
时间:2019-05-12 12:00:42下载本文作者:会员上传









例 1

a)We college students had enough time to take a parttime job, no matter how busy we

were...b)We college students have enough time to take a parttime job, no matter how busy we are...命题作文一般都是议论文,而写议论文一般都是用现在时态。只有举例,提到过去的事才会用到过去时。

例 2

a)Riding bicycles had more advantages than taking a bus.b)Riding bicycles had more advantages than taking a bus.考生中用过去时写作与他们教材课文体裁(大多为叙述文、说明文)和平时写作练习(大多写个人经历的故事)有关,也与他们过度概括有关,认为所有文章都用过去时。

例 3

a)There are so many countries using English that it had been regarded as an international

language.b)There are so many countries using English that it has been regarded as an international language.在论述同一事情,即发生在同一时间里的事时,前后半句或相邻的几句在时态上要保持一致。


例 4

a)The eating habit of Chinese people have changed in the past decade.b)The eating habit of Chinese people has changed in the past decade.不管主语和谓语隔开多远,主语当中还有修饰成分,谓语要和真正的主语在数上保持一致。

例 5

a)Now fruits and vegetables can be seen everywhere when it is in season.b)Now fruits and vegetables can be seen everywhere when they are in season.例 6

a)I feel proud to come to our university.b)I feel proud to come to this university

our和主语 I不一致,或把 our改成 my,或改成 this。而这里用 this 较妥。

3. 修饰语是否放在正确的位置上

例 7

a)Without television, people can't get information which comes from other parts of the world immediately.b)Without television, people can't immediately get information which comes from other parts of the world.a)句子,immediately 显然放错了位置。是“得到迅速从各地传来的消息”,还是“迅速得到从各地传来的消息”?意思含糊不清。


a)At the age of six, my father began to give me English lessons.b)When I was five years old, my father began to give me English lessons.a)句子,At the age of six 放在这个位置上,变成了“我父亲六岁的时候”。改变说法,可以解决这个问题。

例 9

a)To improve one's writing skill.regular practice is necessary.b)To improve one's writing skill, one must make regular practice.不定式短语的逻辑主语决不是regular practice,为了把逻辑关系表达清楚,要么把不定式短语改成If one wants to improve his writing skill,要么把主句改成one must make regular practice.4.表示相同的意思,是否用了平行语法结构

例 10

a)With the computer, one can do shopping, banking and read at home.b)With the computer, one can do shopping, banking and reading at home.can do shopping, banking and read at home, 用语法平行结构来衡量,用动词原形 read是不妥的,为了和 do shopping, do banking 保持结构上平行,接下来的一个内容要用do reading.例 11

a)Nowadays, people not only eat enough food, but also eat better.b)Nowadays, people not only eat more, but also eat better.用 not only...but also, both...and, whether...or, either...or, as well as, along with等能连接两个成分的连词,前后两个成分在结构上要保持一致。用 eat enough food, eat better不如用 eat more, eat better,都用副词。

例 12

a)Participating in sports is good for our physical health, and through it we can also train our character.b)Participating in sports is good for our physical health, and it is also beneficial to our character-training.在说同样的事时,相邻的句子尽可能在语法结构上保持一致。



a)Sometimes teachers will inform students of the heavy burden they have to bear.b)Sometimes a teacher will inform students of the heavy burden he has to bear.they 即可指代teachers, 也可指代 students,明显的是指代不清。其实只要把其中一个名词变成单数,用he和 they分别代不同的名词,就清楚了。因为 a teacher也可泛指所有教师。


a)Someone believes that the teacher's task is to give students knowledge, which may not be true.b)Someone believes that the teacher's task is to give students knowledge, a notion which may not be true.which指代什么不清楚,指 knowledge,还是指前面整个句子?如果指 Someone believes,最好用 a notion或an idea归纳一下整个句子的意思,然后引出从句。


a)People have been fighting against the influence of TV commercials, but it often proves useless.b)People have been fighting against the influence of TV commercials, but the effort often proves useless.it 指什么?如指influence,则在 it often proves useless 这个句子中显然不通。写作人知道it指人们的努力,但effort 这个词前面没有出现过,就不能用it。

6. 相邻的句子,是否避免了不必要的结构转变


a)While we reuce the number of vehicles, the speed of traffic can be increased.b)While the number of vehiles is reduced, the speed of traffic is increased.两个非常相关的意思,不要一个使用主动结构,一个使用被动结构。


a)Each of us may take a parttime job to help support ourselves, but if you spend too much time on it, your study will be affected.b)Each of us may take a parttime job to help support ourselves, but too much time spent on it, our studies will be affected.前半句用each of us和ourselves,后半句却用you和 your study,应一致起来。



a)TV presents us with many useful informations.b)TV presents us with a lot of useful information

