
时间:2019-05-15 08:45:55下载本文作者:会员上传


Analysis of the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter from the Cultural Perspective In “the Joy Luck Club”


The movie “the Joy Luck Club” tells us communication obstacles between Chinese mother and American daughter and their belief in eastern and Western values and the dispute of traditional culture and modern civilization.Communication barriers between the mother and the daughter reflects not only the gap between two generations, but also reflects a cultural difference.The mother on behalf of the gradual disappearance of the traditional culture, the daughter is the representative of the new culture growing;mothers hold special national culture, they want to teach some Chinese culture to the girls, but because the girls do not meet their expectations and disappointed.However, the daughters between the mothers about expectations and American reality, finally accepted the mainstream culture, and ridiculed and rejected the non mainstream culture to their mother as the representative.In this series of conflicts, they continue to seek self and social status, and work hard to inherit their cultural value.Mothers try to mediate their “the past of China type ” and “America contemporary”, while the daughters try looking for autonomy and loyal to the balance between cultural heritage.2.1个人主义与集体主义对比

2.1 the contrast of individualism and collectivism


Individualism and collectivism is the important measure of cultural change, providing a powerful interpretive framework for cultural similarities and differences between the person and the person.The influence of coexistence of China traditional ideology and America contemporary cultural is equally strong.Anytime, mothers put forward expectations to daughters or discipline them, however, daughters are always reluctant opposition or resistance.“American manufacturing” daughter, attach great importance to personal freedom, in other words, individualism.This means that they have the ability without other interference, including the mother, to master their own destiny.Each person first choice should be seen as an individual, the next is a member of the collective.For them, the rights of the pursuit of individual freedom is legitimate, which cannot be deprived by any people.In Chinese culture, a person is not his own but belongs to the family and society, filial piety is the most important.Their parents are authoritative, children must obey them in all respects.But in the USA culture, children should be independent, and isolated to challenge authority and tradition.American born daughters educated in individualism principle, so are conflicted easily with their mothers by the influence of Chinese culture.在中国的家庭里,关系近的血亲是相互依靠并且感情皈依。根据孔子的观点,中国人属于他们的群落,个人利益从属于集体利益。因此,家庭成员的支持对个人很重要,无论是父母还是孩子,可以把文化称作“我们的”的文化而不是“我的”文化。在《喜福会》里,母亲从中国传统的,从侧重集体主义社会移民到注重个人主义的社会,他们的角色转变了,以前代表权威,现在移民到这个全新的社会,她们变得对自己不确定起来。女儿不再和以前一样,她们不能和在中国一样用同样的方式--权威来教育她们的女儿。

In Chinese family, close relatives are mutually dependent.According to the Confucius view, Chinese belong to their community, personal interests belong to the interests of the collective.Therefore, family support is essential for individual, whether parents or children, can take the culture as “our culture” rather than ”my culture “.In “the Joy Luck Club”, the mother from the Chinese tradition, migrate from a social focus on collective to the individualistic society, and their roles are changed, previously represents authority, but now immigrants to the new society, they become unsure of themselves.their daughters are no longer the same as before, they cannot use the same way in China--the authority to educate their daughters.2.2隐私与和谐的对比

The comparison of privacy and harmony

在美国,人们学习的是如何表达他们自己的愿望时做出选择,他们独立并敢为自己的行为负责。尊重不仅仅被看作是一种非常积极的状态,也应该被当作全人类渴求和满意的要求,但是在中国,隐私这个词代表的是很消极的意义,暗含着孤独与脱离集体.In USA, what people learn is to choose how to express the aspirations of their own, they are responsible for their own behavior independent and bravely.Respects not only are regarded as a very positive state, should also be treated as human desire and satisfied requirements.But in China, the word “privacy” is representative of the very negative meaning, which implies the loneliness and unsocial.比如说,一个人如果不能有足够的自控能力,就会简单的谋求他或她自己的利益而忽视甚至伤害其他人的利益。所以太注重个人利益时,也会危及社会和谐的关系,在以集体主义为导向的文化里,为了获得必要的支持,和谐相处被高度重视。每个人当被认为是在家庭中或社会里占有一席之地,就是这个位置暗示了这个人应该如何对待别人来与人和谐相处,所以每个人都关注自己的位置与角色,一边相应行动。在某种程度上,中国认为别人着想来获得和谐的人际关系是一种可贵渴求的品质。为了避免冲突,人们将自己的意愿从属于别人来表现尊重和爱,尤其在中国传统文化里,妻子服从丈夫,个人意愿很好的服从家里男性首脑的意志。中国人埋下身价为了共同利益,帮助组织里或者其他成员是非常必要的。中国人习惯遇到困难时依靠集体的力量来解决,换句话说,集体主义以僵硬的框架为特征,与群内合作与群外合作不同,人们指望他们的群内关系来照顾他们,作为交换,他们相信他们对群体有着绝对的忠诚。

