
时间:2019-05-12 17:39:49下载本文作者:会员上传


在长期的口译和听力口语授课中我发现,在难点汉译英的过程中,常常会出现“中式英语”翻译,即所谓的Chinglish,比如“基础建设“同学都是直接翻译成“basic construction ”,其实应该是固定的说法“infrastructure”。再比如“茶树”、“果树”等在翻译成英语时常常省略tree,因为这些词本身就包含“树”的意思,如orange(橘子树),banana(香蕉树)等。而如果说“淡季”应该是“slack seasons”,而不是想当然的“ light seasons”,又比如“淡茶”(weak tea),“淡水”(fresh water)等。再比如同学都最怕的一些具有中国特色的变态词汇里,最基本的“第一产业”是“the primary industry”,“第二产业”是“the secondary industry”,但“第三产业”不是“the third industry”,而是“the tertiary industry”。其实tertiary与third是同义的,都是“第三”的意思,这样用只是约定俗成。另外,“第三产业”还可以说成the service industry,因为第三产业主要是指服务业。

回忆当时我去澳大利亚的时候,我住的那家的主人Diana一次带我去悉尼著名的blue mountain旅游,在吃饭时我们聊到很多东西方不同的食物,我说到中国美味的dumpling(饺子)和bean curd(豆腐),但是Diana一头雾水的样子似乎完全不理解,我心想莫非传说中老外词汇量少是事实吗,难道她不认识这两个单词?后来去了当地的超市买食材时我才发现,国外人早有约定俗成的对饺子和豆腐的说法,分别是ravioli(饺子,来自意大利语)和tofu(豆腐,来自日语),或者其实现在直接对老外说Jiaozi他们也基本都知道,在国外的中国城这个太普遍了。再给大家介绍一系列同学们总是翻译错的.经典句子: 永远记住你 remember you forever 不对,因为没有人能活到forever,而应该是always remember you。黄头发不是yellow hair,而应该是blond/blonde,西方人没有yellow hair的说法。厕所绝对不是WC 或者toilet,这些是马桶和茅坑的说法,假想一下,你对老外说,不好意思,请问茅坑在哪里?你说话是不是过于洒脱,尺度太大了?正解应该是men's room/women's room/restroom/powder room等。

还有些很过时的已经可以入土的说法,比如真遗憾不要再用 it's a pity,用that's too bad/it's a shame更流行些,还有裤子不要用trousers了,而是pants/slacks/jeans。马马虎虎最好用average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so),提到好吃不要只能反应出一个单词,就是delicious,可以多用用yummy/nice/tasty/appetizing等。还有些在国外只有小孩子才用的过于孩子气的说法也应该避免使用,比如再见 用bye-bye 不好,直接用bye/see you/see you later/later比较合适。再比如面条,少用孩子气的noodles,而最好用pasta。一些公共场合的用语也是同学最不会翻译的,比如“小心台阶”被翻成“pay attention to the steps”而非正确的“mind the steps”。再比如姚明如果去你家作客,应该说“mind your head”才对。再比如这一系列的句子:我感到很痛不是I am painful.而应该是I feel great pain.注意,“我感到高兴”是 I am happy,“我感到累了”是 I'm tired,但“我感到很痛”却不是 I am painful。因为 painful 表示“使人痛苦的,让人疼痛或讨厌的”,它的主语往往不是人,而是事物或人体的某个部位,如:The foot is painful(脚痛),The lessons are painful(教训是惨痛的)等。所以没有 I am painful 这个说法,如果你非要这样说,别人会以为你全身带电或浑身长刺,别人碰了你就会疼,是你让别人痛苦,而不是你自己痛苦。


[误] the Four Little Dragons of Asia

[正] the Four Little Tigers of Asia


不同。“龙”(dragon)在西方是贬义词,是邪恶的象征,西方人不会理解为什么要把亚洲经济的四个体说成“四个小魔鬼”,所以要用 tiger 进行替换。在西方人眼里,tiger 是“朝气蓬勃、坚忍不拔、充满希望”的象征,所以用 tiger 才能准确表达原文的意思。9 百里挑一。

[误] one in a hundred

[正] one in a thousand

注意:汉语用“百”,而英语则以十倍于百的 “thousand” 来夸张。同样,汉语的“十分感谢”或“万分感谢”,英语则说“ a thousand thanks(千分感谢)”或 “thanks a million times”(百万次的感谢)。可见,英语比汉语要夸张。这也许反映了两个民族不同的思维方式:中国人崇尚中庸之道,凡事避免走极端,即使夸大其词也不太过火;而英美人追求标新立异和充分考虑表现自我,这在语言中自然也有体现。干杯!要一饮而尽。

