
时间:2019-05-12 23:28:29下载本文作者:会员上传



















沈峰 Planning for the weekend课堂实录

PLANNING FOR THE WEEKEND T: Let’s begin our class today.Ss: Yes.T: Ok? Class begins.S: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Shen.T: And today we have many teachers here.They’re listening to our English Lesson.Please say good morning to them, ok? Ss:(小声)Good morning Teachers!T: Loudly please.You don’t look happy.Ss:(小声)Good morning Teachers!

T: Happily please.You don’t look happy.You should say it loudly and happily.Can you? Ss: Yes,T: Please, “Good morning, teachers!” please.Ss:(大声)Good morning, teachers!

T: Yes, they are happy, too.Sit down please.Very good.Ok, boys and girls please answer my questions: what’s the date today? What’s the date today? You please? B: Today is 11th of May.T: Pardon?

B: Today is the 11th of May.T: Yes, today is the 11th of May.Thank you.What day is it today? What day is it today? You please.B: Today is Friday.T: Today is Friday.Yes, very good.Today is Friday.What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like today? You, please.G: It’s sunny.T: It’s sunny.Thank you.It’s sunny today.Is it cold today? Ss: No.T: No.So we can say it’s sunny and…..Ss: warm.T: It’s sunny and warm.But I think it’s sunny and a little bit hot, right? Ss: Yes.T: So today is May the 11th and today is Friday.What are we doing now? What are we doing now? please.G: We’re having an English lesson.T: Yes, good!We’re having an English lesson„„..(2)We’re having an English lesson in a sport shall.In a very very big classroom.Right? Now, first look.Look.Who are they? Do you know them? Who are they? Who is the man?Do you know the man? Yes, you please.G: He’s Zhu Jun.T: Yes, he’s Zhu Jun.Who’s that woman? G: She’s Yang Lan.T: Yes, good!He’s Zhu Jun and she’s Yang Lan.Good!Sit down, please.What are their jobs? Are they teachers? Ss: No.T: What are their jobs? Can you try? Loudly, please? B: They are reporters.T: Yes, they are both person and TV reporters.What do they do most of the time on TV? What do they do most of the time on TV? Can you try? That boy, loudly please? B: They interview, They do interviews to the other people.T: Yes, they do interviews.Please read after me.Interview, interview, interview.What’s the Chinese meaning? Ss: 采访

T: Yes, good!They do interviews.So today in this class, I have some interview plans for you.Please try to act as a TV reporter.今天这节课,让我们来学做电视记者,try to interview someone, ok? Ok, first, look!Who are you going to interview? Who? Do you know who are you going to interview? You please.G: our new English teacher.T: Yes, Who’s your new English teacher? Who’s your new English teacher? Are they your new English teacher today? Who’s your new English teacher? G: She’s Miss Shen.T: She’s Miss Shen.Where is she? I can’

t find her.She’s Miss Shen.I’m talking to you.G: It’s you.T: Yes, it’s you.Very good!So, first I’ll pretend to be a very famous person.Please interview me, interview your new English teacher.Understand? Ss: Yes.T: You can ask me some questions.And you can take notes.Look!This is the note of interview.You can take notes during the interview.Understand? Who can try? Who wants to ask me some questions? Yes, you please.B: What are, What are you going to do after this class?

T: what am I going to do after this class? I’m going to have another lesson.Understand? You are going to have another lesson, too.You please.G: What are you going to do this weekend?

T: What am I going to do this weekend? Er.I’m going to watch TV and go shopping.Hm…You please.Oh, this is your microphone.G: Excuse me.What’s your favourite food?

T: What’s my favourite food? Err… Ice cream and hamburgers.G: Thank you.T: You’re welcome.Good!Who can try? You please.G: Excuse me.What are your hobbies?

T: Err… my hobbies are listening to music and reading books.G: Oh, I see.Thank you.T: Oh, you are welcome.Any more questions? You please.G: What are you going to do this evening?

T: What am I going to do this evening? I’m going to sleep.I’m very very tired.G: Oh, I see.T: OK.you please?

B: What are you going to do next week? T: Next week? I don’t know.I don’t know.B: I see.T: Ok,You see.You please.G: What’s your email address? Can you tell me?

T: Oh,yes, of course.My email address is fanny, f-a-n-n-y-5189@sina.com.Can you catch it? Have you got it? Ss: No.T: You can say Ss: Pardon?

T: OK, My email address is fanny, that is f-a-n-n-y-5189@s-i-n-a.com.Got it now? Yes, the last question.Who can try? It’s the boy, you please.B: what’s your QQ number?