还有evidence, advice, knowledge等都是不可数名词,都不能用复数。另外,many, a great number of, another, few 等只能与可数名词配用。而a great amount of, a great deal of, less, much, 等应与不可数名词配用。


a)Making our cities greener is not an easy work.b)Making our cities greener is not an easy job.work 用作可数名词是“作品”这类意思,而表示“工作”时,不可数。同样,在 Word has been sent out that those who cheat on exams will be punished.这个句子中,要用单数word表示“信息”。


a)Each people has his own opportunities.b)Each person has his own opportunities.people作“人民”、“人们”解时,是集体名词,不能与each配用。a people或 peoples表示民族、国家。在正式语体中也不能说 less people,而应说 few people。



a)Book knowledge is important, but we should also learn something in the society.b)Book knowledge is important, but we should also learn something in society.用定冠词the, 是特指意义,而这里没有这个特指意义。同样,在When I was in the high school, I always have a beautiful picture of the college life 中,两个the都应去掉。


a)If there were no electirc power, we would have to do everything by the hands.b)If there were no electric power, we would have to do everything by hand.表示用手(by hand), 走路(on foot), 上课(in class), 上学(go to school), 住院(at hospitable)等,都不用定冠词。


a)If there were no electric power, factory would stop producing goods, car, bus and train would stop running.b)If there were no electric power, factories would stop producing goods;cars, buses and trains would stop running.用可数名词时,要么前面有冠词(the, a, an)或代词(his, her, my), 要么以复数形成出现。不能像中文名词那样没有语法变化。



a)TV now plays an important role in our daily life, Because we cannot live without it.b)TV now plays an important role in our daily life.because we cannot live without it.中文用“因为”引出的句子可以独立,但英语不行,作为从句,只能附属主句。


a)There are many ways to contact with society.For example, join in clubs, taking parttime jobs and helping the poor.b)There are many ways to contact with society, for example, joining clubs, taking parttime jobs and helping the poor.for example 引出的应是句子,如 For example we may join clubs, take part-time jobs and help the poor。有时也可不自立为句,跟在一个句子后面,借用主语。


a)If no electricity, all activities such as watching TV and seeing movies will be impossible.b)If there is no electricity, all activities such as wathcing TV and seeing movies will be impossible.if no electricity(如果没有电),但句中的no不是动词,也就是说这个从句缺了谓语。



a)Because some college graduates could not find a better job, so they decided to continue to read for a second degree.b)As come college graduates could not find a better job, they decided to continue to read for a second degee.汉语可以说 “因为......所以”, 但英语不能连用“because...so”.例28

a)Although an opportunity is rare, but we must be ready to seize it.b)Although an opportunity is rare, we must be ready to seize it.同样,汉语可以说“虽然......但日”,而英语要么用although,要么用 but, 两者不能同时用。



a)We students should learn/study as much knowledge as possible.b)We students should acquire/obtain as much knowledge as possible.“学习知识”是考生作文中经常要表达的,但不少人用错。英语中能和knowledge 搭配的是obtain, acquire, gain等。


a)With a rise in the number of cars and buses, traffic in Shanghai has become more and more crowded.b)With a rise in the number of cars and buses, traffic in Shanghai has become increasingly heavier.traffic不和 crowded搭配,说 “交通拥挤繁忙”,应说 traffic is heavy/busy.如同中文里的“速度快”,英语不说 “The speed of cars is fast/quick.” 而是说“The speed of cars is high/fantastic.”或“cars are much faster.”


a)People begin to eat more vice food.b)People begin to eat more non-staple foodstuff.副总统是vice presidents, 副食品应是 non-staple foodstuff, 而副经理、副教授、副作用分别是 assistant managers, associate professors, side effects,搭配不同。



a)Actually, traffic jams have effected our daily life.b)Actually, traffic jams have affected our daily life.表示“不良影响”,动词用affect, 而不是effect。


a)When old problems are solved, new problems will rise.b)When old problems are solved, new problems will arise.rise 是“起来”、“上升”的意思,arise 才是“出现”的意思。


a)There are many factors leading to changes in people's diet.At first, people can afford expensive food.b)There are many factors leading to changes in people's diet.First, people can afford expensive food.At first 是“起先”的意思,暗示后来情况完全两样。表示“首先”,要用first。就如 highly 和 high 是两个同的意思,前者是作“非常”解,后者是“高”的意思。Women have risen high in social status.不能用 highly。13.是否重复使用了表示意思的词语


a)In my opinion, I believe the present educational system is in need of reform.b)In my opinion, the present education system is in need of reform.I believe 的意思已包括在In my opinion 里了,用一个就可以了。


a)The reason why people choose to live in the country is because there is no pollution nor noise there.b)The reason why people choose to live in the country is that there is no pollution nor noise there.reason, why, because 都是指同一意思。至少要去掉一个。


a)People try to find a solution to solve the problem.b)People try to find a solution to the problem.14. 介词是否用得正确


a)After four years, we all graduated from college and entered society.b)Four years later, we all graduated from college and entered society.用过去时时,表示四年以后,应用four years later,而不是 after four years。用于表示将来的四年后,也不用after,而是用介词 in,如“We will all graduate in four years”。


a)Many college students have a strong desire to be independent on their parents.b)Many college students have a strong desire to be independent of their parents.“依靠”的意思是用dependent on,但“不依赖、独立”却要用 independent of。



