
时间:2019-05-12 01:28:05下载本文作者:会员上传


Test Paper for Oral English

1.When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country, while others

prefer to keep their own customs.Compare these two choices.Which one do you prefer?

2.Is it better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city?

3.When asked how they plan to solve their own housing problem, some people say they prefer renting an apartment

while others say they prefer buying an apartment.What will you do? Why?

4.What are the changes of people’s life in E-time?

5.Advertising helps to sell products.Do advertisements have a positive or negative impact on our life?

6.Should the government spend more money in improving the public transportation?

7.What’s the relationship between food and health?

8.Is love the only element for people to achieve a happy marriage?

9.Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year.Do you think these people deserve such

high salaries? Why?

10.Do you think the focus of education should be shifted from examination to quality improvement?

11.In modern society, many people have worked for a few years, but they still have not found the right position in the

society.What’s your view on profession and career? What’s your ideal job? What are the principles in guiding your job-hunting?

12.Some universities ask students to evaluate their teachers.Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples

to support your answer.13.Do you think television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of

famous people such as public figures and celebrities? Use details to explain your opinion.14.Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.Choose one

resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.15.Some people believe that the best way of learning about is by listening to the advise of family and friends.Other

people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience.Which do you think is preferable?


1.在过去的25年中, 中国创造了国内生产总值年均增长8%的世界奇迹.但与此同时,在社会,环境等方面也付出了


是我们所说的双赢.我们要对腐败官员进行有效的监督,防止他们滥用职权.随着中国进入WTO, 大量跨国公司来到中国.他们正在用丰厚的薪金吸引熟练的专业人员.许多决策者都认为,仅仅重视智力教育是不够的.提高学生的道德品质与创新能力已经成为人们所关心的问题.就业力包含多种能力: 专业技能,环境适应能力,团队工作能力和求职技巧等.大多数大学生在这些方面都很欠缺.7.作为承办国,2008年奥运会的会徽已经确定.现在北京正在加强公共交通的建设,修建轻轨铁路,地铁,快速路和郊




贫困和饥饿.12.中国第一艘载人宇宙飞船神州五号发射成功是中国人民在攀登世界科技高峰征途中迈出的历史性的一步.(Three candidates tested together make up one group.Groups 1~7/8 will be tested on , group 8/9~14/16 Thursday.Groups are numbered and listed by Leon.Each group will choose at random one question among 12 to discuss and 3 sentences to translate on the exam day.)


问题1:Which food experience do you think people from other cultures should try when they’re in China? And why? 回答:1.北京烤鸭无疑是中国美食最好的代表,拥有几百年历史,凡


Beijing Kaoya is undoubtedly China delicacy best representative, has hundreds of years of history, who came to China or Beijing, will eat Roasted Duck.2.冰糖葫芦是老北京的代表,有悠久的历史文化,代表着一代人的童年,并且外观独特,值得一尝。

Ice sugar gourd is representative of the old Beijing, has a long history and culture, on behalf of the childhood of a generation, and is unique in appearance, it is worth a taste.3.臭豆腐是一种极具特色的传统小吃,以它独特的味道闻名全球,闻着臭吃着香,实在是值得推荐给外国友人。

Stinky tofu is a very special kind of traditional snacks, known in the world for its unique taste, smell the smell and taste the sweet is really worthy of recommendation to foreign friends



Dumplings have become a symbol of China, now, every new year, foreigners have also learned how to make dumplings.As China's unique food, dumplings in addition to delicious is the symbol of Chinese traditional culture.Therefore, recommending Chinese food, dumplings is undoubtedly the should be recommended.5.火锅,它是中国独创的美食,起源地为四川,风味十足,同样是值得推荐的。

It is the original Hot pot, China delicacy, originated in Sichuan, full flavor, is also worthy of recommendation.6.八大菜系,应该是代表中国大部分地区的特色菜了,作为一个外国游客,如果有条件和机会的话,实在是都应该尝一尝。

Eight big cuisines, should be representative of specialty in most parts of China, as a foreign visitor, if the conditions and the opportunity, is really should taste.问题2:What’s your opinion of western fast food in China, e.g.KFC and Pizza Hut?

回答 :1.西方快餐文化既有优点也有缺点,优点比如不用自己动手,吃起来非常方便,不会浪费做饭的时间,而且也比较可口美味,但是比如肯德基和麦当劳这类快餐它的营养价值并不高,而且容易使人发胖,有害健康。Western fast food culture has both advantages and disadvantages, advantages, for example, do not do it yourself, eat up very convenient, cooking will not be a waste of time, but also more delicious, but such as KFC and McDonald's this kind of fast food its nutritional value is not high, but also easy to make people fat, harmful to health.2.相比西方快餐文化,我更喜欢中国的快餐文化,至少中国的快餐和我们平常在家里所做的饭菜形式差不多,既让我们更加方便地吃饱肚子,也对我们的健康没多大伤害。Compared with the Western fast-food culture, I prefer Chinese food culture, at least the Chinese fast food and we usually at home the food in the form of almost, both so that we more easily on a full stomach, for our health not much harm.3.随着美国人生活节奏的加快,快餐饮食文化便应运而生,它既是这个时代理所当然的产物,也是我们生活的便利,我们应该客观看待它,不能全部肯定,也不能全部否定。

With American rhythm of life speeding up, fast food culture will emerge as the times require, it is the time course of product, but also our life convenient, we should look at it objectively, not sure, not all negative.问题3:Is chocolate a healthy or junk food? And why? 回答1:对于这个问题,我的观点是,巧克力是健康食品,不然怎么那么多外国人把它当做每日零食的,一些研究者发现黑巧克力能提高一个人的血压水平,比一般的巧克力更健康。黑巧克力还与心脏健康有联系。它一直是情侣间最流行的礼物之一,特别是在情人节。

For this problem, my view is, chocolate is a health food, otherwise how so many foreigners to it as daily snacks, some researchers found that dark chocolate can improve a person's blood pressure levels, more healthy than the general chocolate.Dark chocolate is also linked to heart health.It has always been one of the most popular gifts among lovers, especially on Valentine's day.2:巧克力有助于大脑释放出一些被称为内啡呔的荷尔蒙。这些化学物质让我们感到快乐,给我们幸福感,类似于我们恋爱时的感觉



I think chocolate is a health food, but in my heart.It's not so good, because I think I ate it will make me fat and if I eat lots of chocolate, I will fear nosebleeds, so I don't like to eat.(这个问题大家可根据自己写的作文内容来回答)

问题4:What’s your opinion of street food?