T: What’s my QQ number? I’m sorry.I can’t remember it.I have QQ number, but I can’t remember it.I’m very sorry.B: ah, not at all.T: Ok, sit down please.That’s all right.So much for this interview.Now, this time, please give us a report.Try to tell your audience.I think all the teachers are your audience.他们都是你们的听众和观众。Try to tell them something about your new English teacher.You can say “ today I have a new English teacher.She’s„ she’s not a man.Of course.Can you? Yes, first, I’ll give you 1 minute to prepare.准备一分钟。Now please.(7:00)(学生准备)You can say something about me according to the notes.No, try to say something.Don’t write an article.Do you understand? T: Ok, stop.(7:40)Who can try? Try to tell your audience about your English teacher.Who can try? Ok, you please.Ok, you’re Miss Yao.So come here, please.Remember, you’re a TV reporter.This is your microphone.G: Err…Today I have a new English teacher.She’s Miss Shen.She will…She’s going to watch TV and go shopping this weekend.Her favourite food is hamburger.She likes listening to music and reading books.He’ will...She’s going to sleep this evening.T: Why? Why is she going to sleep this evening? G: Because she is very tired.T: Good!Please go on.G: And her email address is f-a-n-n-y5189@sina.c-o-m.T: Very good.You can say.com.go on.Is that all? G: No.She has QQ number, but she can’t remember it.T: Oh, yes.She has QQ number, but she can’t remember it.Is that all? G: Yes.T: Is she a good reporter? Ss: Yes.T: I think she’s excellent.So, please give her a very big hand.Yes, thank you, Miss Yao.I think you did a very good job.Who can try? Do you want to try again? Yes, yes, ok, that boy.Come here.Yes, you can stand there please.B: Today I have a new English teacher.Her name is Shen Feng.T: Yes, you know my name.how do you know that? I didn’t tell you my name.(男孩和全班都笑了起来)you didn’t ask me the question about my name.how did you know my name is Shen Feng? Yes? Yes, ok.Go on.B: She’s going to watch TV and go shopping this weekend.She likes eating hamburger.She is going to listening to music and reading books this weekend.She’s going to sleep this evening.Because she is very tired.She’s email address is fanny5189@s-i-n-a.com.She has a QQ number, but she forget it.T: Yes, she forgets it.Good!Ok.Good!Remember.Her email add, I’m not an email add.So you can’t say, “ she’s email add.You should say, “ her email add,” Ok? B: Ok?

T: thank you very much.Sit down please.(10:17)Ok, boys and girls, so much for this.You interviewed your new English teacher.And I think you know a lot about me.Right? Ok, let’s exchange.Now it’s my turn.I want to interview you.I’ll be the reporter.And you’re very famous, very famous students.Are you famous? Yes, I think so.You’re famous in your family.Right? Ok.First, Look at my questions.What am I going to ask you? Try to read my question.Look!(板书)What are you going to „? Understand? Yes.Answer my question, What are you going to do after class? What are you going to do after class? Can you tell me? Yes, super boy.B: I’m going to go to the WC.T: Yes, you’re going to the WC, of course.Where’s the toilet? Where’s WC? Do you know? I don’t know.I want to go there, too.But I can’t find it.Do you know? So I think the first thing you are going to do is asking the way.Excuse me.Where’s… understand? Understand? Yes, ok.He’s going to go to the toilet.What are you going to do? What are you going to do? You, please.G: I’m going to have a lesson.T: You’re going to have a lesson.An English lesson ,Chinese lesson or a math lesson.G: An English lesson.T: Good!What are you going to do? You please.B: I’m going to have a rest.T: Yes, you’re going to have a rest.What are you going to do during the break? Do you want to sleep on the ground or sleep on the desk? What are you going to do during the break? B: Hmm… I’m sit T: I’m going to…

B: I’m going to sit on the chair.T: Yes, you are going to sit on the chair and have a rest, right? Thank you.What is he going to do? Sit down please.What is he going to do after class? You, please.G: He’s going to have a rest on the chair.T: Oh, yes.He’s going to have a rest on the chair..What are you going to do? What are you going to do after class? You please.G: I’m going to play some games with my friend because I’m very tired.T: Oh, you’re very tired.You’re going to play some games with my friend in the sport shall, right? Ok, have a good time!Good!What are you going to do? What are you going to do ?Can you tell me?

B: I’m going to have an English lesson, too.T: Oh, you don’t want to have a rest? B: Yes.T: You don’t want to have a rest.Ok, I know.Sit down please.So, we are going to have a rest, He’s going to WC, and she’s going to play games.What are the teachers going to do after the class? Can you guess.What are the teachers going to do? You please.G: They’re going to talk about this interesting lesson.T: Are you sure? Are you sure? 你确定吗?

G: Yes, I think so.T:Yes, I think so.But you are not sure.So, try to say I think„ Again.G: Err, I think it is

T: I think they’re going to …

G: I think they’re going to talk about this interesting lesson T: So you think this lesson is interesting.G: Yes.T: Thank you very much.Good!Good!The teachers are going to talk about the interesting lesson.Let’s ask them: Are you going to talk about this interesting lesson after this class? Can you ask them? Yes, are you going to… 1,2..Ss: Are you going to talk about this interesting lesson?