a)The computer like TV, it has both advantages and disadvantages.b)Like TV, the computer has both advantages and disadvantages.表示“像”,like是一个介词,这里误作了动词。


a)Obviously, our country would stop develop if no electricity.b)Obviously, our country would stop developing in there were no electricity.这里,develop 应该用动名词developing,而且 no不是动词,说“没有”,应当用 there is not(no)或have(has)not


a)Riding bicycles conveniences my work.b)Riding bicycles is convenient to my work.convenience 不是动词。表示“方便”,可用be convenient to的结构。



a)Unlike the movie, TV shows on continuously, and doesn't need to pay an extra money.b)Unlike the movie, TV shows on continuously, and one doesn't need to pay an extra money.doesn't need to pay an extra money 的主语是什么?显然不是TV。汉语可以说:电视可以一直看下去,无需再花什么钱。把主语省去,但英语一定要有明确的主语。


a)Too easy or too difficult is no good for us.b)The books which are too easy or too difficult are no good for us.Too easy or too difficult是形容词短语,不能作主语,尽管汉语可以说“太容易或太难对我们都不利”。因此,加上The books which are,主语就有了。


a)Reading books can acquire knowledge.b)Through reading one can acquire knowledge.看上去句子有了主语:Reading books,但这是假主语,因为acquire knowledge 的主语需是人。汉语的主语和谓语的关系可以是主题和评论的关系,可以说读书能获得知识。但英语不行,一定要有逻辑主谓关系。



a)People think go to the movie will cost a lot of money.b)People think that going to the movie will cost them a lot of money.汉语一个句子里可以集结几个动词,形成连动结构:“到那里去看电影响”或兼语结构“叫我去看电影”,但英语不能这样用。


a)There are many people take part in sports and games now.b)Many people take part in sports and games now.同样,汉语可以说:有许多人参加体育活动。但英语一个句子只能保留主要动词,或用从句动词:“There are many people who take part in sports and games now.”。


a)Although difficulty is exist, but we can overcome it.正:Although difficulty does exist, we can overcome it.“困难是存在的”,英语不能用“is exist”。(顺便指出,用了Although,就不能用but。)




a)We should put out hearts into the study.b)We young people are now living in sugar water.a)In a society where men are heavy and women are light, women cannot enjoy full equality.a)Peopl set off firecrackers to congratuate the red and white happy things.a)We should advocate five talks and four beauties.这五个句子都是“中国式英语”,请读者修改成地道的英语。


写作单项训练(Exercises 1-7)

Exercise 1

1.Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

1)John was _______(lying, laying)in the sun while Jack was ________(lying, laying)bricks.2)If the cost of living ________(raises, rises), the company will ______(raise, rise)the wages.3)The brain needs a ________(continuous, continual)supply of blood.4)There are no _______(empty, vacant)positions in the company.5)Considerable progress has been _____(made, done)in domestic science.6)In the 18th century _________(ernigrants, immigrants, migrants)poured into America.7)________(Last, At last)the spring has come after a long winter.8)English is the _________(native, mother)tongue of most Americans.9)The mountain hotel offered magnificent _________(views, scenes).10)He spoke to his father _________(respectably, respectfully, respectively).Exercise 2

1.Identify and correct the mistakes, if any, in the following sentences.1)Geography offers us knowledge of foreign countries.2)Jack ran to classroom where the teacher was giving the test with his heart pounding.3)Having almost no money, my survival depended entirely on my parents.4)After returning home, my family welcomed me with presents.5)Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.6)He likes to swim, to sing and football.7)I bought this dictionary at a secondhand bookstore which cost five dollars.8)Because he said nothing does not mean that he agreed to your proposal.9)If he lives to be eighty, he would be able to see the year 2000.10)China has a population of 1.2 billion people.11)I enjoy very much the movie Titanic.12)Birds do not need food very much.13)Many great men rise from poverty.Abraham Lincoln, for example.14)The room was empty, everyone had gone.15)The number of students who have become interested in English are increasing.16)One reason I appreciate classical music is the enjoyment you get from listening to it.17)His article is full of many humorous remarks.18)Man will surely learn more about the outer space.19)To keep friendship evergreen, petty quarrels should be avoided.20)Follow the following procedures: first, get your application forms;next, fill them out;and last, you should pay the charges.2.Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.1)Joe prefers sleeping to working.Joe would __________________________________________________________.2)They decided that all heavy goods vehicles should be banned.They decision was that there ____________________________________________.3)Under no circumstances would they issue him with a passport.They _______________________________________________________________.4)He was not only unfriendly but very rude.As well _____________________________________________________________.5)Leave them alone and they'll come home by themselves.They'll come home by themselves ________________________________________.6)The police couldn't find the owner of the bicycle.The owner __________________________________________________________.7)He's supposed to close and lock the safe every evening before leaving.It's his _____________________________________________________________.8)The idea was so ridiculous that no one agreed to it.So ridiculous _______________________________________________________.9)Owing to a traffic accident, he arrived late.His late ____________________________________________________________.10)But for his help, I should never have managed.If it hadn't ________________________________________________________.11)I never even touched your books.I didn't so much ___________________________________________________.12)I suppose you've heard the news already.You must ________________________________________________________.13)He was very fat because he ate too much.As a consequence _________________________________________________.14)I don't think I will go to the cinema tonight because it is raining.My reason _______________________________________________________.15)The bus service seems to be particularly bad on Sundays.There seems _____________________________________________________.16)The cook is brilliant but he knows nothing about French sauces.Brilliant ________________________________________________________.17)My promoting to Manager was due to your help.It was thanks to you _______________________________________________.18)The burglar alarm rang as soon as he climbed through the window.No sooner ______________________________________________________.19)I should like someone to take me out to dinner.What I should like ________________________________________________.20)I now regret not staying longer.I am sorry now __________________________________________________.Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate connective words.1.European universities and universities in the United States are different in many ways._________, European students enroll in fewer courses each term than United States student do._____________, European student seldom live at a university.__________, they live at home and travel to classes.__________, United States professors often ask their students questions or allow their students to form discussion groups.________, European professors ask students to write fewer papers than United States professors do.__________, European students' final examinations are usually oral, __________ American students take written final examinations.___________, a European university is mainly a place to study.___________, at most United States universities, social activities take up a large part of the students' time.2.The problem with an old car is that it is always needing something replaced or repaired._______, about the time the fourth tire is replaced, the first one begins to wear thin again._________, if the front brakes are renewed, ________ the rear brakes start to go wrong.__________ common problem is that some kind of pump is always breaking down and needing replacement.__________ the air pump may develop trouble, _________ the fuel pump may go bad, and _______ the water pump may give up.__________, everything under the hood seems to need a new hose or a new valve._________ the car new transmission or a new engine.There seems to be no end to the trouble and expense of keeping up and old car.Exercise 4