[误]---Cheers!Bottom up.[正]---Cheers!Bottoms up.注: bottoms up 虽然只比 bottom up 多一个 s,但是两个词组的意思却相差十万八千里。bottoms up 里的 bottom 是指“(酒杯的)底部”,那么杯朝天就是“一饮而尽”的意思,而且因为干杯时肯定不止一人一饮而尽,所以要用复数;而 bottom up 表示“屁股朝天”,如果说错了就丑大了。


[误] Hey, lad, don't lose your heart.[正] Hey, lad, don't lose heart.注意: lose one's heart(to sb.)是“心被...俘虏去,爱上...”的意思,而 lose heart 才表示“灰心丧气,丧失勇气或信心”。

新东方的综合能力部主管李老师,他从没有海归经历,但口语比native speaker还要native speaker,他说最大的诀窍就是三个很朴实的字——“看电影”。每看两个小时的原版电影,就相当于在美国生活了两个半小时,而且经济实惠又方便。推荐用“Growing Pains”“Friends”来练习听力和口语,如果喜欢英英的同学,可以看“Will and Grace”,一部英国版的老友记,也很不错。至于越狱,24小时或者实习医生格蕾之类的剧集,可能过于专业,毕竟一个人平时也不会没事就越狱,恐怕在生活里用上类似句子的机会不是特别多,所以还是推荐类似老友记这样生活化的剧集。记得及时的update and upgrade your spoken English,否则老外和你交流后会说,你的英语不错,就是怎么听怎么那么像我的祖母在说话。

Always remember, practice makes better English!



1, It displease my parents when Richard and I stay out late every night.My parents don ’ t approve_____.A, of me and Richard staying out late every night.B, of Richard and me staying out late every night.C, of Richard ’ s and my staying out late every night.D, when Richard and me stay out late every night.2, “ As for their going along with us, “ she said, “________ ”.A, my husband and myself certainly have no objection.B, certainly my husband and I have no objection.C, either I or my husband certainly have no objection.D, either my husband or I certainly have no objection.3, “ any thing wrong? ”“ there was no objection on the part of ________ present ”.A, this.B, those.C, these.D, who.4, Although oriental ideas of woman ’ s subordination to man prevailed in those days, she_______ meet with men on an equal basis.A, did not dared.B, dared not C, dared not to.D, did dare not to.5, The stars(awaken)a certain reverence in man because,(though)always(present), they are beyond(your)reach.6, I had hoped(to have learned)French before my trip(to Paris), but I(did not have)any(extra money)for a course.7, “ what is the difference? ”

“ this furniture is different from______ ”.A, that book.B, your.C, that one.D, that.8,“ we walked twenty miles today.”“ I never guessed you could have walked _____ ”.A, as.B, this.C, that.d.such.9,“ what did Jack do last year? ”.“ I heard ____ taught German.”.a, he.B, his.c.he is.d.him.10,“ did you see any foreigner present at the party? ”.“ he was the only foreigner ____ I saw at the party.”.a, whom.B, that.C, who.d.which.11,(Nobody)who will not try to help the other people(develop)(his)abilities(deserves)to have friends.12,(there is)often disagreement(as)(to whom)is the(better)Shakespearean actor, Evans or Gielgud.13, John was(the only one)of the boys(whom)as you know(was)not(eligible).14, The(irritable)sergeant(was)insistent that nothing(superseded)thedrilling of(the forty new men.).15,(Still holding)the young man’s hand, he paused, and then(added deliberately): now I am not the man to let a cause(to be lost)(for want of)a word.16, “What do you think about these pies?” “ I would like to have_____”.A, some other.B, another.c.the other.d.other.17, The FORMation of snow(must be occurring)(slowly), in calm air, and attemperature(near)the(freezing)point.18, Carol said(that)she(went)(to)the supermarket(before coming)home.19,(Weighed)down by a mass of trivial detail, a housewife is fortunate if she(did not)soon(lose)all her charm and(three-quarters)of her intelligence.20, When our neighbor’s daughter(caught)her fingers in the car door, she(did not cry)even though it(must)have(hurted)her.21, I will employ the man ______ they say is a fluent speaker of English.A, who.B, that.C, which.d.whom.22, “Then about tolstoy’s great novels”.“ who_____ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?” a, who.B, that.c.which d.whoever.23, Since the earliest ancestors of the whales were land creatures, the ques tion has arisen as to how____________.A, did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate.B, was the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.c.the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.D, the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate.24, Most(aggregate)rocks are fused, and,(as is implied)by the name,(has originated)(by the aggregation)of smaller stones.25, The Amish,(whose)culture is(unique)American, have(developed)a(distinctive)tradition in organic farming.26, By the time smith(graduates)from(dental school), he will be(twenty-six)(years of age).27,(standing in the driveway), the house(appeared to be)much smaller than(it had seemed)(to us as children)many years ago.28, Kevin is(particularly)(fond of)cooking, and he(really)(cooks)delicious meals.29, I held an opinion that(a honest man)who married and brought(up)a large family did more service than(he)who continued(single)and only talked of the population.30, After(the church)(the men)stood together(in the churchyard)(saying)he must be crazy.31, “do you need more water in the pan?” “no, it has ___________”.A, already enough full.B, full already enough.C, already had enough.D, had already enough.32, This is ___________ such a thing.A, my first time of seeing.B, my first time to see.C, the first time I have ever seen.D, my first time I have ever seen.33, “ after that, what happened to him?”