For example, if a person does not have the ability of enough self-control, he or she will simply seek his or her own interests while ignoring or even damaging other people's interests.So paying too much attention to personal interests also endanger the social harmony.In the culture of collectivism oriented , in order to get the necessary support, harmony is highly valued.Each person occupies a space when considered in the family or society, the place implies that the people should be how to treat others to live in harmony with others, so everyone is concerned about the position and roles of their own.To some extent, Chinese think others want to get a harmonious interpersonal relationship is a kind valuable quality.In order to avoid conflict, people put their wishes to others to show respect and love, especially in the Chinese traditional culture, wife must obey her husband.Chinese buried worth for the common interest, helping the organization or other member is very necessary.Chinese encountered difficulties and relyed on the collective strength to solve, in other words, the collectivism is characterized by the rigid frame, in cooperation with the internal group and the external group people expect their relation in group to take care of them, in exchange, they believe they have absolute loyalty to the group.结尾:


From the conflict between mother and daughter, we analyze the main causes of the conflict is the cultural despotism.Mother and daughter come from different cultures, and have different values.The mother from the patriarchal society, has a dominant culture.The daughter emphasis on individualism, freedom, equality and independence.The two kind of cultural values are completely different, however, if they admit that these are different, and accept each other's culture, rather than to impose its own views on each other body, it will not have so many conflicts.Unfortunately, each side has their own culture as the center, her mother tried to control the child to show parental authority, asked the children to obey their own;and daughter required for independence, freedom and equality.Mother and daughter treat each other's cultural attitude, leading to serious conflict, and the conflict torture them, everyone are unable to tolerate.To break the silence, and each other need to start to communicate.After a long time struggle, they know the aim of struggle is more close to each other.When they felt this, cultural center began to disintegrate, harmonious relationship.From the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter, the disintegration of cultural despotism and tyranny to establish harmonious relations ,we draw a conclusion: any cultural tyranny would cause conflict in the communication of different cultures;the cultural autocracy does not exist, it is just people's imagination and fabrication, many cultures can coexist, only people from different cultures to understand and respect other people's culture communicate, which can create harmonious relationship and enter the “ joy and happiness”enventually.


My Reflection of The Joy Luck Club

I wonder that when seeing the name The Joy Luck Club most people would treat it as a story filled with happiness and love.In fact, besides love, it is also about the cultural conflicts between four daughters and their mothers.The film is based on the best seller by Amy Tan of the same name.It shows us the lives of four Chinese women who were immigrants to America during the 1950s.As a mother, each of them has a lot of problems with their daughter because of cultural conflicts.The misunderstanding of love between the mothers and their American-raised daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity touch every audience’s heart.Though I was also attracted by something with extensiveness——I want to talk about some points about the language.I had learnt that what are high context communication and low context communication and what is different between them.The former is one in which most of the information is internalized in a person, while very little in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message——we must guess what the real meaning of the words is;while the other is the opposite.Chinese just the stands for the former and English is the representative of the latter.An interesting scene in the movie just shows us this.When Waverly’s boyfriend Richie had a dinner with Waverly’s big Chinese family for the first time, he made some stupid mistakes.He brought his typical American habit when the they were eating and he couldn’t understand what Lindo(Waverly’s mother)mean when she said “ He has an appetite”.When Lindo brought a dish which she was very proud of, as a Chinese, she still said some formulae that the dish was not salty enough and it was too bad to eat;that suggested that everyone around the table should speak highly of her dish after their first degustation;while Richie didn’t understand that Chinese all like to be modest and he criticized Lindo’s cooking, just saying what he thought in his mind directly.What Richie did led to a very embarrassing atmosphere in the dinner and made Lindo very disappointed and