Cross out the unnecessary wording:

Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an interesting Italian professor of philosophy who teaches courses at the University of Pisa in Italy.Athough I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten over the long years his special qualities.First of all, I was impressed from the beginning by his complete devotion to teaching his students.Because his lectures were always well-prepared and invariably clearly delivered, a great many students always swarmed into his classroom, filling the classroom to capacity.His many followers also appreciated the fact that he thoroughly believed in what he taught to students and that he was always intellectually stimulating to hear.Furthermore he could be counted on in every class session to explain his ideas in an imaginative way, introducing such various aids to student understanding as oil paintings, phonograph records, pieces of sculpture, and guest lecturers who were invited to speak to the class.Once he even sang a song in class before the students' eyes in order to illustrate a philosophical point.Second, I admired the fact that he would confer with students at almost any time outside of the classroom or talk with them on the telephone.Drinking coffee in the snack bar after having taught a class, he would easily make friends with students with great ease.Sometimes he would issue a challenge to a student to join with him in a game of chess.At other times, he would quite readily join groups of students to discuss subjects raging broadly from astronomy to scuba diving.Many young people visited him at one time or another in his office for academic advice;others came to his home for the purpose of social evenings.Finally, I was favorably impressed and attracted by his lively wit.He believed that no class hour is a success unless during it, the students and the professor have a reason to join together to share several chuckles and at least one loud laugh.Through his inimitable and captivating sense of humor, he made learning much more enjoyable and much more lasting.If it is true, as it seems to be, that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, then my friend is without question truly a wise man.Probably the best example he could possibly have given to us of his wit is this interesting idea with which he once ended a lecture:“ It is as dangerous for man to model himself upon his invention, the machine, as it would be for God to model himself upon His invention.”

Exercise 5

Transitional words and expressions.例1.(启)In general/Generally speaking/On the whole, studying too hard my be harmful to atudents.(启)Lately/Currently/At present/Now/Recently, many teachers expect their pupils to do more work than they can handle.(承)Moreover/Also/Furthermore/Meanwhile/What is more, parents do not realize that pressing their children to study harder than called for can injure their health.(承)Certainly/In fact/Obviously/Of course, most parents know that growing boys and girls need relaxations as well as exercise.(转)Nevertheless/However/On the other hand/Unfortunately, many students have no choice but to burn the candle at both ends in order to get good grades and please their parents.But a physically weak or socially deprived child may not be able to keep up with such a hurried pace.(合)As a result/Consequently/Thus/Therefore/Hence/In brief/In conclusion, some students may very possibly fail in school because of this pressure to study in excess of what is required.例2.Chinese differs from English in several ways.(启)In the first place/To begin with/First of all/To start with/First(ly), their word orders are different.(承)For instance/for example/As an example, in English, a common greeting is “How are you?”.(转)Yet/But/However/Nevertheless, in chinese, “You are how?” is correct.(承)Second(ly)/Also/Besides/Next/What is more/Furthermore/Moreover, in Chinese, our verbs do not have the past tense;Instead, we know the time from the adverb.In English,(转)however/on the other hand/nevertheless/yet, time is indicated by the tense.(承)In addition to/Besides/Apart from these problems, Chinese have many small differences.(承)For instance/For example/As an example, Chinese does not distinguish between “he” and “she”, nor is there a difference between “a” and “an” as there is in English.(合)Undoubtedly/Certainly/Indeed/Obviously/Thus/In short/In brief, it is these differences that make English difficult for the Chinese students to learn.Exercise 6