Street food is cooked in most places.You just smell the fragrance, while waiting for the vendor to prepare fresh snacks for you.Although in some places the poor sanitary conditions, but because the food is generally high temperature cooked quickly, safe to eat.2:街头小吃是在街上卖的。其浓郁的地方风味和极具地方特色的配料总是让旅游者感到新奇有趣。

Street food is sold on the street.Its rich local flavor and unique flavor of the ingredients are always interesting to the tourists.3:街头食物对同学们的诱惑很大。每天放学,正是同学们饿的时候,那香味扑鼻而来,很少有人能抵御。而且据我所知,中国的街头食物所用的油都不大干净,对同学们的健康很有危害。Street food is a great temptation to the students.Every day after school, when students who is hungry, that smell, very few people can resist.But as far as I know, the Chinese street food oil is not clean, it is harmful to the health of the students.4:我认为无论是快餐还是街头食物,对人的健康都有一定的危害,他们不仅会影响我们的肠胃,还会导致肥胖,总之此类食品我认为少吃为好。

I think whether fast food or a street food, have certain harm to human health, they will not only affect our intestines and stomach, but also lead to obesity, in short, this kind of food I think eating less is better.问题5:Please work together to find out at least 8 different ways of expressing love for some one and talk about the most and the least romantic one along with reasons.回答:表达爱的8种方式:送礼物;kiss;拥抱;约会看电影;烛光晚餐;写情书;当面表白;送花


问题6:Which words do you expect to find in a love poem? And why do people choose poems to express their love? 在爱情诗歌中期待找到的词:kiss;love;angel;star;meteor(流星);


Because some people when see love so nervous to speak to, and love poems beautiful and full of sweet love, so ready ahead of a poem should be is to express the love of a good way 2:一般人的文采不怎么好,只能说出普通且乏味的单词,而诗歌不仅文采好,而且又正好能代替一般的表白爱的语言,并且当对爱的人吟诵出一首爱的诗歌是多么浪漫的事情。

The general literary talent is not how good, can only say words of ordinary and boring, and poetry not only literary talent is good and just replace the general confession of love language, and when to love people chanting a song of love poetry is what a romantic thing.3:写情书的历史也可以说是相当悠久,人们选择写情书也或许是一种对传统的继承与延续,何况这种方式还真的挺管用。

Writing love letters history also can be said to be quite long, people choose to write a love letter also perhaps is a kind of traditional inheritance and continuity, not to mention this way is really quite useful.



1.What should be given priority in education? knowledge, skills or creativity? why ? how can schools and colleges encourage creativity in students?

2.Why do people get depressed? Is there any connection between depression and bad luck? Can depression be overcome? 3.When a boss employs or promotes people, what may be the chief consideration: their education or their practical ability?

4.After finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate degree? Why?

5.Do you think music can affect people’s lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency? 6.What measures should we take to prevent drunk driving?

7.If a student is afraid of speaking English in front of other people, what suggestions can you give? 8.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be? 9.How do you understand the term “globalization”? Is globalization making the world better or worse? Why?

10.Do you agree the longer you know people the more you are puzzled by them? Explain.话题1

1、i think

when somethting that is not expected to happen has happened or when someone encounters unexpected things such as something lost or family member dead,people usually get angry or depressed.2、yes,another ,if you have too much pressure on work ,you might easily get angry or depressed.3、but i think There are several steps to control your emothion:first,be happy everyday,which give you ease mind;second,smile often,which gives you a bright emage to others.so you make others happy

4、but。.In that case,there is few possibility to get angry or depressed;,i think do body exercise,which offers your body and your mind a prescious opportunity to get relaxed

5、yes,and;finally,live a healthy life,such as eating heathy food,getting up early and going to bed early,etc.which makes you energetic everyday.If you do as what i just said,it is very difficult for you to get angry or depressed 话题2 A:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To achieve success, knowledge learned through study is more important than the ability of creativity

B:When people achieve success, they always ascribe it to the ability of creativity.However, as far as I am concerned, to achieve success, knowledge learned through study is more important than the ability of creativity.Success without learning knowledge is almost impossible.C:To begin with, studying knowledge provides us for basic skills that we need to function in our society.In school, we learn how to speak and write and understand mathematical equations.That is all information we need to live in our communities and earning a living.I can’t imagine that how can we possess the ability of creativity without these basic skills.D:Also, learning knowledge makes the way to success.Take a student for example.If he works hard and master what taught by his teachers well, he can get high scores in the examinations.For the student, getting high scores is a success.Of course, I don’t mean that the ability of creativity is not important.E:but i think creativity is more important.it can save a lot of time and efforts.and spend that time and efforts doing betters things.A:On the contrary, we should learn to study creatively.In that case, we can save a lot of time and effort, and spend that time and effort doing other better things.Finally, the ability of creativity is on the basis of the knowledge learned through study.B:On one hand, knowledge we learned let us know how to create and where we can create;on the other hand, knowledge learned through study decreases the probability of making mistakes.We can focus our attention on some particular aspects.话题3:

1.Nowadays, College students' employment is a severe problem.Why some college students couldn’t find a job ,but some high school graduate can get a job easily.And why some people work for a while,but they still couldn’t be promoted by boss?What is the chief consideration of boss, their education or their practical ability? 2.I think education is more important.it is the basis of the experience.Without high education ,it is impossible for us to acquire the high-tech knowledge.Nowadays, education is the most appropriate standard to judge a person.With high education ,the person always is qualified.Big companies are impossible to employ a person who can't speak English fluently.That needs a good education.3.I agree with your opinion completely.I think if you never be educated ,can you know the knowledge and put it into the practice?When you don’t know anything at work ,you will take many many mistakes and you will quickly be fired.In modern society,knowledge is power.Only you own enough knowledge can you have more chance to find good job or be promoted by boss.4.I don’t completely agree with you Education is just a certificate ,just a paper,can't prove anything.experience is more important.a girl who has high education but has no experience at all and can't do things well.will you employ her?Before being a formal member of a company,we have to be trained for a period of time.that means experience is very important..Without high education,there still are peopele to be boss.but wiouthout experience ,you can't be a boss.5 From my perspective, both of them should be taken into consideration.But nowadays, most employers emphasize more on candidates' education background when they decide to hire them.Because they believe that with higher education, those candidates may be superior to those with lower education, and they have those abilities to make great achievements.话题4 1.In modern society, what course to follow or to take when we graduate? Going to find a job or pursuing a postgraduate degree is a hot topic.The both have their advantages and disadvantages.For example, going to find a job can let one enter the society in advance and reduce parents’t pressure.But pursuing a postgraduate degree can increase one’s cultural knowledge and knowledge is power.Now let us discuss it.Everyone can talk about own opinions.2 I think in the society we can learn in college courses can't learn knowledge.It can also gain some useful experience to approach society.It can improve our practical ability from the work.If you fail to pursue a postgraduate degree,you will lose the better chance to look for the job..Pursuing a postgraduate degree is a hard thing.Are you sure when you after pursuing a postgraduate degree ,you can find a good job? It may take some risks.3 Year,I agree with your opinion.Some student prefer to look for a favorable job,which they can gain useful experience that they can’t get from books.When they move on to a higher level job one day,then, they will already have experience in that field, At work, they can give full play to their practical abilities,and may be promoted to department manager by the time their classmates complete their master’s degree program.4.I don’t think so.On the contrary.I think pursuing a postgraduate degree can gain higher education background.It is benefit for you to find a better job in the future.Now we college students go to find a job harder and harder.Pursuing a postgraduate degree is a good choice.And we all know, knowledge is power.Although not everything you learn will be directly applicable at work, knowledge does improve your character overall.In the long run, those who acquire more knowledge will benefit from it.5 It depends I think.Because of the severe job marketing, it is wise for us to continue to receive higher education and pursue a postgraduate degree, and it is a remarkable choice at any time.However, as an adult, it is high time we should be independent and try to make a living all by ourself.We should be grateful for our parents for raising us all these years, and be responsible for ourself.话题5 1 Everybody likes music.When we walk we listen to music;when we work, we listen to music;and even when we sleep, we listen to it.Why we human beings are so obsessed about music? I think the reason is simple.music is the most wonderful thing in the world, it is not limited to space, and not limited to the time, but the perfect combination of both.It can also affect our lives, for example, to calm us, to cheer us up, or to increase efficiency.2.Relaxing classical music is safe, cheap and easy way to beat insomnia.Many people who suffer from insomnia find that Bach music helps them.Researchers have shown that just 45 minutes of relaxing music before bedtime can make for a restful night.Relaxing music reduces sympathetic nervous system activity, decreases anxiety, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate and may have positive effects on sleep via muscle relaxation and distraction from thoughts.3 I think so.music adds color to our daily lives.Without music, what the world would be? In today world, music is everywhere.music can cheer us up when we are sad.music also is a good company.No matter how many friend do you have, you still sometimes feel alone.That's why people turn to music for help.Listen to music let us no longer lonely.4 You are all right.mothers tend to hum a soothing lullaby instead of a military march to their babies.at a sports meeting ,the music is often fast.seldom is a painfully slow serenade played.with reapect to the issue of effciency, I'm afraid it is rather controversial.quite a few students prefer to listen to a walkman or a diskman while they are doing thier homework.On the other hand, many demand absolute silence before they can concentrate on their academic work.5 To sum up, we human beings all love music,because it can make us more happy.Musicologist Julius Portnoy found that music can change metabolic rates, increase or decrease blood pressure, effect energy levels, and digestion, positively or negatively, depending on the type of music.Calming music, such as classical music was found to have a very calming effect on the body, and cause the increase of endorphins, thirty minutes of such music was equal to the effect of a dose of valium.Both hemispheres of the brain are involved in processing music.The music in these studies is not the “lyrics”, but the music itself, the melody, the tones, the tunes, the rhythm, the chords.话题6 1 According to a recent survey, there are a growing number of traffic accidents which are most caused by drunk driving.it is awful agony and torment not only for drivers ,but for victims.therefore, what should we do to prevent it.2 first response is to usually argue with this intoxicated person and tell them that they are too drunk to drive.Then the person says something like “ I only had a few, I feel fine.”.So how do you argue logic with someone who has been drinking? with physical proof.That's why we endorse the use of the legal limit breathalyzer key chain, it gives you physical proof that the person is intoxicated.Your no longer in an un-winnable battle of wills that will just delay the person and make them upset(Which could be even more dangerous)3 here are my suggestions.First, Drunk drivers should be punished more severely in order to convince people not to drink and drive.Second, it needs more strict measures to catch drunk drivers.all holes should be closed to ensure those with special power such as officials, rich people cannot escape the rule of laws.4 Actually , every person can do something.for instance, As a bartender or server you are involved and you have a moral obligation to take care of the people you serve and profit from.When people drink, they lose the ability to make good decisions as well as their reflexes and you should help them get that way.5 You also have an obligation to protect innocent people from any bad customer who you served before before he/she sobers up.A little effort on your part can really make a difference.How would you feel if one of your customers drove drunk and killed a woman and her baby? All in all, Everyone of us have an obligation to prevent the drunken driving.It’s time to action.话题7 1 Speaking is the skill that language learners will be judged upon most in real-life situations.It is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his ability to speak fluently and comprehensibly.A lot fo students have the problem that they are afraid of speaking English in front of people.When we meet this situation,what can we do? I think everyone has his own advice.Now we will tell you some suggestions about it.2 First of all,believe youself,It's the most important thing.When you get enough confidence,you can begin to do it.speak in front of other people is nothing big deal,expressing what you get on your mind will let others know more about you,then you can make friends with lots of other people easily.everyone needs to improve himself, but there is a long way to go.so just do your best to change yourself.3 What is more,it is an excellent opportunity for you to show your English skills,then you can improve more.Think about the situation there is only you,yourself, in front of others,which every small mistake you make will be seen clearly.In this case,you must be more careful and pay more attention to the details.Just speak out what you want to say,and show yourself!you'd better practice you Englisn after class,this is a necessity for the one who is afaid of speaking Englisn in front of others.You must make up most of time in reading.Watching some programmes using english or listening the VOA,you will find english is not very terrible but very interesting.5 Before you speak,you can take a deep break,and then smile to yourself.And tell yourself:you is the best one!(I thingk if you do that you cannot nervous)Be more brave.English is easy to speak.And if you want to learn it well,you must open your mouse widely in front of others.Take action right now

