第一篇:喜福会 英文简介 读后感
姓名田小星班级英语1103班 学号1101901307得分
The Joy Luck Club
The author of The Joy Luck Club is Amy Tan, who was born in Oakland, California, in 1952.Besides this book, she hasalso written other famous novels, such as The Kitchen God's Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter's Daughter and Saving Fish From Drowning.In response to the widely held opinion that she writes with a social aim—to portray the Chinese American experience.Through her writing, Tan approaches issues that are universally applicable to all groups of people.She explores themes of family and memory, as well as the conflicts of culture that arise in so many American communities.The Joy Luck Club contains sixteen interwoven stories about conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American—raised daughters.The novel consists of four sections,each section contains four separative narratives.In the first section, four mothers, Lindo, Ying ying, and An mei, recollect their relationship with their nature mothers clearly one by one.However, their daughters' recollection of them will never be so clear.In the second section, these daughters, Waverly, Jing mei,Lena, and Rose recollect their childhood relationship with their mothers respectively.They tell their childhood stories so clearly and touchingly that it can powerfully prove what their mothers worry about at least is partially unnecessary and unimportant.In the third section, the four daughters narrate their adult dilemmas—troubles in marriages and with their careers.Although they believe that their mothers' antiquated ideas do not have anything concerned about their own American lifestyles, but their search for solutions inevitably brings them back to their relationships with the older generation.In the final section, the mothers come up with some practical solutions and support their daughters, in the process learning more about themselves.After reading The Joy Luck Club briefly, I have come to think of something.From my standpoint, Suyuan' story is representative of the struggle to maintain the relationships between mothers and daughters across cultural and generational gaps.The major conflict is that the mothers try to instill their daughters with an understanding of their heritage, and also attempt to save the pain they had in China.The daughters, on the other hand, often see their mothers' attempts as a form of unrealistic challenging.Both the mothers and the daughters struggle with issues of identity: the mothers try to reconcile their Chinese pasts with their American presents, the daughters attempt to find a balance between independence and loyalty to their heritage.Thus when Lindo fears that the American and Chinese cultures cannot mix, she is contemplating the combination of two extremes.In reality, each identity is mixed, just as the American culture is not wholly about independence and liberty, the Chinese culture is not wholly about passivity and self restraint.Nonetheless, the challenging of finding a way to combine aspects of both into one's own unique personality is a challenge faced not only by Waverly, but all of the daughters in this novel.Besides, this book emphasizes the importance of will.The sentence that “will becomes a way not only of achieving one's desires but of achieving those desires in the face of hardship and oppression, in the face of hostile and controlling external forces.” is my favourite.So keep it in your mind that perseverance is victory.
第二篇:喜福会 英文读后感
The Joy Luck Club
I spent nearly a whole afternoon to read “The Joy Luck Club” which I think is a little sorrowful, but very attractive.Through out the story, there are conflicts, hardship, hurts, torture and so on.“The Joy Luck club”tell us the story of four immigrant mothers and their children that were raised in America.The four Chinese women immigrated to America because of their own reason such as escaping from the war, from the unfortunate marriage and so on.From the four mother’s experience of leaving their motherland, there remain a lot of things that desire our thinking.The war made people lose their home and their family.The traditional Chinese feudal ethics forced everyone to follow.So they leave their hometown to pursue freedom and hope.It seemed a new start to settle in America, but their life was still full of conflicts between the old generations and the young generations with different cultural background.Maybe, it was the culture conflict made them quarrel a lot, for they have different sense of value, family background and education.“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.They have clung to me all my life” written by Abraham Lincoln.Mother love is the most altruistic love in the world.Whatever they do is just to ensure
their children’s bright prospect.In this novel, children didn’t understand their mothers’behaviour.The misunderstanding of love hurt them both.They need more tolerance and understanding in their life.What impressed me most is women’s struggle for gender inequlity, and their seeks for self-confidence.I appreciate this book very much, it tells me a lot of things that I can never learn from text books.
第三篇:喜福会 读后感
Keep Faith with Hope
The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, is the first English novel I have read.I was attracted by this book, because it is a book filled with hope that matters to everyone.Before they came to America, they had their own stories that have life-long influences on them.Suyuan Woo has a husband who was an officer with the Kuomintang.Her husband took her and their two babies to Kweilin for their safety when Japan launched a war to China.But she finally had to run away from Kweilin, on her way toward Chungking, she lost everything, including the babies.An-mei Hsu , whose mother married a rich businessman in Tientsin as a concubine, witnessed her mother’s unlucky life in a prestigious family and her mother’s death.Lindo Jong was forced to betroth to a boy she has never met when she was a little girl.Ying-ying St.Clair from a rich and powerful family in Wushi married a playboy and had an abortion in despair.These four women escaped from their hard life in China and came to America to pursue their new life.My favorite part of this book is their experiences in China.This part fully describes an old China in the middle of the 20th century, especially the fate of women in China.Most of them are fettered by Chinese traditional ideology, living through a depressive marriage life.Compared with thousands of hundreds of women in China, these four women, to some degree, are fortunate.At least they have the chances to bury their past and start their new life.Just like the beginning of the book says:” Then the woman and the swan sailed across an ocean many thousands of li wide, stretching their necks toward America.”