paragraph development


例1.Advertisement can be beneficial to people.First, it is informative and can help people buy and sell goods.Second, it can widen people's knowledge, and make people more experienced.Finally, people can enjoy themselves in watching those funny and interesting advertisement programs.例2.There are mainly two opinions on the relationship between man and machines.Some people believe that it will be possible for automatic machines, especially electronic computers, to replace man completely in the future.Others, however, argue that man is the decisive factor in production and the potential of man's intelligence is practically unlimited.列举常用的表达方法有:first, second, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, in the second place, next, also, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more, beyond that, for one thing, for another, finally.(2)举例法(Exemplification)

例1.Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world.For example, the poisonous gas sent off by factories and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.Again waste water keeps pouring into rivers and lakes;as a result, any water lives are dying out.Furthermore, everywhere we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.Pollution is, in fact threatening our existence.例2.In the past, a good student refers to one who was only good at studies.For example, in the school, what the school master cared about was how well the student did in his school subjects.It did not matter whether a student had good health or not as long as he got the top marks.At home, again before leaving for school, the parents would again and again tell their children to study hard and try to get good grades.As a result, many students showed little interest in anything else.举例法常用的表达方法有:for example, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, namely, that is, like, say.(3)因果法(Cause and Effect)

Nowadays there is often a misunderstanding between parent and child.The most obvious reason for this lack of communication is that they grew up at different times and therefore have different likes and dislikes for the things around them.Also the parent is often too busy to listen patiently to the explanation of the child when there is a misunderstanding.Both of them take it for granted that there is a “generation gap.”

原因与结果常用的表达方法有:because, because of, as, since, for, owing to, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of, thus, so, consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly, as a result, for this reason, as a consequence, on that account, it follows that等

(4)对比和比较法(Comparison and Contrast)

The younger generation is essentially different from the older generation.The world of older people has vanished, and they do not understand all of the problems of the modern world.On the other hand, the younger people have grown up with these problems, and they are deeply concerned about them.The older generation still controls the power in business organizations, government, and education.The young people want to make changes in these areas to fit the needs of modern society.In order to reconcile their differences, both generations must realize that the world has changed, and that new responses are necessary for many of the problems of society.对比比较常用的表达方法有:similarly, likewise, in the same way, equally important, like, both, the same as, in common, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, in contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, by contrast等。


There are three kinds of book owners.The first has all the standard and bestsellers unread, untouched.This deluded individual owns woodpile and ink, not books.The second has a great many books--a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean as the day they were bought.This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.The third has a few books or many--every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.This man owns books.Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.___________ is shown in the pictures, we can see ________ that with the __________ of commercial fishing, the number of fishes ________ decreased.In one picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900.________ the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, _________ many fishing-boats.The ________ of this picture is to show us that _________ attention has to be paid to the decrease of ocean ___________.Owing to ___________ the number of fishes has obviously decreased.If we let this situation ___________ as it is, we won't know where fish is in the future.By that time, our environment will ___________ a great destruction.Therefore, it is __________ for us to take _________ measures.For one thing, we should __________ to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing.For another, we should __________ the awareness of people that the ocean resources are very vital to us.________ in this way can we protect our ocean resources.Also I believe that we humans can _________ this difficulty, and we will have a _________ future.Study the following two pictures carefully and write and essay to 1)describe the pictures, 2)deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pictures, and 3)suggest counter-measures.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.A brief History of World Commercial Fishing



Chapter 1










10-20篇,考前1个月,必须30写完一篇,小作文:05年辞职信,06年请求信 大作文(8):99年图表,00-06年图画




1)14:00-14:15写作A节 2)14:15-14:50写作B节 3)14:50-16:00阅读A节 4)16:00-16:20完形填空



























(滚瓜烂熟 脱口而出 多多益善)






5、写作,模仿 总结框架三种方法:


二、考研作文三段内容分别来自不同范文 三、三段的每一句话都来自不同范文

Chapter 3




1)私人、公务信函(重点)business letter 2)备忘录 memo memorandum 3)摘要 summary thesis abstract 摘要作文注意事项: 1)不要评论,不要照抄

2)不超过原文三分之一,可少不可多 4)报告 report :


2、工作总结 考研英语写作重点准备信函(公务60%)告示类:


1)描写文:图画描述、图表描述。以空间顺序展开(一般不会单独出现97-06年七年图画,2年图表)2)记叙文:以时间顺序展开(一般不会单考01,04,举例论证)3)说明文:表达或说明自己的观点 4)议论文:论证或驳斥他人观点 考研:4种文体一起考


包括 1)正式语言(为主)



A. 缩写:(避免)I’m,It’s,They’re,e.g(for exmple),i.e(that is),etc.(and so on)B. 省略:(公务信函避免,私人可用)(I am)Looking forward to your reply.(2)口语表达:by the way,as your know,well,hi,!(考研作文不要喊口号)