T: listen to their answer.Thank you very much.Yes, they are.So she’s right.(14:16)Boys and girls, when we want to know what others plan to do, we can ask what…going to do, understand? Yes, together, 1, 2… what… Ss: What are you going to do?

T: First we can say what are you going to do, and “I” that is what am I… Ss: am I going to do? T: “the boy”…

Ss: What is he going to do? T: Very good!And “ the girl”… Ss: What is she going to do? T: And “all the teachers”… Ss: What are they going to do?

T: Very good!Ask and answer in pairs, using the questions on the Bb.please(同伴互相问答)(15:04)

(15:14)Ok, stop.Who can try? Yes, you two, please.Pair 1(2boys): A: What are you going to do after class? B: I’m going to drink some waters because I’m very thirsty.T: Oh, you’re thirsty.You can drink some water now.Sit down please.Yes, he’s going to drink some water.You 2 please.Pair 2(2boys): A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: I’m going to do my homework and have some lessons.T: You have some lessons at the weekend? B: Yes.T: Oh, you’re so hardworking.Sit down please.Ok, Good!You 2, please.Pair 3(2girls): A: What are you going to do after school? B: I have…I’m going to have a rest because I’m very tired.T: Ok, you’re going to have a rest because you’re very tired.Ok, what about this pair? What about you?

Pair 4(2girls): A: What are you going to do this evening? B: I’m going to read some books

T: You’re going to read some books OK, I see.Well.so much for this.(16:11)Boys and girls, this time, I’m going to play a game with you.Do you like playing games? Ss:Yes.T: Look!This game is called “read and guess”

(PPT)read the sentence and guess what are they going to do? Look at the first sentence:

1.Grandpa sits down with a newspaper next

2.My parents bought 2 tickets in the theatre just now.3.the students are getting on a bus with a lot of delicious food.4.Mum sits down in front of the TV.What are they going to do? First you can discuss in pairs.(16:18)(17:10)No Chinese T:(17:20)Ok, stop.First, who can try? Grandpa sits down with a newspaper.Can you try, what’s he going to do? Yes, the girl.You please.G: He’s going to read the newspaper.T: Let’s see is she right? Is she right? Yes.He’s reading the newspaper.Next, next.yes, please.First you must read this sentence and then go on, my…

B: My parents bought 2 tickets in the theatre just now.They’re going to see a film.T: They’re going to see a film.Sit down please.Yes, Are they going to see a film? Pay attention.My parents bought 2 tickets in the theatre, not, not in the cinema, in the theatre.You please.B: They’re going to see a play.T: They’re going to see a play.Yes, They’re going to see a play.What kind of play? Do you know? Now, let me tell you.Yes, they’re going to see a play.That’s called Beijing… Opera.Yes, read after me, Beijing opera.(Ss: Beijing opera)They’re going to see a Beijing opera.Ss: They’re going to see a Beijing opera.T: next , please.G: The students are getting on a bus with a lot of delicious food.They’re… because… Maybe they are going…

T: Very good!Maybe, you’re not sure.G: Maybe they’re going to have a picnic.T: Maybe they’re going to have a picnic.Is she right? Yes, are you sure? Maybe, she’s right look.They’re going to have a picnic.Is she right? Ok, sit down please.The last one.Last one.Oh, here we have a new phrase “ in front of”, do you understand? Read after me.“ in front of” Ss: “ in front of”, T: “ in front of” Ss: “ in front of”

T: look, I’m standing in front of the… Ss: Blackboard.T: Now, I’m standing in front of the… Ss: desk.T: Understand? Read after me.“ in front of” Ss: “ in front of”, “ in front of”, “ in front of”,T: So, mum sits down in front of the TV.What’s she going to do? Ok, you please? B: She’s going to watch TV.T: She’s going to watch TV.Yes, Look, is she going to watch TV.? She’s going to turn off the TV.She’s watching TV now.but she’s going to turn off the TV.She’s going to do some housework.Understand? Yes, ok.Next.David’s standing beside a telephone.Hmm… what’s he going to do? Yes, please.B: He’s gong to answer a telephone.T: He’s gong to answer a telephone.He’s gong to call someone.He’s gong to make a telephone call.(点击)Yes, you’re right.He’s going to make a telephone call.But who’s he going to call? Look and listen.(放录音)(20:50)

It’s 8:30 on Saturday morning.It is warm and sunny.The children do not have school today.David is calling Gao Shan.They’re talking about the plans for the weekend.Yes, who’s he going to call? Together.Ss: He’s gong to call Gao Shan.T: Yes, He’s gong to call Gao Shan.And now he’s calling.They’re speaking to each other.David is talking with Gao Shan.What are they talking about? What are they talking about? Please?

