四人对话 两个翻译 英语谈判 3分钟以上

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第一篇:四人对话 两个翻译 英语谈判 3分钟以上

A1:Nice to see you again,Mr./Miss



B2: Nice to see you,too.Mr/Miss—

A1:These days,We have talked all of the clause.But I don’t think you will refuse to add the arbitration clause into the contract.A2:这些天,我们已经谈论了所有的条款,但是我想你不会拒绝再加上仲裁条款。


B2:I won’t.Where do we hold arbitration then?

A1:Can we leave the place for arbitration and the arbitral organization open till it is needed?When a disputes arises,we can designate an arbitral body body temporarily through a discussion.A2:我们可不可以留下仲裁条款,在需要的时候再找仲裁组织。当争议出现的时候,我们可以通过协商临时找一个仲裁组织。


B2:Frankly speaking,it is not a good idea.Suppose there is a dispute,and we can not agree on the place of arbitration,the problem will be pending.In our usual practice,arbitrations are conducted in China.A1:If it is in China,the arbitration will be conducted according to China

rules.But we know nothing about China rules.May I recommended Tokyo?



B2:Well,to be fair,we can adopt the customary practice that has been used in Sino-Japan trade.A1:Yes?



B2:The arbitration should be held in the country of the defendant.It means if I submit the case for arbitration,the arbitration will be conducted in your country.A1:Good.I agree.Then how about the fees for arbitration?

A2:听起来不错。我完全同意。那么关于仲裁费用方面如何解决呢? B1:我认为那应该由败诉方承担。你认为如何?

B2:I guess the losing Party should pay for it.What do you think about that?

A1:That’s OK.Let’s add it into the contract.A2:好吧!那我们就把它写入合同吧!

第二篇:8人生的意义 四人英语对话

The meaning of life A:Hello everyone!B:Hello Jack

C: You look very confused.A:Right.D:What`s matter with you ? A:I have been thinking about a problem,what is the meaning of life ? B;The meaning of life is that you can experience many unforgetable things during you whole life, isn't it? C;Yes, of course.What'smore,the meaning of life is just to find out how to live a happy and meaningful life.D: In my opinion,I think that life is a chance for us to konw more about the world.Maybe it sometimes appears curel ,but I can learm a lot from it.With time going by,I grow up and become a man.A: To be honest, the value of life is difficult to experience.Only by treating life with heart and make moat of the time,can you truely know what life means.BCDTogether: I can't agree more B:There is asentence has inspired me ,that is Johann Goth said.“The life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession[爱因斯坦说 一个人的价值应该看他贡献了什么 而不是得到了什么] C;Ilike a sentence that is Lei Feng, a communist soldier, said, ”one lives to make others a more beautiful life.“【共产主义战士雷锋说:”自己活着,就是为了让别人过得更美好。" 】

D: I'm veryLike the words of Johann Goth that is If you cherish your value of your own life, you will create something valuable for the world。【歌德说 你如果要喜欢自己的价值 就要给世界创造价值】 A:You say good ,let us for our future work.ABCD:Come on!


1:who is your favorite detective you know from TV or books?

2: I think it must be Sherlock Holmes.4:wow,I like him,too.3:how well do you know about him?

2: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian lodging house at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, accordingto the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.3:not bad.But weaker than me.herlockHolmes,the world's first consulting detective, was born

January 6, 1854 the descendant of country squires.He spent two years

at university before taking rooms in Montague street around the corner

from the British Museum.While at university he spent the long vacation with a friend, Victor Trevor, at Trevor's family home where Trevor Sr.,suggested Holmes make a profession out of his ability to observe.4:in addition, Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages, and made into plays, films, radio and television series, a musical comedy and so on.By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.:well, it is actully very popular and famous.nowadays, Most people like reading detective stories better than love stories.So how about you three?

2: in fact I love love stories more.4: are you a young girl?

2: of cause not.But I think I’m too old to read detective stories now.3:So you read love stories?