1)正式文体:大作文、公务信函、报告、摘要、公共告示 2)半正式文体:私人信函、私人告示、备忘录



1、印象原则 书写公正、卷面整洁、字迹清晰(4级3秒6级5秒,考研2分钟)三眼:(1)第一眼:是否把答题纸写满,或接近写满,是否三段?两头小,中间大



2、字数原则 小作文100-120(一行10个字,10到12行)大作文160-200(16到20行)


长短结合,以短句为主 简洁就是美,不在于难词,适当



Chapter 4 语言第一位,结构第二位,内容第三位



广泛的知识Extensive knowledge 猛烈的竞争fierce competition


例:“我认为” I hold the opinion that 其次词组:I cling to the opinion that In my view,find out 再次词汇



assert 1)英文表达首选句型 “重要”:due(足够的,充分的)attention has to be paid 考研英语要大量使用被动语态 Importance should be attached to 2)词组

Be of utmost importance 3)词汇



crucial “越来越多的人”:people in mountain numbers 越来越Increasing student



逻辑分段&情感分段:英文写作是逻辑分段 作者交代&读者领会:英文写作是作者交代 迂回模式&直线模式:英文写作是直线模式 《天涯~明月~刀》古龙 天涯远不远? 不远



是蓝的,就像海一样蓝,一样深,一样忧郁 明月在哪里? 就在他的心里 刀呢?

刀就在他的手里 那是柄什么样的刀?

他的刀如天涯般辽阔寂寞,如明月般皎洁忧郁,有时一刀挥出,又放佛是空的 英文:逻辑分段,作者交代,直来直去 考研作文:举例论证







First and foremost , to begin with In addition

furthermore 2)因果


in that Since

as For 注:in 3)举例

For instance A case in point that 一个恰当的例子是










“因此 ”Hence


in conclusion







一、社会热点 1,健康

生理健康 心理健康 体育锻炼 保持乐观 悲观

均衡饮食 亚健康 公共卫生 心态

垃圾食品 节食


仔细思考 physical health/fitness mental health do physical exercise keep optimistic pessimistic well-balanced diet sub-health public health state of mind junk food go on a diet lose weight weigh in the mind 提供医疗服务 provide medical 旅行社 牺牲健康 全面禁烟 travel service sacrifice one’s health total tobacco ban 疾病

慢性病 传染病 illnesses/diseases chronic diseases infections diseases 2,两代关系

寻求独立 代沟

弥合代沟 相互理解 误解

赡养父母 赡养



老龄化社会 人口老龄化 老年人 奉行孝道 seek independence generation gap bridge the gap mutual understanding misunderstanding support one’s parents financially support take care of/look after mistreat/maltreat aging society population aging the aged/ the elderly practice filial piety 3,职业道德


投诉信 职业道德 伪劣产品 欺诈

诚信 appeal to,the service industry letter of complain professional ethics shoddy products fraudulent activity honesty 学术腐败 抄袭

食品安全 建筑质量 地沟油 毒奶粉 食品添加剂 不公平竞争 激烈竞争 管理部门 监管机构 厂家

漠视法律 推卸责任 消费者权益 academic corruption plagiarism food safety construction quality gutter oil poisonous milk powder food additive unfair competition fierce competition the administration regulator manufacturer ignore the laws/regulation shift blame onto others consumers’ rights and interests 4,爱心,社会公德



传统美德 责任

责任感 承担责任 逃避责任 奉献 charity sale public/social morals/morality traditional virtue duty/responsibility sense of responsibility shoulder/assume/undertake one’s duty/responsibility avoid/shirk one’s duty/responsibility devote/dedicate/devotion/dedication 无私奉献 信任危机 经济危机 selfless devotion trust crisis economic crisis 不道德的行为 immoral behavior 希望工程 慈善机构 捐款 Project Hope charity donate/donation 贫困乡村地区 poor rural areas 赤贫

尊老爱幼 吐痰

喧哗 in sheer poor respect the old and care the young spit everywhere making noise/talk loudly

二、教育文化 5,教育、毕业选择

毕业生 面临毕业 求职




走向世界 研究生会 学士

硕士 college graduates upon graduation finding a job/seeking employment pursuing master degree studying overseas/abroad running one’s own business becoming international the postgraduates’ association bachelor’s degree master’s degree 博士

获得学位 幼儿园 小学


中等教育 高等教育 大学生 教授

相关部门 专业

教学设施 食堂


图书馆 选修课 必修课 学杂费 终身教育 素质教育 全面教育 应试教育 义务教育 doctoral degree obtain/receive degree kindergarten /nursery/elementary school primary school middle school/high school secondary education higher education college student/graduate professor department departments concern major teaching facility dining hall dormitory library elective course compulsory course tuition fees and other expenses lifelong education essential-quality-oriented education education for all-round development exam-oriented education compulsory education 理论知识 实践技能 获得知识 信息时代 theoretical knowledge practical skills acquire knowledge information era/age 知识爆炸时代 era of knowledge explosion 逃课 skip class 学习成绩优异 outstanding academic performance 学习气氛 开阔眼界 激发兴趣 开发潜能 减负