G: They are talking about their plan of the weekend.T: Yes, they are talking about their plans for the weekend.So here we have a new word “ plan”.Plan, read after me, plan, plan, plan ,p-l-a-n, plan, plan, plan.Yes, Ok, What are their plan for the weekend? Are they going to have school at the weekend? Ss: No.T: No, they don’t have school at the weekend.“have school”, read after me.“have school” “have school”,.What does it mean? What does it mean? Yes, you please.G: maybe, it’s “上学 “

T: Yes, “上学、上课、有课 ”Yes, good.Read after me.“have school” “have school”.Ok, David and Gao Shan are talking about their plan for the weekend.So we can say, they are planning for the weekend.(板书课题)Planning for what? Yes, the weekend They’re planning for the weekend.But what are their plans for the weekend? First, what are they going to do on Saturday? Let’s listen, ok? Listen.(大屏幕)D: Hello,!G: Hello.D: Is that Gao Shan? G: Yes, speaking.D: What are you going to do today?

G: Dad and I are going to see a Beijing Opera this afternoon.Would you like to join us?

D: Yes, I’d love to.G: Shall we meet at 1:30 in front of the Garden Theatre? D: Yes.T: Yes? What are they going to do on Saturday?

What are they going to do on Saturday? Can you catch it? Yes, you please.B: David and his dad are going to see a Beijing opera.T:Very good!Sit down please.They are..you can say, they’re going to see a Beijing opera.They’re going to see a Beijing opera.Yes, look!Look at this dialogue,(屏幕展示)Gao Shan and his dad are going to see a Beijing opera.Is David going to see a Beijing opera, too.Ss: Yes.T: Yes, Gao Shan invites him.Right? What does Gao Shan say?(放音)Would you like to join us? Would you like to join us? Would you like to join us?

Yes, Can you read this sentence? Can you read the sentence? Yes, together.Ss: Would you like to join us? T: Would you like to join us? Ss: Would you like to join us?

T: Yes, if you want to invite someone to do something with you, you can say…

Ss: Would you like to join us?

T: Very good!, read after me, Would you like to join us?(板书)Would you like to join us?

Would you like to … Ss: join us?

T: Yes, very good.Wouldyou like to join us? What does David say? What does David say?

(放音)Yes, I’d love to.(3times)Can you read it? Yes, together.Ss: Yes, I’d love to.(read after T 3times)

Y:(板书)Yes, I’d love to.Good!David wants to join them.So you can say Yes, I’d love to.But when and where are they going to meet? when and where are they going to meet? You, please, that boy.Yes!

B: They are going to meet at 1:30 in front of the Garden Theatre.T: Yes, they are going to meet in front of the Garden Theatre.What did Gao Shan say?(放音)

Shall we meet at 1:30 in front of the Garden Theatre? Understand? Yes, ok, boys and girls, please listen and repeat, ok?(放音、看屏幕)(26:00)Hello!Ss: Hello!...T: Good!Loudly, please.Ss: 学生跟读整段对话。T:(26:45)Ok, let’s practice the dialogue, who do you want to be? Do you want to be Gao Shan or David? Choose one.Together, I want to be David, so you are going to be Gao Shan.Ok, You are the first, please 1,2 G1: Hello!

T: Hello!Is that Gao Shan? G1: Yes, speaking.„ „ 教师与全班同学对话

T: Yes, ok, very good.So they’re going to see a Beijing opera on Saturday afternoon.What are they going to do on Sunday? Let’s go on.(放音)(27:32)D: By the way, what are they going to do tomorrow?

G: There’s a concert in our school tomorrow afternoon.I’m going to play the violin.D:Great Is Nancy going to play at the concert?

Sure, she’s going to play the piano.Would you like to come? G:Of course.I’ll come with Wang Ping, liu Tao and Yao Ming.D: That’s good.(28:00)

T: Ok, what are they going to do on Sunday? what are they going to do on Sunday? Who can answer this question? what are they going to do on Sunday? Who can try? Yes, you please.B: there’s going to be a concert T: there’s going to be a concert ….B: David will, David is going to play the piano.T: David is going to play the piano.yes?

