Shen Xiaoyan

第三篇:Unit6 Colours 教学教案

Unit6 Colours 教学教案

Teaching objectives:

1.student can listen speak read write this words: red, yellow, green,orange...2.student can use this Sentence: What colour is the/my/your...,and use


answer questions

3.student can Consolidate this sentence: Look at the/my/your...And learn Praise

4.Create a good atmosphere for learning English, stimulate students' interest in

learning English

5.Through the understanding of the world, cultivate students' aesthetic ability The focus of teaching:

1.student can listen speak read write this words: red, yellow, green,orange...2.student can use this Sentence: What colour is the/my/your...,and use It’s

answer questions Teaching difficulties:

1.A few words about the main colors of the sound of brown, white, orange etc..2.student can said the sentence What colour is it now? It’s...The teaching process:


1、Greetings.2、Sing a song: colour song.二、Revision

1、With the letter card review the 26 letters and vowels.2、Review unit word cap shirt......三、Presentation

1、T:Look at this picture? what’s this?

S:It’s flower.....2、T: Now ,look at the pictures.:red, blue, yellow, black, green,and, white...3、learn story time(1)Watch the cartoon,then answer the question:

1.Who is she ?

2.What kind of show did Yang Ling give? 3.What colour is the first skirt?......(2)Watch the cartoon again,then complete:

Look at my skirt.It’s_______.What colour is my skirt____? It’s______.What___is____ now?

It’s red___yellow.4.Follow the video by imitation

5.pair work 四.Practice

1、Play a guessing game.What colour is the skirt?

What colour is the sweater?

What colour is the cap?

What colour is the T-shirt?


1、Listen speak read write this words two times

2、Sing the song: colour song

3、Draw a picture and say the colours.1106 2011302 张蕊

第四篇:Unit6 How Many.教案


《Unit6 How Many?》

Part A Let‘s learn教学设计





(1)能够熟练运用数字eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen。(2)能结合所学句型: How many...?进行相关对话游戏。





(1)数字thirteen, fifteen的发音和认读。






1、Free-talk T: Hello!***。Good morning.How are you? / How old are you? / Where are you from? …

2、Let’s sing a song.全班活动,课件播放第一册Unit6A部分let’s sing“Ten Little Candles Dance”,学生边听边拍手边跟唱。


Step2:新课呈现(Presentation)Teach the new words: eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen.(1).教师课件出示一张有11只老虎的图片。T:How many tigers? Let’s count together.one、two、three...eleven.带读eleven.(2).用同样的方法教学:twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen.(3).5个单词全部呈现完毕之后,老师带学生看图,出示标有11号的小船,让学生用英语说数,依次认识12到15。认识13、14、15数字时,分别把three,four,five写在旁边,让学生比较这三组单词在音、形上的异同点,加深学生对数字的认识。Step3:趣味操练(Practice)(1)、学生们坐在座位上,用one by one的方式,一个对着下一个快速报数,报到fifteen后又马上从one开始,训练学生的快速反应能力。


A、用How many...do you see? I see...句子说话。B、Ask and answer。Step5:小结。



How many?







第五篇:Unit6 How Many 教案

Unit6 How Many? 教学设计

教学内容:PartA Let’s learn 教学目标:


(1)能够熟练运用数字eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen。

(2)能结合所学句型: How many...do you see? I see...进行相关对话游戏。




教学重点:学习和掌握数字11-15 教学难点:

(1)数字的认读及数字thirteen, fifteen的发音和认读。(2)在熟练的认知五个生词的基础上,能在相关的情境中进行交际、运用。教学准备:单词卡片 教学过程

Step 1:Warm-up/Revision


T: Hello!Boys and girls.S: Hello!Miss Wang.T:Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you too.【设计意图:上课伊始,师生用英语对话,营造良好的英语学习氛围。】

2、热身Let’s chant.全班活动“jump!jump!jump!”,学生边做动作边跟唱。

3、Let’s play 【设计意图:通过游戏让学生复习数字1-10】 Step 2:新课呈现(Presentation)

1、课件展示本单元主情景图,创设在公园玩的场景,通过学生的free say,既复习了旧知识,又为新句型的引入做了很必要的铺垫。将本单元的主要内容,通过信息整合的方式呈现,让孩子们在情境中运用语言,在语言中扩展思维。I see bananas.I see oranges.I see apples.How many apples do you see? Let count.one,two,tree„ten.I see ten.【设计意图:由课件呈现情景,自然过渡到课堂中来,使孩子们身临其境。】

板书新句型:How many„do you see?

I see„ Let’s chant.How many...do you see? I see...How many apples do you see? I see one.How many apples do you see? I see two.„ How many apples do you see? I see ten.【设计意图:动感的chant句型设计,能大大吸引学生的注意力,使学生轻松牢记新句型。】

2、教师课件出示一棵apple tree.(1)T:How many apples do you see? Let’s count together.one、two、three...eleven.带读eleven.(2)用同样的方法教学:twelve(3)30秒记忆之后,利用左右手游戏充分练习巩固eleven,twelve的发音,突破本课教学难点。

【设计意图:小游戏的有效设计不但可以轻松识记新知识,轻松突破教学难点,而且可以活跃课堂气氛,愉悦的氛围更能促进孩子们的习得。】(4)通过孩子们非常熟悉的数学加法,掌握新词汇,体现了各学科信息整合的联系性。I have some questions,Who can help me? 1+10= 2+10= 3+10= 4+10= 5+10= 教学thirteen


fifteen 【设计意图:课件将词汇的个性展示,孩子们轻松了解数字词缀“teen”的发音规律】

Step 3:单词趣味操练(Practice)



3、Touch the cards


5、课件出示数字学生快速反应英文,如果看到happy face,学生鼓掌示意,训练学生的快速反应能力。

If you see numbers,read loudly.If you see a happy face,please clap your hands.【设计意图:游戏活动,有利于活跃课堂气氛,能让学生在快乐的游戏氛围中轻松地牢记新词汇。】

2、游戏课件最后出示动态小鱼图片,引入课本句型。T: How many fish do you see? You can guess.Step 4:快乐升华(Consolidation): Guessing game: How many pencils do you see? Step 5:Summary This lesson we have learned an important sentence structure: How many...do you see? I see...We should further learning and application of learning in the future.Step 6:.Homework for today

1、用“How many„do you see ? I see„”句型向同学询问周围物体的数量。

2、熟记本课时5个关于数字的英语单词。Step 7:板书设计: Unit6 A Let’s learn.How many „ do you see? I see „.eleven

twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

Unit6 How Many? 教学设计

皋兰县泥湾小学 教师:王丽萍



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