“ the chance to enter_____ come and he took it.”

A, to college.B, the college.c.for college.d.college.34, There has been(hardly no sign of)agreement(as yet)(between)the management and labor(in their)dispute over wages and working conditions.35, ________ lessons were not difficult.A, our first few short French.B, our few first short French.c.our few first French short.D, few our first French short.36, Bill said that he didn’t do _______ paper work.A, many.B, lots of.c.a great deal of.d.much.37, I waited there for thirty minutes;that seemed ________ hours to me.A, many.B, very much.C, as many.d.so many.38, No one(on)the committee had flatly made(some)such allegation,(though)Wayne Morse did come(close)by declaring that the U.S.had irritated the North Vietnamese.39, There(have been)(many)an argument(about)(its)proper usage.40,(the social studies),(broad speaking),(deal with)man’s(relationship to other men).41, Founded(in)1961(and employed)an estimated 35,000 people, the organization(has gained)a reputation for brutality.42, “john had the piano tuned today.” “ was it_______?”.A, out of tune badly before.B, before badly out of tune.C, badly out of tune before.D, out of tune before badly.43, “leaving for Chicago?” “_______.”

A, soon.B, lately.c.late.d.sooner.44, “ jane acts quite unfriendly.”

“ I think she is ________ than unfriendly.”

A, shyer.B, shy.C, more shy rather.D, more shy.45, “would you like me to go to the doctor with you?” “no, you_______ with me.”

A, need not to go.B, do not need go.c.need not go.D, need to not.46, No(other)beverage comes(even)close to rivaling coffee as the(more widely)drunk refreshment in the(world).47, Strangers(come)into her city(now)notice what a(clean)place(it is).48, Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so(much)used unprecisely and uncritically it(would)be(better)to avoid them altogether in our themes.49,“ I did not go to the party.” “did _____ go to the party?”

a, many john friends.B, many john’s friends.C, my sister boy friend.D, a boy friend of my sister’s.50, “what did you see?” “ we saw_____ police there”.A, many.B, much.c.little.d.the.51,(when)and(by whom)the islands of the west Indies were first settled is a matter(of debating)(among)archaeologists.52,(Cliff’s and Al’s)car(broke down)again, but(luckily)they knew(how to fix)it.53,(from the top)of the tower, Jacob was able(to clearly and easily see)the(whole)city(stretching)out below him.54, Joan(decided)that she did not like the(girl eating)an ice-cream cone on the bus after(she)(yelled)at her little brother.keys:



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《饮酒·其五》——东晋陶渊明 结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔?心远地自偏。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。

《长歌行》——南宋 郭茂倩 青青园中葵,朝露待日晞。阳春布德泽,万物生光辉。常恐秋节至,焜黄华叶衰。百川东到海,何时复西归? 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

《红楼梦》——对联 上联:世事洞明皆学问 下联:人情练达即文章


《秋词》——唐 刘禹锡



《沁园春 雪》——毛泽东

北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽; 大河上下,顿失滔滔。

山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采; 唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。


《月夜》——唐 刘方平







《卜算子·咏梅》——毛泽东 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。




《卜算子·咏梅》——陆游 驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。





《商山早行》——唐 温庭筠 晨起动征铎,客行悲故乡。鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜。槲叶落山路,枳花明驿墙。因思杜陵梦,凫雁满回塘。