B: David will, David is going to play the violin.T: play the violin.B: Nancy is going to play the piano.Gao Shan is going to wash it.T: wash them? B: watch.T: watch.Yes, Gao Shan is going to watch them.Ok, very good!But he uses 4 sentences.Can you give me 1 sentence to answer this question.what are they going to do on Sunday? For one sentence.Can you try? Yes, there’s going to be a concert and David is going to play the violin.Gao Shan is going to play the piano.And … … can you give me one sentence? what are they going to do on Sunday? Can you try? B: They are all going to the concert.T:(口形提示)„ „They are all going to the concert.They’re all going to take part in the „

B: party..T: in the concert.Right ? thank you.Sit down please.So that’s a plan for Saturday or Sunday? Ss: Sunday

T: They’re going to take part in the … Ss: concert.T: Concert, What is a concert? I don’t know what does it mean? Can you give me the Chinese meaning? What do we usually do at the concert? Do we watch plays? Do weplay games? What do we do? What does it mean? Yes, you please? B: Maybe it means “音乐会”

T: Maybe ii means “音乐会”.Let’s see.Yes, you’re right.It means“音乐会”.Very good!there’s going to be a concert on Sunday.Do you often have a concert in your school at weekend? S1: No.T: Oh, what a pity!Look, look!Here is a new phrase.(放音)listen D: By the way, what are they going to do tomorrow?

What are you… Gao Shan is asking David what he is going to do next day? What he says? By the way.What does it mean? By the way.Just now they talked about their plan for Saturday.Now Gao Shan wants to know David’s plan for Sunday.So first he says “ by the way”, what does it mean? Yes, you please.B: 顺便

T: 顺便.顺便Do you think so? Yes, you are right.Read after me.“ by the way”(3 times)ok, listen and repeat.D: By the way, what are they going to do tomorrow? 1, 2(30:50)

Ss: By the way, what are they going to do tomorrow?(继续听音跟读)

T:(31:38)Ok please open your English books.Turn to page 46.books open 46.now this time , let’s read the whole text with the recording.(这次读的时候,跟它磁带同步读,跟它保持一致的语速)Are you ready? So let’s go.(32:03)Ss: It is 8 „..together, together(教师、学生和录音同步朗读)

T:(33:00)Yes, good!Close your books.Close your books.Now, let’s try to be the reporters, the TV reporter again.Look at the interview plan.(展示大屏幕画面)Now No1, David and Gao Shan’s plan for the weekend

Just now we learnt about their plan for weekends, right? Now this time try to give us a report.Try to say like this.You can say: on Saturday, they’re going to… and then you can say on Sunday they are… can you try? First I’ll give you 1 minute to prepare, please.(33:51)(学生自己准备)

(34:26)You can look at your English books of course.If you can’t remember all the things they do, you can open your books and have a look.(34:35)

Ok, finished? Yes.Who can try? Try to be TV reporter and tell your audience something about Gao Shan’s and David’s plan for the weekend.Who can try? You first.B: On Saturday Gao Shan and his dad are going to see a Beijing Opera.David wants to join us.T: David…Yes, David wants to join us? Join us? Are you Gao Shan or Gao Shan’s dad? B: Err…

T: David wants to join them.Yes, good.B: They met at 1:30 in front of the Garden Theatre.T: they are going to meet …

B: they are going to meet at 1:30 in front of the Garden Theatre.T: Ok, is he right? Yes, yes.But pay attention.David is going to join them.Not join us because you’re not Gao Shan , you are not Gao Shan’s father, right? David is going to join them.Ok, Try again Who can try? Yes, you please.On Saturday„ G: On Saturday Gao Shan and his dad are going to …see a Beijing Opera.T: Yes, good.Don’t be nervous.Take it easy.G: David is going to join them.They are going to meet at 1:30 in front of the Garden Theatre.T: Yes, very good!Ok, what about Sunday? On Sunday,..can you say something about their plan on Sunday? Who can try? Yes, you please?

G: On Sunday David and Gao Shan are going to take part in a concert.T: Yes, take part in a concert.Where is the concert? Is it in the school or in the park? G: The concert is in the school.David is going to play the violin.And Gao Shan is going to watch it

T: Gao Shan is going to watch it..Yes, what’s Nancy going to do? G: Nancy, Nancy is going to play the vio…play the piano.T: Yes, good.Ok.Very good.(36:32)Now, so much for this.Let’s go on.Let’s look at the next one.What are we going to do next?(展示屏幕)Who are we going to interview? Look!Can you read? Yan Lan’s plan tomorrow.Yes, a person is interviewing Yan Lan.Look, this is Yan Lan.I think she’s very famous woman.What is she going to do tomorrow? Let’s listen, listen to the conversation.Ok? Listen.(放音)R: Good morning, Ms Yan Lan, what are you going to do tomorrow?

Y:well, first I’m going to swim for an hour.Then I’m going to have breakfast at about 10 o’clock.In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping.I’m going to try on some new clothes for my TV program.At 6, I’m going to have dinner with my friends.R: Are you going to spend some time with your child tomorrow?