9/10 1 Speaking is the skill that language learners will be judged upon most in real-life situations.It is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his ability to speak fluently and comprehensibly.A lot fo students have the problem that they are afraid of speaking English in front of people.When we meet this situation,what can we do? I think everyone has his own advice.Now we will tell you some suggestions about it.2 First of all,believe youself,It's the most important thing.When you get enough confidence,you can begin to do it.speak in front of other people is nothing big deal,expressing what you get on your mind will let others know more about you,then you can make friends with lots of other people easily.everyone needs to improve himself, but there is a long way to go.so just do your best to change yourself.3 What is more,it is an excellent opportunity for you to show your English skills,then you can improve more.Think about the situation there is only you,yourself, in front of others,which every small mistake you make will be seen clearly.In this case,you must be more careful and pay more attention to the details.Just speak out what you want to say,and show yourself!you'd better practice you Englisn after class,this is a necessity for the one who is afaid of speaking Englisn in front of others.You must make up most of time in reading.Watching some programmes using english or listening the VOA,you will find english is not very terrible but very interesting.5 Before you speak,you can take a deep break,and then smile to yourself.And tell yourself:you is the best one!(I thingk if you do that you cannot nervous)Be more brave.English is easy to speak.And if you want to learn it well,you must open your mouse widely in front of others.Take action right now

第四篇:口语考试话题 教师版


For Your Reference 两人一组,一组一组考,自我介绍每个人分别介绍,课文朗读教师抽一段学生一起朗读,话题讨论学生抽四张纸决定哪个单元,然后学生自由选择这一单元的一到两个问题讨论。两人一组,一组一组考,自我介绍每个人分别介绍,课文朗读教师抽一段学生一起朗读,话题讨论学生抽四张纸决定哪个单元,然后学生自由选择这一单元的一到两个问题讨论。

Unit 1 Enjoy your feelings!1.Why do people get angry? Please give at least three reasons people get angry.People are most likely to be angry when treated unfairly, especially when we are betrayed by a close friend, or be tricked by someone.When people are looked down upon or treated with contempt, they will surely be angry.When people witness some injustices, they will get angry.For example, when we see a child being bullied by a group of hoodlums, it makes our blood boil.There are countless reasons people get angry.But remember what

Aristotle said, “Anybody can become angry—that is easy;but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.”

2.What makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy? Happiness is with me everywhere.The greatest pleasure seem to come from hard-won achievement.For example, when I work hard and pass an important examination, when I finish a difficult assignment, when I can have a good rest after a day’s hard work, when I am hungry and can have a big meal, when I have a promotion,...I will feel happy.Hume happiness is not limited to one's good fortune or success.If I help someone indeed and bring him or her happiness, I'll probably feel incredibly wonderful.3.What are the ways you make yourselves happy, especially when you are depressed or upset? — I like to take a walk or jog when I am in a low spirit.Exercise is better than tranquilizers for relieving anxiety and stress.Try to think about the pleasant experiences you have had while walking or jogging.— I like to Hum a song or listen to some music when you are in a low mood.Music soothes even the savage beast.I usually do so when I feel lonely or unhappy.Studies also find that music activates parts of the brain that produce happiness.It’s really relaxing.4.What is the happiest, saddest or the most depressed moment in your life? — One of the happiest moments in my life is when I stepped onto

the train back home when I was away from home for more than half a year.I looked forward to the scenes of seeing my parents again, sharing my experiences of happiness and hardships with them, sitting around the table having dinner with them….I was really beside my self with joy at that time.— One of the happiest moments in my life is when I knew I was accepted by this university.My dream came true at last.— One of the saddest moments in my life was when I got the news that my grandfather was seriously ill.I was far away from hometown and couldn’t get back to see him.When I was home, he passed away.My sadness was beyond description at that time.I am still sad mentioning this.—One of the depressed moments in my life was when I failed in the college entrance examination two years ago.I saw no hope in my life at that time.I wasn’t sure I could succeed the next year and worried about the future.Fortunately I got better with my parents’ encouragement and help.Unit 2 Beauty can be bought.1.What are the benefits from cosmetic surgeries ? Cosmetic surgeries may effectively improve our appearance.With improved features, one may find a better job, attract a more desirable spouse, and gain faster promotion.Some occupations attach great importance to appearance.Most actors, anchorpersons, and fashion models can be recognized by their looks.It is sometimes argued that by looking good, one tends to feel self-confident.With confidence, success is more likely to follow in any undertaking.2.What disadvantages are there in plastic surgery? There are quite a few disadvantages to have plastic surgeries.I have heard of a lot of reports about the side effects of plastic surgeries and surgery accidents.We should not attempt to change our physical appearance by cosmetic means, which may bring unexpected disasters in the future.People who receive botox injections to remove wrinkles may eventually ruin their skin.Some surgical operations that are intended to make single-fold eyelids double fold actually make them multi-folded--not what the patient had in mind.What’s worse, some institutions do not have the qualifications to make such surgical operations and this increases the possibilities of accidents.So be careful when you intend to have a plastic surgery.3.What is beauty? How do you understand it? Beauty is an idea.Everyone’s idea of beauty is different.Beauty refers not only to the beautiful appearance but also a kind heart, a brave heart, a generous heart.Beauty is also a function of culture.When ideas about beauty make powerful impacts, they can become beauty ideals.Ideals evolve over time, and it seems like beauty is all trying to live up to ideals.This is an endless pursuit.Therefore different times or periods have different standards for the idea of beauty.In our times and in some people’s eyes, beauty is just to follow the fashion and it exists in the pursuing of fashions.But I don’t think so.I persist that true beauty comes from within.Natural beauty is the real beauty and natural materials should be enough to bring it out.4.In what ways can people improve their appearance? Some people just want to improve their looks in small ways.They may go on a diet to maintain a good figure, use makeup to improve their appearance, put a facial mask or a kin soother on their faces during the night, have their teeth straightened, or have their nails polished.Some others have a face-lift to change their nose or chin, make their single-fold eyelids double folded, and have their skin tightened to smooth out wrinkles and crow's feet.Some even inject botox to remove wrinkle.More drastically, some people may have liposuction to remove fat.5.Is it worthwhile for men to improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery? — Yes.Times have changed.Men now take increasing responsibility for their own choices in health care and one aspect of this is the growth in cosmetic surgery.No one can deny the intense competition in the business world.There is often a perception, correct or not, that an older person is less up to date and efficient.In an effort to remain young looking, isn’t it worthwhile for men to turn to cosmetic surgeries? If cosmetic surgeries make men look younger and more confident about themselves, it is quite worthwhile to do so.He will probably have a new start and a new career.— No.First of all, self-confidence shouldn’t come from a cosmetic