《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》——唐 李白 杨花落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪。我寄愁心与明月,随风直到夜郎西。


《陋室铭》——唐 刘禹锡




——宋 辛弃疾



《不第后赋菊》——唐 黄巢




《舟过安仁》——宋 杨万里



《浣溪沙》——宋 苏轼



意思是:游历在清泉寺,清泉寺面对着兰溪,兰溪的水向西流去。山脚下兰草嫩芽浸入小溪,松林间沙路干净得没有泥,傍晚细雨中传来布谷鸟阵阵啼叫声。谁说人老就不可再年少? 门前流水还能执着奔向西边!不要在老年感叹时光流逝,自伤衰老。



上联:诚信待人,许誓如山坚守诺 下联:真情养性,沈思若水好修心

上联:诚信待人,德照万民当映彩 下联:严于律己,心存四海自留香 上联:青松翠柏迎春至 下联:白雪红梅送福来


《行路难》——唐 李白



《兰溪棹歌》——唐 戴叔伦



《浪淘沙》——唐 白居易


意思:日复一日,年复一年.海浪从不停歇的淘着沙子,于是沧海桑田的演变就这样出现。告诉我们小积累能逐渐带来大的转变.表明只要有恒心,不断努力,事情就一定能成功.浪淘沙 白浪茫茫与海连,平沙浩浩四无边。

《秋词一》——唐 刘禹锡


《秋词二》——唐 刘禹锡



《过华清宫绝句》——唐 杜牧


《草 / 赋得古原草送别》——唐 白居易 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。



《画眉鸟》——宋 欧阳修 百啭千声随意移,山花红紫树高低。始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼

意思是:作者来到树林里,看到画眉鸟在开满红红紫紫山花的枝头自由自在地飞翔,听到它们在高高低低的树梢上随着自己的心意尽情愉快地唱歌,不由得感慨到 :如果把它们锁起来,即使是锁在金笼里,它们也不会唱出这样美妙的歌声了。因为自由是生活愉快的先决条件。鸟是这样,人不也是这样吗?


《南湖晚秋》——唐 白居易 八月白露降,湖中水方老。旦夕秋风多,衰荷半倾倒。手攀青枫树,足蹋黄芦草。惨澹老容颜,冷落秋怀抱。有兄在淮楚,有弟在蜀道。万里何时来,烟波白浩浩。



1, It displease my parents when Richard and I stay out late every night.My parents don’t approve_____.A, of me and Richard staying out late every night.B, of Richard and me staying out late every night.C, of Richard ’ s and my staying out late every night.D, when Richard and me stay out late every night.2, “ As for their going along with us, “ she said, “________ ”.A, my husband and myself certainly have no objection.B, certainly my husband and I have no objection.C, either I or my husband certainly have no objection.D, either my husband or I certainly have no objection.3, “ any thing wrong? ”“ there was no objection on the part of ________ present ”.A, this.B, those.C, these.D, who.4, Although oriental ideas of woman ’ s subordination to man prevailed in those days, she_______ meet with men on an equal basis.A, did not dared.B, dared not C, dared not to.D, did dare not to.5, The stars(awaken)a certain reverence in man because,(though)always(present), they are beyond(your)reach.6, I had hoped(to have learned)French before my trip(to Paris), but I(did not have)any(extra money)for a course.7, “ what is the difference? ” “ this furniture is different from______ ”.A, that book.B, your.C, that one.D, that.8,“ we walked twenty miles today.”“ I never guessed you could have walked _____ ”.A, as.B, this.C, that.D such.9,“ what did Jack do last year? ”.“ I heard ____ taught German.”.A, he.B, his.C.he is.D.him.10,“ did you see any foreigner present at the party? ”.“ he was the only foreigner ____ I saw at the party.”.A whom.B, that.C, who.D.which.11,(Nobody)who will not try to help the other people(develop)(his)abilities(deserves)to have friends.12,(there is)often disagreement(as)(to whom)is the(better)Shakespearean actor, Evans or Gielgud.13, John was(the only one)of the boys(whom)as you know(was)not(eligible).14, The(irritable)sergeant(was)insistent that nothing(superseded)thedrilling of(the forty new men.).15,(Still holding)the young man’s hand, he paused, and then(added deliberately): now I am not the man to let a cause(to be lost)(for want of)a word.16, “What do you think about these pies?” “ I would like to have_____”.A, some other.B, another.C.the other.D.other.17, The FORMation of snow(must be occurring)(slowly), in calm air, and attemperature(near)the(freezing)point.18, Carol said(that)she(went)(to)the supermarket(before coming)home.19,(Weighed)down by a mass of trivial detail, a housewife is fortunate if she(did not)soon(lose)all her charm and(three-quarters)of her intelligence.20, When our neighbor’s daughter(caught)her fingers in the car door, she(did not cry)even though it(must)have(hurted)her.21, I will employ the man ______ they say is a fluent speaker of English.A, who.B, that.C, which.D.whom.22, “Then about tolstoy’s great novels”.“ who_____ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?”