2: I think I can learn a sea of love skills at least.1: but you can also learn a lot of kill skills from detective stories!

2: I think it is not very useful for me……


J: Hello,everybody!Welcome to Julie Talk Show!I’m your hostess Julie.I’m sure everybody is very excited for the show to begin,well so am I.Today our topic is about “childhood memory”.I hope we can recall our childhood from this topic.Let’s count something interesting of our childhood, no matter you are a terribly naughty child or a cute girl.Maybe you will gain something.Yap, today, we are very happy to have 3 guests to discuss with us.They are Annie,Maxine and Cindy.Let us give them a big hand!M: Hello,everyone,I’m Maxine.A: Hello,I’m Annie.C: Hi,I’m Cindy.J: Thank you for your attending to our talk show, today our theme is childhood memory.A: Great!I'm glad to share my experience of childhood.M: Yep, There are many things of childhood we can talk about.J: Well,now let’s beginning our topic!what do you think of at first when mentioning about childhood ? C: Play as a family(guo jiajia),It’s a role-play game.For example, we are family,I’m father, you are mother, she is a baby, then we should imitate parents to take care of her.M: Big Pinwheel(大风车)is the first one I think of.I still remember I always sit in front of the TV with a bowl of rice to waiting for Dong Hao show up at the diner time.A: Yes!I still remember the melody of the show.J: Great,I also got some songs and cartoons which representative of our childhood.A: Really?I haven't watched cartoons for a long time.J: Now let’s do a game.Relive it again and guess how many cartoons you can hit it.C: Doraemon!It's a classic children’s cartoon,I've always wanted to have a friend like doraemon.J: Right!Now,listen to the next.M: The big head son and little head father.J: Wow,next.C: The Legend Of Nezha.He is really a hero in my heart.J: Bingo!What about the next one? A: Calabash brothers.The emotion between them and grandpa moved me very much.J: Next is a very old cartoon,can you guess? M: Mr.Black.Mr.Black was a justice sergeant, and I liked him when I was a kid.J: You should know!Well done!How about the last one? A: The smurfs.A group of very cute fairies.J: Game over.It’s surprised that you all got the right answer.Speaking of games,every child like playing,but we have to study.Learning has acted the very important role in childhood.Have you ever got tired of study? C: Yes,of course.But when there is a conflict of time between study and play,I would chose study.I have tried all my best,I go to cram school every weekend,so I always get good grades in the exams.You get to believe that efforts will be return,here’s an example.However,it’s already become history for me.A: When talking about learning,I don’t agree with the parents let their children study all the time,I still remember we have to attend cram school on weekends,but I think I have got enough knowledge from school and we need more time to do other things.M: I want to say to parents that be patient,give children time to say what they want to say,and then you will have a good relationship with children...J: I can’t agree more.And it's going to be over soon.Thank you for your coming.OK,today we are talking about different point of studying and playing.The above is all of our show.Thank you for your attention.See you next time!ACM: Bye~


1:who is your favorite detective you know from TV or books?

2: I think it must be Sherlock Holmes.4:wow,I like him,too.3:how well do you know about him?

2: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian lodging house at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, according to the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.3:not bad.But weaker than me.herlockHolmes, the world's first consulting detective, was born January 6, 1854 the descendant of country squires.He spent two years at university before taking rooms in Montague street around the corner from the British Museum.While at university he spent the long vacation with a friend, Victor Trevor, at Trevor's family home where Trevor Sr., suggested Holmes make a profession out of his ability to observe.4:in addition, Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages, and made into plays, films, radio and television series, a musical comedy and so on.By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.:well, it is actully very popular and famous.nowadays, Most people like reading detective stories better than love stories.So how about you three?

2: in fact I love love stories more.4: are you a young girl?

2: of cause not.But I think I’m too old to read detective stories now.3:So you read love stories?

2: I think I can learn a sea of love skills at least.1: but you can also learn a lot of kill skills from detective stories!

2: I think it is not very useful for me……

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