surgery.Even if a man becomes the most handsome person in the world, he is not necessarily becoming the most successful men.There is some risk for men to have cosmetic surgeries.The skin in men is thick, in the facial area contains hair and the blood supply is greater.The result is a greater risk of bleeding.Researches show that in general, men tend to be less happy with the results of cosmetic surgeries than women.An older person has more wisdom and intelligence that the young do not possess.If you show your wisdom in work, it is not necessary for you to suffer the side effects of cosmetic surgeries.6.If your work requires you to become more young-looking, are you ready to have some cosmetic surgeries? Everyone seems to want to look younger, be thinner, have a whiter

smile or just be more beautiful.This is a fad.If I don’t follow the fashion, I will not look good in people’s eyes.So why not have a change and make myself more beautiful.The cosmetic surgeries which is acceptable to me are face lift, nose lift, liposuction, teeth straightening, nose fixing, nose reshaping.7.If you had had a cosmetic surgery, would you keep it a secret from your parents or friends and colleagues, etc? Why?

— Yes.I wouldn't go public with the procedures.I would be embarrassed to tell people other than family and close friends about it.I have never considered which procedure fits me mostly.I may have a try when I am forty years old.Who knows? — No.I don’t mind telling my parents or friends that I had a face lift.I’d like them to share my pleasure of becoming more beautiful.8.Do you like to follow the fashion in clothing? Why or why not? I don’t like to follow the fashion.I don’t quite understand the fashion fans.Why not have one’s own style and feature? Some people, especially girls, are so indulged in following the fashion that they spend all their money on fashionable clothes even if they don’t really look good in them.They are fashion slaves.We all need to be comfortable with what we wear and what we have.As long as our appearance is consistent with the image we would like to project, that’s quite good.Unit 3 Watch out when nature strikes back.1.Can you make a list of some natural disasters that you know about? Can you describe them briefly? There are many kinds of natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, drought, forest fire, tsunami, snowstorm, blizzard, hailstorm, hurricane, typhoon, tornado, landslide, and volcanic eruption.An earthquake is a sudden change or movement in the Earth's crust, causing a moving and shaking of the ground.A flood can be caused by excessive rainfall or quick melting of snow.When the water overflows a river's banks, the nearby low-lying land is flooded.When there is no rain for a long period of time, there is a drought: crops fail and people may die of thirst.A forest fire may be caused by lightning or human negligence(carelessness)--for example, a burning cigarette butt--or arson.It may destroy large forests.A tsunami is a giant wave that rolls onto the shore.It can be caused by a undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption or landslide.A snowstorm becomes a blizzard when the wind blows hard and visibility decreases.2.What should be done when an earthquake suddenly strikes? The most important thing you should do when an earthquake strikes is to keep calm.If you are indoors, be sure to stand in doorway or crouch under a desk or table.Be well away from windows or glass, which is likely to be broken during an earthquake.When you are outside, you should stand away from buildings, trees, telephones and electrical lines.When you are driving on the road, be sure to drive away from underpasses and overpasses, and stop on a safe area and stay in your vehicle.3.Can we overcome natural disasters? Natural disasters are often so powerful that they cause widespread destruction.In the face of the raging elements, man may seem helpless.However, there is a lot human beings can do to reduce the dangers.For example, although the force of an earthquake is intimidating, we can construct quake-proof buildings and avoid dangerous quake zones.To prevent flooding, we have built dykes, dams and reservoirs, and many potential floods have been prevented.The dams and reservoirs can also be used to fight a drought by allowing the irrigation dry fields.As a last resort, we can choose to evacuate a disaster-prone area.In fact, human beings have achieved remarkable success in overcoming natural disasters.4.What do you think is the main cause of the increasing frequency of such climate disasters as earthquake, drought and flood? And what should people do facing the devastating climate? Possible reasons for climate disasters or extreme weather: greenhouse effect / global warming / fossil fuels / sea level rises...Actions to stop climate disasters: to arouse the public's environment awareness / reduce the number of air air-conditioners / plant more trees and stop deforestation / reduce the emission of waste gasses / protect wildlife / do more recycling / avoid war / conserve natural resources / lessen pollution / implement sustainable development / drive less...5.Can you describe the worst storm you remember?

Unit 4 Is work just another four-letter word? 1.What is your ideal job after your graduation? 2.When you choose a job, what will you take into consideration? Salary / Promotion / Working condition / Flexible time / Competence / Opportunity 3.If you had gained a big fortune, would you still work? Do you regard your job just as a means of getting money to do the things that you want to do? It Is not just a means of getting money to do the things that I want to do.The work is important to me and my future happiness and contentment.It is a combination of both these things.4.Some bosses employ and promote only relatives or those who come from their hometown.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this hiring practice? Hiring people he is familiar with does offer the boss advantages.Those people are usually willing to work hard and are loyal to the boss, who often entrusts them with such important responsibilities as being a financial manager or human resources manager.However, the disadvantages inherent in a family business outweigh the advantages.To begin with, it is not always easy to find a relative who can take up a highly technical position like a software development engineer.Secondly, if the boss's relative is a director, other staff will quickly realize their chances of promotion are slim and will lose the motivation to work hard or work for another company.Worse still, if relatives turn against the boss, they would bring about extremely severe consequences to the company since they often know many company secrets.