Y: Yes, of course.After dinner I’ll go back home and stay with my child.We’re going to watch cartoons together.And I’m going to bed R: Are you going to bed so early? Y: of course, I can’t work all the time.T: Can you catch the meaning? I think it’s a little bit difficult for you.Now, let me help you.Look!Err , I’ll give you some sentences.Listen again and try to put the sentences into the right order.Ok? 在听一次,把这些句子进行排序。You can discuss in pairs听的时候、排序的时候可以讨论.(38:23)ready? Yes.Listen.(放音)listen to the conversation again)(39:13)

T: Ok, can you put these sentences in right order? Yes, ok.What’s she going to do tomorrow first? First what’s she going to do ? First, Ok, listen again, listen again.(放音)教师边听边适当重复关键词

(40:20)Ok, What’s she going to do first? Can you try? You please.B: She’s going to swim for an hour.T: She’s going to swim for an hour.Yes, very good!Next, next please? G: She is going to have breakfast

T: Yes, She is going to have breakfast.Good!Sit down please.And what is she going to do after breakfast, please Super? B: She’s going to go shopping.T: Yes, you’re right.Next, after shopping? B: She’s going to have dinner with her friends.T: Yes, She’s going to have dinner with her friends and next.You please? G: She’s going to go back home and stay with her child.T: Yes, and the last.She is… together.1, 2 Ss: She is going to bed

T: Yes.Good!So this is Yan Lan’s plan for tomorrow.(41:18)Next, look!who are we going to interview now?(展示大屏幕画面)the weekend plan of President„ can you read his name? Ss: Bush.T: Bush.Yes.Look, who’s he? Yes, he’s Mr Bush.Let’s say hello to him, ok? Say hello, 1,2 Ss: Hello!

T: Listen!(放音)Bush: Hello!Yes, say it again hello!Ss: Hello!(放音)Bush: Hello!

T: Yes, Mr Bush is in China now.He’s in Beijing.He’s in Beijing.What’s he going to do today? Let’s interview him, ok? First le me try.Listen!T: Hello, Mr Bush!BS: Hello!

T: What are you going to do today? Are you going to visit some beautiful places? BS: No.T: Are you going to do some shopping? BS: No.T: Are you going to see a film? BS: No.T: What are you going to do them ? BS: I’m going to sleep.Ah, I’m tired.T: So what’s he going to do this afternoon? He’s going … together.He’s going to… Ss: He’s going to sleep.T: He’s going to sleep.He’s very….(Ss: tired.)Yes, good!But what’s he going to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? Let’s interview him.Ok? Ok.So first, May 12, tomorrow.What’s he going to do tomorrow? Who can ask him.Who can try? Try to ask him.you please.B: Hello!T: Hello!BS: hello!

B: what are you going to do tomorrow?

T: what are you going to do tomorrow? So I think he can’t hear you.Sit down please.Ask him together.Ok, Hello!1, 2 … Ss:(小声)What are„

T: What are you …

Ss:(大声)What are you going to do tomorrow?

T: Listen(放音)Bush: I’m going to visit Nanjing.I’ll stay 3 days.So what’s he going to do tomorrow? Ss: he’s going to visit Nanjing.T: But what is he going to do in Nanjing? Ask him.1,2 Ss: what are you going to do in Najing?

T: what are you going to do in Najing?Listen.(放音)Bush: I’m going to see a Beijing opera!

Catch it? Bush: I’m going to see a Beijing opera!what is he going to do? Ss: He’s going to see a Beijing opera!(放音)Bush: would you like to join me? Listen, listen!

Bush: would you like to join me?

T: Would you like to join me? What can you say? What can you say? would you like to join me? Together.1, 2 Ss: Yes, I’d love to.T: Good!Yes, we’d love to.Of course.So tomorrow he’s going to see a Beijing opera.Right? Yes, Ok, the day after tomorrow, what is he going to do? what is he going to do? Who can ask him? what are you going to do on Sunday? Together, 1, 2 Ss: What are you going to do on Sunday? T: What are you going to do on Sunday?

(放音)Bush: Oh,sorry.I don’t know.Bush: Oh,sorry.I don’t know.!

He doesn’t know what to do on Sunday.Let’s give him some suggestions.Ok? First, let me try.We’re going to see a film on Sunday.Would you like to join us?(放音)Bush: No!

No, you can give him some suggestions.Who can try? You please?

G: I’m have, I’m going to have a picnic.Would you join us? Would you like to join me?

T: Again, would you like… 1, 2 G: Would you like to join me? T: Listen.(放音)Bush: No!

No, he doesn’t want to picnic with you.You please? B:(小声)I’m„

T: loudly please.B: I’m..I’m going to go on an outing.T: I’m going to go on an outing.B: Would you like to join me? T: Would you like to join me?

(放音)Bush: Yes, I’d loveto.(2 times)

So what is he going to do on Sunday? Who can tell us? What’s he going to do on Sunday? Yes, you please.B: He’s going to go on an outing.T: Yes, he’s going to go on an outing with some….B: with our classmates.T: Yes, very good!With our classmates.So much for this interview.Well so boys and girls, homework today:

First, listen to the text and try to read it

And then choose 1 topic of our interviews in this class.And try to write a short passage.So much for this boys and girls.(46:40)

What are we going to do next? We’re going to have a rest.And that boy is going to the WC.That boy is going to have a rest on the chair.Remember you should have a rest on your chair.Yes, and this girl is going to play a game.So let’s take a rest, ok?