完成学业 招生


申请入学 著名学校 高考

就业市场 雇主

雇员 learning atmosphere broaden/expand one’s horizons stimulate one’s interest tap one’s potential reduce study load work part-time start school drop out of school finishing school recruitment enrollment apply for admission to prestigious/esteemed university college entrance exam job market employer employee 6,流行文化 追星/低头族/网络

流行文化 popular culture 广告无处不在 pervasive advertisement 申请目前职位 apply for your recently advertised position 偶像崇拜 上网成瘾 沉迷于 虚拟生活 网上交友 网上购物 网络监督 网络暴力 实名制 不负责言论 彩票

网络游戏 数码产品 手机短信 手机入网 idol worship internet/web addiction indulge in=overindulgence virtual life making friends online online shopping internet supervision online violence real-name system irresponsible remarks lottery ticket internet game digital products text message mobile phone subscription 7,中西文化

传统文化 文化交流 traditional Chinese culture cultural exchange 文化融合 cultural fusion/blending/integration 儒家 Confucianism 佛教 Buddhism 道教 Taoism 京剧 Peking Opera 功夫 kung-fu 书法 Chinese calligraphy 仁 义 礼 智 信 Goodness/Benevolence Righteousness Politeness/Ritual Wisdom Trust Western culture Enlightenment humanism post-modernism deconstruction Butterfly Love the melting pots multi-cultures /pluralistic/mosaic cultures cultural diversity preserve and cherish select the essence and discard the dross promote cultural development Buddha 西方文化 启蒙运动 人本主义 后现代主义 解构主义 梁祝

大熔炉 多远文化 文化多元化 保护并珍视

取其精华去其糟粕 促进文化发展 辉煌灿烂的文化遗产 glorious and splendid cultural heritage 与时俱进 跨文化交流 文化差异 文化传统 人类文明 精神文明 主流文化 解读经典 莎士比亚 爱因斯坦 keep pace with the times cross-cultural/intercultural communication cultural difference cultural tradition human civilization spiritual civilization mainstream culture interpretation of classics Shakespeare Einstein


不断努力 坚持不懈 乐观/悲观 保持乐观 溺爱

独生子女 make constant efforts/never stop making progress persistence optimism pessimism keeping a good mood dote on/ spoil only child 独生子女政策 one-child policy 激烈竞争 啃老族 不劳而获 不断努力 决不放弃 fierce competition boomerang kids reap without sowing make constant efforts never give up 绝不停止取得进步 never stop making progress 获得成功 创新


奋斗精神 拼搏精神 人生观 世界观 出国


创业 achieve success innovation diligence striving spirit determined spirit outlook on life outlook on the world study abroad/overseas employment start one’s own business 积极的态度 positive attitude 齐心协力 团队精神 高估困难 低估能力 谦虚 joint efforts team spirit exaggerate/overestimate difficulties underestimate one’s abilities modesty


满足要求 目的漫画家 摄影师 反面

捕鱼船 meet needs purpose/aim/intention cartoonist photographer counter fishing-boat 海洋资源 环境保护 ocean resources environmental protection 提高环保意识 enhance the awareness of environmental protection 保持生态平衡 maintain ecological balance 保持面对面的沟通 maintain face-to-face contact 生态系统 自然保护区 ecosystem nature reserve sustainable development strategy pleasant environment 可持续发展战略 宜人的生活环境 节能

减排 save energy reduce greenhouse gas emissions slow down the rate of resource 降低资源消耗率 环保产品 全球变暖 低碳经济 environment-friendly product global warming low carbon economy clean and renewable energy sources 清洁可再生能源 核能

太阳能 nuclear energy solar energy 大功率电器 high-power electrical appliance 二氧化碳 气候变化 环境恶化 毁林

过度开采 carbon dioxide climate change environment deterioration deforestation,clear-cutting overexploitation 水土流失 荒漠化 人口增长 soil erosion desertification population growth 野生动物保护 wildlife conservation 濒危物质 商业捕鱼 过度捕捞 自然灾害 破坏性地震 沙尘暴 旱灾


限期治理 白色污染 endangered species commercial fishing over-fishing natural disaster destructive earthquake sandstorm drought flood bring under control within the prescribe time white pollution

limit the use of disposable bags 限制使用的一次性筷子 一次性筷子 乱扔垃圾 disposable chopsticks litter 垃圾 trash,rubbish 丢弃 throw,discard 空气污染浓度

空气/水/噪音污染 雾霾 尾气排放 尾气净化器 haze motor vehicle emissions exhaust purifier air pollutant concentrations air/water/noise pollution 无铅汽油 电动汽车 天然气汽车 小排量汽车 lead-free/unleaded gasoline/petrol electric car gas-fueled car low-emission car 工业粉尘排放 industrial dust discharge 烟尘排放 矿物燃料

soot emissions fossil fuel(coal, oil, natural gas)