Unit1 A: What’s your opinion about going back to your hometown during the National Day holiday week? B: I think we should go back to our hometown during the National Day holiday week.It’s an excellent opportunity for us to spend more time with our parents.A: I don’t think we should take a long trip home during the National Day holiday week.Of cause we miss our parents and would like to spend the holiday with them.But it’s also a good time for studying.B: Ok, you think that we should spend some of the time learning more and wait until the long school vacation to go home.To my mind, going home won’t interfere with our study.A: Why do you say so? If you don’t go home, you can have a plenty of time to study, but, if you go home, you won’t have so much time to study.B: I think we can certainly take some books with us and study in the company of our parents.A: Well, but what about the money? The trip home is costly.And it will be an extra burden for our parents.B: We can pay for the trip ourselves by taking part-time jobs instead of asking our parents to send us money for that.A: But we all know finding suitable part-time jobs is not easy.And the hard-earned money could be put to better use than the travelling expenses.And we can express our love by another ways.B: Maybe you think the trip home waste money and time, but I think a visit is worth any letters or phone calls.Life is short and our parents are getting on in years.We should spend more time with them.Unit 2 A: What’s your view about believing in the supernatural? B: I believe in the supernatural.A lot of strange things happen around us.And so far science hasn’t been able to provide answers to them.A: I don’t think there are mysterious forces at work when coincidences occur.Most coincidences are simply the result of pure chance.And some coincidences, unusual though they may be, can actually be explained.B: But for example, a friend of mine told me that he dreamed that his uncle had died and the death was confirmed by a phone call he received the next morning immediately after he woke up.Wasn’t that odd? A: I think it is just coincidence, not owing to the supernatural.B: It couldn’t be just a coincidence, I think.Maybe there are ghost or something else in the world, if not, how can we explain it? A: Maybe you think that was unbelievable.But take coincidental birth date for example, an experiment mentioned that there is a 50 per cent chance that at least two of them celebrate the same birth date.B: I used to think that is unusual, and I haven’t guessed that could be so common.But I think all the extraordinary phenomenon can be explain.A: This experiment proves that it is possible to calculate the probabilities of some seemingly improbable happenings.In real life, however, we tend to give coincidences a lesser probabilities than they deserve.Unit 3

A: What do you think about giving first priority to economic status in choosing a spouse? B: I think it is very natural for people to give first priority to economic status in choosing a spouse.We all know how important money is.A: You may think money can bring everything they want, like a big apartment, a car, or a trip abroad.However, can these material things really ensure happiness? B: But without money, we can hardly do anything.Lack of money in a marriage will cause problems to the couple.A: But I think a marriage should base on a deep love instead of material wealth.B: Even though the couple may have married for love being always hard-pressed for money, love will soon be replaced by quarrels and endless worries over money matters.A: I think if the couples marry for love, they can work hard together and become rich.But if the marry for money, they will be unhappy.B: I don’t mean that love is not necessary, but money is more important.It is very important to first consider if your future spouse is able to share the responsibility of supporting a family.A: Marriage means two people to spend the whole life time together.So I think deep love is more important than money.Unit 4

A: What do you think about feeling stressed before job interviews? B: I think stress before a job is bad.If you’ve made the best of your school years to seek knowledge, if you’ve prepared your presentations well, there is no need for you to feel stressed.A: I don’t think so.I think feel stress before job is very normal, thought we learn well or prepare well, we may still feel nervous.But it doesn’t matter, it may make us more energetic.B: Stress before a job interview can also bring you a negative effect.Life becomes very unpleasant, because you put enormous pressure on yourself.A: When we finish college we’ll have to face intense competition in the job market.We all want to give a presentation that demonstrates our abilities and our potentials before interviews.And that requires an alert mind to prepare it well.B: But with pressure, you may find it hard to get to sleep, have no appetite for food, and are not in a mood for anything interesting.Eventually it will damage your health and interfere with your ability to perform well at the interview.A: I think you just mean that too much pressure will have a negative effect on us.But my opinion is that a certain amount of stress is necessary to make us more energetic and therefore more productive.B: I still suppose that the best policy is relaxed and face the interview confidently.Calm down and you will show your ability well to the interviewers.A: Maybe you are right, but I still hold on my own views.A certain amount of stress can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness.Unit5 A: I am not against voluntary work in general but I don’t think it is proper for college students to be volunteers for the preparation and day to day work of an international conference.B: I don’t think I can agree with your point of view.I’d like to be a volunteer for the international conference to be held soon in our region.This is an important meeting and many world leaders are going to be present.A: But it is not your business.As a students, you main task is to study.When you go and do voluntary work for such a conference, you will have to miss classes, or fail to do your assignments.Eventully you will fall behind in your study.B: I know that I may have to miss some classes, but my teachers and my friends are all very supportive.I’m sure I’ll be able to make up for the lose time with their help.A: but I think the government or the organizer of the conference should employ professions to do the work, rather than asking students at college to volunteer.B: To make the conference successful, a lot of work needs to be done and I’ll be only too glad to do something for my country.Meanwhile, I believe the voluntary work will enable me to put into pratice what I’ve learned at college and learn new things that I can not learn from books.Unit 6 A: I don’t think it’s a good idea to create more parks in downtown areas.There areas should be reserved for business.Which are the main sources of the government’s revenue.B: I don’t agree with you.I think develop parks in downtown areas will create a better environment, which is good for business.A: Many received through taxation of business can be used by the government to invest in various useful projects.But what can the green field produce? Nothing at all.B: No.As more and more people will be drawn to these areas, there will be more business opportunities for shops, restaurants, hotel, and entertainment centers that line the busy streets of downtown areas.A: What’s more, to make way for the parks, stores, houses and buildings will have to be torn down, which will cause much inconvenience to the people who live there, not to mention the huge cost in relocating them.B: the green grass and trees provide a good view for us to enjoy, they will clean the air and reduce pollution.So our living conditions will be improved and our life will be happier and healthier.A:I don’t think people can keep their beauty long.I’m afraid they will soon be destroyed by people who do not cherish public property.Unit 7

A: I admire the young man’s courage and his willingness to help others.But he really didn’t have to do that.It was not his job to save the people trapped in there.It was the job of the firefighters.B: Yes, we need to be careful in the face of danger but we mustn’t allow calculations of personal gain or loss to stand in the way of saving lives.A: it’s not wise for nonprofessionals to be involved in the rescue effort because they don’t have the training and proper equipment.And chances are high that they would not be of much practical helped would only risk their lives in vain.B: It is true that without training and proper equipment, nonprofessional may not be as efficient as trained rescue workers, but we value such people because of their responsibilities and a deep respect for human life.A: I’m not against heroism, but I do think you need to be very careful and consider the cost before you act.Unnecessary risks are not worth taking.B: There are many examples of nonprofessionals successfully helping and saving other people, of which the story of Krimali, the heroine in the listening texts, in a case in point.Topic 8(Unit 8): A: Hello everyone.In the first place, I indicate my position:We should design products for those who have special physical needs.The first reason:One out of every ten people walking down the street is a person with some special needs.But everywhere they go,they come across foods,tools or garments,etc.that are not designed for their use.This was quite a digital worth our attention.B: I agree with you that we should pay more attention to those people who have special physical needs.But we can see the majority of people in the world are the healty people.What’s more,I think this is an important issue and that society as a whole should be responsible for looking after the welfare of these people.A:On the other hand,it’s true that something has been done in recent years to meet the needs of these groups of people but it is not enough.I think more manufacturers should be involved in designing more products to satisfy the special needs of these people.B:Of course,Our company will certainly do everything to satisfy their needs if we can.However,as a small company,we lack the financial and technological resources to design and produce products aimed at a relatively amll numver of customers.A:In my opinion,The market is probably not so large,but if market research is efficiently carried out ,there will be sufficient rewards.The biggest reward,however,will come from knowing how much their efforts will mean to those with special needs.No longer will these people feel neglected and their lives will not be full of disappointments and frustrations.B: I think rather differently.As a markets for special needs products are not large producing such products is rather risky.I’d like to piont out that the best way,I think,is for the central government to take action and assign certain state-owned enterprises to make such products.Backed by government funding,I’m sure they will be able to meet people’s special needs.Topic 9(Unit 9):