(1)能听懂、会说How do we go there?Shall we go …?Is this bus for …?及其应答。(2)能听懂,会说theatre , taxi 等单词。






语言的实质是交际,交际的环境是生活。课开始,沈峰老师利用借班上课这一情境,通过和孩子们互致问候,为本课教学创设了轻松和谐的学习氛围;接着通过:This is the first time for me to come to Nanjing.After class where shall I go?适时地引导孩子们充当我的导游,从而引出新课的内容。随后,沈峰老师创设情境,激发孩子们学习的兴趣,引导他们在活动中自主学习,从而加深了对知识的理解和掌握。



T: Class begins!

S: Stand up!

T: How are you ?

S: Fine , thanks.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you , too.T: Who’s the boy with black hair / big eyes ?

S: He is …

T: Who’s that woman /man ?

S: She’s /He’s …

T: Let’s sing the song < Who’s that girl ?>together.T: Now you may ask me some questions.S1: What’s your name ?

T: My name is Shen Feng.S2: How old are you ?

T: A secret.S3: What’s your job ?

T: A teacher.S4: Do you like yellow ?

T: Yes , I do.(通过师生间的集体问候,让学生不由自主地进入了一个英语环境,随后的个别交谈,因为有了有趣的话题,加上老师亲切的体态、语言,使学生放松了紧张的心情,拉近了师生间的距离,为下一步的英语教学创设了轻松和谐的学习氛围。)


T: This is the first time for me to come to Nanjing.After class where shall I go ?

S: Let’ s go to the hospital.T: Is that a good place ?

S: Let’s go to the supermatket / park ?

T: How do we go there ?

S: Shall we go there by bus /car ?

T:(板书):Let’s go ….How do we go there ? Shall we go … by …?


T: This is my friend.Who’s he ? He’s David.He doesn’t come with me.Because he is very busy.Look , what’s he going to do ?(出示幻灯片)

Time Activity Place

7:00 am 体检?

9:00 am


11: 00 am 购物?

3:00 pm 借书?

7: 30 pm 看童话剧?

T: Where does David go at 7:00 am./ 11:00 /3:00 …

S: He goes to the hospital / station /…

T: Read after me , hospital / station / …

T: Please see the movie about David.Then answer my questions.(放映课文的动画录像)

T: Where will they go ?

S: They’ll go to the theatre.T: How do they go ?

S: By taxi.T: Now , please read after the tape.T: Please practice in pairs.…

T: I know there are No.2 bus, No.5 bus and No.18 bus in Nanjing.But I don’t know where they go.Let me guess now.T:(No.2)Is this bus for the hospital ?

S: No, it isn’t.T: Now read after me,“Is this bus for …”(板书)



T: Do you want to know about the bus in Nanjing?

S: Yes.T: Look, these are famous places of Nanjing.Which bus can take us there.Please connect.No.1 中山陵

No.2 莫愁湖

No.3 夫子庙

No.4 雨花台



著名特级教师沈峰精彩课堂实录 3AU8《Let’s go to the park》



本课内容是《牛津小学英语3A》Unit 8 Let’s go to the park。本课的教学目标:1.认知目标:①能听懂、会说Let`s go to及其应答。②能听懂、会说supermarket car bus 等单词。2.技能目标:①学会表达去某处,以及如何对别人的建议进行回答。②培养学生的观察、记忆、想象能力。其中Let`s虽然是新知,但日常用语中已大量渗透,学生早已会说;buscarzoo的读音模仿起来不难,但 supermarket的读音不易掌握。这就决定了我的教学重点为认知目标,难点为 supermarket的发音。3.情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,发展自主学习的能力,渗透责任教育,对世界文化感兴趣。


语言的实质是交际,交际的环境是生活。课伊始,我通过和孩子们互致问候,为本课教学创设了轻松和谐的学习氛围;接着通过:This is the first time for me to come to Baoying.After class where shall I go?适时地引导孩子们充当我的导游,从而巧妙地引出新课的内容。随后,我创设情境,激发孩子们学习的兴趣,引导他们在活动中自主学习,从而加深了对知识的理解和掌握。[精彩课堂实录] 一.在轻松的氛围中导入 T: Class begins!S: Stand up!T: How are you? S: Fine, thanks.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Who’s the boy with black hair/big eyes? S: He is ….T: Who’s that woman/man? S: She’s/He’s ….T: Let’s sing the song ‘Who’s that girl?’ together.T: Now you may ask me some questions.S1: What’s your name? T: My name is Shen Feng.S2: How old are you? T: A secret.S3: What’s your job? T: A teacher.S4: Do you like yellow? T: Yes, I do.(通过师生间的集体问候,让学生不由自主的进入了一个英语环境,随后的个别交谈,因为有了有趣的话题,加上老师亲切的体态语言,使学生放松了紧张的心情,拉近了师生间的距离,为下一步的英语教学创设了轻松和谐的学习氛围。)二. 在真实的情景中呈现