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【参考范文 1】 Dear Sir, I am a senior student of Shanghai University.Today I am writing to apply for the position of proofreader which you advertised in the May 15 issue of China Daily.Currently I am a senior at Beijing University, where I am working toward a BA degree in English.During the four years here in Beijing, I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses.Besides, I am fluent in both written and spoken English and I am quite familiar with computer.What’s important, I held a similar position in Beijing Review last summer holiday and I enjoyed the work very much.The experience gained from the practice helps me improve my typing skills.In short, I am qualified for this position.I am available for an interview every afternoon except Wednesday.Please contact me at62347867.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming 【参考范文 2】

Dear teachers and classmates, Today I’m writing to express my sincere thanks to all of you for the many kindnesses you showed me when I was receiving treatment in hospital.As a foreign student, you can’t imagine how lonely and helpless I was after the unfortunate accident.It was your arrival that encouraged me so much so that I / 6

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regained the power to fight against the leg wound.To my great gratitude, you even asked for several days’ leave to look after me in hospital in turns until I got better.I really could find no words to express my heart-felt gratitude to all of you.Again, pleaseaccept my sincere thanks for what you did for me.Yours sincerely,Li Ming 【参考范文 3】 Dear Sir, I am a senior student of Shanghai University.Today, I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about quality of the product in your store.Last week I ordered a notebook computer(Order No.3476)in your store by mail.But when I received the parcel and unpacked it this morning, I am shocked to find that notebook computer I received looked like a second-hand one with a 3-inch crack on the top cover.What’s more, I checked the accessories but I failed to find the mouse and the adapter included in the shipment.So I am writing to inform you of the situation.At present, I am in urgent need of a computer to finish my term paper.I hope you will replace the present one within three days or give me the refund.I am looking forward to your early response.Yours Sincerely, / 6

考研VIP只为更出众 www.xiexiebang.com

Li Ming 【参考范文 4】 Dear Sir/madam, I am a college student from China and I’m writing in the hope that you could send me some information about the winter language training courses of your university.As a student studying abroad, I find it badly necessary for me to improve my listening and oral English as soon as possible.That is why I plan to register your winter courses to improve my English quickly.Now, I wonder if you could send me some detailed information about these courses.I would appreciate your help if you could tell me about the duration of the course, facilities available and the cost for study and accommodation.I will be very grateful if you can give me an early reply.(119 words)

Yours sincerely,Li Ming 【参考范文 5】 Dear Mr.Zhang, I am very sorry to tell you that I am going to graduate this June and cannot go on with my job as a tutor of your daughter.It has been a pleasant experience to teach your daughter English as she is such a lovely and smart girl.Here I take great pleasure in recommending Lily, one of the best friends, to you.She is a sophomore, majoring in English in our university.She is particularly willing to take this job when she knows about your daughter.Lily is an excellent student and / 6

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she has won the first prize in the oral English contest held in our university.Moreover, as an easy-going girl, she is good at communicating with others.Therefore, I am confident that she is highly competent for this job and will bring you anunexpected surprise.Sincerely yours,Li Ming 【参考范文 6】 Dear Tom, We are delighted to learn that you have been admitted to the graduate school of PekingUniversity.Now, I am writing to you to express my heartfelt congratulations on what you have achieved.Just as we know, your remarkable achievement is the result of many years of your painstaking efforts and perseverance.Up to now, I still remember clearly that you worked day and night in order to fulfill the dream of furthering your study.In our eyes, you are a girl of conviction and have been our good example and you are the pride of your prestigious university.I do hope that you can make even greater academic progress and successfully get yourMaster’s degree in the famous University.Again, please accept my sincere congratulations.Sincerely yours,Li Ming 【参考范文 7】 / 6

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Dear Mr.Smith, On behalf of the Students’ Association of Shanghai University, I would like to extend our sincere invitation to you.We should be very grateful if you could give a talk on “The Economic Globalization and young people” to the students of our university on Thursday, June 19th.You are the famous experts in the field of the globalization on the growth of young generation.We have read many papers written by you on this issue and benefited a lot from your far-reaching insight into the development of the whole world.Therefore, we are looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom again.With best wishes!

Sincerely yours,Li Ming 【参考范文 8】

To: The Leader of Student Service Center From: Li Ming Subject: The installation of Telephone Date: June 20th, 2010 Dear Sir, I would like to remind you that we are badly in need of a telephone in each dormitory.Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the / 6

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dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication.As we all know, the modern society is constantly changing and everyday we need to handle the increasing communication with the teachers, classmates and friends outside the campus.Besides, telephone is still considered to be the most effective and cheapest means of communication.Therefore, we hope that you will pay immediate attention to this problem and solve it assoon as possible./ 6



3.英语四六级:新东方四六级考试经典视频+讲义60元 4.公务员资料:华图2011年视频全程(包括基础班+名师模块班+强化班+真题班+完整讲义+华图PDF电子5.文都医师执业资格(顾艳楠),90元 赠送张博士部分视频(6个G)

6.2012西医综合强化(贺银城)60元联系方式:手机 : ***QQ :570488478

********************************* ***



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