In America, the four women remarried, had offspring, and gathered together every week to play mah jong.They called their party “The Joy Luck Club”.Every week one of them host a party to raise money and to raise their spirits.They made delicious Chinese traditional food, played mah jong and talked about their current rosy life.When Jing-mei played mah jong instead of her mother, she said in mind:” And I am sitting at my mother’s place at the mah jong table, on the East, where things begin.”
I admire these four women.Because I think that there is nothing in our life that is worse than breaking our life into pieces.But these four women, even reaching in a state of almost utter adversity , have strong faith in hope.I would like to quote a sentence in the book to conclude my passage----“The worst possible thing, would one day stop.”
华裔文学作品已经逐渐赢得了西方文学评论家的认可,这些很大程度上归功于华裔女性作家的作品。最近,我重温了华裔著名作家谭恩美的一部极具代表性的作品《喜福会》,其中探索了四位ABC(American Born Chinese)女儿们与母亲们的文化冲突,以及母女关系的转变。喜福会这个名字是四位第一代华人移民的四个母亲,在生活工作之余组成的麻将小组名字。小说分别描写了,这四位各自走出命运阴影的母亲们漂洋过海来到异乡的国土,为了适应新环境,不得不在传统的中国文化上形成自己的人格,但是在骨子里渗透着的还是几千年来传统的教育和思想;而同时,第二代ABC女儿们虽然有着同样的黄皮肤、黑头发的东方特征,他们从小的教育环境为他们注入的是西方的文化气质。这些反差使母女之间产生了不少隔阂,无论是在教育、生活、工作还是婚姻上都出现了诸多冲突。有趣的是,在种种因素的促成下,特别是传统文化的诱因下,母女关系得到了改善,真正走上了相知相容。其中,最主要的原因是母亲和女儿们成长的环境背景的不同。母亲们生长在解放前的旧中国,深受中国传统文化的影响,各自背后都有一些不为人所知的痛苦经历。虽然来到异乡,但是内心的保有的仍然是中国传统女性的特性——相夫教子、贤惠守理。相反的,女儿们却生活在女权运动的美国社会,倡导的是男女平等、自由开放,在这样的欧美文化占主流的社会中,他们不可避免地认同这种文化,因而在看到家庭、工作等问题上与传统的母亲们截然想法。其次,生活在白人社会的美国,黄皮肤黑头发的女儿们虽然内心认同西方的文化,但是外貌特征的不同,让他们多少产生些许身份认同的困惑,他们心中视美国为自己的祖国,竭力想摆脱华人身份,成为地道的美国人。这些促使他们反抗母亲强加给他们的中华文化价值观,努力工作融入西方社会主流。特别表现在在择偶婚姻上,她们更倾向于嫁给金发碧眼的白人,而不是中国人。对于母亲们一直提到的中国,感到的只是陌生和不解。可以说,母女的关系冲突,更多的是中国传统文化价值观和西方主流价值观之间的碰撞。
第五篇:喜福会书评 英文
The Expression of Love
——Book Review on The Joy Luck Club “The Joy Luck Club” is the story about the four central pairs of Chinese immigrant mothers and daughters born in America: Suyuan Woo and Jing-mei “June” Woo, An-mei Hsu and Rose Hsu Jordan, Lindo Jong and Waverly Jong, and Ying-ying St.Clair and Lena St.Clair.The novel shows us conflicts between mothers’ hopes and daughters’ disobedience and rebellion.The conflicts and misunderstanding may result from the generation gap and cultural difference, however, in my point of view, what rigidifies their relationship is the way of expressing love.It is no doubt that the mothers and the daughters love each other deeply and mothers spare no effort to give daughters everything they could provide.From mothers’ perspective, they hope daughters a brighter further and full of promises.So they express their love by planning daughters’ blueprints and then impose their will on daughters and force them to walk their scheduled path.And for daughters, especially those live in an American, they struggle for individual freedom and wish to live their own way.Due to schemed future, they cannot accurately make a definition for their identities.Under this condition, criticism form mothers and rebellion for daughters become how they express love.In this way, love becomes a heavy burden for both of them.Mothers and daughters need to express their love in the right way.So empathy and effective communications is of great importance.Mothers should show their love according to their daughters’ interest or at least make them know why they make the choice for them.Fortunately, the novel ends up with the reunion of mothers and the daughters.It is evident that due to mothers’ telling frank stories and daughters’ patient hearing, soul communication has happened among them.They perceive the deep love form each other.So expression of love is significant and remarkable.The novel teaches us how to express our love and is worth reading.参考文献
[1] Tan, Amy.1989.The Joy Luck Club [M].New York: Ivy Books.[2] A Study of Communication Barriers Between Mothers and Daughters in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club.