T: This is the first time for me to come to Baoying.After class where shall I go? S: Let’s go to the hospital.T: Is that a good place? S: Let’s go to the supermarket/park.T: How do we go there? S: Shall we go there by bus/motorcycle? T(板书)Let’s go ….How do we go there? Shall we go …by…?(明确学习目标,集中学生注意力,定向参与。)

T: This is my friend.Who’s he ? He’s David.He doesn’t come with me.Because he is very busy.Look ,what’s he going to do ?(出示幻灯片)Time Activity Place 1 7:00 am.体 检 ? 2 9:00 am.去火车站接朋友 ? 3 11:00 am.购 物 ? 4 3:00 pm.借 书 ? 5 7:30 pm.看童话剧 ? T: Where does David go at 7:00 am./11:00/3:00…? S: He goes to the hospital/ station/supermarket….T: Read after me, ‘hospital/ station/supermarket…’.T: Please see the movie about David.Then answer my questions.(放映课文的动画录像)T: Where will they go? S: They’ll go to the theatre.T: How do they go ? S: By taxi.T: Now ,please read after the tape.T: Please practise in pairs.….T: I know there are No.2 Bus,No.5 Bus and No.18 Bus in Baoying.But I don’t know where they go? Let me guess now.T:(No.2)Is this bus for the park? S: Yes, it is.T:(No.5)Is this bus for the hospital? S: No, it isn’t.T: Now read after me ‘Is this bus for …?’.(板书)(学生的学习过程同时也应是亲自实践的过程,缺少学生主体参与实践的学习活动,不利于学生知识技能的提高。沈老师设计的开放性活动,让学生在活动中学习,使学生加深了对知识的理解。)


T: Do you want to know about the bus in Nanjing? S: Yes.T: Look , These are famous places of Nanjing.Which bus can take us there.Please connect.No.1 中山陵 No.2 莫愁湖 No.4 夫子庙 No.9 雨花台

S1:(No.1 bus)Is this bus for Fuzi Temple? S2: Is No.4 bus for Mochou Park? S3: …(学生们回答踊跃)T: Please open your books , listen to the tape carefully.T: Wonderful!Now ,please read after Miss Shen.T: Now, read by yourselves.T:(出示幻灯)Please according to the situations , make up some dialogues.1.你上学要迟到了,只好…….2.你的同学突然生病了,你和几位同学送他去医院。3.你和同学本来约好骑自行车去图书馆,忽然天下雨了。4.你和奶奶本来准备步行去公园,但奶奶累了,只好…….(Situation 1)S1: Taxi!Taxi!S2(a driver): Morning!S1: I am late for school.Is the taxi for my school? S2: Sure!…

(Situation 4)T: If I’m a grandma, and ill, tired.The grandma wants to go home with someone’s help.T: How can I go home? S: By bus.T: It’s too late.There is no bus now.S: By taxi? T: But I have no money.S: Let’s go on foot.T: But I’m tired.I can’t walk any more.S: I’ll ride a bike and carry you, OK? T: You are a kind boy.(表演是学生喜欢的课堂活动,他们运用已有的英语知识,发挥自己的创造力和想象力,依据情景编演对话,表演提高了他们学英语的积极性。体现了合作学习的教育理念。)T: Next homework.1.listen and read after the tape.2.Discuss the plan for May Day.T: The bell is ringing.It’s time to say goodbye.S: Goodbye.[专家点评] 在本节课的教学中,著名特级教师沈老师安排了形式多样的学生活动,其中有个人、两人、小组和全班性的,有教师指导的,也有让学生独立或合作完成的。活动均有明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的语境和情景中进行,突出了对学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力的培养,体现了交际语言教学的思想。在本节课上,学生能够积极参与讨论且活动量大,并有自由发挥的空间,教学效果好。沈老师在教学活动中,注意了自己角色的转换与控制,在启发与示范后,能够把足够的时间留给学生,让学生努力实践与展示自己。另外,活动安排张弛有度,活而不乱;同时,沈老师能根据学生的接受能力和表现状况适时调整活动安排与教学要求,体现了以学生为主体、教师为指导的教学原则。












四、取得的成绩 认真落实学校教务处的一些要求,做到本学期听课达70余节,其实这也是老师应该做的,通过听课可以学习他人的教学经验,补充自己的不足,利用课余时间学习理论知识,提高自己的业务水平。





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