disgraced.The misunderstanding of a different culture and a different language is the mainly reason causing the awkward occasion.If Richie had known what he had faced with was a group of people with different culture and saying a high context language, and had done some preparation for that different traditional Chinese dinner, he could have avoid to making so many foolish mistake.To understand what a Chinese mean you could not just follow the superficial message transmitted by his words, instead, you should connect those words to his cultural background and the situation you are in.By appreciating the movie we could realize the culture of a people from their language.In this movie the cultural conflicts between the mothers’ traditional Chinese concept and the daughters’ up-to-date American concept are fully described by their dialogues and soliloquies.In conclusion, a language is really the mirror of a culture;and if we want to understand the marrow of a culture we could appreciate its language.


My views on The Joy Luck Club

I'm really touched after watching the movie.I enjoyed it very much and it made me have a deep thinking about women’s rights and their thoughts.The Joy Luck Club is about mothers trying to teach their daughters lessons, but the daughters do not understand.All four mothers went through hardships to learn this lesson when they were young and now they try to teach their daughters the right mix of American culture and Chinese principles.The daughters are unable to understand where their mothers are coming from and they just ignore them.In the movie the mothers can’t express the lessons that they learned as children, to their daughters because they don't understand;however finally they understand.When Lindo was only twelve, she was forced to move in with a neighbor's young son, Huang Tyan-yu, through the machinations of the village matchmaker.After some training for household duties through her in-laws, she and Tyan-yu married when she turned sixteen.She soon realized that her husband was just a little boy at heart and had no sexual interest in her.Lindo began to care for her husband as a brother, but her cruel mother-in-law expected Lindo to produce a grandson.She restricted most of Lindo's daily activities, eventually ordering her to remain on bed rest until she could conceive and deliver a child.However,Ying-Ying’s destiny are not like this.From a young age, Ying-Ying is told by her wealthy and conservative family that Chinese girls should be meek and gentle.This is especially difficult for her, she feels, because she is a Tiger character.She begins to develop a passive personality and repress her feelings as she grows up in Wuxi.Ying-Ying marries a charismatic man named Lin Xiao, not out of love, but

because she believed it was her fate.Her husband is revealed to be abusive and openly has extramarital relationships with other women.When Ying-Ying discovers she is pregnant.She drowned her baby as a revengy to her husband.I was shocked after finish this part.So I serched the internet and found a few

information about marrige in ancient China ,women’s status and divoce in nowadays.In the past, parents arranged marriages were very common.Usually young people would have their spouse decided by their parents.Sometimes young people could only have the first look of their spouse at their wedding.It was also common that

sometimes an arranged marriage could be organized even before the child was born as long as parents from both families agreed.For centuries before the early 1900's, there was a prominent male domination in the country of China.Women were deprived of all rights and were present mainly to serve men.Women served as slaves, concubines, and prostitutes.Marriages were arranged, sometimes preparing a female from infancy to serve her future husband.This can be seen most effectively by the practice of foot binding.Beginning around the eleventh century, foot binding became a tradition.When a girl became three or four years of age her mother would tightly wrap her daughter's feet in bandages with her toes tucked under the soles.On top of this excruciating pain, the bandages would be

tightened each day.If a woman's feet weren't bound she was considered unsuitable for

marriage.In fact, it was preferred that the foot be around 3 inches in length.However,in modern days, things have changed quite a lot.Free love prevails and lovers can choose to get married with whoever they love.Of course, in order to show their respect to their parents, formal agreement has still to be obtained prior to any proper marriage procedure.And there is no foot binding any more.The increasing population of males with white collar jobs and liberal marriage laws have both contributed to the rising divorce rate in China.More mature women in China are turning to dating agencies, looking for new mates, after their husband left them for females ten years younger.On the other hand, more men with high paying jobs find themselves surrounded by young paramours.China's liberal divorce laws have given women a chance to break free from

unhappy marriages or marriages that were arranged by their families.But today, it is often the man who is taking advantage of such laws to leave the marriage, once he finds himself in a comfortable financial situation, for a young lover tucked away somewhere.Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.So,we should still try our best to protect women’s right.

