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1.access.log http服务日志 2.weblogic.log 服务日志 在console配置属性如下: Genaral File Name: 写应用服务器日志的文件全路径名。默认 config/domainname/logs/weblogic.log Log to Stdout:默认选中,日志消息就会被写到标准输出,weblogic命令窗口 Debug to Stdout:如选中,调试信息被写到标准输出,默认不选中 Stdout severity threshold:写道标准输出的严格性,默认error Ratation Rotation Type: 决定经过一定时间如何创建附加的日志文件。默认none,这表示所有消息永远写到相同的日志。

File Min Size: 如果循环类型设置为by size,那么当前日志文件必须超过这个文件大小才创建一个日志文件。默认500kb File Time Span:by time,如果循环类型设置为by time,每个创建的日志文件之间经过的小时数。默认值为24小时

Number Of Files Limited如果选中此复选框,那么所有日志文件创建的总数限制在文件计数器给定的数目,否则没有限制。一旦达到限制,则停止日志文件。默认不选中 File Num:日志文件数量,默认7 Domain Log to Domain Logfile:如果选中,域的登录信息就被写到一个日志文件 Domain Log Filter:选择域日志过滤器,默认none HTTP Enable Logging:默认选中,允许http服务器登录日志

LogfileName:http日志消息被写到的文件路径名,默认config/domainname/logs/access.log Format:http日志格式,默认common Log Buffer Size:日志的内存缓冲大小,以KB为单位。默认8 Max Log File SizeK Bytes:日志文件可以达到的最大大小,为KB为单位 Rotation Type: 决定经过一定时间如何创建附加的日志文件,默认size Rotation Period:1440 Flush Every:设置日志文件被刷新到磁盘的间隔时间 Rotation Time: null JDBC Enable JDBC Logging:默认不选中,允许JDBC日志

JDBC Logfile Name:JDBC日志消息被写到的文件路径名。没有默认值,建议使用logs/jdbc.log JTA Transaction Log File Prefix:包含JTA日志文件夹的路径名。默认为config/domain-name/logs Debugging Log Remote Exceptions:默认不选中。选中,则远程异常就被记到调试日志 Instrument Stack Traces:默认不选中。选中,堆栈跟踪就被记到调试日志 3.wl-domain.log 域日志 在console配置属性如下:

File Name:写域日志消息的文件全路径名

Rotation Type:决定经过一定时间如何创建附加的日志文件。默认 none,这表示所有消息永远写到相同的日志。

by size 表示一旦当前日志文件达到指定的文件大小,就会创建新的日志文件,by time表示在每过几个小时就创建一个新的日志文件

File Min Size:如果循环类型设置为by size,那么当前日志文件必须超过这个文件大小才创建一个日志文件。默认500kb File Time Span:by time,如果循环类型设置为by time,每个创建的日志文件之间经过的小时数。默认值为24小时

Number of Files Limited:如果选中此复选框,那么所有日志文件创建的总数限制在文件计数器给定的数目,否则没有限制。一旦达到限制,则停止日志文件。默认不选中 File Num:日志文件数量,默认7





迁移webogic8 迁移以企业产品包EXOA_GOV_V_1_0为基础,下面是遇到的问题概述及解决办法。1.类加载问题,由于我们的包依赖关系没有完全调整好,所以需要把所有的jar放入一个应用程序级的加载目录,此目录位于ear内,路径是APP-INF/lib。也就是说以后我们使用产品包部署在weblogic服务器之前,先把所有的jar靠入此目录。2.第三方包版本冲突问题,把antlr-2.7.7.jar放入E:beaweblogic81serverlib,并且在startweblogic启动文件中把该文件加入classpath,并且要放在weblogic.jar前面加载,解决hibernate3报错问题.3.重复定义jsp编码的问题。该问题发生在一些带有include文件的jsp里面,由于包含文件及被包含文件都定义了page encoding导致报错(这是jsp1.2规范不允许的)。解决此问题的办法是在相应的war包加入以下路径的配置文件 war/WEB-INFO/weblogic.xml,文件内容如下:




assetEquimentWeb.war expendableWeb.war exForumWeb.war meetingWeb.war 4.类引入声明问题,由于一些文件里存在 import package.*声明语句,而一些类名与weblogic类库相同,导致weblogic类加载器无法确定是哪个类,出现编译错误。解决办法是写全路径声明。Import package.Class1 5.dwr问题,dwr.jar必须放在war的lib下面,否则会报找不到用户定义的服务类错误.6.跳转路径问题,路径跳转必须以“/”开头,此问题发现在一些struts配置文件的forward路径中,还有action文件的跳转语句中。此问题出现在多个工程,如addresslistWeb等多个模块 个人桌面出现错误,原因是RegionsTag.java104行的getRequestDispatcher(webUrlStr)缺少了“/”;

应该是RequestDispatcher dispatcher=pageContext.getServletContext().getContext(“/”+this.webContext).getRequestDispatcher(“/”+webUrlStr);迁移welogic9 本迁移是基于weblogic8兼容的企业产品包基础上修改。

1.配置文件问题,8版本的weblogic.xml无法在9版本上部署.由于之前只是配置了backwardCompatible参数用于解决jsp include里面的重定义encode的问题,9版本无需配置直接可用,所以把weblogic.xml去除。

2.日期转型错误,这是由于sun jdk1.5规范变化所至。个人日程页面不出来原因是schedule_calendar.jsp里面的entry.getStarTime().compareTo(dayEnd)有问题。

entry.getStarTime()是timestamp类型,dayEnd是Date类型,在sun jdk1.5规范里compareTo是必须为timestamp类型对象,父类Date不能转为子类,所以会报转型错误。在IBM JDK1.5里没出现该问题。SUN JDK1.4也没有出现该问题。解决办法是把dayEnd重新构建为timestamp对象.3.Log4j配置问题,exoaextendWeb有两个问题。1.web.xml里面的

org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener 导致启动不正常,报Error: weblogic.management.DeploymentException: Cannot set web app root system property when WAR file is not expanded-with nested exception:

错误。此问题网上的说法是weblogic自己会启动一个Log4j实例,这样写会有冲突,暂时的解决办法是先屏蔽。1.exoaextendWeb 2.meetingWeb 3.smsplatformWeb 都有这个问题

2.Spring配置文件加载方式问题。com.excellence.exoa.common.context.EXOAContextLoaderServlet的supper.init()语句出问题,系统报重复load root context错误。替换写法如下:

super.createContextLoader().initWebApplicationContext(getServletContext());迁移welogic10 1.公文附件上传,资料库新建资料,电子邮件新建中文乱码

原因是新版的weblogic自带的commons-fileupload.jar与oa的冲突,解决办法是把ear下APP-INF/lib下的同名包放到weblogic的lib目录中,并把此jar的加载放于weblogic jar包的前面。


1.把commons-fileupload.jar 拷贝到/opt/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/下 2.修改startWeblogic.sh CLASSPATH=“/opt/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/commons-fileupload.jar:/opt/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar:/opt/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/js.jar:${CLASSPATH}” 3.重启应用








当服务器挂起,崩溃或者性能底下时,就需要抓取服务器的线程堆栈(Thread Dump)用于后续的分析.Thread dump提供了当前活动的线程的快照.它提供了JVM中所有Java线程的栈跟踪信息,有很多方式可用于获取Thread Dump, 一些是操作系统特定的命令.操作系统命令获取ThreadDump: Windows: 转向服务器的标准输出窗口并按下Control + Break组合键, 之后需要将线程堆栈复制到文件中

UNIX/ Linux 首先查找到服务器的进程号(process id), 然后获取堆栈.1.ps –ef | grep java 2.kill-3

注意一定要谨慎, 一步不慎就可能让服务器进程被杀死!JVM 自带的工具获取线程堆栈: JDK自带命令行工具获取PID并做ThreadDump: 1.jps 2.jstack