A, who.B, that.C.which D whoever.23, Since the earliest ancestors of the whales were land creatures, the ques tion has arisen as to how____________.A, did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate.B, was the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.C the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.D, the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate.24, Most(aggregate)rocks are fused, and,(as is implied)by the name,(has originated)(by the aggregation)of smaller stones.25, The Amish,(whose)culture is(unique)American, have(developed)a(distinctive)tradition in organic farming.26, By the time smith(graduates)from(dental school), he will be(twenty-six)(years of age).27,(standing in the driveway), the house(appeared to be)much smaller than(it had seemed)(to us as children)many years ago.28, Kevin is(particularly)(fond of)cooking, and he(really)(cooks)delicious meals.29, I held an opinion that(a honest man)who married and brought(up)a large family did more service than(he)who continued(single)and only talked of the population.30, After(the church)(the men)stood together(in the churchyard)(saying)he must be crazy.31, “do you need more water in the pan?” “no, it has ___________”.A, already enough full.B, full already enough.C, already had enough.D, had already enough.32, This is ___________ such a thing.A, my first time of seeing.B, my first time to see.C, the first time I have ever seen.D, my first time I have ever seen.33, “ after that, what happened to him?” “ the chance to enter_____ come and he took it.”

A, to college.B, the college.c.for college.d.college.34, There has been(hardly no sign of)agreement(as yet)(between)the management and labor(in their)dispute over wages and working conditions.35, ________ lessons were not difficult.A, our first few short French.B, our few first short French.c.our few first French short.D, few our first French short.36, Bill said that he didn’t do _______ paper work.A, many.B, lots of.c.a great deal of.d.much.37, I waited there for thirty minutes;that seemed ________ hours to me.A, many.B, very much.C, as many.d.so many.38, No one(on)the committee had flatly made(some)such allegation,(though)Wayne Morse did come(close)by declaring that the U.S.had irritated the North Vietnamese.39, There(have been)(many)an argument(about)(its)proper usage.40,(the social studies),(broad speaking),(deal with)man’s(relationship to other men).41, Founded(in)1961(and employed)an estimated 35,000 people, the organization(has gained)a reputation for brutality.42, “john had the piano tuned today.” “ was it_______?”.A, out of tune badly before.B, before badly out of tune.C, badly out of tune before.D, out of tune before badly.43, “leaving for Chicago?” “_______.” A, soon.B, lately.c.late.d.sooner.44, “ jane acts quite unfriendly.” “ I think she is ________ than unfriendly.” A, shyer.B, shy.C, more shy rather.D, more shy.45, “would you like me to go to the doctor with you?” “no, you_______ with me.” A, need not to go.B, do not need go.c.need not go.D, need to not.46, No(other)beverage comes(even)close to rivaling coffee as the(more widely)drunk refreshment in the(world).47, Strangers(come)into her city(now)notice what a(clean)place(it is).48, Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so(much)used unprecisely and uncritically it(would)be(better)to avoid them altogether in our themes.49,“ I did not go to the party.” “did _____ go to the party?” a, many john friends.B, many john’s friends

C, my sister boy friend.D, a boy friend of my sister’s.50, “what did you see?” “ we saw_____ police there”.A, many.B, much.c.little.d.the.51,(when)and(by whom)the islands of the west Indies were first settled is a matter(of debating)(among)archaeologists.52,(Cliff’s and Al’s)car(broke down)again, but(luckily)they knew(how to fix)it.53,(from the top)of the tower, Jacob was able(to clearly and easily see)the(whole)city(stretching)out below him.54, Joan(decided)that she did not like the(girl eating)an ice-cream cone on the bus after(she)(yelled)at her little brother.keys: BBBBD/ADCAB/ BCADC/CAADD/ CABC






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