A: Hello everyone.In the first place, I indicate my position:I’m agree with the view that the global economy is harming our national culture.The first reason:I think the global economy is doing us more harm than good.It’s true that as a result of the increasing operations of foreign businesses in China,Chinese consumers now have a much greater choice of goods.But,the sad fact is that many people,especially the young,have come to worship everything foreign.They drink Coca-Cola,eat Italian pizzas,wear Nike sneakers and watch Hollywood movies.The danger is they’ll gradually adopt western values and western ways of life and forget their own culture.B:I don’t think I can agree with the view expressed above.Consumption of imported goods and adoption of some foreign practices does not mean we are losing our national identity.Culture is not a static,closed system and we don’t preserve our culture by closing the door to the outside world.It’s good thing that gobalization makes it possible for us to be exposed to different cultures in our home country.It enriches our lives and enables us to see and appreciate the beauty of cultural diversity.A:I agree with you that it enrich our lives But what I said was Things like dating at an early age,going to all night parties,marrying in white,and having cereal for breakfast instead of porridge are not uncommon among the young,but they are not part of our national traditions.So what happens is our national culture is losing ground due to the influence of the global economy.B:In my opion,we do not passively accept everything foreign and discard our own traditions.Instead we incorporate something from other cultures into our own traditions so that we become more than we are.For example,many young people choose to marry both in white and red.A bride wears a western-style wedding gown first and changes into a traditional Chinese gown later.This is proof that our life has become more colorful by our exposure to foreign cultures.Topic 10(Unit 10): A: Hello everyone.In the first place, I indicate my position:We should support and encourag teachers to bring humor into classroom teaching.The first reason:humor and laughter make us relaxed.If we are relaxed,we become more creative and can learn better.B: I’m afraid I disagree.Learning is a serious thing.Teachers are there to teach,not to entertain.Jokes or humorous stories distract students’ attention from the subject of study and many negatively affect the learning process.A: I think rather differently.Teachers with a good sense of humor can keep their students interested even if the subject is difficult and dry.It’s torture to have to listen to a boring professor lecture on and on about a boring topic.We can hardly concentrate in such a case.B: I’d like to piont out that it’s true when a teacher inroduces a humorous story to illustrate a point,what often happens is that the students only recall the joke but forget all about what the joke was meant to illustrate.Humor may give the students a lot of fun but it may not help them learn.A: I incline to take the opposite point of view.If a teacher explains a point in a humorous way,it not only helps us understand the point but also helps us remember it.Summing it up,I’d say humor should be encouraged because it enlivens the atmosphere and helps us learn better.B:Another disadvantage of encouraging the in corporation of humor in teaching is that it might affect our evaluation of a teacher’s performance.People like those who make them laugh.And students might think that a good teacher is one who tells interesting stories and give a high rating to such teachers.This is not fair to those teachers who do not,but who are nevertheless well-qualified for the subjects they teach.Unit 11

A: I would rather watch a film at home than at a cinema.。Because it is more relaxing and comfortable.B: I don’t agree with you.In my opinion , watching a film at a cinema is much more enjoyable.A: At home ,you can move about whenever you want and you can eat or drink whatever you like while watching.You can also watching it in any posture.You can lie down in bed or sit on the floor.B: Watching a film at home may be more relaxing but you will miss a lot so far as these are concerned.Because no TV screen can compare with the big screens in cinemas.A home TV set can in no way produce the same visual or audio effects.With films that excel in scenery and music , you will miss a tremendous lot.A: But at a cinema, you have to sit through a film in a darkened hall among a lot of strangers and talking is not allowed.B: As for the silence and darkness in a cinema ,I think they help you concentrate on what is happening on the screen.A: As we all know , a lot of fun of film watching comes from sharing the experience with others.You can discuss among yourselves the acting of actors and actresses , or make guesses about the possible ending of film, even laugh or cry loudly.B: I think ,you also can make a guess about the possible ending of film at a cinema.Doing too many things while watching a film can be distracting.If all you want is to talk or eat , why do you have to do them while watching a film ? A: Talking and eating while watching a film is a interesting and funny thing , isn’t it ? What’s more ,watching a film can save you money for tickets and time for traveling.B: Everybody knows that new films are only shown in cinemas.If you want to watch them at home , you’ll have to wait several months for their video ,VCD or DVD versions to be released.If all your friends talk about a new film they have seen and you don’t know anything about it ,you will feel left out ,don’t you ?

A: Well ,maybe.Coin has two sides.But for me ,I like to watch a film at home with my family.B: Yeah!You are right ,but I still insist on my opinion.Unit12

A: As a parent ,I quite agree with the school’s decision—young students must go to school with their uniforms on.B: I’m a student , to be frank , I hate wearing school uniforms because I don’t want to feel dull and ordinary.A: In my opinion , wearing school uniforms can build a sense of the collective in children from early on.By wearing uniforms children will be very much aware that they belong to group and their behavior should be in the interest of their group.B: The style of school uniforms is very simple and rigid ,which can not reflect a person’s individual personality.Wearing school uniforms go against to cultivate the character and creative spirit of students.A: I don’t think the character and creative spirit of students can cultivate by their clotheres.Wearing uniforms can also effectively prevent students from going after brand names to satisfy their vanity.Some teenagers seen to be interested in outward appearance only , which is very harmful to their character building.B: Many school uniforms are made by school.And the quality of school uniforms is quite bad so that it is too uncomfortable to wear them.Wearing clothes I like can make me feel good and competent.Bad quality clothes ,which harm to people’s health, is not benefit for students’ study.A: In addition , wearing school uniforms can stop students from competing with each other in what they put on.The practice of keeping the Joneses will not have a change to harm the innocent minds of the young.And they will have more time to devote to their studies.Topic 13(Unit 13):