3.使用JVisualVM: Threads 标签页àThreadDump按钮.WebLogic 自带的获取 thread dump的工具: 1.webLogic.Admin 工具

a.打开命令提示符, 通过运行/bin/setDomain.env设置相关类路径


java weblogic.Admin-url t3://localhost:7001-username weblogic-password weblogic1 THREAD_DUMP 注意: Thread Dump 会打印到标准输出, 如nohup日志或者进程窗口.2.使用 Admin Console a.登录 Admin Console , 点击对应的服务器 b.点击Server à Monitoring àThreads c.点击: Dump Thread Stack 按钮 3.使用WLST(WebLogic Scripting Tool)connect(‘weblogic’,'weblogic1’,’t3://localhost:7001’)cd(‘Servers’)cd(‘AdminServer’)threadDump()disconnect()exit()注意: 线程堆栈将会保存在运行wlst的当前目录下.4.使用utils.ThreadDumper 用法: C:beawlserver_10.3serverlib>java utils.ThreadDumper Broadcast Thread






weblogic.jar weblogic.debug.dumpThreadAddr and weblogic.debug.dumpThreadPort Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Port out of range :-1 at java.net.DatagramPacket.setPort(Unknown Source)at java.net.DatagramPacket.(Unknown Source)at java.net.DatagramPacket.(Unknown Source)at utils.ThreadDumper.sendDumpMsg(ThreadDumper.java:124)at utils.ThreadDumper.main(ThreadDumper.java:145)5.如果服务器是作为Windows服务的方式运行, 请运行下列命令: WL_HOMEbinbeasvc-dump-svcname:service-name 其它一些获取Thread Dump的工具有jrcmd, jrmc(JRockit VM自带),Samurai, JProfiler等, 还可通过JMX编程的方式获取, 如JDK自带示例代码: $JAVA_HOMEdemomanagementFullThreadDump













Two days to deploy ssh(struts2.1.8 + spring2.5 + hibernate3)+ springside3.2 + cxf2.2 to weblogic, I did not expect to migrate to the weblogic is so difficult, but 90% of the whole problem is due to classloader problems in order caused even this painting for a long time to get it.I would also like to say a few words here to use the weblogic version is 10.3.3, that version is because some errors will appear in a specific version, but for a version of the solution may not be applicable to all versions. After deployment, said ClassNotFoundException org.hibernate.FlushMode

weblogic class loading order issues, the pain, because I do not know in the end to put out what jar files to load at bootup, which do not.Being the first set in weblogic.xml


This means to let the weblogic first load the following web-inf lib below the jar

 SessionFactory not find this bean, with the first configuration is certainly good, but I could not find, guess spring is not read the configuration file, google a bit, the original web.xml weblogic does not support wildcards in the wording such as:

Can be deployed to tomcat like this


classpath *: / applicationContext *.xml

However, you must write in weblogic


classpath: / applicationContext.xml

classpath: / applicationContext-wssecurity.xml

 struts2 + convention plugin always said no action found error, can not find the action, then the default rules coc directly into the jsp, the solution comes fromhttp://aaa5131421.javaeye.com/blog/558463

This requires the following steps to resolve:

1, update to the latest version of struts2, I is 2.1.8 2, adding the project src directory META-INF folder, if you do not join directly in the war in the folder, for example: in the eclipse to join the project src folder, you need to make the folder containing the file, any file can, so that export war, when will export meta-inf folder, will be effective.3, the configuration struts.xml add the following attributes:

 Deployment error java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.xml.jaxp.RegistrySAXTransformerFactory cannot be cast to javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory

There are several mistakes in this argument, the Post said a foreigner, it is necessary to remove a jar xml parsing