第四篇:喜福会 英文读后感

The Joy Luck Club

I spent nearly a whole afternoon to read “The Joy Luck Club” which I think is a little sorrowful, but very attractive.Through out the story, there are conflicts, hardship, hurts, torture and so on.“The Joy Luck club”tell us the story of four immigrant mothers and their children that were raised in America.The four Chinese women immigrated to America because of their own reason such as escaping from the war, from the unfortunate marriage and so on.From the four mother’s experience of leaving their motherland, there remain a lot of things that desire our thinking.The war made people lose their home and their family.The traditional Chinese feudal ethics forced everyone to follow.So they leave their hometown to pursue freedom and hope.It seemed a new start to settle in America, but their life was still full of conflicts between the old generations and the young generations with different cultural background.Maybe, it was the culture conflict made them quarrel a lot, for they have different sense of value, family background and education.“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.They have clung to me all my life” written by Abraham Lincoln.Mother love is the most altruistic love in the world.Whatever they do is just to ensure

their children’s bright prospect.In this novel, children didn’t understand their mothers’behaviour.The misunderstanding of love hurt them both.They need more tolerance and understanding in their life.What impressed me most is women’s struggle for gender inequlity, and their seeks for self-confidence.I appreciate this book very much, it tells me a lot of things that I can never learn from text books.

第五篇:喜福会 英文观后感

The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club is one of the my favourite movies, it begins with the main character Ah muir, just returning to the United States from the mainland visit, caught up with a party whose members are all her mother’s lifetime friends and their daughters when mother was still alive.Ah muir is playing mahjong with aunts, sitting in the seat which was her mother’s before.All the four people on the table, with different characters, have their own pains and struggling stories behind.Aunt Lin’s smartness and strongness let herself get rid of the identity as a child bride, striving to today's position;Aunt yingying has unbearable memories in the past, so she hopes her daughter will be bravely being herself;Aunt Anmei was influenced by his mother, knowing to make voices in front of the fate of unfair;While ah muir's mother, because of the war, got apart from her little children accidentally.Four women are all surviving from the poor, getting through trails and tribulations.They don't want their own daughter to repeat their tragedies.But four daughters intangibly went through their life in a very similar way as their mother’s.They couldn’t understand mothers’ hard cares, feeling confused, painful.As they mature, just know their mother's well-meaning.If the mothers in “The joy luck club” represent the traditional Chinese culture, then the group of girls are the representations of modern

American civilization.The attention of author, can say to break the long-standing “center” and “edge” the opposite mode, behind the surface cultural conflict, reaches a deeper cultural identity.America is such a white culture that is dominant, multicultural society, How Chinese immigrants bear the fine tradition of the Chinese culture, and absorb the essence of American culture, so as to construct something that belongs to this group of cultural identity is always the concern of many Chinese writers.Amy tan is one of those observers to the super borders with multicultural insight.Both novel and movie “the joy luck club” ,through the intersection of heterogeneous culture, provide for readers and viewers a net which consists of different nations and the dialogues between different cultures.“The joy luck club "expresses not only the young generation chase for the rootless memory, also is not only the confusion and the struggle of ethnic Chinese that being in such a cultural identity dilemma, but through the expectation of the fusion of two kinds of culture, expressed the Chinese people are reluctant to abandon and hide the Chinese cultural identity in order to servilely cater to the mainstream culture or in order to squeeze into the mainstream American society, nor to stick to Chinese culture to fight against with the wishes of the white mainstream culture.The film conveys one argue that to downplay cultural identity defined, and to eliminate the culture antipathy.So as to achieve the globalization of

multinational culture blend of peaceful coexistence.阿梅,从中国大陆访问,回到美国就赶上了一个政党的成员都是她母亲的一生的朋友和他们的女儿时,她还活着。阿梅阿姨一起打麻将,坐在母亲之前的位置。四人在桌子上,用不同的字符,背后都有自己的痛苦和挣扎的故事。林阿姨做的机灵和俺让她摆脱身份的童养媳,奋斗到今天的位置,阿姨迎迎不堪回首回忆过去,所以她希望她的女儿会勇敢地自己;阿姨Anmei受到母亲的影响,知道让声音在不公平的命运面前,阿梅的母亲,由于战争的原因,除了她的小孩不小心。四个女人都是survivaling从穷人,通过轨迹和磨难。他们不想让自己的女儿重蹈自己的悲剧。






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