Debating: Arguments for or against space exploration A: ladies and gentlemen,I will stating my opinion first.Known as our Fourth Environment besides land, oceans, and the atmosphere, the outer space can affect our life in many ways.We all know, for example, how activities on the sun may have far-reaching influences on Earth's weather patterns.And one important task of space exploration is to study how this happens.B: I ’ m afraid i disagree your expression.I don't think it is necessary to spend so much time and money on space exploration.Right now, there are much more pressing problems on Earth waiting to be solved.And issues like the origin and the future of the universe are too far removed from our life to deserve so much attention.A: However,We are now able to get more accurate weather reports, especially forecasts of disastrous weather conditions, with the help of artificial satellites developed in space programs.And many technologies developed by NASA have improved the quality of our life.How can we say space exploration is far removed from our daily life? B: all right , but don ‘t you think it is better to focus on some realistic problems? For example, the oceans, covering more than 70% of Earth's surface, are still a great mystery to us.An exploration of the oceans would not only enable us to know more about our immediate environment but also open up more sources for food, energy and so on.Besides, many diseases such as cancer and AIDS have claimed an alarming number of lives, yet no sure cures have been found for them.A: that ’ s a good point.But Space exploration is also closely related to the development of many other scientific subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and the origin of species.Breakthroughs in space exploration have opened up new areas of research for these subjects.Thus,if we should give up space exploration now, it would be a tremendous waste of time and money indeed.B: I don ’ t think so I believe that we should leave the universe alone for a while and turn our eyes to problems facing human beings on a daily basis.If so, we will be doing a great service to mankind.And space exploration can wait until advances in astronomy make it possible to find more definite answers.Topic 14(Unit 14):

Debating: Arguments for or against a ban on genetic engineering A: ladies and gentlemen,I will stating my opinion first.Personally I think that genetic engineering, as the name suggests, involves modifying the genes of a living organism.One of its practices is inserting desirable genes into a crop so that it can resist pests or does not rot easily.But from what I have read about genetic engineering, I think the insertion of new genes into a living organism can be a risky business.B: That can ’ t be true.As far as I ’ m concerned ,I don't think we should ban genetic engineering.Besides information technology, genetic engineering is probably the most important science of the 21st century.It's too early to say that its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.A: I agree with you partly.However, some companies are already applying this technology to produce foods to feed the world population.Many people are therefore concerned about the safety of such foods as there seems to be no sure way at present of knowing their overall, long-term effects on the health of those who eat them.B: I don ’ t think so.As we know, genetic engineering can help plants to grow bigger and faster.Some plants could be made to grow in salty water or very little water.This will be such good news for people in desert areas.We all know that the world population keeps increasing while farmland becomes less and less.Lack of water resources is now a pressing issue.So is the feeding of a growing population.To these problems, genetic engineering offers possible answers.Why should we ban it? And how can we afford to ban it? A: I see we have different opinions.But what about the safety of people? I think more research needs to be done about genetic engineering.We mustn't wait until someone gets sick or even dies to put a ban on it.We should try to protect ourselves and press strongly for an immediate ban on it, especially on the sale of genetically engineered foods.B: So do I.It's true that we don't have ample statistics to prove that genetically engineered foods are safe enough to eat.But this does not mean that they must be dangerous.Let me repeat what I said.Genetic engineering is a new science, and as a developing science, there are bound to be twists and turns ahead of it, but its prospects are bright.Topic 15(Unit 15):

Debating: Arguments for or against the view that women face unequal treatment in getting promoted

A:Nowadays,it becomes more and more difficult for us to find job.B:That's true.And I think women face unequal treatment on their way to executive positions,women and men do not have equal opportunities.A:I don't think so.It's not entirely true.The chances are equal for both men and women.And there are quite a few outstanding women in leading positions in various organizations, including business companies.B:Yeah.Some women have an inferiority complex(自卑情结)and have no ambition to get promoted to top positions.But if we stop to consider what has caused women to think like that, we will know how unfair it is.Ours is largely a male-dominated society.For centuries women have been taught to be modest端庄, passive被动, and obedient顺从.Therefore, many women lack confidence in themselves and believe they are only fit for lesser jobs.If they are persuaded to think along those lines, they obviously stand no chance to get promoted to top positions.A:Many women seem to have little confidence in their own abilities.They seem to be persuaded that they are inferior to their male colleagues and have no ambition to become executive tops.Perhaps the responsibility of a higher position frightens them, so they simply give up.Perhaps they would like to stay in a less demanding job, which makes it easier for them to maintain a balance between their career and their family.B:But some women do overcome this inferiority complex and go all out to compete with their male colleagues.The trouble with them is they have to face a mostly male selective body, and chances are they will not get promoted unless they are extremely outstanding.There are so many men of average capability promoted to high executive positions, for the mere fact that they are men.Can we say there is equal treatment for both men and women where promotion is concerned? A:I think maybe we can have a deep talk in an other day.Topic 16(Unit 16):

Debating: Arguments for or against divorce as the solution to a loveless marriage

A: Divorce is the solution to a loveless marriage, do you agree? B: In my opinion, I support that divorce is the choice to a loveless marriage.What about you?Do you agree with me? A: OH…., I don’t agree with you.But I am glad to listen to your reasons.B:I think marriage means that a couple love each other from the bottom of their each heart, so they get married beyond people’s wishes.Marriage is sacred, and is pure.The marriage without love as the basic should be broken.A: I’m afraid i disagree.Marriage is not only means love, but also responsibility and kinship.We can’t be so selfish, that if we still have the children who need to be taken care of and should live in a whole family.There are so many problems in a long marriage, just the love can’t solve them.As the same principle, loveless can’t be the only reason to divorce.B: As you known, getting along barely with others must be seen by the children, which will due to a bad effect to the children’s education.We should be honest to our family and be brave to handle the situation.By the way, divorce doesn’t mean having no contact with others any more.A: Yes, it’s right, however, to be friends is very different from to be lovers.Compared with living together, living apart also have the opposite influence.According to our traditional belief, divorce must hurt so many people who are caring and loving you.B: Well, it’s the fact, but I still believe that we should be loyalty to our own feelings and try to get the real forever love.



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