* XercesImpl-2.9.1.jar

* Xml-apis-1.3.04.jar * XmlParserAPIs-2.0.2.jar

Also found a post http://hi.baidu.com/zhoushugen/blog/item/27e1caf71bbc0024730eecdc.htmlsaid to download the latest official apache xalan package replaces some of the following packages you lib.I use the second method to solve. dbcp error, this issue is rather silly, starting with a tomcat in the running, so the database connection pool used dbcp, weblogic changed after forgetting dubbed the jndi.The solution is simple, with spring's jndi datasource can find, such as:

As the weblogic security issues, the following error may occur...invalid subject..principles [weblogic, Administrators], so the configuration according to the following wording:

java.naming.factory.initial = weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory java.naming.provider.url = t3: / / yourhost: yourport java.naming.security.principal = yourprincipal java.naming.security.credentials = yourcredentials

Also need to set in setDomainEnv.sh WLS_JDBC_REMOTE_ENABLED = “-Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled = true”, the default value is false

cxf deployed to weblogic, I spent the most time to solve the problem, and some very strange errors.Although the solution did not thoroughly understand why it happened.Mentioned earlier version, because I am a little wrong when deployed in weblogic10.3.0 no, 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 to deploy to a bunch of errors.cxf official also said how to deploy to weblogic described, but unfortunately it only validates weblogic9.2, at least I am according to its configuration, there is no little effect.1, java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax / xml / namespace / QName class Search

I find item that contains the QName class jar, jaxrpc.jar, to which the QName class delete(do not seem very good)2,org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Invalid class loader hierarchy.You have more than one version of 'org.apache.commons.logging.Log 'visible, which is not allowed.This error is very amazing, I do it more than a day, I always thought the use of commons-logging version and not the same as used in weblogic, it appears this error, then search the weblogic directory of all the versions of commons-logging are changed to try one in my project, not all, searched the streets of the foreign forum is not a result, then carefully review the exception stack, which actually contains a spring.orm information thrown, I deployed cxf just a very simple project, does not contain any orm framework, the configuration is checked again, not with too orm things, why an exception will be thrown this







solve inspiredhttp://www.xiexiebang.component annotation @ Autowired and to automatically inject the cause, but still do not understand, I am only into a plain JavaBean, Why @ Autowired and @ Component, anomalies appear in the orm , and then I throw spring-orm-2.5.6.jar lib, once deployed, the commons-logging of the error disappeared.Really amazing error.(Dripping)

3, java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: oracle.J2ee.Ws.Wsdl.Extensions.Soap.SOAPBindingImpl.GetElementType()

This error can also search for a long time, did not find a direct solution, and finally their own way to solve, cxf to use the wsdl4j.jar, then I installed the weblogic webcenter in middleware, the following will be more then a oracle_common MW_HOME directory, a subdirectory under this directory will be inside a jar called orawsdl.jar have described above that oracle.j2ee.ws.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBindingImpl class, the solution is to edit startWeblogic.sh file, the wsdl4j.jar added to the CLASSPATH of weblogic in front of their own, will not appear on this error.After doing a weblogic cluster, session replication problem

The Internet has a lot of description, but it seems that for most of the old version of weblogic, popular online writing:

In weblogic.xml, add the following configuration:



weblogic11g following was written:

replicated true

This should be related with the different versions of the DTD

Any need for sustained attention to the contents of the session must all implement the java.io.Serializable interface, or can not be copied.Different resources in the weblogic remote query and security issues

The problem is to solve, but can also cause other problems in my project, I have three weblogic, a a deployed oracle bpm10g,The other two clusters b and c make the deployment of oracle webcenter11g, b contains the cluster management server, webcenter bpm project needs the remote to find the topic, if not ADF Security, then no error, but with the words of ADF Security , there will be...invalid subject..principles [xxxxx, xxxxx] wrong, now I am currently in weblogic by enabling global trust in this feature, a temporary solution to the problem of long-range search,But the emergence of new problems, the problem is very strange, after enabling global trust, b the management server does not know when it will read a, domain information, once this occurs, if I want to change the configuration of domain b, must restart b, the management server, log in again before they can.I do not understand this issue, and does not know when it will happen, and sometimes read is correct, sometimes incorrect.There is no solution.



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